THE 7 REALMS OF APOKALYPSIS | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] in terms of the spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry him to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah Robert I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one same God with us and they are only saying Emmanuel what is that when I got to this place I saw an address like 80111 the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another nine I saw a tree I saw a zero I saw a pea it's like a baby or something like that I saw in doing this throwing seeds they are calling us [Music] that Larry osto improvi - a la carte le monde' profaned in quiche tacos de la vaca la mandelip rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista vara chaos a Bev reduced a acalypha and le bron de de la gloria stove radically Kista Avoca talam and a lie stick on Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka Providian aman de lange gatita labra delica akka Parvati Lomond a leap Rhonda vacati Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a mandala Costa Brava kushti korabik on telly telly bars over a Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale a caste ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Dalaman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounter I pray that every single angelic visitations that I've experienced may the lord favor you today may the Lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlock you in the prophetic today I released the solemn anointing upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether you're a pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things is gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] [Music] I've been I've been taken captive by the truth and I al I don't think I want to get out coming to this class I'm just tapping deeper into the spirit and I've learned that you need a doorway into the spirit and profit Lovi is that doorway and you can try to do it on your own but you will not get far at all you need a doorway it's actually really nice to just be able to engage and then listen to everybody's experiences and learn that we're all having the same thing we're all going through the same thing we're all lost and in the dark about the same stuff and for him to clear it up it's just been great I decided to come to prophetic school because I want to learn I want to learn from someone that has a relationship with Jesus that knows Jesus that it expresses Jesus out that I see Jesus through there's just been deep layers upon layers on things that the Prophet has been speaking on that is just like mind-blowing for favorite school was no other option there was no other option for my life or my family's life I tell you this is the best thing we've ever done when given the opportunity for something like a prophetic school I had to I didn't have a choice I will recommend it for anybody who wants to walk on this earth with God there's nothing like this this makes no sense that your father I hope you can be taken it do yourself and your future and your future generations the biggest blessing and favor and come and take part in this because you will not regret it I promise you I'm speaking from my own experience you have to learn to bring the battle to the devil stop allowing the devil to attack you you should be the one that is attacking him let me explain it those who clap may God give you more grace now listen and listen very well the devil in the first chapter of the Bible or the first book of the Bible in the third chapter Genesis chapter number three the devil is referred to as that seven as seven but if you move to revelations is called that old serpent that dragon meaning if you don't deal with the devil in the book of Genesis you don't deal with them in the beginning of your day if you don't deal with them in Deuteronomy you don't deal with them in the book of Acts you don't deal with him in the book of Revelation it becomes that old SAP and that dragon killing a snake is easier than killing a dragon many of you are dealing with dragons because you fail to kill a snake when God puts you in the garden where everything you ever needed is the devil will also be present [Music] because the one who holds on to what he has been given is the owner not the one who is given but the one who holds on to it is not how you start it's how you finish so if you don't deal with that snake and you let him become a dragon you'll be dealing with a dragon that is breathing out fire when you should have dealt with the snake that could you could just step on his head goddess tell me tell them you deserve it then God took me to some 103 and I saw the son of David now you have to ask yourself this question did they did become King because it because we worked for it or because God is too decided that you will be because God decided so you don't deserve things because you worked but because God decided alleluia the devil's work is for you to disqualify yourself from what God has already decided to give I think this is for people in the back the devil's mission is always to do one thing to make you see that you don't belong where you want to be in that you're not qualified to be where you're you are desiring to be help us Lord because in his mind he knows that you have been taught everything that you will have you have to work for it but there are things that are from Jesus that you can never work for he can only give you the Bible says up for yourself under the mighty hand of God and he shall lift you up not because you deserve it but because he decided may god elevate you this our heresy may God lift you up this hour we'll see in the realm of the Spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt [Applause] I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw her I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before us okay go to my mama Ghana spirit God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone it's like oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me gently oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M word for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing one thing about jewelry [Music] Papa I'm live so call you again love you love you okay follow mama bless you god bless everybody this is profit lobby that was my uncle pastor Simon and I love him so much and he's been a tremendous blessing in my life and I believe that God is gonna bless us today for what is going to happen so I'm so pleased to have you all and today I'm gonna share a mystery and a secret that I walk with that the Lord Jesus gave to me and I am going to share it with you and the reason why I'm going to share it with you is because the Lord Jesus desires that you move to another dimension in your ability to understand the things of the Spirit now apocalypsis simply means revelation but apocalypsis means more than revelation Humphry i'm veena watching from nairobi kenya god bless you apocalypsis means more than just revelation apocalypsis literally means to make naked - to strip it of everything