How to Create and Sell Canva Templates | Making Money with Canva Tutorial

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over the past couple of years i have made thousands of dollars from creating templates on canva and selling them as digital products online with that i have developed a workflow that helps me create these templates more quickly so today in this video i want to share with you some canva tips as well as my complete canva creation workflow so you can finally start creating and selling digital products online let's get into it what's up guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is alyssa and this channel is all about starting and growing your digital product business and making passive income online if you're interested in that then definitely consider subscribing so today in this video we're gonna go over my complete canva template creation workflow as well as going over some canva tips that i've learned to make my templates really shine and i bet there's a couple things i'm gonna say in this video that either answer questions that you have or ones that you didn't even know you needed so make sure you stay to the end of this video so you don't miss anything now obviously you're going to need a profitable digital product idea before you can even get into canva and start creating so we're not going to cover that in this video but luckily i have two videos that i highly suggest you watch so if you don't have ideas yet or you want to make sure your idea is profitable i definitely suggest that you check out those two videos after this one i'm gonna link them down below in the description box let's say i did that research already and i decided that i wanted to create instagram templates there are two things i want to decide before i jump into canva and start creating one of them is my aesthetics i want to decide what color palette and what fonts i'm going to choose and number two i want to get a sense an idea of what i want to include in my templates so let's jump into my screen so i can show you exactly how i do that okay so what i'll typically do to figure out what colors i should use in my own templates i'll see if there are any similarities between the best sellers and the ones that are on the first page of the search results so for the most part i'm seeing a lot of neutral colors and some pinks so that is probably where i'll start i'll want to create some type of neutral or warm color template now to find a color palette based on the colors that i see doing well on etsy i will either use pinterest or canva so on pinterest what i'll do is i'll type in the color so pink color palette then basically what i'll do is i will see if any of these color palettes catch my eye and once i find a color palette i like that's what i will base my templates off of so like i said another place i'll look is actually on canvas so i will go to the style section and when you scroll down you'll be able to see that there are a ton of already pre-made font pairings and color palettes you can even just select colors and just browse through to take a look at a bunch of them and then i'll decide if i like any of these i do the same things with fonts so i go to the font pairings and i can see all the different pre-made font pairings that canva put together the good thing with using the font pairings in canva is that these are already available fonts that you can use in your templates licensing a font and uploading it to your own purposes is one thing but using a licensed font in templates where people can manipulate the text that's another and i do suggest that you don't go that route that you do use the fonts that canva gives you within the program and i suggest that because a lot of the sites where people sell their fonts in the licenses it will say that you're not supposed to upload it into places like canva and sell templates using them if you really do want to use a font that you find i suggest that you go to the creator and you get written approval from them that you can upload their font into canva and use it in your templates just explain exactly what you'll be using their fonts for and then just make sure they give you a written approval that you can use it but i'm not a lawyer so you do want to be careful and that's why i really do suggest that you do use the fonts that are already in canva for your template designs now once i figure out my brand colors and my fonts i will set them up in my brand kit inside of canva for easy access as i'm creating my templates now in order to set up your brand kit you do need canva pro so i'm going to leave a 30 day free trial down below in the description box if you want to try it out what you're going to do is you're going to scroll down and you're going to hit add and discover palettes so you're either going to choose a palette or you're going to add a custom palette and with the custom palette you can either find the colors yourself or you can type in the hex code that possibly found on pinterest and then you're just going to create your brand palette you're going to give it a name and then you're going to also select your heading font and your subheading font the reason why setting up your brand kit is really beneficial is because when you're designing you're going to be able to find your fonts up here so you can easily add them to your template and you're also going to be able to find your color palettes easily available right here so you don't have to select the color every single time when you're designing also what's great is if you go to styles you can easily change everything with the click of a button and the same thing with your text this is my brand kit so obviously it's not going to change but if these were different different fonts then this would automatically change the header font and the sub header font to my branding fonts so it's super beneficial super helpful okay so now it's time to think about your designs we know that we're making instagram quote templates but how