Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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Wow we're live when I was alive well before I men alive for forty two and a half years [Music] what hails of a week one hails of bleep oh my one day everyone George you know what I got in my hands this right here is the guitar that you found in the how much did we pay for this unit six hundred and twenty one dollars tax and some odd cents after taxes and this is the actual guitar dirty we should do a little work and try and see if it works so we can determine if we resell it or not what do you think I think you should play a Christmas song because season boss boring now I'm allowed to play Christmas yeah Christmas is right around the corner now I'm allowed to play Christmas songs well if you get your golden microphone that you found in the same unit and you sing with me then I found this rolls rose gold microphone in the same unit that the guitar within I was gonna use this for the male song but we don't have mail we don't have mail so this is the microphone microphone are you ready I'm the bossy one it goes like this dashing through the snow or summer been slay the fields we go laughs babes all the way let me hear your best laughs Halloween games fear is bride [Applause] [Music] it sounds pretty good a day or two I take a ride and soon miss Georgie's George was seated by my side [Music] [Music] it's not coming off [Music] [Music] [Music] there you have it the guitar this is the guitar from the six hundred and $20 $21 and I forget how many odd cents unit this is what was inside the case pretty awesome works well we got it tested there and apparently the mic the mic must work well to for it to be right down my throat so we got a lot to cover tonight don't we I think I think the folks down the hall the folks on both ends of the room can hear the folks upstairs the folks downstairs yeah everybody they're there absolutely everywhere so that'll be a ton of fun we have so so so very much to cover how do we even get them back on where don't even start what the hails is even going on where do we even start how about last week before the winter storm came into Ohio we got in the trunk and what did we end up doing we just started driving south and we stopped let's see we stopped in Elkin Indiana which is North Carolina and no it would be Indiana that's why it's called Elkin Indiana and then we stopped in North Carolina we had a meet up in North Carolina and it was amazing and and oh wait that's right we weren't in Indiana elk in North Carolina that's what I just said you did yeah found it and he said no elephant Indian with confidence better so we stopped in North Carolina okay North Carolina then we stopped in somewhere in Georgia right we stopped in Georgia but the pool wasn't working so then we left shortly and Jacksonville was only 45 minutes our hour in like 15 so we went to Jacksonville and set instead so we ended up in Jacksonville and from there we decided we were going where and then from Jacksonville we decided to come to West Palm Beach area so we were in the West Palm right now we're in the West Palm Beach area but technically we're in Juno Beach so technically we were supposed to be in Fort Lauderdale today today yeah we were Richard Morrow no we were leaving today we had to renew we had to renew the the room extend our stay hotel that we're in today we are supposed to be in Fort Lauderdale but we are not so plans completely and totally changed yeah because there is a huge there's a huge public storage oxen run here in West Palm again tomorrow and we saw safe and we also were told a story by the manager that $30,000 cash was found in a dresser in a dresser they found $30,000 cash now hashtag no counterfeit here's here's the other thing that goes on down in this area which Donatella could probably tell you best okay but what goes down in this area there's a huge Haitian population and so what happens and not only there's other populations as well there's drug money basically so the $30,000 was drug money we also have heard stories about the Haitians getting guns and Firearms I'm sticking those all any mattresses and then they ship those in containers back to hate to Haiti so we're hoping we get one of those mattresses mattresses used to be the arch-nemesis mattresses now buying every single one of them after that well we try it especially here in Florida but we try a member when we sliced open the mattress to look for money and all we found was a coil that's Ohio we don't have Haitians in Ohio sending weapons over to enough country flipping for profit Merry Christmas safe travels by George some hot chocolate check out our new channel when check out the new channel when you're killing time on the road thanks guys god bless that was a big one yeah Donatello's in the chat right now so she can tell you we need mattresses after operated after that story we absolutely need mattresses because mattresses are being filled with firearms and shipped over to Asia so I and money and the whole deal so we found ok so Donna is the only one that has video I don't have video over this George doesn't have video this Donna is the only one who has a video very short clip of me bidding on a unit with a safe in it I don't remember how much I bid I don't remember how much it actually went for you well the unit sold close to a thousand dollars and then you tapped out I think at like 800 somewhere around there something yeah so you you see so many units you start forgetting what Ashley saw flick Sarge is