The REAL Life of Anyone in the Prophetic || Get your confirmation || Prophet Passion Java

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ah [Music] join us for prophetic conference with prophet passing job and prophetess Lily diamond Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. one 4500 demands for Aberdeen Maryland 2:09 Z before be there and be sure to change her life [Music] joyless prophetic conference with profit passing Java and prophetess Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. one 4500 with Hampshire a beam Maryland to 0 90 before be they're gonna be sure to change your life [Music] joyless for prophetic conference with prophet pass and Java and prophetess Lily Dhamma Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24 doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. five zero zero two hamster Abaddon Marilyn 2:09 Z before be they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] god bless everybody this is the profit passion Java the gaff a profit excited to come here and tell you Jesus is your life and this life session that we are doing now it's gonna touch many and bring a turnaround in your life Maciek Rodina Masato la bruja ski-doo bran Takeda the hey chickadee I'm live right now and I'm just excited for God is a good God I want everybody go bottom-left if you're on Facebook or bottom left and click share and if you're in periscope bottom right the three dots click invite followers post this on Facebook on periscope and Instagram spread it everywhere God is gonna bless you God is gonna bless God best team kasha for inviting followers for tweeting god bless Nicky Nicky Rivera for inviting followers Wallace D Java for bearing followers god bless you so much god bless you so much Evan field see you will still be Pfister Antonia occur ikemen Gebo Vera pan a sook god bless you Marie Perry and Geneva Geneva Caroline Genevieve god bless you for treating lab ward god bless you for inviting followers I'm gonna be a blessing to everybody I'm coming here to to speak prophetically over your lives as I speak prophetically some of you it shall be at lesson tech not get to tech not to write down whatever is and some of you is not gonna be like that what is it gonna be it's gonna be impartation that is coming direct into your spirit the anointing of God the power of the Holy Spirit is gonna come upon you and God is gonna touch you I wanna bless my son prophet Gary King watching on Facebook I wanna bless everybody who is here please keep sharing keep inviting follow us if you go to my facebook if you go to my website we have come out with a 50% discount just for Valentine so you can get your one-on-one registration for 50% discount you can get the match sign up for the prophetic school for one-on-one so if you go to the website you're gonna see a 55 percent discount just for you and this it's a promotion that is today and only tomorrow it's ending on the Valentine's Day midnight so if you can sign in now or tomorrow or later god bless you so much god bless you so much god bless you summer all right this is what God is about to do God is about to touch you and bring a turn around in a prophetic life I was serving and asking people to send their questions about questions about the prophetic life and I received a lot of questions so I'm going to start once again share with you be a blessing to you bury with you so you can experience a better good life in the prophetic because some of you you have the prophetic but you are confused how it really operates some of you you hear the voice of God some of you you dream dream some of you you interpret and zooty sent spirits and you don't know exactly how to go about it some of you not everyone is affording the prophetic school that's why I have to come and be a blessing just right now and be a blessing to you and this is also a favour for those that cannot afford the or mount for the prophetic school if your why sign up today tomorrow for the match lessons god bless you so much I pray that God will increase your favor you I was talking about the difference between profits that are called to be prophets and prophets that are sent to be prophets I was not called to be a prophet Paul emphasizes that I'm not in a posture by men or in a posture by the will of men why because the adults that are of men they were anointed by men to be apostles they were noted by prophets of the prophets they were anointed by men to be evangelists or anointed by men to be a teacher they went to barber school and be anointed graduated to be a pastor there are people that are of men process I'm not an apostle but by men I am NOT in a post oh by the will of men but Jesus called me and I met him face to face Paul is not born in a posto but he is called to be in above in in up a study and one is asking how can I know that I'm caught and our scent it's so easy if you are said to be a prophet your life is prophetic from the day you are born to the day you are going to die the steps of the rises are ordained by God the steps of doTERRA in the prophetic are already assigned by God to walk in the power of the prophetic so God is going to touch somebody and is going to be a blessing to somebody and things are going to happen now I wanted to do to see this I was assigned and sent by God to be in the prophetic I was not cold but I was born a prophet check the life of Moses - some of you who don't really understand the Bible says the daughter of a Levite and the son of a Levite which means the father's a liver the mud of elevated intercourse and when they had intercourse they get better - Moses his actual name we don't know it I know everyone we don't know the name of glosses the name Moses was given because they drew him out of water why Moses is a deliverer whose ministers wanna be in line with water it's an a posture of water we shall deal with Lord lot of experiences with water when he leaves Egypt the first thing that he does amidst the Shepherd's together with the daughters of Jethro whether is water and he deliver them when God appeared in a burning bush which was not being consumed he says touch a rod send it down put it down touch it by the tail the chemists get a road again denise's for into the waters and the water there was a miracle he went back to Egypt Moses is able to perform miracles and one of the greatest miracles he did in Egypt was to change water into blood when they were coming out here to Pat the river the water disease by - BAM why is he putting into - he is about from his bed to operate as a prophet of delivering the Saudi with water so from death is dealing with water and then we move to see where Adam is Moses is also not working but what he is doing is when people hungry they want food he points is what manna from heaven why by bet is a Levite and we see Moses whenever he is walking what is it doing when the people want water he reads the rock and rock religious water why because livers cannot work so from bet him i'ma leave that he knew I'm a prophet I knew either deliver so those that are sent the assent with that type of power Thank You Holy Spirit they are sent with that lifestyle of being in the favela so when my mother carried me she carried about four kids before me and I am the fifth one and after me there's a a system message other now what's this and all these children they came in everything was okay until one came out called profit passion profit passion comes out as the as the profit but he is number five why am I the in my family you must always ask yourself this so let me try to give some people I know there are people like Vera here we have about sixteen children so I'm not going to go up to number sixty members I want a few words if you want more revelation you buy the book mysteries behind better days if you're born is the firstborn if you are born as the firstborn number one it may mean you are a savior to your family you are a savior to a family that's why every first bonds are fought every fester bonds are fought crazy by the devil Cain is the first one and that devil is fighting him and of Devil's coming after him every first is fought every firstborn you experience a lot of warfare because the hand of God is upon you to save the whole family that is why when a father dies a firstborn has to sit on the throne of the Father why he is the answer so if you are the first pone you are the answer so be careful be careful of spiritual hugs you will be attacked more than everyone in the family or the children for the devil to come after all the children number one he comes through the father if he can if your father is not a Christian he comes after you why the Bible says