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hi guys welcome back to my channel for those of you who are new welcome my name is Amanda and today I wanted to share with you how I created digital downloads or digital prints to sell on Etsy using a free design website before we get started don't forget to hit the subscribe button as you can see this as my Etsy shop it's called hopes and crafts CO and I started it about two years ago when I first started creating these simple quote prints and I just wanted to show you how easy it is for you to make your own and sell them I won't go into the whole Etsy selling process but I will go into the tutorial on how to design these using a website called canva so if you're interested let's go ahead and get started first we'll go to canva no you don't have to pay for the pro version although I did the free trial when I first started creating prints and it did make things a lot easier I do currently sell my prints in three different sizes and canva Pro really helps with resizing a lot faster and easier but it can definitely be done using the free version so you can use the free trial but you can also start out with the free version first to get started now my prints I saw them in the sizes five by seven eight by ten and eleven by fourteen you can definitely figure out which one you want to start with or if you want to start with a different size but those are kind of generic print sizes once you first create an account we're going to create a design and select custom dimensions so make sure you put it in inches first and then for the width you put eight and then height you can put ten you can obviously use whatever dimensions you'd like but this is what I'm going to use for this demo create new designs so typically I do quote prints and I'll just add text as you saw on my as a shot my prints are very simple and minimalistic so you can go that way but you can also be more designing if you'd like and be more creative with it but I'm just going to show you how I did mine so first I select text on the left hand side now this will pop-up different templates but I typically just click to add head and then start from here so I'm just going to do a simple phrase and from here the possibilities are pretty much endless I'm going to select all what's great about canva even though it's free is that it has a ton of amazing fonts for free so the pro version includes all the fonts with the crowns but honestly there are so many cool fonts without that I'm just going to click this one this one looked kind of cool it kind of has like a vintage vibe and keva is really easy to use so you can play around with it however you like these gridlines come up so that it makes sure that things are centered I also love adjusting the spacing so that and you can just make it look completely different with this spacing and then you can change the sizing you can also expand the text using at the corners as well now that's pretty much it I mean you can use any quote you want and you can add different elements what's nice about canva is that it has a lot of different elements available if you go to that element section and then search for something that you're interested in they'll typically be a lot of options that are free like you can see here and then the ones with crowns are only available for the pro version so it's nice that sometimes you can change the color so this one is black but you can also change it to whatever color you want so it really depends on which image you choose and then I kind of like it at the top you can really be very creative with this but I just wanted to show you an option there you can also upload your own photos as well so there's a lot you can do with canva for free now what you can do to download the pdf version is you'll go to download on the far right and then instead of PNG you're going to select PDF print and what I like to do is I'll include the crop marks and bleed which helps when people go and get this print printed at a shop and it allows them to cut it a lot easier because it has guidelines so once you do that you just click download and gonna open that up and this is the PDF these are the crop marks here on the right hand side as you can see so once those are cut out you'll have an 8 by 10 print as you can see this is really easy to do and it took me less than 5 minutes to create these etsy digital downloads are really great forms of passive income which means once you created it and you posted it on Etsy you can just leave it up there and you just let it sit there the listing fee is I want to say like 20 cents for every two to three months or something like that which is super easy it's kind of like you set it and forget it you can do marketing if you'd like or promotions and stuff like that but honestly it's a very hands-off product which I really liked I did also want to show you how to offer multiple sizes of the same design now with canva Pro what you can do is you can resize you can get this resized to any size it could be another art print or it can be social media but with the free version what I'll do is I will open up another design say I want it to be a 5 by 7 create and then I will go to my current design select it all and copy it and then go to the new 5 by 7 design and paste it and as you can see it might be either too big or too small but all you do is keep it both selected and you could group it if you'd like and then just resize it according to the size of the new design so once I get it centered and resized that's pretty much it all I have to do is add a new file name at the top and then download the whole thing again so download PDF print include crop marks and bleed and that's pretty much it so now I have an 8 by 10 version but I also have a 5 by 7 version and you can include multiple sizes with one at Z listing so that is how you can offer multiple sizes be allow it to be more flexible for your buyers I hope this tutorial helped you if it did don't forget to give this video a like and subscribe for more videos like this let me know if you have any questions in the comments down below wishing you the best of luck creating Etsy digital prints and I hope to see you in the next video thank you so much for watching bye
Views: 16,377
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Keywords: canva tutorial, etsy digital download business, etsy digital products, etsy digital prints, etsy digital print sizes, selling digital prints on etsy, sell prints on etsy, sell prints online, canva tutorial for beginners, canva tutorial 2020, digital print canva, how to create digital prints for etsy, how to create digital printables to sell, how to create digital printables, digital printables etsy, how to sell digital, how to sell digital downloads on etsy, diy etsy print
Id: YiMpd5iZvbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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