HOW TO MAKE MONEY @ FLEA MARKET ! FAST Profit margin is the name of the storage auction game

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Oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates all ages what's up we're here at the market hello Francisco Kathy Rob what's up Rob in the house Joseph Richard Jose Linda Manny Manny's over their eyes what's up Manny I see you from our booth here whoo-hoo I haven't missed the yeah grab my DM left me when I did what's up Wicca Bella who's your DM what's what are you talking about howdy waiting Knoxville Tennessee here static going you're fashionably late yes I'm always late and I get a call so yeah we're here at the flea market look salt princess can't say hello everybody hi we got uncle Michael we got Tony Tony if you wait for the whole world my world and we got all of this we took out a truck load the whole trailer full and we took out a van load we got stuff everywhere we're gonna have a dollar sale at 10:30 we're gonna go right to dollar sale at 10:30 whatever is not sold at 10:30 which is about 28 minutes from now you're gonna see how I liquidate everything because that is really that's the way for storage business is there's there's a lot of cool stuff out here like friends simple example I'll take this back of it doesn't sell but like all this every single thing you see here that's what happens what vase Benjy show the vase Benji where we at oh right here these ones how much you want pay for these Benji look tell me what you want to pay I think we had shown this yesterday what do you want to pay I'll put them in the back of the truck this one's upside down the cold in California Wendy it's windy right now I can hear everything clear on my end vase is basic pretty low Mike would you like to say hello to the whole world hello to the whole world why do you have this like weird like you're like a game show host Plus have you like hi whole world whole world it's like voice changes when the camera comes on come on everybody come on down I love picking uncle Mike something somebody said yesterday uncle Michaels like why am I so hard on you why did I pick on you so much that they don't ever hear all the picking on you you do to me they don't ever yeah see y'all go he said you don't even listen to it that's the way we've been for like 30 years actually since I was born really but we've worked together for 30 years show so I can say a little old world what's up world how you doing we out here on a Wednesday looking for that music CD of the week what's happening anybody see you how you say how do you see them when you when they're all look they're not there looking at okay he's clairvoyant this is from that $300 unit I gave you guys a sneak peek of yesterday so far that you know I'm thinking to myself what did I do wrong but I would do it again and again and then you see all this stuff from the 40 $2,400 unit [Music] we got a huge score today who wants to see a huge score sneak peek because it hasn't come out in a video yet who wants to see my find of the day in a box that I looked in a little thorough yesterday who wants to see a type of type in a 36 in the comment section if you want to see a really cool fine so you want say hello to the whole world the whole world the whole world whole world want introduce yourself live right now for life when you can start I'm trying to convince him to start a youtube channel he goes all the options with us and sees everybody and he's thinking about doing it I'll let you guys know business oh wow when in the 80s so you were like we're a kid at the flea market 11 or 12 neighbor drive-in oh wow Geneva Drive in love is schemey the Maggie's I guess David they know about that flea market only when you said Geneva drive-in love it they they obviously know what it is it doesn't exist no more no that's hey so uh what's the best find your parents ever had about antiques antiques were hobby knows how antiques are nowadays antiques don't sell for us not here no oh well let us once she does start a YouTube channel I'll let you guys know so you guys can subscribe and give him some love first the year he says versus the year [Music] keep him on oh you know I'm on it and what about this one come on a second let's see your pretty face we don't we all want to discuss them right now me and a hundred and twenty six people right now yes we want to discuss something right now with you me and all 126 people where are your videos [Music] remember when you remember when we made we started getting subscribers and you said I'm gonna make videos if I get here do you have to keep going could you be making a video couldn't you make up your video right now the hopefully marking I'm not put yours I'm not put I'm harnessing open mic I'm online princess your fans miss you saw princess where's your video she's slacking says robbed avoid I like those chairs come by him yeah I just want I'm trying to motivate you girl to get back into the video thing you were great on camera you don't mind being a mind it's not much work to me you got forty two hundred and something forty three hundred subs waiting for you to just they're all chanting princess princess they all got their lighters in the air you know yeah come on pirate show us we all put 36 oh yeah I was teasing everybody at the grapevine wanna come help me discuss this great finally coins start videos yeah I'm gonna make one I'm gonna bring my uh my nice fine model she's she's she displays all the nice finds we get let's do let's show them this box the nice stuff here right here guys sneak peek that I'm keeping that is a very expensive it is Steinbach Nutcracker that is he's a hippie guy I wanted that because it's like $200 we got a super chat Jason the grande thanks for your videos but I loved him on yes well he'd get here bro we miss her what is that what what what's the knot on it says lying out it's a scale that one is about 50 to 70 bucks on eBay in that condition then this is