How to Design Printable Wall Art for Etsy using Graphics from Creative Fabrica

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is maya royal and i teach creative people how to sell their art online and today's video is sort of gonna be a follow-up of yesterday's video where i talked about creative fabrica and how i use it for my redbubble designs but this is more for etsy especially for people who sell printable wallet or people who want to start a printable wallet business on etsy of course what i'm about to show you right now as much as it is designed to be printable wallet on etsy you can use it for print on demand on etsy on shopify or on a woocommerce store or you can even use this technique in these designs for your redbubble society6 zazzle final america and any other print-on-demand platform that you're using to make money from home selling printable wallet on etsy is a pretty profitable business for a lot of people because the model of this business is quite perfect similar to print on demand where you can just create a product and you market it in universe time in the design and in the tags and other keywords and in your store reputation but you don't have to physically make the product so for example if you were creating a product that is physical like a necklace if one person orders it that's amazing you go you make the necklace and you sell it to the person but if 200 people are gonna order it you have to make 200 necklaces and package them and ship them and then monitor each and every one of them as they are shipped out to the client if they got it not i mean that is insane there are several stores that while it is amazing that you have a product that you're passionate about and that you are a crafter and can create things manually as long as you're creating your own art physically and shipping it out yourself there is a limit a sort of a cap to the amount of money that you can make and the amount of sales that you can generate and follow through but that doesn't exist with print on the man as someone else is creating the art and ship it for you and that also doesn't exist with printable wallet on etsy since all people do is get your design they see it they like it and they downloaded it and you don't have to do anything you just wake up in the morning and see hey i got a new sale on etsy someone downloaded my design in that case you have a business that has no cap limit i mean yes you can spend hours and hours and hours designing designs and uploading them and marketing them and no one's going to buy this is not the sure thing this is not something that i can tell you oh you go and you sell printable wallet on etsy and you're going to be a millionaire that is not true but the fact is that if you go and you make the designs and you upload them the more sales you make the same amount of work you have and this is something amazing and i know that a lot of people are interested in that but they might not have the design skills they might not have the time to do this because let's check myself for example i mean if i have an hour or two hours a day that i could spare to start an etsy voila printable shop and i would have to sit down and make all of these watercolor designs and beautiful designs myself and draw them i can do that i have all the equipment i need i have a wacom tablet that i adore and i'm using clip studio paint entirely sketches to create my own original watercolor designs however if i sit down and every day draw for an hour to then maybe a month later i'll have enough things to start uploading and this is a lot of work for something that i'm not sure is going to catch on and i'm not sure is going to get me any revenue so for me if i want to start a printable wall art store on etsy i will go to a place i created fabrica where i can pay a subscription of 19 a month and get a lot of graphics for free well for the subscription amount but they will all be for the same price and what i want to show you today is basically how i can use this subscription and of course illegally while obtaining commercial use licenses and following up the rules of the platform how i can create printable wallet for etsy and in this process i will basically be taking several elements from different types of designers and combining them together while also manipulating the colors and changing them and adding text and placing them on a design and the design that i'm going to show you how i made using creative fabrica is this one yes i made this entirely with creative fabrica elements and i wrapped it on on canva and even though i have canva pro i didn't use i think the pro features in this tutorial so i want to take you to my computer where i will be swiftly going over how i thought about this design because i am talking to you right now after i already done the screen recording after i've already come up with this concept but i want you to have a look at what i thought and what i was searching for to assemble this design let's go to my computer where you can watch me scroll through etsy a bit get my inspiration try to come up with a concept go to creative fabrica find the elements that i want place them on canva to be printed later on and be sold as a digital printable item and after that we're gonna go back to myself so stay tuned and let's go to my computer the very first thing that i did coming up with this video and small tutorial of using creative fabrica for selling printable voila on etsy was to go to etsy and actually search for printable wall art because i want to get inspired and by that i don't mean to copy someone just to browse through and see what catches my eye have a look at some of the fonts have a look at some of the designs and see what people want to get these days because when you search for something on etsy the first results you're going to get yes they're going to be marching to your keywords so people actually wrote printable wall art when they designed these specific listings