Live garage sale footage @ storage auction pirates home

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what time in England I don't know what time it is in England I know what time it is here it's 10:20 good morning everybody I think it's morning 10:00 a.m. this morning to me I call everything morning whenever I uh it could be like 7 o'clock at night I walk into like 7-eleven to get coffee and always say good morning everybody said what do you mean it's not morning it's like sunny everywhere you could see today perfect weather my phone wants to be like hey we're gonna we're gonna disconnect I'm out in the front yard even this is like so you can have them having a garage sale here hello still playing got the squad here watching everything waved hair Bay Bay any that's uh Mackenzie Allen I forgot you hasn't met her once or twice that's Jasmine you guys know her and that's the salt princess oh you guys want to say hello one second say hello Michaela's squad is over today what we have in a garage sale not everybody's camera shy guy what's up oh thank you all right if I give me some you know like a doughnut we saw the painting we just saw the painting probably sold a million dollar painting here you guys might remember this from a video I don't know when I think this was from the $50 deceased persons unit we're both collecting money one say hello to everybody we're live yeah that's why if you watch your language over there well your friends is not wise kids sometimes so how's everybody doing this morning how's everybody doing this morning yes we're live Patty's but the salt princess didn't realize we're live she thought I was filming I told him that I'm here working - it's like you know it is my stuff our stuff what they trying to get rid of me selling my pool I wasn't gonna put this in the backyard you guys you me and brother that in a video the flea market and of law with Alex so saving all my dibs for a night is she working on Commission's laughing could you said you I stole your sale it's funny because you know I'm a very I want say I'm super bossy but I am a take-charge by a controlled type person and I feel like I create a monster because my daughter is identical twin to me and now she thinks she's my boss like we go to the flea market she's the boss we go everything we do she's in charge now all the sudden and I feel like I created a monster because she kind of does everything just like me funny we got some cool stuff though we'll see if we could sell some of it I use this for like six months I bought a brand new at the Sears I use it for like six months been storing it for whatever reason I'm selling it at this cool Locker great to have the kids involved teaching them yes my children have a lot of experience in this in this resale game they've been doing their whole life pretty much when my son was born I started selling to flea market as he started to walk they used to go for me every Sunday every Saturday and sale and then they used to do all the unloading and I kind of gave them the last year off that's why they haven't been in a lot of videos but now as you can see the salt princess works full-time we doing this was this has been in my kitchen for how long how long we had this girl like over a year this we spawn a fruit basket I'm getting rid of it a lot of things huh I don't really know what is Isis keeping the kitchen I put all my my bananas and onions and stuff was kind of like a pet what she could buy tell her 20 bucks that M&M thing oh yeah the M&M thing I bought that the flea market was in another vlog - I'm telling you guys can see everything in a vlog somewhere everything that's at my house has been in a vlog one way or another I really only buy things if I'd only get things they come into storage huge car collection over this thing a lot of stuff we was gonna put on eBay remember this one from the other day sitting in the Sun it's Michael right there okay you can sleep out there guys probably seen every one of these things in a video you can stay here and if you watch them any black oh that's from that video that's from that video you haven't seen this yet because I haven't put that video out yet wait yes I have that's the lady from Hawaii the unit from Hawaii to 300 or unit a hundred for everything yeah there should be well there's some games there too yeah Hey ladies be careful your language will among what is it your this is a Mikaela this is Mikayla's exact Disney doppelganger you can have it yeah your remember when I did the Christmas decorations and we every buddy got a Disney character you worry or no not that's when we took photos but we did it like a vlog where was me Michaela Devon jasmine and Michael and we all decorated our Christmas tree this year with my Disney characters and I gave everybody Michaela was he or Michael was Mowgli that's a given let me see what you got there oh this goes with the set for the s100 for the whole 64 yeah that one's a good game sell by itself those do it for 30 bucks each on just give me 20 for that oh the ball I didn't see that nice ball I'd have to sell that ball for like 40 you can have that one you like piglet awesome I'll pay I got a pig a backpack inside of the house if you want on the thing right there go go open the door up and you'll see there's a piglet backpack there right hanging up yeah it's all right that thing comes off every time something comes off there she's breaking things in there you're breaking all my stuff now don't worry about it yeah make sure there's no papers inside of the little head there but yeah you can have that it's too small for me to wear the options I usually wear it to the auctions but yeah Mikayla what's your Emmett what's the image Smith bobblehead he's offering you 10 she said she'd go 20 she's a stiff negotiator I trained her very well you welcome you guys might hear them calling me David all all the girls Mikayla has everybody calling me by my first name they don't call me Mike they all call me David so if you're wondering why they keep saying David been a long long morning I swear uh I start off having a bad day I wasn't even in a good mood today trying to take everything I can today even just smile and be positive because it's rough - I wake up my trucks dead apparently like two days ago when I last used my truck because for some reason my water radiator is leaking heavily and I can't afford to ruin this expensive Cummins motor so I can't drive I just want to back out of the driveway to unload today and I left my keys on because I was in my truck listening to music the last time I got home trying to just collect myself woke up to a dead truck had to somehow get my car across the yard and Swindell ways to get both these two batteries on the diesel to jump so that's how my morning started was way late getting garage sale signs up was way late getting to get the garage sale unloaded not to mention it's already been a rough 24 hours selling all these Disney thing that's a rare thing but I'm literally getting rid of a lot of stuff of my own this will probably end up on eBay as a jewelry lot afterwards are we having it here trying to see what we can get oh look at this oh wow what is this I shouldn't that one's a good one right there yeah Oh sad about Luke Perry he was one of my childhood heroes as well I used to love that show new kids on the block kind of cool pin set right there that's nice belt buckles Mickey backpack that I can't really fit I keep the weirdest things for myself and it's just time to let go of them that's a cool patch right there oh you guys haven't seen this yet I can't show you there got a lot of videos coming out you guys haven't even seen some of the stuff the rest of the unit with Alex all right here's a sneak peek from the rest of the unit with Alex it's a Versace makeup bag I don't know if I show this in there now I don't think this we've seen this maybe we did we playing a game you did a great job you're better than you think you also Pat always tells Michelle to pay always tells me that always tells me you're really good at explaining stuff you just keep saying you're not and then Mikayla just did the same thing Pat let that be a lesson y'all when you do stuff that's why I try to better myself every day as your kids follow your footsteps oh I keep teaching in these bad habits or things by doing it myself and shout to you Piper keep telling me that I know how to explain myself and I don't think I do jewelry yes Mary we have lots of jewelry right here this is part of stuff that was going to go on the lot right here on on eBay I don't know what it is it's just I'm not really doing an auction Pat but if somebody wants to buy something they can throw out a price or ask me what I want for it a lot of stuff might end up on eBay I'm kind of clear my house out as you know I have to relocate soon and just getting rid of stuff and I'm gonna put everything that's the side for eBay back in the garage because