HUGE PROFITS in $1500.00 storage unit HOW MUCH DID WE MAKE? In 4 days of work!

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after everything's all said and done this is the exact total of everything we made on this $1500 storage unit huge profits ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages this little video here is basically the $1,500 unit I bought this is me looking at a few the best items making a bunch of sales doing the flea market showing you how much money I made in four days I'm pretty much bought a Friday loaded Saturday film Sunday sold Monday picked up the second load Monday and was done by Wednesday noon everything - things you'll see we have some stuff with a couple consigners and something I kept anyway on with the show don't forget hit the like button don't forget the subscribe button and the share button and tell me how you think about this video where I filmed just boom all this work all-in-one with a total dn and what you thought we'll try to do more if y'all appreciate that Sunday morning and we're critiquing this beautiful piece of furniture we spent a little time looking at the other day I think this is one of the nicest pieces furnitures I've ever found really not just for sake of the price but just because the interesting intricity of it and all the things that embodies the way it looks like look we got a uh some type of silk style almost soaked looking pattern in there very unique you don't see that someone asked me what I would put in this if I kept it I told him probably my daughter's school projects cuz that is my most prized possession that I own and I don't really collect much and I don't think my Disney stuff merits enough to go in a cabinet I like this key it's got a little hole in it male female in like that mom but we dropped it Andy when you think about this piece furniture well you think the best one I ever found oh you had a Napoleon style I knew you're gonna say that the desk that looked just like this except that it was no top on it yeah yeah I think it's in a unit in the back here because the ladies who family bought it off me bought my set up and move it to a unit you know if they ever took the stuff out of here she bought all the I cart prints and everything they were signed they're sitting there in the back and waiting from their not pay the bill again it's gonna happen trust me I feel it this is similar the piece of Beggar's talking but I have this catalog right here from this is one of the greatest genius labor bought the whole unit was appraised it was nuts look at just how paper does everything was just really high off the hook I always talk about this unit we call it Renee so that was her name I just give people names is it very expensive or very expensive are these right here where a massive Mamie by the unities Grissom's right here I went all-in 4500 I knew that unit was amazing as I'm packing us all up right here I wanted to point out this is a really nice piece snakes are dope it is a true fari Jaffar is a very hot name in the world of vintage jewelry it's got some cool stones they're probably not necessarily real but they could be and it's just nice snakes are nice limited-edition sweetheart cottage this was a nice piece for a minute I thought this was real because you see the kind of like dickly print the oh that would have been nice to find a real kinky like a genuine kink a like this oh you'd be able to talking kay well first of all the real ones are this big Oh like this real one is not this big no his real original piece yeah this original is not this big no yeah and there's different levels sometimes they'll have artists to highlight certain part yeah sometimes they'll have professionals highlighting with the review of the artists to ensure that the qualities of the part to his does he put John 3:16 and everyone this is all biblical references yeah and he was from the Bay Area you know he but he's from Loomis Rockland area okay but there's a lot of these but there's different levels this gallery yeah there's like my sister's the Renaissance pieces you know they they're different quality level quality but these can become me and maybe it's a good investment I'm not sure I I would personally like more highlighted pictures yeah art because I if I knew the guy was there making sure that his Styles in the actual artwork the highlighting you know that it makes him more desirable for me versus somebody who was paid to do the highlights yeah that's Judy oh nice this one's pretty nice this is the artist proof maybe if you notice that the highlight is better quality like the when you say highlight you mean the roughness that yeah it's a raised yeah you can't tell them the other paintings like the other one we just saw yeah I didn't have that no highlights right here yeah to bring out the color if you know there's a little red flowers it's gonna have like a little more death to it like his actual paint little pretty that's correct so the highlighting this was actually signed by him yes Allah when it comes to the higher end ones this is this is a higher anyone yeah this is this frame right here it's a higher end frame this is a premium frame premium yeah I like that word it's not the top-of-the-line frame but this is close to it do more like the Renaissance up absolutely stunning yeah they look like a rope here the artist proofs are great well I don't know why manifests hearts and highlighted by skilled artists under the supervision of Thomas Kinkade exactly and now this is the high level your wife's killed like that one huh thanks Mike I'll just say like I don't know how much she's gonna like this nice Joan Rivers she's gonna like this one I liked it I almost thought I could wear that Halloween's coming so this is a must have for your gold jewelry and a Halloween I don't know much money because I need money for the Thomas Kinkade too you know oh yeah very expensive comment below laser Gemma would you would sell all this for if you watch my videos I'd like to know what your idea was we're figuring about two to three grams of gold on that