Lance Guma interviews Prophet Passion Java ( Full Interview)

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[Music] right thank you for joining us on uh neandertha tv thank you to the multiple partners who are streaming this broadcast neander radio new zimbo live and of course thank you to diaspora insurance for um sponsoring the program my guest combines flamboyance as i've said controversy to hope the limelight on social media uh prophet passion java is my guest um clarify something for me your surname java or java do you take the shona root or the english one how do you pronounce your surname java indian the what yes java indian as in india india and java yeah my actual last name was honey that was in the 16th century but one of my great-great-grandfathers got hooked and married or was married by in okay we have a million topics um under the sun to cover so for the purposes of chronology and to set the stage let's uh go back to where it all started um passion java as you yourself have reminded us jumping sewage water in shitunguisa with nothing in his pocket set the stage for us not nothing with his pocket i jesus in my heart and the plan in my mind and it was needed for me to bench to raise a bit but it it groomed me and raised me in a way that when i became successful i knew the mindset of the people i was dealing with so i'm always ahead of some people simply because i was where they are and i am where they are not so intuitive is uh life was wasn't that difficult we were the best you'd find what your father used to drive us to school sega six premier i think he's taken a family drive one more time to see our school and stuff but here he's celebrated hello okay we've yeah we've got you back yeah so oh we we would go to places where one's in zimbabwe i know there's someone i'm dq [Music] i i personally grew up looking at pdd and a guy called batman and they brought inspiration in my life and i said i'm not going to remain here in chitton giza so at the age of 19 i came up out of strangers i went to cape town i did well honored between captain god told me to come back to zimbabwe and do ministry and then when i came back in 2010 i began to do ministry and 2000 and here i left to be 7 11 i stayed in five avenues my avenue zone mesa from commander was on road where then i went to greendale after six months then a year later i went to broadbrook and from brook i then went to america okay before we get to how that happened that transition from yes where you were to um you've clearly grown up with people who were struggling you've seen what poverty looks like a lot of people criticize the fact that you seem to mock people who are poor um i just watched uh uh the skits of yours just yesterday where you were talking about vanuatu so what's the strategy behind that why more people who are starving it's not mocking people what i do in church is i bring theology through psychological embellishment which brings somebody's transformation in the cognitive energy what i'm trying to say is when i come on social media i want to bring a message but i can't bring a package without a delivery track so the delete every track becomes this kit i do that so i can get everybody's ear and deliver a message it can be in a joking way it can be more way it can be laughing sometimes when i'm serious but you'd find if i just come and bring inspiration to people without instruction then i fail to do what i want to do so i can't bring instruction without inspiration because once i bring instruction nobody's going to listen to me so i have to wear some gucci to attract people that like dressing i have to have a nice beautiful skin to attract people that like that my hair has to be on point my hands has to be on point and then my voice is to bring something that's going to hold people to listen to me but but someone who is starving someone who is starving is not going to be amused i mean granted there are people who like what you do i'm not talking but you have an equal measure of a number of people who take offense at your antics there's a difference between mocking somebody and saying okay but people who are wallowing in poverty don't need to be reminded of their poverty should should they it's not poverty to wear butter it's not but it could be a way of expression i think there is only one human being one more one human being and you know then i'm saying this is not an interview you're direct attacking then the only way to win when you're being attacked is not to defend to attack death you can't say oh this this and that then i felt bad after that now that's some everyone else it's it's just internet game sometimes it's just like internet live it's it's you have to ask yourself what do people want before you want to be there to where they are okay okay and you just give them and deliver your message in the package that they are looking for okay we'll come back to this one because i'm i'm still not satisfied with that answer but i'm interested in your transition from borrowdale or bora del um to the states this is this money god i will not lie god god what happens is um if a lion is chasing after a rabbit okay and these are some pretty could you say that again i was expressing the lion sessing after a rabbit and the lion is saying lord in the name of jesus i'm praying i'm hungry give me the meat and the rabbit is praying lord in the name of jesus i'm being chased but i got kids at home save me who is going god going to answer that sounds like a clever way of avoiding the question i mean are you saying the people what now just wanted to do is to ask god to provide in the mighty know yeah that that doesn't sound uh the answer the answer is god's answer is going to say lion i gave you the skills rabbit i gave you the skills whoever is going to work perfecting these skills is going to get an answer from me so no matter how i pray i know god is the one that blesses me and my family but god will say i'll bless the works of your hands so if you don't