very strict about recording taking pictures on their property and he the district manager caught her real quick district manager told her you delete that right now and over wait afford to delete it but she just brought it right back out of her deleted folder and she still has it if you have an iPhone there's a recover folder so her and I went back and recovered it and he was literally like a second not even JC Walker just sent five dollars Merry Christmas Jeremy and George Merry Christmas right back to Jesse Walker JC oh that sounds like George okay so we definitely have to go on this run because Sean the actual manager told me that this was he's like this is the one you have to be on you have to be on this one it's better this is the better run his this is the money is found not only that today and they haven't seen this video yet you will not see the video till tomorrow we were at a facility today where they found a one hundred and twenty thousand dollar Cassius Clay which was Muhammad Ali before he changed his name Cassius Clay boxing robe in a unit here in Florida sold it for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars that's where we were today but you won't see that video until tomorrow we have so much to cover oh my goodness I actually I'm thinking right now that I probably should go back up north get the camper and just stay down here for a while tell them why we didn't bring the camper well the camper originally were supposed to be on the road beginning of January in the camper Hinton state state state state state so there's multiple factors of why that's not happening right now but number one factor is the camper is actually in for repairs now they're just minor minor repairs like I want a new awning I want a new awning on it before I take it out so that you know you're on Ian's get get sun dried and all of that so I got to get a new awning there's some soft spots in the floor and I want that rebuilt by the way this is what George found in the thrift store shopping challenge and that's pretty common so far that's pretty incredible yeah just so show them the pin they don't know about this yet they haven't seen the video you'll see the video tomorrow you'll see the video tomorrow you can't read it but you'll see it tomorrow you can't read backwards cleverly disguised as a responsible adult doctor flippin thrist McKay says Merry Christmas happy new year thanks pray and Debbie all the way from Texas do you think it's do you think it's warm in Texas I did look at the weather because I still had Dallas saved in my list of places for weather oh they're at about they're about 60 about 60 yeah we were we were the mid 70s today as a matter of fact I got to pet a pelican today and you got to see a pelican swallow an entire fish hole so that was pretty amazing that was pretty cool Joe Wilson is in the chat what's up Steve's is what's know hello you too are you still coming to even Park we yeah it was wrong a schedule yes but I don't know we're in the middle of Florida what we we we will we will let everybody know where we're headed headed not hitted actually we are kind of hidden tonight we'll let you know where we're headed next so we we are not staying here in West Palm Beach we actually are leaving Tuesday so we are checking out West Palm Tuesday where we're leaving West Palm and then we're headed somewhere to somewhere else we actually already have reservations so those can be changed because they already have about a million times already it's based on whatever at any point in time so that will be changed but dr. flip it says not at night it's 13 degrees 13 in West Texas that's what 13 degrees does makes the Hulk hungry yeah that's not a good thing at all not a good thing at all but we will be revealing where we are headed next now Saturday do you want to tell everybody what we did on Saturday Saturday that was the meet up was the meet up we did have the meet up with other storage unit buyers and other resellers in West Palm Beach it was a nice turnout it wasn't too many people I feel like too many people would eliminate from us being able to spend one-on-one time with with the people that came to the but I did post a picture today on both Instagram and Facebook and I don't want to brag but if you check out Donna's live of the Meetup I was kicking some butt like in 12 minutes live so make sure you check out her channel she's got a 12-minute of the meat of the meat of the meetup Steve Kelly just sent $2 CDs we'll be late had some family issues arise thank you Steve and then Brian Walter just sent us that was one for each dollar that was one for each dollar again that's not it we have more we have more Becky winery just sent check out my new youtube channel storage smashers of Florida storage smashers like this you need to get one of these you really need to get one of these Becky you should go in or maybe that could be actually nervous this could be your thumbnail every single every single one could be like this what do you think that's pretty cool Becky we didn't get to see Becky in Florida did we I don't know what part of Florida Becky lives in okay all right Will Smith says in Northern Ireland it's 2:15 a.m. there whoa and west palm Florida it is based on my laptop 616 but based on reality it's 916 yeah you're like on Pacific time or something I thinks it is just sent two dollars Merry Christmas Jeremy George [Music] appreciated merry Christmas to you as well I tip my tree Oh show everyone your tree it's kind of cut off right now it's got the star on the top it fits