How To Use Canva For BEGINNERS! [FULL Canva Tutorial 2021]

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In today's video, I'm sharing an  in-depth Canva tutorial for beginners,   and you'll learn everything there is to  know, to start designing your own graphics.   And whether you'd like to use it for YouTube,  Instagram, other social media channels, it doesn't   really matter because Canva offers a great  variety of tools and it's free to use as well. So after watching this video, you'll know  how easy it is to actually design with it.   So let's do this. Hi my lovely people, I'm  Natalia and welcome back to my channel,   where I share super actionable ideas  on content creation for entrepreneurs   and creatives. And in today's video, I'm  bringing you a comprehensive Canva tutorial. And if you've not heard about  Canva, it's a free design tool,   completely brilliant. It's got tons of different  photos, elements, and other graphics for   you to use. So in other words, a complete  lifesaver in the content marketing world,   it's absolutely brilliant for any graphics that  you want to design. Whether it's for social media,   your website and blogs, whether  it's for any presentations cards,   anything of that nature, Canva will sort you  out. So without further ado, let's do this. Okay. So we'll start off with creating an account  in Canva and it's completely free to begin with.   Um, so you can sign up either with Google, with  Facebook or traditionally with an email address. Obviously I have an account already, so I don't  need to do that. So just sign up. It's super easy.   And then we'll start designing. All right. So  this is what the Canva homepage looks like.   And there are quite a few different areas  to help you navigate. So I'll explain   each and every one of those so that you know  where to go for certain functionalities. So let's start off with the top right panel.  You've got your account. So this is where you   can kind of change your account settings.  You can set up your profile photo as well,   refer your friends and things of that nature. Then  there's a create design button, which I'll explain   in a moment. You've got the settings in here, the  account settings as well, there's a help center. And one of the most important parts is the search  bar. Once you've signed up for a free Canva   account, there are some differences between  the basic kind of free Canva and Canva Pro   which I'll explain at the end of this video. So  make sure to watch till the very end, but at this   point I'm just using the free Canva because this  is what the majority of people will use and need.   So we'll just stick with it. And then at the  very end, I'll explain it. Oh, the details. So the first thing we want to start off with  is the top right corner. And in here you can   see the search bar and I have to say it's one  of the quickest ways to find any templates,   any different designs with specific dimensions  that you need to look for. So for example, if   I wanted to quickly create an Instagram  post, I'll just type in Instagram. And   it already gives me a few different options.  You've got your Instagram posts, reels video,   which is a new feature. So it's quite good that  they've already applied that to their program.   They've got Instagram story quiz, Instagram  story, and more specific designs for Instagram. So this is how you can just quickly kind of  browse through what they offer and it's a   great way to find it without scrolling forever.  Okay. So in the top left, you've got the main   navigation panel and you've got the, you know,  the returning to the homepage, of course. And   then you've got templates and they're obviously  categorized into different types. You've got your   social media, personal, business,  marketing, education. So there are   various different templates for you to  browse and whenever you need something   you can just glance through it and see what they  offer already in Canva. You've got the feature   section as well with photos, icons print,  because Canva now offers printing as well.   There are different apps that you can have  connected to Canva, for example, Bitmoji. So, you know, we can create your own little,  little kind of avatar personality with Bitmoji   and then apply it to different designs.  Use it in there, which is quite, you know,   quite useful, especially when you've got a  very specific personal brand. So this is,   you know, it's good to know that this is  an option in Canada as well, and kind of a,   has quite a few different integrations. So  this is how we can kind of read more or know   that this is the functionality that they offer.  Uh, there's also the explore section, uh, with   different graphs, charts, videos, teams.  So you can kind of have a look in there.   There's also the learn section, which is super  important, especially when you're a beginner. So after you watch this whole video, set up your  account, kind of get the feel for what Canva   actually is I would highly recommend you actually  go to the learn tab and watch some of the kind of   quick tutorials that they offer. And they've  got various different things like social media   marketing. So they, as they say in here, learn how  to connect and grow your community. So they've got   quite a few different features and tips for you.  So the learn section is really, really important,   and I'll mention something at the very end of this  video as well, a resource for you to learn even   more in depth than this video is going to go,  but stay tuned. I'll explain that at the very   end. And, and then you've got the pricing  section and obviously the free version will   be most useful to the majority's people wanting  to use Canva because it's, it's really great. It's   packed with different functionalities, but if you  want access to different parts of Canva, again,   I'll explain later on in the video. You might  go for Pro, so there's Enterprise, which is a   bit more bulky. There are more teams involved.  If you've got a large business that you need to   design for, or you're designing for multiple  different companies. If you're, for example,   a social media manager, that might be a kind of a  good option, but I think the free version is still   really amazing. And then the next tier would  probably be pro I would say enterprise is a very,   very big type of plan. I would leave it. It's  probably not well for the majority of people.   And they also have pricings for education  or non-profits, which if you're a part of,   I would highly recommend you look into  it because they've got some great deals. Next we go to the left bar. And first off,  you've got the recommended for you, which   is the homepage. Uh, with the recommendations  they'll go through in a moment, then you can   see all your designs at a glance. So this is what  this tab is for is very, very useful. And I'd say   this is probably something that I go to  straight away after opening Canva, because   I sometimes like to refer to previous designs  or templates or different things of that nature. But again, I'll explain that later then  there's shared with you. So if you've got   shared designs within a team or from other  people that you've invited to work with,   this is where the designs that they've  shared with you would show up. I don't have   that at the moment because I'm not really  working with any other creators in Canva.   But this is where you would  go for the shared designs. And then you've got the brand kit. The  brand kit is a functionality only available   for the pro users. And this is really an amazing  functionality. If you have a specific brand and   you like to stay consistent, which I'm a huge  advocate off. In each and every one of my videos,   I always say. Stay consistent with your brand. And  this is how Canva facilitates the process for you.   So this is where you can upload your logos. You  can create different brand palettes, so they,   you know, it doesn't have to be just  one palette. It can be a few and you can   pick your brand fonts for your  heading, subheading and body. And this means that you have those available  when you're designing. I'll show that to you   in a moment, I won't be available to me because  I'm just showing that at a free Canva account,   but you'll see where it is and how easy it is to  actually access it. If you have a pro account,   then you've got your folders, which is quite a  neat way for Canva to again, keep you organized. You'll find the, at the beginning you have a few  designs, right? But after some time you'll have   multiple, multiple designs pertaining to different  parts of your business or dealing with different   social media platforms. And if you just refer to  the old designs tab, You'll find that you'll be   scrolling, scrolling, scrolling all the time, and  it's very easy to kind of get lost in the mess. So I would highly recommend for you to set  up your own folders right from the get-go.   So for example, if you're just focusing on  social media and designing for social media,   choose the platforms that you're on. Again,  I would focus on one or two at the beginning,   but if you're on more, then you  can just create folders for it. So say Instagram, YouTube, you know, Pinterest  have those folders ready, and then whenever you   design. Just file it away in that folder, it will  still be visible within the, all your designs tab,   but you can just go to your folders  and select a particular one if you're   looking for something. So again,  you're not scrolling for ages. And then you've got your trash folder. So you'll  have all the things that you've trashed. Uh, you   can just delete from here. You can see kind of the  images that you've uploaded, which I've not done   on this account or any designs you can just delete  permanently, um, that will be sorted for you. I've created a team as well for myself. So this is  how I view it to my team. I can change the name of   the team and here I can add members in here create  new folders within that team. And you can see the   specific things for your team and in here so  again, your designs, folders, apps, people,   groups, settings. So this is where you can set  up your team. So you know, who can actually join,   you can add your people in here. Canva at the  moment has pay one, get four free. So you can   invite four people to team up with you on Canva  Pro for free, but obviously it's just Canva Pro. So let's get back to the recommended  for you tab. And this is your main,   main kind of view on the homepage. So you  can see that you've got the recommended tab. So you've got your poster, infographic,  presentation, video message, logo, Instagram   posts. You've got tons of different things, but  then when you go through the different tabs,   you've got various categories again. So you've got  social media, Instagram posts, Instagram story,   animated, social media, TikTok background,  Canva's developed the TikTok part as well. They're really quick, by the way, really, really  quick with introducing different features or   different resolutions. So as you've seen before  with the Instagram Reels part that was added   almost instantly after the Reels were created,  even though it's a very similar resolution   to other kind of mobile graphics still,  they want you to access it really easily. So, if you're looking to  design something for TikTok,   you can just type in TikTok , and  they'll show you all the different types,   even if that's a resolution that already exists  and has different templates on Canva. Okay. So you   can just go through it. You can see events, you've  got different invitations, posters, tickets. You can design so many different things in  Canva. It actually blows my mind. I used to work   in Photoshop. Mostly. I was an avid Photoshop  user, not just because I was a photographer,   but then I started designing, playing  around more. And to be fair, I used to think   Photoshop is the way to go. Just because it's  got all the functionalities that you need. I have to say I've not used Photoshop for  designing for a really long time. They've   developed it so much that you actually don't  really need it. That's not to say that Photoshop   is not useful. That's not to say the Canva's  got all the functionalities that Photoshop has.   I have to say that. Still in some parts, Canva's  a bit more cruder, but let me just say that. I think within the next few months, years, I think  they're going to develop this platform even more,   but their main goal. And you can see  it it's infused within the whole app.   Their main goal is to keep it as  simple and intuitive as possible.   And this is why with this tutorial,  I'm trying to keep it at that as well. So really, really try Canva and let me know in the   comments below what you think about it.  And if it's that easy to use. All right,   so let's start designing. And there are actually  three ways in which you can create a design.   