unless the devil binds the strongmen in the house he will not penetrate so for him to come to every every brother's every sister's he come to the firstborn so the firstborn is always the defender the Savior that's why Jesus is the firstborn of Mary because first bones they carry that power and that devoir attacks them so much if you are number two number two it means you are more favored you carry the favor of God God favors number two more than the first God favors number two more than number one that is why the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ they are all coming in the New Testament because the Old Testament is the first book but the New Testament now is the second book God favors the second more than the first favor is always on the second if you are the second son or the second daughter you are always getting favors court favors number two so number two it's a number of favor but wherever there is favor there is a rejection at the same time when ever you see people and choices that are being favored than all the huge they were hated the most number three if you're born is the third child you have to understand this number three you are a revivalist number three you are a rivera list and you restore things that is why you can be young enough but you would take care of your your brother's your sisters you restore everybody you put things together that's why the book of our cr6 to says in the second day what do I do I'll revive you but on the tenth day I'll restore you child number three is always reviving or restoring the family but number four now number four do you have to pray to settle yourself number four is always on the move if you're born want as the fourth out you are the first one to break out from the house your brothers or sisters will still be there but you'll be the first one to come is that living on life you won't be may be in the same city you'll be able to go far everyone can be in the same city but you'll be coming out more than everybody you go to the other countries you go to a foreign land you are always moving number four that's why Jesus was sending his disciples to the four corners of the world is spreading they spread even to open doors for the family they do that if your child number four you open those doors for the family number five now number five what's this Jay e/s you as she is five letters Gress ji ara a c e five letters number five it's a number of living under trance it's a number of the prophetic above it being the number of the prophetic it's a number of grace if you're number five you carry so much grace then they can beat more anointed people in the family like in our family our dead bone is the great apostle to be Java and is really anointed by God but God gave me the grace as shout number five which are number five days grace and it's a number of the prophetic so me being born number five it doesn't mean everyone born number five is a prophet but me being born number five it'll read the a prophetic message shout number six is always a canal canal it is always there isn't a lot there isn't a lot even if you are to sit on a meeting with the whole family this was the reason a lot child number six they they calculate everything even when it comes to finances they did they calculate if they can't even lose a dollar you can give him $50 to take and give them $200 today if you ask him for two dollars you will ask you back after two days he wants it won there isn't a lot there reason a lot but at the same time they carry a special blessing they have order in their life they have too much order even if they are broke or even if they are not broke they have so much order in their lives they carry special order keep serving god bless you that are sharing god bless the devil goddess of mercy abhi god bless Victoria crew stay shall obey god bless everybody that's sharing on Facebook and those are inviting followers god bless you honest god bless you and God bless the inviting followers watch this I am born is number five and when my mother gave birth to me when my mother gave birth to me someone walked into the hospital she only saw that man once only at that time walked and came and says this one is gonna be a prophet God is going to use him a lot of things was spoken I had a problem with utterance when I was growing as a baby baby speaking was gonna be I don't know it was gonna be something bad it is a miracle but if you are close to me those that are close to me sometimes you have to ask me four times what are you really saying if I'm not under the anointing from under the anointing I'm I go crazy I shout I go crazy but I the problem in speaking and stuff like that but God's grace came upon me and my body speaking all that and as I was growing as a baby before speaking I remember this whole sing which is entering through the window into the room bewitching people and I I still remember that up to today I used to see angels and think me everyone can see angels everybody can see what I'm seeing I used to to see things in the spiritual realm my spirit used to come out and see things see things and come back when I was a little later little child and I came to a place where in 1999 that's when my whole journey changed let me tell you these people I am born and we array up my mother is going to Roman Catholic so we are going to Roman Catholic all the terms this is what I wanted to understand was pastors have lied to people that only prophetic churches will go to heaven and some dev says only Baptist churches will go to heaven some says only Pentecostal churches will go to heaven some believe only our church will go to heaven it doesn't make sense heaven is not for a certain group of people heaven is for everyone with Jesus and Jesus is a every Church when I say every Church what do I mean what is a church a church it's a building that people gather to worship God Christians gather in a building to worship God that building is called a church so why do I say God is in every church where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus he is there even if you're under three where two or three are gathered in his name is that where two or three are gathered in his name he is there so you can't say the Roman Catholics would not go to heaven the auto docks are not going to heaven the Baptist are not going to heaven these people don't speak in terms of not go to heaven it's a lie when I was in Roman Catholic I would see angels as a child is a baby of the Angels and I thought everything was normal everyone can see what I'm seeing I was then touched by Jesus in 1999 I'm coming to be a blessing to someone I'm building up to come to a place where I can touch somebody 1999 Jesus appeared to me and when he appeared to me he gave me a prophetic word that changed my life I would feel blood moving in my veins I would hear the the sound of a fly that fly till the leaves out out here the hot beads of people I would hear the thoughts of people what are they thinking what are they saying in their toes it was a day that I will never forget your dad he unknown me and all you was flowing on over my body It was as if electricity was flowing from the crown of my head moving and moving and going down it was just powerful Massacre atiyah combined I pray in the name of Jesus wherever you I in your typing Amen you are tapping and receive whatever it is I pray receive impartation right now in the name of Jesus I pray made the power that I felt that day be released over you the grace that unlocked me in the prophetic I pray come by a terrible anthea copy I pray in the name of Jesus that the same power come upon you haka Bharat acaba has a may you be think and become rocd be Akiyama cicada I pray that is the same encounter I had with Jesus made let it be released over you made this power come upon you Ali mimetic adiga I didn't kauravas on talega / Hadi someone was asking who unlocked you in the prophetic remember you can never be in the prophetic unless somebody unlocks you in the perfec you can't but not everybody is unlocked by a person some people are unlocked by angels some people are unlocked by Jesus himself 19 and Jesus came and I released an anointing I pray there are people that have been designed to see Jesus to see angels to have encounter with heavenly beings I speak Lord approving this prayers and asking you Father through the grace upon me that you answer these people that you touch these people with an anointing to not let this anointing touch them and bring a turnaround over their lives father I pray tonight is the night of 10 around in their prophetic life may they see Jesus within 24 hours I cannot see a pop out a