Food That Makes You A Millionaire || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic hour receive this program with prophet passing java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching towards your destiny prophetic hour now receive this fresh word from prophet passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hours with prophet passion java god bless this is the god for prophet passion java excited to bring you another revelatory experience and today we are going to touch one of the most powerful subject in christianity even in all religion why because today we are going to talk about languages when i talk about languages i'm not talking about amharic shona english chinese i'm talking about the tongues of men tongues of angels and god tongues of god i wrote a book called 66 levels of speaking in tongues you can download it on my website but today i'm just going to visit this astronomy of speaking in tongues how does one start to speak in tongues oftentimes you understand that we have people that have been in church for two years for five years for ten years and they get prayed for and prayed for and prayed for to speak in tongues and they don't speak in tongues i'm one of the example in 2001 i was filled with the holy spirit but i couldn't speak in tongues i would prophesy yes i would see visions yes i began to see visions since 1990 something but this is the time now i'm supposed to be speaking in tongues and i preach to the people i bring them to christ they speak in tongues me i'm not speaking in terms i'm wondering what's happening with me is it my cognitive energy is it my intellect what's really happening to me you may be in the same position and you're wondering why you are not speaking in tongues by now i have my son and my daughter in in in south africa deb and uh i have emmanuel pele i have crystal pele they have tried to speak in tongues and i have cried prayed fasted even for them speaking tongues and been hard and stuff why is it some people don't speak in tongues i'll tell you why if you check 100 you're going to find out that we human beings have a spirit a soul and a body and your spirit knows heavenly languages your spirit knew tongues before your mama's language before you spoke in chinese or american english uk english shona maharik swahili and the languages you can speak before you knew those languages your spirit already knew heavenly language because you came from heaven so your spirit can speak in tongues whether you are born again or you are not born again you can speak in other tongues let me break it down so once your spirit is in a place where it can speak in terms how come you don't speak in tongues your soul don't speak in tongues why your soul is built by your environment where you grew up who surrounded you who speaks to you instant example i am zimbabwean but if i take my baby my child at the age of three months and send my child to china and he grows there for 10 years when he comes back he's not going to be speaking my language he'll be speaking chinese language he knew my language from the day he was born all the things he had in mama's womb from me he knew my language he was few months in my house hearing my language but it's not going to speak in my language because the surrounding controls your communication he starts speaking in chinese because he grew up in china right hear me and hear me again now so that becomes your hindrance your first hindrance is the languages you learned from school from mama's house from wherever you grew up with the people surrounding you that became the language you invested much into and that's the language that is alert to your mind your human mind your soul right and how do you break out from your mama's language to heavenly language your spirit yes the language hear me now all human spirits they know god why i'm not yet preached about god but i know there's god how your spirit has a mind your spirit is intuition and your spirit is fellowship when the holy spirit comes down he fellowships with the fellowship of of your spirit and the more you fellowship with the holy spirit in the fellowship of your spirit that's how you empower your intuition intrusion is the ability to just know i did not hear god speaking to me but i just knew this guy was going to be doing something bad he never looked like it but he just became bad i knew it before it happened that that noah in you know that knowledge in you know that intuition is built by the fellowship with the holy spirit so the more you fellowship with the holy spirit the more you begin to realize the language is in you and the more you begin to realize the gifts of god in you the more you begin to grow in god so here is five ways to build you to start to speak in tongues number one and lend yourself to learn i grew up in roman catholic later on i went to methodist i went to roman catholic because of my mom then later when i went to methodist there was a girl i was chasing there and i left methodist i went to assemblies of god i was 11 when i went to a sims of god and then at the age of 12 that's when i started speaking in tanks masters and pastors prayed for me but nothing happened but as i was sitting with my brothers talking today prophet nicolas opposed to java rabbi i want to speak in my language until my brothers realize the holy spirit is working he's speaking in terms they say keep on speaking after two years of trying and trying and trying now boom i'm just going to rub rakashata why i wasn't thinking what stops you to