So right off the bat, you can see the big purple  button in the top, right corner, create a design. And that's probably the easiest quickest way.  And this gets you to really blank kind of page   where you can just start designing whatever  you want. Then the other option is to search   as I've shown you before. So I'd say YouTube,  and if you want to create channel art. You   just click on that particular tab and it just  displays a specific resolution for your design. Again, it takes you back to designing and the  editor part. And the third thing is to obviously   use the templates from here. It's very similar  to the one in search because the search bar   shows you the templates as well. I mean, not the  specific templates, but shows you the resolution.   Or if you go to your designs and copy an  existing design, just click, make a copy again. Oh, we'll take you through to the designing  panel. Okay. So let's just pick a specific   template. So I'll show you how we can actually  browse through different templates. So let's say,   um, I want to design an Instagram post.  I clicked through to templates in the   Instagram post. And as you can see, Canva's got  tons and tons of different templates in here. So you can see it's endless, it's actually  endless and they keep updating this as well.   So you can have a look at what fits your  brand, what you know, matches what you want   to create at this moment. And then, you  know, you just, just start designing. So   let's say I want to pick that particular one.  And this is when it takes you to the editor. All right. Just like with the homepage, I'll  just break it down for you. How the editor   actually works. So. Again, it's very intuitive,  just like everything else in Canva . But if you   have a look at the top panel, you can return  to home to any of your designs. And by the way,   the new design, if you click on a template  or create a design, it opens a new window. Um, so it's quite a useful thing  because you can just get back to   what you were looking at, or if you need to  open another design that you've designed from   previously, you can just do it from here  and it doesn't affect the thing that   you're actually designing at the moment,  apart from home, you've got the file. So you can create new design from there as well,   and he can save it, which it automatically saves.  And you can see in here that all changes are   saved. If there ever any issues with Canva, this  is where you want to look at, just to make sure   that all of your things are continuously  saved. Then you've got resolved comments. You can add. If you're designing within  a team, you can have different comments   added and you know, people can refer to  it. There's a version history, which is a.   Pro option. So you can see what changes you've  made. You can make a copy of that, a particular   design from this, this moment that sometimes  when you create something, you might think,   well, I might go in a different direction,  so they can just make a copy at this stage,   leave it at that, or start designing and kind  of one type of design that you want to do. And then within the other one, you can take it  to another thing. So this is why Canva is so   very fluid and so, so really nice and intuitive  for you to use. And then you can click download,   but again, most of these are shown in  different places and this editor as   well. And then you've got the view tab,  scroll, scrolling view, thumbnail view. So if you've got multiple  pages, I've just created one,   or we can just create it from here. This is  how you would kind of jump in between those,   uh, let's get back to it and then there's a grid  view. So again, if you've got multiple pages,   so for example, if you're creating an Instagram  carousel, this is a really good way to check the   whole design, see how it fits, see how  it would look like kind of as a whole. So it's a really, really good thing,  especially with Instagram carousels,   I really refer back to it. So let's go back to  the scrolling view. You can show rulers, um,   so you can see. And here that pop top show  guides as well. If you create any guides,   I don't have any guides in  here can show margins as well. This is something that Canva will show you when  you drag different elements, which I'll explain   in a moment when we actually start designing and  it can show printed bleed. So for any materials   that you want to print, he wants to have bleed,  which means that when you have a poster designed   and it goes to printing, usually any printing  companies will require for you to have that bleed. Which means, for example, when this collect  moments design, you can see that this photo, when   I clicked on the bleed to show the bleed, this  photo kind of extends beyond the borders, which   means that if you send that design to someone  for printing it and get cut off. So it's like a   safe area. So yeah, don't have any kind of white  spaces or anything like that within your prints. That's very, very important when you you're  creating any kind of printing collateral.   Okay. I'll just untick all of those. We're back  to scrolling view, and then you've got the resize   option. And again, it's available just for pro,  but it's really a lifesaver if you're creating   multiple graphics for different social media  platforms or again, for different purposes. So you can instantly transform that one  design into a different resolution. So   let's say obviously the Instagram, you can  transfer Instagram posts or Facebook posts.   That's quite a similar resolution or even the  same, because most people will use the same   kind of 1080 by 1080 pixels design,  both for Facebook and for Instagram. But for example, for Twitter, you  maybe want to have something wider   and this is a great way to actually just  click. It gives you different resolutions   and you can just transform it. It will  extend your photo if it's wide enough,   obviously, to, to show it, but I can show  it to you in the pro version later on. So this is a really useful tool if you  want to have it. And then you've got the   CTRL + Z, so you can just undo any  changes. And as you can see at the very top   adjust saves it instantly very, very useful,  very important. Then you've got the name a bit   further to the right, so you can change  your, the name for the Instagram post. You can just add a date. So say 2020. I don't know  what date it is to be honest, because that year   just went. So let's say the 18th of December.  I don't know if it actually is, but nevermind.   And you can say inspiring quote. It's  really good to have a way to, kind of,   name all of your designs, because if you're  going to a specific template and if you use   that template multiple times, you will not  always know what that template is about. Obviously you can see the thumbnails, but I'm  very neat with my naming. So I would advise   you do that as well. So just when you open  a design, you know what, you're designing,   just change that name in there. Do yourself  a favor. Then you can share your design.   So you can share with the  owner, which is the account. And then with, uh, my team, uh, share link to  edit, you can share link, choose this template   if you have pro share link to view. So for  example, if you are an agency or a social   media manager and you were designing for a company  and you want them to approve the designs, you can   just share a link to view rather than edit. And  obviously they cannot mess up your design in the   process. So that's a very useful functionality,  especially when you're a social media manager. Then you've got the download  tab really easy to use.   Ready there at a glance when you're finished  with your design and you've got different   file types. So for that particular design,  you've got PNG, this is a high quality image. This is what I use for my social media  graphics. You've got JPEGs for a small   file size. It explains everything. This is  why Canva is so amazing. It just gives you   all the solutions ready. So it's  not like you need to Google. Oh,   should I, you know, save PDF standard or should  I save PDF print? It tells you what it is. It tells you what you can use for. So for  PDF standard, you've got a small file size   multi page documents so that you know, that  this would be useful for emailing someone,   but then you've got PDF print, high quality, multi  page document. So, you know, it would be much more   suitable to be printed. Then you've got the MP4  video ,SVG we'll just leave. And then you've got   GIFs because you can create GIFs as well. Then in  Canva pro you have the ability to change the size.   So you can kind of double it. Triple it, you can  just kind of move that cursor over the slider.   And we give you a specific resolution  again, available only for Canva Pro users. And we've got transparent background, which  is quite a neat thing if you want to create   PNGs without any backgrounds. That's quite  useful if you've got certain elements or   something like this that you want to kind  of overlay. So if you're creating a PNG or   something that you're creating, let's say for a  video and you don't want to have the background   showing this is where you would go  for again, available just for pro. And then you can compress file to lower quality  if you're uploading to your website or something,   and then you can select pages. So  if you've got a multi page design,   you can just choose to download one  part of it by selecting in here,   or you can just take all pages and  it will download it as a zip file. So this is when you would click done and and it  just exports it, download, preparing your design.   You always have a neat little quote. All right.  So once you open the design, the left panel   shows up as well. And the first element in  there is the template. And obviously you've   chosen your template. If you went for template  from the homepage, if you created a design,   you can go to templates from here as well and  browse through the different options that it has. Obviously we've chosen one. So we've  got the recently used as this one,   but if you want it, you know, if  you were to create something for   Valentine's Day or something in particular, you've  got Love Instagram Posts. So Canva continuously   tries to inspire you with different designs.  So I can click on Love Instagram Posts. If you're looking to post something  about gratitude or something, you know,   you want to express how loving you are of your  customers or whatever it might be. If you're,   you know, thankful for your partner, you can just  go in here and see if you can get inspired by   what Canva offers. So you can browse through the  different templates that Canva offers in here. And if you were to change something, you can  just click on it and it applies it to that page,   as well as you can see their video  kind of animated templates as well,   which is shown by that little kind of video,  a miniature thumbnail in here. So if you click   on it, you know that it's going to be an animated  element, which again, I'll explain that later on. Okay. So let's stick to that template  that I've chosen in the beginning. And   the next element in this left panel is uploads   and Canva lets you upload different media.  You can upload images, you can upload   videos. You can also upload audio, which is  the latest kind of addition and Canva. Canva   is trying to develop the video part of the editor  as well, which audio is obviously a huge part off. So you can just upload any of your sounds, any  of your, you know, uh, music that you want to   apply to different videos in here. And it's  so neat. It wasn't available until kind of   a few weeks ago. So it's, it's a really cool  feature. So as you can see, I've got some of the   images that I've uploaded, so you can just click  on it and it will just copy it onto your design   and you can change the size of it in here. And  then you've got the Photos Tab and the photos tab   is a stock photo library. It's so cool. There  are tons and tons of different photos that   you may need for your business. And there's a  search bar in here as well. So if you were to   change, for example, that little kind of ocean  view, in here you can just drag a photo like this. As you can see, this photo has a watermark,  which means it's only available for the pro   users. And this is the one kind of caveat.  