inaho Papa Bahasa within 24 hours you I prophesied you right now as you type that a many as you receive wherever you are I'm prophesying within 24 hours you shall see angels the Lord Jesus will visit you ever in a dream or in a vision receive it in the name of Jesus receive it in the name of Jesus receive it in the name of Jesus Kaka baba ba-ba-ba-ba rain tracker brain taka daka daisy i I just feel the anointing flowing almost spilled my god lean taco protec is a Cara Husky the Lord Jesus is opening dogs as I'm speaking to you right now Jesus is opening doors for you to meet some great men of God great a woman of God within 14 days some of you you are going to meet a great man that you were only watching on TV people that you are watching on YouTube people that you've never treated you will shake hands with them God is meeting you and is going to fulfill the desires of your heart in the name of Jesus Kanika protégée a co second container claim bratok EDB kendama sink raha take a day katako pancake Corsica too easy hyah Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba sent on a bond a melody Bela bahasa Hadi Kelly bina god bless you boy - god bless avoid fall for the operon in listen what is known when Jesus walked into my life my life changed I went to my brother pasta Java I wanted to tell him what I've encountered I want to share with him what Jesus told me I could not open my mouth I could not I was shaking my lips were moving the anointing was still flowing moving to my toes coming back to my head acaba Santo my eyes was so hot my hands inside my hands saw what the anointing was so strong over my life and from that day my life was changed I started following my brother to Assemblies of God Assemblies of God people praying I don't really know how to pray for hours everybody's praying for hours everybody speaking in tongues my god let me tell someone I would hear the voice of God our prophesy in the classroom but I was not speaking in tongues some of you you think if you start speaking in tongues that's when you can prophesy no I said a prophesy before tons that is why people in the Old Testament prophesied without the gift of tongues because prophecy is not interpretation of tongues tongues and interpretation came later but the gift that I first experienced was a winner to see when Jesus anointed me I started hearing I moved I moved now to 2000 I went to 2001 the quality between 2000 to 2001 as I was moving from grade 7 to what we call from 1 which is great 8 in America I saw a vision of myself and my other brother the one I followed we are all we were going to church everybody but I saw myself and has looked at my brother in the vision we start addressing as we were running male Cobra had a caddy as we were running what did I see I see you trapping and he fell down I keep running he gets up he tries to follow he falls down again but as for me I kept on running to that I could not see him then I fell I stood up I began to run again they was like a river that I saw no III meant to the end part that was moving as a scream but next week I saw a hole which took some few water that filled it and the water went up and continued and I saw a fish that was swimming in that stream and the river and the fish went into that smajo for a time and skeleton began to move I told my brother I saw this visa and he gave me the interpretation it says you have been predestined by heaven the life you are living you lived it before you came on yet this is not the first thing that you experienced but the life you are experiencing you already experienced it this is your brother saw you difficulties in Christianity in his Christian walk but God gave you the grace to go yes to show you have some problems here and there where you fall in rise up but you reached the marks the fish that you saw it is you you also go through a training where God will show you great and hidden things but beware of AP city 2001 in during that holiday I'm sitting with my brother prophet Nicholas is my cousin brother ' I was sitting there we were talking nothing else we are just talking we are not even talking by Bach we are talking I went Keith Ablow Baraka Tschida Baja hmm I want speaking Shona our language reblocking Flemish II do like haddock aha they were looking at each other I'm trying to say I don't know what's happening to me as a grin on the little a carotid Lady Diana him there be someone watching me right now you have been desiring to speak in tongues listen before I finish this broadcast the Holy Spirit is telling me you will be speaking in tongues you will not force it but you open your mouth and you shall begin to utter thanks that you never spoke it before Katya I feel that nineteen moving in my spirit you are going to speak in a tongue before end of this broadcast I'm talking to you now Holy Spirit according to your desire is going to touch you if you believe it receive it you are going to share your testimony you speak in tongues number one for the fifth fifth best time some of you you speak in tongues you never spoke with before before listen I'm sitting with my brothers talak or brother a negative is he up about a Chiquita bra her today today I'm trying to close my mouth a few the utterance keeps coming la co-brand about the day I realize now speaking in tongues it was after pasta said pray for me and prayed for me and I felt like maybe there's something bad with me I went from one to another in my pasta ie hmm my pasta intelligence on you you feel the end like bad it wasn't working but that day the Holy Spirit just give me the utterance I began to flow you don't have to go to church to speak in tongues you don't need anybody to lay hands on you yes you can go to church and receive tons yes you can have someone lay hands on you and speak in tongues I did that with a lot of people but it is Gress if you're new down in say Holy Spirit I desire to speak in other tongues Holy Spirit I wanna speak in tongues you can go on my website profit passion dot-com and get a book I wrote a book which is called sixty-six levels of speaking in time it can also help you to develop yourself in tongues I spoke about the tongues of men and the tongues of angels as the Bible says in the book of Esther in the chapter dating this one though I may speak with the tongues of men and with the tongues of angels I dealt with that now as I spoke my brother says keep on speaking don't stop he realized that I'm in the spirit and the Holy Spirit just get this way he says okay Brandon Mallika Papa Jose I impact those tonnes to some people watching me right now wherever you are I'll make a prophetic declaration that the unknowing thing from above the power of the prophetic come upon you be blessed in your spirit be empowered kaduche egg egg egg egg egg egg egg ego - umbra da da da da da da da echoed the Shaka bahasa Mansueto bajate man taco Behati I release in the name of Jesus so my brother told me to keep speaking in other tongues I spoke in tongues I spoken down I didn't wanna stop because I felt like it if I stood I'm not gonna speak again so I went there night speaking in tongues I slept when I was up in the morning I spoke few words in English in sauna and I went into tongues I went I started enjoying I could not shut my mouth I was flowing and flowing and flowing but when God gives you a gift the gifts of God are without repentance someone was asking you if you are if you commit a sin will you keep prophesy definitely as that's why you don't have to believe and just to go to people you don't know to submit and of them because of the gift never submit to amend because of a gift but let the Holy Spirit lead you to speak a man allah brother here god bless everybody sharing on Facebook lashya Karen Lee Hill god bless you god bless god bless everybody serving and inviting followers keep on sharing inviting someone's gonna be touched you something is happening as we are speaking right now something is happening what is this I start speaking in tongues now I'm enjoying my turns my brother now he's a great teacher brought revelatory but he is not speaking in tongues maybe he was not speaking to us in the public we were not hearing 2001 is a border he goes to a boarding school I was the only one was not at a Bible School everybody you know in our house when the body school when he came back I was outside feeding my rabbits my god I'm gonna talk to you about all those things rabbits and all that stuff I heard him speaking in tongues there is a time which we have named my candy and a tongue hmm my god as I get them speaking in tongues I said to myself I was lying to myself this is not the Holy Spirit I was discouraged I