the money here this is a vintage metal American Flyer set right here we found this in a bottom a box this morning there's a thing you want to be careful you sitting down sure that underneath them yep nice careful with that one that's the money baby right there that is an American Flyer vintage cast iron brass metal locomotive Oh scale I'm thinking in my head what I've seen on this it could be upwards of a thousand bucks at least 500 bucks but it could be upwards of a thousand I saw one sell for 1,200 but I can't figure out this is right see the wood in there the real wood this is coming out of the $2,400 TV executive unit those are n scale baby girl what's the model on those it's a on the bottom can you read arnold series so those say are there's a full set of out of n scale but let's see the caboose and little red caboose it could Benji Benji likes playing cat Mouse Danny those are American fire - okay those are lion-o but those are cool they're old vintage cast iron they actually hook up to electricity see how they have the nuts on them you hook them up to electricity and they will light up so put all those back in there carefully that is like a thousand dollar box in my eyes I see this box getting me a thousand dollars out of that twenty four hundred or unit that is a nice nutcracker they're worth at least 75 to 100 on ebay probably because it's Steinbach Uncle Michael threw the Box away it's somewhere around here yeah original Steinbach we're keeping that one because this is what I do I turn straw into gold basically I look at the storage business what do you guys think about that fine they're an Opel Michael just say what up player to somebody you just say what happened there how much are you trying to get for the basis what's up Benji's offering five each on those bases oh he thinks we're gonna go a dollar although Michael wants 20 on them for both Uncle Mike Benjy he's this dirty for both yeah he hasn't seen a person so real quick this is all the junk you saw someone's alive yesterday this is all the stuff we're gonna do in a dollar sale here soon everything at 10:30 will be a dollar sale that I don't put away we're gonna put a few things away close a little bit of money on that people can ransacking the clothes charnot's over here looking for paper clips and envelopes Charles likes books this man loves to read books I think you bought off me over the years I would imagine more in a waffle yeah two walls all right fair enough find anything good on for Michael I found the item of the day today the Train Set let's go see let's go see your guests real quick we have let's go say hello to Jack everybody what back 15 who wants a type of 82 if you want to say hello to Jack right now if you want to say hello to lock your nuts CA 82 in the comment section this is sad right here because I don't have the table for this the tabletop for the these chairs and mikay there's a chair model great fine Mike if there is 144 on how come there's only 40 lights get busy watchers and hit the like button alright apparently we have a unanimous decision that we want to see Jeff that is 10 this is a nice vintage Pyrex Bowl where it's at least 20 to 25 on ebay dispo'd does 8 sound reasonable both yeah as a dollar a cup right there what RT this scene yeah Christmas I think Santa made these the elves did escape straight from the workshop Christmas tree old-fashioned glasses there's six of those I'll go 8 for those 12 so you're looking at 16 for all of them I'll round it down to 15 we'll make a deal all right don't you think long you think wrong right I'll come back I told her I told her she can have this for 8 and this for 8 but I'll even knock it down to 15 for the both you think wrong you think long think long you think wrong what up baby Jebus [Music] you know now we're live Jack I had it a unanimous vote that they want to see you really yeah I mean no one said no we don't want to see I I didn't give them an option I said type 82 so there was nothing for them to type but they didn't want to say oh thank you I break the system you live I'm like a politician oh here we go let's see who we got here saying hello to you Maureen says hi everybody Danny may Danny may what's up Danny Danny I got your email last night and I checked out that channel thanks for giving me a heads up on that was cool Suzanne I wasn't I was it Oh with that video yeah but I wasn't in that video I didn't see myself in the video but if you were in the background I want to shot where you were walking across yeah you show to the ones I got but he didn't show it cheap people like that that lady make Jack make mad oh yeah Jack man gets mad I've been making all Jack sales from today yeah he's my number-one salesperson I passed up mom and nuts in the sales department today yeah I'm trying to get a side job Oh baby Chiba says hello was it mr. Torres he forced us how you doing here at the flea market a make the money yeah it's pretty good cash sales are always good aren't they very good I was gonna uh cuz you're a wise businessman and I wanted to say this our discusses with you someone mentioned the other day about how we deal with cash and taxes in this business and I personally chop down everything whether it's flea market grapes this and then at the end ear you just have like a notebook for it and if somebody pays me in large sums of cash if that's friends as I have something I'm selling soon I have them pay me and then they 1099 Spreadsheets he said he's not that deep he puts them by the locker I don't do that I don't have okay I can't shed it yeah I like I like the cash myself especially when it comes to big deals instead of somebody writing you a check or whatever or trying to do it this way give me money and 1099 me and then we move forward it's very simple process I've done it four years of everything whether it's a cheque or whatever but I'm not I let everybody give me or see people sometimes come and buy like a dresser and maybe I want to