use those ends you're not going to get money so the only way person can get money is through hard work but okay um you have a lot of ghetto youths from your in uh involvement with zim dancer who follow what you do now they look up to you and they want to know what they should do to be like you but that answer does not give them a clear pathway to wealth because provides how i are you saying god is selecting which the passion don't matter the rest can wallow in poverty no it's all about lion and the rabbit i'm answering you guys but my answer is use what i gave you nobody's gonna be passion job i'm the only one and only 12 they can't be another which means my way to the mountain top ain't gonna be anybody's way to the mountain top everybody's secret used to be no matter how much you failed school or you passed the school learning school whatever you got from school is not going to change your life what changes your life is you so the best syllabus to study is you each teaching that registered my advice to everybody will be study this guy he where was he started data say once you do that money comes to you running flying and it becomes very easy i'm curious how much money do you spend on on clothes per month okay my gucci account alone in 2019 was about three hundred and twenty thousand right now desert yeah mali so is this pa okay so but is there no level of guilt when when you are using money like that and you come from a country with such poverty is there a part of you that makes you feel guilty you have to educate me on that does that mean if your country my country isn't poor zimbabwe in poor and people got to know that zimbabwe is not a poor nation you know that you yourself you know it right when you have when you when you have such high unemployment levels i i think a lot of the people who like you are actually unemployed and and some are in the informal sector so i mean we can't underestimate the problem mr lance mr lance let's put it this way how many millions do you know in zimbabwe a lot how many youths that made it up to the mountaintop in the same country the people are saying it's poor how much gold do we have in the ground how many gold mines do we but that's only for a that's only for a few the majority the majority are involved it's only for the few that are using their cognitive energy to bring forth the delivery of the best of them many of us who blame people we blame people because we have failed ourselves so when we look up we feel like people failed us mr land everybody in zimbabwe has opportunities uh check strike massively he wasn't born even in a thousand years he was born naked he's a billionaire right now i i i weighed down i think strife is a bad example because government fought him for that license it was only the intervention of people like what's from what yeah but but but do they did they made it did they win they didn't but it was an example it was an example of bad governance that's private to struggle to set up equinet now it's uh it's one of the biggest employers in the country we're going to blame our government for people's failure in life in 2005 i know of a lady i know in the suano i don't know what that's about okay your signal is dragging again i'm gonna do a you hear me now okay could you repeat that you you were giving an example here yeah someone then in chitrongaze 2005. i have to admit that there are things they should go fix that's why i'm not a politician and it air politics but you have people have me with the president our president of in two years was a parliament they're gonna progress to what we need to support such progress genetic conditions is the next entire colonizer for over one thousand children independent for forty years we can't expect a turnaround within forty years over one thousand years [Music] can i ask you a question on your relationship with the president i mean in your last video uh with president emmanuel you were saying leaders come from god um i think you are pushing the pray for your leadership usa oppose a power doctrine are you trying to say leaders are beyond scrutiny and citizens should turn a blind eye that's the the there's nothing called blind and a blinder according to this question what i would say is the bible layers past the prophet the bible is every leader every president is placed in power by god himself tone of what that is according to the bible and you know the scripture is that's what attacked me and i said this way is great it has to be supported as you train one that everyone if we build our nation together okay so it's interesting you should say leaders come from god because we then ask in in november 2017 the president was robert mugabe and it was amazon i got dimora president so clearly didn't follow your advice here with the leaders come from god president foreign okay yeah we your signal is not the best um i i don't know what's happening here tangaswaganaka but it's uh it's deteriorating um a bit i i don't know if people can hear you um you can let me know in the comment section now for these runes you guys say you can hear me perfectly i didn't i can okay i can hear you all right let's just um play an advert while we wait on on sorting this out um just hold on funeral cover for less than a cup of coffee peace of mind is not as expensive as you may think for just one day you can forgo your cup of coffee for your monthly diaspora funeral cash plan cover to find out how much premium you would pay get a quote today visit www dot diaspora insurance dot com forward slash get quote whatsapp plus four four double seven zero three eight three eight three zero four uk and international whatsapp plus two seven six five nine zero seven zero nine south africa and rest of africa funeral cover for less than a cup of coffee [Music] ok so let's uh check your signal i hope much routines were um in our area over there i can you hear me okay yes your relationship with the president is interesting because you had a slight dig at nelson chamisa