Easy Canva T-Shirt Design Tutorial for Beginners | How to Create a FREE Christmas Shirt with Canva

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In this video I'm gonna do it again. I'm gonna  do another t-shirt design in canva for free.   And this time I'm gonna go after the funny  christmas chicken t-shirt niche that I talked   about in this video right here. I'm gonna do  it all in canva and all for free. Let's go!! Thanks for joining me on this video. My name is  Juna with Detour Shirts. I've been designing and   selling t-shirts online since 2005 and my channel  is all about helping you to learn how to design   and sell t-shirts online. If that's something  you want to learn how to do don't forget to hit   that subscribe button. So a little while ago I  did a tutorial on canva, this video right here   and I showed you how to use canva. This is a  free tool a free application online, absolutely   free. It's where you can design t-shirts and  you know come up with some your own designs.   And a lot of comments in those videos said that  they wanted more canva tutorials. So, I'm gonna do   it again. I'm gonna do another tutorial, t-shirt  tutorial. I'm planning on doing uh some things   a little different in this one so that you can  learn some of the other things in Canva. This is   only my second time using Canva so I'm not a pro  in canva. But I have designed t-shirts before so   hopefully that helps me a little bit to know how  to put things together. So it's all going to be   in Canva. It's going to be using the free version  and like I said in the beginning. I'm going to go   after the funny christmas chicken t-shirt niche. A  sub niche of christmas and hopefully it turns out   great. What I'm wanting to do is put this design  on amazon and see if it sells. Can I make a sale   from something that I made on canva for free. If  so, then I really got a great return on investment   because free application and making money from  a free design right. So let's go right now on   the internet and go on to canva and let's  see what i can come up with for this niche. All right so here we are on canva you just  go to canva.com if you haven't seen my first   video i'll put a link up here to it you might  want to watch that first because in that video   i show you how to kind of set up everything  but you may be able to follow along here so   first thing first create design i want to use  custom design i mentioned that in the last video   and then you can type in the width and height  here but i've already had a recent one so this   is 4500 by 5400 that's the merch by  amazon size i'm going to click that   and here we have a brand new board so first  thing i'm going to do is look for chickens   under elements so we got templates where  you can do t-shirt templates and other   templates and elements which have graphics and  things like that so i'm going to type in chicken and make sure it's graphics   and i'm going to scroll down we want to look  for free so you see some of these say free oh i like this one right here free and there it  is and i wanna have a dark colored background   so i'm gonna click on here and just choose like  a a red or something maybe a little darker red like that okay and then these chickens can be  white so i'm gonna just click on this color   and choose white there you go and you can flip  this so right here says flip and i'm gonna flip   it horizontal there you go and i want this about  that size i want it kind of almost to the edge but   not quite so and then you can center you see the  line right there it kind of helps you center it so   there's that so i want to make it a christmas  thing so let's do this let's do santa hat and i'm gonna pick one of these  one of the free ones again   let's see this one free and i'm gonna flip it  i'm gonna put it on this bird right here flip it and make sure it's the right size  and you can see it has the colors right here and so for the red um let's see is  this the right one i'm gonna do white instead   or like pure white and this red i think will do  that or maybe maybe for that one i can do the   color of the background yeah this one too color  of the background very nice so it looks like he's   wearing a hat all right so the next thing i'm  going to do is uh text so i'm going to text here   i like this text right here that says  wild so i'm going to click on here and i'm gonna delete this one and delete this one  and i'm gonna use this one for mary let's see   mary i like that script font and i'm gonna make  that white so here um click on the text color   and white and you can make this a big size  so i'm just gonna grab the corners here and make it bigger yeah that's  looking cool maybe even bigger merry okay and let's see and put it in the back  so it you can position it right here position and   backward backward all the way in the back and the  reason i put it in the back is so i can grab the   other things in the front because it was taking  a lot of space so i'm going to move these down   yeah so i got some room right here um   let's see i'm going to see if there's another  text that i like here that one's kind of cool i need i need something tall and   you know thick and tall so this one's kind of  cool that's kind of neat let's try this one coffee please let's see if that's  tall enough i'm gonna do a funny   i'll play on christmas so instead of merry  christmas i'm gonna do merry clock miss   cluck mess just using some puns i think it  makes it you know funny and again you can grab   the corners here oh i didn't realize that that  had kind of a drop shadow there maybe i don't   use this um we can pick a different text here  let's see is that one cool no why does it have a you know what no i'm just gonna  i don't like that drop shadow   i'm gonna get rid of this i'm just gonna go in  here and type text