Also the free Canva. You've got tons and   tons of photos in this library, but  some of them are just pro and some of   them are free to use. So as you can see,  I can drag this one and it's a free one. You won't see any watermarks,  but for this particular one,   you have the option to remove watermarks. And  if you do, if you click that or if you were to   download a photo like this, so let me show you  like that. It will show you the it's got one   premium image and you would have to pay, and this  case 99 pence for that particular design, you can   download a watermarked picture, then you can pay  and download, but you can also get Canva Pro. As you can see, this premium image is point 99. If  you were to, you know, have more elements to it,   it can take you up to like, you know, let's say  three pounds per design or five pounds. If you're   designing something more, elaborate like a poster  or a brochure. And in that case, that's one design   that you're paying for, but then you've got Canva  Pro and first of all, you've got a free trial that   you can have for 30 days and it's completely free  and it gives you access to all of these photos. So you can start designing that way, kind of, have  a feel for what Pro offers and then, you know,   just download these images and then they're  yours or you can just take Canva pro and if you   design quite a few things in a month, if you're  designing for social media and you really need   those really kind of more pro images, something  goes really well with your ,design Canva pro   in the UK at the moment is £10.99, so as you  can see in a month, if you're using quite a   few of those photos, it, you know, it makes  more sense to have pro, but obviously again,   more than enough free photos are available  in Canva at the moment. So you don't really   have to do it is just to show you that this  exists and you need to kind of look out for it. If you scroll through the library and if you hover  over different images, it shows you in a bottom   right corner, whether it's a free design or  whether it's a Canva Pro design, as you can see,   I've got tons and tons of different free ones. So  I cannot actually find a pro one at this moment.   Gosh, there's so many, see, this is it.  This is what I'm talking about. There   are so many different free images that  you don't really need to have pro unless   you need all those different functionalities,  but let's find something that is pro. Okay. Let's just drag this one. Yeah. So we can  just scroll through it, see if something fits your   brand or something in particular that you're  looking for. Drag these over your design, and   it will kind of apply it to the background. And  obviously in this case, in this particular case,   this is a really cool feature that Canva offers  with all those different free photos. It's really   amazing, but you can also search for something  in particular. So if you were to say, you know,   travel or whatever, you can just type in  travel, you can see different travel photos. So, Oh, I found one pro. So again, if you  drag it, you see the watermark. So you can   just purchase that video or sorry, you can  just purchase that photo or you can just   choose a free one and that's you sorted.  You can see that you can drag them in here.   So again, this is how you  navigate this particular panel. Canva also shows you the recently used one. So  obviously I clicked through quite a few ones,   so you can, kind of, have a look at what you've  chosen before, especially if you were going for   a particular look or you were using some photos  in your previous designs, you may want to kind of   refer back to what you were looking for. So this  is how you would do it. The recently viewed, then   you've got the more kind of seasonal subjects  that Canva shows, so Christmas, you know,   different things to keep you inspired to go Santa  for example, you can just click on Santa sometimes   with Canva pro you've got PNG and designs as  well. So photos without backgrounds, obviously   this is again a paid element, but if you were, you  know, if you had a model and here, it can just add   that Santa hat on top of that kind of model  and it would emulate a more Christmassy vibe. Then you've got the elements tab. And in the  elements tab again, it's another library of   amazing, amazing elements. You've got the  recently used as with the photos. You've   gotten the featured ones. This is something that  kind of a showcases a few. They've got an artist   that they're showcasing at the moment. This  is where you will go to get inspired. Some of   them again are free. Some of them are, are  pro, but you can kind of add them to your   design if you want. And many of them are actually  adjustable. Yes. We've got different featured   elements in here that you can view. So  they're really cool kind of graphics. You can search for icons sometimes. This is  usually very seasonal for Canva, but there are   different things in here like for example,  this one, which is a photo frame actually,   and I'll go through the photo frames as well.  They can kind of drag your photo frame to a   specific part of the graphic design, and then I'll  leave it in here. Obviously it doesn't look cool,   but if you go back to photos and you  drag a particular photo into the view,   obviously it doesn't go well with this particular  frame, as you can see, this is a frame that you   insert the photo into and it gives you almost  like a, almost like a vignette with colors. Yeah. So we've got these different  types of elements that are featured,   but obviously if you're looking for something,  it's something in particular, you can search icons   or shapes in here as well. He's got lines. So  different types of lines. If you want to make your   design a bit more interesting. If you're looking  for something in particular, you've got kind of   more written lines, as you can see, almost reminds  me of like a lipstick stroke, very thin one,   but yeah. And he can change the color later on,  but I'll just kind of leave it out at the moment. This is one of the options. If you have  different types of lines, as you can see again,   some pro some free, like this one, let's say  actually kind of liked that one. So you've   got these different elements in here. So these  are within lines. You've got shapes as well. So   let's say I want to add a bar that showcases my  website as well. I can just click on any of those   shapes in here. You can play around with these  shapes. You have frames, you know, if you want to   again, make your design a bit more interesting.  You've got different shapes. You can, you know,   add different elements. Let's say you want it  to do something a bit more, kind of like this. I can drag, it rotate it. I can overlay it   with different elements to make it even more  cool. I can kind of change the colors of it   just to make it a bit more three-dimensional, you  know, there's no limit to what you can do with   combining these elements and in the Canva Learn  part, you can learn how to combine those as well. Let's get back to the elements. There  are also frames and frames are a really,   really cool feature. Let's go back to  that second page just so I can see it,   show it to you kind of as a clean design, these  are different frames, or you've seen it before in   the elements section, but these are different  frames that you can insert your photos into. So let's say in one to show something like a  lead magnet or whatever, I can just drag that   laptop frame and I can use my uploads let's say.  Or, I mean, it doesn't really look that good,   but nevermind. Or you can just drag a photo and  then if you double click on it, you can just   kind of move it. And you've got that displayed in  there. So it's almost like a mock up and you've   got so many different options of the frames as  well. So I can just delete that particular one,   but let's say you want three part design for  your graphic. You can have a wee quote in here   and then he can have three different  photos, kind of, showcased in here. So if you're designing like This or That post,  or which one would you prefer, like spend time   with your family or, I don't know, workout, you  know, obviously it doesn't go together. So I   have to, you know, Read through it a bit  more. Yes. So you can use that for example,   to get your followers engaged, add a little  quote at the bottom, or let them choose. And   they can just vote in the comments, which,  you know, let's say way of spending time,   they prefer so again, a really cool feature  from Canva. Just delete the photos like this,   or you can delete the whole frame like that.  I mean, there are so many different options.   Really. You can change the background in  here. I'll explain that kind of later on.   Yeah. So let's say, I've got this in here.  I've just moved it. It can have that. And   a kind of a cute quote in here. Yeah. So these  are the frames. They're also stickers. So more   animated elements. Canva is really expanding their  library when it comes to any animated elements. So you can just add that one and export that  whole graphic design as a GIF or as a video, which   you know, is a bit more interactive for any  people that are watching it or, you know,   browsing through your social media. So it's a  really cool kind of feature that they've got that. Okay. Then you've got a chart.  So if you're creating a report,   an offer, um, maybe you're doing marketing for  someone you want to showcase your data somehow   presentation for school as well. This is a  really cool option because Canva lets you   do that, and you've got the charts as well in  here. And you can just kind of showcase your data,   which is a really neat way to  integrate it within your designs. There are different grids, which are very  similar to frames, but grids are more mobile.   You can move them around, you can do different  things with them. So let's say I were to pick   this one. I can actually amend that grid.  I can just kind of take it to the specific   shape that I want to take it. So they're ,  you know, obviously they're a bit more mobile. So they've got gradients as well. If you're trying  to make your design a bit more interesting, uh, it   can introduce gradients and change their colors,  change the different parts of it, and you can just   position it in a specific way. And you know, it's  just a way to make it a bit more interesting for   you. They've got tons of different gradients.  They're mostly free. I have to say, which is a   really cool option. And then they can be used in  a plethora of different designs. So it's really   cool. And as with the previous sections of Canva,  you've gotten the recommended parts. So something   that, you know, maybe kind of a, maybe featuring  a specific artist at the moment you've got,   you know, let's say Zodiac, symbols. So you can  go through that. If you're creating, you know,   quotes for. Gemini or something, if you're  into astrology or something, or if you're   your brand goes with that, you can just kind  of browse through them. And this is a cool   little feature that they do. They kind of, you  know, gathered these for you and inspire you. And when you get back to the elements, you  can obviously search for specific icons or   shapes. So if you're looking for, you know,  a flower, let's say just type in a flower,   you'll have a variety of kind of, you  see the watercolor ones, you see kind of   different graphic elements, different  illustrations, sketchy ones, or you can   something, you can have something that  looks a bit more like an icon as well. So let's say this particular one may be an  icon. And try to utilize as many of those   kinds of elements into the design, because that  makes it a bit more fleshed out. It makes it   look a bit more nice. Again, a particular one  doesn't really go that well with this design.   But just for the purpose of showing you, uh,  what you can do with this particular one. And another neat thing as well, is that if you  find a specific element that you like, and by the   way, it goes for the photos as well, or other  elements, you can just kind of click on it in   here, see what it was created by. So you can see  view more by Sketchify, which if you click on it,   it will give you other elements created by that.  So you can maybe sometimes look for something that   looks similar. So, you know, this one will look  very similar to that one. They're watercolor.   Obviously they've got some kind of white elements  below that. So you would need a lighter background   for this, but you, you get what I'm saying. It's  just quite a cool trick to search for different,   very similar elements as well. You can also  see the different keywords that were used to   describe that particular element or a photo.  So it's quite neat as well to look at it here. And maybe you can click on foliage, the elements  that pertain to that particular keyword will   display for you here. Again, a really neat way to  find really cool elements that will fit your brand   or your particular design. Then you can see how  much it costs, obviously if it's pro, but if you   like it, you can add it to likes and I'll show  you if you add it to likes and here you can go   to your folders down here, you can click on your  likes and it will display that particular element.   So if you like an element very much, or you like a  photo and you want to use it continuously, this is   how you save it. This is how you remember it. And  this is how you actually refer back to it. Really   neat trick. Another cool trick that Canva does  within these is the Canva magic recommendations.   