5 STAR POT ROAST RECIPE / How to make an easy pot roast / Step by Step ❤

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hi everybody today on rachel cooks with love i'm going to show you how i make my delicious dutch oven pot roast it's a simple recipe but it's loaded with flavor and it's also one of my favorite comfort food let's get started so i've got a beautiful chuck roast right here and it's three and a half pounds this is my favorite cut of meat for breezy when i'm gonna make a pot roast i always pick a chuck roast now as you can see it's got beautiful marbling on it and that's what you want when you're going to make a chuck roast because all that marbling is going to give you a fantastic taste now when i'm going to make a pot roast i like to pick a nice big cut of meat because i'm going to use it for other meals throughout the week i can make other things with it so before i sear my meat i'm gonna go ahead and season it really well now i've got some kosher salt here and you want to salt it really good because it is a big piece of meat so you want to make sure that you use you know plenty of salt like that and i like to rub it in really good and i went ahead and pat it dry real good before you get started because you want everything to stick on it pretty good now i'm going to put in my pepper this is freshly ground pepper so you want to get the sides also see flip it over and do the same thing now my garlic powder and you know when i make a pot roast as i was saying you know with the leftovers i'm able to make some chimichangas i can make some tacos i make some burritos you know there's just so many things you can make with it so it's not like it's going to be a pot roast and that's it you can do other things with it too so that's why i like to pick a big piece of meat like this and i think this is good so you know that when you season really well with your garlic powder onion powder salt and pepper you're going to get a fantastic tasting pot roast so we've got plenty of that now i'm going to go ahead and dust it with flour just gonna put some flour right here on this plate and i'm gonna get my chuck roast and i'm gonna flour it really good so i like to push it down make sure that it gets real good into the cracks just like this and i also want to get the sides see now this is what's going to give you a fantastic crust and it's going to be the best gravy you've ever had see so now i'm gonna go ahead and sear it so let's go to the stove so i've got my stove setting on low and as you can see i've got a small saucepan here and in here i've got some frozen chicken stock as you can see i'm going to go ahead and put it in here and let it simmer on low until i need it because that's what i'm going to be using so i've set my heat on medium high now you don't want it too low you want it on medium high to get a good sear i'm going to be using this heavy duty dutch oven this is my big old faithful and i usually bring her out only when i'm going to make something big that i need plenty of room in and i think that cast iron a big pot like this dutch oven is perfect for a pot roast so i've got about a tablespoon of vegetable oil i'm going to go ahead and put it in here and i also have a tablespoon of bacon grease now this is this is bacon grease that i got from this morning and i just think that the bacon grease gives it a delicious flavor and i want it in here when i make a pot roast so now i have my meat over here i'm going to go ahead and put it into the pot just like that i'm going to push it down make sure that it's sealed really well from the bottom like this to get a good sear on the bottom i'm going to go ahead and flip my rope over just like that now i'm gonna push it down make sure that it's all sealed at the bottom and i'm also gonna sear this side so it's been about five minutes i'm gonna go ahead and lift it up carefully this is a big piece of me so i'll just hold it up like this until this bottom part sears and then i'll be turning it around so i've gotten all the sides nice and clear i'm gonna go ahead and remove it i'm just gonna put it right here on this plate and i'm gonna set it aside and get my veggies ready to put in my pot so i've lowered my temperature down to medium now that i have removed my roast i still have a little bit of grease in there but if you feel that you need to add some you can go ahead and add a little bit now i've got one whole onion now i didn't cut it into small pieces because i will be removing it later right now i just want to get the flavor out of that onion and i also have one carrot and one celery rib right here i've just cut them into small pieces now i will be removing these later like i said so i'm going to be moving them around like this just until the onions get a little translucent if i were to put all my vegetables in here that i'm going to be using in my pot rolls by the time my pot roast will be ready all these vegetables will be real mushy so i will be removing these later and then adding the vegetables that i will be having for the end so i've got three big garlic cloves you see i'm going to mash them because these are the ones that i'm going to be putting into my pot just like that see so these will be next so as you can see my onions have gotten a little translucent i'm gonna go ahead and add my garlic now i've got two big sprigs of rosemary right here i'm gonna go ahead and add them in there and i've also got two of thyme and i'm going to put them in there i'm going to move them around so that my garlic can release its flavor in there and the rosemary and the thyme as well now you don't want to burn your garlic that's the worst thing you can do for your pot roast so i'm just going to be moving them around like this for about one minute so it's almost one minute i'm gonna dust a little bit of flour in here see and i'm gonna be moving it around like this until it gets nice and toasty oh this rosemary and thyme smell wonderful in here yummy okay you don't want raw flour now this flour is what's going to give us our beautiful gravy but you don't want it raw so you want to move it around until it gets nice and toasty and at the same time the rosemary and the thyme are down