How to make the Best Homemade Sloppy Joes

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[Music] hi everybody everybody i'm back everybody genie young is back and i'm back with yet another amazing recipe i am so excited today because today at the young's house gina young is going to share with you all how to make delicious sloppy joes this recipe right here it's amazing it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know making gina young style it's gonna be so tasty y'all never had my sloppy joe before you better make you some here are the lovely ingredients you will need you're going to need some ground beef now listen here it doesn't exactly have to be ground beef i'm going to be using two pounds of ground beef and this is 80 20. if you wanted to use ground chicken you can use you know ground turkey if you like as well you're going to need some veggies okay so right here we have a gorgeous green bell pepper a red bell pepper we have a sweet vidalia onion and we have some garlic paste now let's talk about the garlic really quickly it doesn't have to be garlic paste that just happens to be what i have here if you have a small garlic clove then you're going to use that now right here i have some leeks and it's a very little bit this comes from the video that i did yesterday in the video that i did yesterday i show you how to clean the leeks so they're cleaning in cold water you will need some nacho cheese and some cheese slices right behind us we have some tailgate gourmet white hamburger buns and right here in this bowl i have some hot dogs and we'll talk about what we're going to do with that which is really interesting and also you can't have sloppy joes without fry so i have some potato wedges you will need a couple of spices so we can spice everything up here's what you'll need over this way you will need garlic and onion powder black pepper and salt you're going to need some ketchup and worcestershire sauce make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe i couldn't be more excited for this recipe let me know in the comment section below if sloppy joe's is something that you grew up on it's definitely something that i grew up on and i actually love so much but there's a certain way that i like to eat it here at the young's house and i'm going to show you how now let's talk about the leeks really quickly like i said the leeks are i'm just using them so i can get rid of them the leeks do not have to be used in this recipe so don't freak out if you don't have any so what i'm going to do let's go ahead and get started on our french fries because i'm throwing these in the oven on 375 degrees until they get nice beautiful and golden brown and as far as it comes when we talk about this nacho cheese we're going to use this nacho cheese to uh dip our fries in okay so i'm going to get this in the oven and when i come back we'll get started cutting all of our lovely veggies okay everyone we have prince and polo here you can see prince right there on the left and polo on the right i wanted to bring them in to say hello to everyone you guys asked about them on a daily basis here they are okay everyone so now i know you all are wondering so what is she gonna do with the hot dogs well let's talk about let's take it back to my childhood when i would have sloppy joes at my house what we always did was we always had hot dogs on the side and i would like to put the hot dog in my sloppy joe so anytime i make it here at the young's house for my family i always have hot dogs on the side so i've rinsed my hot dogs off and i'm just going to put them into some water and anytime i make hot dogs i like to put vinegar in my hot dogs not too much we're not trying to alter the flavor but we are trying to bump them up a little bit and using just a little tad bit of vinegar really makes your hot dog taste amazing so i'm going to get some in there we're going to get those nice and cooked just like so so right here in my frying pan you will see that i used a tablespoon of butter i want to go ahead and get my clean leeks put into the butter and start to saute them up and also i'm going to need to cut some onion when it comes to the onion and sloppy joe listen here you don't need a whole lot a little bit goes a long way you don't need a lot of veggies either i'm using a different color bell peppers really kind of just for uh decoration purposes for the video so we can make the sloppy joe nice and beautiful but you don't have to use the different colors this is all the onion that we're going to use now a lot of people wonder what does leeks taste like gina does it taste like onion me personally i don't think it tastes like onion it has its own flavor it's delicious okay so let's get this fresh onion right in so we can start to saute up with the leeks and then we're going to chop up our gorgeous bell peppers when i come right back so let's chop up our bell peppers like i said don't use too much all right so we're going to chop up some red give us some gorgeous color and listen here make sure when you bring those veggies home you have to wash them off wash off those pesticides and all of those germs you never know who's handled your veggies before you purchase them okay so there's that all right if you wanted to put a little bit of fresh tomato in here guess what it's okay go ahead and use yourself if you wanted to use about a tablespoon and a half of tomato paste that would be great as well it's going to give you great great flavor when you're cooking in your kitchen think of what can give me great flavor what can make this dish pop okay when you cook cook from your heart so your family will feel all of that love okay i'm gonna continue to slice these up and i'll be right back okay so now that we have some nice color onto our leeks and our onions are nice and soft let's go ahead and start to incorporate those bell peppers the whole purpose for sauteing up these veggies is to get some good flavor and also to give them a head start in the cooking process because as we know they um the burger is not going to take a long time to cook and you don't want you could put your veggies in when you put the burger in but you're just gonna have to cook it a much longer time to make sure you get a nice soft veggie but like i said if you cook these veggies ahead of time they they extract the sweetness and they they taste better so all i'm going to do with the bell peppers is i want these bell peppers to cook for maybe three minutes or so and then when i come back we'll incorporate our meat and we'll start to season our meat and i'll talk about the worcestershire sauce and how important it is so the bell peppers have cooked for about three minutes go ahead and put your ground beef in like i said try it with ground turkey if you want it to be a little bit leaner it's delicious okay all right so let's put this in the sink and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and take this time to mash up this masher came from a subscriber and i absolutely love it thank you once again for my master anytime i make burgers and i want a really you know a good grind i use this and it really works okay so what we're going to do we're going to wait a little while for this to get nice beautiful and golden brown once it starts to brown up then we'll start to incorporate our seasonings now if you are using fresh garlic instead of the garlic paste which most of you will use the fresh garlic what you need to do is after your veggies are done before you put the meat in get that garlic about a minute and a half two minutes to get nice and golden brown and then throw your hamburger on top okay everyone so our ground beef is starting to get nice and golden brown go ahead and put some garlic in there if you're using brush put it in with those veggies that sauteed we're gonna go in with some onion powder don't you dare be afraid to season