them well I think Mick Draper just sent a buck 99 two hour drive to Fort Myers come on over Fort Myers yeah does that were Mickey's I think so are you serious I think so make are you from Fort Myers I think I want to say she's from the Fort Myer area right next to Sanibel Island Mick are you right next to Sanibel Island because she said just sent 299 towards some new underwear oh my goodness I found some holy ones in one of the units now remember if you're just tuning in crusty ones we have to survive off of everything that we find in our units are thrifting okay and if we can pawn or if we can generate income from selling gold or from bartering or trading that works as well and Rick just sent five dollars just for all the great entertainment oh thanks Frank Merry Christmas I think there's wave skipped one died skip won't let me see what I can find let me see what I come we have so much to do tonight we've got so much - okay two-hour drive to Fort Myers that was Mick we got that we got that one we got I think we're good okay I think we have them all okay so we've bought how many units we've bought four units as of today we've got four units four units and then you won't see the fourth one until tomorrow yeah I have to stay up all night and edit that and then I have to go on a huge auction run tomorrow and then I have to edit that so you can see that and right now you're thinking when do you sleep Jeremy I don't at sleep o clock yeah I don't in all reality I don't locker nuts just sent five dollars how much money did you guys bring start with your road trip [Applause] thanks to that is a great question Jack do you know how much money we even brought I don't I honestly don't know I'm we'll just we'll sum it up this way enough but that is only for buying storage units that we have to survive and everything else in there we have so we'll just say enough and then you have to survive off of that with storage unit buying because we honestly have no clue how long we're on the road for either so you had to bring enough to actually make sure that you don't know we don't right now we don't have an agenda we're just kind of winging it and this is my first time ever doing this where I'm just like let's wing it Jonathan Ross Barry said Merry Christmas Jeremy George no you were not angry Jonathan okay and then merry Christmas to you too John Merry Christmas okay Mick Draper just sent Mick just said yes right by Santa Bell Idaho and Florida condos all right we'll definitely keep that in mind mate do you have any spare room do you Airbnb Mick we are we are I was actually looking at I downloaded the Airbnb app and I was looking at houses that were air B&B din the Sanibel Island on the island and around suna bo island and okay so since she's already told you that she's looking at Airbnb zwi might as well tell them where we're going next we're going to Sanibel Island next so technically technically we're actually going to fort for miners know which is only like 30 minutes away from Santa Sanibel so we're gonna be in that area so we're going we're going to Fort Myers yeah to spend Christmas on Sanibel because the sand there is super white like snow we're going treasure hunting baby powder white so for those who aren't aware which Mick and Mick and verify this for you Sanibel Island is one of the greatest shelling places in the world it's it's it's hailed as the greatest place to go shelling and for those of you did you say what's shelling it's not like hail Xena is it no it's shelling it's going and you comb the beaches for the shells and some shells can be worth hundreds and some shells can be worth thousands and so we're actually going to Sanibel which is one of the most expensive places to actually live we're going to treasure hunt ok so we will always always you all the resellers I think can relate when you guys are out sourcing you're always treasure hunting like we are Steve Wilson said he's got a storage unit that we can get in what nice what I wonder if Mick Draper says yes my memory is like in a frenzy and probably she has so Mikasa [Laughter] friends condo nice right she has soap that's better than we're doing right now we found one bar one bar so far there's a bar I agree I think yeah one bar one bar so remember we have to survive off of what we actually find and that was the whole challenge that we have to find it and then we have to either flip it survive the whole deal so it's not about profit per se it's about surviving out on the road yes and thus far it's been it's Florida hasn't had the essentials that we usually find in Ohio units like wait yeah yeah we have now yeah we found porn balloons we found toys balloons okay you know what they're exactly the same they're the same they're the same we did fun did we find a Christmas tree we did find a Christmas tree too right didn't we we probably probably didn't show it I thought we found one no nope I guess we didn't find one thing so adventures with the hubsan said Merry Christmas Jeremy and George and everyone in the chat heatwave in Ohio 50 degrees to you amazing in Ohio that's amazing right now you keep your 50 we're still not coming back Mary Mary Chris so we have so much to go over we have found yeah oops I just dropped one we have found so much IT and tech and actually this isn't even all of it one two when I do it the memory card for oh okay four laptops well they only know you only know about three laptops so far if you've been daily watching you know about three but yes we have found a fourth but you'll find out about that tomorrow so