and they put it in the tags and in the keywords however the order in which etsy is showing me these listings is sort of like popularity i mean all of these listings have some sales and they have good reviews and some of them might be new but this might just be a recent sale so etsy is showing me what people want to get so i'm browsing through these images and i see a lot of abstract i see a lot of geometric i see a lot of flowers and a lot of watercolor and again the abstract the minimalistic art as well as all these like dictionary definitions of words which i have no idea why people use them but okay and i do see a lot of very different types of art and i think that i really want to create something that is watercolor because i do see that this is the vibe and that creation is also going to be a bit of minimalistic so it's not going to be watercolor all over but it's going to be centered watercolor inside the design and it's definitely going to have a phrase or a quote or a meaningful sentence to me i'm a former traveler well i i would say i'm still a traveler but you know you can't really travel these days so when corona started i got back to my own country and i kind of miss it i miss being out i miss meeting new people i miss the adventure of it all so i want to make a design around the adventure part for that we're going to go to creative fabrica which if you don't know this platform creative fabrica started around four or five years ago when they wanted to create craft resources so they had a lot of patterns for embroidery and cut files but in the past few months a year they also started with a lot of clip-up and graphics sort of like creative market all the things you can find on canva and i got the 19 a month subscription which is totally worth it for me because i got it like three days ago and i haven't stopped designing since and there are a lot of different types of clip art and graphics that you can find here to sort of assemble your wall art design and by assemble i mean you're not going to take for example if i go here and i want to find something adventurous i want to find like a landscape for example this one this is a beautiful watercolor poster i mean come on this is stunning and if you like this design and you want to download it and print it for your home go ahead but i would not recommend downloading this design even though it's commercially usage loud and just flat out placing it in your etsy store because you need to make alterations you need to make additions you need to really change the art in order for you to be able to legally use it for commercial purposes so what i'm looking for is sort of the elements that i could use to combine my desired painting even though this is flat out stunning and i'm seriously considering downloading it for personal use but that's beside the paint so i wanted to search for something that will sort of compile for me what adventure is and personally i'm more of this let's hit a plane and go to this big city but i do know that a lot of people like the wild and like the nature and especially these days when you can more easily go into your car and drive to some forest and hit a plane and go to a metropolitan city so i was thinking something towards a car watercolor truck watercolor mountains and sort of compiling my own minimal design using them and i've already done research otherwise you would have been here with me for the past 45 minutes when i wanted to find just the right thing that i want and i found three shops or three files that i want to use and this was the first one it really does have beautiful vans which is what i want to use i'm not really interested in using the mountains behind it or these kind of trees but i really am interested in using the van so i downloaded this one and i actually got all the files together and i also found this design for pine trees because i like the mountain area and some of the trees so i was thinking maybe i'll put some of the mountains in the back and then the trees around them and then the car up front but i also wanted to have sort of a background behind it that is more natural so and i searched for watercolor brushes or strokes and i found this clip off a christmas tree set that has three of these stains here to use so i downloaded that as well and i think that's the most important part about having the subscription because i would have never bought this specific graphic design if i didn't have the subscription because why would i buy something just to use this but if i have the subscription i can just download and use whatever i want and delete the rest so after downloading these for the vans and these for the mountains and these were sort of a blur i'm going to go to canva where i'm going to take all of this together and place it for printable wall art so let's just go to now if you don't know canva this is a graphic design online software that you can use for free to create different kind of templates for letters instagram posts documents videos presentations logos and yes of course wallets and posters and cards and i am using the pro membership which does cost money i'm gonna leave a link down below for a three-day pro membership and you can use it if you want the biggest use i have from the pro membership is some profiles and the design that come up with the transparent background but if you're just gonna do it for creating etsy voila you might not need the transparent background option because you will be using jpeg files for your wallet i also made a tutorial about how i do the voila printable mock-ups using canva i'm going to leave a link to that down below as well but for now we're just going to start by creating a design and there are very different sizes that you can use to make your printable wallet in and you can offer your printable wallet in so many sizes let's just quickly go back to etsy and have a look at what people are selling for example this design this design comes in five different