How to Find Your Spiritual Father || Prophet Passion Java

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God says there's a tenner on that is coming to your house I'm hoping in the realm of the Spirit I am seeing Pamela Pamela Pamela I cc-can't even get up sick and Mira but she's stuck in bed this like stupid reading this stupid holding on and she don't know what to do so you know what to do but that God says a turnaround is about the way I see what I see in bed to support life Rodney genealogy last level of prophecy hey everybody my name is prophet fortune Jedi I was prophet passion broadcast and my life was never the same and yours can change to watch I know what is coming [Music] yeah you know and sometimes people they will praise their ones I just don't she's beautiful inside she's beautiful inside you are driving I see an accident taking place and I'm talking about a car that has a car plate BC [Music] when you don't even member your prophetic waste like wait they freak me out right now [Music] cheers Lily Jonah [Music] follow Lily Java on Facebook and Instagram greetings everybody this is prophets a visionary son of the Gotha if you are watching me right now it means that you are in the right place at the right time you need to get the revelation of the day and I guarantee you that your life will be catapulted and nothing will ever remain the same in your life again People of God stay bless this is me signing out love you [Music] [Music] greetings this is profit artist and prophetic cipher and I'm here in South Africa with the great Goff of profit passion himself and ever since I've connected to this ministry my life has never been this same I encourage you matter of fact I decree and declare that you connect with this grace so it's your life will never be the same as well [Music] profit passion calm visit our website today [Music] [Music] this is best old NCW james senior pastor at the transformation Center in Tampa for I just wanna let you know that we broadcast from passion profits java ministries is a life changing experience the difference between your next and you now is your knowledge the knowledge can jettison to you from where you are to where God has allowed you to be get connected today God change your life [Music] KTV today shopkins prophecy fatal accident canceled [Music] shocking prophecy by profit passion Java [Music] genealogy last level of prophecy stay tuned for more viewing [Music] feeling I am swept up in this lost and lonely plane but then you surround me with your heavenly embrace you open up the head and I can see all the angels come down and me you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made not broken hardwood and the angel said [Music] [Music] [Music] meeting all your PI day you say no more hiding cuz you're a me and not you my eyes are open wicked God by my side I see a kingdom coming in your love bye-bye you know what show me see God will find filled it's all your glory from the ashes all right [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh king of khang [Music] you [Music] king of khang [Music] god bless everyone thank you so much for tuning in we are so excited to have you here tonight or today during this afternoon to come together and to learn more about sonship about about fatherhood spiritual fatherhood and I would love to see what it is that you have to have questions and to inquire about with the prophets as I will be here today to end with you asking all of these questions to the Gotha prophet passion drama the most trusted name in the prophetic there is nobody else that I have ever encountered that is like him he prophesized deep to into your history I have seen him direct addresses direct phone numbers and Social Security numbers and it's such forensic prophecies that we have never ever seen that ever anywhere else so tonight or today we come together and we can ask all of the questions that you may have so be sure that as you are watching you are also asking questions that as I am watching the feed to make sure that if you have jotted down a question we can ask here alive as we are here with prophet passion Java so make sure that you are writing down your questions so that we can get those answers for you I am here today with prophet passion Java prophet thank you so much for giving us time for coming here and just giving us that opportunity to ask you all of the questions well it is a good and exciting to be sitting here and forgetting to get people may have some answers in whatever we talk about it yes yes so we are here to talk about fatherhood and sonship sudden your children's father fatherhood and retention so with that being said can you initially explain to us what is a spiritual father a spiritual father simply means this is Miss British sauce its it is nothing more than spirit or sauce in the basis that the way the other is the way that derived and named or father in English but the the root code from that word from the Greek miss papa that is why the Bible says I did not give you this spirit of fear but the spirit of Liberty in which we shall crawl unto other so the word Abaddon is a sauce so when we say my spiritual father we are saying my spiritual sauce the purpose is you i like the devil your father would live from the beginning in the back was not saying that they will give back to these people but the bible was simply telling us that the devil is the source of all eyes because album in