felt like I don't speak with God I don't speak with God AIE the tongues were fire in my spirit I thought goosebumps I thought I wanted to scream I wanted to speak in tongues I wanted to but I felt like my tongues are nothing because I got at lebra debated it really did it he did it but when he's speaking in tongues megyn kelly over hate and kill you you be like you you feel that God the Father is speaking right now even my flesh my flesh itself could you feel something spirituality is taking place I was discouraged from speaking in tongues I could not for some time I could not speak and dance because it's for me I will never settle for less when I want to operate in a gift it has to be the routine not small not a favela it has to be to the fullness so it's not like I'm competing with my brother or anything but I just feel like this is the real tongues I need this if I don't deserve this I can't speak in tongues if I don't have this I can't speak enough so I could not I was affected I am sitting in the house my brother passed by me nothing is not praying he only passed by me after a long time I jumped from the couch I began to speak in tongues listen there is what is called the utterance of tongues and there is what is called speaking in tongues Atta is when it's like a baby God having a language my mind mind my child here let me a passenger Virginia the Ted you call a director Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada is uttering he is gathering a language when you are gathering a language you go like that Kaka Kaka Kaka that better tatata but when you grow my baby can when you think that that is a time that is in there is another time where he's gonna be like how are you doing hey I did I'm hungry today ye live mustard along which he have grown he have met you what in the language I began to speak in tongues my life changed and I was moving and he was that easily teaching me about how to speak prophetically with wisdom to people because I'll just go to a sense of God and talk people taste this and and kill someone you are sleeping around and tell someone he was smoking after and embarrassed people remember prophesy in need the wisdom prophets is not for embarrassment I'm not saying God cannot use someone to tell someone that you slept around or you're not so you are smoking I possess God rebukes those whom he loves he Justin's totally laugh he can use someone because God is not a God that can be put in a box no he can he can do that now my brother began to teach me wisdom that my brother when you prophesy this professor gave was from God but you don't say it in the public you tell the person privately or you say it with wisdom this way that this person only can understand in here and ABCD and I began to grow in the gift I started interpreting tongues now now watch this terms plus interpretation of tongues equals two prophets but a prophesy now is not out of tongues prophesies God clicking events talents and interpretation is God speaking in his language who then give you interpretation in your own language I began to grow I began to master myself in the gifts of the Holy Spirit then 2003 I met a man called pastor Connelly who introduced me to a church called faith world ministries when I met a great man of God called a bishop Monroe my god Cadell amaretto lily Kimbrough techie diak a day a kaduche to the vedic a ducati I pray that God to give you the connection you need to the place of your breakthrough because they have to be a connection that is a connection to the connection of your breakthrough their connections to the fullness of your calling you can move from zero to hundred listen Paul met Jesus but Jesus did not finish everything Jesus sent him to Ananias you went to Ananias and after Ananias he went to the desert after the desert here to come back and he met Peter for 15 days they have to be a connection that has the connection to the connection of your breakthrough I'm talking to somebody who may feel like I have everything I am order and listen spiritual father wood is not for everybody pastors are for everybody pastors are posters prophets all these men of God are for everybody to lead you in a church but if fatherhood is for people that have a special quality people that are ready to go to another level what do I mean I mean to say Jesus is God but him being God he needed to be connected to go to the synagogue you hear that he was among the Pharisees he was among the Sadducees is connecting with the connection that is a connection to the breath he goes to John the Baptist and he got baptized macabre and NVIDIA cotton there is always people that God gives you in life that would take you to a higher level in the prophetic or in any code that you carry in a spare watch this bishop majora is a great man of God that God uses in demonstration of power healing and miracles one day she says he said touch even the box with a babka moving as people were falling down Boom Boom Boom up to now we don't understand that mystery one day he was baptizing people and he told the crocodiles to come out from the river in front of everybody in the church I was not there but I know of the story and the crocodiles came out when they and he baptized people after that he says you can go back I apologize from taking your place and if they all win big in front of everybody one day we are having a cassette that's why I was there and the rain started coming down and she said when I told I'll tell you this day that you move to this one until I finish and we would see water rain moving like this when he looks at you my god one day one guy I was with the one guy he said Oh sometimes he loves ya the guy jumped in fell is it went inside the beam the whole body double him if he loves the power of God touches if yesterday isn't about one day we had an all-night of laughing the one night love that men released a mighty power of demonstration of power for my life I went and submitted and I his ministry cleaning the toilets and serving in the kitchen cleaning the plates and serving and washing and overing the room and putting the chairs and talking all that why because the anointing yourself is the anointing a chart they are noting you sit under is the anointing you become the anointing you sustain is the anointing that maintains you I moved now and I reached a certain time what I never believed preaching is good I was dissing every preacher they waste people's time we need to hear dusted yay dusted a lot can be true preaching as well I never knew that mystery I never understood that mystery then it came to a place now where 2004 I'm with her I'm home opposed to each other cause everybody into the living room we are running to the living room there is a small there is a toast slim guy walking bishop noel jones he preached only 7 minutes mark of brand Ikeda baa I didn't kill I'm talking to the truth about these things why because I'm not there is greatness in you and that greatness needs a connection with someone some of you I am supposed to connect with you so you go to another level some of you you need some other people to connect with you it always having somebody who connects with you for you to reach when you have never been I saw Bishop Noel Jones preaching he convinced me listen I am not easy to be convinced you you can just tell me that things are possible I have to see it I don't just get to become say God bless everybody sharing on Facebook keep sharing the broadcast share the broadcast let someone else hear this let someone else be blessed as God is blessing you if you start speaking in tongues for the first time tap your testimony if something's happening tap your testimony fulfilling downloading tap your testimony if you're speaking in tongues type your testimony share the broadcast invite followers everybody watch this from that time I started preaching the gospel I started balance in preaching the gospel because I used to just move into the building healed the sick demonstrate the power prophesy gone barani from that time I started preaching I started writing down the messages of Bishop no John I go and I repeated the same message I'll just tell people this is the message I saw Bishop nones preaching and I wanna pitch it to you today because sometimes you don't have to take the glory which does not belong to you I didn't have time to meditate and come up with a message I just said to write it down in the tell people that and I bless people some people they come on our periscope here some people they come on our Facebook they hear our message is over ever listen they think they've ever listened that go and say the Holy Spirit review to me oh I was in heaven