I made room by getting rid of stuff that I had in my garage it was mine and then we will obey for the next week our auctions are Thursday and Friday so we need to allocate as much money as we can eBay will give us that opportunity buy anything selling in the next three days because I can use the PayPal card at the auction police badge what I see oh right here it's a Pinkerton security badge [Music] that's nice bowl over right there I forgot about that I think it's battery wish it was gold Jan di well like I said I started late today because I woke up to leaving my keys in the truck for three days my Dodge Diesel was dead and it takes it has two huge batteries in it to jumpstart so I had to finagle it took me three jumper cables for my Honda to get it going and a trickle charger after I finally managed to get my little Honda across my front yard and squeeze it in between the bushes and I don't even think the film none of it I didn't even think this more in the film I've been so discombobulated too many vlogs lately from the last few days but today I don't even thought about that I didn't even think about it because yeah not what I expected to wake up to trying to start your day fast and efficient in a situation like we were having a garage sale and yeah the universe is like no not today Mike today yesterday wasn't enough so today we're gonna see if we can just push you a little more and you break keep trying universe keep trying keep trying okay put that back same thing this is a lot of bags here a whole bunch of just weird dude odds a watch that's a raffle and watch the pins that wouldn't sell with those are nice this probably really expensive pin right now and the new kids on the block is extremely collectible in game you might remember this from the vlog last night yeah all that and I don't know what this is look at that nice Jack make sure you on top of your uh your moderating today buddy you've been slipping on your wrench in Disneyland I think Connor thinks some cute that's what I hear when he talks to me like that I think he's telling me I'm cute and he wants my number I might hope your days improve my day is great it started off a little troublesome but you know I appreciate days like that for the reason being is the more you're tested the stronger you become you know that whether if you can succeed and I seem to do my best work and I try harder and improve myself and do more the harder things get I don't know what's weird I feel like I was prepared for tough situations but yeah it is what it is it's good despite all the all things said and done it is a great day it's what is it for 20 I hear that's a good day for everybody a lot of people like to celebrate this day for some reason and tomorrow the Easter so I know everybody loves Easter I got to do Easter eggs with my children later they're probably gonna get mad at me because they're gonna be like to add dad we're not we're not 7 anymore and every year I make them do Easter eggs we sit down and we color a couple dozen eggs that we don't make he's just a guy who has a crush on me and he doesn't know how to process his emotions that's the best way of dealing with something like that some people have a problem accepting their true inner self and so it's called a self-reflection when somebody points a finger at you there's usually three pointing back they say will I be doing will you make them do oh yeah I make them do everything I'll get them a little basket I'll probably they'll get in the same stuff I get a little bit of candy I get him a couple lottery tickets um just maybe a gift card like a ten twenty dollar gift card or something like give him a basket and I hide it from them and make them find it and then I color we call eggs you're so calm like thank you makeup you're like I said you have to test you if I've test you trust him that I have it's been a rough 24 48 hours for me a lot of things have not gone away I want to and we'll discuss that later not today you're not going to lose our grape 500 heck to the no you're so calm make chocolate eggs they enjoy that better um harder hard-boiled eggs are fun though you know it's it's the dyeing of it I like that it's you know one of those things you know like course kids don't believe in the Easter Bunny per se you know whatever their theories may be and they might be a little grown but it's the UM it's those little memories it's memories are sometimes the only thing you guys the things you look back on you know like like I always say like I got I don't know I might not be here forever and those are things that they're gonna remember the most of the times that we spent 30 minutes doing eggs that they at the time hated but you know 15 20 years from now is probably gonna be their biggest joy when they think back and reflect on life so yeah so yeah that's my that's my garage sale everybody I don't know what we've done here for money we sold today so far hey done sir give me uh give me two bucks I'm a TV sold the bloopers hold on a second dancing how much did we sell someone the ten bucks for the pole oh yeah they're like xxx in the stores if she told you five I'll stick to that only 81 we're not doing very well let me see what I got uh hold on a second let me see are you talking about this purse right here tell mother Dooney and Bourke I'm not sure on its genuineness which makes to me why I haven't listed it yet but see right there that right there that is kind of like I was gonna sell for 20 bucks that's why I told a lady a minute ago and she laughed at me she offered me like eight or ten Mary you said you'll give me a hundred for all this stuff right here it's okay I can't tell me Reno anyway maybe don't have to ask that's not right yeah I mean it is right so you want all this right here Mary all right that's yours that's Mary's Mary bought all the costing jewelry what did I sell so far I want 40 60 70 $76 I've got 76 she's got 81 it's a race girl we now have a race we got a you got a $5 lead on me wait I just made an Internet Sales so I'm in the lead does that count Mary make sure you send the address I got I haven't sent your spoons yet and I've been meaning to message you somehow and tell you that I need your address for your spoons let me see I think I'm missing stuff 100 and sell it for 150 maybe 300 for the pairs let me go through some these messages here I'm having a yard sale too but it's really there that I hope it gets better Miriam we'll pray for each other you pray for me I pray for you Mike can you please tell me on the purse good luck coming in your way Mike thank you thank you Sarah appreciate that Mike focus Nancy Lesley I don't know what that person said because Locker deleted it I like reading those comments though and now I can't see it Mary Harris wants the jewelry yes I want yes sir 104 dunt 120 so far it's Canadian that's a good deal that's interesting name though that's a great deal Mary okay Nancy you want the purse you want this purse for 20 bucks that what you're saying you want this lovely purse for 20 dollars nice Nancy wants to bag I think how do I pay locker we're at LOC k ER W a re at where do you where do you live at Nancy what state I have zero tolerance I like it locker have a zero tolerance policy because you know me I'll let it roll I'll the reason why I don't mind because nothing anybody says like this person or two people who are doing all this spamming on my channel like nothing they say bothers me because it's all it's all bull crap it's it's a jealous friend so to speak who just is mad that I'm doing me and I'm happy some people that's the problem with some people they don't like that you have even in the worst of times you could be happy and they don't know how to and it bothers them and not nothing they say to me has any validity otherwise I like I said you want to accuse me of something you know my facebook it's there for the world to see post a photo of your proof of anything you have that other were done wrong I've even ripped a tag off a mattress as my sister said you know what I mean like so all the stupid stuff it doesn't bother me I feel like when I just laugh at them it bothers them more and that is priceless the fact that I could just be continually happy while they try it is the most priceless feeling to me so yeah I'm putting your jewelry away Mary now before anybody comes and tries to jab your jewelry and I have to call security on them hell am I gonna start selling on eBay again sooner and put your videos earlier so looking forward to it thank you I'm glad there I'm glad that my videos inspire anybody uh when people tell me that I'm doing something and they're like I saw you do that and it made me want to do something instead of what I've been doing I like that that makes me happy that I can inspire anybody to do anything whatsoever I watch your videos every day so keep going you got people behind you thank you Gary I appreciate that I appreciate that very much good