this is all silver this is Joan Rivers a little bit of that what you guys pay for this if you're buying it and what would you sell it for if you're selling and let me know both ends of that spectrum all right hopefully you comment below you got to remember I'm a pirate pirates like the Ternan it's not about maximizing your overall dollar and every piece because there's a million soldiers to get it's about making money and moving on to the next with that being said we sold this coin for 350 we added these two little pieces of gold with no real diamonds in it made of 410 brought this up with these couple pieces all you see right here and the two Thomas Kincade that don't have COAS for a grand total of $900 we paid $1,500 for the unit we are 600 in the red we have not sold anything else we still have lots more to go you'll see at the end of the video obviously as we will have a grand total and we we still have this prized possession I think this is probably the coolest piece still in the unit don't get me wrong so lots to go lots to go and we haven't even opened up none of the actual box leader which we are on our way to do now as I like the state if you haven't seen everything in this unit from start to finish you just go back in the channel you watching the videos and watch all the unboxings just to see oh and let us not forget we still have all this wonderful gold and silver which would probably get us darn near close to profit on this unit eight grams so you got a figure eight grams right off the bat that's another $200 plus the silver it's not a whole lot but that will get us closer to profit for sure being as pirates are obsessed I use the word obsessed with gold silver and gems my strategy has always been in a storage unit that gold and silver pays for the unit and everything else is profit that is my BarNone basis to applying myself to a storage unit when I buy one or why I look for certain quality and levels of units because I always want those three things to cover and a little handful and everything else is profit so I can turn now I know a lot of people in this world business etc setters don't like my turn and burn strategy they want to hold on to everything they want to get the top dollar there's a few reasons why I'm against this one in the storage business it's not about buying one unit milking it and making the maximize profit over a period of time because it doesn't work that way you will actually make less money over time when you're not out there buying buying buying buying buying getting more merchandise to sell now the flip side that also is it takes a lot of money to buy storage units most of us are not independently wealthy we cannot just go spend 1,000 a day mm tomorrow 500 the next day etc etc etc it's about taking the same money you got and rolling it over buying selling paying some bills taking what you got again doing it again trying to get up a little bit more to buy a better one before you got to pay some more bills live life etc etc that is why I turn and burn because in my eyes there is an unlimited supply of almost everything you sell how many things in this world are rare intricate enough that there's not many of them that you're not gonna fight off the most things there's millions of them so I do turn and burn for that reason as well I wanted to throw this out there part of the Turner burn process and you that I just sold a bunch of stuff to bench and I know a lot of people are gonna be like you sold this to cheap and you could have got this much more for that and the fact is I always say something is only worth what somebody's willing to pay you see you can go on the internet anywhere and look for some high price of a buy it now that is not a closed listing that is not a completed sale so first off you have to go as something's completed second of all when you're in the tournament mentality the ability to have somebody who always brings you cash instantly for stuff they want and to be able to get that money to go back to the auction the next day and the next day the next day is priceless you want to have repeat business it's like a rewards program when some when you go to a store and you get rewards you then get a better discount there are certain people who have spent so much money with me they get a discount that nobody else does because they are in they went from like the water program to the paper so they got up into the bronze brass etc etc Benji is somewhere between silver and gold he hasn't quite reached platinum because I don't know if anybody's in my platinum awards program but the fact is the man has spent a lot a lot of money and of eight in almost maybe 10 years we've been doing business together that is priceless she all Mistah live here is a huge pile of gold silver and gems that we found this is the unit has just been pissing gold silver and gems everywhere you look it's just gold silver and gems this is crazy I'll have a total of what I got out of us so far we're up to like 900 with what Benji bought off the art and gold and silver but we will have more of a total soon this is a 14 carat watch this is just one we found another one of these exact watches 14 karat we got gold and silver here we got gold silver look at this gold gold gold gold bracelet just everywhere you look all these silver coins ready all of this like I said at the end of this will have a tone of what everything got out of the street it was if you missed the close-up you can go through and watch the live to see all this video all right so here we are it is Monday morning where's Monday morning right all right just making sure we're getting this $1,500 unit spread out Tony actually showed up early today give everybody give a round of applause right now in the comment section run applause Tony showed up early salt princess we rehired her again she is no longer fired we'll see if she makes it through the day and we're gonna get everything she brought out show you real quick again and what we made off this first load then we will go back to the 1500 our storage unit 15 I don't know how to do that 