the opposition leader um what's your attitude towards him as an opposition leader oh well me as a pastor as i've said before i'm not a politician a i have known one you are saying opposition leader but i see him as i've known him for years and he have worked with my mum before and staff so because of that we have met in different uh places but it was abc abc i was just shocked and i don't reply [Music] [Music] i don't know if you follow yeah i mean here's the thing that i want to ask um a lot of people are curious about your declaration of support for zanu pf i think in the past you've been kind of quiet about it upper you've now come out clearly to endorse a political party and the question is you only the church that is congregants who support different political parties are you not creating problems by aligning with the political party when you lead a church of people who support different parties well number one my church knows i don't do church i do jesus myself my family and i love people around the world and i teach people to do the same don't leave for people you should always check your relationship with god not according to the human point of view but according to your relationship that's number one number two i've never declared myself as npf i've never told anyone to present there as i stated before i believe in the president emma sonmenago and i've seen his work in zimbabwe and said with this great work i need to sub for and i'm happy to if one day if he the president who gave me an opportunity to save the country in in in a way of changing lives helping the youth and stuff if i'm giving that opportunity i'll be glad to make sure zimbabwe gets to the next level not to do politics i will never be a politician and i'm not a politician and that i always tell people i'm not a politician konig won a president doesn't mean what was in pfo at all a politician i will never do that i'm a prophet and that alone is what i am okay um a lot of people you see every king what's with the prophet um we've seen you several times with president recording selfies with him and some people are thinking some of those selfies where you are doing young genius kids with the president is kind of demeaning the office of the president i mean some people are trying to imagine you doing that with mugabe and thinking you know there's a measure of um i don't know if disrespect is the right word oh well what people don't know mr land is when you look at the president from a different imagine and fungal disembodied president president eddie he is accessible avasaruji [Music] you'll be shocked one day when you come to zimbabwe yourself the common ones will ski travel one day by startup interview the other day i'm gonna end him that makes him a good leader because a good leader is somebody who does not select a certain type of people he accommodates you get everybody and i see president edison in it and he accommodates everybody you will be shocked one day and they've undertaken accommodating and dopamine ideas to build the nation because how can i change your life if i don't know your life so i need to know opinions muslims but because he wants to build this baby to a better nation he wants to get into my cognitive agency i would say that's good leadership okay but i think you you skipped you didn't quite get my question i accept the accessibility bit but it was voting for the president is that not a bit of a stretch accessibility question called why let me ask you a question if a chinese guy comes to the president is he going to say makadi what's going on and then you know in another way with your language he has to accept you in the way you are who you are that's his language guitar i want to go on a president we are going to figure good leadership so i'm saying yeah let me let me switch this up a bit it can be a blessing to you okay let me switch this up a bit and um ask you a more personal question um your wife your first wife was a foreigner so is your current one um many people are wondering do you have something against zimbabwe and women some may have even gone as far as saying goody you target rich women that's why you married well first time i married a i was 21 18 years old 10 or 19 within a month he now tell me 19 years old people this just to educate some people there is a geological place geographical place and there is humanic place geographical place inaudible but if you would want to choose on a bigger scale you have to break your geographic place and get into a humanic place but i'm going to start each one of them only you to know what you want before you meet or get what you want it becomes it's foreign so i would say i don't have any problem with zimbabwe and women and i will never have any problem with zimbabwean women [Music] so i have no problem okay your wife seems very reserved and quiet uh what does she make of your your antics um because the person java we see now is certainly not the same person java so when your wife sees you young what does she say about that well if you are the one asking me the question she will reply you this way and say the guy you know on instagram ain't the guy that is in the house india i have to ask myself what does the baba need right now oh it's locked up they need garam masa okay what do they need now i is locked down but garam mumbai because the general's digital was nothing nothing but a pop i wanted to change other buddha three balance in the gt 2 times 7 equals to 72 is 27 is 2 times 7 so it's 27. so when she looks at me she say thank you jesus because because i should be believe something for better she understands me more than everybody okay you you've you've had a run in with a lot of celebrities i'll throw a few names mongodb 15 second answers about you know what happened and okay so um here we go let's start with a mighty very good successful person and she's strong and she's a different type of a character that when i doing social media she took things in to her heart okay next