luck or not folks like to talk crap hiding behind a keyboard you have candy that's the thing I like trusting believe if I have anything to say about anybody I'm gonna find you and you're gonna know it i'ma call I'll put your name right here I'm gonna tell you exactly who I am where I'm from and what I'm trying to say like that's anybody who hides from a name like if you had any couth or truth about what you were saying you would be like this is my name this is what I got to say that's where why you know it's all fake there's just somebody trying to maliciously hurt me and they will pay the price one day soon legally that's the best way to do things is legally buy the book preach it brother get them jack they have a sad life Texas um I would say that that's gonna be like 10 to 12 dollars Nancy to ship it's gonna it's gonna be like two three pounds probably more than ten or twelve bucks I lose a lot of money on shipping when I do things without eBay because I like eBay cuz that already tells me what it is let's see what this purse weighs Mary knows hers fits in a large flat rate box it is not her first rodeo here buying jewelry it's not her second that's gonna be three pounds when you add the box when you add that box it'll be three pounds so yeah it's gonna be like 12 bucks to ship that cuz I'll probably try to get in a medium flat rate which would be cheaper you got God at your back Mike so no need to worry man thank you lady I got the most important thing to have behind your back is yourself that is it I mean I appreciate you know God and energy and all that but the most important thing is you got to have your own back and if you have your own back no one can break you you know that's the thing you have your own self to depend on when you're strong enough and nothing anybody could say or do any place you put your self whatever really could take you down except for yourself you should grow a beard and diet the same clothes your hair with hype it would be hi brother uh well ruthless the thing about that is I did that once I used to have long hair I look like the caveman from the Geico commercials and I tried I dyed my eyebrows stupidest thing I've probably like the third or fourth stupidest thing I've ever done in my life cuz I've done some stupid things I tried dyeing my eyebrows and I made them pink for like a day and I dyed my beard I'm lucky I didn't die or go blind because you're not supposed to inhale all that stuff all the bleach and then I died of paint stupid hello jolly love your positive spirit you're a good man goodbye have a great day adios or Rebecca see you later hi Mia copal works for you and your kids thank you you're a good man thank you hi bran from Ireland hello Brendan your positive attitude makes me smile thank you Diane things like that make me smile how much for the black purse which black purse this black purse right here my guy said okay Rebecca take care law of attraction and positive affirmations yes ruthless you're speaking in my soul right now can I see that you have again option pyre just joined a few minutes ago all right it's your treasure we will go through this again so who is all celebrating today I'm celebrating garage sale day Judy I will go to the same price on that first twenty dollars plus probably twelve something to ship in a medium flat rate got wind Grambling university shirts remember that from the one locker I'm selling might some of my Disney collection I can't sell it all I have to keep something jacket mink coat that came from the Hawaii boxes my Bedell oh can no shoutout to modelo I just I dropped out for the day and did nothing but watching youtube video this is a snap-on fuel injection kit that's awesome I like was just sitting around watching youtube videos more important I like making them that's what makes it fun to me going to start selling on eBay again Mike put outfitting okay we already got that one Mike can you please show me the inside of the purse I will do that Nancy but Judy did ask first so I have to give her a chance of she cuz she did ask first and I'm a fair man just needs to be wiped down but it's actually a really good shape but people you know when they have purses you know a lot of women are not like the cleanest women so they just do stuff like that don't judge them cowgirl purse this is a Versace perfume bag but it's still Versace Versace Versace we've got Michaela Jourdan she's over here selling her own personal possessions these are her Cowboys collection she's trying to make some money so this is her her table here selling my n64 single best game ever made right there we're selling our games we don't play we're selling our Wii system this is cool money right here believe it or not n64 hot 2 really cool he's making my two favorite the memories this these two games right here signifies some of the best years of my life when I was Mikayla Jordan's age when I was basically her age all my homies my homies we all got together and we played double-oh-seven day and night 4 player action split-screen and the same with Diddy Kong as my two favorite games ever I do not have the chip candy I'm sorry I apologize these are not special I'm gonna try to get like 150 for all those this card collection I'm tired of looking at never meet anybody to come down and look at it because they're always like asking too many questions like you know just way too many questions like I want what years and how many of these and you have this and it's like there's 20 damn boxes I'm not going to through them to answer these questions for you it's a card collection I never touched it it's got cool stuff come look at it you know what your Zen is anything from 92 and you have this garden Jesus Christ people everybody gives me hell for the FBI year and I said so much decided stuff for that guy who contacted me on Facebook they're busy oh my god you didn't get the stuff back he never called me again he never called me I tried to give him back his stuff because even though he had already went through it and left what he didn't want I already got the bloopers set aside for you Nancy oh you want to see the inside of the purse I thought you had already uh were decided on that I didn't know let me go back and get that I enjoyed your adventures thank you thank you Mike you see what I said hon Mary you said you sent me the money I believe it's a locker we're at well done Mary Ben hiya bloopers I'm garage dating it up here in Oregon I'm so very envious of you where there mark it is windy here it is windy all the stuff is blowing around oh I'm trying to look in the person that's doing me this one looks like has never been used but okay what we had again I can't keep the conch whoops love buying from Mike thank you Mary I love selling stuff that you appreciate because you are a beautiful woman and very kind do you have the ship for the nth UK what he got that nice one love double seven Star Fox for player was the bomb hey man candy you know what I'm talking about then uh-huh we'll give times a misto a brilliant game thank you boy they get you in shipping so everything money I won't need the purse that's a coach but thank you all right Judy no problem will you take five bucks I don't know what for grape kool-aid the Dooney and blue no mate it's definitely genuine my son and I spent forever playing twisted metal yes I did Mike I'm in recovery and I've got four months and 20 days clean and sober awesome ruthless awesome that looks new keep up the good work how much are you asking for the n64 it's your treasure I'm trying to get a hundred for it like that I was gonna put on eBay basically because I get a little more on eBay for the controllers and everything is a package and double-oh-seven is like one of the best games to sell individually for n64 I'm on the best but it's a very good consistent game to sell by itself and so is the racing how much okay watching your videos keep entertained sir thank you roof lists thanks hi Mike how's the sale going and is it your day is it getting better Michelle my day has been hectic I don't know if you caught the beginners video but I woke up too I went to bed early last night kind of cuz no I didn't I was on YouTube all night what am I talking about I felt like I went to bed I checked out mentally of life because yesterday was just on all levels really testing my patience and then I woke up today to finding out that I left my key at my truck because I was sitting in my truck the other day on I think it was Thursday just chillin and I was music trying to you know soothe my soul so to speak and I left my cut going and I woke up to my car completely dead it took everything I had to get my car to jump my truck took three jumper cables and a trickle down charger off the Honda or two I think three total three total two jumper cables in one trickle down that makes three I took three difference that's the wires to get my truck going today everything was late garage sale was