So, if you click on a particular element,  you see the magic recommendations in here. If you click on the magic recommendations,  Canva will pull different designs either by   the same author or very similar in terms of  how they were created, or again, match them   by the keywords. And this is a really, really  neat thing. If you're looking for more than one   element to kind of fit into your, your design,  again, doesn't go well with that in particular,   but a really good idea, especially when you're  designing a few graphics of the same type,   or maybe again, you're creating an Instagram  carousel, it might be quite useful to have   different renditions of a similar design.  So, you know, you can have things like that   and you would have them kind of for a different  Instagram slide. Really cool feature really neat. Next up is a text panel, which is quite  self-explanatory. This is where you add text   to page. So you've got a heading, subheading,  a bit of body text. As I mentioned at the very   beginning, when you have Pro, you can customize  them. You can actually choose your brand fonts,   and these will be kind of applied in here. And  each time you click a heading a subheading,   a body of text, you'll have your typography,  but it's not available for the free users,   but that doesn't stop you from actually going  into that particular design and picking from a   multitude of different fonts that they offer.  Yeah. So you can choose from the popular fonts   and here, or if you scroll a bit further down,  so you've got tons and tons and tons and tons of   different fonts that you can get through. And  if you're looking for a particular font that,   you know, you use for your brand or  something that you've seen on Pinterest,   that might've caught your attention. So let's  say Open Sans and it will show you all the   different fonts under that category. So I typed  in Open Sans and obviously for these, you've got   so many different varieties, so you've got the  classic one, but you've got the condensed light,   extra bold, sauce, you know, different types  of things. And I want to maybe make this   one, one Playfair Display. Do I see it in here? I  don't see it in here. So let's search for Playfair   cool. And I'll make it like that.  And let's say family is everything.   So you can kind of add it in here. And then if you  want to add a subheading, if I choose open sense yeah. So you can kind of play  around with your topography   and a really, really cool thing. The canvas offers  are the font combination. So you can add text   by clicking on these different panels. And  then if you go down, if you scroll down,   there are different font combinations already  prepared for. You can have different styles,   let's delete these two and it can, you  know, choose this one if you like it. Or if, especially, if you're looking  for particular or look for your brand,   and you're not very much kind of into typography,  this is a cool way to get inspired and to kind of   look for different fields with the fonts and  maybe then stick to the one that you really,   really like. So, you know, you've got  different inspiring ones by Canva. Skim, you know, have family in here and  you can just adjust it to what you like it   to be. And these come in a group, I'll show  you in a moment how these kind of play out,   but you can go through these  different types of font pairings,   and you can just apply them to your design,  which is such a cool, such a neat feature. Yeah. So for this one, let's pick, you know, this  one, as she even liked the text. So I'll just   stick it in here and let me explain the rest of  it for you. And then I'll show you the different   features when you're actually designing. Then  you've got music. So when you're creating a video,   you can actually have different music, you  know, different pieces that kind of offers. So you can search by, different types of genres  or feel. So you've got these and these are,   some of them are available for probe, but some  of them are completely free to you. So let's say that's a free sound. And it can just add it  to your design. Yeah. That's how you do it.   I can move it in here just at the  top panel, just to see which part   suits your video. You can adjust the volume, just  deleted. Then he'd go to videos as well. You've   got different types of videos, which are either  free again or pro, but these are quite cool. If you've got a presentation or again, you  want to create a more interactive graphic   or not graphic, but like a video for social  media as well. Really, really cool. Then you've   got different backgrounds as well. So let's  go back to, or let's create another one. If   you're creating quote or something, kind  of offers different backgrounds as well. Again, this is pro, but let's say, you  know, this one and again, you may be   one to create a quote or something. Let's pick  the same one and you can just have it kind of   in here. I'll just flip it and here, just to  show you I'll show everything in a moment,   but you know, we can create different kinds  of quotes and different styles or, you know,   whatever you may need the background for just  know that canvas offers a ton of different ones. Again, then you've got your likes. So the, the,  the, any elements, photos that you've added to   likes, he's got your folders. So again, refer  back to your likes as, see what you've purchased   previously. If you've purchased any pro elements,  and then you've got more suitable styles kind of   offers you pallets already kind of matched with  different text styles and things of that nature. And there are also different integrations. So  if you've got some files on your Google drive,   you can just click in here to connect your  Google drive. And that way canvas can pull   different photos that you've got saved on the  drive, and you don't need to actually kind of   drag them to upload them. They will just appear,  , or you can kind of grab them from Google. , there'll be a tab in here that can grab  them from Google Drive as well. Yeah. So you   can kind of look through them, you can  connect your Instagram account as well   and grab any photos that you've got published  to your Instagram as well. Really cool. If you   want to maybe utilize them in your designs. For  other platforms or just for Instagram as well. Cool. So we've got the, we've got  the top panel are out of the way,   you know how to use it. You've got left panel  with the different functionalities and then we   go to the editor itself. So when you have a look  at this, you've got your page number in here and   you can actually title your pages, especially  if you're designing something a bit more bulky. You can just name all of your pages,  just to know what they're referring to.   You also can add notes. It's really  cool when you're sharing the design   with other people. And it's really cool. Um,  too cool feature to kind of have any comments   pertaining to the design. This is where you can  actually move down or up your multiple pages. So let's say I want this one to go down and this  one to be first, this is what you can actually   do. You can just leave it in here and use these  arrows to move those pages around the design.   Then you can duplicate pages. So if you want  to create something, you know, very similar   or you want to use the same design, you can  just do it in here and it just duplicates it. Then you can delete a page in here. And at  the very end, you can just add a blank page   in here as well. And whenever you use  kind of these, duplicate or add page,   they get added as a next page to the one that  you were viewing at the moment. So let's say,   you know, I'm on two. If I duplicate it, it  doesn't duplicate it at the very, very end. It doesn't duplicate it at the very bottom. It  just duplicates it as the next page and the same   goes. For new page as well. So page title, and  as you can see, if you add a page from this one,   it adds a blank kind of white page, because this  is the background or is it even white? Is it off   white? No, it's just off white, but it just grabs  the same background that we, that was used before. And so for this one and just copied that  kind of tope color for this one, you know,   if I were to duplicate it, would it be blue?  So once we've got these out of the way,   so this is where magic happens. If you  click on that element, they added before   you can actually see that this particular  one can be adjusted second change the color   of this particular element, which is really cool  because that means that you can stay on brand. This is how you do it. If you want  to crop it, if it doesn't kind of fit   this, you can maybe crop it like that for  different elements. It may work quite well.   Let's say you want it just kind of a  quarter of a turn of this little thing.   You can also use that you can also flip  it. So let's say I wanted this kind of from, you know, from here, somewhere in  here, you can just flip it like this.   You don't need to rotate it, but if you  kind of selected, you can make it bigger,   smaller, you can rotate it like this  as well. And it gives you the degrees   as well. So it's quite a cool thing  because you can just stay within the   frames where you can make sure that all the  elements are going in line with each other. So let's say I were to, you know,  change that to 135. I can then click on,   ungroup it. I'll let you know what that  is. Later. I can click on a particular text   and I can kind of, I mean, it's a different.  Rotation, but whatever, but let's just revert   back. So I'll keep it as that further  on. You've got info on this element. And so that pulls back the same kind of three  dots that you had in the design. So if you   still really like that element, you don't have  to search for it through the elements. You can   just add it to likes in here next, you can  position it as well. So if you're designing,   you know, if you have some designs,  maybe it's something that I can show you. on this one, actually, let me add an element.  So let's say I've added that element,   right? I'll change the color in here. So again,  an editable element in here I've changed this   color. Let's say to that and make it bigger  and make it smaller. It can rotate it again.   And then if you click on position, it  can, can actually move it backwards. So you can kind of move it behind that particular  element. . As you can see, I kind of moved that   photo around in front of it, but I cannot really  grab the element, which is because it's behind,   you can click on the position again and  you can just send it backwards as well.   If you have multiple different  elements, let's add another one. Again, it won't go well with this  particular design, but nevermind.   If you've got multiple elements,  we'll show you more options   so you can send it forwards. So that sends it kind  of one by one forwards or backwards one by one,   as you can see it went behind the text. And if I  click backwards again, it goes behind that right. , graphic. And then if I click backwards again,  it sends it back off the left element. If I click   to front. It will instantly move it to the front  of this design. So it's a really cool feature   very quickly. You can just do it like  that. And then if I want to push it back,   just click to back and that's cool. So this  is how you would use it, the position one. Then you may adjust the opacity as well.  You can also copy style. So for example,   you've got this text in here. If I  click on that particular copy style one,   I can just move it to this one. I will just apply  the same formatting. It works just as it would   work in Microsoft Word or Excel. If you're using  these, there's a copy formatting or something like   this and there as well, it looks exactly like this  little kind of paintbrush or whatever paint role. So you can do the same thing in  here. So you can just move the styles   to the other one. Another neat thing  is that you can adjust the transparency   so you can make your elements more kind of  opaque. And it's not really visible in here,   but let me show you in here. Maybe. And as you  can see, it kind of disappears into the photo. So it's quite a neat one to play around with,   if you want to maybe create a bit of a shadow  of an element or whatever, so you can kind   of play around with that. It doesn't really  go well because it's more of a sketchy one,   but if you want to play around with text, you can  apply the same thing to your text or whatever. You can just adjust the transparency in here.   Same goes for the photo or the frame.  These is actually a framed I've   inserted that into, well, let's get back to  this particular design. So let's say I want to   have another element added to that photo so I can  just click on that. I've recently clicked on it. So it's here, but it can choose different shapes  as I've shown you before you can just drag it in   here. And this is where you change the colors.  