the fourth one is not in today's that will be in tomorrow's and which will show you next Sunday you were able to get number four powered up yeah okay so number four does power ups yes cool tip okay so let's make sure I didn't miss any nope Jill Presley sent a super cat will you be coming a little further north to Tampa I would love to go to auctions with you you have to stay tuned it's like these people read our minds readers do you a crystal ball that you find somebody telling Debra just said you're wearing the Christmas tree are we going live when we have these these conversations it's private conversations about where we go because this is this is weird okay so we've got a ton of stuff to cover here right okay so you did okay this was the this was the D s from the $621 unit that's all I remember it so odd cents after taxes okay now add es you can power on especially the D s this is this is the 3ds XL okay slightly bigger the screens bigger is that way you call me your SL you just call me all right all right so so we have the D s right here and you can take pictures with the DS just like you could have phone it operates the same way make sense another super chat okay would it makes a she said something about a soft couch yes because this one is horrible this couch is literally horrible it's bad we had to go to Walmart and get a mattress topper if Donna is in the chat Donna will tell you how bad my back has been so they've given me tiger balm patches for my back like lighting those lidocaine patches her son is lifting stuff instead of me lidocaine patches the slightest thing will throw my back on so the tiger balm didn't help at all nothing tasted on there nothing helps my back the pads that we found the only what we did find we found patches in that was the stolen military bag it was that was $150 okay that was Jacksonville we bought that one in Jackson we found back heating pads and we actually used that and hope Donna just a super chat Merry Christmas everyone thanks Jeremy and George for all the love got a run Donna's gonna oh and Donna o'clock she does her live auction so weak so weak yeah it wasn't extra there we go there we go okay so we found the back patches for my back and nothing nothing literally we had to go we spent ibuprofen he ran an ibuprofen we ran out I be pro fend for the what do you call that when your muscles okay so anyways hit and ibuprofen like crazy and then basically went and bought a memory foam topper from Walmart and that was it something like that you won't find in a storage unit so we couldn't wait had to be that first necessity yes so we have bought didn't he wouldn't have been able to it literally gets to the point I can't walk yeah so and usually you get to bend the rules a little bit because I will be bent over hunched over for about an hour before I can even stand up straight in the morning it gets that bad okay so cliff woods just cliff woods just sent five dollars stop by the shell Factory in Fort Myers while you are there the shell Factory I've been to a lot of shell places but I don't remember you have to go check it out thanks for the tip we appreciate it okay we are onto the D s so the issue with the D s is the Excel Nintendo DSi XL DS we sell great okay but we did not and we did check everything we did not find the actual charger so the charger would go in there and it would power up so that we could actually see what's on it unfortunately we can't see what's on this so that one we have to set but don't worry I have all of this memory cards and two other laptops still let's take a question before we get on to anything else Elbe Cuba naso says I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas very blessed new year filled with lots of love appreciated Oscar to you from us to your family thank you so much Oscar and storage storage legend says Crocker you get my money for them Karen said watch taking those pills they're bad for your kidneys yes he's limiting them and not overdoing it no I'm taking a bunch of them Mick Draper just send another buck 99 soap soft couch and muscle relaxant drugs see you later George thank you man okay Oh someone's saying rub a 55:35 trust me what is a 535 Robert Dennis said rub a 305 trust me I have no idea but what I do know both these cell phones came from the military bag thief's unit yeah so this is the unit we paid a hundred and fifty dollars for then you got fees on top of that percentage I don't know you're looking at about roughly $200 so so we we after putting going through the unit we figured that we learned that we quickly learn based on paperwork that he worked for a military base and he was a thief he was fired because of it he was on the cleaning crew he found some of the evidence in the internet and most shockingly he had speeding tickets and I don't even think that's even I think he probably had overdue library books as well I'm I'm almost I'm almost certain he fits the profile so that being said we have these two these two cell phones okay so I sound like people in our our Commons I don't know just I don't know and trust me I know these I know that person would do this okay so we have these these are both from that unit they are both Z tes okay and they're both smartphones yes Jill he was stealing cleaning supplies yes we found like the industrial size like paper towels we found rolls of those which we ended up giving to who we actually those were great for my big backside but we gave them to Donna so Donna could actually use those to clean things up as well she's selling and flipping stuff