late signs was late setting up was late but we are having a beautiful day always interested see what you find in storage units Hey we'll send money and PayPal will be sending you in can you just send it to Locker we're at Nancy locker where LOC ke r w ar e at good work I just always send his money and friends save some fees he's honest I saw the n64 one controller in five games that's awesome Rufus I think the Canadian dollars somewhat similar to the American dollar so that works out fairly close I'm not positive don't quote me so how is there a base day going out there if you all having a good day are you all hustling grinding rewinding are you all and least taking a day off and breathing in and having peace if nothing else Tracey and Ray what's up what's up Tracey and ring I picked up a Playstation 3 remote control today Mike that's a good one that's a good one it happens shake it off even Hosparus got to get that dust off your shoulders all good in the UK signing it up lazy day for me so far yeah I'm lazy now this is this is my view right here I'm just sitting here at the foot of my garage now I will start probably going through my house and seeing what else I can get rid of in my garage I'm just basically I'm just basically getting rid of everything like I'm very little things I don't really care about material items been through that many times in my life this worse situations than far what I'm in now as a child and I learned to let go of material things a long time ago I enjoy them don't get me wrong but they're very immaterial so I'm gonna get rid of all of them get as much money as I can together let it all ride try to make a better chance of money and you know what is time just buy a new store just start a new life that's my theory the irony of life is as I am the storage option pirate I when I was my son's age we lost our whole entire life in his storage unit somebody stole every bit of our storage unit a 10 by 30 and a garage full and we were homeless because my parents is addictions so to speak and we were actually physically locked out of our house with the sheriff so it was all in the driveway than putting his storage and one day we woke up guys stole it all sold it all and then put in a bonfire so the irony is what I end up buying storage units 20 years later 30 years later almost from hat exact a moment of life so the only thing I have it we have in our entire from the age I was 15 until the debt from the day I was born as of my baby book and a stereo cabinet that has made of rare extinct wood that my dad somehow managed to get back but that's ironing for you so to me I don't let I let go of personal things I used to be a huge collector and all the things that I collected it that's what it took for me to let go of the energy I had two wards towards what happened it was I just let go of material things because I collected a lot of stuff like I had a collection of cards that vassal was vast compared to that one and comic books things like that how hard is it to rent another house two dollars oh those two are also four dollars just making your kids memories you're beautiful I look unlike that's one of the reasons why I watch you thank you Judy I'm not lazy day for me today I got makeup yesterday downsizing a man Jimmy said downsizing wait a lot of ways to look at I'm upgrading I'm getting rid of it all is an upgrade because now I have the freedom to find something better and that's an upgrade of my eyes lazy day for me that's the Makayla Jordan hope you look at here this is my SMI garage sale that's how boring it is she's asleep on the couch literally look at her all right just me having a great day managed going through stuff at the flea market are you going to sell your house no no no it's not my house I don't know what he's gonna do sure we went open the air storage yeah everything was gone yeah coming after they store all my stuff you know yeah yeah be careful yeah I have a good day exactly nice to have some but hold you back I don't get paid till Wednesday either by the Mac PC are ruthless I'm selling that for a hundred it'd be hard to ship to you but it's possible yeah I want a hundred on that is working wow that's terrible mary has seen some pretty pieces was watching me play putting bass again it's okay I'm just doing a live video right now on youtube so it's all right they didn't see you so you want say hello to everybody all right I can show you say hello to the whole world Mary I seen some thanks Mike about the Facebook quit David anytime I appreciate that you did you I'll be here till tomorrow at noon so if you want to drop it back by I anytime Dave the fact that you requested me on friends friends I always say friends book on Facebook makes my day I pressure I pretty much accept anybody's facebook request on my main page cuz you know I'm not do it I got nothing to hide this is the whole point of Facebook is being people's friends you know socializing networking just been chillaxing here in sunny how ironic college is soon David how hard is it to rent another house in America my Canadian jolly we're not gonna discuss that we're gonna discuss that today things happen things happen and yesterday I all I can say is that my mind's not very happy right now and we're gonna leave it that we will discuss it soon because as you know I do talk about everything eventually so the universe is sending good things right away now like unicorn more good if I'm speechless on I don't know what to say I want to say the wrong thing Mary but I get to stare at the unicorn answer that's true hi everybody what's up CDL picker everybody say hello to CDL picker how much for the Versace um it's just a perfume bag I haven't looked it up and I haven't looked it up it's not like super quality purse it's something when you buy perfume it comes with it I'd probably do like 30 bucks and just cuz it's prasat you without looking it up I don't know I can't look back with break my heart um that's it well Jimmy see guy gets the point where when you look back if you choose to it doesn't bother you because if you do look back and it hurts you that means you haven't let go and you still have some form of energy towards it you know like if it hurts like that you you have to learn to let go so it doesn't hurt you anymore because life's too short to be hurt it really is freedom to dream my friends she's tired good vibes to you thank you black crystal dice late but here Makayla is totally knocked out she works hard oh yes she's been a little stressed out the last couple days herself she has a I don't know some things with her with her personal life her family is not going well in her brain so I'm just letting her kind of vent to the herself and deal with it her way cuz yeah we'll leave it at that I can relate my friend can hear the same emotion in your voice I recognize that my own life piles up on us can be damn hard yes yes mark it could be I tune my life around 180 degrees went from a drug addict robbing banks in jail to clean and sober and living legit that's amazing ruthless that really is amazing uh a lot of people fail at doing that they don't they don't know how to see different a lot of people I grew up with I've had to distance myself from that just because I won't be part of the lifestyle in which I was raised in or grow up with and it sucks cuz you have to kind of let go of even people you love and other entities just because it might take you to a place you don't want to be and I have always chose to not live that life but I've lived around a bunch of my life I'm like sorry didn't realize sorry again it's all good jolly good it's all good what's what lady my daughter is over there on couch yeah michaela ha let me go wake her up she needs to work trying to read these comments did you get a girlfriend no Gary I did not get a girlfriend I wish I wish Oh Kayla something if you had a customer here you got a customer you have a customer come deal with your customer Meredith a deals hey sweetie I'm a firm believer in long traction Mike hi California did you get no Gary I didn't I have a woman that I desire and maybe one day if she comes around before it's too late can't wait forever you can't wait for somebody forever but you must follow your heart that's what I say follow your heart morning Mike at auction power up Kim we're just having a garage sale here and now we're in a chat here how much for the Versace bag and think I got that I agree Robbie hey man Mike truth is forgive and forget later can you please give her a big hug from me I will do that Mike just remind yourself this okay grandma loves you and you're a lot of fans who care about you and your kids thank you Mary that's why I appreciate about all you guys that's why I didn't hesitate when I divulged everything I'm in because I try to just keep why people say don't keep it real but I try to be an example no matter what anybody says about me everything you see you you all know who are