How to make Delicious Spaghetti And Meatballs

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[Music] hi everybody everybody i'm back everybody genie young is back and i'm back with yet another amazing recipe i am so excited today because today at the young's house genie young is going to share with you all how easy it is to make delicious spaghetti and meatballs this recipe is delicious it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know making tina young style it's gonna be so tasty y'all never had my spaghetti and meatballs before you better make you some here are the lovely ingredients you're going to need of course you're going to need some ground meat now today i'm going to use 80 20 ground beef i'm using two pounds so that's what we have right here all right and you will also need some fresh veggies right here we have two garlic cloves and you can see that we have some beautiful tri-colored bell peppers you will need a nice onion this is a sweet vidalia onion we have an egg that we will be using and i have some mushrooms as well you will need some breadcrumbs now you can use any kind of breadcrumbs the breadcrumbs that i'll be using today is italian style panko breadcrumbs of course you're going to need some spaghetti when we have spaghetti and meatballs here at the young's house we like to use the thin spaghetti so we're going to use that and also you're going to need some great sauce now you can make your own sauce but i like to bump up my sauce so right here we have the prego it's garden style and it's chunky it's filled with veggies you will need some parsley and then also you're going to need a couple of spices so that we can spice everything up so right here i have some sugar that we will be using in our sauce we have italian seasoning garlic and onion powder we have parsley flakes pepper we have some sea salt and you cannot have spaghetti without parmesan cheese make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe okay everyone so one of the first things that we want to start doing is i want to start chopping up some veggies and we're going to make this lovely sauce we want to get our sauce started so that it can simmer down and get nice and gorgeous so now let's start off with our garlic and our onions we are going to chop them down and i like to use the side of my knife just to give it a nice whack what happens when you do that gina well a couple of things happen the skin comes off very easily otherwise you're going to be peeling for days trying to get the skin off okay so that's what happens when we give it a nice whack the skin comes off easily and also it kind of breaks the garlic down a little bit to assist you in the chopping process you see how it mashes it a little bit so now what i want to do right away is i want to chop up this beautiful garlic garlic is a must when you're starting a tomato sauce whether you're starting your tomato sauce from scratch or if you just want to bump up the spaghetti sauce that you're using like i'm going to do today chop it up in small pieces you can do slices however you like i'm going to chop mines down pretty small because no one wants to bite down into a huge piece of garlic i'm going to continue to chop this up and i'll be right back okay everyone let's attack this onion in hopes that i don't go crying anytime i chop onions i'm telling you like they just make me cry we're gonna pray that that doesn't happen in this video i normally have to go on paul's tell you guys i'll be back so that i can fix my eyes because onions make me cry all right so we're going to chop this up nice and fine if you want yours you know bigger pieces absolutely that's okay i'm going to use half of the of an onion just like so we're going to chop it down and then we want to get the onion and the garlic into olive oil and what we're going to do is we're going to create a onion and garlic infused oil that is really going to permeate all through our sauce and create great flavor those of you that are familiar with me you know that i love to make a nice garlic oil for my tomato sauce it really gives you a great flavor we're going to be able to achieve that by doing this so what we're going to do now is let's take some olive oil and you know to be honest if you don't have olive oil it's okay use some vegetable oil we're going to take this and put it into our pan and we want to salt not too much but enough so we can have that onion and garlic infused oil so we're going to take our garlic get it right into the pan just like so and we want to cook our garlic until it gets nice beautiful and golden brown along with the onions once it starts to get sauteed up i'll be back and i'll show you what we'll do next okay everyone while our garlic and onions saute up let's start to chop up these beautiful veggies that we have here to be honest when we talk about bell peppers each bell pepper has different flavors and i love the color that it gives and i also love the flavor that each bell pepper gives off so that's my purpose for using the different colored bell peppers now you can just use green bell pepper if you like or whatever bell pepper that you love okay you can see how i'm going to chop up these veggies just like so not too big and not too small okay and we're gonna get those in next with this garlic and onions that we have cooking in the olive oil okay everyone so we