so we once we found the actual toilet paper I thought well okay dad this could be a little meter wall in your back she has walked on my back non-stop she actually has to walk on my back all the time for me to even be able to to get up off the couch yeah I can't even move until something along those lines happens so which is gonna gonna be rough when when a little lady no there's that no I don't get that kind of treatment unfortunately so so so we have these two cell phones do you want to tell them about the cell phones you see that this is my sure yes I'm having I'm having a brain fart right now she's completely lost so I give her the Segway and then she's like [Music] so these came from the thief's unit right Logan adventure says they propagate my brother Jay Walker it's probably littering and I think it probably spits his gum out in the road and it's not even biodegradable probably not probably not even biodegradable okay so these came from the unit both ZV teas you would think with 2 ZD T's there would be a charger right you would think that right I mean if you're gonna steal foam why not still charge her too we're not saying you stole the phones we don't know about the phones we do have paper evidence remember we don't show you everything we were in there all day you see just a 25-minute video she does okay so we found these and we can't power on they're dead so until we can find a charger which we don't have chargers or it looks like it looks like see this this is the old Samsung so it is it's the old Samsung charging port I don't know what you call that but you can see that there which my old ss8 was before I got the s9 or I had the s7 but I don't have it because I upgraded to an s9 I have it so I upgraded to an s9 after I broke my screen I just upgraded and so now I don't have these cables so normally we would have had these cables in the past but we don't so we can't charge them yet we would love to because we think there's they're called micro USB thank you and then you have the new the new iPhone charger because I have an iPhone so these two we can't get into cause I bet he uses one-ply toilet paper the guy from this unit oh man might as well just use your fingers okay so we have I don't know that it's anywhere from five hundred to a thousand smartphones now this is when I say this this is when I get a million requests email Jeremy will you send me one no I will not send you one don't ask for one I won't send it I have no idea if they work I don't test them they sit there I'll do something with them someday but I'm not going to ship anything that's untested and broken at that point it's just four parts and we'd hate for you to receive it and then be disappointed because it doesn't work second chance sent five dollars Merry Christmas everyone Jeremy's here some cash for some raw cookie dough yeah did I get you or did you already know I actually made a post on Facebook about eating raw cookie dough so that's what he's talking about so but really the person who likes cookie dough the most in this in this life is not me who is it really because you eat it all so hum i buy so I'm like he'll eat it all in one the funny thing she likes to tell everybody that Jeremy's so picky he's so woojae I don't even know what that means I'm a simplest person in the world I wear the same clothes every single day I mean how much more simple does it get that all I want to eat is a chicken chicken nuggets macaroni and cheese and french fries or a burger it's that simple her I have to have I have to have cookie dough I have to have taste I don't say I have to have it to have it I have to have a righty and I'll Drive everywhere to find cookie dough although she said today do you want to tell him what you say I know do you want to tell him what you said today about what I said a lot of things today you said if I'm good today can we get ice yeah we are joking him and I have a lot of inside jokes oh my goodness that was right after you and then you said to if I'm good today can I can't repeat it but my response was you're not being good at all listen to you there's no way you're getting ice cream no they're gonna go off on that okay so let's go on to the where how are we doing on time hey by the way we're probably gonna go over tonight we got a lot of things to cover okay Roger Moore just said Merry Christmas Jeremy and George Roger I don't appreciate you calling me a hi I understand the vest look sorry buddy it's the best I know it's the best Roger you need to calm yourself down go get some ice if you need it a little cold shower you know whatever it is that you think you need you just bring it down extinguish it down a notch okay all right just chillin says you guys Rock just chillin you rock as well and let's see let's get into this let's go ice cream at Dairy Queen hands down is like one of the best ice cream places you can't go wrong flippin adventure said you know that saying if you can't be good be good at it she's so a lot of things so I get in trouble if I even repeat it but she's been she'd been feisty that's for sure okay so um Dolly wants know Georgia to bring me cookie did you bring cookies for me yet no dolly I was gonna make you cookies if you came to the auction that one time and I think you got busy and couldn't come onto the tablet where did this tablet come from this came from that one came from this today's today we found to tap was brand new yeah baby don't really I shouldn't I said that that these are not the tablets we found in today's unit that you will see tomorrow okay but this