How to Meditate pt. 2 || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic hour receive this program with prophet passing java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching towards your destiny prophetic hour now receive this fresh word from prophet passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hours with prophet passion java god bless everybody watching this is the god for prophet passion as you can see and sitting here today to give you a revelation that will change your life for good i'm here today to talk about the gift of meditating the word of god did i say gift yes it is a gift of meditation just like the gift of trance uh as you see in the book of acts chapter eight philip was translated to another place these are what i call hidden gifts such as the gift of deliverance there is no way you see the bible talking about the gift of deliverance the gift of translation being translated the gift of meditation yes the bible will talk about you meditating but i never really spoke about the gift which will be my next teaching which i'm going to teach about the hidden gifts in the scriptures but as for now i want to talk about joshua chapter number one verse number eight it says this book of love shall not depart from thy mouth meditate it day and night meaning god wants you to meditate his word each and every day and most of you you don't know what is called prophetic meditation meditation however is beneficial to you because a human being is a spirit that possesses a soul that lives in the body the flesh you have the flesh you have the soul and with the spirit hear me and him in the holy ghost it is now your spirit that came from god the bible says every spirit came from god and it shall go back to god where it came from and every flesh shall go back to dust where it came from flesh came from the dust spirit came from god when god breathed into the nostrils of men men became a living soul soul never came from god never came from the ground but it is the response or the reaction that took place when god breathed the spirit man into the body and men became a living soul it's like the gray color somebody mixed black and white and it became gray same as your soul the bible speaks about revelations of uh jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 before you were in your mother's womb i ordained you a prophet meaning he had god speaking before he was born he understands the language of god the languages of heaven the languages of angels his spirit knows everything about his calling and his assignment but when he was born he had no knowledge of it because he is not going by his spirit man is not a living spirit but a living soul because you are a living soul it is the language that you learn from your soul that you go by not the language from your spirit which understand the language of god the language of heaven or angels no the language which god placed in your spirit is not what you are using you are using the languages you grew up hearing because of the power of your soul what is your soul your soul is your mind your will and your emotion with your mind you think with your will you choose with your emotion you act huh meaning you think to choose in order to act that's your soul the mind view and emotion so what was fed in your mind it could be spanish language hindu language it could be muslim language it could be christian language or it can be just english or shona or any other german language european language and stuff like that but that limits you because everything is in the noah of your spirit that knowledge in your spirit is what you need to apply on your daily day with god but how do i know the languages of the spirit that are in my spirit how can i come to know the prophecies god told me before i was in my mother's room that are in my spirit i have now to use the gift of meditation meditation pulls what is in your spirit into your knowledge into your mind into your will into emotion into your soul that's why the bible says nebuchadnezzar the king had a dream but when he got up in the morning he forgot about it meaning the knowledge of his dream was still in his spirit huh but then god yet to bring a prophet that will pull the knowledge from his spirit and he tell him then he remembered because he saw his mind he forgotten you can speak in tongues it's in your spirit you can hear god speaking it's in your spirit you can know who you are why are you born on earth why are you existing on earth what is the purpose of god taking you from heaven into earth how by meditating these are the four steps of meditation step number one you cannot meditate without imaginations if you want to meditate number one imagine it god can't use you above your imagination that's why most of you if you say i've seen god he's someone big with white beard with the best i am the lord your god because that's your imagination in your mind god can't use you above your imagination how you imaginate is the language god uses to speak to you nobody ever heard god saying i am god dear god because nobody ever imagined god speaking like that god can't speak beyond your imagination he can't visit you above your imagination uses the images that are already in your head daniel said in the bible i daniel i saw the visions of god in my head in other words in in in the right correct version it says i saw i saw he says i had divisions of my head make me experience angels he had visions of his head meaning visions cannot be above what's in your head if i tell you there's an angel coming in form of a snake you refuse you reject and say there's no angel like a snake but the seraphims in the bible are snake angels with the six wings that are on flame flames of fire nobody ever imagined that so you can't see a seraphim can you see angels with six wings you can't because you've never imagined one you can't see angels with four wings caribbeans because you never imagined one but isaiah chapter six it talks of six angels angels with six wings right ezekiel 110 talks of angels with the four weeks so there are carol beams there are seraphims there are two different angels you can't see those angels because your imagination limits you step number one in meditation imagine it step number two believe you have to believe in your imagination if you can't believe it then it's not gonna happen to you step number three in meditation you need now to find a topic of what you want to meditate find a topic i have imaginations in my head i believe in my imaginations i imagined heaven i believe heaven is real then i find the topic my topic in meditation will be what are angels what do they look like then i close my eyes in a quiet room while this i'm fasting because i don't want to be full to the extent that i'm going to sleep or digestion is going to just interrupt my focus i want to be in a place where it's quiet nobody disturbs me and i'm fasting and i'm focused on god i've been reading the baba i've been praying and mostly should fast what we call soul fasting if you don't know so fasting go on youtube prophet passion and watch my video called saw fasting then you choose a topic what are angels what do they look like can you close your eyes you ask yourself a question that's point number four you ask your questions and you answer yourself until the holy spirit takes over the answers what are angels angels are being like human beings but they're not like human beings why what is the difference between angels and human beings because human beings that the spirit saw in body wild angels they have a soul they have a spirit and a body they don't have a soul oh they don't have a soul [Music] what do they look like there's an angel that looks like a human being with two wings others they've got four wings i'm seeing them so what are their differences then last part which is point number five i start getting my answers connected to the bible verses ezekiel 1 verse 10 says these angels have got four wings they've got wheels on their legs they've got four heads they've got four faces on their head one first year of a lion of an eagle of an oaks of a shepherd which means they look at all sides and their wheels can go any size these are powerful angels what are their rules the bible says kero beams they protect the glory of god so i'm questioning myself i'm answering myself i'm connecting to the bible that's how i start growing meditation and i'm gonna come back with parity which is much deeper i don't want to go deeper on the first part because some of you are still babies in christ and to those of you that believe that you have a calling of the prophetic it's either go on my website and register for a one-on-one which i can call and minister to you prophetically about your prophetic calling number two you may want to want to be in the prophetic to be a prophet yourself or a prophetess join my prophetic class on the website profit passion under schools and your life will never be the same again check this youtube link and spread it all over your whatsapp groups your facebook share the link on instagram on twitter everywhere let someone else be blessed until then keep on keeping on and god is going to bless you and take you higher and higher the god for prophet passion signing out amen [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 6,998
Rating: 4.9093485 out of 5
Id: GomC5YQ2pzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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