How to make Delicious Smothered Pork Steaks

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[Music] hi everybody everybody out back everybody Jeannie youngest's back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I am so excited today because today at the Young's house Jeana y'all miss gonna share with you all how I make amazing pork sticks they're so easy to make they do not require a lot of ingredients and you know you make them Gina young style they're gonna be so tasty here the lovely ingredients you will need you all never had my pork steaks before you better make yourself one of course you will meet some lovely pork steaks here's what my pork steaks look like they're huge right and they're gonna be so delicious you will need a onion you will need bell peppers and of course you're going to need some amazing seasonings to make these pork steaks taste amazing today we have Montreal steak seasoning we're going to use parsley onion and garlic powder we're going to use some beef Boyan powder we have some pepper and salt and you will need some flour if you don't want to use the flour feel free to use cornstarch and replace of the flour you're gonna need some sessom says on is gonna give you amazing color in a great taste now what we're gonna do we're gonna make some sides to go along with these amazing pork steaks and the sides are going to be boiled potato so right here I have some potatoes and we have some Eckrich sausage that I've sliced up that's gonna go inside of our vegetables and our vegetables are that green beans and the corn we're gonna mix that together we're gonna put some meat in it and a chicken Boyan and of course you're gonna need some butter let's make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really easy yet so tasty recipe so one of the first things that I want to do I want to cut these humongous pork sticks I want cut them in half feel free to cut them into strips into cubes however you would like to do but I don't suggest leaving them whole because they're so big we want to cut them and then we want to season them and then we want to let that seasoning kind of soak down into the meat for at least fifteen minutes so let's get started so can I just do one at a time just like so pork steaks are absolutely amazing they have so much flavor they don't get dry oh and I cannot wait all right so that's what I'm gonna do we're gonna fry that one up and this one as well I kind of like to fill around to where the bone is and then that's when I make the decision on how am I gonna cut it okay see that perfect alright we're gonna do these as well same thing figure out where their bone ends at and kind of just make sure everyone has a nice hunk of meat I said in a nice hunk of meat alright so now we're going to same thing here and then we're going to see them I'm once a season on this here here in a second I'll be one so now it's time to season our beautiful meat let's go in with some salt any kind of salt that you like to use would be just fine don't be afraid to season those of you that are out there that are afraid to season your food will be flavorless don't do it to yourself all right so we're gonna season both sides because these are nice pieces of meat sometimes when I have a meat that's really thin I'll just season one side and it'll be fine but when it's much thicker you want to season both sides okay cuz you don't want one side to be flavorless all right so we're going in with some of this beautiful size ohms you only need a little bit for each one a little bit of this goes a long way it's gonna give you amazing color and a beautiful flavor I love to use this on almost everything that I make alright and we go with the South Zone just like so now these are not going to get bred it with flower today we're just gonna fry these up I'm gonna share with you all this recipe is so amazing it's a lot of fun and it's easy like who doesn't want an easy recipe I know I do alright and we go with the parsley cuz it makes everything nice and beautiful and my mouth is watering already garlic and onion powder and we're gonna let this beautiful seasoning soak in for 15 minutes before we go any further okay let's see I want to open this up so I can get that seasoning down in there here we go just like so we're gonna put some Montreal steak seasoning keep in mind that it does have some salt and pepper in it already so be careful with your salt in your pepper that you're gonna put on just like so and then we're gonna go in with some pepper not too much just a little bit cuz we're gonna season both sides beautiful and this smells absolutely amazing alright so now I'm really gettin excited let's flip these over just like so we're gonna season the other side I hope you all are having an amazing day today as well as a great work week I hope you all are being safe using your hand sanitizer and staying far away from practically everyone absolutely stay safe guys and I'm so serious about that to stay prayed up like we have to pray we have to pray about everything that goes on in our lives alright so now that we flip those over let's seize them once again back in with that onion and garlic don't be afraid to