do we come up with ideas where do we get inspiration from well what i like to do is i do like to go on etsy and take a look at the best sellers now i never copy i never have someone's templates open while i'm creating my own but i look at it and i get inspiration and i actually write down what i like about those templates for example let's just take a look at this bestseller and i'm scrolling through and i'll say oh i really like how she put this frame here where someone can put their own photo or stock photography and i like how she curved the text so i will actually write that down either in a word doc or in my notebook um i like how she has this wave text going on i think that would be cool so i'll just write down wave text i like how she added textures on this instagram post right here it just gives it some depth so it's not just a block color with some writing on it it actually adds something to it makes it a little bit more aesthetic and pleasing and interesting to look at so i'm going to say add textures to background with text now i won't get inspiration from just one person i will also look on creative market i will sometimes look on pinterest i will look at other creators on etsy and just really get a feel for the things that i like and that i want to include and i'll just jot down my notes and this is really great because when i get to creating i'm not looking at other creators i'm looking at my notes and i'm able to use my own creativity to come up with my own versions of templates instead of looking at someone and trying to copy them another thing i do when creating my templates that really helps them stand out and makes them unique and differentiates them from the rest of the market is that i look to my own experiences and my own intel in order to create my templates so i have a target audience in mind and i have a niche in mind and i'm creating the templates for them and i have a connection with that niche for example if i'm creating instagram templates i will probably have in my mind that i'm creating these templates for business owners or for more specifically coaches because that's what i am i'm a business coach so when i'm creating these templates it really does help to have that specific person in mind because i'm going to be able to pull from my own experiences of making instagram posts for myself so i am my own target audience and it just makes it that much easier to create a product that really stands out if you are struggling to find your profitable niche and discover your most profitable product idea i am going to link down below pass the product payday it's a really short condensed program it will take you three days or less to get through it and it's really going to help make sure that you have a niche and a product idea that is not only going to be profitable financially but one that is going to bring you joy and one that is energetically aligned with you so definitely check out passive product payday i will link that down below in the description box now before you get started i highly highly suggest you come up with a folder organization system so you do you but i'm gonna show you what i would suggest if you have no clue where to start so what i would do is i would create a new folder and i would title it my templates let's say so i'm going to create the folder and i'm going to star the folder because when i start it what happens is it actually can be found over here on your left hand side of your canva dashboard that way you can easily navigate to it when you sign into canva then you're going to include another folder in here and i would name it workbench i would name another folder final templates and i would create another folder called pdf deliverables now it's going to make more sense why i have these organized the way they are but for now i'm going to head into my folder workbench and i'm going to create my first design so i'm going to create an instagram post that is 1080 by 1080 just going to click on it and now we're going to start our first design so one thing i want to mention is that even though i just went into the folder and i created my design from within there it doesn't actually save to that folder so once you start your design you're going to want to go to file to save to folder and then you're going to find that folder and then you're going to save it so i'm going to save this to workbench you're going to save this and now that template that you're going to create is going to automatically save in that folder so now i want to talk about something that a lot of people don't know about and that is adding your text the right way so you want to make sure that when you add text to a template that you're clicking on text and you're selecting the header or the sub header that you want to add to your template the reason is let's say you used a canva template as your starting off point and you're using the text that was already originally on the template and you're changing it to your sub header and your heading text well when your end user gets the template and they go into their styles feature and they use their own brand fonts and they're hoping to change everything at once it's not going to match up correctly because you didn't actually select header and subheading from your own brand kit so just keep that in mind not a lot of people know that and that's gonna really make the end user happy when everything just works for them okay so now let me add some text here so one thing i want to show you that's super handy is you can select all of your text or if you have elements you can do this as well you can highlight all them you go to position and you go to tidy up and it will evenly space out the lines between your text another thing you can do is let's say you wanted to justify everything to the left you can go to position and then click left and you'll see that everything will justify so obviously spacing and kerning is very important when you're designing so just keep in mind that there's a lot