the sauce so when we say spirit or father were saying this is my spiritual source that is why we see father's are different only a postures and prophets according to Ephesians still to differ only fathers of the church only are posters in a problem but not for apostles and not for profit but they are apostles and prophets that are called in assignment of fathering people and those people now they're a source that get direct stuff from God and release it to the human race so if I stayed City and I said I am a spiritual father I'm saying I am escrito sauce in which for example at UM mentioned me from a sign forensic in the prophetic where I can go for generation behind yesterday I was imitating New York City professor a man from his father was born 18 18 and he is born 1923 90 year old and then the effeminately 450 generation and when I come here and I say I am your spirit of our another words an onion splitter sauce to get into that level of the forensic where you can prophesy like that my spiritual father is Bishop Noel Jones and he is Father's Day I can never follow anybody who does not follow anybody that's the the main problem we have in the chest today we have people that cleanse people to follow them but they don't follow anybody they review people but nobody can repeat them so the word spiritual father only means the sauce I have my sauce in the realms of the spirit that can guide me directly and and young men that live my life so spiritual father means my spiritual sauce in whatever I operated because that is the ayat I give unto thee Wow that is profound so you have mentioned actually that to be a spiritual father you must be also fathered you should be unto us a child is born unto us a son is given governments of the upon disorders each of Americans wonderful the everlasting father but he is not studying as a father he's starting as a child born and the son given a governement upon his shoulders mighty culture wonderful then he gets to a level with a father so you can never be a mentor unless your teacher we have to move on proteges to a mentor you to move on a son and to becoming a father the Bible says as long as a child is to a child which is an appearance we differs not from a seven but when he is appointed which is BAM Ezra when he is appointed he have become a son in the house now has a right to everything in the house and it's about seven no from that venue Crutcher to become a father so you can never keep it unless we even then Wow so you are saying that even to grow to that spiritual level of being a father there are steps steps to it you cannot just become a spiritual father unless you have been really are big steps and if you're watching them you are you are not in a prophetic school you need to sign in to hate and get our new course where I dealt with the seven gifts of God the Father returned remains of the number say chattering a material from his number six and also 90s of a Holy Spirit are in the prophetess coitus at another trio form is number eight and the fivefold ministry of Jesus Christ the gifts of our Lord Jesus which I teach in certain number four from base number eleven and what I was telling which hp's they can never be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit and that the gifts of the Spirit in your life unless you start from the gifting of the father because the gifts and operations they start from the counterplot then we get into the inner part then we get into the Holy of Holies in the outer part we have the operation of the gifts of the Father the gift of jobs the gifts of exhortation the gift of mercy the gifts of giving you have to give me we have to to serve you have to help you have to clean the church you have to surface so you can just get into the church and go to the mind without becoming an author without cleaning the shoes of a man of God you can never walk in his element that is why Elijah came to Elijah as a seven calling him master and the Bible says that he was washing the hands of the Prophet in other words he was removing dirty from the life of the men of God so that the man of God is always in the right place at the right time so many people are in a place way they don't want to be in the outer court because the outer for this wave you know I'm anointed in powerful I am blessed I have a big calling other have a big assignment but one problem I have to say before I am saved by other people because you can only report you so if you have never opened a drawer for a man of God they can be anyone that will open was only doing what you saw if you have not saw it sealed or tight when you become a pastor nobody will sources are tied to you because you report yourself so God puts you in the outer court when you said then you get into the inner part with the five-point ministry is the calling of Jesus but remember calling is not a place where God is going to use it is calling you come I'm calling me into the posturing into the Prophet white because I'm senior saving now when you are cold in you come here the purposes many a port but if you are chose them because they remain doing the saving the open be given the exhortation of gifts of the Father now because they have proven themselves in under their offices and they are calling now God can say I'm not sending you that's when you get into the horriblest to meet the Holy Spirit and moving the languages of the school so there is always a level wait you have to start from