How To Operate With Your Angel Today!! || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic our receive this program of profit passing Java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage and inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this fresh word from profit passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hour with profit passion Java [Music] [Music] god bless everybody watching me this is the gafas prophet passenger ver excited to sit here today and bring forth a revelatory experience that will change your life I'm just here to speak about angels today I wrote a book called 14 types of angels and I wrote again another book that is written how to know my angel mainly because everybody has an angel everybody has a ninja from the day you were born your spirit was released from the heavens with a specific angel by you and then the day you die it is the same angel that departs with you and every connection from the realms of the Spirit to you God does it through your angel other angels cannot operate in your life without the connection with your own angel well someone can be listening to my voice and saying prophet how do I get to know my angel simply download the book on my website prophet pass on calm I thought and I gave breakdowns on how to see your angel how to know your angels name how to communicate with your angel right everybody has his own angel now coming back to types of angels we have a lot of angels types of angels only manage to write about 14 types of angels in my other book about angels where I wrote about angels that are called Sara fields angels with six wings I wrote about Kara beams angels with four wings I wrote about normal angels then I wrote a controversial type of an angel which is found in the book of Zechariah it says it speaks of two female angels men only know about male angels and many don't know about female angels but in the book of Zechariah chapter five verse number nine it gives us two female angels and we oftentimes see different types of angels in the Bible but we are not exposed to what we call female angels and we're out as somebody watching me right now that if there is angel Michael as a male angel can all angels be male can all angels be male or once there is male there has to be female because when God created everything in this world and the world to come God was using and God is using the law of physics which says things cannot balance unless they oppose each other so there is darkness that is light there is water there is ground and there is male and there is female that brings a balance so I also wrote about types of angels that are called female angels and then from female angels I wrote about what we call the list of singers types of angels then apart from those angels we I wrote about watches they're angels that are called watches powerful angels they're called Watchers then I wrote about angels that are called images of his resemblance and just your own angel looks exactly like you rainbows you yes the same looks like you and I gave for instant the angel of Jesus Christ that he operated with here on earth which is in Revelation chapter number 1 verse number 1 when I taught the book of Revelation chapter 1 Jesus is the one that ministered to John first number one disqualified my thoughts because verse number one says this is the book of Revelation the very same revelation which God the Father gave unto Jesus to show to his seven John things that should come to pass but Jesus did not come it says and Jesus sent and signified it by his angel to his 7 John but when John sees the angel the angel he has a double-edged sword coming from the mouth fire flame of fire on their eyes and a white robe that reaches to the feet and the brass that have been refined and somebody will say prophet hmm this is Jesus buhbuh buhbuh when John went down on his knees to worship saying this is the Lord Jesus since he says I'm the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the piper declares something important the Bible says Jesus said the angel said do not worship Me I am just a fellow servant just like you John is confused I thought is Jesus but the angel looked exactly like him I'll give you another example in the book of Acts when Peter was in prison people knows nobody can be out of prison midnight nobody can be released out of prison at night so we are praying and we believe Peters going to be released tomorrow on another day whenever God answers but for now for now you have to master this [Music] if you would like to speak to the Prophet for a private prophetic session register for a one-on-one phone call with him please visit profit passion comm and click the button that says one-on-one on top of the page welcome back you are watching the prophetic profit passion [Music] let's pray for Peter to get a breakthrough the Bible says as they were praying as they were praying the Lord spoke and released an angel and the angel released Peter from the prison but when Peter go home where people will pray the Bible is clear now that when she knocked a door the lady opened the door and saw Peter and closed the door and told everybody oh wait we were stopped ray Peters angel easier and Peter opened advances this is not my angel it is I because she knows that Peter and his angel they both look alike you look exactly like an angel that's why often times when you go to sleep when you go and have a dream you say prophet pass on I saw you yesterday in my dream when it is the angel that I walk with my angel that looks exactly like me that is ministering to you in the realms of the Spirit so we have angel angels of his resemblance then we have angels called Thrones that gives you access to the throne of God there Britain in the Book of Daniel and we have the angels called principalities remember when we talked about principalities we have we have number one demons what we call demons on it the Bible says in Ephesians chapter number number six from verse number twelve we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against every principality every rulers of this dark world meaning those principalities were not created by the devil there was stolen by the devil that's why collusion speaks of the same angels that are called principalities because there are types of angels that are called principalities and the fallen angels also that uptrends polities now there are angels that are called rulers of light the very same angel stolen by the enemy became rulers of darkness I I don't know if you follow them so we break down these types of angels and I wrote about other angels and other angels and after 14 you can download my book which gives you types of angels on my website prophet pass on calm now today I would say how does one begin to communicate with his own angel one can say I have seen my angel in the dream how can I know this angel my angel how can I communicate number one angels they communicate telepathic they don't open their mouth to speak to you when in the first step to exorcise communication with angels is when you are able when you are able to meditate and they sharpen your meditation skills because meditation gives you communication telepathically I also read a book I'm not yet aware that's my book but my book can help you I read a book on how to meditate and another book that is called a secrets or to prosperity in those two both about books I wrote about how to meditate keys that can help you to meditate now you sharpen your mind you sharpen your mind after you sharpen your mind what happens number two you need to learn and grow in what we call tons of angels let me break it down when we talk about it tongues of angels first coab internship - number 218 says though I speak with the tongues of men and with the tongues of angels so we have tongues of men English Shona Africans