Again, you can see kind of most of the elements   I went through, I'll go through the rest of  them in a moment, but let me just show you this.   So you go to that particular, you can pull  photo colors, you can have document colors. So all the colors that were used for this  particular document that will be showcased   in here. You've got default colors in here as  well, but you can choose a new color. So if   you've got a pallet, if you know the hex code for  the color, you can insert it in here. Or you can   kind of play around with this little slider and  you can choose the color that you really like. So let's add another layer of text .Let's go  for something that I've added before maybe.   I like this font, it's Glacial Indifference.  Perfect. So if I go in here, click add subheading,   it will showcase. And the fonts that I've  used previously. So I'll click on the Glacial   Indifference. And let me show you the different  ways you can actually manipulate the text. So this is where you've got the font to the very  left. And this is how we can just change the size.   You can also drag it like this. And it will show  you the width and height of this. Or in here,   you can see that it changes the numbers  are changing as well. So you can see   how big it is. Let me just move it kind  of a bit lower so they you can see it. You can click on this and you can see the text  color again, let's choose something light. Because   I'll beputting it over that let's pick, this  is when you can make it bold kind of italic,   underline, and this is how you can force it   to be kind of uppercase. , So if you click  on it, it will always stay kind of uppercase. Cool. So I've got that in  here. If you drag it in here,   we'll make the text box a bit wider. You  can make it whatever you want, obviously,   but then you will be able to see the alignment as  well. So this is the alignment tab that's aligned   to the left. You can obviously center it and  make it right. Or you can just kind of adjust. So that's like this and I can drag it in here  other options are list so you can list it. I can   number it as well. So it's quite neat if  you're putting some more information on a text,   then there's spacing. So if I had more to  this text, so let's say I had another line   saying whatever, you can see that  you can space out letters in here,   this actually pertains to that  particular one, but I can do it for both. So you can adjust the letter spacing. It's quite   good to actually play around with it  and see how it fits with your design.   I'll just go back to that and then you can  adjust the line height as well. So how close   that second line or how far from the first line  it is? So you can kind of play around in here. Cool. So another option in  here is the effects option.   Let me actually show it to you on maybe this  one, because it's a bit thicker, a bit better   visible. I'll go back to the other design in  a moment. But if you click on the effects,   it gives you various options to play around,  to manipulate your text even further. So if you click shadow, if you  want to add shadow to your design,   this is where you do it. And you play around with  those sliders. You can adjust the transparency,   you can adjust the blur, so, and you can change  the color as well. And here. So let's say you want   more. Three dimensional effect. You can add it and  manipulate it in here it can change the direction. If you want to make sure that everything goes in  the same kind of direction you can offset and here   you can manipulate it. So it can make it a bit  further from this and you can blur it out as well,   but that's just shadow, but there are so many  other options you can lift it. So it's more of   a kind of, um, a blurry background it lifts your  text from the background there's hollow as well. It's very, I'd say it's quite a  popular way of playing around with   text at the moment. You can make it very thin,  which looks a bit more elegant with that sort of   font, or you can make the stroke a bit  thicker. So this is where you kind of   manipulate it and play around. There's  also the splice option. I love splice. So the way you play around with splice,   it's got a few different options. You've got  thickness again. You can make that stroke a   bit kind of more elegant. Thinner then you  can have offset. So again, it puts your   design kind of more in line. So it looks just like  a stroked text like this, or you can offset it. So it looks a bit more modern. This is what a lot  of brands are using at the moment. And there's a   direction as well. Just what, like previously. So  we wanted to stay consistent with that. And this   is where you pick a color for that fill color,  and let's pick something from the palette in here.   You can actually go, if you choose a color  and nothing really works for you, that way   you can click on that new color and again,  play around with these different options. And this is what I find a bit more  appealing. You can obviously not be so   monochrome and this, but if you click text  color and that kind of, of particular effect   with the splice effect. Yeah. The main color  that you've chosen is actually the color.   That will be the outline. So this  is the stroke color within that. So this is this effect. Then  you've got echo as well.   Which kind of multiplies that shadows.  So there are a few different ones, again,   offset or direction. It can change the color  of that echo. You can also choose glitch, which   is more of a cool kind of 3d effect that we see  was very popular. At the beginning of the year. I feel even a bit further in graphic design,  you can choose the colors. So a bit more kind of   older style, kind of blue and red,  or the blue and pink one. And again,   more offset to give you a bit more of that kind  of 3d dimension gives me, feels like it reminds   me of those little kind of cool cards or things  like that, that we had back in the nineties. There's neon as well. It makes your graphic   like a neon, obviously with this color is a bit  more toned, but I see when I'm going with this,   this is the intensity. If I were to change the  color to something a bit more bright. You see   instantly what I'm talking about. See, this is  more of a neon type of text, which is super cool. Especially if you want to differentiate  yourself from other designs or if you want   to make something stand out a bit more. If you've  got a sales going on, this is a really good one to   make it work. And the last one guys, I have  to say, I've been waiting for this for very,   very long time. This is something that was  actually missing really heavily from Photoshop. And this is one of the reasons that I  would kind of sometimes go to Photoshop,   create a text like a curved text, exported  as PNG, and then upload it to Canva   just to have that curved text, but users  have requested it have been requested for   months and months and Canva listened.  This is what is so great about Canva. They listen to lovely people who use their  product, and this is what it does. You can   curve your text and Canva now. It's just,  you know, it's beyond, it's amazing.   Let me revert back because I actually want  to show you what it looks like. So you can   go back to none right? With this one,  but let me showcase something like this. That's absolutely fine. And let me  show this to you on a different text.   Let's go for Glacier. Let's do this and let's  say swipe, if you want to incorporate that   kind of call to action within your graphics  and have people swipe, show them that they   actually need to swipe graphically to another  carousel photo or whatever you're creating for. So you click on, you know, again, effects curve,   and this, if you go like this, it shows  you how on a circle. This thing appears.   And if you play around with the spacing of  the letters as well, it kind of goes around   a bit more. If you have more text, you can just  double click on it, swipe to see more. Right. But if you play around with. The letter hide.  See? You can create something like this.   And I can actually just kind  of, let me just move that one   for a moment. If I were to  click like swipe to see more and manipulated a bit kind of a bit more, it can  maybe do like a half circle or like a full circle.   You can just add an element with an arrow.  So just quickly search for an arrow.   I've got again, different types of arrows that  you may want to use. And I can just choose one,   right. And put it kind of  right in the middle here. Kind of like that. And it grabs your attention.  I mean, you might not be able to see everything.   So let's say swipe for more. Right. And you  can kind of play around with it. Let's go for   a half circle actually. And then if you click  on it, it can kind of make it smaller as well.   So that's rotated added kind of in here like that. And again, you can position it. So I'll send  it backwards just to be able to manipulate   that little arrow. And if you drag an the element,  as you can see Canva lets you adjust it with the   elements that you've got around. So when you  click like this, it just positions it kind of   right in the middle. So you can see the middle  one horizontal you've got, you can kind of   make it adjust to different elements and  it actually snaps in place like a magnet. So when you drag it, it kind of guides you,  um, as well. But let's say I want it to   have these elements, not kind of  work separately from each other.   So you can, you know, drag just one, but  not the other. If I click on anything kind   of click on the background and drag it, this  is how Canva lets you select different things. So if I drag it over these two elements,   I can have another option here at the top, which  is group. And if you click on it, what it does,   it connects these two, you can still amend  them individually. So you can see that I   can still manipulate the colors. I can still  manipulate the font on the text is just that. Now when I move it, this is actually one unit.  This is one entity in a way that I can kind of   move it around together. And I don't need to  worry about making this kind of misaligned   and the same goes for this text. So I  will ungroup it because I don't like how   to the left. It's not properly aligned.  So I'll, ungroup it click away. And if you drag that love, peace and joy text,  you can see, they can align it to different   elements. If you see the solid frame, this  is a margin that Canva shows for the image.   So for the specific resolution, so this  is the Instagram post. This is what Canva   thinks is the margin for it. So if you leave a  bit more space, this is how the design breeze,   and this is quite a cool thing because for  people who are not really graphic designers,   it's a neat way to make the design  look and feel a bit more professional. So you've got that kind of breathing space for  it. So keep it in mind when designing things,   push it towards that margin. I'll push it in here  and then I'll grab this one as well. And as you   can see, I can align it to that margin as well.  And then. The stroked one, the kind of dashed line   that shows me that it aligns to different parts  of that other element, that swipe for more thing. So this is the middle and this is where the  whole kind of grouped element swipe for more.   This is where the middle of that element is.  This is where I can actually align this text   with the middle of this as well. But it doesn't  work just with that. It's just the same for any   other elements. I can kind of put it in the  middle in here, or if I wanted to drag it   kind of across that one as well, obviously it's  not aligned to the middle, but let's center it. You can do the same thing kind of over  it. So Canva by dragging the elements,   kind of lets you align it with different  parts. As you can see in here vertically,   this is the middle of the graphic.  But then if I drag it along here,   the dash line shows me that this is  the middle of that frame of that photo. So I'll get back to it. I'll align it to  the margin. Once I'm happy that these are   working together, I will click on it group  it, and this is how these two stay together.   And now I can maybe drag it a bit further. And  instead of just having it aligned to that left   margin, I can also drag it down and have it  aligned perfectly to the corner of the margin. So let's go back to this design, right? So I told  you that with this text,   I want to showcase my website. So this, I  added this panel again from the elements   in different shapes. So I can make this  text a bit smaller and what I'm doing,   I can drag by the corner and it will kind of  drag it down to one corner to the opposite one. But if I click alt. It will drag both  corners kind of to the center in a way.   So it, it kind of goes down. So when I've  got something aligned to a specific element,   it just kind of stays that way. I don't need  to kind of move it further. If I click alt,   even when holding it, it will stay  aligned to the proper element. So if I've got that, I can just move it down.  