right here right now know that everything you see is is me I I cannot hide anything I wish that I could sometimes I wish I could could pretend being able to pretend or act would be great but I don't know how to so you know my exact emotions just by the way my face looks on his cameras by the look of my eyes like I'm not able to hide and I can't fake so and you guys helped me through all that everybody out there to watch this shows love show supports every time I get a nice comment anything that's inspirational somebody saying something they've done or somehow anything that I've spoken said or done has changed their next move makes everything priceless and that's more important to me than anything I you hear me say that a lot and that's priceless that is to me everything anything that I could say is priceless is all I'm living for money and things and problems like this they happen but priceless that's a rare that's golden like my kids are stepping up to help with eBay and you that's awesome CD ethic when my daughter steps up a lot with the help in in in eBay when you get going on our eBay in we're gonna put up a bunch of stuff the next few days a lot of stuff that's out here right now if it doesn't sell for something fair will end up on eBay the rest will end up on a flea market on Monday we're gonna blast as much stuff as we can to eBay babe by next Thursday and Friday and try to stack up as much sales to let it all ride Thursday and Friday my two main Buy in days of units I'm gonna go heavy this time I haven't bought a lot in a while and I'm just gonna buy a bunch let it all right and I don't have I don't know Joyce's are slim and just turn a burn now we haven't bought I've been kind of reserved Lee they've been very cautious of what I'm buying so I don't have time for mistakes and I'm not paying certain things just to in order to buy and that is risky because I'm going kind of in a more of a gray area trying to leave myself the ability to do what I have to do to make more money that's risky so I've been trying to be calculated a little bit very cautious and reserved not just buying anything but this week I'm going to change that strategy and we are going to let the dice roll we have a Mike your awesome attitude inspires this little old granny in Texas uh-huh Thank You Deb Mike just getting to live man how's the sale going Josh I don't know if you missed the sale but it's the sale right here this is everything we're selling it's all right here born in 78 I feel we have a lot in common I'll relieve some morals I've got to go awesome ruthless stay positive man stay positive much love what's up Freebird dude I've been here a long time now Pyrrha how's your day good sales today where's Roger Rabbit I don't know who's Roger Rabbit your baby's our prices are all else a second there is a lot of prices things Diane my kids are my most price is the example accomplished in my life but there are other priceless things Mary Harris how's your day these problems are temporary it'll pass as long as you and the kids are healthy a man not to turn and burn rise and conquer they both apply they both applied you mean son you love your kids truly not many people are real thank you key command Rastus it's hard because a lot of people try to turn me from keeping it real um so I've tried to just hone down my reel keeping a little bit kia kaha Mike it seems stand strong hold your head up high awesome Sonny when you get rid of inventory hi Trevor hey do you have a ps3 no I don't say there mu no ps3 is I'm sorry Kathy we do have limits where I live I think you only have two or three a year but I probably most likely will not be in this house much longer so I'm using my time wisely that is the most important thing you can do is use your time wisely like that quote it hangs behind me all the time everything comes the hero hustles while he waits make sure you use that time wisely because time is all we really have period that's a period right there you ever figure out if that Blanco was a Pendleton I actually Josh it's in my trunk I brought that home to eBay we have a little bit of stuff that I didn't bring out to my garage sale because I already know it's just eBay the tubes are going up today maybe all sorts of cool stuff the only way is up wishing all the best from Scotland and your ability to be fake as the reason your people watching right now you have the strength to be positive and choose happiness no matter what life throws you we move past fakes um a man Meredith eat a man I appreciate that uh I really appreciate that you guys are the best you guys really are where are the lobster tails at good can you move to Sacramento I not really raised her um I don't know what I'm gonna do see uh for me personally the part that bugs me and which makes the hardest part for all this for me is the only thing I've ever wanted since my children are born was the ability to let them just be a child and go to school like to like I didn't have the chance to go to school very often like I went to school but it was basically like a big joke I didn't I didn't I was never there I we were homeless pretty much most of my childhood we lived somewhere for four months eight months six months and it never lasted anywhere my parents were in a lot of just negative situations you know bad problems raids things of they're just really were I was in a bad place so I like I went to like three high schools in one year two high schools in one year three middle schools in one year two middle schools in one year and my biggest thing is just always just wanted to let my kids make it to the last day of high school with their friends with the people they grew up with the confidence the ability to just have an education if that's what they choose not have to choose to do things the hard way I have but just basically give them the opportunity and that's the hard part for me is like mckaela's done of school Michaela's done of school right now I've accomplished my goal and she had that opportunity but with Michael I still got three years and I and it kind of bugs me because I don't want to I don't want to make decisions that put him in a place that he I don't know that's my thing like that's the one the only thing I've ever wanted to do this whole time was just give them something that I didn't if I told you my life story you would want to write a book but I came through raise two kids alone and you know the struggle turned out great work hard and healthy a man Blake um trusted me III feel yeah there's a lot of stories I don't tell there's a lot of details we just it's too much I try to keep it very just short and simple you know I got told you guys the other night when I was Michaels age basically I lived in a van for like six months in Northern California I had the van had no tires it was just sitting on the ground in a front yard its life following it's just what which ones that one there would be three bucks yeah they're all from the Disney Store it's those moments that make us who are like I like for a long part of my life I used to be bothered by these things like I ended up therapy I put myself through therapy I put myself through four years of chakra I put myself through Reiki I've tried a lot of different avenues and it came to the conclusion that I appreciate all of those moments that were weighing me down cuz like I love me I love me more than I love any well I can't say that I don't love myself as much I love my kids or a few other people but I love myself you know and I cherish the person I've become I like my strengths I like my attitude I like my sense of humor I like I like what I see in the mirror and I would not be any of that if I didn't have those tough ask times I said a cuss word who not good I haven't said a cuss word in a while darn it I meant to go through and forget how to wipe that out um I appreciate myself and if it wasn't for what my parents even though like they're my uh my heroes now like my best friends because I used to but used to bug me now I cherish because I I became this what I am right here and if I wouldn't beat us if it wasn't for all that life that i-i've lived priceless Campbell I said a bad word darn it I watched my subs are gonna like are my abuser and go down like 50% now tried so hard try so hard that's the hard part about lives like I'm good at editing and I will not put another word like that and editing and I've really actually tried to not speak like that just without the camera on I'm really trying my best just become that person because it makes me think about what bothers people to most about his kids and I see a lot of kids around my life and in general and they're always around I try not to I try my best to not even cuss at all the black and yellow black and red totes cost more than twenty to always believe they're trying to get over I know the feeling stating the facts kids do need to be kids keep up the good work wish you the best mics