at the bottom and they are also releasing their flavor which is exactly what we want see now i'm going to go ahead and add my tomato paste i like the tomato paste because it gives it a wonderful taste and it also gives it good color now i have one cup of beef broth i'm gonna go ahead and add it in here and i'm also going to add chicken stock as you can see it's ready to go just like that so you want to put in about a cup to a cup and a half it doesn't matter even two cups is fine i think this will work if i need some more i will add some more now i've also got one teaspoon of red wine vinegar i'm gonna go ahead and add it in there it's acidic and i like it in there and this will help deglaze the bottom now that i put in my chicken stock i'm gonna go ahead and add my crushed tomatoes i've got one cup of fresh canned tomatoes i'm going to give it a nice stir i like the tomatoes in here because it gives it a fantastic flavor and it also gives it a beautiful color along with a tomato paste see now as you can see all our goodness has come up to a light boil see oh my gosh it smells beautiful in here now i've got two small bay leaves i'm gonna go ahead and dump them in there if you have a big one you can put in one big one now i'm going to put my roast back in just like this see and that's about as deep as you want it to go so i'm going to go ahead and turn off my heat and now i'm going to put it into the oven now i've got my oven set at 325 degrees i'm gonna go ahead and put this in the middle rack in the center of the oven and i'm gonna let it stay in there for about an hour and a half and then i'll see then so while my pot roast is still in the oven i'm gonna get my vegetables ready but i wanted to show you my dinner rolls see you pretty i'm gonna get a video out for you on those dinner rolls they're so easy to make now i've got a nice big size onion i'm going to go ahead and cut it in half just like this and then i'm just going to cut them like this like in big slices and i'm gonna put them in my bowl now the other vegetables that are in the dutch oven are gonna come out i'm not gonna use those because they're probably pretty mushy by now but they have released their flavor so that's what we want okay so here are all my onions and next i'm gonna peel my carrots i'm not gonna cut them into small pieces i like them a good size about like this say just like that and i'm going to do the same to all the carrots now i also have two celery ribs i'm also going to cut these in you know pretty good sized pieces like this i like them you know big and chunky but you can put them in any size that you want see so here are all my veggies i'm not gonna put any potatoes in with my pot rolls because i'm gonna make mashed potatoes my ron would rather have mashed potatoes than potatoes in the roast but you can put your potatoes in there and you can use either the little gold ones you can use the red ones or the little dark purple or the little dark ones it's just whatever you like but i will be making mashed potatoes so here's my dutch oven it's been an hour and a half i'm gonna go ahead and remove the lid oh look at how beautiful that looks now before i remove these old vegetables that are in there i'm going to go ahead and remove all the grease that has accumulated on top and it's easy to go in there and just skim it off just like this see so now i'm going to go ahead and get my roast out for just a little bit like this see now i'm going to use this skimmer i'm going to go ahead and remove all the old vegetables that are inside my dutch oven i'm sure they taste delicious and i'm not going to throw them away but i don't want them in there all i want is the gravy so you don't want all that in there see the beautiful gravy now if you want it a little bit darker and i do i'm gonna add just a pinch of this kitchen bouquet it's a browning and seasoning sauce it doesn't change you know the taste much but it does add a pretty color so i'm gonna put in like half a teaspoon this is half a teaspoon right there then i'm just gonna stir it in there and can you see how it's getting darker oh that's gonna be beautiful look at that i'm gonna go ahead and put my roast back in oh there we go i think i'll dump all that good stuff in there this looks good oh look at that see now i've got my vegetables that i cut up a little while ago and i'm gonna go ahead and place them in there the onions the carrots see i'm going to lift my roast just let it sink in because you don't want it resting right on the bottom floor oh and that's beautiful look at that i want the onions and the carrots and all that to be in between the dutch oven and my pot roast so once i replace my lid it's going to get so nice and hot in there that these vegetables that are on top will cook beautifully just like the rest i'm gonna go ahead and put it back into the oven and i will check it in about one hour and make sure that my vegetables are tender if they're not really tender i'll leave them in there just a little longer until they're ready and i'll see you then my timer just went off look at this beautiful pot roast i can't wait to see how tender it is everything is nice and ready got my mashed potatoes you know this is going to be my rounds plate right put some of the gravy up here see see that's why he likes the mashed potatoes because of the gravy so now we're gonna get some of this see if i can do it with my fork and get these tongs right here look at that i almost forgot my fluffy dinner rolls look at that now let's do a taste test um together with the mashed potatoes um oh my goodness this is going to make fantastic leftovers i can already see a big fat sandwich made out of this so this is my delicious dutch oven pot roast if you like my video give me a thumbs up share with your friends and if you haven't subscribed please do and send me a comment and tell me what you think thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 2,566,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Star POT ROAST RECIPE, How to make an easy Pot Roast, Best Pot Roast, Step by Step Pot Roast
Id: hQ-6Tsm6hsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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