no no no no no no hmm someone was trying to tell people oh yeah God told me this cause show me this and even the examples I was giving my god I uh the first Lamborghini that I had in the past that person is repeating the person if looking at this shoe you be like what's happening to you and the person is talking about the testimony cuddle up again why you can't be like if you are in the class and you're copying someone then you copy VIN the name it doesn't work like that so I began to develop myself in preaching developing myself in teaching the gospel I started reading and studying the scriptures reading and studying the scriptures someone was asking here how often do you read and start the upper revelations before you come sometimes million times I don't even know what I'm gonna say I come here sit and I flow but if I'm going to a conference or to my own church I have to sit down meditate and give people something because on injects I can't be throwing random revelation I have to take people from here to here spiritual I have to see them moving from here yeah yeah yeah and I can't repeat a revelation when I'm preaching to my own jet I can take the message of preach two years ago and go to another place but I can't be preaching because my people are writing notes and things are happening in ABCD obesity but coming to my stall what am I saying I am saying I began to grow in Revelation prophecy demonstration of power casting out demons healing the sick performing miracles [Music] in 2009 there is someone on profit sent to right now receive your prophesy 2009 God told me to go to South Africa I've never been in South Africa I've never came out from Zimbabwe God told me come out I don't know where I'm going but I went I had planted some branches before I was ministering in my brother stage but now God is telling me to go so I took two of the guys that I was with one of them is called Bischoff Joshua and we went to South Africa we stayed two or three days in Pretoria then we move from Pretoria went in Johannesburg connected with a guy that had conned us out in Johannesburg we had to ride a truck those big trucks because they were very cheap boom when kept on we we don't have any connection we don't know how we are going to eat how we are gonna survive but God performed a miracle my father used to take off a lot of people in the neighbourhood one of the guys that was sent to school by my father met us where are you staying guys we told him were not staying anywhere we just came to Debbie City he took us and results into his room four people in one room right about that time God continued using me in the prophetic in a place called unknown somebody already knows the place is the ghetto of the ghettos of the gay gay gay gay ghetto ghetto of the last ghettos where I saw people being shot I saw people being killed I saw people being set on fire it was a dangerous place but for the sake of the gospel I had to obey the voice that says go to South Africa and preach the gospel you might be hearing my voice and God is speaking to you to start a church to go some way to do something what will you do you have to come to a place where you abate the voice of God listen to God god knows what he is doing listen to his voice I could go back to my father's house my mother loves me more than everybody I am the most favored loved one everybody knows that is not a secret if I go back home we have a good house we have okay everything is fine the church is fine and everything is good I never had another life done gospel from morning to evening anyone who knows me anyone who's close to me it's about Jesus it's about the gospel I said I'm preaching I'm teaching and prophesy among the Bible I'm doing this even when I'm with my wife she's talking the word I'm talking the word we are enjoying life like that when we go to the movies we come out with that what did you learn we connect everything with scriptures everything why is it because I wanna be spiritual no I'm already spiritual I would prophesy people and never get over the phone with ah this distant battle remember one day telling a poster from there went the keys ah he wasn't my brother Nicholas they lost the keys I took them with the keys up at the phone they see the keys and things are moving that's when I break out now from the doctrine that we arrest in essence of God wearing a genius Saturn is the thing you can wear jinjin was called Saturn so if you were gene is a sin you can't even have a nice haircut you can have a nice shading ABCD you can wear these levels you can't wait this this and that you can eat even KFC all this junk food do you know what happens the devil saturn is today cut those chickens and sacrifice the blood to the devil and we also used to preach that therefore i break out from that I start wearing jeans I drop them up to here I put a big ticket I'm gonna walk with that Stephan I began to listen to hip-hop I began to listen to this Wow I'm still prophesy but I'm wearing this Jean I'm still professor but I'm doing this so I come to a place where I realized doctrine have creep put many people let me tell you something your relationship with God must not be through pasta passion it has to be through the word if profit passion tells you what to do and is not in the word never do it do something that is aligned according to the Scriptures you need to have the word in you you must have this scriptures confirming be it my prophesy to you but it might teach in my preaching what ever it is it have to be connected to the scriptures it has to be connected it may not be the scripture but it has to be connected to the scriptures period Malik ADEA cumbre de Acosta ravika Pragya jota she got the house in 2009 2010 no 2009 cousin to 2010 my brother post a Java now discovered a man in UK called profitable angel and brought him to Zimbabwe and the men began to prophesy crazy people are calling me there is someone who's professing here these reminding us of you my mother when I saw him when my mother saw him in the church she cried and called me and begged me to come back said I saw a man who reminded me exactly the way you like fashion the way he was talking a BCP please come I never had an idea of this man what happened I moved into a place where to fly back to Zimbabwe God they told me to come and start my church I want someone to lend this God told me to start my church but I'm under my brothers change everybody in the family is going to power our church we have studied this church 2003 and now God is telling me to break out how am I going to break out I love my brother we are like this I told you when I sit with my brother we communicate in tongues we with law prophetically like you be shocked one day we when I will come life together here you will be shocked la compra toca Segura Husky Deborah we moved to a certain point when Jesus had to do something important male Kosala Hatay mainly got elamandha makea cat a Jesus is telling me to start my own church so I come back because of the love I have I could not come out from the church then I said let me use wisdom I want someone to lend this I said let me use wisdom I do Saturday services and Sundays I gourmet times to obeying God to start my own church Saturdays I go to my church Sunday I am in my brother stretch there is no confusion with people within three months my church boom 5000 people all the newspapers they are talking about prophet person hmm when a value of a the voice of God you may not have any money hmm you may not have anything in your pocket but when God says do it he is able to provide and make things right for you 5000 Sita 5000 people we are on TV station national TV station newspaper every pastors talking about proper posture they are fighting me one day what happened I just came out I'm singing headline the only prophet who can prophesy your IP number which is the social security in America yes I prophesied that who's writing this I'm reading I'm soon pastors are talking about it it's a debate even ministers are talking about it even big influential people in of the nation eternal body eyes I adjusted I have been crushed no one's gonna come to match it my world have ended guess what when I reached Saturday surface when to change we get our fist overflowed thousands and thousands of people Aqaba see they behave aha see why are these things happening whenever you obeyed the voice of God God wait for you watch this I moved to 2011 that's when Provident you came to Zimbabwe now my brother introduced him to prophet McIntyre great men of God as well and he definitely moved to Zimbabwe and started building his church bigger and bigger I looked at him I knew