use it it's gonna give you some good flavor salt not too much a little bit don't get crazy with the salt guys put that color on there I'm running out of parsley guys I need to get me some more parsley I'm not going to the store any time any time soon all right so let's go in with that Montreal steak seasoning and we are gonna put says own once again on this side as well beautiful little bit of pepper not too much just like so all right so long and then we let it set for 15 minutes let those spices soak down into this beautiful meats here all right once I continue this I'll be right back one take a look at these amazing pork steaks nice and seasoned this is how well-seasoned all of your meat should look let's set them aside all right just like so and then we're gonna get started on our side dish which is really simple we have a pan here we have whole carnal sweet corn with the liquid put that in your pan all right and we also have streaming's with the liquid get that in your pan as well all right my pan size is perfect I almost worried wondering if I had the correct size pan but this will do the trick okay so now we're gonna go in and put that lovely sausage if you're that person that loves chicken or turkey sausage or beef sausage put it right on the end you don't have to use the pork okay so we got that in there and as far as the chicken Boyan it's gonna give you amazing flavor if you don't have access to chicken Boyan feel free to use your Maggi poyo that you may have we're only gonna use a half of a cube or you can use less than that but it's really gonna bump up the flavor with this dish here okay so get that in there you don't have to break it up too much because it will dissolve while it's in there I do want to season it we're gonna go in with some onion and garlic powder just like so we don't need the salt because the Boyan has the salt in it a little bit of black pepper and then we're gonna go in with some butter and this side dish is done and out the way all right that butter right there will do the trick I'm gonna set this on the stove I know you all are meat marinates with those beautiful spices let's go ahead and get our beautiful veggies cut up we have some bell peppers here that I thought out yesterday we have an onion that we're slicing out I have Dakota over to my right he's working on school work so we're getting that done we have Prince and polo over here on the floor they're asleep you can see Prince on the bed and polo is actually up against the wall he's there but he's sleeping up against the wall all right so now let's get started on our veggies all right so what we want to do we're just gonna go in put these bad boys up just like so cut him up in strips if you like cut them up into cubes if you like it's really up to your discretion but when I make pork I love you know I can't really say when I make pork because when I make just about anything I love bell peppers especially if I'm gonna make some type of gravy bell peppers and onions is amazing and gravy so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna continue to slice these and when I come back we'll get the onion sliced up tackle this onion me and onions we just don't get along we just don't how about getting along today onion I don't want to cry over you I don't guys it's the worst when you're recording you know you try your hardest not to cry and then my eyes start and I have to go and fix my face before I come back on camera all right so let's I'm just gonna slice it we'll just do that all right just like so perfect and now we're gonna turn this panel so that we can start cooking up our making corks thing so we have our potatoes peel let me show you how I like to cut my potatoes when I'm making boiled potatoes this is one of my favorite ways to make potatoes this is how my grandmom used to make potatoes and I live for this it's so easy so much fun and it tastes delicious okay so we've some wet quarter the potatoes just like that we're gonna keep them like that okay this is really simple you just want to make sure you don't overcook your potatoes to where they turn into mush you know and you don't want to undercook them if your potatoes are too big just slice them you know once again all right just like so if your potatoes too big cut it in half okay just like this slice that bad boy just like this all right and I'm gonna get the pant as we're going to use to boil our potatoes then these potatoes have been washed in cold water until the water has turned nice and clear and what happens when the water turns nice and clear you rinsing off a lot of that I don't want it starch okay so I'm gonna continue to cut these off camera can I'll be right back one so you can see that our potatoes have all been cut they're in cold water you want to salt your water if you're making noodles if you're making potatoes or rice always salt your water any kind of salt you like to use that'll be just fine you want to season those potatoes in there now let's take them over to the stove and turn them on to a medium-high heat and we're going to cover them with the lid until they get nice and fork tender and right here I've turned this burner on also so that