name on my list uh tatalicious adam zion i just hate the name then i the dream achiever then i came on a video and i got to god did not speak to me today i just responded to that you didn't take it well so now one more but i can't give a comment because until i see it's like my teaching i met when i came for myanmar she was there i met her once then we spoke over the few times then we did live together so i have like a background declaration of my teeth and stuff okay [Music] what do you make of them particularly when it targets you before god i don't know that one oh you don't know that before jesus i won't lie okay all right very very funny comedian based in australia he does a lot of skits i can go i'll check him out after that uh okay that's poor me may i study everybody understand my country okay um shimono the journalist but my advice to him would be [Music] try to be better for your country not for yourself don't try to paint your country black for personal gain it would be better okay it would be better educated to support the government and to make it better uh than to try to find man with my ngos but um can i can i just interject and say what he is done more than most people in fighting corruption um do you not appreciate someone that fights corruption i think orbit obadiah moyer the health minister quit his job because of what hopeful and others exposed saga an exposure corruption uh it's my first time today that he actually did that if it's true or not i don't know i knew him i changed the free warport you know hashtag okay and then the championship is there so i tried to ask what happened in jail and stuff that's when i knew him and then arjun gobam jerry the first thing he attacked me a an attacker then because of my followers right what do i say or think about what he's saying then i made a study about him and i came and i did my skit against him as well that's all i know about him then recently he said passion is a four what something like that uh then i just said it's not where they could they reply and stuff so i don't know kudana fighter corruption i know he fights me and maybe others i don't know but what i would say to him is if you listen to this one i would say to him he should receive jesus repent pray for his country and if there is corruption that he knows of the most important thing to do is to pray because on facebook how many people speak and secretly corruption but if he can pray and also work for his country himself then we can have better results for our country let's not do things for personal gain but for the the blessing of the whole nation but surely someone fighting corruption is doing good for the country do you not agree if you are the one fighting corruption or you telling me that you are fighting correction i will join you and break you up if the research but this guy from what i've seen him he's not worthy people to even go on his page and listen to him he's someone who's playing people people's mind psychologically for his own personal gain okay and me personally i don't listen to people that opposes the leadership that god placed in place as i said according to the bible god is the one that puts people in leadership and who is person to come and say i can pray it's problematic for you to say that though what is that it's problematic for you to say that because your mother was an opposition senator the lady i would accept it according to your perception no no i'm saying no opposition you are saying i'm you're saying i'm telling you i don't know leadership mr lance mr lance opposition part does not mean you are saying is actually saying we believe god called us all so to beat cold called us to be the next leaders so we are waiting for our team to get in leadership there's nothing wrong to be a leader or trying to be a leader and doesn't mean the leader that he will trample without another president doesn't mean obama is a bad president it only means trump believes what he it doesn't it's not wrong for lance to feel or believe god wants him to be a great leader in zimbabwe and pursue it and when you persuade it doesn't mean you're saying everyone who's in leadership is wrong or they're bad or they're corrupt it simply means you want to work for your nation and you want to be a successful leader okay okay all the thoughts i'll play one more advert i i need to ask you a follow-up question on that one um just hold on england congratulations on your victory the real game has begun england versus italy and the big question is is football coming home who can say nobody knows however if you join diaspora insurance you are a sure winner become a member of our gold plated diaspora funeral cash plan today diaspora fuel cash plan guaranteed peace of mind okay the church should be a moral compass of any society you are a preacher yes and interacting with people in zanu-pf who have been implicated in past crimes whether it's political violence or murder this is a question that we've received from some of our viewers and are you converting them to god and asking them to repent what are you telling them given their history of impunity because we they've not apologized for anything they've done in the past so as a preacher when you are interacting with people like that what is your message to them the best way of preaching is not to force anybody to receive jesus is not even to open him out and say jesus is god people should see jesus on you as i have said if i come on instagram i'm gonna say look at my lambo but when i'm meeting person when you hear me talking about jesus when you see me spending my whole day some of the people they want to be like me some of the people they ask me how do i make it in life some of the people ask me what is my secret and i always direct them to god as i did when we started and i gave all the glory back to god my duty in a i got there as a prophet as a pastor to pray for everybody to speak jesus to everybody to reach out to the youth influence the youth inspire the