stay strong anybody else want to say anything have any questions you want to because I'm probably gonna end his life in a minute I'm getting like to uh getting to real and almost emotional here I don't I can't afford to get emotional today it's already been a rough couple of days I feel for single parents took me in hubby both to raise our kids a man marry being a single parent is the hardest job I get that is the hardest thing I need not anything I've ever been through in my life the things I've watched the stuff I've seen people do the heartaches I've ever had none of that compares to being a single parent doing it alone I feel for anybody being a single parent because I've lived it and the power of doing it together is the one thing that I I feel I just think I don't know that's the only thing I seek now is that being able to do something with somebody so much easier 27 different schools you know the idea you know the thing Kingdom you can just make as much as small as as big to get a man John you were a very special person I thank you black crystal I really appreciate that black crystal dice I'm thankful and grateful every thing in life and yourself Canadian dollar round poodle pirate purse I hope you all have I have two of them I have a guy in a girl I have a guy in a girl we haven't named him yet I'm really close to name and then Peter Pan and Tinker Bell that's what I really want to name them the dark pink one is the boy the light pink one is the girl love you I just want you to have an awesome sale and good day Justin I want you to have it even better awesome sale an awesome day I Love You Man appreciate you I feel you also understand yeah so again when you're calling to Dublin stay positive have a good Easter you slipped up a saying curse when you were to pirate I know Kim but I feel like with all that cussing I did four years is really costing me the the energy for you to be say watch this person next and I've I deleted 800 videos I deleted 800 videos one of the hardest things I have ever I had to physically do by pushing a button was deleting 800 videos of my hard work so to speak poodle purse that is gold how do you feel people wanting their belongings back Christopher West if you might have watched recently go check it out but about seven days ago I released a video where I basically just bought a unit and gave it back to a woman but when I have to make eye contact with the person I don't buy their unit there at the auction anywhere around I won't buy their unit if I never have to meet the people it's easy to deal with but I deal with it by I let the I let it go by doing what I do the way I give people deals the way I let go everything at the flea market so somebody can actually use this stuff and put the energy back out to the universe that's how I feel about it that California Sun is giving you a great tan Michigan cold and rainy it is been I was in a tank top yesterday I was in a haven't uh neat the sweater it's cold right now a little bit but I was in a tank top and shorts like a wee bit of emotion goes a long way Mike don't worry about yes John but I'm not trying to cry that's why I'm I don't want to take my glasses off but I'm not trying to cry on camera that's one thing I'm not trying to do is cry okay let me try to get you from emotional do a big smile those lips I don't how did he look I've know that how do you deal with people wanting to belongings back when I was a kid remember my grandpa my granddad say always try to be that person your dog thinks you are think about it makes sense yeah amen amen jolly for me my thing is my best friend before he passed away we spoke like literally he called me over we had this huge conversation and he reminded me that I am a carbon copy of what my daughter will either date or end up with or what my son will become and that was one of the most pivotal things anybody's ever said to me in my entire life is that statement that I am a carbon copy of what my daughter will be with or my son will become the man he will become how do you feel about okay a F Trump from we don't do politics around here Derek is there anybody with a broken heart about putting the resurrection of your son hold it I don't do religion all right thanks for touching on that mom and dad me and Jeff help my parents with flea markets and make money that's awesome that's the way to do it yep now transfer to turf in a community college I love that saying jolly I love you in a family you make K Derrick positive five Derrick from GA trolling my like I said my offer stands if you really need a place I have it for you in sir Matt Sacramento that is awesome Razorback I truly appreciate that I truly appreciate that they turned one into a hundred and help my parents of expenditure cool why awesome Razorback I like hi Mike looking good thank you Thank You rose serious about Mary a cowboy hat from Gucci I believe in you and anything and you could do anything Atlanta thank you John that you guys are the best you guys really are I that's why I sit on like when I come on these lives and I see it for so long because I really I truly enjoy conversating with you guys like like just spending time with you all it's crazy I when I used to play a video game I played it for like eight years and it was when I first online experiences where I ended up with this group of a hundred people that I was kind of like the leader of it and it was so hard to walk away from that game because I really have lost the daily communication that I had with all these people that I spent like hours a day they became my best friends that I never even met and like I'd hurt my heart quitting a video game it's crazy that like it devastated me for like a year I went into shock because I spent eight years everyday just exploring this weird little mystic universe with a hundred people I never met that became like my best friends and that's how I feel now on YouTube as you all are like my best friends you guys are here with me on a day-to-day basis you talk to me you show support and positive energy you actually watch you actually take the time out of your day to watch my ridiculous videos that I put on YouTube and that is that is so priceless to me that anybody takes any time to to watch the nonsense that I have put out I got more than a smile from you you blushed um ever go to different states to look at storage units Christopher I have not I have not other than I've gone to Florida Florida I've never been to Florida in my life I don't know where that came from I went to Vegas no shout out the storage traders for your horrible unit you sold me when you didn't take photos of the first half of the unit I wouldn't have bought it for a dollar but I drove all the way to Vegas spend $1400 and I took it all the dumps Vegas has good auctions I've been watching my friends Laurie and bran if you guys want to subscribe to a cool channel of surging unit videos the game of life is their channel it's my friends Laurie and Branden they were on the show storage hunters that I was on for a couple episodes and they were two couple in the show and they are in Vegas and they just start a channel where they buy units they've been getting some good good units you think it'd be worth it for you guys to check out their channel if you do tell them how the pirate sent you let them know I showed them some love but the game of life they're a cool couple good people and they're like I said they've had some good finds they've had some cool finds in the last couple units they've gotten in Vegas so I am an animal that would rather spend time with animals than most people I am a recluse it's weird you wouldn't imagine that because you everybody I say it's all the time I'm hecka shy and I'm heck of quiet and I'm heck of like a homebody and people don't believe me I think I'm just think this beacon of conversation like I have I have the worst time talking he would ever believe I saw I came face to face with the lady yesterday that I admire and I saw her walking out of a store dressed out of her work attire she was in like you know I'm going out with my kids similar clothes and woman was so darn beautiful like amazing like perfectly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life I saw her yesterday and I couldn't even speak I really like clammed up I said something probably hell is stupid then I mumbled under my breath and I walked away when she was talking to me like I don't never walk away from her and I couldn't even think like I was like I was starstruck by how gorgeous this woman looked and I talked to her almost every day and I know I can at least say words I like walked away as she was talking to me I don't even know what I was doing I got my car and I was like did I just walk away from her as she was talking to me because I am very shy I'm very a nervous person we watch because we know you are genuine and honest that goes a long way real time you have an app all I seem tough