Spiritual Meaning Behind your Phone Number | Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic hour receive this program with prophet passing java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching towards your destiny prophetic hour now receive this fresh word from prophet passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hours with prophet passion java god bless everybody watching this is the god of prophet passion java the most trusted name in the prophetic bringing you and revelation that will change your life and catapult you to another dimension i'm here today to talk about numbers i taught about seven signs you are called to be a prophet if you did not watch the video on my youtube prophetpassion.com private passion youtube please go and watch because it's very important to know that some of you you are called to be prophets but you don't know go check the signs or register for one-on-one so i can prophesy to you over the phone what is your calling what do god wants you to do on earth or join my prophetic school or my prophetic whatsapp group which i can be able to teach you about the prophetic every day on my phone today i'm going to be talking about numbers we have zero one two three four five six seven eight up to nine and numbers they end on number nine that's why you see after nine we begin to repeat one and zero that's ten we repeat one and one that's eleven we repeat one and two we repeat one and three that's 18 because all numbers they end on number nine so if you need spiritual meanings of numbers you have to understand zero it's a number that i'll tell you what it means one it's a number of unity it's a number of loneliness it's a number of the goddess number two it's a number of confirmation witness agreement number three it's a number of revival it's number three it's a number of evangelism and not evangelism sorry number three it's a number of revival it's a number of resurrection that's what jesus resurrected on the third day it's a number of resurrection number four it's a number of evangelism call it therefore and preach to all the four corners of the world number four it's also a number of accuracy that's why two plus two equals to four two times two equals to four but other numbers if you add them they will give you one number but if you multiply them they give you a different number only two plus two gives you four two times two equals to four number five it's a number of grays j e s u s number five great g r e number five it's a number of grace and also number five it's a number of deaths because the opposite is true the first man adam died in genesis chapter five verse number five right number six it's a number of men and the number of beasts that's why both men and beasts were created on the sixth day number seven it's a number of completeness fulfillment god completes all his work or number seven number eight it's a number of number eight it's a number of new beginning that's why when god was starting new on earth he took the three sons of noah and their three wives and noah and his wife to make all of them eight because the number of new beginning when god begins something new he starts with number eight because after he completes everything on number seven he has to start something new on number eight number nine is a number of giving breath that's why we humans we only carry a baby for nine months then we give birth it's also a number of the gifts of the spirit first corinthians chapter number 12 chapter number eight from verse 10 to 12. it's also number of the fruits of the spirit the fruit of the spirit is found in galatians 5 from verse 16 17 and 18. and also it speaks of nine behatitudes so that's all the numbers nine but there are people now that when they are doing what they are doing they they always gaze at their watch their clocks and they see zero zero zero they see one one one they see two two two they see three three three four four four five five five six six six seven seven eight eight eight and uh 999 right i'll start with zero zero zero uh zero zero zero is a number of nothing less zero means nothing number two meaning to say if you are worried then you see zero zero zero god is saying don't be worried there's nothing happening if you are praying if your husband is cheating or your wife is cheating and you see zero zero zero god is confirming to you nothing is happening it's a number of nothing you are praying for a breakthrough for the business you are trying to pursue and you see zero zero god is telling you and there's nothing in this deal that's gonna come out don't waste your time number two zero is a number of creation zero zero zero gold created from nothing it's a number of creation god created from zero and began to build the first day the second day the fourth day meaning he created on this zero day number three number zero is also a number of love it's a number of love that's why the love of god is like a circle going round and round there's no tense there's no condition for example john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whoever believe in him shall not die but live forever this verse is not talking about agape love because agape love has no condition whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but ever it's a condition which means this love is not agape agape if it was agape that god loved the world with everyone who come to heaven because agape has no condition i don't love you because of your hips i don't love you because of your name i don't love you because of your gift i don't love you because of your money agape has no reason to love it just laughs now one one one one one one you say one plus one plus one equals to three actually this is chapter number four what does it say one can be defeated two can withstood but the code of three cannot be broken the court of three cannot quickly be broken which means god is making you a conqueror you might be in a battle you may be going through tough times and god is confirming to you that fear not your mother in a conqueror you are connected strong in the realms of the spirit that nothing will move you so the fight will come but god will be confirming you nothing will take place to you you are more than a conqueror then number two two two number two two two it gives you six six is the number of men which means if you see that number god is giving if a woman god can be saying i'm giving you a man to marry you and like if you see mango in the spirit god is saying men go let the men go is not the one but if you see zero if you say 222 god is saying he's the one to marry you two to two six it also means god is giving you the favor of man that is the favor of god john says jesus the child grew in the favor of god and in the favor of man right so there is the favor of man that is the favor of god so the faith of god is not enough because if god favors you to preach all over the world doing crusades and men decide to shut down and say this log down worldwide you won't preach because you need to be favored by a man to be a blessing for example i went to zimbabwe i went to zimbabwe and i was able to do what other people were not doing because i was favored by people that were strong enough for me to do so so the question is who is a favor in you because who favors you determines your destination if you're favored by a millionaire you become one if you're favored by a farm owner you end up owning a farm who favors you it speaks of the favor of men that's why you see the bible talks of triple six i'll talk about it when i talk about 666 then then 333 equals to 9 33 is 9 3 6 9 what is 9 9 it's a number of the gifts of the spirit first corinthians chapter number eight through to 12 the nine gifts of the spirit are displayed speaks of the nine