How to Make YOUTUBE THUMBNAILS in Resolve - Easy Tutorial For Beginners

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[Music] oh hi didn't see you there my name's casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and hey right now what we're going to do is talk about making thumbnails inside of davinci resolve what thumbnails yeah like thumbnails for your youtube video you can actually do a lot of stuff that you could do in photoshop so let's i don't want to say jump in let's let's let's go though let's let's so here we are in resolve 17 and we're going to be making something kind of like this it's you know it's a video about puppies so the thumbnails about puppies having such a good time and this is mostly done in the edit page with just a tiny bit of help from fusion so let's build it the first thing that you're going to need for a good youtube thumbnail is usually a surprised face or or something so we have this lovely lady here and we're just going to drag that image into the timeline this is a royalty-free picture but you would obviously use yourself if you're the subject of the video but it all works the same we just have our still here and what we're going to do is just cut her out with a pen tool so we can put her on whatever kind of background we want the easiest way to do this is just to bring this into fusion so i'll just be over this image here in the timeline and just click on the fusion page what that'll do is bring this image into fusion and even if you're not really familiar with fusion this is very very simple all you have to do is make sure that this box right here media in is selected and is red and then go here to the middle of the interface and click on this button right here polygon and what that'll do is add a mask to our picture let's bring this up and then just click on this blue line and that'll disconnect the mask so now we can see our picture but with this polygon node selected we can go up to our still and we can just draw our shape around our talent here and i'm going to do this sort of quickly for the tutorial but you can take as much time as you want and just oh man you can just spend so much time making this amazing just as amazing as you want just following the main swoop of her hair here main swoop [Music] and then once you've gone all the way around just click on the first point again where it has this little circle and it will close the path so we have our path around her now all we have to do is go over back to our polygon node take the output and drop it on our media in one and look what happens we have it cut out now we don't have to do anything else fancy we can just click on edit and now we have the cut out image you see what i'm saying we're on our way all of the rest of this happens in the edit page of course you can use all these techniques and mix them with stuff you make in the fusion page or the color page or whatever you want in fact maybe i lied a little bit let's go to the color page and we'll do a little bit of color here that's the nice thing about resolve is you have all of these tools at your disposal like all the things you would normally use something like photoshop for you actually have quite a bit of control here in resolve in fact because we're in the color page you can do crazy stuff like brighten up her eyes really easily stuff like that so here's where we were and here's where we are now pretty cool so i'll switch back to the edit page now we have our cut out and color corrected lady here and we'll select this and go up to the inspector and anything that we have selected here in the timeline we can adjust properties for here in the inspector so i'll just zoom this up and position it to make things easier you can click on this button right here this will bring up our transform controls for whatever we have selected and you can move stuff around rotate them and everything on screen pretty cool and i'm just clicking and dragging with the middle button on the mouse that's the scroll wheel button to kind of pan this around so yeah i'd say something like that maybe now this video is about puppies so we'd better add some text to let everyone know it's about puppies and then we're going to add some actual pictures of puppies oh baby so to add text let's go up to the effects library right here in the upper left hand corner click on this and it will open by default down here if you close your media pool you can have it open on the left side of the screen click on titles and right here the fifth one down text just grab that and drag that down to our timeline and we'll just put this over our image here also this whole thing's a few seconds long it actually only needs to be one frame long but it doesn't really matter so just to make things easier to move around and grab and stuff we're just using this for a couple seconds and then what we're really just gonna do is take a still frame of this so we have our basic title i'll select that and then up here in the inspector let's say puppies my favorite color is light tan and i like poopies sure this is fine pick some kind of big bold font something big and bold generally works really well for thumbnails so i think we'll do something like this put this here maybe and maybe we'll move her over just a bit give some room for it to puppies something like that now we're gonna adjust the way this word looks here in just a minute but let's make some room down here in the timeline because these are going to be some of the top layers so let's move them up to make some room for the uh puppy pictures gosh i freaking love my job first thing i'm gonna do is kind of squish these tracks down so that they aren't as high so that we can see more of them a great way to do that in resolve 17 is hold down shift and scroll out with the scroll wheel just like that now let's take these two and i'll hold alt and hit up and