youth so that i don't want my child or any one of the children to grow up believing to be to be anybody else i could put on banji animati my drugs animal i want everybody to say when i grow up i want to be 12 i want to be this prophet i want to be a man of god i want to be a preacher like him i want to drive like him i want to do like this so i would say to you uh i get to preach to people i feel i have to preach in my heart when i meet them whether they're politicians whether they're musicians they're artists they're just any other different people and through my ministry i reached hundreds of thousands of people and led them to jesus from 2001 till now a lot of lives have changed a lot of lives have changed but you've not said anything about you see historically the church speaks out and and and preachers like you don't speak out you pretend nothing is happening so i think this is where people are coming from when you say speak out you have to understand that if if if you if people ask you what do you see you're gonna say my face but the guys behind me ain't gonna say my face they're gonna say i'm saying it's back your point of view is not my point of view and it will be a mistake for me to convince you to express my point of view you can only express your own point of view and i can only express mine that's why we have mdc we have zan pf we have zayoda we have a sense of god we have king of embassy we have all this type of different churches new life covenant simply because everybody has his own perspective and they live by it so it would be not good for mr lance to say passion speak like this to the parliament speak like this to the leaders speak like these to the zimbabweans because i have my own point of view that i have to express in the way i want to express or i feel like expressing the guy he has his own revelation and he runs by it and i can tell you we are wrong because my perception is different and he will come back and say i'm wrong because of his own perception so i would say to you i can't be iconoclastic to people and walk in force pedestrian and act as if i am this holy guy in visiting such pretenses hypocrite i can't do that i can only express according to my own point of view okay um the more superstitious in our country all right let's rush back to music passion java record and some of the artists you are working with yes the most superstitious in the country are saying everyone you work with has misfortune befalling them so of course they give unfortunate examples like that the simplest lightweight is if you are having a contract with me for a year i bring the best of you because that's what i do right i asked it rocky let's do a contract let's do this he said man of jah he called me man of jaja man of jaja man of jaja please i don't want to be doing all this and stuff and i don't want you to be paying me every month and stuff whenever i want to take care of me or give me money or do this for me do it from your heart i'm here to do music that means i'm with rocky for life as long as he wants i'm going to be doing my best for him and it's going to shine but any other young guys they say okay let's do one your contract rica pay the contract don't watch it on my video five thousand dollars because i preached to you about jesus i showed you the way of life and i did abc i did my best how you live it it's you but anyone who's talented gifted i can't control your gift i can't control your talent i can only boost it with my own ways but doesn't mean i can take it away from you cannot you go on a rogue one i have to change them there but if you if you are saying you you pick them up and leave them uh are you not just exploiting them getting jews and then leaving them because that that strategy i don't leave anybody i'm always open if you have a contract with me which is well balanced rica pierre i can offer you to continue what you do by yourself but like i wonder what you wanna [Music] so i'm hoping anyone wants to work with me any musician can always go on come record labor is there the managers they will record labels can we briefly talk about your relationship now soldier love um towards the last one what happened oh so the love i've liked this work since 2013. buddy [Music] they couldn't do anything but uh he was a very good man his family um i've read several articles uh with some of them that we've covered they are complaining about the posthumous release of some of his songs i don't know i think the implication there is witty um you are making money off his music he asks his people without the family benefit mario kosmos [Music] my thousands come on video by the way it's a youtube youtube video together one million dollars you know for one thousand something new one million dollars video summer thousands of dollars key and easy but as a project that yes we used it was a cheap uh budget it was about three point seven thousand dollars and did it it knows omega mari sage one got it that omega marina would have taken help these guys people should just clap in as a passion thank you for the heart you have for these guys we do this from the heart not for the kids internationally then maybe that over 100 million views what's your what's your relationship like with the other prophets in the country the magayas the makandiwa the first prophet that ever came closer to me apart from my brother poster b java who introduced me to prophet angel he's prophet angel that was 2009. and 2010 with a strong connection and up to now and then through prophet angel it was prophet muhammed we've gone out different times and that we were hunting here and there his house had been up in his bedroom blah blah blah just connecting and stuff and problem guy i looked for him myself i was bringing benny in pastor ben into zimbabwe so i want us to work together blah blah blah then we spoke then we changed numbers then we connected then i met him struck now pastor benny then we started talking then it gave me a lot of advice that i'm still