fruits of the spirit it speaks of the nine blessings of god so god is saying i'm giving you my gifts it's time to operate in my gift but some of you you sleep on the gift god says get up and pray you just answer i'm tired who are you talking to you think you're talking to yourself you are too lazy you are too tired to hear god to obey god to pray never give excuse when god is pushing you into prayer how fast tomorrow who are you replying to once a push comes be able to do so right then the fruits of the spirit which is the longevity of your ministry then the blessings the nine beatitudes the blessing you need in your calling in your gifting so 333 speaks of the blessings the fruits and the gifts of the spirit all right then after that we move to four four four when we talk of four four four what are we talking about 4 8 12. number 12 is a number of leadership the bible says unto us isaiah 9 verse 6 and as a child is born a son is given government shall be upon his shoulders you follow that's leadership and leadership government shall be upon his shoulders so the question is when you see 444 are you able to set yourself as a good leader number two it speaks of influence every leader has an influence that's why jesus influenced 12 disciples before influencing the whole world he gathered skill of disciples because it's a number of influence god will be saying i'm giving you influence in the lives of many people again number 12 is a number of foundation god will be saying i have finished your foundation it's time to break forth right then after that we talk of five five five equals to 15 15 is the number of rest but this rest is the rest that comes after deliverance because number 14 is the number of deliverance i i hope some of you will join my special whatsapp group which i teach people every day on my phone why do you need to be on the whatsapp group why because you need to be taught these things deeper each and every day give us this day our daily bread all right so you will understand that from the days of abraham to the days of david are 14 generations from the days of david to the days of babylon 14th generation from those days to the days of mary it was 14th generation number 14 is when you fight the better to break your generational case in that war you lose a lot of things right but number 15 comes after 14 then you rest but you cannot call rest without restoration because rest is an abbreviation rest restoring everything saturn took restoring everything saturn took restoring everything saturn took so they have to be restoration on number 15 god is restoring ufc 555 god is giving you rest if you see five five five some of the people you have to call for one on one register at profitpassion.com on my website one on one so you can be delivered over the phone because some of you when you sleep you can't have rest you go to sleep tired wake up tired because they are demons in your dreams their spiritual husbands whatever names you can call them in brackets they are demons coming to fight you you need to be delivered then you have your rest then we have 666 which is 18 6 12 18 6 6 6 3 6 is not the number of saturn no saturn does not have a number saturn is no number impossible the bible says what in revelations chapter number 13 from verse number 9 through to verse 18 let him who is wise calculated the number for it is the number of the beasts it is also the number of a man the devil does not have numbers the devil can't number the devil can count to count is to say one two three four five but two numbers to say five four three two one so if god says you live five years god when you celebrate one year better the god will be saying four years and he said two years going to be saying three years when he said three years god i'm saying three years and say two years going to be saying when god says two years you'll be saying four years and god says one year you'll be saying i'm five years old because god numbers to numbers to say five four three two one but to count this one two three the devil can count but you can't number only god numbers your hear only god can number that's why the bible says it is the number of a man meaning to say if you see 666 god is a breaking canality from you a can of mind of a man is being you are being delivered from a kind of mind number two number 18 is a number of bondage if you see 666 god is delivering you from a bondage not only the kind of mind there were only 18 judges in the book of in the book of joshua why did these 18 judges rose people like deborah people like samsung all those people were there to judge so that they may be delivered so god will be saying i'm judging all the tribal cases all the generational cases all the demonic cases in your life beat hiv bitcoins or whatever sickness in your body god is delivering you that's 666 so it's not everywhere you see triple six you say satan or satanism it may count to 18 and god is saying he is judging whatever you are going through to set you free or is breaking cannon mind from you right then there is seven seven seven seven seven seven now equals to twenty one it's seven fourteen twenty one twenty one is a number of spiritual warfare that's why when david daniel prayed god said in daniel 10 verse 12 in the day you prayed i heard you and i answered you angel gabriel was coming to answer but angel gabriel said i was with stood by the prince of pesha for 21 days angel michael fought the war because wolf is connected to number 21. so michael could not come on day number nine or day number fourteen on down number fifteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty awaited today number twenty one because it's a number of spiritual warfare and that wolf is good for you because it's two and one two is better than one says the bible your enemy is one but you are not alone you got jehovah god begging you there's an angel backing you so it's you and the spiritual force against him right two is better than one that's the number of warfare then there is eight eight eight eight sixteen twenty four number twenty four it's a number of spiritual leadership different from 12 12 is government which is physical leadership but 24 is spiritual leadership that's why in front of god's throne there are 24 elders god is not making you an elder not just a leader but an elder someone full of wisdom intellect someone wise not intelligent but wise you follow that's why it is also a number of worship it's a number of worship the central verse of worship is in john i believe john 4 verse number 24 point number 24 is a number of worship there are 24 elders bowing down to worship so it's a number of worship god is saying go on your knees and worship me or god is saying use your leadership your spiritual leadership skills to handle the matter or in this battle you don't have to fight worship me and i'll fight for the better it's not yours that better is mine then lastly we have 999 9 18 27 god is saying i'm giving you a new covenant for number 27 the number of a new covenant you don't initiate a covenant god is the one that initiates a covenant with you right that's why you see the new testament they've got 27 books 9 18 27 new testament testament is a covenant a new covenant a new testament is being established to you if you see 999 in your dreams 999 innovation so these are the numbers and you can always learn more in my prophetic school or you can call on our whatsapp number register on one on one or register to be on our special whatsapp number and your life will never be the same god bless you amen [Music] hey uh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 19,610
Rating: 4.8381505 out of 5
Id: 13mnhv8NYUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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