How To Meditate || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic hour receive this program with prophet passing java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching towards your destiny prophetic hour now receive this fresh word from prophet passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hours with prophet passion java god bless everybody watching this is the god for prophet passion as you can see and today i am sitting here to teach you about how to meditate oftentimes we have christians that want to go deeper in their relationship with god they want to connect more with the holy spirit but they do not know how to connect more with the holy spirit in fact the main question is how does one connect more with the holy spirit it has to be through communication any relationship that you can have here on earth is based on the communication that you have there are people that are boyfriend and girlfriend without saying i love you i love you too but because of the relationship that they have built in communication often times they're on the phone 24 hours in a day eight hours in a day two hours in a day always communicating or they are there working together doing things together cooking together the connection so the first thing you need to understand if you want to connect more with the holy spirit is to communicate with him communicating with the holy spirit is nothing to do with you praying to god because the prayer we call prayer here on earth is one way to god heavenly father pray i just got up today as i spend my day bless it anoint it let your angels spend the day with me to protect me cover me to make me know more about it and we pray like that which is okay but heck into my ways today as i take you to daniel chapter number four verse number 10. it says thus where the visions of mine had in my bed i saw and behold a tree in the middle of the earth and the height thereof was great the man saw in the visions of his head in his own bed as he saw a tree in the midst of the earth and this height was so great meaning to say this was a vision inside meditation if you can't meditate you limit your vision gift you won't be able to see many visions if you can't meditate you can't hear the voice of god because it is in meditation that you have to hear god speaking to you it is in meditation that you have got to see visions it is in meditation where you connect with the ionic realm the spiritual realm now how do one meditate for you to meditate step number one you close your eyes in a silent place you don't want to be you don't want kids to be making noise for you you don't want the tv to be making noise for you you want to be in a place like in the bible that would go to the wilderness isolated place in other words you want to be in your own bedroom where you know there's no one making noise or disturbing you or you want to be in a prayer closet or you want to be any way that you know no one's going to disturb you because once you start meditating you everything in you enhances your your hearing enhances your everything about you so if somebody speaks it's like noise all over you and it disturbs and cuts you from your meditation so you don't want to be in a place where everybody is all right number two after you are in a silent place you want soft music prophetic music like if you go on you can download meditation music or meditation instruments which is prophetic it's very important that you close your eyes and you begin to put yourself in that instrumental oh that music why do we need music we need music in meditation because music is the transportation from one place to another place there's music that if you listen to you want to have sex there's music that if you listen to you start being stressed there's a music that you listen to you just want to dance because every music has some chords that can speak to your soul so you need prophetic instrumentals prophetic music that you can listen to and you can get one at now number three when you are in a silent place and there's good music and your eyes are closed you have to imagine god speaks through your imagination god speaks through your imagination because your imagination is the language god uses for example if i want to send money to you if you don't have a bank account i can transfer money to you what enables me to transfer money to use because you have a place where i can receive you can receive the money in another words imagination is the language god uses if you imagine god to be very tall and when you god wants to give a vision about god you will see a tall god if you believe you have got big muscles or he's wearing a white long robe he speaks through your imagination you speak through your imagination that's why the bible says let god be true the bible's not saying god is not true no he's saying you are not allowing him to be true in your life if i say let him in i'm not talking to someone outside i'm talking to the one that is blocking you to get in so if the bible says let god be true it's saying you don't block god to be true to you in other words your imagination becomes your limitation how far can you see how far can you imagine now it is that imagination now that takes you into the spiritual realm daniel said i saw angels called thrones through the visions of my head right now he just saw a tree in the midst of the athatrol tree with a great height by the visions of his head i'm not saying be carnal and start thinking as i have someone i have seen a vision you have to be in a fasting mood you have to be in a praying mood then you select a secret place silent and good music and then you begin to pray speak to yourself ask yourself a question that's point number four is your imagination ask your question what do you want to meditate about who is the holy spirit where is the holy spirit can the holy spirit be my friend can the holy spirit feel me as you are asking yourself questions that's when god takes over that's when you hear him speaking to you i did that since 2001 and i've grown to the extent that now i don't need to be taking all these steps i can just close my eyes meditate any time i can hear god speaking to me anytime because the gift you use is the gift that you grow into and anything that grows can die meaning if you don't use the gift you die in the gift the gift does not die but you die in the gift you follow so there are people that have to understand that you have to be consistent in listening to the voice of god seeing visions meditating number one be in a silent place number two instrumentals or music that's prophetic that goes with meditation number three in fact the reason why i i directed you on my website is don't just go on youtube and search for any meditation music because some are dedicated to satanism you don't want that you want to be in a instrumental or music that's dedicated to god himself it's very important and then number three your imagination number four ask yourself questions communicate with yourself until the holy spirit takes over you ask you ask and to you start answering yourself until he starts answering you until it builds up until you are taken into the realms of the spirit as you build like that you are going to grow this is the little i can teach for today simply because i don't know what's going on why some are spiritual babies they just study and um some they have grown i don't want to teach more deeper like i teach in my prophetic class because some people may not understand so this is the keys to the world of meditation find a silent place find music that's prophetic for meditation imagination communicate with yourself and your life will never be the same do it consistently god bless you the god for prophet passion signing out amen and amen [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 11,362
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Id: HTX1_qTLni4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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