1500 our storage unit pick up the second load get it ready for Wednesday but we will sell everything else and have a grand total of how much we made all right as I told you guys in the video we were set to step aside for our person who helps us sell stuff so we won't know a total on what this will sell for but we'll add this someday in the future but nonetheless that's what we do for a good stuff outsource what is nice if she shows up here on a Monday morning and hands me $80 we just split it down the middle and net is beautiful if y'all want to see all this stuff I'll put a link to where she lists this stuff so you guys could have an opportunity to buy it one of the hard parts about buying storage units and doing this all without a super big team is you get slowed down by things so what I've been doing I watch this woman for a long time I kind of watch people very honest woman very very kind and I noticed that she salts that we had to talk so I'm gonna have her sell stuff for me and now she's listing stuff to Poshmark and possibly eBay I believe so most the cool women's stuff you saw in this unit so far will be on her links I'll put them in the description below so you could find if you care to look at it make an offer whatever it is and yeah all right so we are going through the first round of gold and silver here in this storage we have a lot more to go but like I said just today is today they will be the final you're done with this haul portion of the gold so far from the storage the starfish wasn't called I want to cry anyway so far we were at 360 just in gold and silver go from this little pile in case y'all missed everything that we got out of the unit if you did go back and watch the videos are coming through it but we're gonna do is just a very quick walk through what we're actually selling here at the flea market and the things that we come out here with the what we're gonna come up with a total win today so I'm gonna walk you through this real quick sold that for 25 and then we will have a total here at the end of this like we're gonna show piece by piece what we got in this unit and I want to show you how I made the profit chunk the furniture right here we've already sold a bunch today as it is Tony you got anything positive to say for the whole world right now be happy I'm a are you Tony how much is that girl Tony are you trying to say I'm not happy or are you just as they like us so they could look at you he watching the Hales not bad with the 360 in gold I'll get the total cuz I already sold Benji $900 we have a lot to go and we're gonna come with that total I was gonna sell a little more gold today but I had to uh didn't have to was at the grandma's house for the live last night he missed the live on this unit you must watch the amazing jewelry hoard that came out of that you this unit but on that live will have the total damage but she wanted a little bit of joy so I gave her like a hundred bucks in gold that I was gonna sell today worth more and regular money but scrap value so kind of spread the love right ladies and gentlemen you'll never believe who's selling it the flea market here today look at these guys treasure hunter with Jebus bow to them out here got a massive load I like it they beat me the flea market today they were here before the chickens got up and the worms they made all the money somewhere over theirs Uncle Mike ladies gentlemen believe it or not he's here with Scott they have a dump run out here just kidding guys don't take it personal and then we have world famous la peanuts over here shout out to Jack Laser denim if you don't know already and don't subscribe to channel here twenty five thousand two day unbelievable all about making money - three months until Michaela is she got this gang of videogames from the storage Scott we're gonna take them to gamestop where you need to get more money in your games then I'm over here I'm teaching amber and Jebus how to make a dollar so I say teach because I want to sound smart come on guys I could just give it all to Georgiana what where is it we are at that point of the day where we're ready to go cuz we got to pick up another units all Prince's tonight and Tony wants to milk this for another $25 and I try to explain in this theory that time is money and I'm paying you the same whether we're here for an extra three hours and I make an extra 600 or I don't if I make $8 a day you get paid the same I make 800 a day you get paid to say so that being said I wanted to give it away and go pick up the rest all are here nice I'm not gonna critique your LoJack we're live on worldwide YouTube here so I won't i won't critique your though huh you did nice how much you made so far you made 300 was this year was this year 200 in something dollar unit 300 or some day this is all pretty much how was that you clean you're right it was I was right huh it was all to somebody's people don't believe with it I actually could see in the boxes I can look in the unit I could tell you what the person looks like because I studied people for years we were furniture I told him but see now he's ability Jana really wanted huh she did she did want that one yeah you got to make your way that's right nonetheless you made money like you made profit on it because I saw the furniture also performing moment on where Facebook marketplace yeah yeah our offer up something I love I miss all the bolts so that's really why I came out today I'm like let me go through all the boxes thoroughly and find those bolts here so you have to go down to what Home Depot and buy some probably how would you sell it for cheaper and let them do the work that's me I'm lazy I'm a pirate you like lazy yeni the blankets but everything else I got a box up and I put in a pile for George now we clean up these few little things get our Tony and Mikayla we'll get this all wrapped up always the fun part Tony taking the money out of his pocket well he's getting a little more organized on those no no he's not I lied there's a Hondo in there he says there's a hundo in his pile okay that will count this