was from the guitar unit this had to be from the guitar unit remember the unit yet we were at today the unit we were at today is the same location somebody bought a storage unit and they found a Cassius Clay which is Mohammed Ali boxing robe they sold it online for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars that's where we were at today buying and we got the unit today for $60 but you won't see that till tomorrow this was this was in the $621 unit again that's what taxes I can't remember the guitar unit we'll just say the guitar you cuz we didn't find any tablets from the safe unit the safe and trunk unit yeah that's true yeah yep the safe and trunk unit yep I already forgot all about or maybe we did maybe this is from that maybe okay so this is either from the guitar unit or from the safe and trunk unit we can't remember where their tablets in there maybe you guys know do you guys remember where their tablets in the safe and trunk unit I know the laptops were in the guitar unit let me see here let's see what they say do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do to do Robert Lee says what's up uh yeah Rickman in says I love your show Rick we think we actually can't stand our show it's it's on our nerves it gets on our nerves we don't watch it we're not sure why anybody else I go back and watch it every well she does I don't I can't take it I can't take it um let's see my parents had my oh no no no no no hi guys they're just you look cute with that hat Jeremy you too George don't remember brain farts oh yeah somebody else is having brain farts - Deb Yvonne is having brain fart Debbie yes Debbie mentioned earlier have brain farts yes storage plunder says say that takes a charge around the phones which is correct how's it going to any kind person did I watch The Times and YouTube merry merry Christmas pops immersive Merry Christmas ironsmith so Aaron Smith is in there okay I don't see anybody recognizing this from the safe and so probably the guitar unit so this is an lg tablet right and as RT has been stated takes the exact same charger and unfortunately and we've been trying to keep the cords from any of the units that we actually realize those better brains in other areas it was good charlie okay so this tablet we could not charge it will not power up okay so I've got the power button right now pushed in will not power up and we're not going to be able to figure out what's on this one because we can't charge it yet doesn't we're gonna find charger in a unit we have a huge run tomorrow there's like 200 units posted right now and it's supposed to be the best and so doesn't mean we're not gonna buy and we're not gonna figure it all out tomorrow and then have more to share with you next Sunday okay I remember we still do by the way there is stuff here okay you solve this and we are gonna share it with you there is stuff there not only that I actually found this today in in a computer as well out of the three computers we're gonna take a look at this - but and we're gonna look at the three computers that's why we have so much I got a computer right here on my lap there's two more computers over there all right you're gonna be ready to grab yeah probably all right okay okay here we go what about the Justin Brown what about the laptop we're getting to the laptops we have three laptops to go through tonight three yeah well he wants to know what are we doing with all the stuff the same thing we do with everything nothing so anyways that being said we're not we don't video it we don't show it to you we don't sell we don't do anything giving it today so we're actually giving it to Donna to sell and some we have donated things that we've some we've donated some we've kept for example the guitar the sound system the expensive sound system all the electronics all the coins and lockers all the coins for we have to survive that's laundry money right there so this challenge is survival it's not how much money can we make it's how can we survive on the road with the things that we find in the unit's you have to keep that in mind so a lot of people were going off when we sold the gold the gold Jesus and people in the comments are going off you got robbed you got I can't believe they only gave you whoa whoa whoa hold a second number one we know how much gold is worth it's not like we just jumped into this we know what gold is worth okay usually we are gonna sell directly to the refinery we're gonna get the best price number two it's a pawn shop their business is to give you a low price number three we did it on purpose because that's part of the challenge and people for the unit pay for the pay for the unit you've got people going off like how dare the pawnshop I'll call the Better Business Bureau they probably are jaywalkers and use one blind it's okay everything went the way it was supposed to go okay all right so we do have this beautiful samsung tablet as well right and they probably can already figure out the direction this is going because the phones take a Samsung charger and guess what the tablet is okay again not we do not have the charger yet yeah yes yet we hope to get one tomorrow in the auction run and it's a huge auction run tomorrow huge and it's supposed to be the best and remember last time they found $30,000 in a dresser and yes it was drug money and this is a heavily drugged area and a heavy area of firearms that are sent over to Asia there's a huge Haitian population and that excites me so and wait to bid on mattresses okay Thomas says hey Jeremy I have I have