files that you can download they're all jpeg files and let's just see what other files that this person is giving so they're basically offering all of the aspect ratios that are now like the two by three the four by three uh the four by five and i also see they're doing iso which is international standard official paper which is all the a sizes and the 11 by 14 ratio which is unique of its own and basically how this works is that once they create a design in the biggest proportions people can print it smaller i have a separate video about explaining all of the ratio sizes and what size pixels you need and i'm going to leave a link to that down below as well but for now what we're going to do is go to canva and i'm just going to start a design because i want to show you how i compile these elements from creative fabrica together or a design that can be sold as printable wallet and i'm going to start i'm looking into the ratios here i think i would just start with a 10 by 8 it does say 8 by 10 but 8 by 10 is vertical and i think i want to make horizontal print so i'm going to go to canva and i'm going to create my design but if i want to create a 10 by 8 inch i'm not going to choose inches because i will have no control over the dpi quality and the overall printing quality what i will do is because i want to create this in 300 dpi and 300 dpi basically means that there are 300 pixels for each inch that i'm printing so if i want to create a 10 by 8 inch printable in 300 dpi i will choose a 3000 by 2400 pixels and what i will do now is i will go to my folders where i downloaded all of these elements from before and i will choose the elements that i want and upload them onto canva so from the christmas tree upload i have the backgrounds that i wanted so i'm just going to grab them and drag them over to canva to upload them go back to my folder i'm going to go to the trees and the mountains and i don't know if i want to use this one i'm going to try it out and i don't want this one it's too assembled already i'll choose this lot as well as some of the more barren trees because we're sort of wintry fool now so and i don't want something that is too christmassy because we're not into christmas right now i'll just drag this here as well and i'm gonna go and locate my truck which is here and try to think about what kind of track i want and i'll just maybe i'll just grab all of them so i can decide later with the color and also you can create this design multiple times in all of the colors here so i'll choose these three maybe i'll also grab a mountain from here because they're beautiful colored mountains yeah i think i'll grab one of the mountains as well maybe just to go with the simple one and drag it here as well and now for the magic of waiting for things to upload because i'm going to be waiting but you're going to count to three and then you're gonna see them so it's gonna be one two and three and and it's uploaded yeah it's uploaded full it's so cool for you guys that you could just see the cut out video instead of me waiting here for five minutes for this to upload because these are really high quality files but i took advantage of this time and uploaded an instagram story about behind the scenes of this video which is quite funny i'm going to leave a link to my instagram as well if you want to follow me this is quite interesting this journey on youtube but let's go back to our adventure awaits design and what i'm going to do now is i want to choose the van i'll be using so let's just go with the green because as i said i could just replace it after i'm going to place it like here and i want to do the background of it but i still want it to be sort of minimal like what i've seen before because people really do prefer this kind of minimal style rather than anything else let's see if these mountains aren't any good and just put them in the corner maybe and let's just copy paste them and use them again from the back again i think this is rather nice and once you have an image downloaded here you can also adjust the image so i can try and make it a bit darker like blue or green i can also work on the exposure x process and the contrast to create something a bit different than what it is here i mean i can literally just make it flat out to look like abstract shapes or i can go to filter and choose from pre-made filters there are also effect options like the color mix that would really actually physically change the entire color of this and i think i like it like this let's try it with the green oh yeah this is smashing let's do the same for this one and choose the green as well and apply and let's just maybe add some trees in here so let's just grab a tree and maybe just take it behind this one maybe smaller i don't know let's tidy it up a bit take it here duplicate it grab the second one that is more leafy and i really want to send out the message that like we're looking at a big scene right here and of course you might not like this specific design and i think that liking a design or not it's about a lot of times it's about you know your personal taste but you can easily create a different design that you like better so not worried it's all about like your creativity something that you can control and change and and make deeper but it's all about finding the technique and now that i have that i want to look into one of these stains and try to think about because now i think i might not even be using those these are big stains and i don't know if i'll be using them anyway maybe let's try to position them in the back sort of like background sort of not sure maybe i can just create the sky out of them and sort of duplicate them around send them to back all the time and just create the sky behind the mountains and this is really the best way to do things because i just took a bunch of different elements and created a whole new design and because i do want to have this quote or this sentence i'll go to text and just