How to Make Art Printable Mockups For Etsy Using FREE Tools

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hey guys I have decided that we are going to do something fun we are going to make mock-ups we're gonna make mock-ups so that you guys can create listing pictures of your digital art and do them totally for free okay it is June 3rd of 2020 and it has been a rather intense year so far and for all kinds of reasons okay I'm not gonna get into any of it I am just gonna say that for various reasons a lot of you guys have probably been stuck at home maybe you haven't been able to work you've been looking for other things to do maybe you've taken my art printables courses or somebody else's art printables courses and you are looking to start a new business or just get your hands into something creative and so that's what this is about and it's also meant to just be uplifting material uplifting activity okay and again this is not going to cost you anything so I'm gonna get right into it I am on a website called you've probably heard of it but if you haven't canva is excellent for creating graphics there's a ton of built in stuff that you can use already they have a free account and then they have a pro account and we're gonna be using the free account here okay apparently they have a new homepage and I will take a look at some point but not right now so you would sign in okay and I will leave a link in the description box to canva just in case you don't have an account but like I said you can totally do this for free all right so what we're gonna do here is we are going to create a design okay we are going to hit custom dimensions because let's just say you want to do this maybe to create like an Etsy listing photo you know for your Etsy store and Etsy usually likes pictures that are 2,000 pixels wide I'll go with about 1500 pixels and height however you can do what you want okay this is just what I'm gonna do create a new design okay so what we're gonna do here is I am going to go to this more option okay I'm not gonna go through a whole canva introduction it'll take a while and believe me there are plenty of videos out there that will show you canva you don't need me to do this but if you click on this more button you're gonna see here these are some apps and integrations that they've gotten built-in okay pixels and pixabay and apparently YouTube even Google Maps I've not used those but I have used pixabay lots of times okay so this is what we're gonna use I also happen to have pixabay open here we will get to that in just a moment okay so let's just say you've created a digital art design and you want to make a mock-up alright so this is what you would do you can go here this is where you're searching pixabay and you can type in something like living room alright you would see what they have okay and as you can see here like this is a really cool one that's a cool one alright let's see what this looks like you can totally kind of check it out I'm just gonna stretch it out to fit the entire area of this picture okay however in this case what I would do I'm just gonna go ahead and go with this mock-up okay I would actually blow it up just a little bit okay maybe make that a little bit bigger there alright the reason I wanted to kind of blow it up a little bit was to create a bigger space for the artwork alright so what we're gonna do here is we are going to go to pixabay and you don't have to go with just a photo like this I mean you have lots that you can choose from okay you'd be able to search here alright you'd be able to go to pixabay themselves you would do the same thing not gonna lie there are actually more choices if you go to pixabay okay but you don't absolutely have to okay I can tell you right now something like this there's already one just like this with a frame in there that would make a great mock-up but you would just simply scroll through I've actually used this one this was cool I took a little square frame and and put it there and it came out came out great all right you can get really funky with this they've got this one they've got something like this these are all great I love them because they don't have a lot of busyness in there okay even something like that so you would be able to scroll through and find all kinds that you want I would suggest that you just simply have fun with this okay but what I'm gonna do here before I leave pixabay since I've already chosen my picture is I'm going to type in frame and what I want here is I want a graphic alright and I actually want a transparent background and what we're going to do because this is how you're going to find a picture frame that you can work with okay so I have done this before let me see here okay this is it something like that alright so what I did with illustrations actually okay illustrations we've got a transparent background let's go back over here here is a perfect example of something I would want let's open that in a new tab so we can keep browsing okay you've got an option here you've got an option here so it really just depends you know and it also depends on you know the type of design that you want like here's a square frame I told you in that little bicycle picture a square frame we're just gonna stick with this one though for now okay I'm already logged in and again pixabay this is I've talked about pixabay in other videos and I will link to that as well you can get all kinds of free pictures and graphics and SPG's and all kinds of cool stuff all right um it is cool if you're gonna use pixabay a lot to just go ahead and login this way you don't have to enter in some kind of little CAPTCHA every single time going to go with a really small one we don't need a big one for that okay and you can usually there is some kind of a like button here I'm not seeing it but on many occasions like I've clicked it or something just to show appreciation or you can always donate so we're gonna go back in here we're going to go to uploads and we are going to bring that image in so as you can see here I have brought my frame in and I'm going to go ahead and click that it's going to bring it right into the picture going to size it okay and what's really cool about this is it really just depends on the artwork that you've created okay and this kind of picture really a landscape frame would look best okay and as you can see canva here will sort of tell you when you're right in the middle of of the frame here okay however and I did I actually went ahead and I brought in a piece of artwork here and I did bring in actually a portrait picture so I'm gonna go ahead just for the sake of this video and we'll go with the portrait but of course you would choose whatever it is that you feel is best and that you were looking to promote and that'll also be a great way to learn how to choose your you know your background photo as well and we would just go ahead and click on that as you can see this has a white background you when you create your digital art I always say it's a good idea to create them also in transparent backgrounds in this case back here you can see that is not like a white wall or at least there's some kind of a shading but it looks gray so you wouldn't want to transparent background in your image here okay if the frame you chose how to white background sometimes they do in this case as you can see this one doesn't then you can go ahead and choose one with a transparent background but for this one we will use this and what you want to do here is you want to just kind of stretch it out a little bit without compromising the integrity of your design all right so just FYI when you are using canva