have our bell peppers nice and cut up all the same size you want to cut them up the same size so that they all can cook around about the same time now i'm putting them in with the onion and the garlic infused oil just like so and you see that i didn't use the whole bell peppers the rest of the bell peppers i just threw them in a freezer bag so we can use them um you know on a later date let's talk about the mushrooms some of you love them some of you hate them here at the young's house we love them and anytime i get a chance to throw veggies into a dish i'm gonna we love mushrooms so now when you bring your mushrooms home make sure you wash them okay and you don't want to soak these in water you want to take a damp paper towel or a brand new toothbrush and you just kind of brush off the dirt okay because if you soak these in water they are like a sponge they will just soak up that water and they'll be disgusting okay so now that we've washed them off we want to cut off the stems you can always save the stems if you like and we want to give these a nice chop down i'm not going to use all of these i just want some flavor of the mushrooms in our sauce so this is how we're going to chop them just like so once i get a couple of them chopped we'll throw them right in with our veggies our garlic and onions okay everyone now that our veggies have started to saute down and that beautiful olive oil now it's time to put in these gorgeous mushrooms not too many but just enough to really flavor up your socks okay so we're going to get those in just like so and i want to take this time to open up my sauce all right who doesn't love prego i love it all right but sometimes i will get the off-brand names of these spaghetti sauce and really bump it up and it tastes just as good all right so we're going to get this in there just like so and i will push it put a little bit of water in here to get the excess tomato sauce out of the jar you all know how to do it you put some water in there put the lid on shake that bad boy up and get all of this excess out okay so we're going to use two jars of our tomato sauce we're gonna let this simmer down while we make up our beautiful meatballs the meatballs are so easy to make and listen here the taste is out of sight so let's let this simmer when i come back i'll show you how to make really quick and simple yet so tasty meatballs okay everyone before we make the meatballs we do want to season up our spaghetti sauce here's how we're going to do it we're going to take some italian seasoning now i like to use italian seasoning sometimes you'll see me even use a bay leaf i'm not going to use bay leaves today because when i use the italian seasoning you don't always need a bay leaf all right so we're going to put some in here just like so not too much but a nice amount that you can taste all right we're going to put some onion powder it definitely needs it garlic powder a little bit of salt okay and black pepper definitely all right and then we're gonna take just a little pinch of sugar don't worry i know some of you out there are gonna say no gina don't do it i have to now the sugar what it's going to do is it's really going to cut some of the acid and it's going to prevent some of you that get heartburn from that tomato sauce is going to cut in a little bit okay everyone so we're here at the larger stove and i want to make our thin spaghetti noodles so i'm going to take about a pound and a half of the noodles and literally i'm just going to hold them and let them fall how they may now in this recipe today i will be using vegetable oil or olive oil okay so what we want to do we're using the oil today because i don't want my noodles to stick together when you put your noodles into the boiling water you want to give them a nice stir around so that they don't stick they're only going to take 11 minutes to get perfectly al dente okay everyone now that we have our sauce simmering we have our noodles cooking let's make these meatballs they're so easy we're going to take some panko breadcrumbs or any kind of breadcrumbs you have get them in there okay not as a filler but kind of to hold the meatballs together but you don't want to use too much alright so then we're going to take a little bit of milk i didn't mention milk but anytime i make meatballs i make meatloaf i use the milk to soften up the meatball and also to soften up those bread crumbs not too much all right and then i want to take this time to chop up some fresh parsley okay so we're going to do that just like so in this manner you don't need a lot but you definitely need fresh parsley for your meatballs okay so now that we have this nice and chopped up we'll get out our spices beautiful so we're gonna go in a little bit of italian seasoning once again onion powder garlic powder we're going to put an egg in this is just a large egg all right parmesan cheese it's needed for your meatballs okay not too much salt because the parmesan cheese does have salt in it in we go with some black pepper get that black pepper in there a little bit of sea salt all right and we're going to mix when i come back okay everyone so i wanted to wash up my arms take off my jewelry and wash my hands very well i feel like when you're making meatballs you're making meatloaf loaf go in with your hands sometimes it's better than utensils okay so i'm just going to go right