How to Make Printable Wall Art Quotes in Canva | A Step-by-Step Tutorial

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have you ever seen cool looking wall art on etsy or wayfair and wanted to grab your wallet and click buy immediately maybe you saw an inspiring quote for your office or cute nursery rhymes for a baby's room the cool thing is you can create your own custom word wall art using canva a free graphic design tool it's amazingly simple and so fun to make this is jackie with plan a healthy life and i share videos about digital planning and how to create a healthy and happy life inspirational wall art can definitely give you happy vibes especially when you create it yourself so in this video tutorial i'm going to show you how to find inspiration for your printable wall art how to choose the size of your print how to add text how to change the font and the spacing how to add shadows how to add a colorful highlight i'm going to give you some other design ideas and i'm going to show you how to print your wall art so let's get started step one in designing your printable wall art is to choose a short quote or saying for your project you can google inspirational quotes or funny quotes for women or kitchen quotes use whatever search term will help you find the type of quote you're looking for or go to pinterest and browse wall art quotes or sarcastic fitness quotes you may even have a family saying that could be made into wall art or an adorable quote from your kids if it was me when i was a little kid my wall art would say what if while looking at quotes you'll also find inspiration for the layout or font types to use in your printable wall art project if you are designing a print to sell on etsy or in an online shop obviously you don't want to copy someone else's design for your own personal use though you can be more quote strongly inspired by what you see on the web and once you've chosen a quote it's time to log into canva or sign up for a free account canva is a free graphic design platform that's great for making invitations social media graphics christmas cards and much more canva has thousands of templates you can customize using its drag and drop interface or you can design something completely unique like we'll do in this example i use canva almost every day so i have a pro account but you can easily sign up for a free account if you've never used canva before sign up for a free account otherwise log into your account and let's get creating next choose a size for your print in this example i'm going to create an 8x10 canvas size so my wordart can be easily printed on a home printer if you want a specific frame size or want to create a metal or canvas print research the size you need and then use that size for your dimensions in canva for example cvs photo which i use often has canvas prints in five by seven eight by ten eleven by fourteen twelve by eighteen and even other sizes they also often have forty percent off coupon codes which is really nice we will talk more about printing your design later in this video so back to our design you're logged into canva and now we're ready to start creating so i'm going to click on create a design in the upper right hand corner as i scroll through you're going to see that canva has lots of different sizes that you can choose with one click like letter that is eight and a half by 11 inches poster which is eight by 24 or a card that's 7.5 inches but for this project i'm just going to choose custom dimensions at the top of that list so once i click on custom dimensions now i want to change pixels to inches right there and then i'm just going to type in 8 for the width and 10 inches for the height and then click create new design now we have a brand new canvas ready to start creating if you'd like you can add a name to your design up in the top corner there just click warehead untitled and then i'm just going to title mine do what you love and that's the type of quote that i'm going to be using today so that will change your title now let's start adding some text you could click on text in the left-hand sidebar and then choose either add a heading or add a subheading or even add a little bit of body text to create a text box but i'm going to show you a shortcut that will change your life just tap the t key on your keyboard and a text box is created in one click it's amazing now just type your quote and at this point don't worry about the size the font or the spacing because we're going to change all of that later now that you have your quote let's start designing the first thing to do is to make the text larger and it's all a matter of experimenting in the beginning so click the font size in the top toolbar and i'm going to scroll down and choose a larger size i'm going to choose 64 and that's just the starting point as you'll see we're going to play with the size of the font as we go through this process but it allows you to get an idea of what the quote can look like you can also drag the top or bottom edges of the text box to increase the size as well here you can also adjust the size or the width of the text box so it fits on your page leaving a nice border around all four edges i just drag the edges of that text box and now let's decide if you want your quote centered or right or left aligned with that text box selected tap on alignment at the top and it's going to scroll through various alignments center right aligned left align and decide what looks best for your quote so i'm going to leave my quote left aligned and here i'm going to make a little edit because i realized i typed my quote wrong so i'm going to change it to let's do what you love and do a lot of it if you want line breaks in your quote now's the time to go ahead and add them so as you can see i'm adding a hard return after the word let's after the word what and so i'm adjusting the spacing on those words as well and it's going to give me a better idea of how i can size my font and we're going to change that font in the next step here i'm also going to drag the text box to the center of the page to give me an idea of what it's going to look like when it's complete now for more fun by adjusting and changing the font if you'd like and adjusting the spacing so here's where you get to be really creative and change the fonts if you desire on your design so make sure that your text box is selected and then let's go ahead and look at some different fonts you can click in the font box up at the top and then scroll down to see all the various types of fonts that canva has for you now some of them are free in your free account and some you have to have the pro account for and as you may see as i'm scrolling some are custom fonts that i added myself because i have that pro account but there are plenty of options just with the free account so here all i do is i'm clicking on various ones to see what they look like so i can decide what my final design will be you can also type in things like typewriter at the top and it's going to give you typewriter fonts i'm typing in script and i can see the various script fonts again just click on them knowing that you're going to have to adjust the spacing you have to adjust the sizing but you can get a look at what your quote is going to be with various different fonts this example i'm just going to go back to sans source pro try saying that three times fast that is a tongue twister because i just kind of like the simplicity of it and so now let's move further on with our design process if you need to adjust the spacing between the letters of your words or between the lines now's the time to do so using the spacing tool up in the toolbar so you can adjust the space between letters generally that's okay you can leave that alone but the line height often needs adjusting so just slide the button to the right or the left until you're happy with the vertical spacing between lines because i like the way it looked with my sand source pro i'm just going to click the undo arrow in the upper left hand side and return it to its original spacing next add a shadow or other text special effects in canva you can easily add a shadow or various other special effects to your text by clicking the text box and selecting effects in the top toolbar and you can just experiment to see what