if you bring if you use this and kind of expand it upwards or downwards it's gonna probably cut off things on the sides to make sure that you have the height you wanted if you want to resize the picture without changing any of the dimensions you would go from the corner okay so as you can see I have fit the frame I fit the picture to go with the frame as you can see this is also highlighted here in the blue so this is what is in front you would hit position hit backward and there you go okay it's a little bit actually now that I think about it probably should have made that just a wee bit smaller okay backwards there we go okay and there you have it that is a way that you would be able to just make a mock-up using all kinds of free tools what you would do here is you entitle your design okay so you could road less traveled locked up something to that effect all right you click out of that download I would go with a PNG it doesn't really met doesn't really matter if you're using it as a listing photo it doesn't really matter okay and that's what I would do now guys I had told you that here I went ahead and I brought this picture I think I told you you know I created one there was like a bicycle and I created one here with like you know like uh like a square frame it's just something else you could do it's just a fun thing to do okay so this was actually in pixabay here okay same thing living room I found that one again I brought it in I arranged it a little bit just so it would take up a little bit of space you know they're always just a little bit smaller and then of course here we'll get out of that one we are still on the frames so in this case maybe you would choose something like this you can get this square frame you would download it again you would only need the smallest one you can tell from the back here it's got a transparent background and I've got it uploading here so I'm just gonna go ahead drag this in all right a little big for this maybe move it over just a tad and as you can see okay as you can see again transparent background alright so check this out I have this one in here that I think would probably look really pretty but as you can see here this also has a transparent background so I'm going to show you something but you would want to do here is you would want to go to elements okay we're going to create a white background for this because as you can see here this is also not white we're going to choose this and before I get into that I want to show you something else this frame here we go to filter we can kind of change the picture of the frame a little bit and this is gonna make it kind of cool if you want to use like the same frame and some different mock-ups and just make it look a little different this will give you a few different looks and if you go here you know these are like the two black and white versions and you can do something like this as you can see this grayscale one is gonna make it more Gray's it's gonna make it like a darker gray this can raise the intensity of it make it a little bit more black alright and if you wanted to go here you probably Jud there you go then you can make it like totally dark okay and actually changed the picture of this thing I can't say for sure if you can do it with every single one but these are just some options that'll make it doable okay go back to go back to that one okay and if at any time through this process you're like I just want to go back to the way I had it then you can just kind of keep hitting the undo button okay something like that alright well we'll keep it that color so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna drag this in but first I'm gonna change the color so I want to wait background alright I just made it white we're going to fit that in here and the only thing we really care about is that the frame will cover it I'm going to position it backwards and now it is covered so now we officially have put in a frame with a nice white background we are going to go to our uploads and I'm gonna go ahead we're gonna drag that in again this is not really let's just pretend we'll pretend this is a square design which isn't it's obviously it's not it's portrait but just for the sake of this we will go ahead and as you can see I just got rid of the space above and below and I'm going to make it smaller all right and okay so all for free guys so we found this actually we found it right through right through canva but you will find it also on pixabay okay we found the frame we were able to bring the frame in we were able to change the color of it we gave it away background since the artwork that I decided to use you know was a transparent background and anyway you have all the steps alright so I just wanted to show you these two examples of how you can create your own mock-ups for your digital art listings and actually have a little bit of fun with it of course if you have a store and you're serious you know you can always throw like a little watermark over this or your logo you know you can fit your logo somewhere or your instant download sign somewhere okay and I'm not saying that these are the ones that you would necessarily choose to use but these are options this whole video is meant to kind of get your imagination going you can do this with with bathroom photos bedroom photos all kinds of stuff you just want to make sure that you are looking at places like pixel your pixels or any place that you have permission to use the photos you get them for free okay and pixabay you can find a couple of these you know a couple of these you know little frames all right let's look at this frame here you can do the same thing with this frame okay filter I mean it was already kind of a brown but we just we just made it black just by hitting you know a different color okay so you can play around all you want with stuff like this all right you create all kinds of different looks okay so guys I just wanted to show you that that is how with totally free tools you can take your digital artwork and create all kinds of different mock-ups out of them all right videos getting a little bit long and I totally don't want to lose your attention I hope you guys have found this not only helpful but inspiring and fun okay I want you guys to have some fun like I said it's very very intense times out there and I think that we need to try to keep our spirits up a little bit stay creative stay productive and work on creating things that hopefully can work as a second business something that we can count on or at least start to build you know so that if it does happen again where you got to stay at home maybe you have a plan B a Plan C whatever it is okay so guys I hope this I hope this helped you out and if you enjoy content like this I hope you liked the video hit the like button and subscribe to the channel because this is the kinds of stuff that I put on this channel I wish you guys well and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: I AM My Imagination
Views: 18,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mockups, mockups for etsy, mockups on canva, mockups for printables, mockups free, mockups tutorial, etsy printable, mockup tutorial, how to make passive income on etsy, etsy success for beginner sellers, mockup design, free mockup tools, etsy mockups, etsy frame mockup, etsy mockup photos, selling on etsy tips, how to make money on etsy, how to sell printables on etsy, selling on etsy, sell printables on etsy, passive income, etsy mockup free, etsy digital products listing
Id: XsG98qWwBkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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