in and i'm going to mix everything up just like so in this manner and you don't want to handle it too much handling your meatballs can cause you to have tough meatballs we don't want that once everything gets nice and mixed up i'm going to come back and show you what size to make your meatballs okay everyone now that we have our mixture nice and mixed up if you kind of toss them this way and they don't fall apart guess what you have the right texture you don't need any more breadcrumbs okay the breadcrumbs and the egg will help it to stick together now you want to see what size do i want my meatballs you can make them tiny and you can make them huge i kind of like to make mine's medium size and when i make a bowl i usually put about four or five on each person's bowl okay this size you want to try to make them all the same size and that way they all get done at the same size oh i'm sorry at the same time now there's a couple of ways you can do this you can fry them in a pan okay we're not going to do that today you can just take these bad boys and you can throw them in the sauce raw and really cook your sauce down until your meatballs are done we're not going to do that today what we're going to do is we're going to put these in the oven when i come back we'll put them in the oven i'll let you know how long they took to cook okay everyone here's what our beautiful meatballs look like we had a little overflow so i have this pan they're going in the oven 350 degrees and when i come back we're gonna drain those noodles okay everyone we are here at the sink i want to drain my noodles and what i will do is i want to rinse my noodles there's a lot of steam i'm going to rinse my noodles with cold water okay everyone so our meatballs have came out of the oven they took 30 minutes to cook you don't even have to turn them over okay so here's what they look like they are so beautiful and right here you can see that i have cut one of them okay oh my goodness here's what the inside looks like beautiful and they're nice and done in the inside this piece right here is for me i have to try it [Music] now what we're gonna do time to take the meatballs get them into your sauce okay so we're gonna do just that we're gonna take each meatball put it into this gorgeous sauce that we've had simmering just like so and when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next beautiful okay so let's talk about the meatball overload when i make meatballs here at the young's house we don't want to be stingy that's why i always like to use two pounds two pounds is going to give you a nice amount of meatballs check it out okay so we're going to start to push these meatballs gently down into the sauce and let it simmer with the sauce and then next what i want to do is i want to take some garlic bread you can't have spaghetti without garlic bread get you some garlic not some garlic sticks garlic bread and i always buy it frozen you know it tastes delicious you can make it yourself but you know it's really up to your discretion we're gonna get these in the oven until they get nice and warm and when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next okay everybody take a look spaghetti and meatballs gina young style make you some listen here everybody if you all enjoyed this hair video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time gina young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world about gina young and what i'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis we're going to say a really quick prayer and you all are going to get that first bite heavenly father lord jesus we want to thank you for another beautiful day lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our lord and savior send your angels down to surround us day and night your holy spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our mind in the name of jesus we pray that no evidence forming against us shall prosper in the name of jesus and we bind the devil away from us in jesus name devil you have no authority over this household heavenly father we thank you for the roof over our head the food the love the peace and the joy that you bring us every day we thank you for that amen amen once again to my beautiful prayer let's dive in i can't wait any longer i can't wait parmesan get you some listen everybody make you some of this gina young style you will not be let down your family and friends are going to go nuts over this simple recipe let's go in oh we want to try that sauce and the noodles first and then we will try those meatballs my mouth is salivating take a bite let me know what you think oh just beautiful so simple so tasty man it's so good it's like taste bud overload you hear me and the meatballs were so simple take a bite i'm going in mommy and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 74,268
Rating: 4.9187155 out of 5
Keywords: Spaghetti and Meatballs, How to make Spaghetti and meatballs, Gina Young Spaghetti and Meatballs, Gina Young, Gina Young recipes, Spaghetti, Meatballs, How to make Meatballs, Food tutorials, Step by step recipes, Easy Spaghetti recipes, Meatball Recipes, Christian, Spaghetti recipes, How to make delicious Spaghetti and Meatballs, How to, How to make, How to cook
Id: zlvtd0ZCT8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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