our green beans our sausage and our corn can start to cook up let's make our way back over this way and throw these amazing pork steaks right into this pan our pan is starting to get nice and hot when it's hot enough I'm going to throw everyone let's take our amazing pork steaks that we have washed cut seasoned and the seasoning has soaked on has kind of marinated in the meat for maybe 20 minutes okay so here's what we're going to do we have a pan here that has vegetable oil not too much vegetable oil just enough to get them nice and golden brown let's get them in that pan you want to make sure your oil is really hot that simple that you hear right there that's what you want to hear you can achieve a beautiful golden brown color on to this meat you don't want to cook this on low you don't want to cook it up too high okay you want to achieve that perfect color that we all love you know what color I'm talking about all right so let's grab the others let's get them on here don't overcrowd your pan overcrowding your pan can cause for your pork steaks to steam all right just put just enough in there to get three is fine okay and then we'll just do a couple other batches I don't mind doing a couple other batches so once I start to see a beautiful golden brown ring towards the bottom of these that's our indication that it's time to turn them and never worry about once you achieve that golden brown color my mouth is watering once you achieve that color go ahead and flip but some of you might say but it's not done in the inside Tina I know I understand that but what's gonna happen is we're gonna make an amazing crazy for these bad boys and we are just gonna simmer in that crazy and during that time while these are simmering down in that amazing gravy they're gonna finish cooking so don't worry about that all right let's check in on our pork steak just give them a nice turn of [Music] okay just like this one that don't freak out we can always flip it back over no problem I'm gonna do several batches I'm not gonna make you all watch meeting several batches you'll just watch this batch and then I'll show you how to make this amazing quick and simple great our potatoes are almost done let's take a look at them they're cooking up okay here in a second and see if they're nice and fork tender it's time to turn the second batch over let's give them turns over and then we'll check our potatoes [Music] [Music] we're going to take him out of the fear they're so sick I'm going to turn them off just like so so now that our potatoes are perfectly done make sure you don't overcook your potatoes to where they're just mush you don't want that you want them to have a little bit of texture just make sure they're just perfectly fork-tender so you can see that I've drained the potatoes what we're gonna do is we want to put a low load of butter on to your potatoes and here's what I'm not gonna do I'm not going to stir it in because if I stir it in what's gonna happen is we're gonna break up those potatoes don't do that just put the butter right on top and just let it melt down into those potatoes guy what I do these videos I get myself so excited when I'm talking about the food something else in this kitchen so now that we have the butter on get you some pepper nice amount I'm gonna open this up and then we're gonna do some salt and then we're gonna do garlic powder absolutely the garlic powder really sets this potato off oh hey thank you some make it just like this Gina young style you will not be let down you're gonna say okay Gina that's like my favorite potato nowadays because it will be it's so delicious so once we get the parsley on there we're gonna put a lid on it just like so and give that butter a chance to just melt on top of that garlic yeah we put salt on top of the salt and the pepper that's all I'll have to taste one and see I just have to taste one if I don't taste soft then that means we didn't use up okay I'm gonna go in right for one on the top cuz I need to know Anisa mmm so good this is my favorite potato just like so get that let on let the butter melt then you have boiled potatoes get a young staff our veggies are done we're gonna make her away here in a second I'm gonna grab all of my pork steaks because they're done let's get started on our gravy here in a second take a look at these amazing pork steaks beautiful right absolutely they are oh they look so good okay so right here in the pan we have oil and I put the onion in there just to make sure my oil was nice and hot I want to saute up these beautiful veggies I'm going to take the onions apart a little bit just like so I have some amazing smells coming out of this household right now my goodness I know my wants my neighbors right now are probably wondering what is she over there making we can smell it from the street [Music] boy are gonna be delicious you don't have to saute him too much keep in mind if they're gonna also cook in with our gravy all right I'm just gonna cook them until the onions get nice and translucent know what translucent means is when the onions start to get nice and clear in color we'll take them out we're just gonna set them on top of the meat