EDITING MISTAKES 71% of YouTubers make & how to fix them

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i remade and revamped graeme stefan's first ever youtube video to show you how anyone can make their videos 10 times better even if it's their first ever attempt us youtube creators all have something in common our first video was our worst that and we put our heart and our soul and sometimes even our bodies into our content but there's these two big problems that hold our videos back time and time again first the common mistakes that we all make that wreck videos unfortunately these are incredibly hard to recognize when you're doing secondly a video could actually have the making of something pretty special we just don't know how to take it up to that next level to achieve it but by pointing out these common mistakes in graham stefan's first video and then showing you how to fix them by the end of this video you'll start to spot them in your own content but will also be armed with the skills to do something about them too quickly though who is graham stefan and why him graham for me is responsible for making financial content interesting he sets the bar in that niche and due to his lovable character quality content and his ability to make you hit the like button the more like buttons get pressed on this channel the more iced coffee i can afford to drink he's amassed over three million subscribers in four years but his first video a video to give real estate agents some tips to sell properties makes these seven mistakes that just wreck it before i tell you the epic error in this video i want to see if you can spot it in this first clips because this is the ultimate killer of retention on videos and just getting good at noticing it is going to really improve your content it looks a little bit better when the lights are turned on even if it looks marginally better with the lights turned on just turn the lights on it's so easy to do i feel like a lot of people just overlook it because they think it's not that big of a deal but if you can make your place look one percent better just by turning on a light do it it's the easiest simplest thing you can do it makes the place look better and makes it look brighter it makes it look cooler just turn on the lights so there we are did you spot it the problem was repetition in graham's first video he repeats himself 48 times in 11 minutes it stops the video progressing and it makes the viewer switch off so now i'm going to cut out the repetition in his first tip for two minutes graham talked about how you should turn on the lights for a home viewing it's actually quite funny and i like that he tries to get humor in but for new viewers it's like ah come on get on with it and there we have it a two minute section of his video is now 20 seconds long now let's see if you can still understand his point even though i've completely annihilated it when you're showing a listing turn on all the lights a lot of people just overlook it because they think it's not that big of a deal but if you can make your place look one percent better just by turning on a light do it now i'm gonna cut all the repetition and waffle from the rest of the video with every laboured point gone it's now six minutes long doing this to your videos is really hard but i would urge you to spend time working out if every second of your content is actually needed and that brings us on to pace but pace isn't all about speed though it's about creating constantly flowing content that resonates with your target poor pace is the reason you watch people's videos in double speed on youtube and when people hit that times two speed button on your content your average viewer duration won't get hit but your watch times do graham's pace in his latest videos is spot on it's like the information never stops in fact in graham's last eight videos he spoke an average of 237 words per minute in his first video he only speaks an average of the 200. so we need to find a way to put an extra 30 words a minute into his first video to bring it up to his pace which is tried and tested with his viewers to do that we need this the j cut to remove the very thing that keeps us alive breath we want a constant stream of information here so watch this a traditional cut like this means every new clip stops the narrative it's not fluid when you use a j cut like this you literally get to the end of one clips audio and bring in the start of another clip so the narrative is constant we're going to start with this when you're showing a listing turn on all the lights lights on lights off light on we're gonna start with this when you're showing a listing turn on all the lights lights on lights off light on now this is massive for your attention but you still need to be tactical with your j cuts don't just ram loads together to remove tiny weeny gaps make sure the cuts feel natural it's also not a game of making a video as fast as it can be either before i go and do this to his entire video we also want to look at jump cuts because these are really easy way to make content more energetic but they're also something people tend to get wrong they're not quite wrong but not as good as they should be this is a jump cut you just zoom in a tad on your video in the edit then zoom out in the next clip but the mistake people tend to make including me because i've often forgot is they zoom in like this so watch something isn't quite right now try this zoom in on your clip but make sure the eye line's level with your previous clips eye line and then watch it again you see that the jump just feels so much more natural and when you combine it with jacob it's just liquid smooth stop the video so i've just noticed something that graham stevens editor does that i've never seen anyone do before and it's really flipping good this camera angle is the same as this camera angle and the editor has flipped it and then zoomed in so it looks like there's another camera filming him what this does is it gives the viewer something that feels new to look at it almost feels like a scene change and it's genius i'm doing it now to one of his clips and bye this is such a great way to fake a multi-camera setup so excuse me whilst i go through this video i got all of the j cuts and jumps to boost his pace have a guess before i do it at how much time this will shave off the length of the video it knocked off another one minute 15 seconds which means his video is now at the same pace that his current audience know and love him for it's definitely getting better but the next things are gonna 10x this bad boy but we've got one issue that we have to address graham decided to use some music that sounds like you just walked into a