of good things up here to really help your designs look professional another thing i use a lot is centering i also use the lock feature so i will lock it up here and that way if i'm designing in the background whatever is locked won't move because sometimes when you're designing a canva it's difficult to select the correct layer when things are layered on top of each other so locking really does help one thing you should make sure of is that you should unlock your layers because if you lock them and your end user comes in here and they tried to change the styles they tried to change their fonts what's going to happen is anything that is locked is not going to change as you can see so you really want to make sure that you unlock these things for your end user before you finalize your template and yes your end user can actually unlock them themselves but it might get annoying for them to have to go through every element and unlock them so just make sure you unlock your layers another thing i want to point out are text effects these can really help your templates shine so one that i use a lot is called splice and then you can just change the color of the background text by choosing the color in the effects panel and then you can choose the outline by selecting the color of the text so i use this a lot now let's move on to adding the texture so you want to go to elements you're going to type in texture and you're going to see that these elements some of them say pro and what you want to do is filter out the pro elements by selecting free and i always filter out the motion graphics because i don't typically use motion graphics in my templates and then you're gonna see there's a bunch of free textures now a lot of people ask me this so it doesn't matter if you have a free or a pro account if your end user has a free account they're not going to be able to download those pro elements that you include in your templates unless they pay a dollar per element that's why i typically use free elements and if i want to use a pro element or if i can't find an element that's for free that i really want to use i'll actually use my template and i'll doodle the element i'll save it as an svg file and upload it into canva and include it in my template so if you do that if you upload your own element that you create you can include it in your template that is a whole nother tutorial if you want me to show you exactly how i do that you can let me know in the comments section below and just like uploading fonts that are outside of canva and uploading elements and graphics that you purchase a license to outside of canva you really want to be careful with uploading those and using them in your design because it might not be allowed so that's why i either draw my own elements if i can't find it in canva or use the free elements that are given to me in canva okay let's move forward let's use this free texture and what i'm going to do is just increase the size so it covers the whole square and then i'm going to go to transparency and i'm going to decrease that transparency so i'm not sure if i like that but i'm going to duplicate that page instead of deleting that page and you'll understand why later in the video so let me get rid of that and let me try this texture i'm going to change the transparency so we can see some of the purple in the background i kind of like that i think that looks pretty cute okay so let's move on to the next template and we're going to create that idea with the picture frame and the curved text so let's go ahead let's go to elements let's scroll down to frames click see all and let's find a frame we want to use okay let's use this one let's add some text let's add our header text and say your text goes here let's go to effects and now you can go to curve and you can actually curve this text that looks pretty good now i'm going to add splice maybe make it yellow and then i'm going to add some text at the bottom okay so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add some elements so let's go to elements and let's type in abstract shapes again i'm going to filter for free and static and i'm going to just select this one i'm going to position it to the back okay so now let's say i wanted to find a very similar abstract shape but i didn't see one what you could do is you can click these three dots and actually go to the contributor so this is a canva contributor that created this element and uploaded it to canva so if you want the same style if you want to keep your templates cohesive which we normally do then we can search by creator by clicking on their name and seeing all of the other things that they create so i'm going to use this element so see how i want to get to the background but i can't because these elements are so big so what i would do in that instance is honestly duplicate the page delete one of the elements select the background change it then i would take the element from the original and then i would copy it right into there and usually when i design i will keep elements either in the corners or in the center you can see this abstract shape is in the center and this line is kind of in a corner so just from an aesthetic standpoint um it's kind of really pleasing to the eye when something is either center or off to the corners so a lot of people will include stock photography within the frames for their mockups but then they'll delete the stock photography from their templates and they do that because licensing can get confusing so i suggest that you delete the photos but that's not necessarily the case i'm not going to get into that in this video because i will go off on a tangent and it will just take up a lot of time but i do have a mini course called creating in canva and if you purchase passive product payday you'll have the option to opt in to creating a canva if you're interested in the do's and don'ts of creating in canva so if you do end up using stock photography for your mock-ups then how you change the image