buy it in their business account and get a receipt so if I don't even trip oh yeah it's easier to just pay your taxes and not worry about it down the road you know and one thing I'll give the any store guys out there just keep records as you go you wait till the end of the year to do everything it's just a nightmare it's not gonna be correct if you just do it just get discipline to do it as you go and whether that's daily or weekly or monthly whatever just keep up with it it's so much easier that way dude so how much time do you spend a day doing anything um every time I bring in the sale or coming home for the market I put in the number okay so it's like so it's daily it gets less than minutes a day really it they're totally yeah and where you do it the easier it gets missing you're not gonna miss out on the sales you're gonna forget the deductions and that's gonna cost you Benji wants to know if you got a letter from the DOJ DOJ yet not yet not yet yeah that's for this even mr. Torres says if we are so down yeah Manning his due I think he's in there he's filming I'm gonna go film him filming it is huh let's go say hello to Manny we got another story fire here everybody's selling stuff right here Manny say hello to the whole world what are you doing I saw how you feel how you feel Minnie filming and commenting and yeah you are this is this man this man has a great process he's here at the flea market he has his tripod going his camera going he's filming and selling stuff making money all at the same time I love it [Music] anything good you want to show us like a sneak peek oh yeah Oh somebody saves like cards and stuff yeah as a scrapbook is in his entirety that is nice Oh some photo that's a Tom Drake oh I stopped him it is at least twins double best wishes all hitting better than one is to that's the coolest thing yeah all right nice this was from the one locker once again at the positive where we did a collab at oh oh the ones you went to the one in Stockton nice I've heard of his low crowd did you buy the best one and you let somebody get the best one exactly all right so we haven't go back to work I just want everybody say hi to you right now we have 223 people don't forget to like my video man he said shouts this man I got he dropped a video yesterday on his channel because we did a collab how do you say your candle again you can go on his channel he does it in all Spanish but there is English subtitles on many of the videos he has not got them all transferred over yet but he will nothing but love from you I love this guy you're my favorite Manny all right we're gonna go you guys guys check his channel like you said he doesn't talk about that he does all Spanish but there is English subtitles a Cindy Brandon with a $2.00 super chat for saying hello to Jack look at that Cindy wants to give a specific hello to you she paid two bucks to say hello to you Cindy thank you thank you so much that's nice what are you gonna do right here what's we testing out this cows in here about taking out look at he's a couch model guys anybody want to buy Jax couch it is for sale I can get him to sign it if you want to come by it oh look it does everything oh wow that is nice he just basically made a commercial we just made a commercial somebody got married once probably the hardest thing in the whole world ever sell that is pretty it looks like it looks like Cinderella's dress kinda well just is all kind of blue like that if I remember correctly in Cinderella she wore a little blue blue lacy dress do you have you ever sold a wedding dress never I've never sold it I don't know if it's good it's bad luck what it is look at that distressed look right there Jack's got this for sale - you guys like furniture Benjy did we agree on 20 on those vases yet or not or can you model them for us if anybody wants to see Uncle Michael model some type of 15 oh it's this on the mic you're bad baby oh we got one person wants you to model something Oh Michael oh we got a lot of people want you to be a mom I jacked this model to host Oprah for us he made a whole commercial so it's your turn not yet Pizza I don't know where's he going he's with the model at couch no they're not copper they're ceramic Benji negative 15 jason says cute Uncle Michael or clay they're clay Tony what's in their piece of art it looks like a mirror Tony never stops working ladies and gentlemen here's your model employee I'm being serious don't laugh I'm not saying nothing nice again trust and believe I don't do anything behind the scenes that I won't do in front of the scenes that's the one thing I can promise you about me if I do something I'm gonna do it on the camera I'm gonna do it off the camera I haven't one ever sent that person all these around the clock oh look at this ladies and gentlemen I bought this today for 20 bucks this is going on my porch and I bought that for the front yard where we're collecting new Christmas stuff let's see what else oh yeah by the way somebody wanted to buy the ornaments yesterday I left them there for them to buy the ornaments I'll go Michael are you gonna make a commercial or something oh yeah but you have to upsell you have to you have to make it interesting Benji's watching let's see here we go here's uncle Michaels commercial almost looks like copper the waist was crude Steven I think Steven k94 what kind of purposes does it serve dry sticks yeah maybe flowers say whatever we're doing the light won't see a little whole world even up to just chilling hitting the flea before I hit the store yeah you got some good news right you got a new store yeah I do 2018 Pacific Avenue into nine we're in the Miracle Mile in Stockton California is there a website for that too yeah you go to number nine and that nine and what are we gonna sell there we have the most selective collective of vintage sports where of apparel t-shirts wrapped cheese wrestling shirts movie shirts outerwear penalty ins your face height be supreme