Spanish Zulu Xhosa French all the types of languages we have in the realm of men but after then we also have tongues of angels angels they don't communicate with you with the tongues of men they use their language therefore you must develop your tongues of men in the tongues of angels Vaden vasta divine station caustic dinner i think either prahasta the bride why do you need the tongues of angels you need tongues of angels to operate in the realm of angels once you are established in the realm of angels life becomes easier for you oftentimes we have been in a place where angels are coming to us to communicate with us but we don't know how to respond connect to the angelic and I'm just here today to say angels are them and angels are real and once you communicate with the tongues of angels it's easier to understand angels to hear them speaking and to respond to them sometimes you may not see them because you are not in the prophetic I wrote a book called the seer so on my website and in the book of the sea I spoke about the seer being the head and the prophet being the mouth and the ear the Bible says I'll shut the mouth of the prophets and I'll cover the head of the seal the seer is the eye is the nose is the Mountie he is the ear you can hear without seeing you can see without hearing you can smell angels in the room without seeing them or hearing them right you can operate in those dimensions that's a seal know what I'm talking about is the realm of em some they notice their angels through a smell because they have their own type of smell and some hear them speaking but they have not yet seen the Angels some they only see they have not yet heard from the Angels but you need to develop yourself in the realms of the Spirit number one meditation number two learning the languages of angels the number three you have to develop your visual [Music] we have a free book for you titled how to conquer water spirits by profit passion to download our latest books and find books for free please visit profit passion calm and click the button on top that says store welcome back you were watching the pathetic our profit passion profit person what you're talking about God is not triangle but if you have an imagination of a triangle god that type of a God will appear to you God uses what is in your imagination in order to communicate with you that is why many of you whenever you came to a place where we wanted to see God you saw an old man with white big beard with a big Rob I am your God because when you were a child growing up they showed you a picture they showed you videos of a man with long beard and says this is called the father and the man with false beard falling from up there coming down and when you look at the music this is Jesus so if Jesus is to appear in a dream is going to appear in that appearance simply because of one thing that's what is in your imagination so if you have not imagined a lion type of an angel you are not gonna see one if you have never imagined an ego type of an angel you will not see one there are types of angels there angels with the face of a lion Ezekiel chapter number one verse 10 speaks of angels with a face of a lion angels with the face of an eagle angels with the face of a human the angels with the face of an ox why are they having different faces because each face determines their functionality and God is using the face of a lion because that's the only imagination you have in mind in order for God to reach you to that level he lowers a visual to come to what you can comprehend so that your understanding can be to understanding of what you are seeing I will break it down again whenever God is about to speak to you you can never go above what is in your imagination so many people are out there and they do not understand that once God begins to do something important God stretches your imagination because it is in your imagination where you begin to see angels very tall or very small or write in your size according to the level of the imagination that you have so I'm talking to somebody right there disease I want to develop my vision III also wanna see angels the last level to see angel which is the fourth levels it's very simple find a man that is already seeing angels to pray over you because you can never allow a pasta we have never seen an angel to pray for you to see an angel it takes someone that is already in the house to open a door for someone that is outside of the house so find the man that is already seeing angel Summa find a man that understand about angels number one saw a seed into his life be it by saving be it by giving him money or gifts or talents or just be a blessing to him why do you have to do that you want to collect but the question is have you connected connect with your seed to collect what is in the man of God I'll break it down today a man code geass he is able to serve under a man called prophet Elijah because she is serving in the house of Elijah you come and knock the door and screaming onion look we are bowed to perish there is a great army around us what shall we do a Bible simple the Bible says at that specific time they looked when they looked what happened you could not see anything and the lies of the prophet lady hands of neem and he says from now on I've opened your eyes and when you open this physical I see spiritual eyes we also often and he saw angels he saw Cheerios he saw horses why is he singing angels now somebody prayed over him they are people that if they pray for you your eyes will be opened to see in the realms of the Spirit I have one of my sons in the Lord called Trevor which I prayed with 2003 and he have never seen angels free by that time the laid hands on him and began to speak in other tongues I bested in new tongues and I fed them knowing to move him and I felt something living my body and boom went into him immediately he began to speak in angelic tongues and looked we saw an angel coming walking past between us and both of us we looked at each other knowing what we have seen and when I began to tell you did you see this is a I saw this an angel like this and we began a coming at one and it takes a man who hears the angelic grace to share the same grass with you connect with your offering with a seed with a blessing with a heart of saving under the men that is already in the realm which you want to operate in this is the governor the Prophet passion Java I'm not going to be here for a long time today but I'm here to say that was a blessing that I have for you I will be praying with you over the phone go to my website prophet pass on calm and you register for a one-on-one program which I will be blessing you over the phone on a one-on-one phone called pray over you and I pray that the blessings of the Lord will remain with you I'm signing out prophet passion god bless you keep on keeping on and God will take you high and high subscribe to my YouTube account prophet person and watch more videos god bless you amen I hope he's been blessed by this wonderful message and powerful prophetic your patroness blesses many souls around the world to give or to partner with prophet fashion ministries please visit profit passion comm and click the button that says give
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 115,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: benny hinn, todd white, dan mohler, joyce meyer, chris oyakhilome, uebert angel, shepard bushiri, td jakes, noel jones, juanita bynum, joel olsteen, kanye west, drake, michael todd, steven furtick, elevation church, bethel church, hillsong church, tb joshua, emmanuel makandiwa, smith wigglesworth, dababy, the breakfast club 105.1, prophetic war, angelic visitation, angels, crazy prophecy
Id: pKK8d3V2dIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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