real quick we'll come up with our total for the day okay so we are all done with the flea market we are on our way to pick up the last load from this unit second load ever you want to call it and we cleared five hundred dollars after gas salt princess Tony George and flea market interest yes the thing cost me almost 300 bucks to sell at a flea market my that's what it cost me to get out there do everything because I like help and I'm you know I'm kind of exhausted so nonetheless I cleared five hundred dollars not bad with Benji's nine hundred from the pile he bought the gold coin to to Kincaid's and a couple other pieces of jewelry and - don't forget we also sold 360 in gold today so that wasn't even like a flea market oh that's great so you gotta figure out we take out that 360 wasn't that really have a good day but that's why we brought a little bit ago don't forget at the end of this video we're gonna sell the rest to go what you're gonna put us well in the property but that 900 was five hundred fourteen hundred we're still a hundred out on the cost of the unit the rest has been expensive so whatever we write that off it comes out what we do 100 ago one more flea market load also I'll put the link below we got the woman selling fresh on posh Mart's my friend I'm at the flea market she took a lot of stuff from this unit itself me so I will have an income coming in for a couple months probably released a couple weeks don't know when she gets it up she took probably like 30 40 items so yeah it's the way I've been doing things outsourcing and then the money comes in constantly when you need every Monday Wednesday should bring me some money good Avenue I'll put the link below we will still have the desk because I'm gonna keep that I think and here we are we're gonna get this last bit of this load we got all boxes pretty much all the cool sellable stuff tiny bit of furniture for Wednesday we're gonna get it wrapped up because we want to go the auctions on Tuesday and play cowboys and Indians so we got to be prepared so we don't have to work tomorrow we will have everything processed put to the right places ready to be sold and by the time we're done with this video at the end of Wednesday flea market we'll know at exact total what we made or what we have coming in for the future so just stay tuned alright it is 6:00 in the morning I think well let me assume it's double check I like 6:43 we're late and we're at the flea market time to get this whole load unloaded we got a little bit of extra than most of it from the $1,500 you know we're gonna finish up we're gonna sell everything we're gonna cash out and we're gonna let you know exactly what we made because that's rewind look at this ladies Jim and Tony gone on this locker where today is fresh Nikes that means he's gonna be like aerodynamic today same with Makayla she got on her locker where she was your brother - all right ladies you know my favorite part of the morning always it's more fun when you do stuff some MFE action we're getting rid of gold not getting away we're selling it and we're gonna try to sell our silver differently today this is everything from the unit laid out all night through that game I'd use I do pretty work sometimes when I'm feeling like I'm at all just rest rest rest I'm gonna try to sell it me a piece okay you little bit look about 15 while they are going through the stuff the jewelry before I let anybody look at that later cuz they're gonna scrap some whatever whatever we're gonna quit looking to sell this I know you guys all the time choke choke choke just sale come soon in that board then on to the dentist but to give the lady thank you little bit of stuff here from the previous units if you remember the safety unit for eleven or twelve hundred we got that art there still we got some hardy parts from the hardy they wouldn't let us keep there's a shelf from this unit and that's the lift me he tried the mysteries off right saw that whatever you can get 1814 character two watches at that price this is what I like math lady German right here ladies and gentlemen 1580 before you remember I paid zero zero for the money 59 for the unit pay for just gold silver heavy was sold silver and we've already been somewhere what do you spend a hundred twenty it's this time Tony come on Tony sold up twenty that cabinet do you want it for no gun Tony come on see now we're not desperate or you take it bring out one hundred times oh my god it's a dollar Charles R buy anything for a dollar one dollar each everything when's he gonna buy some for a buck you buy something for about to add to my total you owe me you owe me 120 it's time to go right to free no he doesn't have some days off this well he called Tony the milk man he will milk everything we can get I can get 37 more cents Byron's Tony oh here's the Stalin plastic totes full of stuff that's how much you got for them no like I asked him how much you give that to know Oh the plastic man the hotels dentist or book huh you saw the hotel for two months everything's over here just gives everything away to every woman you trying to get a girlfriend hey man take this take this Tony got like 132 side chicks everything's a dollar dollar dollar dollar here we are the suit time it is now we got twenty thirty four she's sitting down customers are just waiting to lingering for the free Tony's over here playing hi it's mine I'll give you a great deal because you got a cute smile and Charles is watching everybody he does does not stop guys we found another envelope a wire basket a beer cooler you know my face mug what is that an Avis only you yes only you a final paper clip today no paper clips Charles loves paper clips nine envelopes pencils and permanent markers office supplies yep little the little folders you put in the file cabinets and post-its pencil sharpeners you big squares cookbooks oh right huh what's wrong Google what value I want to ask you that cuz you said you want to be able to make a recipe that nobody has had at this party with wouldn't Google be a better way but you find something that