within the frame is you double-click it and then you can drag it to resize it so then basically you can download these as pngs create your mock-ups for your listing photos and then once you finalize the template which we're going to get into next you can actually delete these so once i'm done creating my templates i will go to my workbench folder and i will make a copy of it now i will take that copy and i will move that to my finalize template folder now i navigate to my final templates and i open up my template pack i will rename it and then remember earlier when i said when i wasn't sure if i liked something i would duplicate the page i do that because when i go to my final template and i click on grid view i'm going to delete all of the ones that i'm not going to include in my final project file but i still want to keep them just in case i want to go back to them on a later date if i decide to create another template pack just so i don't lose something because once you delete it you delete it for good okay so now let's discuss sharing your finalized templates with your end user how do you do that well whether you have a free account or a pro account you can share your templates and you share them by giving them a template link that when your end user clicks on that link it's going to open up a copy of your templates so they're not going to be able to affect the original so it's going to make a copy of the original for them they can't edit the templates in your final template folder so we just want to make that clear because i get that question a lot and yes you can have free or pro in order to do this now the interface does look different if you have a free account versus a pro account so just know that but you can share template links whether you have free or pro so i have a pro account and how i do this is i click share where it says link sharing off i turn that on i click this button over here and i make sure that i say publish as template because if i give them this link anyone with this link can edit then what's going to happen is they are going to edit the original so you want to click on publish as template if you have pro and then you're going to give them the template link so you're going to copy that template link now what you can do is you can put that in a google doc and download that google doc as a pdf that way they can access the template but what i do and i've been doing this for the past three years i've been creating templates is i create a pdf document in canva that has a clickable button where you can embed that template link so for example this is a template that i've created that my students have access to and basically what you would do is you click here on this fake button that i created and you click the link icon and then you paste in that template link right here and this frame here is for if you want to include your listing photo let's say this is your listing photo you're going to just pop it in there and then you can include a photo of yourself or your logo if you would like and you can also add links to these icons if you want to include your social handles so it's the same way you just click on the icon you click on the link icon and then you type in the url and like i said this is available for my students but you can create this pdf yourself just how you're creating templates you're just going to use elements and fonts and everything to create this and you're going to link to wherever you're trying to link them to so after you create this document what you want to do is click on share you want to click on download and you want to make sure you're downloading it as pdf print you want to make sure that you're downloading it as that file type because that's what's going to enable these buttons to actually be clickable and bring your end user to wherever you're linking them to so let's just download this as an example so i can show you so this is the document you'll be uploading into etsy or your own website or creative market wherever you're selling your templates so when the end user purchases your digital product this is what they'll get and they'll be able to actually click on these buttons and it'll bring them to their copy of a template that they can edit and again it won't affect the original it's making a copy for them so they'll be editing their own copy of your template now just to show you how you would upload this pdf into your etsy listing after you create your listing you add your photos and your details and everything you're going to make sure that under renewal options you have digital selected and then at the very bottom is where you're going to add your pdf so you're going to click upload you're going to find your pdf and you're going to click open and it's going to upload and then you're going to publish your listing and then once someone purchases your digital product they'll get an email and they'll also get a window that pops up that will automatically allow them to click on the link to download that pdf and then they can access your template files so that is how it all works and this is how i create my canva templates from point a to point z i hope this video gave you actionable steps and helpful tips if it did please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel as always guys thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you in the next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Alissa Rose
Views: 61,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money with canva, how to sell canva templates, canva tutorial, selling digital products online, canva templates, canva template tutorial, digital product design, canva template sharing, digital products business, earn money with canva pro, canva tutorial instagram, canva tips and tricks 2021, make money with canva pro, sell digital products, Canva organization, how to earn money with canva
Id: nXaFD996o2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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