And as you can see again, straight line in here   completely solid. That means I'm right  in the center of this particular graphic,   but then down at the bottom, you can see that  it's aligned to the center of that shape. And   you can see it by that dash line. So  this is where I'm putting it in here. I can maybe adjust it again. I like it actually  not bold. Let's make it again a tiny bit smaller.   And then you can, you know, if you were  to play around with the position as well,   you can send it backwards. You can send  it forwards. You can also align it to page   in here so you can align it to top and  it will kind of drag it to the very top. I can align it to bottom as well, left. Right.  Change the alignment in here. And you can add   it to the very middle again, quite a cool  feature. If you want your text to be right   in the middle the middle of the graphic, I'll  drag it down in here just to show you perfect.   This is aligned how I like it. And if I want to  go back to this, I use that one from a template. So these texts are grouped. So I  will ungroup them. And let's say,   I want to make that look a bit more like this,  right? So instead of going and searching so   I can still apply all the things kind of  one by one. So you can go pick, you know,   Yeseva One, however you pronounce it, Bodoni,  whatever I can play around with these, right. And I can add, uh, you know, I can make them  bold. I can make it smaller. I can do the   same thing, but again, clicking back to this one  specifically on this element, clicking copy style.   And I've got this in here. So  at least I know that this is the   particular font that I want and I can  kind of make it aligned to center. You have to kind of play around in here with how  wide you want that text? Right. But I'll leave it   as that and I can make it and I can  force it all to be an uppercase.   So I do it in here. I don't need to kind  of re type it. It's really cool. And I   can just kind of drag, see how big I  want it. This is quite a cool thing. I like this one, but I'm not a super big fan of  that. So let's leave it like this. Maybe kind of   align it in here as well. Yeah. So this is how you  would design. If you start designing something,   don't like a particular photo,  you can just delete it in here   change the color to the one that  you've used kind of before to is that the ones I've used actually,  no, it's not. This is the one that I've   used before. Right? So you can see document  colors in here. Again, you can click on the   color and you can see what colors you've  used before. I can see in here that I,   I've not changed the color of this font. So  I can change it to the one that I've used. So next, let me show you how to add photos and  what you can actually do with photos in Canva,   because just adding them is not enough.  There, there are different tools,   different functionalities that you  can play around with. So let's say   I'm picking that particular one. So  I've dragged it in here. You can see   I've searched for plant and you can  see that I've got another neat one. So this is the PNG, the transparent  background one. So I'll just add it in here.   Let's say obviously it's a pro one, so I  won't remove the watermark at the moment,   but just for the sake of this tutorial, I can  position it. So it's below that bar in here,   but I can kind of move it forwards and this  way it would look like kind of on top of it. Obviously it doesn't really work that  well for that design, but just to show   you what functionalities you've got. So  for the photo that I've chosen in here,   you can see that it doesn't really go that  well, some text in here overlays the plans   and you don't really see what it reads.  So if you double click on this photo,   you can actually see the original  outline of the photo and within it. Which is not transparent is actually the  graphic, the boundaries of the graphic,   but anything outside of it is opaque.  So if you move it to the left, right,   you can see that dragged it kind of  a bit further. And it's even worse,   obviously. So this is not something that  we want, so I can just drag it in there. And this is how you can move it to the  side. It's still doesn't work that well.   So another thing that you can do, you  can click on flip and flip it vertical,   and this way it actually works. It doesn't  really affect it that much. I might actually   want to align this kind of, to the left a bit  more. This is how the process of designing. Obviously you may cope as you go, you see  what works and what doesn't work that well,   but maybe, you know, this works a bit better.  I actually have to remove that one. I really   don't like that one, but you can see what you can  do with this one as well. You can move around.   You could actually, kind of extend  it a bit more so I've extended it. And I just see that little cactus but  you can drag it in as well. And you can   play around with it. How well it goes  with the image. Maybe that's a bit too   big, but let's make it a bit kind of  smaller, but you can see that it still goes   kind of outside it. I actually liked this  look. I actually like it quite a lot. Let me show you another neat thing.  I'll go back to the photos as well,   but when you click on three elements,  if you go to position. Sometimes Canva   lets you space things evenly. So automatically  align different things, kind of evenly for use.   If I click vertically, you can see that it kind  of adjusted that middle text, that heading. So you can see that it goes together.  Well now it's kind of more harmonious,   right? So you can kind of pick  horizontally. It won't work like this,   but if you're trying to line something  horizontally, this is where you would   use and it can also use tidy up the tidy up.  Doesn't work in here particularly, but let's   say I wanted to add social media buttons to that  graphic or I was designing an interactive PDF. Right? I can add different social media  buttons, right? So I can do Facebook. Let's   search for Facebook. This is a free one. Let's  see in magic recommendations instantly you can   see different social media platforms so I don't  need to look for them. I don't need to type in   Instagram, Twitter. I can just grab these right. And as you can see with some graphics,  you can adjust the colors as well.   So if my brand colors were,  let's go for something a bit more   contrasty. So you can see that Canva pulled  photo colors from here. So this green actually   works quite well with a bronze they've chosen. So  let's say I want to kind of adjust it like this. Right? I've got Twitter. I want Instagram first   see this Instagram. I cannot really amend the  colors off. So I will look for a different   Instagram icon. So let's say Instagram and I want  a full one. Okay. I don't quite like that one,   but let's say, you know, this is what  I'll use for this particular photo. Doesn't really look like Instagram, but who  cares? And as you can see, I can just kind   of align it with the top of this. The Twitter  icon, and I can just align it to this. I know how   big I need to make it for this to match. And the  same for Facebook's. I can just pick the correct   color from here. I'll make it a bit  smaller to make it align a bit better. And yep. This is how I do it, but the  problem is I don't really know if those   gaps in between are equal. So what I can  do, I can select all of this. So again,   click somewhere on a safe space, like somewhere  where you don't have any elements or texts or   anything, just drag it over those buttons,  click position, and then click tidy up. As you can see Canva aligned it for me and then  S together I can just group it, make it smaller   and make it align. To that particular list. And  then if I select all of them, I can still kind of   align them vertically by Canva and it will make  it all an equal. I'll go back to that because   I don't want to look like this, but another  cool thing that you can do in Canva is link. I've not explained that link thing. So if  you link, you can enter a link. So I can   add my Facebook handle for example. And it's  quite neat. If you've got interactive PDF that   you're organizing, you can just export  it as a PDF. And all of those things,   all of these elements will  link when you click on them. So let's say .  Let's apply same for the Instagram. I just click   link again. Doesn't really work for graphics on  Facebook, but it's good to know that you've got   this feature in here. So this is what I've got in  there as well. And if I want to, let's say I added   a link to that one, right? I've got this link  added to the at the bottom. It will automatically underline it just as kind  of few, you have links underlined in various   different programs, but I'll just kind of, I can  remove it. So I've made it not underlined again.   And if I drag this one and I group  it, right, so that's together,   but another thing you can still  kind of move it and it's not cool. If you want to, maybe duplicate the page, change  the design, just to be sure that that doesn't get   moved unnecessarily. You can lock it. So  you can actually click on that little lock   icon in the top right corner. And if you  lock it, it will stay in place. You won't   be able to move it. And the cool thing is  you won't be able to select it as well. So won't, you know, accidentally drag inside  of it. So let's go back to this design,   for example, right? So I've got this right.  And if I want to maybe select these things.   But I don't want that to select it will be quite  tough. You know, I can do it in here, but if you   don't want to select the whole thing, you can  actually click on that one, lock it in position. And as you can see, if you kind  of move it, you won't be able to   select it. And if you want to unlock  it again, you can click on this one,   you see that you are not able to adjust  anything on this one. You need to first   unlock it and then you can delete it, manipulate  it, whatever, but this is how you would do it. And this is why you use quite often,  especially when I'm creating templates,   which I explain later. Yes. If I want for  something to stay in place. Stay put not be   moved, not be selected. This is a great way to  actually kind of protect your design as well.   So within Canva, you can also have shortcuts. So  if you want to duplicate that particular element,   you can do it right next to that lock icon. You can duplicate it here and it will collect it,  but you can also use shortcuts. So I've just done   with that particular one. I clicked control Z  and it removed it. I don't have to go to that   top arrow to actually kind of make it,  you know, make it go away or, you know,   come back to the previous step. I can just  click control Z and it just disappears. Right? Same goes for copying and pasting.  So you can choose an element or a group   of elements. I can choose that kind of  social media, a group. I click control C.   I go back to this design. I click on  the background and I click control   V which pastes it quite cool. If you want  exactly the same elements to go with other   different parts of your design, it doesn't just  apply to different pages of the same design. If I open another design, this is just a template  I've opened from Canva. That's why it's called   kind of untitled design. If I actually go to this  one, right. And I liked this particular arrow,   I can just control C, go to my design  in here, and I can control+v. And I've   got the exact same arrow, obviously  that design, which was much bigger. So compared to the Instagram -post, the arrow was really, really tiny, but if  I drag it and make it kind of my own, I can maybe,   you know, switch it with this particular arrow  that I had here. Let's go back to my top one,   still with the photos. So what you can do with  the photos as well is add different effects,   filters or adjust it. So if you click on effects, you can see that  there are quite a few different things that   Canva offers in terms of what you can do with  your photos. The first one is a background   remover. So if you click on the background  remover, obviously it's a Canva Pro option,   but what it does is actually removes  the background from the elements. So, if I were to remove the background  from this particular photo, if you,   if it would just leave the, the different kind of  plans, the cacti, it would leave just them. I can   erase certain parts or add certain parts, and I  can add these cacti, these plants onto let's say,   you know, more of a background like this, and  I would just have those elements on top of it. So it's another layer of being able to manipulate  different elements. There's also various different   effects that you can play around with. You  can have more of a kind of pixelated looks.   