you got it all he's got everything very selectively neglected though we don't just pick and grab everything we really gonna say what we wear nice ledger Elf on the Shelf now this is the homies from the homey clown do you buy that to sell ok security yeah one of the security yeah we're all over live on YouTube I know all right get a good I'm always on you about that come on everybody about starting to use about anybody I filled it like it is just got that Energy Star to YouTube all right let's see what else I got today I took all this stuff from Jack I stole this from Jack I got a new bag for when I go shopping at Lucky's right I got myself a fruit basket it matches my countertops who I bought a new kite because I got a couple couple people I'm taking um kite flying soon so I got another kite for us to use I got a Mickey Mouse shopping bag mom and nuts told me I could use this to make little little little cupcakes so that's pretty cool I'm gonna make that I got a gingerbread house form I'm gonna use this and actually make gingerbread houses with the kids always kiss me goodnight I love that right there we got positive affirmations going this right here and the best is yet to be fairytale mentality right there and the best is meant to be it's gonna so go on my wall what else is good at it yeah I think that's it let me look in the backseat here I love the positive aphromoo that's wait a minute I got a lot of positive afferent I took all these from Jack today I bought this turkey roaster because I'm making Thanksgiving dinner look at these ones go oh I'm making a chili Rihanna's so I got chili rellenos and tomatillos for myself on my sauce and then I got a hole right here is all my stuff for salsa I'm getting back in the cooking game I got all these from Jack right here live fully create happiness speak kindly really good words not was a good one right here live your dream love that dream as though you have nothing to lose believe as though anything is possible love your heart and love as your as though your heart knows no bounds live as though there was only today brilliant because I love any I love no ceilings you are my cup of tea that is a that's the Unicorn right there laughs every day bless the food before us the family beside us and the love between us love that live every moment Yodo today you're exactly where you're supposed to be what happens tomorrow is up to you all this right here is priceless information you just got for free right there same way I got it for free from Jack so I could get that opportunity to just read those words because priceless and that is it for what I found today at the flea market oh and I got a bike rack for the backyard so we can have the bikes park simultaneously we're gonna need everybody on this I'll go Mike are we about ready huh Marine I love Yolo you only live once a very powerful statement learned it from a Drake song personally but I know many people have heard it but more importantly than thinking about always you only live once the fact is you live every day your whole life and you don't always live but you only die once that's why I say Yodo now because it's the flip side of that mentality that you actually get a chance to live every day and that it's more than just once it's like you know you live like an average of twenty eight thousand eight hundred sixty-five days or something let's tell the whole world where her name is pepper has got a job yeah where she works hello's pizza we get a family discount cuz I know I took all them to Melos a couple weeks ago and it is not cheap yeah I spent gripa money taking us off to dinner um yeah so look we're gonna do a whole dollar still get to get the guys ready girl what I don't absolutely do not no she doesn't are you guys ready I the breath I don't want none there's two brass things in the in the UH in the saws all the rest I'm over man she missed out on the vases does she deliver to Dallas I don't know it's kind of windy here who's ready for a dollar still who's ready to see the chaotic situation known as a dollar sale type a one if you're ready to see you only got type one letter if you're ready to see a massive dollar sale and basically drain the flea market of all the customers for a small period of time before we go to free they make a mess type of one please I'm gonna need to see 242 ones to do this I'm getting rid of that I didn't want it no more it's a bad memory Uncle Michael I don't I need to clear out the rest - snap I'm over this stuff we've already sorted the good stuff we go put the - vase in the back for Benjy he'll pay us something what Michaela go I'm ready Tony stop stop I'm packing he can unpack we're going to in a dollar sales so we're not gonna care okay wait till I get there Linda I'm sorry I can't listen Linda I can't are you counting pirate yeah let me go back and count we are about two hundred and twelve ones away from a dollar sale guys I'm gonna need to see 242 once I wrecked my was some pepper respect what's up damage will not go oh it's time Harold I'm I'm on a lot I'm on alive right now make it quick whole world of listening is the sale complete oh you called me a nine last night so I figured it was you're telling me that the money's ready in the art sold yeah time is of the essence because I do have other offers and other people interested and I'm not showing him to and I cuz I kind of felt like he was going to pay me and we were going to be done with this deal not to mention a matthew got a letter of intent on the big painting teens so I'm pretty excited yeah anyway I uh if you have the best all the best you knows you got I have to go cuz I'm gonna live right now all right Harold has found me a potential buyer hard I haven't discussed it because there's lots to be said and I'm waiting for the right time to go through all of it but I'll go Michael you ready one dollar one dollar everything is a dollar dollar dollar dollar Tony can you go and everybody else's booth