How to Size Printable Wall Art to Sell on Etsy [Size Your Etsy Printables Correctly!]

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back and today we are going to talk about digital paper aspect ratios or digital paper sizing digital print sizing for your digital products for people to print out on their own for sale on Etsy or whatever other platform you may sell on this is a question I get asked quite often and that I see asked quite often in the design world when people are first starting out so I thought I'd make a quick video to show you this handy dandy guide I've created but first if you have not already or if this is your first time here please go ahead and click on like and subscribe down below that keeps me motivated to continue making these videos and if you haven't already go ahead and click on the link in the description for my facebook group and join that I am trying to create a community of like-minded individuals we're looking to grow their passive income and if you know anything about my journey I do this part-time as a full-time working single mom I'm an engineer this was just a hobby for me and I bring in a decent amount of income for my part-time effort which you can easily duplicate because I can't draw worth a day but give me a computer and I am good to go in that type of creation especially when it comes to SVG's and things of that nature anyways to the meat of this video we're gonna talk about sizing a lot of people get overwhelmed they go through different Etsy stores to see kind of what looks good and what doesn't look good and you know how they should be creating their files and people think that they have to create each one of these sizes but fun fact you do not have to do that really the size that you need to be focused on is the largest common size now I have spent a few hours of research on this going through the typical printing places like these to print staples office depot you know all of those different places that provide printing services for people even CVS Walgreens you're Carlmont common pharmacies that have printing capabilities where people can print things out to frame in their homes including posters wall art because not everybody wants to use their printer ink they're willing to buy a file for you know a few bucks and then go pay another few bucks to print it out you can have something really beautiful to hang on your wall for you know 30 or 40 bucks instead of hundreds and hundreds of dollars and it's very unique so this is a great field to get into if you're looking for a passive income stream you can see here there are five different ratios LLO eleven by fourteen is kind of on its own it is a very common size and then of course you have your one-to-one which is a square and not as common as the rectangular sizes so I often tell people unless you are specifically creating something that can be utilized in a square design just kind of stick with these rectangular ones so in all reality when you're designing your work you're really only going to be providing one two three four different print sizes at 24 by 36 18 by 24 16 by 20 and 11 by 14 now if you want to take it a step further I have added in a second page here and this is for the ISO sizes and this is mainly used over the pond I'm located in the United States so this is usually for our overseas or international customers so if you want to reach that base I do recommend providing the ISO metric sizes and they go from alpha zero all the way down to alpha six and alpha zero is the largest size as you can see with the size and centimeters and then the DPI is and pixels and basically you will take you can take the Alpha zero which is 100% and you can decrease it in size by a percentage to get to the smaller print sizes and I see a lot of shops will provide the alpha 3 or alpha 4 and you can kind of scale down from there so you can provide the alpha 3 and explain to them that they can scale down to the alpha 6 if they so desire keep in mind a 4 is the most common print size used from what I have gathered so that is the second page on this sheet and you can download this off of my website I do have it for free and I will include that link down below in the video description for you to go check out there are some other infographics on my website as well as well as digital products that you may be interested in my blog is also on there as well with different items to cover your design digital design passive income journey so anyways what you want to do is you want to create the largest size and then provide that information in your listing to explain to the seller that they can then resize that down to any size that they so wish ok in most places if you're using a printing service you provide them larger file size and you tell them hey I won an 8 by 12 they're not gonna have any issues printing that the beautiful part of that is is if you start in a 24 by 36 at 300 dpi and you're decreasing your size the print quality is actually gonna go up you can't go backwards so if you start at like an 8 by 12 and you try to scale up you're gonna get a very pixelated and grainy picture and your customer is not gonna be pleased ok so start with big then explain they can decrease to small okay now when and I'm just gonna show you this in silhouette studio because that's what I have open but you want to just kind of create basic files or artboards as i like to call them in whatever program you use with your basic size ratios at the biggest size that way you could open up here say you want to do a 2 to 3 ratio you can open up here 24 by 36 design in there and then you're done you save it one time into your JPEG format or your PDF format which are the two common formats that I see at 300 dpi and you're ready to rock the nice thing about creating the other artboards too is that you have the 24 by 36 here and all I did was superimpose a SVG that I have on here you can go ahead and open up another artboard which I have in here and we'll just go to the 18 by 24 and open that one up and you can see that it's just going to very slowly open up the 18 by 24 artboard I can go back here to the 24 by 36 I can copy this SVG paste it into the 18 by 24 and then I can decrease the size until I fit this format okay so this design might not be the greatest there's a lot of white space here you can always add a background if you so wish and then you can export from there and you can do that with the other sizes as well and then you have two sizes and that took me what okay hold 30 seconds so if you save these artboards in whatever program you're using and then design from one and transfer to another and resize make sure you're keeping your aspect ratio ratio so you're not losing quality then it's very seamless so then when you're done you save all of your your biggest file the ratios okay and then you're