If you connect different apps, see you can just  pixelate it make work for censorship, actually,   whatever. But, you know, it's, if you're going for  cool look, whatever you can use that one as well. You can adjust it as well as you can  adjust the radius. I can have more or   less segments in here. There's, you know, bad  TV. I won't connect all of them to this account,   but this is something that you may want  to have for. For your different designs,   they can have C flow and added  a bit more kind of flow to it. See, as if you're kind of dragging it, see,  I can add the 3d effect, these ones, this was   quite a popular one. And if you're  going for that particular look,   this is how you would do it. It's  really cool. That canvas is actually   adding those options for you to be able to,  you know, do these things to your photos. Then you've got filters. So just as with  Instagram filters or so many different   filters that we've gotten out on different  social media apps, canvas offers some really   basic filter. So you can have your Epic  festive, you know, we can go through it,   see if something kind of. Makes it a bit more  fun. You can have the kind of gray scale effect. So, you know, it can kind of adjust to it. It  can make it a bit more de-saturated if you're   going for that. Look, you can just adjust  the strength of this particular filter and   see what works for you. Again, I'm happy with the  photo as it is, but just to give you an option,   and this is a possibility, and then if  you want to manually adjust your photo,   especially if you're dragging something, let's  say from, if you're uploading from Google drive,   I've shown you before how we  can integrate these two apps. If you've got some photos that you've just taken  with your phone and they just need a bit of, you   know, a bit something, a bit more of a, you know,  grit to it, you can just adjust it in here. So   you can up the brightness of them. You  can kind of make them a bit darker.   You can OBS the contrast as you can see, make  it more contrast, see lower the saturation. Make it a bit higher. You can change the tint  as well and here. So make it a bit kind of a   particular feel. You can blur it or make it  a bit sharper because if you drag blur to   the right blurs, it obviously, but if you  drag it to the left, it actually makes it   sharper. So if your images are not as sharp  as you want, you can just slightly ever so   slightly drag it to the left and it will make  them a bit more sharp cross process as well. Manipulates different channels of the  colors of the photo. And you can kind   of play around. Maybe it will work  well with the style of your photo.   And you can add the yet as well to your  photos crop. You can also crop it. Um,   I won't crop it in here because it's still  kind of cropped to that particular photo. So not too long ago, Canva added the  option to actually animate your graphics.   And it goes in line with the trends  right now that. So many different   social media platforms are encouraging more  of a motion graphic feel to your designer,   to your platform or a, they actually just  straight up prefer videos, which is obviously   on the rise continuously for months  and months, for years, really. But you can actually animate your designs  as well, make them a bit more interesting,   just grab the attention of your followers  as well. So if you click on animate,   you can actually choose from different options  and you can click on that particular one down here   apply to all pages and we'll apply the  exact same animation to all the pages. So if you click on blog, this is  what the animation looks like,   and it applies it to the text specifically. Then  if you click on that little kind of timer icon,   you can adjust the timing. So if you need your  graphic to be animated and you have 10 seconds,   it can have it here and you can just see.  How it works for your particular design. There are other options as well. So  you've got breathe. So that breeds in the   whole graphics. So it's not just the text,  it's also the elements. It's also the photo   and then you've got the fade.  So it kind of fades away. That's   much more, it feels a bit more organic to that  particular design. You can see that it fades in,   and then at the very end of it,  it fades out there's pan as well. So it kind of moves from the side there's  rise, there's tumble. So it goes kind of   a bit more funky of an effect and tumbles out.  There's a drift as well. Um, stomp, tectonic,   baseline, pop neon scrapbook, which are all  available just for the pro users. Uh, if I   click on apply to all pages, you can see that  the tumble is applied to this one as well. Just like this one. And I can edit the timing  on that one as well. So let's say I want to make   this one six seconds. Uh, I want to make this  once. Let's say five seconds for both. Okay.   So I want to make it five for both. This is  how it's done. And these are all kind of now   animated again. Doesn't may not go kind  of super well with that particular one,   but it's just to show you that this is an option. I actually kind of liked the block one for  both of them. I may leave that one actually,   just to show you that this is the  option. Another thing that I want   to show you is how to actually utilize your  own graphics or upload something to Canva.   So if I liked something in particular,  uh, or if I've got, you know, a specific   design that I want to utilize for this one,  you can just kind of drag it into canvas. When I drag it, you can see that  it says drop to upload your file,   and I've just uploaded this completely ridiculous  gift of America. And you can just click on it.   And this is your. You know, your, your, your  guests kind of incorporated into that design.   Doesn't really incorporate that. Well, heck  I just wanted to show you what it looks like. Right. And if, for example, you want to  add something from a website, you really   like something, for example, if you've  got some kind of royalty free photo that   you want to use for design at, let's say, I  really like this particular photo, it's a free   photo on Unsplash. Don't bother downloading  it, then dragging it back to Canva, just right. Click it. If it's possible, copy image and  then control the in your design and it will   just actually apply it. So that's open a new  page, right. Or I can duplicate the whole design   actually. And I can just remove that element. See,  that's a frame. So I've just removed it. I can   just remove those things. And if I want to kind  of add it as a photo, I can just drag it in here. And it's super cool because I mean, I don't even  need to drag it. I just control V and it's there.   Right. So I can just add it again. Same as with  the other ones, you can just crop it. And as you   can see, that design is added to your uploaded  media, right? So you don't need to worry about   downloading dragging CAMBA is very intuitive and  integrates with different parts of your browser. So let's play around with another shape. Let's say  maybe I want it white. I had some white elements   in the previous one. Well, let's make it the  same size. See, so I dragged it to the side   of that photo. Right. You see that it snaps  in, and it, you can see the little kind of   dashed lines, which means that it's  aligned with that element below it. If I drag it here, again, it snaps in  place and he can see the dashed line.   So that means that it's the exact  same shape. And I can just kind of   drag it to the side of it. Now, drag it  a bit kind of lower. So maybe I want to,   I want to kind of just off that one and I would  just push it backwards and I have it in here. Right. So it's kind of like a new frame  that can also change the capacity of it.   So just so you know, they can utilize different  elements to be able to integrate it into your   design, play around, have fun, just use  the stuff that Canva offers for you.   If you're not that comfortable with designing  yet, canvas is actually a great tool to learn   because it's so intuitive and it's got so  many different designs and it gives you   all the outlines and different things that you  can actually learn how to design things well. Cool. So once I have all three of my designs, let  me actually just adjust that text on this one,   because it bugs me, even though we're just playing  around and it's just, you know, a design just to   show you how to design a graphic. I'll just  amend that one. So let's say right, let's   say this. And as you can see, right, this is our  first we problem because that graphic is grouped. It's still kind of bound by the limits of  that particular groups. If I just ungroup it.   And you can see that the bottom bit  actually went down with that design.   So I can just actually drag it in here.  Just to make it wider, right? Let's say I   want to make it a bit smaller. So this kind  of fits in. What's your dream destination? Let's say, I want to want for it to  look like this. I can drag it in here.   Not particularly to, to the margin.  Cause I like the way this works. Okay.   So let's maybe add a line. I feel like it  needs a line just to make it a bit more   kind of fancy or line in a bit better.  I don't know. Just like it that way. Let's play around and just make it  a bit simpler. I'll just do that.   Yeah. Let's just kind of align it with  this one. Let's drag it. I like that.   I like it that way. Nevermind. It's not perfect,  but this is what I've come up with. What's   your dream destination. Then leave a comment  below. Right. So I've got my three graphics. The first one doesn't really go super well  with the second or the third, but let's say   these are the set. And that one is a standalone  graphic, which, you know, sometimes it happens,   you create something and, you know, it goes  another way or inspired to create something else.   So I can just start downloading my graphics. So you click in here again, as I've told  you before, you can click kind of different   styles. So since I've animated these  graphics, I would need to either choose the   MP4 video or GIF for these animations to act,  show up. Say, I will download that first one   as an MP4 video. So I click on select pages.  I clicked page one, I clicked done download. And as I said before, it's preparing  your design. It gives you cool,   neat little inspirational quote. Everything has  its beauty, but not everyone sees it, any Warhol.   So that's just download it and I've got my  video. Automation. So I've got my animated   graphic created in Canva, super easy, super  quick, really fun to play around with. So check out this one and then let's download  these two. Not as animations, even though,   you know, I have animations applied to them, but  just don't, let's download it as a regular kind   of graphic. So choose PNG, just because for me,  it's the best file type to upload to social media.   And I can just select page two and  page three, and then just download it. And as you can see at tells you that it  looks like you have links in your design   for links to work. Please choose  PDF. Obviously, if you're using   image extensions, rather than, you know, PDFs  or videos, there are some functionalities   that won't be saved with that. So for PNG or  JPEG, you won't have the links apply to it. So canvas lets you know that and as you can  see, it just saves it as a zip file. So you can   just unpack it. And you'll have your designs  ready to upload. Of course, as I mentioned,   the very beginning of this video canvas free will  be great for most users. They won't need the pro   version because it has 250,000 free templates, a  hundred plus design types for social media posts,   presentations letters, and so much more hundreds  of thousands of free photos and graphics. You can invite members to your team. You can  collaborate comment in real time and you have   five gigabytes of cloud storage for pro version.  Just to show you, there are quite a few different   things. So it has everything that the free account  tasks. But you've got quite a few new options.   So the first thing is that you can create one  brand kids and upload your own fonts and logos. And there's actually a bit of  a difference to the homepage   and the free version to the pro version  and actually the brand kit you can access   straight from the whole page. So as you can see in  here, I can click and upload my logos from here.   You can have multiple ones in here. You  can also apply brand colors so you can   insert the exact hex colors, just like  with the color picker and the editor. You can also kind of play around in  here, create titles for the pallet,   and you can just delete them all together  as well. So you can add different pallets   custom. Once you create it in here. Let me  just delete it. You can reorder it as well,   or you can discover different custom  pallets, which I've mentioned. Canva has tons of inspirational features as  well. So it inspires you to maybe use a different   color palettes as well. So I'll just add that  luscious lemonade one, and this will be my kind of   name, a color palette. Great. So I've got  that sorted. I can also add brand phones.   