a charger you want it Hales yeah where do you live so where do you live okay we're gonna send that one right over there okay okay all right we have the HP and we have two Dells wait yeah we have two Dells so we got a confirm that we got the iPad from the guitar unit okay okay the iPad so the tablets were from the guitar unit okay good thank you we appreciate that what happens is when you buy so many units it's so difficult to remember what came from where it all blends in when you do this every day and you see hundreds and hundreds of units every week from profile into live auctions to online it all blends in and so hard to remember Justin Brown says I'll give you a Hales of a charge well merry Christmas to you too okay so on to the HP all right we got 850 Plus in here right now merry Christmas to you all we're going through all the information we have found so far we have announced that our next location well if you haven't figured that out yet you'll just have to and we still will be in Florida but we are going on a major huge run tomorrow in in West Palm and we are on the beach today that was cool and then we'll be on the run all day tomorrow then we head over the plan is to spend Christmas on Sanibel Island so Fort Myer will be in Port Myers we couldn't get a place on Sanibel this short notice but then we'll be in Fort Myers and then over to Santa Bohm yes so we have no idea what we're gonna buy tomorrow tomorrow you will see another auction unit but we have three laptops we've got a DVD and we still have a memory card to go through and this is from this is from the thing that just reminded me when someone asked what we're doing with all the stuff from the storage units we're keeping some of this stuff for survival obviously we've donated a lot speaking of donations we get a lot of pushback when people find out that we donate to Goodwill but when I went to go donate some stuff to Salvation Army they would not take any of it Salvation turned us away so it's a goodwill they took everything so the major issue why people push back on goodwill is because the CEOs salary has been released the reality is is any CEO of any nonprofit salary is released my salary when I ran a non-profit was public information that's part of being a non-profit so the funny thing is is people go oh goodwill isn't a non-profit well the fact that the CEO salary is released is under the definition of nonprofit number two if you had the skill and if you had the ability to build that business the way the CEO has you'd be worth every penny you are being paid as well period that's it and because you don't you complain number four or letter C I don't care wherever you want to go so all that being said other people cannot take our volume of donations done deal when you're running our business you can decide where the donations go but until you have to deal with our issues if you complain about us donating to Goodwill you get blocked and you get deleted so something to keep in mind is if you want to donate things goodwill seems to be the only charity in our area and we found out hearing the same thing here Salvation Army turned us away yeah they turn this way because we had too much yep what's taken the volume so they actually told you to go where yeah they told me to go to Goodwill oh good well I said help me out here I'm not even from Ohio I'm just here but got all this from a storage unit how do I get rid of it he's like go to Goodwill so that kind of upset me and then back in Ohio there are certain charities that all cherry-pick and only take certain things so again they won't take everything that we have to donate which kind of is upsetting because you're trying to donate nice things and they want to end it I love goodwill so that means so keep that in mind if you're selling you want to donate that goodwill seems goodwill seems to be the only charity that will accept the volume and aren't cherry pickers they'll take anything and keep in mind if you complain about us donating to Goodwill we have a no tolerance policy on negativity complaining anything you'll get blocking deleted all right and then you'll write us a message and block please alright so that being said Oh Johnson Rosberg Amen preacher brother alright here we go there we go Jonathan for those of you think that was too tough that was tough love for you this Christmas Terry says why can't people just be happier donating haters are gonna hate I know a lot of thing was the chatter saying they love goodwill oh my goodness I love goodwill we wouldn't have that shirt right now good way I wouldn't have this right now if we didn't go Goodwill shopping and here we go and me and these hats I wouldn't have this super sweetness that a subscribers already offered $40 for this thing that's worth more than 40 if I didn't buy this super sweet thief unit who probably jaywalks and uses one fine HP you ready so this is a beautiful beautiful laptop it's not the most recent it is a mobile workstation and it's got all the bells and whistles in it okay so the only issue with everything else I've shown you so far we had a million cords and we went through all the cords guess what we do not have one for the HP but never fear we have two more laptops that we do have cords for I'm gonna pass that off to you I love thrift come back up to Cocoa Beach and say hi so I told her that we drove past Cocoa Beach from Jacksonville to West Palm did we didn't you hear us beeping beep yet Cocoa Beach is like in between Jacksonville and West Palm that wasn't us beeping that was George that was