there was something in this man that is connected to the destiny of my ministry I went and said under him every time I met him I knew that when I met my brother named I'm gonna meet prophet Micah Dunedin I respected this great man of God so I started serving in his ministry I had my church going to my church but when he has conferences I go there I want a mic I confirm I do this I took people how to set a great man of God let me tell somebody I think it was a 1 1 1 o night prayer I had to go early only to clean the toilets this is when I'm already known around the world this is when I'm already prophesied but I am able to go and clean a toilet for another man of God acaba Syria bahasa someone take this as a lesson in your life where you when ever you see greatness in front of you never miss an opportunity Makkah badeah kapa haka dia I remember my first car that I said to drive I never drove it for more than six months I had to go and give proper angel this is a seat to you when ever you see greatness it may not be there for for life it may be there just for today remember the teshuva grass teshuva is the unveiling progress that is available now Mecca brother Jessica whatever I thought I saw thy sword not only solving in money in Kazan infinity or anything I went there to submit my time everything humbling myself and doing what ever takes why when God is releasing an anointing he doesn't release the direct to you sometimes he releases the to a person in front of you that's when I learned how to put a tie now to put a nice suit how to become international somebody you maybe they and you had to unknowing to an extent that you say I don't need anybody in my life let me tell you something if Jesus never needed anybody how was the Holy Spirit coming down from the heavens it needed Jesus to connect and submit and up John imagine Jesus is God John says I'm not even waited to untie his sandals to touch his sandals I'm not even worth but what happen Jesus says I don't want you to touch my feet on my sandals I want you to touch my head my shoulder and put me in the water come on if Jesus can allow someone like John to touches it to touch his shoulder and releasing me Iko brand ikeda by I think about something I pray let me tell you if Jesus can do that what about you I am I told you Father wood is not for people without a call fanta wood is for people that are already anointed by the problem the anointed people they say already prophesy already I'm already cold I'm already healing the sick already why should I submit father's they don't put anything in their sons but they unlock what's already in their sons mark abrakadabra see some of you you see ah he's a young boy some of you use she's just a lead why would she know not when God gives you a percent take advantage of the grass connect to collect the anointing you sit under is the meeting that you become leak up random a secret will be beyond a sucker but the complete opposite the Hagaddah has a Linthicum bratok a dia compro taco Sakata he Gavilan take a bigger the eden karate I am coming to America and God gave me the grace to meet with my spiritual father bishop noel jones my god I didn't have enough those days I took ten thousand dollars went to my father in New York City I was in Baltimore had to drive go to New York City and give 10,000 to my father and says this is my see to you and my life changed I saw a dramatic change God releasing me now I have great men of God some of them in two weeks time you'll be seeing me sitting down with them talking with them that I'm not talking with Robert upon every day we chat we talk about the phone I have great men of God I have people that I hope in me mommies up to now I'm still getting up hmm I have been there where I secret seventh of God eisah great men of God I had a Basanti I have been in a place way Daniel the one where I read in the Bible I saw him not once he appears to me in my meditations I see him walking coming to me opening this cross teaching me things I've been there where I see Elijah the one that we read from the book of kings I met Elijah and like John Moses they appeared in my room I saw them light came out from my body I saw them angel Michael angel Gabriel angel Raphael Angela me oh my angel are spontaneous I have seen angels and angels and just called the Holy Ones the ones that I wrote in my book you can get it on my website prophet passion come you can get the the book patel's of angels I have seen angels court Thrones and use that Accord on minions angels there are called principalities angels are called Hula's of light angels there are up angels angels there are Caribbeans seraphim's types and types and types and types of angels I have seen but I still sit down submit and lain under the great man of God that got put in front of me I'm writing a book right now and this book is called um I just finished it already I think I'll put it tomorrow this book is called on how to defeat forces of sex remember sex is a force sometimes you do when you don't want to and some people end up cheating and all that I in writing this book I had to call my brother and ask for this corner the men have got this descender why you can never stop me the moment you stop learning that the moment you stop growing remember you can never teach beyond what you are taught whether you are taught by a man or you are taught by God you can never grow bigger than what you are taught lacustrine kim kunkel Masika the head a behead a behead run room tech EDB I didn't could run the minima certain Aggie Tallahassee let me up some people right now keep sharing on Facebook and share on Instagram Twitter everywhere doesn't periscope invite followers in a listen to this as I was speaking I felt an anointing leaving my body coming to somebody I don't know who it is but this anointing that you just received with this anointing your life will never be the same again watch this how do you see an angel number one you pray number two you may receive an anointing for angels from anyone we have access into the angelic world remember the revelation that are always emphasized ask is an abbreviation a SK you ask letter a and it's given to you how do you ask you ask in prayer or in giving or in fasting that's how you ask and it's given unto you when it's given it's hidden therefore you have to seek for it how do you seek is the main question you seek it in places where you know it is for example if you are seeking for a prophetic world you seek where you the prophetic is already moving you can't go where the court is not speaking you go where God is already you go to this prophet to this that's why I was there people don't listen to people that says only follow me no no no no follow where God is if this periscope a private person there is God and another prophet that is God in profit either by the way today we are coming life 1 1 p.m. Eastern Time were becoming life 1:30 p.m. were becoming life me prophesy to you prophet is raw prophesy to you prophet rock prophesy to you prophet innocent will be going marathon live on Facebook and on periscope watch this when the is the prophetic that's where you seek you've got a property so you go to prophet o up you go to prophet innocent you got proper passion prophet Alex prophet fortunately data prophet xavier prophet kazakh or prophet Kapoor prophets any other prophet what do you call my son here prophet Sanders any prophet that you know moussaka barley bread aha I have my son in South Africa called prophet pour a post-op oh hey you moved from one place to another now watch what happens when you get to a place where you know there is a connection here you stay there Gary King is a prophet of God is using in to inspect what was this when he is moving the entropy sign then and you connect to him you connect to propel up you connected to this problem when you feel a magnet that's where you know this is where I am supposed to have it my connection is here my breakthrough is here my anointing is here once you know it is here it becomes a done deal it becomes a done deal once you know this is it the day you look at a man by just looking you know my breakthroughs here or when he speaks you know when you hear his voice remember Jesus says my ship he never says all ships he says my ship hears my voice there are ships assigned for him there are chips aside for passion' those data center Passchendaele here and they know the voice of the father so whenever you hear you know this is the right place but when you reach - no this is the place you move from seeking you go to knocking ask sick then you know why are you knocking it's a lot and you don't have the key to unlock when you