and then we'll start to make a gravy with that oil that's in the bottom of the pan so now what I'm gonna do right now is talk about the gravy well our veggies cook up if you don't want to make a homemade gravy guess what it's okay it's okay you can always go out and purchase something like this these are absolutely amazing then they come in all different types of flavors give it a try if you haven't tried it before absolutely you can you don't always have to make a homemade gravy okay so what we're gonna do I have some water here and we're going to flavor their water we're gonna make a broth with this Boyan powder right here okay so get you some in there I'm gonna make a lot of great because I have a whole lot of pork steaks to cover with this gravy I will want these pork steaks smothered in this Grady beat all right and I want it to be very flavorful now what I'll do I'm gonna take this spoon and I want to taste my broth and see if I'm happy with the flavor if I'm not happy with the flavoring guess what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put more of the Boyan in okay so we're also gonna season the gravy up with garlic powder and onion powder and parsley flakes huh perfect all right now that's nice and tasty all right we have some flour that will need to use to thicken up our gravy and then I have two cups here of hot water the hot water is going to give me more gravy okay so what we're going to do I like to use equal parts oil or butter if you're using towards equal parts flour and we're going to cook that flour until you cook off the rawness flavor of the flours that makes any sense just for about maybe four minutes or so and then we'll start adding our liquid okay which will be our beef broth and then we'll go in with our water and we'll season as needed okay so our veggies are just about done I like to give the veggies a head start I always like to because I don't want raw veggies in with my you know my meal so let's go ahead and get these out of the pan just like so and I'll be right back let's get started on our really quick and simple yet so tasty gravy so you can see that we put our veggies so we just set them on top of the meat and now I have the oil that has been flavored with the peppers and the onions okay I'm gonna go in with equal parts flour I'm just gonna eyeball mines by in the description below I will tell you exactly how much you will need for your recipe okay and like I said it is just equal parts flour equal parts oil you don't want for your flour and oil to look like plaster it should not look like that okay it should look somewhat like um let's just say peanut butter a light peanut butter okay we're just gonna do this to stir it around then that will just like so until we cook out the raw flavor in the flour okay pretty simple that's because it is simple and every that Jena young shows you all it's gonna be easy to make it's gonna be a lot of fun and it's gonna taste absolutely amazing trust me when I tell you this now a lot of you like to use the pan drippings sometimes I do that but I don't do it a lot okay I like for some reason I just like to clean my pan out and start out with a nice clean pan but we still achieve that beautiful flavor from the onions and the peppers okay like I said feel free to use those crispy the beautiful fun that's in the bottom of the pan after cooking your pork steaks okay now you can see the consistency that I'm getting and you can see how the color has changed which is exactly what we're wanting keep in mind you don't want this to look like plaster it shouldn't be hard to stir around the raw flavor is almost cooked out now what we're gonna do and and you can see I'm just using a rubber spatula and when you're mixing in your liquid you want to continue to stir as you're pouring in your liquid that's very very important okay so see everything's nice smooth and velvety we're gonna go in with this broth here being careful because steam will come up pour this in and keep stirring and don't stop stirring okay very important that you keep stirring if you don't want any lumps okay just like so pretty simple all right I'm gonna continue to put more liquid in until I get the desired texture that I'm looking for for my gravy okay I'm gonna stir until I don't feel that dried Roux at the bottom it will thicken up just like so I am using hot water I never use cold water or cold broth when I'm making gravy all right see that right there that's what you're wanting I'm starting to really get excite it now and now let's talk about the color how are you gonna make this nice and brown there's a couple of different things we can do there is Kitchen Bouquet you can always use and I'll show you that Kitchen Bouquet doesn't give you much flavor but it'll make any sauce or gravy turn nice and dark like you want it or you can use soy sauce either one of those would be fine you also can use let me show you be right back so now it's time to turn our gravy nice and dark I have our gravy on the medium this here better than boy on you can use it this is the vegetable base I think yeah this is a seasoned vegetable you can use the beef you can use any of them all right now soy