How to Make MeatLoaf Taste Delicious (Easy)

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[Music] hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody Jeannie young is back and I'm back with another amazing recipe I am so excited today because the day at the Jung's house Cheeta Jung is going to share with you all how easy it is to make delicious meatloaf this recipe is amazing it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know you make it to you young spell it's gonna be so tasty you all never had my meatloaf before you better make you some here in the lovely ingredients you're gonna need the first thing you're gonna need is some ground meat the ground meat that I'm gonna use today I'm going to use 2 pounds of ground turkey and then I'm also going to use a pound and a half of ground beef 80/20 and you're gonna need a couple of veggies the veggies is gonna help to keep your meatloaf nice and moist and make it flavorful you will need a onion and you can see that we have two bell peppers green and red you won't need excuse me you will need some eggs and you're gonna need some milk and I'll tell you what's interesting about putting the milk in your meatloaf you're gonna need excuse me you're gonna need mustard and ketchup and we are going to use cornflake crumbs for our bread crumbs today this makes for an amazing meatloaf now this is optional I want to show you all this Lipton onion soup mix there's so many people that likes to use this when they make meatloaf you can use it if you like I'm not gonna use it today now these potatoes today is just for the side dish you're going to need a couple of spices so we can spice everything up here's what you'll need over this way so you will need some honey you will also need some tomato paste and right there we have some satsang sazon is going to give you a great robust flavor and beautiful color and we have some guy with powder beef Boyan parsley flakes salt and pepper of course you're gonna need some Worcestershire sauce and my secret right here we're gonna use some ranch powder that is gonna really bump up this meatloaf that makes it so delicious make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe okay everyone so one of the first things that we need to do is start to chop up our gorgeous veggies now there's a couple of different ways you can make meatloaf when you're using your onions and your bell peppers some people like to put celery and carrots if you want to do that that will be just fine now you can put them in roll if you like but today we're gonna saute them up I find when you saute up bell peppers and onions the flavor really changes and it changes the flavor of how your meatloaf will taste okay so what we're going to do let's go ahead and chop up some of these bell peppers into small pieces and saute them like I said the bell peppers and onion is going to help to keep your meatloaf nice and moist I like to use the different colors because honestly the different color bell peppers each one gives off a different flavor okay so here's how we're gonna cut this nothing special not too big and not too small okay I'll just show you how to cut a little bit and then we'll cut the rest off-camera okay like so let's move the onion so you can see a little bit I hope you all are having an amazing day today as well as a great week okay so that's how we're gonna chop up our bell peppers you don't have to use too much a little bit goes a long way but it's really nice when you slice down into your meat loaf and you get to see all of these beautiful colors going all throughout the meat loaf now there's a lot of people that like to take there are bell peppers just like this throw them into a food processor and really grind them up now that's going to give you that amazing flavor as well but you won't see the chunks okay so I'm gonna start to chop up my onion finish chopping up these bell peppers and I'll be right back okay everyone so now that we have our bell peppers and onion sautéing right here in this pan and I'm just using a tiny bit of oil to saute these peppers and onions okay we're not trying to look for color we just want to saute these up until the onions get nice and translucent which is clear in color and the peppers start to get a little bit softened okay it's really gonna bring out that gorgeous flavor in them let's start to season up our meat so I'm gonna take this ranch powder there's several different kinds I like to use just the original I'm going to use this whole packet this whole packet is gonna give you amazing flavor if you all haven't had meatloaf this way listen here you don't know what you're missing until you give this a try you can use this ranch powder for hamburgers makes it delicious we're gonna go in with some sauce some great flavor gorgeous color just like so I have some pepper don't be afraid to season okay this is a nice amount of meat you want to put a nice amount of seasoning in there I'm not gonna use too much salt just that little bits gonna do the trick because my Boyan powder does have some salt in it this is just parsley flakes just to make everything nice and gorgeous now we're going in with that boy young powder you can use the chicken or you can use to beat this is the beef okay and you cannot make a meatloaf without that garlic powder Wurster sheer sauce am I the only one that says the name ray there's so many people that tries to say where's