knock someone who's already in that area who unlock you into that area Mandarin able shutter tatatatata I am here to make a prophetic declaration to unlock someone and release the power of the Holy Ghost with this power your life will never be the same type him in wherever you are receive wherever you are can domain Masuku bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah I declare I prophesied I make a prophetic declaration releasing be unnoticed receive whatever you are I pray in the name of Jesus that the power of the Holy Ghost come upon you the grace of the Holy Ghost come upon you may you prophesy yes may you professor I'm speaking to you receive tongues of fire receive tongues of angels receive the mighty power of the Holy Ghost Lake runn de la Mesita today today today I pray for you that this anointing will come upon you and bring a plane around in your life in the name of Jesus he readable shattered Abba Randy miacca bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah me Akasaka handi Nando Nicky Papa pout and originally Nabokov Sakura has get a tattoo somebody type I catch it release fire I mean this power released the grass I release the anointing I released the functionality of the prophetic your ear be opened your eyes be opened your not be opened your mouth be opened your hands be open your Aqaba city receive it in the name of Jesus kotoba has a kid a Baba Baba Baba Baba be ready dear in the bachata capacity rien terracotta there are people receiving right now in the name of Jesus la gusta bra brand a Kabbalah Masika the huzi someone was asking me prophet how often do you first hmm I fasted in the past forty days and nights three times forty days and nights second time I almost died but you can't just walk up instead fasted forty days and nights no water no food you made I never tried this unless the Holy Spirit led you to do that I first like this test that everyone is fighting in our church if you are comfortable join us and fasts the whole day don't eat anything even the Prophet Gary King is watching you god bless you son Latricia son as is watching God bless you Dora always know that with God all things are possible fasting builds you up hmm when Jesus was being transfigured the Bible says his face began to shine like light why did Moses and Elijah visit him Moses is a prophet that is with water from the time I was born he was sent to the river where there is water that daughter of are delivered from him from the waters that's why they named him Moses when he went to media there is water he changed it into blood he came back to he came back to to Egypt he changed water into blood he you do bitter waters he divided the Red Sea he is able to function in that dimension why is a prophet of water why Elijah Elijah is a prophet of fire so we have the prophet of water we have the prophet of fire now Jesus Christ is coming down from that mountain of Transfiguration what happened what's this what happened is when Jesus came down they say there is a demon but when it touches this child it shifts the shout sometimes throw him into the water sometimes throw him into the fire Jesus now is the anointing of Moses water yes the mounting of Elijah fire hmm so he's operating in that now yes Beck Moses and Elijah walked into my room I saw them with my eyes when they walked into my room the hand touched me here and the light came out for my body seven lights shining all around our city called to Louisa when out of cheating is into the whole path of Zimbabwe camel from Zimbabwe into the whole path of the Africa Kaymer from Africa it went all over the world and they gave me a special prophetic word that you are a prophet of prophets in Zimbabwe and all nations around the world mark about a tree debacle Shecky King gautet a leader a debacle super-gay outset and Arivaca a leak out and out at arena back of seeker I pray as I was assigned to raise people in the prophetic this day is the day and pray for you there are people that give I am blessing you and the symptom as I'm blessing so I don't have to pray later I'm praying for you that the same power that was released on Jesus by Moses and Elijah be the same power that will visit you today within 24 hours the anointing is coming upon you the same anointing that I felt the anointing I received when Elijah and Moses entered in my room I release it over your life right now I'm talking to you cobble Secchia purport a sticky pamba mesito deca member nabob about Tenga da mehndi Kaka diakon desi devon Takato dandy Don de da Cunha Marco Pepe Gattaca tengo batiko grass seed egg a lot o in critique etiquette la musica Topeka can Amato on Takata Kuki anime ck gratiné equivalents Toto Braavos okati a divan toes Emran at the gastic given to Leto end in a casket approaches pragati Acadie become the Messiah event Ikeda bang toes and clearly beyond to say they are people that have been knocking the door I prophesied the opening of the door whether it was because you give or you prayed or you fasted that door is opening for you from now I pray the ability to hear the voice of God the ability to see the ability to smell in the speed anointing to sense and they are learning to speak with angels to communicate with heaven me known animal Nina Nina Santo Mendo balletto brand Amos ekkada LEM Brito kebabian indeed a baby anima Seto on about 8 kappakappa parte de Baca che nachiappan mas on dome Alpena key de Mond on de de dee dee dee dee da ba Kazuko doc pepper Tia katate rabushka dia que te da booty Gaddy cadet a casita and taco pratik a Viacom proto Hosea damu lepre Katia cascade Empress Katia Kanto kata Kappa Katya koto kata Fatiha Katya corto Tata Katya kacica cocorinha becausse K Gandhi nama saya candy nama saya gandhi nama saya pattaya by iike osya nama saya day the law says there are five groups I have grouped people in five groups there is a group of people that have grouped to meet me in their prayers I Jehovah God I'll come down use of human presence you shall hear my voice I'll change your destiny and be a blessing to you the second group I have already released my anointing upon you these are 19 shall manifest in the prophetic you shall start to prophesy to people around you as for this very day my blessing already I have sent it to you okay die man Nissan Dinah I saw a lady you are kind of fat you are wearing something blue you just received a power you you you felt power just now a lot these are the groups I've selected and the third group that law says this is a group I've assigned my angels to visit our release angels to you I have opened your eyes angels will appear angels will appear all you need is faith with faith all things are possible you see angels some of you right now I give you the grass if you can believe if you have my faith you will see it you will see it you will see it now say kia combi my TP akan gate a dainty divide in the Nicaea valley 11 all of you who've olivella Honiara za za know whose illimani a court a collie a kanga maka BBB Anasazi ed a la donna Conda ele Dana cool Ellen endo and Amanda on Amanda lien gang ganglia cunning akhada cocky akhada hase the fourth group the Lord says I have selected you for trans I've given you their grass to move like egos where your spirits of God to the heavens some of your send your spirits to hell to learn about deliverance to learn about casting out of demons and devils I would check out your spirit to visit places places like paradise places like the Garden of Eden I have given you degress I have given in the grass I have given you the grass the last group I am selecting you to rewrite the office of ASEA many prophets have erased but now our ratios in this year of 2018 gracias gracias SIA SIA I've rest I'm building up these groups as I build up these groups my fire in my anointing shall operate through you therefore raise up your faith and operate with faith with faith all things are possible with faith all things are possible you saw hear my voice you shall see my angels I will visit you in prayer I will meet you according to the point of your needs do not pray for physical material things what is a car before me what is the house before me what is marriage before me look up to the heavens seek my face use your faith I will give you all these things that you seek don't seek after this seek my presence seek after me seek for my anointing and my glory as you seek me I will find you I will bless you and our live to higher end Oh life will never be the same again McCoy amaku amaku qui aquella come ma SI occurred on de rigueur arabic o Sandow and Radha da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da aikido's una a dong-gook akia cooper parisa