massage parlor listen lights on and it just doesn't work with the content now music is something you should be planning before you film because it can really impact a video both good and bad i mean look at this and you'll see what i mean unfortunately the next issue with this is more mine than yours and because i don't have the original footage for this video these cuts now mean i've got a song in the background that's all out of time which might ruin my entire project i'm just glad i didn't spend four days on this so i've just added this track that you can hear right now as a solution but the problem is if it clashes with his music too much i'm just gonna have to bin it it's kind of out of my hands that one so now we need to remove the next problem dodgy footage which isn't actually graham's fault because i've cut graham's video to pieces it looks pretty yucky in places but it's actually a great lesson for you because if something looks bad in your video don't worry just cover it up you can do that with b-roll images text and not only does it hide anything unsightly but it actually makes for a more entertaining watch too so in graham's video he tries to make six points so i'm going to chapter the video to make these points crystal clear they're also going to cover up some of the dodgy bits and the viewer reads this text and then it can help them to get re-engaged again for now i'm just going to use helvetica bold in capitals and then layer it on top of an image that is relevant to the title but that's still boring so to give it a little bit more energy i'm going to add some movement to the image a slide in transition and have the text type on and then i'll add some sound effects and here we go when you're showing a listing turn on all the lights simple but effect and then all i have to do is make the other five put them on the video at the appropriate places and the video is coming to light so it's now time to add the vroom so i'm gonna go through this and i'm gonna show you some tricks first i simply add more sound effects to his footage a simple light switch on and off defect makes all the difference lights on lights off then i throw in some more text because his face is on screen for too long and it starts to slow things down it's running on a way to do it now this part's really important grain is making a point and the key information here that will wake his viewers up is how much money someone could make if they follow his advice so we just can't let this point go unnoticed because it is the thing they'll pay the most attention to so add some stock footage of someone making it rain with cash text that appears on screen as he says the amount and then a cashier's sound effect to reinforce this and this could be a small investment that could net the seller five ten fifteen sometimes a hundred thousand dollars more just by using the right pictures becomes this net the seller five ten fifteen cents a hundred thousand dollars more just by using the right pictures and now we go up another level this is what will transform your videos what you can see there is me counting to the beat of the backing track i've used in graham's video because i'm going to change the image on screen to the beat of the music so this doesn't matter if it's a 200 from at least or if it's a 10 million dollar listing i personally prefer evening pictures like rhetoric becomes this it doesn't matter if it's a 200 per level or if it's a 10 million listing i personally prefer evening pictures like right around sunset i think it makes the difference it makes cutting all of your b-roll to the beat of the music is insane everything just falls into this rhythm that your viewers will struggle to escape but there's still two common problems left to fix here graham's talking about being late to a viewing and then he just throws in a clip of him driving his lotus exige which is kind of disjointed be a little bit early if you have to but show up on time if you say you're going to be there too show up it too it assumes the viewer will understand that he's on the way to a viewing but it's like starting the story near the end so with your visual story you still want it to have a beginning a middle and an end so i'm gonna go and film some b-roll for this video myself to show you what i mean find this to be an issue is just showing up on time show up when you say you're gonna show up and be on time be a little bit early if you have to so you're gonna be there too show up for two so before we move on to the final and one of the most important things to fix i thought i'd show you 30 seconds of graham's first video revamp to show you all of these things and how they come into play what's up youtube it's graham here i'm going to make a video today of the easiest tips that you can do to be successful in real estate we're going to start with this when you're showing a listing turn on all the lights lights on lights off light on a lot of people just overlook it because they think it's not that big of a deal but if you can make your place look one percent better just by turning on a light do it the next thing you need to do is use professional photography it's so easy to overlook a listing that has really shitty pictures it's gonna bring in so many more people it could be a small investment that could net the seller five ten fifteen sisters a hundred thousand dollars more just by using the right pictures it doesn't matter if it's a two hundred dollar from ugly or if it's a ten million dollar listing i personally prefer evening pictures like right around sunset i think it makes the place look the most vibrant and then all we need to do is give him another massive retention boost by sorting out his ending before i cut it down graham said goodbye to his viewers and asked them to subscribe and comment for about 30 seconds meaning three seconds into that section most people will have left and just killed his retention which if you want your attention graph to look like this at the end with a zero drop off then you have to do something that almost seems rudely abrupt and say watch this video next because it's going to tell you how to make more interesting content and this happens oh and by the way the link to the finished edit is in the comments
Channel: Film Booth
Views: 466,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham stephan, first youtube video, first ever youtube video, how to make a youtube video, how to make better youtube videos, video editing tips, graham stephans video editing, youtube mistakes, youtuber mistakes, new youtuber mistakes, youtube mistakes to avoid, editing mistakes
Id: SdH-mb0y0I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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