else so that you can see it for what it is I want everybody to share this if you are ready to receive the spirit of apocalypsis in you hallelujah god bless everybody cabra Diaz Avila Keshia me Rhonda Geeta elaborate EOS Avila cattle a bar and a Laker hasta Eva rehtaeh maroon dekita avocado reined Augusta a lava Kusa protal agave may Vera Deus ova if you have share just type I have shared and and and God is going to bless you God is going to bless you tremendous so you need to capture this and you need to know this the spirit of Revelation is very necessary to every believer the spirit of Revelation is very essential you cannot live without it you cannot you cannot be a believer and not walk in the realms of Revelation you are going to be affected as a child of God that is why we have so many people they are preaching stale messages what do I mean by stale messages nothing they say can change anybody's life but it can only motivate somebody now motivation is not bad but motivation is not good because it preys on emotion it preys on feelings but when you become a spiritual man the Bible says that the Bible says it like this we don't move by sight but we move by faith so when you become somebody of maturity in the realm of the Spirit you no longer move by sight you do no longer move by what you hear Isaiah chapter Isaiah 11 speaks of the Lord Jesus and it says that you know he will not judge after the sight or by the hearing or what people say but you would judge with justice now that doesn't make sense how can I make a conclusion of something without seeing it or without hearing it is because he's no longer operating with the faculties or the abilities of man but is operating with the abilities of God a motivational speaker preys on your emotion but a spiritual speaker empowers your spirit so that you can see beyond the natural you can see beyond feelings I feel like I'm talking to myself I'm here with the great prophet Globus is on the phone with me I just I just I blew up his phone I believe he was in in in prayer so I had to catch him real quick and and I'm live but I'm glad to have him on the phone but listen to me and listen to me clearly there are seven realms of apocalypsis there are seven realms of Revelation I don't know if somebody is catching me that is why two people can read the same verse and see completely different things and they are all right but whoever has the deeper revelation will always be superior to the one that has the surface one somebody says my son Chika's is testifying uncle was extra deep yesterday what did you teach prophet you're quiet so I don't know if somebody's catching this there are seven wrongs seven realms of apocalypsis prophet I know you're about to do some stuff if you can watch and then I'll call you right after I say yes now we can oh yes yes so there are seven realms of apocalypses let me explain it to you like this a few days ago I taught you a little bit about the seven spirits of God now the seven spirits of God deal with seven rooms somebody's ready for this and it took God to have the seven spirits which is the one spirit manifested into three into seven persons or not seven persons but say if the Spirit of God has seven functions if we should say it in that way that is when the book of revelation the Lord Jesus is saying I am he that has the seven spirits you read Isaiah 11 he talks about it revelations chapter 5 revelations chapter 3 it's pointing to the seven spirits of God so it took God to have those seven to create everything that is in creation it took seven days for God to finish creation well somebody will say but it took six days nope it took seven let me explain to you god resting was part of the work because if you don't stop working then you're still working then you have not stopped creation so God had to make the seventh day a full stop a day of rest that even the Jews implemented it as a law that on the seventh day you have to rest if you don't rest you're sinning against God because the symbol of stopping to work is work itself there are people who never know when to stop so if God did not stop on the seventh day then Adam will not be in motion because God will still be doing things I don't know if somebody's catching you to buy you their YouTube my people on YouTube glory be to the living Jesus keep sharing and keep letting somebody know hallelujah now to push it a little a little deeper I want you to capture this your ability to see your ability to see the things of the Spirit your ability to understand the things of the Spirit is dependent on where you are in the realm of the Spirit let me say it again your ability to see your ability to understand is based on where you are in the realm of the spear it let me let me put it like this tabs one on one sister day don't worry guys I'm gonna get to H and everybody now I want you to capture this let me give you a verse go to the book of Hebrews Hebrews chapter 13 can you tell the kids who closed their door because they allowed Hebrews chapter 13 verse 3 Hebrews chapter 30 Bruce chapter 11 verse 3 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 sorry Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 sorry it's Hebrews 11:3 Hebrews 11:3 Hebrews 11:3 Hebrews 11:3 so as I was saying whoever is on a higher tower can see further than the person on the first floor and the person on the third floor can definitely see better than the person on the first floor a person on the second floor even though they cannot see that much father but they can definitely see further than the person on the first floor but the person on the seventh floor can see further than anybody on the first second third and fourth and fifth and sixth floor I don't know if somebody's catching this Hebrews chapter 11 verse three are you ready listen to this through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are things which are seen were not made of things which do appear let me read it one more time through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen what not made of things which do appear now how can you understand through faith I thought faith is believing that you have but there is a dimension of faith which is rooted in understanding that through that faith you can see I'm gonna say it again through faith one can see but as everybody see through faith or that somebody believe in in God doing something for them to receive it but you notice Hebrews their posture is saying Apostle Paul is saying through faith we understand how can faith give understanding I think people are not catching me there is a dimension of faith that it is no longer about believing but it is a dimension of understanding I feel like I'm talking to myself through faith we understand there's a level of faith that God can bring you to that everything you're seeing they're everything that you're seeing that everything you're seeing is through understanding you're not seeing to comprehend any more but as you see you are understanding because you're seeing through faith is somebody there there's a faith that you say okay lord I