the outer part getting to the inner court until you move into the Hall of what is okay so before we continue I do want to just encourage you to write any questions if you have any questions on the subject of fatherhood spiritual fatherhood and sonship I am here watching the feed if you have any questions I will be reading them down so I do encourage you to ask now while we have the chance here to speak with the gafas himself now prophet to continue you have you have just emphasized how important it is that your spirit the spiritual father that you are to have chosen or you are choosing hadn't thought of the symptom talking about but we do not choose father's that was question yeah so this person who is a spiritual father he has to have gone through those steps and growing who have grown into that position now if you are the son coming from that angle now how do you go about do you choose are you led to a spiritual father does God show you how how does that go as we have studied it'sit's a journey from the outer court into the inner court and then you do the own aphorism in the outer court reality and as a child is born but as a son is given now you have to be a child in the outer court a son in the inner court and a father in the waterfall is Wow so these are steps that you take so what will happen now is one is joy in the outer court is a child is not called spiritual father would was Brit was sonship only a spiritual shouting spiritual term you do is whether you need a pasta - pasta you you need a teacher you need them someone in church who's teaching Bible study and Sunday School you need someone that can be a pasta so every Sunday you got to be and a pasta teaching you the basics of the Bible and telling me what he knows from the Scriptures and all those things because bridge of fatherhood is not for everybody spiritual fatherhood is not for everybody but 24 people in the inner part it is for people with a poly people with a special gift that has been approved by heaven that now needs to be polished so really you're like a diamond that needs to be polished that is why a problem comes because when people realize that their code they said do I need prophet pastor join me piece of knowledge or do I need Benny Hinn do I need anyone you'll see of me the particulate I can professor again that's what you need to split your father let me give it like this spiritual fathers they don't put anything in that's what people don't know spiritual father would does not plant anything inside of you spiritual father would makes you realize more of what is in you that you can not realize by yourself let me explain the Bible says something important and the Bible says Jesus is God who yes the keys to open heaven or to close it because Jesus is the one that created the heavens and the earth yes power but Jesus don't you know the power that is in him and till he goes to sit under John the Baptist but you have to understand John the Baptist is this on predation but is to go and submit himself under his own creation why so that is the ability in him can begin to operate so oftentimes sons are far better than their fathers you would hear my father sitting on on a video saying I have never had a son like prophet pastor when I was in his age I never even revelatory experience like what he had I had never moved in the element which is in is such a blessed man of God ABCD why it approach this a bigger family because of fathers are meant to raise sons far better than them now if I take if I take your son either and put him on my shoulders is gonna see far more than me so fathers they take sons and put them on the shoulders so that they can see fun that is why many people they start to see better in the prophetic when they get a split of other because father's they put you in a place where you can see if I if I take your boy on this side and ask him what do you see there he can't see feh but when I put him on my shoulders when a sefer so Jesus goes to John the Baptist and the John the Baptist declared I'm not worthy to untie your sandals why because it is a father that test is you to approve you so you can get into order policy and it Jesus says I don't care you don't want to touch my feet I'm here that you mainly hands on my head imagine if a person cannot touch somebody's feet comes to a place when that person saying you are not waiting to tell my touch my feet don't know what about my feet I want you to touch my head lay hands on me that's suicide up how can you join lay hands on Jesus God Himself it is because as the work is working the human nature everybody needs somebody to unlock him so Jesus was touched by John dipped into the waters the moment he was baptized the ability in him began to operate and he opened in the heavens and released the Holy Spirit so the ability can only be unlocked by the power of father and after that the purposes the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness that means after meeting John in the inner court he is not in a place way he is getting in the hole of all is because now the Spirit of God is non leading so first level of Jesus ministry and the age of 12 he was in the temple outer part then in the age of 30 he was it under the Ministry of John that's in an inner body but then he was released into the one of Holies and the Holy Spirit led him from that day he began to change worid one so this as tablet people is to understand spiritual father would is