add heading and write down i think this is the most i don't know common or i don't know uh hit kind of thing but adventure oh wait and i want to choose a font that would fit this now i am a pro member so i can use the pro fonts that canva offers which have this little crown on them but the pro phones have different commercial licenses and i don't want to just go and check each of them so i'll just use the free ones they have a variety of free ones so it's not really a problem and i want something a bit cursive maybe this one the beth allen i'm not sure if i like it or not let's try the colors and the best thing about this is once i have a picture placed here when i click on colors i can match my colors to the colors in the picture but i really don't like this font so i'm going to go back here and try to find a different cursor one brusher is so overused let me just make it black again so we can see but russia is really an overused font especially on etsy so i will not choose this one i like this one even though i don't see how it fits here i think i really like this one or the daydream yeah daydream is better if the truck was a bit different and the lines weren't here i might have put this on the truck but i'll just put it below now and just take it this way make sure that it's centered and i don't like the gap between the two words i think it's too much so i'm gonna delete the word wait and i'm gonna copy paste this word and write it again so that i can control the between the two words let's just make sure they're aligned and place both of them in the center so i have adventure awaits here and now i'm thinking is this too minimal do i need something for this area so let's go back to my uploads where i have these graphics and to be honest no i kind of like it like this and this would be my design and once you're done with it you just download it and usually you download it as a jpeg file and once you download a jpeg file that is 3000 by 2400 pixels it doesn't matter if the quality of these is specifically 80 or 100 or not because 3000 by 2400 pixels will create a 300 dpi effect when printing it on a 10 by 8 inch file so this is one and obviously i can just duplicate this one i can easily change the minivan to the red color and try to manipulate or change my background to sort of fit this new color of the truck and maybe i'll just drag this and try to replace these back elements with this one let's see if i can even reach it let's position it in the back and basically grab these elements and change all of the colors here to fit my green truck including trying to rework the color here again i really do like the pink one so let's just quickly change it and of course i can do the same thing with the truck because maybe now this truck color is not something that i like so i didn't have a purple truck to begin with but now i do and it's gorgeous although it doesn't really seem to fit the background here but i do like this one i think that the green shades and all that really looks nice and this would be a separate and second design and obviously when you work on it don't stop working until you think that it's perfect if you need to change the writing if you need to make things smaller or bigger don't leave it not perfect make sure that you like it and that it's perfect for you before you take it out and i actually really like it i think it's really nice and we're gonna go back to well myself and we're gonna talk a bit some more about how to use this technique and how to use creative fabrica in canva to make beautiful printable water for etsy and to make money from home because that's what we are on this channel for so let's go back to myself and that's it for my screen so we are done with this design let me know what you think did you like it you can comment down below and tell me if you like this type of design if you think that you're going to do something similar let me know if you're using creative fabric for yourself or if you think you want to use it i will leave links down below to the two videos that i mentioned throughout this video which are my video that i made about the etsy printable wallet sizes and dpi quality elaborating the pixel sizes that you need for your wallet and how to create basically these ratios that everybody's talking about and i'm also going to leave a link down below to how you can create etsy voila mock-ups this could either be for your print-on-demand etsy or for digital downloads on etsy and i use canva to do it i will also leave a link down below to a 30 days free trial with canva pro and of course to create a fabrica if you like this video click on the like button on youtube because every time you hit that like button youtube thinks this is a cool video i'm gonna show it to more people and i would really love that help because my channel has been growing so rapidly these days i'm super psyched and if you like this type of content and you want to see more videos feel free to subscribe to my channel or follow me on instagram for daily updates on what i'm doing i make sure to always say good morning to everybody in detail what i've been doing today including behind the scenes of making these youtube videos which is mostly just sitting around and waiting for things to be uploaded and that's it from me for today and as usual i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Mey Aroyo
Views: 7,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creative fabrica tutorial, is creative fabrica worth it, using creative fabrica for etsy, sell printables on etsy, etsy printable wall art tutorial, how to sell wall art printables, sell printable wall art on etsy, how to design wall art printable, where to find graphics for commercial use, commercial use elements for etsy shop, selling wall art on etsy, how to design for etsy wall art shop, design for print on demand
Id: PaOq75OmFrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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