I do care used to love awesome jolly check out their channel the game is the game of life for the games of life if you know them then you'll like their their their work I love those guys I have was a fan check them how Gary they have their own YouTube channel the game of life it's kind of like dice in something on there their header but you'll see their videos they've been putting them out a lot all of a sudden they just started Thank You Deb for watching my videos in it giving you any happy feeling you know Mary she can be I like I said I filmed a few episodes of Ark storage hunters that I did with them and they were pretty ruthless they are but they were good they were really kind to me and nice to me when I did that my could keep us going your love quotes every day Thank You Rose I have to make my daily video oh my god what the hell is going on Mike we watch Jeremy what's up buddy I haven't spoken to you on forever where you been I feel like we haven't spoken since like yesterday virgos are home body's in Shaa amen crystal Hales in the house hi Jeremy and George senior waves chat pretty sweet Thank You Diane how do you know a city area has good Christopher don't let any area ever make you think that you don't have a good possibility because a lot of people always say I'm gonna go to the nice areas and I say this all the time when you go to the nicer areas nicer areas have people with more money people with more money have like friends and family and neighbors who help them pay their bills and save their storage or easier situations to accommodate saving their unit when you go to a rougher poorer neighborhood you have a better chance because there's just less overall money but you'd be surprised at some of the best things around places because people overestimate that and people forget that everybody's got money they might just not have it in the bank or an credit or anything but don't let any of that fool you don't let any of that fool you go just go Mike do you live near a via trading no I don't know what that means but no does she have black hair shoulder-length no black crystal dice why do you ask that are you guys have you guys have seen her now like I can't hide her now if you watched the last few videos there's no secret of who the actual person is but yeah she I was I was like starstruck yesterday's woman like came right through the door as I was walking out the grocery store and I just I don't get the chance to see her like that ever and I was like like I was like an 8 year old boy and uh I had a crush on a girl and I did I ran away I don't know what I did I almost don't even remember it I've been watching your channel and Jamie and George I don't know what Katrina said Katerina no they won't we know you're under pressure we all love you thank you and so I'm a Virgo and I prefer to stay in I'm logging off mods to be stalking can you give can you find good units in the hood yes you can you are you said you can auction addicts anonymous oh what's up Jeremy yeah well Wednesday don't forget everybody Wednesday that's a good time thank you very mention that Jeremy next Wednesday coming up on Sunday Monday Tuesday went we will be on jeebus channel at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time 9:00 p.m. Eastern for another cool show like Jeremy said auction addicts Anonymous will be Wade its ventures the Hales Jebus ice myself I believe three of trato might have some Sun but we might have more people on there I'm not gonna go ahead and speak up now and say we'll have more people on there but there may be other people on there I was married and still a single parent Oh Jeremy I heard last night I was watching somebody's live Oh guys look at who we have here I was watching alive last night Jeremy and I heard the tracer hustler saying they were coming my way for an auction soon they mentioned that look who stopped by everybody yeah I'm alive watch your language everybody say hello to Alex here say hi to everybody what up guys whoa story started yeah see ya what's up what's the odds of that coming in his life hi hello hello you big yo big fellow a son who said you're a big girl marry hearts always what AB natural scored on you relax it for the day subdued what's up yeah hello hello whoa stepping his game up you see any climbing everyday nope just back we're just back from the dumb that rat unit probably getting to you uh I'm a Kansan I sleep like an hour on the couch all right oh well big sexy yeah yeah I could stay yeah dude that's me hello Alex I got a surprise visit Liz you wants to say hello to everybody wave everybody's Liz Alex his wife and the little one right Murray were the rest of them oh nice other Alex the subs junk or the subscribers jumped up ten as soon as you came on look at that it's a it's a it's a real perfume bag there may be more option yeah there may be more auction addicts on that next episode Curious George whoa storge stalker has he been working out have you been working out Alex hold on a sec here how do you bid to the doorway with that with that solidness Liz everybody says hello to you too I said hello I'm watching you the hell is his beautiful wife and baby she's so cute Liz and baby I'm asking a hundred for that she is a cutie pie Jim ISA says hi little one so yeah I just do you guys know my phone is I have to end this in just a minute anyway cuz my phone we were at a hundred percent we're down to like almost no percent and uh Mary says oh my god she loves you in oops caps [Music] love that selling machine this sewing machine right here $25 plus shipping there do about 50 or 75 uh no you know what I have dang it you only trying to get me to uh no cowboy I got a cow a cowgirl purse over here but we can't keep this live going forever either Jack I've been on life for 79 minutes I think there's like a limit like you don't want your lives to go on for like six hours because then it like it there's all this value or summons like it's a YouTube role I think see if you can wake Michaela what if we get the hose we get the water hose yeah she went to bed early last night - I'll wake her up wake that child up it's alright if you have another child wake up the child wet toolbox that stackable 120 bucks for all the stuff in it alright is there any stuff in it I think there stuff in it now I gotta get my charge okay Jax I get your charger have a good day vintage toys put option on my page need some toys I have do I have toys I don't think I have any toys I don't have any toys so yeah hope you all have a nice Easter tomorrow I don't know if I'll do it live tomorrow night I usually do one at 7:00 if I do it'll be at 7:00 somebody just bought a Yahtzee game nice whoever you were who bought a Yahtzee game off me just now my hair not not on point today I need to dye my hair she can have whatever she wants I do my biggest customer today so far is Mary yeah she bought all my costume jewelry Mary Mary Mary Alex is asking if I can give you his give him your address show baby again buddy wants to see the baby say good morning say his hello everybody even she's camera shy look at her she's that that's funny she not doesn't do it all so probably like 40 yeah stick your hand in a glass of karma she's got poured a hose on her [Music] so yeah any more questions maybe alive tomorrow tomorrow's Easter today is apparently I heard today is a some form of holiday not that I know but I was on the news or something something about today being a holiday maybe people are gonna enjoy that later Mike now she is priceless oh my god she's adorable you make my day I'm housebound I look forward to seeing you every day Thank You Anne I appreciate that Thomas Anderson you just bought my vintage Yahtzee board you are amazing thank you for that three bucks for that one we're gonna get a lot more stuff up on eBay today and tomorrow in the next few days we're anything that's in my garage everything is going on eBay we're gonna blast eBay locker you're missing it Passover today you make my day so yeah anything else don't forget Wednesdays mark you can take a piece just stop whatever you're doing whatever you're doing right now take a little post-it there you should have like a little post with a little sticky thing on there side right auctions anonymous Wednesday 6 p.m. all of the greatest storage auction youtubers getting together discuss in storage addictions Jebus is channel so if you're not subscribed to treasure hunting with Jebus you're going to want to so that you get his notifications as well and catch you later no but if you can go try using that in the front yard and if you find some I split it with you yeah please post on Instagram Oh Michelle I will make my morning motivational video Matt I'll have Alex help me now he's here he could be part of my more to motivational video I've got to make a video isn't 4/20 a holiday it could be Diane I don't know I don't I'm just saying I heard today was the holiday gonna play some