DIY, Fast & Affordable | How to make Scripture Wall Art using Canva

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hi everyone today we're going to do a canva tutorial have you ever seen a verse in the bible or a quote or saying and you say that's going to be great inspiration i want to pretty it up and put it on my office wall on the refrigerator in a frame put it in your bedroom just a constant reminder of either god's word or saying that you have learned well we're going to use canva which is a free online software program that is a graphic design tool that will help non-graphic designers create something for their home all right let's dive in all right i'm using workana right here this is my tab environment here and i could click it right here as a shortcut key but what we're going to do is start from camera you go to and i'm gonna skip the whole logging in making an account again i said it's free free free i like free i don't know about you but right now i really needed some inspiration you ever have one of those weeks where it's just like i need god's word in my life so james 1 4 is the verse of inspiration so i'm just going to enter it into the google search and right here we have the verse i like to use bible gateway but let patients have her perfect work let patients have her perfect work um this is the king james version so it continues with that yay you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing but what i really wanted to do is let patience have her perfect work right now with virtual homeschooling and other family things that are happening i need patience in my heart and in my mind so i wanted to create a verse art to put right center in our living room to constantly remind me maybe even in the virtual homeschooling room where patients let patients have her perfect work all right so we have our inspiration now we can also put james 1 4. if you put the space there it will automatically recognize if you put the colons there it won't i'm just going to do images right here in this area and you can see there's lots of inspiration here the closest one would probably be this one and it's james one versus two through four which i love james one too as well consider it pure joy and since we're gonna print this out or i i plan on doing that a white background is really what i'm looking for we can do something with the vines there here's another one someone made this so it's a phone wallpaper we can do that in canva that's really nice how they did that with the books and the watercolor it's really nice alright so i think we have some nice inspiration i think i'm going to go with something like this so let's see if we can recreate something similar but with our reverse so you come over here and says i'm going to print it on a regular cardstock eight and a half by eleven if you just kind of hover over some of these templates right here program you see program it says it right here eight and a half by eleven i'm just gonna click a program now i do not have to use their design it's just there see this is a blank slate so i'm just going to start with a blank slate if i wanted to get some ideas i could come over here this one with the flowers actually looks interesting so it has one of two i like the one with the flowers right there so i'm going to click that look at those those are gorgeous but i don't need the background and i don't need any of this but i like the flowers look at that all right so now let's go over here to text add a heading and this is butt let patience and because i know i'm going to want different fonts i'm going to go over here now this one is really pretty but i am paying paying to upgrade canva so i can have access to special fonts so let's not use a special font let's go down here if it has the crown you don't have access to it in the free version so let's find one without a crown that is a scripty here's one right here jonathan this is called the jonathan now you can go up to here and you can change the font by doing like that or you can grab this corner and it will also increase crease it to that and since these flowers are really pretty but they're also taken away from the words i'm going to come up here and change the transparency boom now you can't really see it i like that but let patience so i'm going to click this and i'm going to use shortcut keys on the keyboard control copy which is hold down the control key in the c key at the same time control c copy now i'm going to hit control v control v and it just made a copy so that's the copy and paste using your keys and within canva they prefer you to use the keys you can do it see ctrl c and then ctrl v so i could do that so if the cursor shows up like that it's not going to let you do it you have to click back out and now click it again and now there's no cursor there's no line that is bouncing copy and then paste so that's a new feature in canva that you can do that okay so we can say but let patience have her and let's go back to the verse make sure we get perfect work i love that have her i love how it says her perfect work if you ever read in proverbs talks about wisdom it also refers to wisdom as a she patience as a she these virtues in your life i like when it gives you that connotation that it's a female so maybe as a female i need to practice more wisdom in patience let patients have her perfect work all right so if we look at this the script is a little hard to read at least for all of it so let's go in here it says that um serif fonts are better like this one right here to read but let patience see that looks nice but patience is really small then and that is way but i wonder if i say i do the lower but let patience all right i like the perfect so so now i want to do another copy paste have her see and then we'll get rid of have her and you see it's a hot mess right now and that's okay we don't need it to be perfect this is for our home this is for us to have god's word in our life to remind us that they have patience in our life all right but let patience have her i'm gonna make that bigger too have her perfect work look at that i kind of like that already all right so now i'm going to pull it down you see those pink lines one going across the middle and one going up and down that's telling you that it's centered on the um paper so now you know it's going to be centered when you print it but let patience have her perfect work all right now this looks a little too close so i'm probably going to grab that and now i'm gonna hold down the shift key and grab that one too and now with my arrows i'm just gonna bring it down and over kind of there you go space it out just a little because i feel like the flowers might be too big let's kind of make it smaller you know i can go up here and i can position this in the middle and center i didn't have to try to maneuver it underneath the words all right now that's needs a little space up a little bit have her now it's right in the middle but let patients have her perfect work i think this needs to go up some but let patients have her perfect work all right now we're going to put one more font you see how i just went over here i have text right here so i just added a text all right now you see how on here it has the four arrows one two three four one that means you can grab it and move it so now i'm going to click and i'm going to grab that pull it down and this is where we're going to write james 1 4 king james version and then in italics paraphrase just so we know that it's just one little part we don't want anyone to think that you know we're trying to change and manipulate god's word it's just that right there sometimes i just want just that one little piece and i am pulling it out of context but right now i'm applying it to life right now i need to hear god's word reverberate in my heart mind soul and throughout my home we are to write his word on our door frames and gate posts so this is a way that we can still do this and i have to go buy something at you know the store and spend money the only thing i'm spending money on is ink and card stock cardstock paper and i can make 30 of these and give them out to friends at a baby shower or a going away gift or something like that you know you could create this and make these into gifts and that's really big so i'm going to pull it down instead of having to go up there and change the font there this is my new little shortcut and wait till that pink thing gets there bring it up to right below [Music] there you go king james version james 1 4 but let patience have her perfect work right this was not supposed to be a perfect work but it was supposed to be a quick and easy tutorial on how to create a verse art image for your home all right i can't wait to see your work and if you wanted a copy of this one i have a blog post below that you can go and get this you don't have to make it yourself and save it as a pdf and print it for your home and if you do that i would love to see these images up on your walls on your refrigerators or even on your smartphones so thanks for watching
Channel: Knitting Our Story
Views: 7,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6E1Zh0jk1g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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