believe this you have said it I'm gonna have it but there's somebody who is operating by I am understanding through faith those are two different realms they are both in faith but they are two completely different realms there is somebody who is seeing faith as a means of receiving something and there is an add-on who's operating in a higher dimension where faith is now the ability to understand because they are no longer using what you use to understand that God is good they already can see through faith that God is good our own else our body is catching this may the Lord Jesus give us the grace to understand this you can understand through faith and remember understanding is not just believing because God said so is having the mind of Christ to comprehend how it's going to work together and how it worked together everybody always is in this dimension whatever God says he will work for my good but they don't know how it's going to work out so they go through difficult times they hold on to God but they are those who understand why this is happening why that is happening why this is happening and how it is going to play together let me give you an example I don't know if you are catching me let me give you a deeper example let me give you an example when Joseph was in prison this is in the book of Genesis when Joseph was in prison there is something interesting that happened one day he's in prison and two men come into the prison the cupbearer and the Baker after he had ministered to them he said you you are going to go back to the palace and you you're going to be put to death now you have to understand the blood the wine represents the blood and bread represents the body I don't know if somebody wants me to break this down so he knew because the one who had the blood because of the blood of Jesus he already had foresight as a prophet he understood that because of the cup that was carrying wine that represented the blood of Christ that he will be spared but the bread represents the flesh the body that will be broken in you this one who died but he looked beyond that what the cup bearer had and he said when the time comes don't forget me remember me before the king how did he know that this person will need to be remembered because he knew that there was a situation that was going to happen that the cup bearer will be put to remembrance by who helped him to come out of prison when he spoke to them he was simply faith that they were receiving and encouragement but the one who was speaking at the spirit of understanding he understood what you were saying through faith may you understand where you are in the name of Jesus that God can push you to a higher dimension and a higher level to be a blessing to many to win many before the coming of the Lord Jesus remember the cup represents the suffering and the wine represents the blood I feel like I'm by myself are you there Facebook are you there Facebook Facebook Facebook glory be to the living Jesus he lives for ever and ever and ever more from beginning everlasting he's been alive and he will ever be because he holds all things together it is in him we move and have our being hallelujah now capture this capture this facebook are you there Facebook keep sharing and sharing and sharing so there are seven realms of apocalypsis every verse you read in the Bible not every chapter not every book every single verse you read in your Bible has seven dimensions has seven levels of apocalypsis has seven levels of apocalypsis I don't know if somebody is catching me every single verse has seven realms within it because remember what the Lord Jesus said he said the words I speak to you their spirit and their life every single verse you have ever seen in your scriptures has seven realms of apocalypsis and in whatever realm you choose to live in determines what you're going to reap out of it our fish or chick is everything every single verse you have ever seen in your Bible has seven realms of Revelation haven't you ever noticed when prophet lava comes on any reads of us do you alike but I read this why did I never see it can o people operate with with the perspective which is not bad but perspective is not revelation perspective is how you are still choosing to see but it's not about you seeing it's about what does God see revelation is God's opinion perspective is man's perception hello can somebody hear me Jody P exactly glory be to Jesus that is why anybody who tells you anybody who comes and tells you find Jesus for yourself they are lying to you God is not a fool to put ministers on the earth because he knows it is not for everybody to see some of these things but there is somebody who needs to bring that understanding to you haven't you ever noticed that the more understanding you receive the greater your faith is that you move from just believing in something but in knowing that something is a certain way LeBron doe Kista Avila Kia MiraCosta Aluva para Viet le monde' Legia labra Deus of acoustic Alan DiBiase Locklear IOSCO impro Davila Previn da Liga Sevilla and a la Costa Varia Tosta a column and a LeBron the idea is somebody catching this I don't know if somebody's getting this glory be to the living Jesus let me show you something go to your Bible go to the book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 23 Matthew 6:23 Matthew chapter 6 verse 23 but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness now let me say it again but if then I be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness I'm gonna break it down and explain it let's use your natural eyes when there is a lot of light what happened to you what happens to your pupils they narrow down they focus the light better they narrow down to see but if there is no light your pupils expand in order for it to capture more light is that making sense to somebody now light that you carry cannot turn into darkness without you even knowing meaning we have greater light and little light if I have less light it doesn't mean that there is no darkness around me it means there is some darkness but there is also some light but the more light I have the less darkness is around me now darkness represents the lack of knowing or the ability not to see let me show it to you I'll explain it even deeper go to Isaiah chapter five verse 22 21 as their chapter 5 Isaiah chapter 5 verse 22 21 listen to this war unto them that call evil good and good evil they put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter war unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight should I leave it read it one more time let me read it one more time woe unto them that call evil good and good evil they put darkness for light and light for darkness they put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter war unto them that that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight listen to this there are some people we have in church that don't know the difference between light and darkness they can't tell the reason why they cannot tell the difference between light and darkness is because they carry some