speak in tongues number one your mind you are thinking and imaginating the holy spirit coming and filling you up you see the holy spirit move in your lips the holy spirit does not work like that the bible says in acts chapter number one verse four and they began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave the martins who began the disciples they started you are the one to start the reason why you don't speak in tongues was the holy spirit already placed things in you but you are not speaking he gave you the gift it's like offering time offering does not jump from your pocket to the offering basket you have to take it and put it there so holy spirit puts the languages in you you have to speak that's why some of you you only speak in tongues in your dream but when you're up you can't speak in terms because your cognitive energy won't allow you allow yourself to understand you are the one to open your mouth to speak step number two how do i speak in tongues i have to unlearn myself to learn as i wanted to say number one and learn yourself to learn how what you learnt in roman catholic what you learned at school what you learned in other churches that don't allow you to speak in tongues i don't believe you to speak in tongues what you heard from the people that don't believe in speaking in tongues will become a stumbling block to you for you to speak in tongues so and learn to learn that's number two number one don't let your mind resist you start speaking you are the one that starts speaking you'll give you an utterance karapaka sata in you the moment say kara pakasa the holy spirit takes over i start speaking number two and learn yourself to learn and learn yourself from what the teacher said the pastor said the other religion says the other one says whatever they was telling you in the wrong muslim community begin to speak they began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and they started you have to start point number three how do i speak in tongues you have to understand that you can only speak in a language you can only speak in a language that you have heard that's why if you go to any church the tongues are the same in that church [Music] everybody you see so if you go to china you're going to be speaking chinese if you grew up in kenya tanzania you're going to be speaking in swahili because the language you hear is the language you speak so be with people that are deep in tongues angelic tongues you can't speak in angelic tongues unless you have angelic tongues so if you don't hear angels speaking in tongues you have to hear a man that speaks in angelic tongue for you to operate in those tongues so be with people that can speak deep tongues listen to the people that can speak deep in tongues go and say atomic prayer by prophet passion on youtube boom it's going to be there you're speaking the stance go search prophet passion speaking in terms of fire listen to those things because the language you hear is the language you end up uttering so it's very important to be with people that also speaks in deep tongues number four how do i begin to speak in tongues you can speak in tongues in this way you can speak in tongues simply because in you is the word of god god does not do anything outside this world he can't do anything outside of his word read the bible read the bible read the bible when peter stood up in acts chapter number two verse number 16 17 and 18 he said this is what prophet joel said in the last days i'll put out my spirit upon all flesh he began to call the scriptures that were that way in him he already had the word of god in him so the amount of the word in you built a language that when you begin to speak the the foundation of your spiritual background with god is based on the word so it becomes easy for you to speak in other tongues it's very important and my last point point number five you have to understand that without the holy spirit you are wasting your time so it is that fellowship with the holy spirit that builds your intuition and this intuition is that reminds you of the languages of heaven that reminds you or unlocks you when somebody speaks in that language it confirms in your spirit you end up speaking in the tongue connect more with the holy spirit how by fasting by prayer and reading the word in conclusion and lend yourself to learn because what you learned over the years made you who you are today and you can never be bigger than who you are unless you have more more new knowledge in you you need more new knowledge for you to be what you have never be all right number two always understand how to invest in yourself and know that you are the one that starts speaking in tongues the holy spirit not gonna force you you have to open your mouth to speak number three always understand the people around you your surrounding it has to be different number four always understand that without the word of god you are wasting your time and lastly the holy spirit is our conclusion you need the holy spirit to fill you to touch you therefore go on my website register for prophetic class so you can learn more and grow more offer a prophetic one-on-one phone call so i can prophesy to you and tell you the way or even pray that you may receive tongues over the phone god bless you the god for prophet passion signing out amen [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 14,163
Rating: 4.9140496 out of 5
Id: 6l5OdI_RqsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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