any other dollar no Dan I did not sell this oh deaq watch yet do you have an offer you don't have a hat and glasses on you sell Xmas ornaments no I set him aside Mary because somebody want to buy the whole box and I don't know who it was Guzman says the unicorn emoji hey what are you gonna get you get some custom name for a door sell everybody wants to see a dollar sale I'm unsure Dan what's your offer one dollar one dollar sweet sell some more stuff could you get more people in the back over that guy's booth in yellow dollars tell him everything where here's a dollar not that it's not for sale one dollar one dollar I want you guys see the market is dead today look at this look at this see that it is dead today ridiculous we sold a fan for a buck nice Charles there you go upselling [Music] mama G I like seeing all the comments I'm weird like that it's windy out here can't even where's this I'm so I am excited to find out who though who the artist is also at what price when you reveal about the pieces of four are gonna get Harold on me well it depends Malcolm Harold may have been the one to find me an agreement on it things have transpired I don't I don't want to just I'm gonna have to leave it all up in the air because I want to explain all the once understood Danny understood marry you get men's fake nugget gold rings they're all waiting for it Mary put your a link in here everybody keeps asking about your link and ice in the videos but hug phoning to stop ring and love your lies and these keep the great job lush in your family how are you doing today storage officer pyar joy I'm great don't think so Richard haven't seen one did you read a girlfriend for pirate I'm say nothing about that either a topics off-limits team I tell you later when it comes to your daughter delete up amen the universe be with Mike you were good people thank you had xmas shipped the xmas stuff to Mary I already did oh no I have somebody wants to buy it I can't I'm not gonna speak on that that topic um looks hardly worth the effort today so few buyers what's up South Carolina start sovereigns to start buying up some units so Cinda want you to buy a unit girl okay I need a new oven now I don't know I can't talk about that it's like who just say I don't have somebody in my life and they might not just want to be part of my stuff who's to say that who's to say that I just don't keep all of that information over here for respect reasons who just say I'm not pursuing somebody there are so many variables hi pirate you had muck your Amira from Alabama roll tide I'm wondering who did all the doughnuts in the parking lot oh they have car shows here this is this is this is the paragraphs if you look right here like that is horse racing or something over here and then they go cattle auctions over here because we're making farmland and there's a all sorts of stuff that goes on here and then outside here Linda says I already think you have an intimate other maybe I do [Music] princess penis my that's private yep your private life should be just that private yes you and that's something the person that I am pursuing or width or whoever whatever wants to be on the camera I'm not going to do that to them everybody who's on my camera gets a choice a $1 sir I'm not allowed to collect money I don't work here no you cannot have a girlfriend you're mine Amy then what as Amy Barney said no you cannot have a girlfriend your mind just have any money that would be funny would it just hey here you go and they don't want to be on camera we're life captain Mike Sparrow pickers warehouse says I can tell you that you do have I can tell that you do have some Kathryn I want to know your theory on why you believe I have some Kathryn says she can tell it I have someone else just like having fun with everyone everything you do find some of the things you're special in one that's that's what's up Nance trust and believe you must I don't know what bxa means you're happier but a house would do that to me pirate is my crush Kathryn says Katrina karena would break my heart person as long as you were happy I want to do what people do do this right now we have this stuff at a dollar a piece it is not even selling because I show it in my eyes yes Jason I am thinking about I'm trying to find someone to help me invest in a building I do not have the money to put down on the property I want I do have some big plans I'm working on that as we speak far more than just auction places I wanna put that yellow Pyrex Bowl away I think dollar dollar dollar good for margaritas how much did you sell it for dang okay I dare somebody to beat our prices just saw that TV Ferb Robert dollar a hammer and Jebus dawn here today Jack you're all done look at this guy he's all done where what's public storage oh maybe I should tell Alice to get up and take my money there why he's had my money he is he's subcontracting units for me with my money that they're all in units to buy it with my money and we'll split it he didn't have the very most positive things to say about that unit but yeah he he it was easier for him to be there with the money to buy something versus not so I just give him like a like 5 grand to go with him so you do a team work you want to subcontract to let me know I'm trying to get I'm trying to be at every auction every day by giving my money to others who are there if you buy the unit that you know I would buy we split it with my money tell me that any great business plan that is that is so Purdy look at that it's chipped did you do that everything's a dollar look at Charles we saw the TV for $1 a gym look at Charles you got I knew you take that paper and the envelope Charles it takes every office supply we has wise man dispo'ed Discovery Channel your baby boy ransacked $1 $1 I like money only one Bernie no biggest man I say burn burn pile see when she said burn pile we get you how that baby grows time we say burn the cub stuff or the bear step somebody so why