light and they carry some darkness and they cannot differentiate because let me tell you something let me let me break it down a little bit let's go to the scriptures this will shock somebody go to sums 1 139 verse 12 are you ready do you have it yeah all right really yay the darkness hide is not from thee but the night shine it as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to thee one more time yay the darkness hide is not from thee but the night shine as the day the darkness and the light both so darkness is light the problem is you perceive light the way we perceive in this world but that's not what that's not what light darkness is go to Genesis chapter 1 read verse verse 3 to 4 I'm gonna read it for you Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 Facebook keep sharing YouTube periscope keep sharing and keep sharing and keep sharing now listen to this verse 3 to 4 Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 if you find it in in the last if you find it in the middle of your Bible we need to deliver you and your Bible Genesis is the first book of the Bible in the first chapter that's where we are now listen to this and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good the light was what good and God divided the light from the darkness I don't know if somebody's catching this the word divided there's the word in Greek ba da ba da L but that means to separate to bring a distinction between but that means to separate how do you divide life from darkness if we shine this light right now that we are using for the stream if we turn it off it will be dark if we turn it on there is light how do you divide them now if you go to John chapter 1 it makes sense now John chapter 1 what does it say he says and the light shine it in darkness how can light shine inside of darkness look at that ah Stephanie you are deep she's deep Wow Stephanie my daughter is deep she said white light has seven colors in it red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet deep extra deep how does light shine inside of darkness doesn't light dispersed darkness yeah so when God said let there be light he saw a lot of darkness and there was light within darkness that he divided and made two sources of light one light is called light and another one is called darkness but they are both light let me go even deeper go to first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 I'm going to explain it first corinthians this is one of my favorite book in the bible chapter two verse number seven but we speak the wisdom of God of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory now look what is a mystery I mean mystery is something hidden a mystery simply something that is hidden mystery is something hidden so there are truths that God has revealed and there are truths that I hid him greater light is actually hidden and lesser light is revealed that is why it says spiritual things can be understood by the spiritual an economy cannot receive them we have people in the church that you can tell them God is gonna bless you they will never believe not because they are not a Christian but that cannot enter into their mind the ability to receive that I feel like I'm talking to myself mysteries God says if they be prophets among you I will make myself known to them by vision and dreams and duck speeches meaning hidden ways I feel like somebody's not understanding what I'm trying to say I wish somebody could understand what I'm saying is somebody catching this glory be to Jesus glory be to the living Jesus are you capturing these children are you capturing it are you understanding it are you understanding it somebody are you understanding it let me let me explain a little more for somebody to really get this there are things that are obvious scripturally and there are things that I heed him so when you grab the Bible and you're about to read it you will see according to the dimension that you are in no amount of studying will ever give you the spiritual meaning of things it's all based upon your walk with God in your spiritual level in the realm of the Spirit when I was a young boy and I was observing my uncle pastor Simon and I used to observe him and the things that he would say and I was so shocked how can this man have an understanding of these things how is it possible but it was the spiritual dimension that he was operating and functioning in so you will always receive and understand according to the spiritual dimension that you stand in I believe that God wants me to teach this so that you can move to another level by listening to what I'm telling you you understand and receive what God has for you beyond just the ability to see beyond just what somebody told me but knowing that you know that you know that you know that it is a reality whether it is healing that you're believing for whether it is breakthrough whether it may be whatever you want God to do for you but you enter into that place that you know that you know that you know that you know hallelujah let's read another verse go to Matthew chapter 20 verse 15 Matthew 20 15 mm-hmm is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine oh yes is then I evil because I notice he's asking them your eyes evil that's what you're thinking everything that I'm doing that is good is bad now remember the scripture said the Lord Jesus said the entrance of thy word giveth light so before you can have understanding just the fact that you are somewhere where you're being fed the Word of God something happens to you you begin to receive light and in due time the mysteries of them of God and the mysteries that are hidden will start to become normal to you you begin to see them without any choice without anything I began to understand God better by who God put me next to by being next to my uncle I grew up seeing deeper by the time I am now ministering my standard is already so high by who I was listening to because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God not hearing the Word of God but hearing by the Word of God meaning faith comes only when you hear Jesus not when you hear a preacher but when you hear somebody that is speaking revelation is speaking apocalypsis now you are listening to Jesus because somebody who is speaking motivation it's not Jesus speaking somebody who is speaking something that will change you as a person lifts you up as a person make you into a greater person in the sight of God and useful in the eyes of God now you are listening to Jesus let me tell you if people had the spirit of Revelation there's a lot of churches that people will not go to they will understand that they are wasting their time Jesus is coming too soon and they are not equipped to do anything for the kingdom of God he faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God not by the words of God not by the words of God never by the words of God hearing by the Word of God big difference huge difference you can hear the Word of God or you can hear by the Word of God when I speak I count everything I know to be nothing I just want to speak what