using up to now and um a lot of other prophets that are not non-profit branson to jc and stuff and there are many many many prophets um i i remember you had a controversial prophecy about uh prophet shepard which didn't go down well with him prophetic big but what i'll say is it all comes back to the point of view i can come and say oh you look ravishing in your blue suit but then you're a person who doesn't want to be commented it doesn't mean that recommenders are bad i'm trying to say yo you you looks uh spot on right you are on point but your point of view doesn't want maybe any guy to comment you may be on the ladies so i would say profession but bushid is one of the greatest property in africa and i think it was two months ago when we last spoke about the phone of of course through prophetic berenger was always making things come together and helping people to be united and stuff like that but we i have no problem with any prophet i have no problem with the any church pastors and leaders and no uh okay i'll throw in a a couple of questions that we are directly from people uh right now kelvin and what have you done for your roots because your district is one of the poorest in zimbabwe let's talk about bohera hey mom's i gave my mom hundreds not hundreds thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars but no sponsors i come back to a place of your own point of view some people are inspiring people that i'm doing this so that you also can do it but i would prefer buddhism why because why are people on instagram to me enter instagram in english um i'm sure dear menu it'll be busy um with the ladies um inboxing you uh how how do you handle that oh of course i go on instagram maybe once or twice a week and then the team in english reply over eight people that runs those social medias and of course twitter name is the is the man behind in other words what i'm saying is uh i'm not just a man that's why i'm successful in a team that runs things for me for example i know guide [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Laughter] ending um you know we've had right yeah we've we've you you've quoted controversy when speaking in tongues either during prayer or when you are preaching so my phrase is like a bonding dog etc some argue that you are taking your community too far and disrespecting christianity um what's born oh there's no comment in praying there's no comment in prayer but the things of the spirit cannot be understood by a kind of mind that brings me to tell people you have to be spiritual for you to understand spiritual stuff you can't judge that's why number team upon my leaders you can't be judging a politician unless you're a politician [Music] from what they're going what i'm simply saying is it takes a prophet to understand any prophetic language it takes people who speaks in tongues to understand who is speaking in tongues [Applause] and one of the things about tanks and this name of this first corinthians chapter number 14. so you would understand my tongues uh languages and that convinced a lot of people would he you know this this was me people should ask themselves this question how god have anointed me called me and gave me the grace to be a successful preacher church is in in brazil churches in bahamas churches in jamaica california america new york city america texas dallas people have to understand this when god gives you the grace people may not understand you but that grace will sustain you secondly i have um a tough question for you here uh that's just come through yes um anzi you you travel a lot um and some are suggesting that uh you are a runner for political elites that's why you're up and down um that's how you are making your money from that end about google mr lenz go on google check in atticu that was written in 2016. i was said to be number one best preacher in zimbabwe who preached in i don't know how many countries i preached in that year but all the conference i prayed in that year were over 200 conferences anyway with 365 days i've been traveling preaching since 2000 and flying out in 2012 in japan that just pretty much i have been in short downgrading i would fly monday go preach in dallas and fly back tuesday drive or fly to new york and come back thursday in maryland and sunday i'm in california check my calendar or that and i did that every week it's been a lifestyle now when people see you flying in and out of zimbabwe the problem that i like i like this problem is people don't know twenty percent of who i am and what i do and i like to stay hidden in that way because once people know what you do they attack you in that area i do a lot of things so and that's what i do are you saying the uh the equity the money comes from the church you know the preaching you are doing the churches there is money that comes from church i won't lie like those pastors that say oh i don't have any doula from church of course of course business foreign [Laughter] to be successful one more name of millions of dollars i should make a sense of that so what i would tell people is kind of what would change you talk about business activity there's no footprint of any businesses you are running and i think you are asked this question a lot and you always avoid dancing huh of course there is not even one abandoned one food okay so why is that what if someone says my business the answer to that is passion java's business is my business and it's none of your business and you should mind your own me but but this is accompanying that this is the company it's very pointy now weakness weakness foreign um okay um a lot of youtube follow you uh this is a tricky question so let me clarify exactly what i mean a lot of youths who follow you undertaker i'll give an example the last time you went to blah you had all these people coming out um to see you and there's a general belief that you are distracting youths from focusing on things that are important your social media antics and everything that you