oz o ciock and yada pan dulce de gras t-grip podgorsky the Braham Aboudi Brava dia a dia a boob a bomba Everdene a bird and a bird acadia cobra hasta de Bry there is a remnant people that God is visiting with in the next 24 hours thank you all is build some people they don't understand why we tell people so sins but I think people that was tent with the city of $24 that open 24 hour break 2 seed opened a portal for you opens a door for you listen God would profit as you saw your seat I'm going to pray for you thank you Lisa Thank You spirit of God this $24 see that you're sewing it's gonna connect to it or Thank You Holy Spirit hmm I just picked in my spirit it's not what speaking to me I just picked in my spirit this $24 seed you're sowing it's the way you are knocking the door that God have selected you for to enter and enjoy iek Boyan Tessa Kiara Tandy Mulumba maletto I bless those that are given in the name of Jesus by later abraded aha can you play the the other promo song as I'm waiting for everybody to keep giving and I'm going to bless everybody once and for all [Music] Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and February 24th doors open at 2:30 p.m. into one 0:02 name's Robyn Marilyn - zero nine zero four be they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] joyless prophetic conference with prophet pass and Java and prophetess Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. one four five zero zero two Hampshire Avenue Marilyn two zero nine zero for be there [Music] joyless for confetti conference with profit passing Java and prophetess Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24 doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 god bless everybody I see Maria Lonnie our den giving God bless everybody giving god bless everybody giving waiting for those that are still giving Christina Java for the $24 and 18 cents god bless you God bless you God bless you I want to come and see you maryland come I see Pilate Alexis who god bless you god bless you mayor Toby at Rome Vieira de Bahasa sau-lan sana god bless you for the seat Lucy Kesey Kiki Iza god bless you for the seat god bless you for the seat rabid in a brainy meseta rabid Enoch Oh Brad abadieh Ratna Kia Ratnakar Borah god bless you Regina Reginald Hoffman god bless you god bless you tough odds one China god bless you Ln Boone Boone a god bless you Father for the see some Adair it god bless you gonna pray for everybody was connecting with a $24 seed in take hold over yonder Arabic asuma want to so go to profit passion dot-com come rata Barsotti and just for a strong anointing him a spell don't forget today I'm coming life in the afternoon 1:30 p.m. with three major prophets and will be profess unto you as our edge creations but bless you God bless you God bless Caliban Gomel Arabia under a baby anima Hassan I sent my $24 if God bless you the website is profit passionate from the one on the screen how do you so just go to profit and go to weights written give and you give and also know we have a package Claire Cox God bless we have a Valentine's package that will help you to sign in for one-on-one for only 50% discount Samuel Anderson I do god bless you so go to the website as well for one on one is 50% discount for Valentine by the more you one gone it what Wanaka god bless you and and also if you want to be in the match school it's for 50% discount you can join the school right now god bless you god bless you we already have Edda tree people 50% is founded it's hundred so it's 50% discount is gonna be 50 $50 the squeeze the one that will be added 3 la broche eager da Zhi I'm going to pray and they are blessing to somebody I'm not sure if we still have some people that are still connecting with their $24 seed la brasa dhaba Berlinda ramsey god bless you god bless you god bless God bless everybody quickly God God - probably personal del Sol estêvão God bless you God to a prophet pass all calm and so you see it I'm praying for you I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus I came in let Oh donated $24 seed we just finished but please do a replay rewatch please Ruthie I saw I need to reach your Ooty and I promise I'm gonna do that I was off and I'm coming back now those were one-on-one I'm back in the office today from the Vinita god bless you for $24 silvanito monica will reach you for the one-on-one George Sanders 240 dollars god bless you God bless you God bless you 240 major breakthrough take place to you as everybody experienced $24 seed breakthrough made that 240 command a huge big a breakthrough in your life in the name of Jesus cross in the name of Jesus Theresa steed god bless you for the $24 seed rabidue SH played the song one more time as I as I finish as people asked you giving enough pray for everybody a blessed without having a further conference with profit passing job that day for this little club place Friday February 3rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until one 4500 with Hampshire Aberdeen Maryland to 0 90 before be they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] joyless for prophetic conference with profit passing Java and prophetess Lily diamond Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24 doors open at 12:30 p.m. until one 4500 with Hampshire Aberdeen Maryland 2:09 Z before be there I could see you I see some people giving $18.00 some people giving $2 it has to be $24 or 240 like the Bishop son has god bless you for what data it has to be 24 let me pray Lord I bless everyone that's stretching to give now the HANA Java and everyone else that gift before and the dose that will give after the scope and the life Facebook does that to watch and give may they connect with this prayer within 24 hours not only who I declare angels to them or spiritual world to appear to them or them to begin to hear the voice but I also pray that to give them tangible results pinta a cuckoo I bless you too I pray that God you bless them with a tangible result let them know that God in heaven is able to do exceedingly abundantly above everything lord I thank you I bless them with a prophetic blessing let them grow in the prophetic I bless them Lord I establish them in the prophetic root Prato I pray for you in the name of Jesus Christ I pray for Laurens with tema god bless you for the 2014 I pray for everybody not to give letter those that are giving now and those that to give even after watching this I pray this blessing will continue being connected to you every grace I have not come upon you and limb or rim I pray also for you that to partake of the blessing that God has for you the anointing of the prophetic be favored be empowered Wanda Johnson god bless you in the name of Jesus Christ koromon Brett Acadia hande sank or take a day a contigo Pulido cinnamon Alabama elegiac Attica berry hunt Allah birthday increment Yuda prahasta Doubront Acadia died Veronica diggedy in TECO Brandis a karateka DB Idol Co you are blessed as you connect with this anointing collect it in Jesus name connect to collecting Jesus name I pray amen god bless you I'll need to rest a little bit cause in the morning I have to do the one-on-one with people but I want everybody to put your alarm 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time or Central Time our becoming life for prophecy only my so prophesy new life on Facebook and on periscope YouTube also on K TV and my son prophet hope will be proper sent to you and also prophet Israel will be promised unto you prophet innocent will be prophesying to you you don't want to miss this we have saturdays with american sons and daughters we are having sim choose this with african sons we start with these ones next time is going to be prophet gary king prophet Alex prophet poor prophet exactly I have a lot of sons and daughters in Africa so don't miss your time every Lee Morris god bless you for your seat in the name of Jesus I bless and bless you Evelyn Morris for the seed that just soared in the name of Jesus God bless everybody pyaari god good god g or to CH god bless you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray for everybody I bless you pray for me as I pray for you I don't want a go but I have to leave Trust is the Gaffa prophet pass on java am i to sign up now signing out god bless you you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 61,514
Rating: 4.8502955 out of 5
Keywords: greatest prophet, prophet passion java, prophet bushiri, prophet tb joushua, amazing teachings
Id: o41boTIsHU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 10sec (5530 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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