sauce you can use it this one right here is the Kitchen Bouquet if I can open it we'll get some nice color on to our gravy there we go a little bit of elbow grease get you some in there don't be afraid to use it it's gonna give you an amazing color alright perfect consistency that I love for a tepee and now we have that beautiful color that we're all used to when you think of smothering some nice pork steaks look at this it's beautiful right you can't believe it's tasty so now I do want to go in and seasoned garlic powder for sure pepper absolutely parsley just to make it pretty come on now all right and then we're going to put this aside give it a nice stir oh yeah my goodness look at this crazy there are absolutely no lumps I gotta taste it have to tape this right now taste one and I'm going in I'm going in I got the little teeny-weeny spoon but that's enough to taste look at that Oh mmm listen here listen here always taste your food so you know what you're feeding to your family and friends and your loved ones hmm gonna bring me good that's some good eating right there now we're gonna take this pork steak just like so and Nestle it down mm-hmm Oh see now my mouth is officially watering let me know any time during this video if your mouth started watering and your stomach started rumbling mmm the pork steaks too think the ones that don't fit in there don't freak out I'm just gonna put them in another pan of gravy okay I don't mind whisking up a quick batch of gravy just to get the other pork steaks in see this right here this is an abundance of love you all never had any good lovin baby right in this pan make you some make it for your family and friends and all of your loved ones for sure let's get this down then you kick down in that pan you hear me Oh cuz I'm going to how are you and it looks like I'm gonna be able to can I fit you in there somewhere I say I'll try to make it fit try to make it fit let's just see and if not I can eat that bad boy just like this with those potatoes all right get those veggies in there we're gonna let this simmer for at least 35 to 40 minutes and these pork steaks are gonna be fall off the bone you hear me whoo-whee if y'all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on another vacation Bell so you can be notified every time ga-young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world about you the young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis absolutely when I come back we're gonna say a prayer I'm gonna let you all have that first bite leave and take a look at this amazing goodness here in this fan we have smothered pork steaks you all said Gina can you show us how you make those pork steaks and that's what we did today these pork steaks have been smothered in gravy with these amazing spices and vegetables I'm going in for this one this one right here is calling that my name oh and give me some of those veggies my goodness look at this I'm so excited I can be more excited take a look at this I just want you to look down in this pan look how gorgeous these are who wouldn't like to have this in the veggies they're perfect they're not mushy they still have some nice bike I'm gonna continue to let these simmer in this amazing gravy Heavenly Father Lord Jesus we thank you for today and for every day Lauren would thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our Lord and Savior send your angels down to surround us day and night and your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace of our mind and the name of Jesus no weapons formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name devil you have no authority over this household in Jesus name Heavenly Father we thank you for the roof over our head the food the love the peace and the joy that you bring us every day we thank you for that Lord amen let's dive in Lord we thank you for this amazing meal all right you all are gonna get that first bite I'm gonna continue to let these bad boys simmer let's go I know it's hot I know it's hot so the first thing that I want to do a man once again to my beautiful prayer first thing that we can do let's try these potatoes my favorite look at them in there so buttery and so flavorful taste one going in mmm so good there's not a potato out there that could be more simple and better tasting this is a potato you want to make this another one I'm just trying to wait because I know that that pork steak is extremely hot and I really don't want to burn the roof of my mouth mmm mm-hmm can we go at the veggies oh yeah look at that beautiful right you better believe it is go on in listen here you really something in the kitchen you hear me yeah really something in that kitchen girl look at this taste that flavor mmm so tender so moist so flavorful the gravy is amazing and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night that's good
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 167,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Porksteaks #Porkchops #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgood #Foodies
Id: -MPjmBWPeI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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