Jesus is speaking that is why so many of you that watch you always say Papa our lives have changed you don't understand the level of intimacy that we are working with God how close we are to God now how now the things that were impossible are becoming possible how all these things are changing they are changing why you are hearing and hearing by the Word of God you're not hearing because because it's a good word you are hearing by the Word of God that is what God wants you to have God wants you to hear by his word who is the word the word is the living Jesus who is the word the word is the living Jesus the word is the living Jesus the word is the living Jesus you know I was I was listening to I always observe this one thing let me tell you one thing that I observed within myself I always hear the testimonies of people how God has used me to bless their life there's one thing that I always pay attention to they always said this one thing they always say you know when I hear you speak there's a sense of calm there's a sense of peace even if you're not talking about scripture or anything like that it just feels like I'm listening to the Lord that's when you know that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me so your I can be evil what does that mean your understanding can be Cora did that will make every man of God you see think that they want to take money from you let me talk to some people many of you because you don't know the difference between light and the darkness of Hell and the mysteries of God which are also dark which is also referred to as darkness not in the sense of evil but duck in the sense that it takes you to carry the understanding of God for you to see through it and to comprehend it you have given your resources to people who don't carry anything that would benefit you now because you saw that and you saw that they were wicked do you think everybody that is preaching the gospel to you is a thief you think everybody that is speaking to you wants to steal your money wants to take from you once to rob you is thinking of how they are going to rob you and make themselves rich that is foolishness simply because you cannot see you have demonized everybody yet they are true servants of God that are doing the work of God winning souls because Jesus is coming but because of one time you could not see instead of that making you pray better to now know the difference you have demonized everybody let me tell you when I post things even on Instagram a simple message like faith is the manifestation of your prayer a person wrote is saying why are you twisting the Bible even how can you you know that person is in darkness they can't see Jesus is saying when you pray believe and it is done is telling you your faith is the manifestation if you pray without faith God is answering faith God is not answering words but that person believes is a scripture it believes in all Scripture and example is this let me give you an example listen to this carefully the Bible says in the Book of Numbers that Moses went to God and told God God I am tired of of ministering and doing this work by myself I need help God said God has 70 elders and I would take of your spirit and put it in them God was saying I would divide your spirit into seventy people and the Bible says on that day 70 prophets 72 prophets because there are other two that were outside they were not even coming into the tent but they received the same spirit of Moses that day in Israel there were 72 prophets added but when a prophet lays hands on somebody and say I release I impart of you my spirit from today you shall walk as a prophet of God they will say only God makes prophets yet your scriptures is showing you that if I give you a part of me what does that mean are you understanding so a lot of people are in darkness because they are using they are seeing after their own sight let me show you go to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 I know I'm throwing a lot of scriptures and then I will break down and then I will explain to you the seven dimensions and the seven realms go to verse seven Genesis chapter 3 verse 7 Genesis chapter 7 Genesis chapter no Genesis chapter 3 verse 7 sorry Genesis chapter 3 verse 7 Genesis chapter 3 verse 7 Genesis chapter 3 verse 7 Genesis 3:7 are you there now listen and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons I'm gonna leave I'm gonna read that again are you ready their eyes now this one would be a deep revelation I hope you are ready and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons now capture this meaning Adam and Eve never used their sight they walk like this because their eyes to be opening means that they close the spiritual to open the physical I wish somebody's understanding this I don't know if somebody's capturing this their eyes were opened and they knew how do they know through their physical eyes I don't know if somebody's capturing this chicas you are becoming a spirit hello is somebody listening to this and their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked how did they know they were naked through their physical sight remember when God created them he says and the man and the woman saw that they were naked and they were not ashamed why because they saw it through the eyes of the Spirit but the moment their eyes were opened in the natural they saw shame now the word apron that you see there is C H AG or WR c h a g or WR qug or that's how you say it kargh or what does Kagome mean a belt I built they made themselves a belt now what does the Bible says when he saying put on the full armor of God your googly let me see if somebody knows belt represents truth that holds everything together truth they made themselves their own truth because if they cover themselves they did not need to go and hide behind trees and bushes because when God came they said that we are hiding because we are naked if they had made a covering for themselves they would have not needed to hide somebody is not understanding the belt of truth they cargo they took a belt and put a belt on themselves but when God comes they're running in the bushes and hiding saying we are naked if you depend if you depend on your own sight you make your own your own belt of truth that is actually not truth I don't know if somebody's capturing this they started seeing their own truth Isaiah chapter 44 verse 18 to 20 Isaiah 44 18 to 20 you have it Isaiah 44 18 to 20 you have it okay read it for he had shut their eyes and their hearts that they cannot understand uh-huh and none considerate in his heart neither is their knowledge no understanding to say I have burned part of it in the fire the a also I have baked bread upon the poles there are are you are you getting what he's saying I've baked the bread on the coals uh-huh I have roasted flesh notice what they say because they have eyes but their eyes are shut and their heart is shut to understand they are baking bread on coal and they don't understand that they burnt it all I think I'm talking to the wrong people Facebook are you there I'm just