authentic that's not listed on Google I'm sure there's a lots of stuff on Google but don't of the books that's what all originated from Google I'm not gonna stand by his statement I didn't I didn't say he did gratis ooh no plastic totes fill up a box don't put it on the ground back and stack it as you guys can tell Benjy speaks Spanish gratis gratis nothing really matter if a is the same like giving all the George saves a little bit but yeah a little bit it's a little bit of a swing gratis gratis I think the speaker's now so now the speaker is fine dollar sale free sales done now we're making a little pile for George and the trailer huh oh thank you right here trash load done and consolidated right we're good to go furniture lady picks that up so that's already taken care of Tony away for his girl to come get it I called his girl cuz he got like 142 of them now she will take that as well let's see what he does keep pulling it out that's everything Mookie's you're gonna need those money management all right let's see we got here real quick all right so that is a wrap for this storage unit now let's go through everything right here we have this jewelry left the silver left itself first off for waiting can continue any farther we have we have $2,100 right here basically it's a twenty two thousand eighty two thousand eighty right here after selling for two days we bought the unit Friday we moved to load Saturday we filmed everything Sunday we sold Monday picked up the rest Monday then sold the day and we're done Z's units over with as well there was a mass amount expenses on top of break and even basically we made two thousand dollars in those four days of work put money in my pocket mm after expenses now the universe fifteen hundred dollars actually no but we were at fifteen hundred was paid for okay so twenty one hundred dollars basically in profit the woman who sells for me on the international market where a lot of this nice stuff that I have a lot left I'm gonna be making money over the next couple of months cuz she lists everything to Poshmark and then brings me money every day I have new stuff for her so she already brought me eighty today from that unit basically the money's just gonna keep coming but we put twenty 100 cash four days of work expenses we're high if it cost me three hundred trip so we got employment Tony made money George made money Michaela made money that came off the top two so I don't even call that an expense really fifteen under for the unit but it was probably another seven hundred and expenses on top of that plus the twenty one in my pocket that's the turning burn mentality that is exactly why I do things the way I do it because for days turn and burn yes I could have listed milked everything for a few more dollars the fact is I'm done there's a there's a silver collection here that's about three four hundred bucks there is a mass amount of costume jewelry that's going to my costume consign of Mary hair so I'll put the eBay link in that so if you're interested in any of the costume jewelry so basically we got money coming in we've got at least another thousand plus coming in over time for our share of letting somebody else help which is nice because we're creating revenue streams for other people on top of making money now if you're not uh if you're if some people think that I don't milk my money enough I don't pay attention I don't know what I'm doing but the fact is I have a very strict business plan that has been successful for me and that's the way I do it so that's why I'm doing these little videos like this to give you guys an insight on from start to finish the way I do and how you can operate it takes money to make money and not to mention we also have that beautiful desk that I'm not sure I'm gonna keep not sure I'm gonna sell Benji's been offering three I want five aren't sure what to do with it so I think this was a basically a little bit easy home run I think if you think about the grand scheme of things one thing that may be hard for other people trying to repeat the system that I use for buying and selling storage units is that we have a luxury here in the Bay Area California that weather is amazing in California and we have flea markets almost every day of the week so I could go Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays I can even do Tuesdays and Fridays if I really wanted to weakens are kind of slowly lately but the fact is I have a blessing to be able to use the system I do it's hard to turn a burn if you're not on a wave length of letting go and being able to move it fast enough so understand that if you try to emulate this system that I use just wanted to throw that out there totally forgot soft music there we still have the coins in that ring to sell I had left him in the storage because somebody's coming to get them and nonetheless that's another sale in this unit all the silver coins the time and ring and then plus we making an adding some more costume jewelry into the sale too right then in the boom would you sell everything here this is costume a little bit of silver a name-brand a little bit of silver got a name on electro delivers then the silver coins wear quarters a couple maybe four and half dollar silver coins and this diamond ring with the price tag of 1200 on it would you sell that all for five hundred sixty bucks comment below if you would do that just out of curiosity that 560 combined with the 2160 makes 2660 2720 total profit four solid days of work not even hard days they were just days of work a little bit of this a little bit of that then we have at least 1500 coming in and consignment jewelry silver and also purses at least 59 it could be more that means they're gonna sell 3,000 I'm gonna get half but twenty seven twenty plus fifteen hundred and four days of work not bad not bad at all I love my job like I always say scared money don't make money
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 16,353
Rating: 4.9402428 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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