are doing is distracting you from doing important things like registering to thoughts when people see you they see you as a distraction for for our youth what's your response we have 24 hours in one day person would come into bulaway for two hours and telling me two hours is going to disturb people from voting or registering from vote or focusing on their own success impossible do we have january to december and you telling me the only one day you meet passion java for 10 minutes is going to distract you the only problem we have in zimbabwe is when people break records when we have for example walking we never had an artist who got a million view in four days people's minds are blown away so the only thing they can say it's a lie or it's fake which is good because that's how they view things but it's impossible person java is traveling to mutare this other trip and for his own personal visit and people scream people come out from their shops people come and do this this and that because they just like the guy he is sporon's horrendous is always on point and you're always watching this guy on tv or on your phone on instagram then reality says it's down there simply you're going to run there but it is is it not because our number if they were in jobs would they have the time to be american does it mean [Music] jewish people only anyone tapping and building it's just how when god blesses you let someone receive jesus and try this type of life it will balance well okay i've i've taken a lot of your time i'll play one more advert and then i'll open the floor in terms of my questions just put in your question any question yeah put in your question um in the comment section like 20 30 minutes okay put in your question all those who are watching putting your question in the comment section uh kanatava from this advert and then i will shoot straight summer bunza um to profit passion funeral cover for less than a cup of coffee peace of mind is not as expensive as you may think for just one day you can forgo your cup of coffee for your monthly diaspora funeral cash plan cover to find out how much premium you would pay get a quote today visit www dot diaspora insurance dot com forward slash get quote whatsapp plus 4470 3838 304 uk and international whatsapp plus 27659-070-419 south africa and rest of africa funeral cover for less than a cup of coffee [Music] okay so you've used sponsoring zoom dancing as a tool to grow your brand um i suppose at first it looked like a risky strategy i i'm interested in your motivation let me use zim danzo as a stepping stone because certainly it played a role in getting you to where you are i would be is my favorite a guy in uk when i started ministry church i didn't start church for any personal gain for cars for houses for money i was preaching chitungiza my shops mumbai they've okay we're struggling with your signal a bit sorry um yeah young boy so you're saying i think i'm not changing you hear me now yeah we can hear you can you just start again you're saying my point was when i began ministry it was not for any person again it wasn't for the lambo cars you see me driving it wasn't for the houses for wife and black children what's the focus of people's lives the focus was to change people's lives then success just followed money followed and that's why the problem comes when some young preachers look at our lives and they think let me start a church and i'll be rich that's not the focus that's not the point same right now when i came to to i was involved in type of music was i want to put my money back to the community doppa animal party are equal but let me boost them and change their lives let me give my artistic ad of value and that has been my main focus magatha seven of the one that that i went with their lives changed from who they were when i met them until till now so teresa you see the difference my focus was not good my brand should grow no my focus was to just go and sponsor just go and bless then the battery even in my channel the only people who appreciated me that flattered me was my ghetto youths the idea was not to let me put from the time i met them and personal life changed families changed when you are taking it because of what we did for their lives we changed in me blessing and changing them the influence just happened simply because if i don't ever reach and and the iso is reaching two million people in the world that are not in church that i don't even reach to if i work with him those two million reach that he has reached they'll end up knowing me and those things happened automatically and brandon would put ticker and i'm not like brand i'm gonna put this on the music brand i'm gonna put his wanna start your mail just building the brand but me personally the shabbat rama ghetto youth did you change your life and they never got wonderful [Music] because of my advice my help my love for them and stuff like that the idea and the focus is what made us if you come with an idea put it that would indeed a brand dragon chance of music as a mood when i die to your doctor your heart should be just in what you're doing and then everything else um i'm sure you know dame dash um i think why rana rockefeller records nah nah jay-z a common criticism of him was kuti he got into too many videos they're my artist okay some are throwing this at you and saying you are appearing in too many of the videos from your artists so there's too much self-promotion of yourself as the man behind passion java records your your reaction to that my reaction would be some of these videos is my own sacrifice to be in those videos simply because i know if this artist records the video alone this video ain't gonna go anywhere the video is gonna have 200 or 20 views in one month but once passion java name is attached to this song when we face my image is on the video with how i am on my outward punkitude many people definitely are going to watch the video take each other send to each other spread it in the