not for everybody spiritual father would it is for people that are now sons they have grown from childhood they will you expect somebody to call you and say can I i coordinate with my father wanna talk to my father I just came to Jesus three weeks ago I don't if you know one scripture no you need to go to Sunday school you need to go to Bible study you need to be a pasta you need this is somebody even dry pastures I can just teach you basic things in descriptions so that when you make sure to become a son a father can get you and take you to another level I don't know how untidy one yes that definitely so that is so powerful to know that a spiritual father is just as you are led to be as which brother you are like to be a son so how do we know who our spiritual fathers as I have say it's growing from the outer part into the inner core from childhood into sonship I would take it like this we have 25 million Tetris or turquoise I don't know English is different here but we have 25 million tourists Envy in the sea when the tourist is giving bed the tourist comes out from the sea goes into the beach dig on the sand and lays a lot of good eggs on the sand leave the eggs and goes back into the sea when we didn't build eggs hatch is out and the young tourists if we caught them nothing they come out from the ground from the sand and if they begin to move going back into the water when they get into the water they are more than 25 million trotters in there there are more than millions of mothers in and fathers in it but the moment they get into the water they will automatically know this is aa good target your mama when I showed these Turtles I liked it father then I saw this one I liked it I followed it I saw this one protecting me I liked it but the moment I saw this one there was this connection or Abra SATA there was this connection that just told me this is the man this is the man happen I've been following a pastor suppose those prophets evangelists I've been watching my favorite prophet but I ended that up realized my favorite prophet is not my sweet Oh father because the moment I clicked on this graphic prophet person something told me there is something in this man that is connected to me so automatically this is my heart so it's an automatic tone in your spirit connection it's a connection it's like when my second son was born here in the in the States I was in Africa I think came after a month when I came here my son who was already bonding with her other people the uncles with everybody but there was this connection that when everybody says a the childhood remains the child but when I say a the child stops every funny stuff is doing because he knows that is he who told him that is it there is this connection I'll give another example I kept it I just get better my job right now and from the hospital we brought reach out to the house when we brought the child to the house the house had been having kids coming children coming but my son was not even having that condition and other kid kids but the moment the dead one came into the house gearwrench said from upstairs came touch the boy began to do what he never did with other kids what this is a spiritual connection to it that when Elijah is in the fan talking his own business by seeing Elijah without prophecy we don't profess without teaching without opening there is see without any miracle the purposes Elijah immediately met his his running business left in his family his father his mother left everything began to follow him and they began to follow men why he realized this Spoleto father and from that day is that was never bleep listen so there are people that are out there they they are there and they have to understand the first court to notice is my father is when you hear a voice Jesus says I am a Good Shepherd and in my ship yes my boy he did not say ships hear my voice because he knew there are other ships that we noticed there are ships that belonged to John the Baptist there were ships that we belonged to Philip to Peter to Paul so he said my ship he is my boss so they are sons of the Gotham that when they hear a teaching a preaching a tan from the gafas by shearing they will feel sometimes they have goose bumps in them sometimes they're not even used to flow in them then they know I have been following other people but this one and this one is it is it is something else it's not the prophecy it is not the teaching is but this disconnection that comes so number one is the voice number two and Leiter did not speak when they passed by Eliza and lefse only saw number two it's a confirmation when you see by just looking at a person it could be an ugly man could be a handsome man it could be a good-looking man it could be a woman at the same time because spiritual father women can also be speech of others because the father means a sauce so even ladies can be fun so by just looking at their or looking at him you know this one is my spiritual sauce this one is my father so a life supported by just looking at it without any miracle any prophecy because there are people that tries to come and connect with us they cost me prophesy t they want to come and steal the anointing and God there are people that are watching us right now on Facebook not because they want to watch us on Facebook but they are coming to just to revelation so there are people that follows people because of the witness people but then there are people that