trying to help somebody facebook facebook facebook hallelujah hahaha Facebook is on let me let me see periscope you somebody what him says profit love you are serious I see your heart that's why I want to feed from you I usually don't comment on people but you are for real we thank the Lord Jesus it's all by grace now listen to this let me give maybe one more verse proverbs 26 12 proverbs 26 12 and then we shall we shall wrap it up and move on you're ready I hit me see s thou a man wise in his own conceit there is more of a fool than of him Wow everybody my uncle is on Facebook right now his name is Simon Gill Zulu Mackesy please comment and like his post as much as you can if that man never existed you would not be having me right now I spent more time with him more than even my biological father the root of who I am is in this man he was the beginning of it all I want everybody to like and like and like and like even him to call me man of God is like almost shocking because to me is really like he's the man that raised me in his house when he would be fasting when he would be praying I would follow him behind like a dog would follow its master I'm telling you the knowledge and the revelation that he carries is not even human without him I would not be here right now you see me delivering people I saw him do it first i-i've seen some things with him let me share testimony there was somebody in the occult that was sent to kill him and this person came in different forms many times and the person failed every time one day he decided to go to my uncle's office with a woman to pretend like he has a problem so that he can be prayed for and they came in the office but he was carrying a weapon to kill my uncle they sit in the office and he's about and them woman begins to speak Oprah he says no no no no let's pray fast the moment he opened his mouth the woman got her handbag and ran out and the young man stayed there confused and that's the day that guy was arrested and the Lord arrested that man and the guy started confessing a you have been giving us trouble in the city I was assigned to kill you I've done I've tried to do this and do this and now he's one of the men of God that he has raised that is really powerful that this guy was in the dark in the depth of wickedness and he'll the day that he was praying for him one day I was with him in the office and he always took me with him and we would sit down and he was praying for him all of a sudden I will never forget that day I always shared this story with him all of a sudden everything began there was a physical earthquake in the room I'm not saying outside in the room I felt you know I felt death take me I felt my spirit being pulled out of me and I felt like I was dying and I began to pray in the spirit like he had taught me how to and when I came back to consciousness and everything is stabilized I found my uncle and the guy on his knees arrested bound and that day my uncle looked at me and said he said if you are not really called by God you would have died that is a dangerous man I can't remember I think I was like maybe a knight no 10 I was young I was really really young super super young yeah I was I was the same age with Andrew I'll never forget let me let me push this now did you get the verse did you get did I give of us I think I gave something proverbs 26 reads I read that again one more time so I hope as mortal as as our fool has more Hope than somebody who is wise in their own sight because a fool can be instructed a fool can be instructed but somebody who is wise in their own sight a fool has more hope and remember how fool usually doesn't have hope but compared to somebody we sing through his own sight a fool has more hope I don't know if somebody's catching this I'm just trying to help somebody let me explain to you I'm gonna break them down and I'll break this teaching in a few parts the first dimension of apocalypse is in every scripture that you read in every verse that you read the first one has to do with the physical man it reveals God in the natural things it brings light but in the voice of a man in the surface regular base you begin to know that ah you know Jesus is Lord you begin to follow him you begin to know about him II just know there is a good God you know you are still not living for him as you should but you are that level whereby you read the Bible like a story because it is a story if you are on that first apocalypsis the first dimension he did it for you he can do it for me somebody's in a greater light he is saying he's not saying he did it for you do it for me he says he's doing it for me because he did it for you different not he will he is doing I don't know if somebody's getting this hallelujah YouTube YouTube YouTube I you there I want somebody to capture this their first level is what you bring to people they start knowing they can grab the Bible and and read it like a story they are still not seeing anything usually those people and you hit them with revelation dos amen I need to read my word more because they are sure that there is nothing like that in there even if you are to show them a simple thing like your faith is the manifestation they don't really believe they just know that you pray because it's the right thing to do but prayer is nothing more than that to them they don't even know that it's talking to God to them it is complaining to God is pouring your heart to God beyond any result because the first dimension brings light you start to see that there is something more than where you are the second dimension begins to bring separation go to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 thank you Lord Jesus the second day if you read the first day God called created light so that there is now if you read it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth meaning the heavens and the earth already existed but in the dimension of men it was not the way it's supposed to be it but as fast God was it was already like that so God creates light and caused one light day and the other one night so the first the first thing that happens when God comes is it brings light into your life so you can see oh you can pray there is a god somewhere God is good I can read the Bible oh oh wow God did this for the Egyptians but it has nothing direct to do with you yet you are just beginning to see on the second day God created created this the sky and though he separated between the waters on the ground and the waters in Heaven's and called it the sky and the bottom one he called it the Fermin he called it the famine and the we can read it let me read it let me explain it better verse 6 he says and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament heaven and the evening and the morning were the second day notice this the second dimension starts removing you from the earth you begin to know that there is somewhere up there and there is somewhere down here before that everything was just mixed you can see but you can't really tell what is what you are still caught up in the in the in the realm of I believe