Baldur's Gate 3: Steal the Idol of Silvanus at level 1 to get a ring of protection!

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hey everyone I hope you're doing well in act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3 if you are able to steal the idol of Sylvanas you can trade it to a tiefling child named mole for an amazing ring the Ring of production it gives plus one to Armor class and to saving throws in this video I am going to show you how to steal the ring at any point without The Druids fighting the tieflings by choosing the game mechanics I will also show the legitimate way to get the idol and finally how to find and interact with mole if you haven't already done so I have timestamps below so you can jump to the part of the video that you want now whichever method you choose make sure to give the idol to mole before you clear out the goblin camp and the tieflings leave the Grove or you will not be able to get the ring all right now for actually getting the idol you can do this first method at any level and at any point in act 1 so long as you have not cleared out the goblin Camp yet just make sure to save before doing this in case you don't get the timing right you can also use any character for this just head down to the idols location in the Grove right here once there you need to start a few steps away from the idol so when you click to grab it you have time to open the camp menu while your character is walking towards it I'm going to slow down the video clip just a little bit so you can see exactly what I do start by positioning your character right here now just click on the idle to take it and then immediately click on the rest icon and get ready to click on go to camp as soon as your character picks up the idol as it is lifting in the air hit the go to Camp option if a cutscene starts reload you are not quick enough if you make it to Camp without the cutscene playing you have successfully stolen the idol you can go right back to the Grove with no negative consequences it is as if the idol is still in place so just head over to mole and give the idol to her and she will give you the ring now as a warning this may be patched out at some point because it is abusing the camp system to skip the cutscene normally when you steal the idol it triggers a cutscene which will cause The Druids and tieflings to fight and you will fail a bunch of quests from the area as of right now if you leave fast enough you don't trigger it and you can have the Idol without any negatives now this next method is the way to steal the idol as it was actually intended the first thing you need to do is stop the ritual then you can steal the Idol because they are no longer actively using it you can stop the ritual a couple of different ways one is killing korga but this will cause a fight in the Grove the other is by exposing korca as a warning the next part of my video does contain some spoilers for the save the refugees Quest before you start this I strongly suggest you first talk with mole and receive the quest to steal the idol as of right now you can still get the quest after you have already stolen it but that may change in a future patch just talk to her and choose to attack or you can just attack her outright you will end up in battle with some but not all of the other Druids in the room and outside some of the Druids will attack the tieflings if you want to avoid this you need to expose her to expose korga look for this chest in the chamber behind her in it you will find a note that shows a meeting location now you need to head to this location you will have a fairly hard battle to do depending on your level it is against a group consisting of several ancient mud medphins and two level 4 Woods once you defeat all the enemies here I recommend saving because you need to pass a perception check head to this spot and if you succeed the check you will see a wood crevice with a letter to corca read this letter then head back to the Grove and confront her this leads to another battle try to persuade Gorga to see the error on her ways and she will help you in the battle if not you will have to fight her as well but you will have some help from some of the other Druids in the room these are the dialogue options I chose to get around my site the second will see the time right the great mother will guard us from all Danger I yes when The Darkest Hour fell it was us that brought light Sylvanas demands we illuminate Shadow not hide within it how was I so bright careful Koga the Shadows don't forgive I belong to the Shadows no longer you've no power over me once you finish this battle she will agree to stop the ritual and I will stand trial now you can go ahead and steal the idol as a note if you get caught stealing this you will most likely end up fighting The Druids in this location the best method I have found to steal it is to cast Darkness with a scroll or use Gail if he knows the spell you can also use the arrow of Darkness but it has a smaller area of effect and I find sometimes it does not work once you cast Darkness have someone take the idol as soon as they have the idol enter turn-based mode and leave the area make use of Dash and any other options to get as much movement as possible you want to leave the area before they notice the idol is gone once you are out of the area you are clear to leave turn-based mode and head to mole to give her the idle and get the ring now if you have not actually met mole yet she is in The tiefling Hideout you need to do at least one of two things to be able to talk to her and get the ring one is save Arabelle this is the child in korga's lair and it has some skill checks to pass to do this the other option is by Saving vercon by the secluded Cove this involves a battle with several level 3 harpies you can do both of these or just choose one to do for saving Arabelle head to The Druids layer you will have some skill checks to pass to persuade korga to release her sorry once she has been released go and talk to her here to get an amulet then head over to this location you will need to talk to Donnie there is a skill check you need to pass so save beforehand choose the look behind you option then pass the checks and you will see a hatch to get into The Hideout I had a feeling go in and talk with mole go through her dialogue and choose thought you might need some help with something then finish up the dialogue and give her the idol she rewards you with the Ring of protection for the rescuing Mercon option you need to head to the secluded Cove in the emerald Grove once you approach the beach you find a tiefling child entranced by some harpies and combat will start once you defeat the herpes talk to the boy and he will give you a password to The Hideout tell him you want to see the Dragon's Lair very well now head back and talk to Donnie here give him the password he nods then reaches for a concealed hatch now you can enter The Hideout and speak with wool again choose thought you might need some help with something then finish up the dialogue and give her the idol you can also buy or steal back the idol from Bowl if you want it does give you an aura that gives you a plus one to animal handling and nature however I don't think it is worth it because it is constantly activating and deactivating on both your party members and anyone you walk past as you move around and this gets quite annoying I hope this video helps feel free to like And subscribe if it did and thanks for watching
Channel: Ian is too Common
Views: 139,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldurs gate, Baldur's gate 3, Baldur's gate, Baldurs gate guide, Baldurs gate tips, Baldurs gate do not miss, Baldurs gate things you missed, Idol of Silvanus, Idol of silvanis, Baldurs gate Mol, Baldurs gate steal the idol, Baldurs gate ring of protection, Baldurs gate best ring
Id: SXPbSwW7If8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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