is that we can't discuss that on camera we have a personal reason why we like nothing another channel well know somebody somebody really likes those teams that we really don't like so it's like it's like a red flag to us and we see Cubs and there's a fire yeah Mike Mike you should sell you're hustling life the History Channel hey Rick I'll tell you what you work the deal and I'll give you a cut you get me on the History Channel you could be my agent buddy it sounds like your look another dollar yeah you bought that for a dollar that's what's up what you got the chair alright thank you what you got right there thank you who else has got dollars she like that for buck XS hey do it McDonald's is not in business for selling ten dollar cheeseburgers they sell $1 cheeseburgers okay well close enough that choice right rule my analogy you over you're playing with bubbles and I'm talking business and you're gonna correct me Jax mama nuts look at that Mickey Mickey beanbag thing we should get that man you saw this robot right here nice how you doing nice to me are you watch the channel yeah thank you we're live right now you want say huh once the head of the world good life on the youtubes i saludos todos communal spirit ah that's me Uncle Michael yeah thank you you're welcome I love when somebody comes up and just says my name and I have no clue who it is till I understand that they watch the video that makes my day that like literally makes my day when somebody does that hit Opta that's how they say it in Spanish get out there any more dollars we need more dollars Oh careful don't break it you bought it you could break it that for my sales thing nice am I gonna make any money today on this stuff he said in Spanish he's got tamales no he did not does not be mean does not be mean he bought he watches a lot of my friends too I think he watches Manny cuz Manny's channel is all in Spanish there's been a lot of people in our area starting YouTube channels in Spanish and something about the Spanish Latin YouTube is blowing up right now like Manny my friend over there he gave me a fat shoutout yesterday basically and in his life what's up glory and Brandon basically he attributes his channel and starting the storage business to me but that man has gotten like 52 thousand subs in three months he didn't ask jack for help he didn't ask me for help he didn't ask Alex for help he just started the channel went to it and his channel pick up to 52 thousand subs in 3 months of videos on his own wild and I know a few other people start a channel in Spanish and they're blowing up Lori and Brandon what y'all up to my coudn't wants to meet you're such a positive guy love love all the way from Spain what's up Leroy in the house one dollar for that Uncle Michael no reason to steal it's only a dollar one dollar one dollar look at them chairs $1 each six chairs six bucks you want them nice killing it in the 4000 yen but looking at three days of rain and an open trailer that's not good get a tarp Mike you wouldn't want to me please say hi great-grandma grandmother young-looking can't tell him I'm a grandmother and also thank grandmother how long do you stay at the market under Wicca I'm ready to open my Mackay I need four bucks for the chairs here you go sir alright it's chairs so don't go Mike I got us here that's all I need to do that's what the captain of the ship does he drives a ship in the crew swab the deck right that's wool swabbing the deck here is basically unload the trailer making sales I'm sorry jr. we don't like I don't know just it's a red flag ghost you know like when you wave what do you want to piss the bull off and you wave the red flag when you wave a red flag in front of a bull that's what it means to us and it's something that would trigger [Music] first day of the gold on it I know we want to know the bright the brain okay Michael all right another special the watch the wallet no you know we did find a few Gucci things yesterday so we want to double check if you missed the live yesterday check it out one dollar one dollar oh no pan Mike you run that swap me like no one else you we are running our new 16-foot trader down to California's weekend for three days that's what's up gotta go where the money is right Brandon or Lori probably tough weather in Vegas right down to flea market I presume but California's hottest real good the way the money is Michael I'll be ready for the f-word wickham basically I'm about to do a free sale right now [Music] nice chair for a dollar you got six bucks out of those all the way from Key West used to live in Stockton hustle the blessings for the island hello Mike looks like a beautiful day there all of them now is free come on people cannot do better than dollar or free I'm ready Uncle Mike I guess what we're gonna get if we keep milking this somebody keeps telling me to check the baseball card Paxson could have a Michael Jordan rookie in it there's a basketball pack of player that could potentially have a Michael Jordan review it's in the unit [Music] pirate is wearing a parka a long sleeve 72 is cold for me see here's the thing let me teach you a little bit about psychology here we already learned about cash sales today in taxes now we're gonna learn about flea market psychology you see most these people if you watch what they do is they lick they pick it up they put it down they make little piles or these people will call these lemurs their lingering right now I'll give you the or you go put some in that basket and try to put it this make them stew it put that chair on there put that chair on that basket upside down back this way be sneaky yeah they're waiting for free zoo they're waiting for free get ready for it know when we do the pre-sale then he'll be distracted I'm just gonna go for it just go take your chair and sit over there come on pranks are funny what I want you to do when we do it after this that when we do a free so I want you to fill up everybody's