God you are good person if you do good because you still cannot separate the Bible says as their heavens are above you so am i my thoughts in my thinking and my my ways above yours so the second dimension you begin to know that the mind of God and the mind of man the ways of man and the ways of God are different you begin to understand that there is a higher standard called heaven and there is a lower standard earth somebody in the first dimension is living for self but the second dimension begins to make you see that there is something beyond where I am the third dimension deals with self knowing that I cannot grasp the things of the heavens on my own I can't I cannot do it because the moment the heavens and the the waters above and the waters on the ground are separated you immediately see yourself for who you really are you know there are people in the church somebody can be killing stealing and it's all good I'm not saying judge people we never condemn or judge people but they don't even see it to be wrong but when somebody begins to see themselves for who they are it puts them on the path to Calvary now they genuinely decide that I need Jesus I need the living Jesus they may have gotten saved because they were afraid of Hell without really understanding the whole story but now they are really understanding their need for walking with God and needing God and they understand that they are flesh they are in sin that the only way they can conquer sin is to die so the third dimension has to do with total and complete surrender to the Living God the Bible says the goodness of God brings men to repentance you have seen God for who he is you have seen his ways are higher than us but he's still reaching out to us to you it changes and transforms you you want to live for him now you want to walk after him ah pan men so much family today on YouTube pan Phil that's my cousin we grew up in the same house wow I'm so blessed I'm so blessed to see bro now capture this let this enter your spirit the third dimension leads to the cross the third dimension relates to the cross where you understand that for you to live is only death because there is no life in you there is only life in him and that is why number three is also the number of God divine completion so the first three dimension deal with the physical man not the spiritual man I'll say it again the first three dimension deals with the physical man not the spiritual man it deals with your physical understanding it deals with your flesh and it deals with your submission and humility it literally crushes you now if you want to know somebody if you want to know somebody that has gone through these three steps or these three levels there is something that is usually obvious they just want to do God's will they will never judge anybody because them themselves I've done wrong they know it is not about me anymore now they are in the place where they know it is about God and their hunger is to do God's will they are not they have no problem submitting because now they understand the power of submission they will not gossip because they know those are things of people here not people there they spend their words in prayer is somebody capturing this I want somebody to really understand this Facebook are you there the first three dimension deals with a natural man completely with the natural man number three is the number of divine completion of fullness because God is a triune God one God three manifestations number three is also the number of resurrection new beginning when somebody gets to this third level then they are now beginning a new life I don't know if somebody's capturing this if you're capturing just type amen type a and type a main time it means so that I know that you are there I don't know if somebody's catching hello you're there now number four or the fourth dimension ah god I don't know if somebody is catching this I am trying to see how I can explain this the easiest way the number four is the number of creation where God starts to create animals and things like that is the number of creation you are now becoming a new creature completely new beginning number three you are dying number four you are now resurrected you are a completely different person and remember on the fourth day it started marking seasons you are a new person this is now the dimension whereby this is the dimension whereby you are starting afresh this is the part that now you are studying a new life but also in number four you understand something that you cannot live the way you used to live you have to live differently and it is number four that you learned something that changes everything you learn that it is not about you and what you can do it is about what Jesus has already done and completed the fifth dimension of apocalypsis pushes you into grace you understand that anything that I can do to justify myself before God is filthy rags but everything that I believe that he has done is what justifies me before him so you begin to understand God who heal people God would deliver me God would do this God would do this because of His grace not because of what I can do it changes you you begin to become somebody who is dependent on the grace of God nothing anybody can do but you know I am because of His grace I am because of His grace I am because of his unmerited favor you understand everybody can fall but it is grace that catches you and you fall you will understand that the grace of God is able to reach anybody at anytime your life begins to be dependent on God's grace and mercy that is provided for you versus what you can do let me tell you when you see me God using me to heal people to prophesy accurately like I do all these things is because of grace I never earned it you can't earn anything from God God doesn't give you something because you fasted God gives you something because he wants you to have it you fast because fasting changes us he doesn't change God God is the same yesterday today and forever God is never gonna change but those things change us to be in a better position to receive from him those things position us to be in a better position to receive from him but he doesn't change him so they're people that always think that what I'm doing is gonna make God do this is gonna make do that that is why you're still stuck you love God you do everything you think that I'm gonna by God's favor because I'm giving tithe I'm gonna by God's favor because I'm giving seed you can't brand good you can't brag God cannot be deceived you can't bribe him you give because you know that he has already given you how can you buy unconditional love listen carefully and conditional love means there is no condition but you are trying to create a condition thinking that that condition will make god bless you you are trying to create a condition that will make God do something yet God is saying listen I have unconditional love for you meaning there is nothing you can do to end it you just need to receive it iiiii feel like I'm on my own I feel like I'm by myself holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus unless you understand the power of grace you can never enter into the sixth dimension which is where the completion of man because number six represents the number of man is the day man was completed that is when you become a complete man because remember grace deals with your soul it makes you abandon your feelings abandon what you think abandon evil and believe in what God has done meaning there is a renewal of your of your soul number six deals with being a complete man because that is the day that man was completed in creation this is the dimension that you become a complete man you have physical bodies complete your spiritual body is complete hallelujah and your spirit man is is complete I don't know if somebody's catching me glory be to his holy name let me finish it now let me see if people remember type number one to seven let me see if you got it then I'll give you the last one [Music] Kiribati otter Libra Costa a lava Kusa a lava Kayaba Reza dista evocatively Monday Proteus Ibaka Hara Diaz OVA catiusa Bharatiya say thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord is Jesus people have got it people are catching it let me finish it now our people have it number seven are you ready for this number seven you enter into now the dimension of the rest of God now you have entered the realm of God now now you have entered their heavenly realm you have entered the place of rest because now you are functioning by sitting in heavenly places with Christ Jesus versus being down there because all these steps who are raising you up to enter into the rest of heaven on the seventh day God rested from all his work when you enter the seventh dimension now you are entering the rest of God you will be no longer functioning just like a regular man but you'll be functioning like a spiritual man your prayer will be because you are with God your declarations will be because you are with God your words will be coming from a place where God is whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven because you are also in heaven with God you are now in a completely different dimension from a regular man you become like the Lord Jesus when you pray people say what manner of man is this because you have conquered the physical things and you have entered the spiritual things this is the room now seeing angels is no longer a problem getting visitations from God is becoming normal it is no longer bound here but this is the foundation that has launched you there this is the realm whereby you meet people you have an answer for somebody you become useful in the hands of God or I wish somebody could hear this this is the room now that when you speak when you read you are seeing things as God is seeing it when you see in the big you know that in the beginning is a location it is not a time because there was no time your understanding is different now you see in the beginning you know that in the beginning is not a time line because your understanding is expanded from the physical things to their spiritual things I wish somebody could understand this I wish somebody could catch this you now start understanding that the beginning is a location it is not a timeline because if it is time when will you put it when will you put time because in order for material things to happen or to work you need three things time space and matter you need time space and matter yeah but I create a who creates time space and matter is not in it or else you cannot create it is outside of it so you now understand that these three things that make the physical realm and the invisible realm exist they really exist inside of a person they'd not react Syst independent of a person you have time to go on Facebook because Zuckerberg what is his name what is his first name Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook so you now made time for Facebook because he created a time for you to be on something if he never created Facebook you would not have time to say I'm going on Facebook you'll be doing something else but he created something that would take people's time to be on it I wish somebody could catch this YouTube by you there YouTube YouTube by you there hallelujah this is the dimension of now acting like God you say in the name of Jesus I decree and declare tomorrow I will prosper and tomorrow you'll prosper because you created time space and matter through your words because of the dimension that you're operating from you are no longer operating within these things you are no longer limited or given an advantage by these things but you are the one who is creating them to your own advantage I just want to pray for somebody right now that God will elevate to your standard your ability to understand to hear and to comprehend in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus father I pray for everybody that is coming on I pray that there would be a new beginning and a transformation for each and every one of them may they enter into a place of knowing like never before may they go through these stages according to your Will O Lord and perfect them in the right time you say you make everything beautiful in its time meaning everybody has a different process and everybody has a different time I pray that this will be their time that they will enter into that place of divine completion that they will truly sit in heavenly places with Christ Jesus that their authority will not only be in words but will be in deeds that when they speak there will be power that will change things that many will be saved in their own family and people around them father I thank you that this is done and complete in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus I want everybody right now if you have not signed up for prophetic school I want you to go and do it if you want to give go to prophet lo vidcom and you can give from there I love you so much may God increase you and God bless you there are greater things that I'm gonna push it even deeper how to navigate through them how to navigate through them how to navigate through them in the next maybe maybe tonight I'll come back on or maybe tomorrow we'll see how God leads us but I Love You God bless you I want you to rewatch this and let this really enter you let it let it be digested in you may your eyes be open in the name of Jesus let it be something that will change people in the mighty name of Jesus I thank you Lord that this is done that this is complete in Jesus mighty name amen and amen and amen it's done for everybody you're blessed Shalom Shalom [Applause] blessings everybody this is prophet La Vie and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things is gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you is the profit Lobby Shalom Shalom [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,927
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, excel
Id: yt5BopE5-RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 37sec (6517 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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