follow people because they know this is my connection so first level is hearing the voice second level is sick and the third level is being led by the holy spirit powerful so we have time for just a few more questions but one of my biggest questions I would have for you is as a spiritual son or spiritual daughter what could I do for my spiritual father to you know be that perfect spiritual son oh the purpose is a contribution of is the most cultured business in the Bible it says um be wise like a snake and it be gentle Nikita and the only problem with in the Christian world is people wants to be the Holy Ghost but uh but they don't want to be strategic I can't say the devil but I'll just say snake for those people that I've noted mature but the badness comes in a way way this neck and uh these are total two different characters but these are the same balance but as you go forth why if you are not wise enough you miss your connection and your breakthrough you will miss your connection and your breakthrough so what happens is for example I was teaching people and I said people call my office and they say God taught me an improv it passion spiritual son you go on their Facebook to see who are they so I can explain to prophet person and when you go on Facebook to check you see there is no DNA of prophet personally it doesn't make sense the Bible says when Jesus moved with the disciples they all looked alike integer integer looks physical they all looked alike to understand that they the the headers we had to pay money to do that sure as which one is Jesus how come they didn't know which one when Jesus was known everywhere either it's because there was this implication before we talk of impact is and they should be what we were and replication Jesus replicated himself in the disciple that they had disappeared they had the same Hestia they had the same way of wearing clothes they had the same step they had the same doctrine we are here and someone will be preaching against a prophet but he believes professions my father someone believes in vision and it doesn't work when you want to be connected to my father number one the a replica of your father let the fattest was behind - you let his words be head in you there are people that if you hear them speaking someone was like up I didn't know I was talking to prophet Israel one of our ties that we work with in the studio is recorded missus I'm on our way I'm coming there and he got that all the artistic says all profit is on the way is coming from a passion is coming and when is recorded they ask me the voice the prophet who says I worry to another prophet is in the state says so who called missing is come he said I recorded the visit no it's not they check the number there is him while they yet prophet passion in his voice they had prophet passion is but that's why the Bible says that when you saw was going to a witch doctor you removed his clothes he had to change the way goes while he was to wear clothes just a Samuel he was every pickup of some so it's touched by look like your father some like your father teach like your father you can't you can't be dead in Revelation when your father's a Revelator I remember meeting Bishop najin's for the first time he said I read your email and I sent you on YouTube but I was so tight I feel like I was listening to myself while I was meeting him for the first time he said I like listening to myself that is just wise the highest level of flattery is imitation the highest level of flattery is imitation that is what the map says imitate what is good and opposes imitate me as I imitate Christ imitate me so there are things you imitate from your father because before we get to impartation you got to have a replication yes the moment you get replication of your father it's not easier to move in his element so it becomes easier for someone to say oh I was on now I was on Facebook I saw someone who looks exactly like you he sounds like you he promises that but is making mistakes and I'm like oh he already post on Facebook son o prophet Pasha or check my father prophesy if he is calling fake names now if he is missing in the property I'm not forced to call him and start teaching him how the prophesy impacting him so that he represents me well but if I don't even know you and I'm not connected to you and there is no connection to people about me and you and you are messing up that's your problem but it becomes something that is carrying my name I have to defend my name by supporting you helping you to grow so people have to be prophetically wise in that manner second step is you are an American citizen you pay tax to the government why because you are declaring yourself that you a citizen of America if you don't pay taxes in I am NOT a citizen so a spiritual Sun gives tied to his widowed father every time a son is paying time is declaring in the spirit that you are my father so some people never tied into our ministry they have never partnered in our ministry we go live right now we say people give we don't even their names when people give so they don't give offering they don't I didn't sow seeds what do they do they don't want to connect but they just want to pull it but you can never put let unless you connect so people you have to understand those small basic things that it is so important to connect your father number one by being wise know how to handle the men of God I'm flying to Maryland to be with