going to zip those into a folder and upload them onto your Etsy website or whatever platform you're selling on now when I was going through this video I actually stumbled upon this girl shop and she does sell digital prints and photography wall art she's out of Canada s4 stars by and she has over 8,000 sales I really liked the way that she set her listings up and I went through tons and tons and tons of listings and she actually emailed me today and was like hey you didn't download your product and that's because I just wanted to show everything you know so you guys can see kind of how it's done and you can see she just has like a ton of really cool stuff in here that would look phenomenal printed out and framed like I was just blown away and and when I buy my house I'm definitely gonna come back and check out her stuff and she has really good reviews and you can see some of her stuff that's actually been physically printed out based off of the reviews and I mean it's just it's it's just totally gorgeous stuff and you can find a lot of shops like this okay she does great work I'm gonna include the link to her shop below so if you make a note of it and I'm favorited her shop yet but I just did just go by and give her a favorite please give her some lovin let's support our our local and fellow business owners for trying to make a buck and this is one that I bought I thought it was very simple and just something that I would love to put up in my bedroom or the kitchen or the living room even as a set so if you look in her description and you click learn more about this item you can see that it includes four JPEGs okay and it is printable in an array of sizes and you can see how she describes everything one JPEG and here's the file name and here's the aspect ratio two by three and it's suitable for printing in all of these sizes same thing with 18 by 24 you can print in all these sizes now one thing that you can do if you're creating multiple designs is just copy and paste what your description is going to be and just include this in every time right the only thing I would recommend is and and the only thing that I would change is do not just name your final 16 by 20 or 18 by 24 have some sort of designator so if it's a dog be like sixteen by twenty dog with blue balloon you know or something like that or a pug set or you know something along those lines because if you don't do that then people and people buy multiple files then they'll just have a bunch of files named sixteen by twenty and they won't know what they look like until they open them or enlarge their icons some people can't do that so and again she has output one all the way down to two alpha five so she started alpha one which is totally fine to do so again the files are large you can easily print and smaller sizes and all of them are in high resolution 300 dpi which ensures that you'll receive a high quality print okay and they also put in there that they can provide custom sizes so if somebody wants a size that they don't see here or a ratio that they don't see here they can contact you and you can create a different size for them right so if I go into my purchases and I download these files you can see that each one is in a different file here you can click on download and it's gonna take a minute because these file files are large keep in mind that the larger the file the larger space it is gonna take up I do recommend zipping if you can and you're not going to exceed the 20 Meg limit so in this case let's see 6 9 10 11 12 she could have zipped it in one it would just have created a larger download time to go ahead and open this up on my computer and if it will ever load you can see the quality without having to zoom in but if you zoom in you can see how crisp all these lines are now if she would had a smaller print size I guarantee you that these lines would not be crisp I mean these things are crisp right so you want to make sure when you are designing if you zoom into the 100% that you and you can see is the view actual size this is what it would look like printed out okay it's phenom quality you want to make sure that it looks good on the computer screen okay because if it looks good on the computer screen it's going to good in print so I just wanted to show you that again check her shop out I'm gonna put that in the link below and that's really all there is to it we'll keep it simple here are your ratios design in your largest size save to the file type that you want to in 300 dpi okay you can do this in inches you can do this in centimeters and you can do this in pixels whatever floats your boat and then upload those to your Etsy shop if you're working with rectangles stick with rectangles and these four right here if you're working in squares easy-peasy you only got one to focus on or you could provide the square and then resize to the rectangles if you so wish that's just a little bit more difficult to do really the choice is yours and that's the beauty about it just make sure when you're doing this again you go back to these descriptions and make sure that you're using something very similar do not rip her off obviously but very similar to what she has provided so that the customers know what they're purchasing and that way there's really no arguments when it comes to that that's all I have on digital print aspect ratios I hope that you guys got something from this video if you made it this far please go ahead and click on like and subscribe below again I would love to answer any questions you may have or post some additional videos that may help you in your digital design journey if there are questions you may have you can go ahead and join my facebook group as well where I will post the most recent videos as well as answer any questions you have there and I am working on growing that community for all of you lovely people if there's anything additional you would like to see go ahead and drop a comment in the community tab on my youtube channel and I'll be more than happy to answer that as well other than that like I said that's all I have to go through tonight so I hope everybody has a great night and I will catch you on the flip
Channel: ShootingStarSVG
Views: 24,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: size printable wall art, how to size printable wall art, how to size printable wall art to sell on etsy, sizing printables for etsy, how to size digital wall art, common art print sizes, digital print sizes, selling printables on etsy, etsy printable sizes, etsy printable wall art sizes, size your etsy printables, size digital art for printing, sell printables on etsy, etsy wall art sizing, sizing etsy printables, sizing printable wall art, Sizing digital art on etsy
Id: 3PhlRH7K7qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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