Communion with God | Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic hour receive this program with prophet passing java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching towards your destiny prophetic hour now receive this fresh word from prophet passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hours with prophet passion java god bless everybody watching me this is the gaffer prophet passion java and right here i'm going to be giving you a word for the day a revelatory experience that is going to cut upon you to another dimension i'm going to be talking about food today as you know your flesh your body needs food your sun is food and your spirit needs food i'm going to be talking about food and this one here is called saga is the step of food of zimbabwe my country from africa i was born in zimbabwe in 1987 and i was raised eating saga and we don't do fork and knife in zimbabwe or in africa we just use natural fork from heaven and it was the best and i wish i would teach you how to prepare this such delicious food but that will be for another live or another video what i'm doing here i'm i'm feeding myself my flesh this board you see the food goes to the stomach and what you have to understand is that a man is a spirit that possesses a soul that lives in a body so you have a spirit you have a soul you have a body all right but you is the soul that's why you say my spirit is griefed my spirit is grieved you say my flesh is not well my flesh is not well because the soul is the you right and it is you now that affects the relationship between you and god and this video is to restore you back with your connection with your relationship with god it's very important for everyone to be connected to god whether you go to church or not do you know jesus just jesus in your heart it's very important what hinders you to be close to the holy spirit what hinders you to be close to jesus christ what hinders you to be close to god the father the bible says in second corinthians chapter 18 14 or 14 18. it says the love of the father the grace of our lord jesus and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit be with you all we have those main three and people have to understand that the father deals with your body your flesh the one i'm feeding and jesus jews with your soul and your soul is food as well and then the holy spirit the holy spirit your spirit always be deals with your faith spirit in the old testament the father operated and you would come upon people upon not inside because he deals with your flesh so he had nowhere to enter so you'd come upon you give you the word and go back to heaven but when we talk of jesus we talk of a winning source not winning spirits because jesus deals with your soul when jesus deals with your soul the holy spirit then comes to deal with your spirit so receiving jesus does not enable you to speak in tongues because tongues are from your spirit not your soul tongues ain't from your soul they are from your spirit so when jesus comes to you your soul is saved your spirit is already said the bible says the spirit of everyone in it will go back to the father where it came from and the soul shall be judged but the flesh shall go back to the ground because dust you came just shall go back so every flesh will go back to the ground your soul be judged to go to heaven or hell and your spirit will go back to the father where it came from what is your soul the soul is the the soul is the mind the will and the emotion that's the soul the mind the will and the emotion that's the soul with your mind you think with your soul with your will you choose with your emotion you act so you think to choose in order to act now sometimes you think of doing something then you decide not to because it is the soul but your spirit is like an angel your spirit has no mind will and emotional your spirit has a mind ephesians 5. then it is intrusion then it is fellowship like an angel angel does not have a song angels don't have a song angels they have a spirit they are ministering spirits they have the mind that's why they thought of leaving heaven and they left in genesis chapter six because they have a mind they their intuition and their fellowship when the holy spirit comes to you your spirit he bear forth witness with the holy spirit that you're a child of god how through the fellowship of your spirit with the holy spirit and the more you fellowship with the holy spirit the more you are empowered in your intuition to know things be without anyone telling you you just know i need to pray you just know tomorrow i need to first you meet someone who pretends to be good you just know don't trust this person who told you don't hear any voice the intuition has been empowered because your fellowship part of your spirit is fellowshipping with the holy spirit you want to get into the card then you just feel like um i no then you hear that that car was an accident what's happening what's happening is that your intuition has been empowered so how do you go back to god to there is the relationship you lost first reject this food this food it's what we call fasting don't feed your stomach your flesh why you are disciplining your soul because the flesh activities communicates with the soul so for your soul to start saying i agree with what your spirit is saying you should discipline it people with the last are people who can discipline their soul people what who are addicted are people that can discipline their soul people that are that can make their own decision they don't have discipline in their soul which is their mind their will and their emotion so you start by fasting don't eat right for three days and nights your your stomach is aching for food your mind is saying eat it eat i'm hungry you say no because once you start disciplining your flesh your soul will be in good place for example when a man looks at a woman he lusts over the body the hips the back whatever it is the man lasts for but when he's having sex he does not sleep with your body he gets to have sex with the hair so so sex is so to sow that's why it's called a sore tie through sex not a body tie not a spirit time it's a short time because your flesh is having sex with someone's flesh but it is your soul that is enjoying somebody that's why people that masturbate they are practicing sex in their soul in their mind so when you refuse to eat you discipline your soul step number one number two if you want to empower your spirit now don't defeat your soul because your soul can eat your soul can't eat this food so what is the food to your soul when you're watching tv you're feeding your soul when you're listening to music you're feeding yourself when you are hearing people talking gossip or communicating with people you are feeding your soul because the flesh is fed through the mouth but the soul is fed through the eyes and the ears what you see what you hear freeze this soul that's why people of the old when they were fasting they would go up the mountain where they don't see anyone they don't see anything they don't talk to anybody right so you have to understand that if you want to restore your relationship with god don't feed your flesh and at the same time don't feed your soul sex is the food to do this song tv all these things i'll tell you a demarcation between this flesh and the soul if i'm hungry in my flesh i go to kfc to eat i don't go there and look at people i'll never be fooled but with this salt when your soul is hungry and you watch pornography you'll be satisfied how your soul is from the eyes and the ears so cut yourself from the people you've been watching from the things you have been watching from the videos you've been watching from what you've been hearing disconnect from tv instagram facebook put your phone away put your tvs away lock yourself in a room with a bed only with water only drink water no sex discipline yourself that way you are empowering your spirit now to fellowship with the holy spirit right that's why you have to understand that your spirit understands the languages of heaven understands tongues the language of god the father before you were in your mother's home jeremiah 145 before you in the mother's womb i knew you i ordained you to be a prophet to the nations you you follow to be a prophet to the nations which means your spirit was hearing god your spirit understood the languages of god but when you entered into this body you forgot the languages then you also began to learn languages of this ethereum if you grew up in china you began to understand chinese in in america american language in africa african languages so you can't speak in tongues from your soul you speak in tongues from your spirit because you speak just need to be reminded the languages of god through the fellowship with the holy spirit i don't have much today but i want you to tell you that discipline yourself today the difference between soul fasting and flesh fasting is flesh you only remove yourself from eating food but this so fasting you you remove yourself from sex from watching tv instagram entertainment you block everything from your eyes and your ears and you focus on god meditating the wedding night i have a video i taught this on my youtube prophet passion youtube account it's called saw fasting there are two videos the longer one is the most powerful one watch it also if you need prayers to be restored back to god prophetic ways that will change your life go to my website register for one on one where i can pray with you over the phone minister to you prophetically into your life direct myself to you it's very important for you to come to that place this is the gulf of prophet passion signing out god bless you amen [Music] [Music] all right you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 8,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Js-6kp_bUWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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