just sheer sauce and they mess it up the fettman is so funny all right so now we're gonna put our eggs in okay I'm gonna practically eggs into a separate bowl just to make sure that I have nice fresh eggs the eggs is what serves as a binder it really helps to bind your meatloaf together so that it can stick together and not fall apart in that oven so we got two large eggs just like so and then mustard and ketchup is just something that I grew up on it's like you cannot have a meatloaf without mustard and ketchup how much just get you some in there no certain amount but you have to have it okay now sometimes you will see me use barbecue sauce in replace of the ketchup definitely you can do that it gives amazing flavor now let's talk about what else you can use as a binder or filler you can use any type of bread crumbs you can crumble up some white bread if you like you can use corn bread you can use rolled oats any of those things makes for an amazing meatloaf but you haven't had a meatloaf unless you have tried it with the cornflake crumbs Oh talk about delicious all right so here's what we're going to do we're gonna take these cornflake crumbs I usually like to use a half a cup or a little over a half a cup okay just like so in this milk what my grandmom would always do if she would put milk into her bread crumbs and let the milk soak into the crumbs and then you put it into the meatloaf kind of interesting right it really makes a difference rather than just putting the crumbs into the meatloaf and then pouring in some milk I've tried it several different ways but this way really does the trick okay you just whether it's the rolled oats the corn bread the white bread the wheat bread do it this way okay just like so all right so now that I have that kind of nice and soggy let's go ahead and put those cornflake crumbs right in just like so that's around about a half a cup or a little over okay I am going to wash my hands once again and I go in with my hands and I really want to get in there a mix everything up when I come back okay everyone so I want you all to take a look at these gorgeous peppers and onions then they just take hardly any time to cook I probably cooked them for around C you know seven to nine minutes now that they're nice and soft let's go ahead and pour them into this little ramekin and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna throw these in the freezer literally just for about ten minutes or so just so they can cool down because here's what we can't do we cannot put these into the mix with the eggs because we'll make scrambled eggs so you want to cool them down and honestly make this mixture ahead of time make it you know the night before or before you do your recipe that way you don't have to throw them in the freezer okay so we're gonna let these cool again I'm gonna come back and mix these be right back okay everyone so while our veggies cool down I'm going in with my impeccably clean hands I'm diving in and I want to really incorporate all of these beautiful ingredients sometimes I feel like using your hands really incorporates things like you want you just can't really get that when you're using utensils sometimes okay so I'm just going from the bottom to the middle and one thing you don't want to do when you're mixing up a meatloaf or even if you're mixing up hamburgers you don't want to handle the meat too much because what happens is that heat from your hands will cause for you to have a really dry tough meatloaf and that's not what we want so don't handle it too much whatever you're doing right now when you go in and mix hurry up and get it done so you don't have to handle it too much so now that I have everything well incorporated I'm waiting on my veggies to cool down and I'll be right back okay everyone so my vegetables are nice and cooled down so now we can incorporate them into okay and I'm just gonna go in once again get those veggies nice and incorporated and I'm gonna show you how to make your meatloaf up after I mix all this up be right back so now what I'm gonna be using today as I like to use a cake pan sometimes I have this special frying pan that I use for my meatloaf but here's what I'm gonna use today okay and this is just a glass cake pan and what I like to do is we're literally gonna just turn it over into our pan and then you want to make a loaf you can make little tiny miniature Meat Loaf's this big for everybody become any of them for the same amount of time as you would bake this one it's a lot of fun and all of your family and friends and loved ones they get their own individual meatloaf try it sometimes it's a lot of fun okay so here's what we do you just want to take your meatloaf and you want to push the sides in and flatten the sides until you get that form that you're looking for you could make this into a football shape okay it's really up to your discretion you could do a circle rectangle like I'm gonna do okay and you just want to kind of smooth it out until you get all of those cracks nice and sealed and you have somewhat of an even meatloaf you don't want this part high and this part low because it won't cook even so take your time and you're gonna do this for a few minutes until everything gets nice and even and all cracks are nice and sealed okay everyone so now it's time to get our meatloaf into the oven 350 degrees and I'm gonna tell you the exact time that this meatloaf took