So as I mentioned, you can choose a font  for tons and tons of fonts kind of offers. And as you can see, I no longer  see the crown being yellow,   which means that I am a pro user. And even  though I see which fonts are the profiles,   I have access to all of them. Now let me choose  leaks. Pardon? That's my kind of heading one   and I can adjust how big I want it. If I  wanted bold, obviously, for least, pardon? It's quite a bold one already. So it doesn't  have the option to either make it Italian or   bold, but I can adjust the specific size  for it. So each time I go, I go to a design,   which I'll show you in a moment. I'll have  it ready. It will be pre formatted for me,   no hustle with searching for the  font. It will be just in my brand kit. So let me choose different fonts. Obviously  won't be the same ones that I use for my brand,   but just to show you that, uh, let's  see, play for. Playfair display. See,   so in here I can make it a Taluk. I can  make it smaller. I could make it bold   and it shows it in here as well. And add some  body style. Let's say I want open sense again,   let's say open sounds light  12 C I can change it all here. And you can upload fonts to canvas as well.   Especially if you had the Fonz designed  for you for your brand by graphic designer,   or if you transformed your handwriting into a  font, which you can do as well. If you'd like to   know how it's done, let me know in the comments  below and I'll create a video just for you. Cool. So once you've got your grandkids  sorted, another great feature that pro offers   is a content planner. Guys. I cannot  even express how exciting it is. We   all have trouble staying consistent with  social media. It's quite tough to kind of   go into each and every platform and post  Canva lets you do it straight from Canva. So let's say you're quite active  on Pinterest. You want to create   multiple pins, you have tons and tons of  different graphics. You can just publish   or schedule content for Pinterest or other  social media platforms like Twitter. For example.   Just from that content planner. So  if you go to your content planner,   if I had any posts planned for the upcoming month  or whatever, I would be able to see them here. So I can just click on a particular day. Let's  say, I want to post on Christmas Eve. I can   create a design specifically for that one. So  it will schedule it or I can choose a design. So   let's say I want the one  that I've just chosen. I can   choose a specific one. I can choose  a time that it gets posted at. So let's say, you know, 8:00 AM, let's say done,   you can schedule two. And then when you have  that connected, you can schedule to Facebook,   Twitter, Facebook group as well. You can  post it to Pinterest, LinkedIn profile,   LinkedIn page to your Slack channels or to Tumblr  as well. Super cool. I'm really happy that canvas   created that because I feel like it's, um,  almost like an extension of the platform. This is what so many people use Canva  for, for social media. So if you can   just schedule it from there really neat. So  let's get back. I don't have it connected,   but let's say, you know, we can  connect it straight from here,   but let's say I won't connect to at the moment  you can select which page you want to publish. I mean, it's obviously not perfect for  Pinterest, but let's say you want it to   post it to a Facebook page. I can do it from here,  schedule two and then write your caption. Right.   And then you would have that kind of available  obviously. So you can save it as draft and return   to it later and then schedule it again or it can  schedule your posts then and there that's done. You can even publish it straight away.  If you're struggling to stay consistent,   this is something that will help  integrate the whole process for you,   because you can just create your  captions, then go right into Canva,   create the graphics to support it. And just  schedule it and that's you, that's you done? And to make the whole process streamlined  canvas helped us out with this. So as you   can see in your folders, you can see the  logos in here as well, but let me show   you what difference kind of approach makes  your editor. So this is what I had before.   You can still see that the resize option has  the pro version crown req right next to it. Let me just refresh it to show you that.  So in the folders, you can see that I need,   I couldn't create folders within the editor,  just because I didn't have the pro version.   I would have the photos that need pick like a  pro photo. So if I refresh it. I have access to   everything. So now I can just click resize  for example, which is one click resize. So as I mentioned before, you can just  go to, for example, Twitter, right?   I want to create a Twitter or posts  from it. So if I click Twitter post,   if I click copy and resize, or  I can just resize on this one,   if I don't need it for Instagram, but I'll  click copy and resize. And as you can see,   it opens another design, which has completely  transformed into that resolution for Twitter. And as you can see, some elements were kind of  extended for me. So that photo was wide enough.   So if you kind of click on it, you  see that it's still within the balance   and I can actually just kind  of move it together together   in here. Right. I can unlock that bottom bit.  Let's extend it. I'm clicking alt as well. Just to go both ways to saying,  save me some time. And I can just   lock it again. And that's you sorted for Twitter?  Right? So you've got two different graphics,   right? This one for Instagram or Facebook,  whatever. And this one for Twitter. One click and   that's you sorted for different posts? It doesn't  mean that you have to post it the same way. It doesn't mean that you have to post the  same copy on it and you can amend it as much   as you can, but it just makes it so much  easier without you having to copy it or,   you know, apply different elements to another  graphic. If you're choosing Twitter posts,   then if you go to folders,  you now can create new folders   within the editor and you have access to  the folders that you've created before. So you've got your previous designs, which I've  put in the interesting folder, which was the kind   of overall folder. So if I wanted to apply a  different design, I can just add it from here.   Or you can access your logo from here.  So you can just add it here. This is not   actually my logo. This is just something they use  that kind of to add it in there, but you know,   I have it, I have it at a glance and I can add  it and just show you the different brand colors. I click on here with my colors. And as  I mentioned, you can have the palette.   So apart from the photo colors, which Canva   just kind of pulls all the colors that are  complimentary within the photo, and you can just   attach them to your design. You can change  different, different colors and different   elements to that particular color, but you've  got your colors of that was my main color. I can just click on it and it's  there. I don't need to remember   the specific hex code. I don't need to kind of  drag my, uh, you know, my mouse over the slider,   looking for the particular color, which  let's face it. It would probably be off. So,   you know, it's cool. It's just, they're  the same for the luscious lemonade. I can just adjust all the colors, the brand  colors that I've got in here and that sorted.   Right. You've got all the stuff that you  had saved. It's all there. It's all there.   And it can just click on it, obviously.  It's it's far from working on that design,   right? It's just an example,  palette I've just added. So you can just change the pallets. You can  add the logos. You've got your brand kit,   same for adding text. See, you've got  your heading. It's gotten the subheading   everything's pre formatted for you.  So you can just kind of use it,   change the colors to the brand colors. That's you  start it all in one place, all within the editor. And just with pro you have that available, not  to mention all the elements, the really fun   photos that come for free within that plan.  If you have kind of a pro. And last but not   least a really cool feature that kind of a pro  has. You can actually see if your designs as   templates. This is something that is kind of  a video in and of itself, a separate videos. If you'd like me to record it for you, let me know  in the comments below, and I can show everything   about templates, how you create them, how you use  them, how you organize them, you know, if you want   to watch it and I can just record it for you,  but you can create a template from any of your   designs. If I click on the three dots, I searched  templates right from here, and I select a folder. I can kind of, you know, add a template to  a particular folder. So let's say if I had a   Twitter folder, let's say this is the one I would  publish this template and I can go to my homepage.   And as you can see, this is actually a template  it's kind of saved in here. So you can,   if you click on it, you can use this template. And create another post and just  copies it over. And as I said before,   if you have a connect to, to any of your social  media, you can just share it straight to,   you know, Twitter. If I connect to my Twitter,  I could be, I could just schedule it from here,   enter captions. And this would be my design  sorted. And apart from that, instead of the   five gigabytes of cloud storage in pro you have  a hundred gigabyte gigabytes of cloud storage. And trust me, it does bulk up if  you're creating for multiple platforms   or if you're using videos as well as, so  that's something to keep in mind. And I'm   not saying you need to upgrade to pro straight  away, but maybe after some time you could try   it. If you'd like to try Canva pro for free  for 30 days, I have a link for you below. It's a wrestling. So it's, it doesn't cost  you anything. If you create an account using   this wrestling, but does support this channel.  And I should probably, at this point mentioned   that this is not a sponsored video by Canva.  I just absolutely love it. As I mentioned,   at some point in this video, I used to use  Photoshop for everything, and now I use Canva   for everything because it's so much faster, so  much cheaper to be honest and much more intuitive. So guys, go ahead and check out Canva.  I really love it. If you prefer to use   a free version straight away, go ahead.  Do it. I still think you will love it.   Absolutely. If you'd like to try  the pro version, have fun with it,   use the link below and let me know in the  comments, how everything goes. If you'd like   to learn more about Canva, uh, I've mentioned  the beginning that they have the learn tab. So definitely go through all of these, but  then I need to mention the kind of a design   school. They have specific courses,  um, they're are completely free to use   and they teach you a different, um, sides of  graphic design. So you've got graphic design   basics. It's got branding your business, which may  be quite useful in creating your own brand kit. You have presentations to impress. If you  do present quite a lot of things, whether   you're a business or in personal life, you have  convent the classroom for your work in education   or personal branding with Dr. . So try these  courses and make sure to subscribe to my channel   and hit that notification bell, because I'll have  tons and tons of more countable videos for you. So you'll learn a bit more from me as well.   That was quite a long video, but I  really enjoyed making it. So I hope you   gained a lot of knowledge from it and you feel  much more confident in creating our own graphics.   Hit that like, if you enjoy this video, leave some  comments below. If you still have some questions   or are unsure about some functionalities of Canva,  I'll be more than happy to help you out with that. I have a video coming up  on canvas tips and tricks,   so really make sure you subscribe to the  channel and hit that notification bell.   Not to miss the new video. Thank you so much  for watching and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 639,373
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Keywords: how to use canva for beginners, canva design tutorial, tutorial, easy canva tutorial, tutorial canva, canva for beginners, how to use canva, canva tutorial for beginners, canva tutorial, how to use canva tutorial, how to use canva tutorial for beginners, complete canva tutorial, Canva Tutorial, canva tutorial 2021, learn to use canva 2021, canva 2021, canva, canva tutorials, how to use canva app, tips for canva, canva full tutorial, canva tricks, content creation
Id: un50Bs4BvZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 54sec (5994 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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