so you can just type in text   here by going to the top add a heading and  then i'm gonna click mess maybe all caps   that's not a bad um bad fawn right  there either it's kind of tall nope let me see if i can find another one  i'm gonna go here and gothic that's too   not exactly what i want oh that's a good one  okay nice and thick um kind of the right weight   i like that so i'm going to make this grab this  and make it about the same width as the two here   so not quite to the edge and i'm going to make this white so text and white  okay so what we want to do is layer so you can see   here i got space here space here and there's some  other things i could do in here to make it look   more christmasy right so let's see what we got  um i'm gonna check i'm gonna add a page here and   i'll show you why so here's another page and i'm  gonna go to templates and do uh christmas t-shirts and here's some cool christmas t-shirt ideas  um oh this one was cool don't click on that   there i'm gonna use these right here that looks  cool i'm going to add another page just so i have   something else let's look what else we have here  oh this one has a lot of icons so i can use those   icons to fill in the space so i'm going to do  that here and i want a good uh let's do another   one so what i'm doing is i'm not using the exact  t-shirt templates you never want to use the whole   template you want to change it a lot and so i'm  going to take items from the different templates   and use it in my design so let's go here  great okay so i can use some of these um   designs here these snowflakes you know i'm  just gonna hit copy and paste them up here   copy command c just like affinity designer and  then command v up here and you can see right   there and i'm just gonna turn them white right  there and i can make it bigger or smaller right   so just put it anywhere we'll come back to that  one i want these here so i'm going to copy these   one two and that one's different too so command c  and come up here click on this page and command v   and you can see they're all here and they're in  the front they paste automatically to the front   so i'm going to turn these you can see this  turning here this rotate you can turn it and   it will tell you if it's straight by saying zero  right there okay uh and then this one i'm going   to turn it to wake to say zero right there that  could work and this one you know turns say zero zero that's cool maybe that there maybe one more  of these here if you hold down option and drag   it will copy it just like affinity designer  so a lot of these things that you can do in   canva you can do an affinity designer so this is a  actually a really good uh way to learn some of the   tips and tricks so i'm gonna go here select  all of these whoops i don't think i can color   them all at the same time so i'm gonna make these  white i'm doing this whole thing mostly in white   and then i can grab it and you can  see these are coming down like that   and you can press your up and down arrow you  can see and with holding down shift you can   make it move a little further so that looks that  looks pretty cool let's do these white again   and this one white so you can see  right here these are the two colors   of the object and i'm just changing those two  colors to white and you can make them bigger   or smaller this one too this one has three  colors let's just make all of them white cool right so that kind of looks like  christmas already with the hanging ornaments   yeah i might get that okay um let's see  what else we got down here we use those   that's fine i want to use this holly thing this  is group so i'm going to have to ungroup them   you can see now they're all separate so  let's do this holley wreath command c   right and then come up here click on page  one command v and it pasted it right there   i'm going to put the holley wreath here and we  can turn it and we can make them all white again all right so you can see how i'm layering the different  things just to fill in the space and to give it   more of a christmas feel right so  let's see i could do this again   option drag see that's copying  it and then i'm gonna flip it flip it this way and oops that's not what i want i  want to turn it there it is that was for comments   okay you can see that right where's my turn  there it is um like that maybe maybe even smaller yeah that works cool okay so i want to  add some more snowflakes uh let's see   not that one this guy has snowflakes i  could have used this holly uh branch too so   let's see i already have those  let me see if i can find another   snowflake so i'm going to go here  into elements and type in snowflake i just wanted some variety here so make sure again  not the pro we want to use the free version uh   yeah that's cool this one's kind of  cool it's a little different than   that one but it kind of matches the  style but that's pro again let's see all right let's just do this  free free click on here and you know if you use free you can't really be picky  on what you get you have to get get what you get   okay and then again i'm holding down option  and dragging option and dragging like that   hey not bad kind of filled that space in  let's do one more let's do this free one cool and then we can turn it  remember so it can turn like that and make it white cool that kind of filled in the space and then i'm just playing stuff around here all  right so we got mary cluck mess you got the two   chickens you got snowflakes ornaments  you can add whatever you want i'm just   picking out different things you could have put  you know snow other snow kind of flakes here   um presents maybe it's stepping on  a present or something like that   anything like that so this is kind of more of a  vintage look vintage feel it has just one color   you could add more