looks best for your particular design as you can see i'm clicking on some of the different options that there are holo or splice or echo and you can decide what looks best or maybe you just want a minimalist typewritten look for your print in this example i'm going to add a shadow and as you can see you can adjust the offset the direction the transparency and the color it defaults to black so i'm going to click on the black and i'm just showing you how you could add different colors so i have some color palettes already set up and it will change the color of your shadow but what i'm going to do is to actually change this to white and you're going to see why in a minute when i add the highlighting in our little design and depending on what type of a look you're going for you can change the color of one word or one line or even of all the text in your document as you're seeing here i'm just clicking on the word love and changing the color of that to a pink but it's your design and you get to decide what looks best for you but just know that there's lots of options with the text special effects and with your creative use of color now i'm going to show you how to add highlighted text if that's a look that you're going for it's a really popular look right now so i'm going to show you how simple that is with canva so first what you want to do is to click on elements and then shape we're going to go for the square which actually allows you to adjust all different sizes of that image so i'm going to place it on top of that first word and just adjust it to a size that looks really good i'm going for a look where it's going to be about halfway through the text and then drop down just a little bit below you don't need to worry about the color and all that yet you just want to get that sizing correct and now you can click on the color and again i have various color palettes here that i could choose to see what looks good or you can create your own custom color up at the top by clicking on new color you can adjust that line to the various parts of the color wheel there and move to find a color that works best for your design i'm just going to go to a green that is in one of my palettes and see what that looks like now because this is going to eventually go behind the word and not in front of it i still do want to adjust the transparency as you can see i'm clicking the transparency icon in the upper toolbar you can drag the slider to your desired level of transparency and i'm going to use about 50 percent now i'm going to put the highlighted color behind the text but before i do i want to duplicate the color blocks and adjust the size for the other lines of text so with that color box highlighted i'm going to click the duplicate button for as many lines of text as i have on the screen then what i can do is to drag each to the line of text and adjust the width and place the shapes on the canvas now rather than move each of the shapes behind the text it's easier to bring the text box to the front so click to select the text box click on position and to front now you can clearly see the white text shadow i added earlier if you want to experiment with different color highlight or different fonts or other edits to your design i recommend duplicating the page before you do it that way you always have the original design and you may find that you like another style better but you can always go back to your original so don't be afraid to duplicate pages as much as you want in this example i'm just trying out to see what it would look like with different color highlight for each line again i'm changing the colors and then i'm going to add the text box to the front and i'll duplicate the page again because i'm going to play around with a different font and see how that looks [Music] [Music] as you can see the design process can be fun and you get to get your hands dirty so to speak when experimenting in canva just to find a look that you really like i was messing around with the fonts and the size and i decided to eliminate the colorful boxes all together but i want to show you something else another way that you can embellish your design and that's by adding elements you can click on the elements in the left-hand sidebar and then search for something like a flower and see if that adds something to your design or not i'm just like throwing this on there i i will admit that's not great design right there but just to show you that you can truly make this design your own i can search for a heart and add some hearts to the design whatever you feel like and i'm going to show you in a minute how you can add a nice background to your design as well you can add some interest to your design adding an element like the florals here as a background you can also drag and drop one of canvas backgrounds onto your palette so here i selected an image and i'm just going to drag it onto the canvas and it puts it in the background so again you want to play with transparency you want to play with different colors just to see how your design is going to look with this image that i chose i did change the transparency to make the background a little bit more subtle but another thing you may want to look at when you're designing your printable wall art is does the font that you chose look good with the background that you chose so in some of these instances i may want to play around with the font and choose something a little bit more bold here i'm showing you how to add a background using a photo so canva has a ton of photos in their library and you can easily drag them onto your screen and then again experiment with transparency here's an instance where i added a little touch of color using one of the elements i just dragged over the flowers and then i have my printable wall art quote beautiful life in one of the matching colors and i just flipped it to make it like a mirrored image on the bottom and then i'm going to add a shadow to my quotes and change it again to one of the colors in the image the cool thing about canva is many of the elements like the florals that you're seeing here you can adjust the colors so i could choose a color from a color palette i could just choose a color that i like to make it match some of my decor so you really have tons of options when you're designing in canva once you've decided on the final version of your printable wall art it's time to download it so click the download button in the upper right corner and you can see that there are various ways you can download png jpg pdf i like to use a png image so just click on that and now you can see i have three pages in this document i could download them all and they will download as a zip file i can unzip that file or i'm just going to download one for this example click on that and then it can save to your computer wherever you desire the next step is to print your beautiful documents now that your wordart is saved it's time to print your beautiful design you can print on a home printer send it to an office supply store like office depot or staples or have a print made at michaels cvs walgreens costco or many other local shops with photo departments shutterfly is an online printing service and there are many others i almost always use cvs for printing a design i want to frame because they often have forty percent off coupon codes i recommend printing on cardstock or photo paper if you're framing your design another option is to print directly to canvas a bamboo panel or acrylic panel cvs walgreens shutterfly and most photo services offer these types of printing as well now once printed pop your design into a frame and display it on a wall or a desktop another fun display idea is using simple magnetic frames or photo sleeves to add your art onto a refrigerator you can do a google search or search on pinterest for how to display print without a frame for lots of clever ideas and the cool thing is you can repeat this whenever you want fun new wall art i hope you found this video helpful and if you do please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing happy designing [Music]
Channel: Plan A Healthy Life
Views: 9,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9JZw2LY6CYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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