to cook but there's one thing that I like to do I like to put a little a bit of cold water in the bottom of my meatloaf why do I do it it's just something that I've always done I'm not gonna put so much in there to where my meatloaf is gonna stay but I'm putting enough in there just to get it start to cooking and to where my meatloaf is not gonna stick to the pan that extra water right there will evaporate during the cooking process let's get this in the oven in the oven we go little rack 350 degrees just let it go it'll be just fine now what I want to do is I want to share with you all how I make the topping to my meatloaf have you all ever had the meatloaf and you see the red on top of the meatloaf this is how I like to make mine so and I don't measure it you don't have to I'm gonna take some ketchup do this with barbecue sauce if you like absolutely okay so I'm just gonna put some ketchup just like so and all the time I don't use the tomato paste but we're gonna use tomato paste today okay and then some honey this is gonna be used for the topping but this does not go on top of our meatloaf until the meatloaf is almost done when our meatloaf has about 15 minutes left to cook that's when you smear this one get it really incorporated it's delicious I cannot make a meatloaf without it just like so okay everyone you all lacs about prints and polo here they are it's been a while since you all have seen them they are sitting here on the deck and they are really enjoying this beautiful day we have polo right there on the left and print sitting on the deck on the right say hi principal okay everyone so while the meatloaf cooks we have to have some sides I'm gonna make some quarter potatoes today you all that are familiar with me you know that I love these quarter potatoes all you have to do is you peel your potatoes and you cut them into quarters okay just like so I have rinsed these potatoes several time this is nice clean cold water I rinse my potato several times until the water turns nice and clear because when your water is cloudy you don't have lots of search in your water so what we're going to do is we're literally gonna salt our water anytime you're making pasta you're making potatoes salt the water so it can taste delicious and you can see that the water is barely covering the potatoes that's how I want we're gonna cook that on a medium-high heat and over here I have some frozen corn and some frozen peas that we are going to cook and it's just a little bit of water in there and some butter I do want a salt and pepper and I will be putting a little bit of sugar in here I can't have peas and corn without butter and sugar you don't have to put it in yours if you don't like a little bit of parsley okay and we're gonna put a half a stick of butter in just let it go and right before it's done is when I'll add my butter now I'm going to take some aluminum foil I'm just going to cover this and let it go beautiful okay everyone so our potatoes cook for 25 minutes our meatloaf is done it's cooked for an hour okay and so what I've done with the meatloaf what I want to do with these I've drained them and then I got I'm going to put a stick of butter or you can fit less that's up to your discretion I just want to put the butter right on top I'm not going to mix it in because then I'll break up all of my potatoes I just want this butter to melt all over the top of these gorgeous potatoes I'm gonna put garlic powder parsley salt and pepper I'm gonna put the lid on so this that butter can melt I'm gonna take the meatloaf out and I'm going to show you how we're gonna top it okay everyone take a look at our meatloaf and so now what I want to do is I'm going to go ahead and take this topping put it right on you put as least as you want or as much as you would like and you can put it on the sides if you like but I just put it right on the top this is going right back in the oven for 15 minutes and then I'll be back listen here everybody if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on their notification bow so you can be notified every time Tina young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world about Tina young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis let's say a really quick prayer Heavenly Father we want to thank you for another blessed day Lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding we thank you Jesus for the roof over I had the food that I loved the peace and the joy that you bring us daily amen okay everyone look at this gorgeous meatloaf and take a look down on the inside simply beautiful now let's set that aside here's our plate beautiful gorgeous meal couldn't be more simple listen here let's dive in Eggman once again to my gorgeous prayer we gotta taste this meatloaf let's dive in alright I'm going in I can't can't wait my mouth is totally watery take a bite everybody let me know what you think about this Gina Youngstown it's so soft it's so flavor this is the recipe you want to feed to your family and friends and as always god bless thank you all for watching good night me and that's good mmm
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 244,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FoodNetwork #MeatLoaf #SouthernCooking #QuickMeals #Tasty #Christian #GodIsGood #Equality
Id: sLNP43nhHCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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