that'll move whatever you have selected up a track so we'll do that a couple times give maybe three tracks below so we have some room to throw our puppy pictures let's go up here turn off the effects library and open the media pool and we got our puppies here oh boy we got our puppies so i'm gonna take puppies.jpg and drag it down here look at them they're so cute and let's just position this here so we can see the puppies right gotta we gotta see the puppies but that's not enough puppies we need we need more puppies so grab another still here of still more puppies and we'll move these around so that we can see all the puppies maybe we'll even just make this bigger so that we can just fill this whole frame with puppies there's a puppy here that looks good you gotta get your puppy placement just right and then what i'll do is take this still again i'm actually gonna place this above this bottom one and a little bit smaller so that we can have puppies on this side too oh boy something like that what we're really trying to do is just fill in the frame with everything that's interesting i like these green colors i like the puppies it's looking nice looking so good but now we have a problem this text is kind of getting lost with this lighter background so let's select the text and go up to the inspector and even just with our basic text effect if we scroll down here to drop shadow if we push this offset on x and offset on y then that does a lot gives us a little drop shadow so that we can see that text a little better i also want to give it a stroke so i'll push this stroke up just a touch this is why you want a great big bold font so you can have a big stroke on there and you can still read the text so that's pretty good feel free to tweak that differently if you want but now we have pretty nice looking thumbnail but what i like to do with the thumbnail is put a big border around it i feel like it just kind of helps highlight it so there's probably a bunch of different ways that we can do this what i like to do is make an adjustment layer and then put a border effect on it so let's go up to effect library and we'll just leave it down here for now close my media pool and i'm going to go over to effects and grab this adjustment clip and we'll drag that down into our timeline i'm going to drag that over everything else this is going to be our border and if you look here in the list here we have a fusion effect called colored border oh yes that's what i'm talking about and we're just going to take that and drag it onto our adjustment clip not above it but right on it and now that effect is being applied to our adjustment clip and look we have a border around it now that's sick with our adjustment clip selected up here in the inspector under effects we can change the stuff with our colored border let's do a nice green shall we just pick a nice green hit okay and i like to make the border a little bit wider so i'll push down the border width there we go something like this nice thick border see this feels like it's just going to stick out you know you usually want your thumbnails to be just a little bit gaudy just a little bit i think that's a pretty nice looking thumbnail so one last thing i want to do is put her head over this border at the top but her shoulders and everything under the border here so if we were to move this adjustment clip it actually moves everything under it which is not good so what we can actually do is just put her picture and this text over our border so this adjustment clip is our border let's take surprised and text put that up put our adjustment clip under them and we can take this picture and under cropping here we can crop this to stop before the border and guess what it'll look like it's under that border there's a bunch of different ways to do this this is just probably the quickest and easiest way that we're building things so i'm just going to zoom in and make sure our crop is really nice doesn't have to be perfect because it's just going to be a little thumbnail but something like that so it looks like it's behind the border and now we have her on top of the border at the top and below the border at the bottom so there's our beautiful thumbnail all made inside of resolve nice right so it's time to export this how do we export just this frame well it's kind of weird because you'd think you could just like right click and say export screenshot or something but the quickest way to do it in resolve is to go to the color page and then right click and say grab still and then here in the gallery right click and say export then you can select whichever kind you want png maybe and there it is there's our thumbnail look at us go poppy edge i think it's pretty cool right by the way if you want to learn more about making youtube videos and kind of doing that with davinci resolve we actually have a whole training series right there that takes you from the very beginning of not really knowing a whole lot about video editing all the way to being able to actually launch your own channel and edit stuff with resolve so check it out it's over there all you have to do is click on it and you just you just you click on this part right here
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 40,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make YOUTUBE THUMBNAILS in Resolve - Easy Tutorial For Beginners, create youtube thumbnail, make graphics in resolve, how to make a thumbnail, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, easy beginner tutorial, YouTube, thumbnail, how to, how to make custom thumbnails for free, create thumbnails for youtube, how to make a youtube custom thumbnail tutorial, youtube thumbnail tutorial free, how to make thumbnails for youtube videos on pc
Id: mVk86bDMvNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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