groups so it's mainly to help the artist to grow bigger rocky was big if you check the first song now cutting the gaping up a video e i will not know and i will not i will not get to measure rocky's right now every one week or two weeks at about 500 600 thousand views i don't know p in the merchant without power okay that would be the first video in two weeks i thought my five hundred thousand views but i know pinned about another two but i'm not putting a million in four days why my reach is big my influence is big so once i get into the videos i boost my artist edu to a certain level um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay honest answer um here's the question from time you do it i'm displaying it on the screen and is it true that person java you are smuggling gold from zimbabwe to america would that happen and how possible it's going to be possible zimbabwe wonder i think my man joins us we need what [Laughter] foreign [Music] follow it and be entertained or be educated every day um you obviously grow up in situ guizar uh probably my final question i i think you need to go um you grew up in jitunguiza recently takao and um people's homes being destroyed someone wants to know what's your view of my my demolitions at zimbabwe you know when you see people's houses being destroyed in the middle of winter um at the direction of the government how do you feel it was you know it's an area you grew up in that in every place every place they are good people and they are evil bad people my church my name are fake pastors my first pastors my name is [Music] okay um can i smuggle this question in andy takuzua masara passion java surprises with a gucci bag with over fifteen thousand us dollars and so on uh [Laughter] and giving somebody gifts is different donation and being a blessing to somebody it's different than that revival we all know we don't have to be told and he changed the whole church in zimbabwe and taitravela one of the conferences called johannesburg and we have known each other from there for a long time it wasn't that 15 000. no okay given the support you have final final question do you have political ambitions your mother was a senator um i believe you have a brother my father was a big guy in zambia very big i repeat samsung and my father in one we knew java that thought it was easy for us to break fourth instrument because everybody knew my father and my bong went up to jabbar i'm going to mention [Music] and i believe many people know what i'm talking about then he passed away then monsoon whiter council of stanford [Music] very successful as i've said right now my donation profit and inaudible politician and he takes politics and these two more i'm not trying to do politics and i will never be a politician okay uh prophet passion java joining us on uh neanderthal i think we've tried we've tried to cover as many topics i don't think i left anything out um if you guys think i left anything out uh please let me know we'll drag him back but i think everything you asked us to ask him we've asked um business [Music] [Laughter] [Music] because i want a better future for my children and they do it in this quad so i will tell you this my business is my business and i own my own businesses and you should mind your own business and if you have known each other for that long why is it that you were chased at ginimbi's [Music] because the passion is the topic you can't be on top unless you're the topic it wasn't the topic right whatever but you you had ma you had it in their minds um and now that is late do you do you have any regrets about some of what happened my billboards my billboards and stuff like that you know do you have any regrets about any of that no what i can say is i have to respect him as a brother whether it's a my voice is dead i have to say there are things i made wrongs because of my own foolishness but legacy and many people wish to be him and some of us together zika because of him no more as i don't what is there and stuff and i would say i pray zimbabwe who we have more people like jmb and our flag will continue to rise up okay uh i i think i have to let you go i know you have commitments and thank you so much for your time uh initially we wanted with one hour it's one hour 41 minutes which is um a bit long but thank you so much for your time and uh hopefully we'll get you back in future i'm always open i don't think i like it is an open book unless people want to mind my own beast thank you for the platform thanks a lot thanks a lot all right thanks a lot with no money a death in the diaspora can be overwhelming trauma of begging for funeral expenses loss of personal and family dignity an undignified and disrespectful send-off spiraling unpaid bills no peace of mind it doesn't have to be like that that's diaspora insurance we know it's about a dignified send-off and peace of mind that comes with knowing all things are in order we therefore designed a policy with the diaspora community in mind you get cover from one thousand to twenty thousand pounds insure yourself and family with premium as little as five pounds a month guaranteed acceptance guaranteed cover for life multi-currency protection us dollars canadian dollars euros australian dollars sterling and rams worldwide protection your policy is portable from country to country cash payment within 24 hours flexible use of your payout it helps knowing that with diaspora insurance your life will be celebrated no matter what for a quote visit or plus forty four one two one two nine five triple one six uk and international plus 27 10 109 655 south africa [Music] you
Channel: Nehanda TV
Views: 21,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lance Guma, Passion Java, Prophet Passion Java, Zimbabwe, Nehanda TV, Nehanda Radio, Passion Java Ministries
Id: _b8Ded2Mgc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 32sec (6212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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