listen here i know you guys are out there you're out there and you're afraid to season and then you wonder why your food has no flavor well it's because you need you know you gotta be able to put seasoning in there so now what we've done is we've put our onion powder our garlic powder and our salt let's put some black pepper in is definitely needed okay just like so and then we're going to put some worcestershire sauce this worcestershire sauce right here is very important when you're making sloppy joe it gives it that that really makes it taste like manwich some of you might call it maywitch or sloppy joe okay so let's put some in there how much listen here just put you some in i'm so serious and what i've decided to do is i am going to go ahead and put some tomato paste in and i'll show you how much and the perfect time to do that so now let's go ahead and start to flip this over if i can i should i probably should have used a smaller pan but listen here we're going to work it out you hear me absolutely we are going to get it chopped up we're going to mix in those seasonings our burger's going to turn nice and golden brown and one thing you need to make sure that you do is drain all of this unwanted oil you don't want oily sloppy joes okay everyone so i decided to change pans i got a bigger pan and i drained the ground beef because you don't want that oil okay so you can see it's nice and drained our ground beef is not all the way done but we have longer to cook it don't freak out okay so let's put about two tablespoons of the tomato paste it's really gonna give you an amazing flavor okay it really brightens it up okay so what we're going to do when you put tomato paste in you want to just kind of let's do this it's just going to cut it in to the beef you want to make sure you mix take a little bit at a time mix it all into this brownie for your ground turkey or even your chicken if you're using that i'm going to go ahead and turn these gorgeous hot dogs off and our fries are almost done you see how we're incorporating the tomato paste that's what you're going to do make sure you get this tomato paste coated all over the beef when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next so we've let the tomato paste cook for around about let's just say 10 minutes and here's what your burger should look like with just tomato sauce on it okay making sure that all of that ground beef is coated in your tomato paste don't just leave it in there in a clump okay so now you're going to take your favorite tomato ketchup and you're going to put you some in there okay how much listen here we're not going to go through that get you some in there until you make the consistency of sloppy joes if you don't know the consistency of manage or sloppy gels i'm going to show you today okay so we're going to get this well incorporated and you need to let this simmer as well okay even though everything's done right here you could eat it right now but letting it simmer letting it simmer for a while it's really gonna brighten up the flavor it's gonna make it taste better okay so let's continue to get this mixed in just like so when i come back i'll show you what this should look like okay so i want you all to look at the consistency that we have here and you see that i used about two nice squeezes of the ketchup with removing the ketchup lid okay so we can use that big hole all right so look at the consistency we're just going to do a number like this so you can see it's not runny it should never be so runny to where it makes your bread soggy you should be able to do this and it slides off you know not with ease but takes a little while okay that's what we're looking for i always do that when i make sloppy joe just to make sure i have the great consistency that i'm looking for so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to give this a nice taste and see if i'm happy with the flavor so i'm just going to do let's see it needs more seasoning what's this here just like so i definitely need more salt beautiful i definitely need more garlic powder and i feel like this is going to do the trick we're going to mix it up and then we're going to taste it one more time and see if we're happy let's do that again okay just a little bit is all i need mmm that's it oh it's so good it really brings back childhood memories so now that our sloppy joe is done let's talk about our buns when it comes to your buns if you're that person that you want to toast your bun you can butter your buns up a little bit or put a little bit of oil in a pan and get them nice and golden brown here at the young's house we typically don't um you know cook the buns so we're just going to leave them this way now let's talk about this really quickly some of you might say what is the cheese slices for these cheese slices are going to be to put at the bottom of the bread just to assure that you're not going to have a soggy bread i know i just told you that as long as your sauce is not really watery you'll be okay but let's just reassure ourselves by putting a piece of um you know craft singles at the bottom okay when i come back we're gonna make us up some sandwiches i'm going to say an amazing prayer you all are going to get that first bite time to make our sandwiches i couldn't be more excited okay so what i want you to see is our buns here and you see that i've put listen any kind of cheese that you love we just happen to love craft singles and it melts really well okay take you some take you some don't be afraid and you know it's supposed to be sloppy if it falls off the bun listen don't freak out don't be afraid to pal this one it's meant to be piled on it's meant to be a little sloppy that's why it's called sloppy joe if you have kids you have a large family this is definitely the meal you want to make during the week for your family and possibly if there's leftovers take it for lunch okay all right look what i have i have some horseradish sauce it's delicious on your fly on your fries it's delicious on this if you want it so okay i'm just saying so now let's top it off here's what it should look like just like so this right here is what you call a sloppy joe sandwich gina young style make you some take a look at this everybody sloppy joes gina young style make you some listen here everybody if you all enjoyed this hair video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time gina young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everyone you know tell the whole world of belgium young and what i'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis when i say a really quick prayer and you all are going to get that first bite heavenly father lord jesus we want to thank you for another beautiful day today lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts make you our lord and savior send your angels down to surround us day and night your holy spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our minds in the name of jesus heavenly father we thank you for the roof over our head the food the love peace and the joy that you bring us every day amen amen once again to my beautiful prayer i'm gonna give you all a bite that first bite okay okay okay if you're like me you're gonna put a hot dog right on top of this take a bite oh take that bite right there let me know what you think [Music] and here i i know i know you want to try the french fries with the nacho cheese sauce let's give it a nice dippity dip take a bite and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 57,064
Rating: 4.9247618 out of 5
Keywords: How to make the Best Homemade Sloppy Joes, How to make sloppy Joes, Sloppy Joes recipe, Gina Young Sloppy Joes, How to çook Sloppy joes, SloppyJoes, Homemade Sloppy Joes Recipe, Homemade Sloppy Joes
Id: D6oY2DEoGP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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