basket with free stuffing look there's freezers put in their basket no never heavy stuff try both doctor get your chair ready you're gonna put it on that cart when the time comes uncle Michael we're ready if you guys are ready to see a free sale type in zero my life is a mental game you play and I'm playing it I'm playing it $1 $1 Tony still over there unpacking stuff is it closer get close with the front and back of the wash it's not working out likable all right Dan I don't have it on me right now it's an mi storage baby girl where you going come on [ __ ] $1 $1 don't worry it happen I'll go might be ready maybe not a good idea just wait I'm so ready oh so ready zero in the chat with the belly you're welcome I draw it out no Wicca we got things to do I got to get loaded for tomorrow messaged me on Instagram if you can't I'll try to remember plus to see here for 35 which was 72 Uncle Michael has taken his sweet time he just wants us to be here all day when I have places to go today we got a load up we got a film we got a meet customers we got to go to the dumps I know it's all got to be done before 6:00 your uncle Michael is taking a sweet time [Music] we this gift worth we're done three time mogul Michael we're ready mama cheese heart woman somehow she's right it's freak I'm ready we got it go it's like 11 o'clock already you're second in charge see you have to write you guys can't prove that uh mama told me not to smoke a cigarette cuz I guess she heard me flick the lighter and she thinks I'm smoking a cigarette and I'm just telling her she can't prove that cuz princess you wearing the chair love it we're waiting for basket she's gonna maybe do a little step I'll go Michael don't make a mess crusty scrunch everything is free everything is free fill up a box don't make a mess you pick it up don't put it in the ground put it in a box making sure that feel was good well I heard the lighter too uh dang you guys dang you guys you told us before your heart belongs to someone but we aren't sure if she feels the same way Chris I don't have an answer for that all I could say is I'm not look at this guy over here let's just say I can't say nothing my heart does belong to somebody me too maker sure was good love to saw princess wearing the chair she supposedly omec ate of that one baby girl Oh what are you doing baby girl there's a whole basket over there there's a whole blue basket unattended over there fill it up she got busted on her first try here we go I believe that I have a place in the heart of that which I desire I believe I do wha she's gonna fill it keep it going girl keep it going there's a bag right there a tin can don't be shy don't be scared keep doing it's fine there's a basket over there come on she took it she actually took a seat I do have love for everybody but there's a certain kind of love I have to give to only one what is this see I don't need that yeah in fact Manny that's your vehicle [Music] [Music] [Music] we go [Music] we market pranks some mornings month then no one's even in this basket here these ones over here all right there she's stealing in Reverse yes server stealing as in my favorite game [Music] leaving a dead calf so cool the salt princess is restoring the love yes she is is that you pass the time [Laughter] thank you appreciate that you wanna come over we could have a party I love that don't threat me have a good time the fun part Oh sometimes before we have the free set we'll do those we'll put in their basket when they go to leave we try to charge them I got you come on you everything this is restore jewel of here ladies and gentlemen this is what it's all about setup me taking this dump that dumps wherever I must do it all goes to good homes people try to make more money whoo she almost put it in the basket of the person walking by she didn't have those type of guns I didn't think she did where in the world is the salt princess did somebody buy them already sorry she's my in a basket where she all right everything is free it's free if you ask that I charge a dollar thank you this guy over here won't let his basket his hand now because he saw Makayla fill it up he's no fun he's a fun sucker she didn't even take good step out she's oblivious [Music] well why what's wrong the white basket over there that's funny more videos from salty I love to hear you laugh thank you I only see 27 likes come on I see 167 I don't know mine's wrong stealth yeah starting to wonder if they done if you guys like watching Makayla do this right here please hit the like she did it again these are the like button now if you like watching Makayla fill people's baskets up when they're not looking this is one of my favorite games it's just hard to I don't really film it that often mine probably don't update as quick and another one we just saved four bucks and dumps what I like is it brings out of her shell she has fun and she's and she eliminates from her brain the anxiety of doing so and she has fun of it that's what I like watching helps her come out of her shell Mike's a total has brought ease total integrity she's Santa today in the baskets this woman right here see the ladies she's right over here it's hers we keep filling her basket she Neiman tripping she gets nervous Doug I would have I would have filled that whole thing up by now we're not closing if you want to help donate donate some time and pack a box I wish she could see her beauty in and out yes lady Jung what's your heart belong to I don't like refreshing I'm afraid I'll miss something all right well um do you want to say any closing statements anyone have any questions if you have a question comment right now I got videos coming up I just didn't Ben I'm exhausted I woke up today like a look at my eyes look at that see those bags look at that I look like I'm 80 years old I woke up like a train and hit me and I don't even feel like I can't even get out of bed and work I'm so exhausted but nonetheless we got to do