colors if you want like if  you did this here and you wanted you know this   one to be another color you can see like that  but the reason why i do white is because you can   use it on multiple background colors okay all  right so i think this is great i'm gonna get   rid of these other ones so i can go in here  and delete these pages now i don't need them   and there we go so this is ready to go  i'm gonna export this or download this and just hit download so now that it's downloaded  i'm gonna knock out the background like i did in   my last video shouldn't take too long and then  i'm gonna upload it to merch by amazon and you're   gonna see what it looks like so here we are on  merch by amazon you can see i uploaded this design   right here i'm gonna hit edit details so you can  see a closer look i'm gonna zoom in right here and   you can see i've only put it on cranberry and red  and the reason i did that is so that i know it's   gonna be on those two colors it's either gonna  be on red or cranberry i don't want it to be on   black or any of these things because because it's  christmas and i want it to stand out i want it   white on red or white on cranberry and i think it  will stand out really well there i don't want it   on different colors i don't think people are  gonna buy it that much on these other colors so   that's how i'm gonna limit my colors and that  way it's gonna show uh as a red or cranberry   on the amazon page right you can see i did it for  all of these here red and cranberry this one only   has red the v-neck this one only has red the tank  top i also put it on long-sleeve and sweatshirts   unfortunately they don't have red so i just left  it on black and all the other colors here so   that's how i did it not the gray because it kind  of washes out but these other colors are good most   likely people aren't going to buy those but i just  wanted to give myself a good chance of selling it   and i put it on all the marketplaces here you  can see right there so again trying to give   myself a good chance of selling and if you saw the  details i'm doing it at 13.99 i would probably go   lower on these two but i'm just doing it really  quickly here so 19.99 i probably could do this 15   give myself a good chance uh what is this let's  try 15 here yeah that's good i'll do 15 here yep and 18 here and oh 25 25 there all right so  now that we got the prices right i typed in these   already you can see for my title i'm gonna do mary  kluckman since that's what's on the t-shirt and   then funny christmas chicken remember that was  in the video and then i got a couple of other   ones here vintage because it looks like a vintage  design and pajama because it also could be used   as a pajama top so i'm going to try and get those  as well and then i wrote sentences with keywords   in here i'm not going to read them all but you  can see mary cluckmas here chickens snowflakes   are in their ornaments christmas puns and so on so  i'm going to do that and i'm going to hit publish   and hopefully get some sales before christmas  i'm crossing my fingers if i do i'll make another   video about it so i just wanted to share one more  thing before i close this video and that is take   a look how much this stands out now because i made  it red and because i made it white on red all the   other chicken t-shirts right here are black right  so now everyone's eye hopefully is going to this   t-shirt right here it's got a lower price and  it just stands out with that vintage look right   and and it has a different saying than everything  else none of these say mary cluck miss none of   these have the kind of two chickens so that's  what you want to do when you create your design   is to look at the competition look what they're  doing and then kind of do something different to   make it stand out i'm not putting it on black i'm  not doing um this kind of design with the colored   chicken i have a white chicken and it doesn't have  christmas lights all over it that kind of thing so   very vintage so hopefully all those things are  in my favor and we'll see if this sells for q4 so   that is it for this video hopefully this video  is really helpful for you if it was make sure to   give it a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed  already make sure to hit that subscribe button   i'm planning on doing more canva tutorials and  more tutorials for affinity designer and more   tutorials for all the apps that you have make  sure to put those in the comments i'm going to   try and get some other apps to do tutorial t-shirt  tutorials for it but before i leave i want to do   a question of the day and the question of the  day is this have you ever sold a t-shirt design   that you made on canva let me know in the comments  like i said this is only my second time on canva   so i haven't sold any on camera i hope to get a  first one just to see if it works really well to   give you some feedback love to hear your thoughts  in it in the comments thanks again for watching   this video and if you want to see more design  tutorials make sure to click on these right here   and as always guys keep creating and keep  learning i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 5,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, print on demand t-shirt business, canva tutorial, canva t shirt design, canva t shirt design tutorial, merch by amazon t shirt design with canva, how to design t shirts on canva, how to create graphic design t shirts, canva print on, canva print on demand, canva for t shirt design, canva for t shirts, using canva for t shirt design, create t shirt design on canva, create t shirt design online free, canva t shirt tutorial, t shirt design canva
Id: t-Hm_7wFn48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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