a man of God please when they come I want to I want to dress yeah I want to dress a warrior data jet or I want to clean his car or I want to take his car for service oh I want a tip pocket password for vacation for a week what are you doing you asked statistically for saving yourself in your place where you want to be with the pocket so many people you have to be wise like isn't it and gentle-like it up that is so profound in a sense that now we're learning how not only what of the spiritual father is but we're also learning how to be better spiritual son amazing now I want to take it back a step one more time just for our last question and take it back from again from the perspective of fatherhood hmm can you give us just a few points of what the actual job of a spiritual father is like what are they responsible for leading a son it's a two-way combination okay we have sons and we're fathers so on the other hand is a son on the other hand is a father so the son got to do something about that had to be in something it's not his son recently father it is a father raising his son but is the father raising the son his son should be responsible and be available I would tell my sons that I I am according to how you want me to father you because I can't just come and begin to tell you to like this in your house someone's gonna say who are you because some people are coming only for me to even fathom in the prophetic some people are coming because they want me to help their churches to grow some people want me to establish prophetic schools for them some people do they give me access in all areas of their lives so they want me to teach them how to find a girl how to marry the right one how to manage marriage how to start a change how to grow a church how to maintain it out really name how to operate in the elements of my father some who say no no no I want to operate in my element so it differs according to the platform one can give me so a son got to be open to this way and a father have to open after this way so God says draw near unto me and I draw near unto you meaning you here to do some people going to do something so sons this should act for father's to react someone who takes me I have a son called Paul in South Africa he would text me and say Papa today we did this offering we had these numbers of people I preached about this i prophesied like this I did miracles like this this as out this South our said this one now I may not reply or in writing but when I go on the text now and I wanna Yogi's Minister to go bigger I revisit from three months ago how much was this opera beans and I see is it coming up or is it going down I check if these numbers are going up what are they going down I check if his Simmons are consistent because other preachers will come and today they preach about seven members of the anointing and tomorrow their next week they are preaching about double or even level then following the teaching the puffs love the following they are teaching about grace that overcomes fear so there is no balance in the church and people cannot grow because it's a random preaching so is it gonna scatter your people or is he gonna coddle you people now I know where to balance him I know where to put him I know how to raise it but the someone don't want me to know anything about how many people come to the church if I'm to ask you say were 300 well is there one for the people in the debt so I came to father that they said in that direction so sons have to come to this level way they they open it of a father to operate I'll give you a bigger example I hear God through the worst of us petrified I used to just say bastard a lot your name is James but my father set me down now and he say what if you pick his brother's name to him what you have to do now is you say I hear James was your name [Music] that's why it's fun it says instead of predicting don't just predict but to also come to a place where you can instead of saying tomorrow there's gonna be rain you can come as a conditional prophet that can come and say if God is able or God is willing he is going to rain the raised money or if we are going to pray the Lord sees our sin ring my prophecy starts when I say that Lord's sake so if God changes his mind I am NOT in trouble for example God spoke to John and he said I'm destroying minivan three days these troops are torture the Lord God is gonna destroy three days previous past God did not destroy and Jonah became a fluid became everyone's a coordinated God said this man because the warning Eva fasted and repented before God so Jonah was supposed to come and say the Lord is saying if you can repent our Savior nation but if you don't repent in three days I'm going to destroy now I have something to live for my father so God is not speaking to me through the voice of my father for example the Bible says God spoke to the boy salmon the Bible says God spoke to the boy some the bad boys
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 51,280
Rating: 4.8676591 out of 5
Keywords: prophet, passion java, sonship, spiritual son, spiritual daughter, interview, power, anointing, mentorship, benny hinn, juanita, bynum, tb joshua, chris oyakhilome, bushiri, hubert angel, pastor, evangelist, teacher, apostle, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Father God
Id: esZvz_9MWTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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