craps 11 you lost 5 for that well I what do you mean by original like 1927 oh look we have a group chat Alex speaking of lies when you're gonna do alive Alex had the conclusion how much money take you to stop crying $20 Alex is failing to get his word he's struggling right now I'm gonna do it live when I have my plan is to buy a little unit something easy so I'm quick to go out I take about 30 45 minutes to Clara Oh so Alex is saying he's gonna go alive from a storage unit soon that'll be his first slide when he gets the next little unit that he could do fast so basically Thursday or Friday you probably gonna do alive or you're probably gonna buy a little unit I didn't know if I'm a buy on Friday cuz I got a beef I got it oh I'm sorry to hear that yeah mary says you were so pretty this thank you she is a huge she said you're pretty too babe thank you you have big kids they're so proud team players no preaching he love your videos brownies for all nobody brought us any brownies today yeah don't eat the brownies and don't eat the brownies how much for your pink hair calling my my my hair has no price where oh that is the Star Wars poster that was in the back of my car storage I'm not using as the backdrop anymore so I'm selling yeah the pink hair is priced I can't sell it Colin thank you though I could teach you how to do it Alex lovely wife and daughter that's four rows told you lovely wife and daughter Alex I call the units that are fast for him probably like 30 I call the units are fast to get dine-and-dash good morning Alex what was Lori and Brandon's channel their channel is the game of life the game of life it has a picture of dice in a casino or something in the background and you'll see right away there videos of Lori and Brandon sure Alex talk to you buddy hand it off to me well yeah so deer in the headlights there you go take over your only live with like a hundred and some people looking at you it's 100 or something in that face sorry god that's kind of caught off guard know what to do so yeah I had subway for yeah but I am gonna do it live pretty soon kind of debate know them I'm a real how do you say how do you say that like you're meticulous person and if it was to Phil I mean I'd probably be heartbroken but I know you guys are good supporters so I don't think you guys will let me get heartbroken but I know most of his fans are my fans so night for all fans so hopefully guys do turn into it tune into it I think Mike's making a sale I think he's selling his daughter over there off the couch go to his Facebook he has a raffle going no I don't know listen to her we can't take his live over and start heavy so do it on the cut no weird I think he's trying right now look at this thing he's gonna come to it girl see though yesterday I'll take 40 bucks for but you got to leave the couch because the couch is precious that's the conversation he just had he saw the kid not the couch what's up what's everybody doing today Easter tomorrow it's already done on Easter you gotta get your bet he got to get his bag I don't know what to tell them what's up guys what's going on that is a nice piece of fur I'm making your lives go down this guy's acting like he never even eggs oh that sounds good a ham steak anything who's called my man - the ham she's trying not to eat meat maybe see my grandkids that's right my kid my kids right now with a grandma um do we buy lockers online no we have it no I think I bought some with Mike online before but I think I'm gonna try - Fresno today nice naughty before you right up the way what anybody dying eggs tonight I'm gonna say hi baby say hi say hi he that's my littlest no more after this one so she don't leave our side because she's uh she is literally the last maybe we're gonna have so we're gonna take advantage of it here Mike's back it's the last year here I can literally forced Mikayla to do eggs cuz she's gonna be Tina tchen attention Avila yeah hell yeah we're doing eggs we're doing possibly forced her to do it we're doing it you are not eating my rabbit that I saved the other day or the unicorn is gonna be very very sad so I hope you're not doing that eating the rabbit uh save the other day I won't it's it's like I think that's his block right that's like his corner he works you know yeah he works that I thinks it's somebody's you know how people used to use pigeons back in the day I think people are martinis and rabbits and they're like in the ground just running things yeah what was that movie the cartoon with the little rally was a little gay because well he could be working the corner too but I don't know how no way I'm going to a fish fry a fish restaurant that sounds fun I'll be on YouTube Facebook and cooking you guys buy lockers online I try not to but I do that's why she's probably sleepers in the warmth - Fresno what seven deadly breaks his beauty hello baby put eggs on boil on your long-distance grandma we needed some long-distance babysitting Mary how far is Mary Justin wants you to have a playdate with Madison okay that's just lays on there yeah I was gonna stop by stop is your store open today Justin last one sure gasps on deck sweet potatoes I've had rabbit having a day with nine grandkids plenty of chocolate shout out to you Rose I hope you have a nice shot of something to calm the nerves when I get a little loud some smooth shot tequila the Lockwood said did you get your rings and a locker a big one is beautiful this was traded and this one my gold guy gave me which one's yours where's your necklace you got there bang didn't my wife didn't uh-huh she didn't wanna this it was it was too big for her her pendant oh it's Jason from storage auction experts what's up Jason oh you had what yeah he's at the gym put his earphones on watching this right now is that where he's at yeah I remember what he told me he said watch this when he's at the gym he gives up motivation we make him sweat look at that I love it I love it Jason uh you I hope you saw yourself in which vlog was not last night he wasn't on it then I heard him in the background saying oh we gotta make a YouTube video but you know but he is when you're at the end of the hallway he's standing right next to you could see his face yeah you're in the one of the videos Jason won't be able to see it alex is one of the sharpest storage buyers you see stuff people miss John clan wars said that about you thank you what's up Tom Cruise what are you doing Justin says they're open Alec saw a babysit of Uncle Mike could come Uncle Michael uh he's off helping ya know I gotta go to this the life has gone on for a hour and a half and I gotta get to work you guys have a good day don't forget huh he's saying what's up to Jason I did well the pedal car your ass man on them thousand subscribers you probably passed that whoo let's we need we need throw stuff for uh that's where you Hawkin us that's my confetti right there laughter nuts hit a thousand subscribers last night everybody he hit the big time they say in YouTube the hardest number to reach in YouTube is the first thousand subs the average person don't make it past it because they give up they don't have hope whatever the reason be and I've heard them people say that they say the first but like again like I say all the time they say everything so you never know yeah that was weird that's good that's a good number thanks Mike thanks to yourself if he's next to me he doesn't get nervous look it's he's fine now no shakin his cheeks aren't rosy now you know put the camera like let's try it let's test the theory hold on a second see you want to say anything uh any goodbyes Liz you want to say anything to the whole world Alex guys are awesome especially you may write that address I'm gonna send you something I got something for you oh he's got a present for Mary yeah something for you Mary it's not Uncle Mike so don't get all excited you know they don't fit in a flat-rate he's kind of sure he's not medium it might be media I'm out of words don't forget 6 p.m. Wednesday tune in for another good live show many videos coming out thanks for watching please check out Alex's channel storage stalker if you haven't already don't forget to check out Locker nuts don't forget to check out the whole rest of the game shout out to the Hales for being so kind and um being my friend and helped me out a lot lately make sure you sub to their channel check out Wade's check out jesus's community storage community just type in the word storage auction filter at the channel and just go through and sub everybody out here playing in this game because they deserve it and
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 12,349
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, extreme unboxing, bought, I bought, treasure hunt
Id: Kwu1HeuMh9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 50sec (5870 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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