we got to do so I'm behind on the editing Mike is creating sense of her yeah he's creating a sense of urge every pretty ever take our stuff I love watching your channel have the princess posts and videos pirate needs a massage I do need a massage oh my god Wicca we're gonna get a massage baby girl that's a good idea what flea markets yeah get some rest you deserve it no I don't have time too much tequila there Peyer John Lynch I don't drink so maybe like once every 3-4 weeks I drink so it's definitely not tequila take a day of sleep before you collapse so that when the lies at the time perfect for the the UK how's the house coming along wonderful Oh Maureen Scott is not doing well surgery did not take he's been in a lot of pain they basically had to redo his colostomy on the other side of his stomach and he has the weight inhale six months to try to get the operation done again some people there who gives me so of them all I don't go to the mall they're my masseuse at the mall so if we have no questions and that's about it I think it's time uncle Matthew wants Uncle Mike want a good bite everybody until next time unlock your nuts that's all I think that's jacks outro chiropractors give massages hey bye until next time see and they just said the universe works there he was no he says until next time see you again unlock your nuts I think that's his outro baby girl can we get a voucher yet mama she is not Jesus's mom everybody just so everybody knows mom and G is not mama cheevus because that would be a J I thought you were married Susan no I'm not married my heart belongs to unicorn I said it princess needs to become more active with - would you take a photo of me you guys just saw that she put her head on my shoulder and she hugged me this morning - I hate to hear about the bag - of my uncle's had that done prayers sent us go please everybody give Scott some prayers as a positive eyes he's in the hospital a lot of pain uncle Michael's been helping him a lot you guys Rock love being here that means three pretty great Spanish Mike I love the fleamarket prayers to him ciao mate sorry Scott what flea market stopped him thanks Mike you're welcome home Angie a lot of people sell asked me that to be honest with you have a wonderful day everyone bye bye god bless you what happened to Scott he I don't know how to explain without being too graphic he has a bad and costly bag out of his stomach and almost says you love me Alma says you love me she loved I know she does I'm her best friend in the whole world and she just hates the thought of that she gets all you know the deep inside like with that being said guys I love you all stay tuned lots of videos coming big things come and I got a collab with Jebus we filmed yesterday y'all are gonna want to see this video it's always a it's always a wild one when we all get together and we do things above and beyond monetary value so that video will probably come out Friday definitely make sure you're subscribed to his channel we got another video another really it's more of a monetary value video but that's just so many things coming guys I love y'all I mean I hate turning this off but I got to go I like I don't I want to keep it going there's 253 of you on here pirate you do have a little evil in you Sandra I'll make this real clear um I have not always been a sweet loving adorable guy that I am here these days I was spent a lot of my life being an a-hole for the lack of better words lack of better words there is that lack of better words and a hos a good word right there has been a large percentage of my life where I was not the nicest person with every equal high as equal low so just as much as I could be the nicest sweetest most kindest person in the world I have it in me to be the exact opposite to I just choose not to be and I did much in my life to become a better person so yes I have a little bit of evil of me let's just say that far from perfect I put a post on my community page about this last night about one of my favorite pieces that I have on my walls and things I collect go check it out on my youtube the wall oh yes Virginia I used to cuss every other word and I still do cuss off-camera like like us a lot right wrong yeah but when it comes to filming I have the respect of anybody out there who's watching this in a family environment of children etc etc and I like being the best version of myself a role model that I can so don't poke the Unicorn is that the whole goal salutis para Hinata thank you mark i love the way i love the way pirate sounds in spanish it is like so much better other than just a regular word that i'm used to saying yeah making up now though mate say it ain't so pirate I'm gonna always keep it real I don't hide nothing there's nothing I'm gonna hide from y'all ever I don't need to say I haven't done this or I'm not that or that doesn't exist in my life whatever I'll hide from nothing any action I make in this world is 100% to a tea my choice and I'm gonna live it I'm not worried what somebody thinks to me because I might do this I might do that you know like just a minute ago I did have a cigarette I didn't the cameras facing us I would never smoke on camera I'm not denying that I had one I just don't present myself on camera that way for certain reasons because it's not it's kind of shunned on so to speak so I trust and believe I live every moment of what I am who have the pirate baby see you tomorrow yeah I gotta get a buffer so I'll just keep talking that's what you guys do to me you guys are just keep me on your let's talk all day long I love y'all I'm out
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 9,259
Rating: 4.8921571 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, extreme unboxing, bought, I bought, treasure hunt
Id: -KTsiRBG-cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 25sec (4705 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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