George Fuson she's like okay so George is actually grabbing oh do you have to keep it plugged in you're gonna have to keep it plugged in okay so apparently one of them has to be plugged in to have she's grabbing them now because they are plugged in because we started them up and we matched the plugs with the actual laptops now remember these three laptops as we have 900 on right now these three laptops were from the guitar unit which is where this guitar is from that we started out tonight yes mine will die if you unplug mine but you can plug it right there okay plug in right there so the guitar unit so we have the guitar right here we have the three laptops in it and one we had nothing as far as plugging it in alright and then the next one now this is I love laptops I love laptops that are extra wide right some of you probably understand that this one is plugged in right now this one is an HP as well but it actually has a Dell court in it so we had like five Dell chords and the Dell chord actually powered this one up now this is an extra wide screen I appreciate that my hands are huge okay I have huge hands I need the bigger I need the bigger space for typing and the screen and the whole deal or this you can see the circle light on us right now so when we get into this one this one was shut down inappropriately right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna click enter and we're gonna see what happens as we start Windows I've been in here once already and then it shut down what I what happened I found this DVD in here okay I also found all worse the memory card that was in here it was right over there okay I did find a memory card in this laptop as well eight gigabyte but that being said didn't find anything on that memory card and then I heard it spinning this haven't looked at this okay now we have been just briefly on the screen and then it was shutting down weird there are a million things on see this there are a million things on this home screen and you see the line as well we have not looked at anything but I can see right now these are movies the Texas deep cove Goodfellas shot a seed of something it definitely looks like there was porn on here okay now what happens is and I don't think there's any doubt whatsoever there's probably porn on here there's a tube M button down here as well let's see if it'll come back up okay so what happens is it jumps up on this power DVD ten which is an older program CyberLink and what happened last time so I saw everything on the screen and then what happened is it just froze up on the power DVD ten that's when I took this out not knowing what this was and we've been trying to power it back up and get back on that screen there is so much stuff here so much on this screen okay let's see let me see if I can get out of here let's see if we can get out of the power DVD 10 see and what's happening is it's spinning again so I'm gonna I'm gonna set this one aside and can I grab this one yeah okay so can you give me a little bit more of a cord is it long enough all right so this one is an actual Dell okay so this is the third laptop this is an actual Dell we found three Dell cords but there was only one Dell laptop okay so this is a Dell and it does power up but we had to switch the user because the user name is actually his name and this is a business laptop so it tells you the business he worked for it's the log in the business he worked for and his name business and then name and then it asked for the password so we switched it over to the guest user screen and in the switch switch user we just haven't gotten into it yet we haven't created a profile to get into it so this one does power up we do not have as password we'll have to do a backdoor to get into everything we'll have to ask Suburban beard how to do that control-alt-delete can you try control-alt-delete at the same time there and see if I forgot that old school thing there so this laptop is up and running but again we're not going to show you his name or his business but that's the that this one is up and running we haven't been able to get in but the other laptop it doesn't have a password so you can get the boom right there on a screen and there's like there's like 50 movies right down a screen it's crazy and some of them a little risque all right so Georgia is control-alt-delete announ let me make sure I didn't it froze up okay bring it back over let me show them okay so this is where it went last time so it froze up right here on the power DVD and then action required I'll get a little bit closer I'm not sure if you can see it or not action required and talks about different things in here and it freezes up right here okay so it says threats detected and it freezes up right there but that's as far as we've gotten we concede the things on the home screen we haven't been able to open any of them but I was able to get this disc out of there okay and we still have this memory card this one is from the thief unit this is from the guy who jaywalks who doesn't return library books on time we use this one ply and probably doesn't kiss his mom on holidays okay and there is stuff on here so we are going to show some of that I was so ok just to make sure we got through the DF we got through the des we got through the two cell phones the two tablets we got through the three the three three laptops so far keeping in mind that there is a fourth one but we found that today you'll see the video tomorrow there are two tablets we found today but you'll find out tomorrow one is brand beatsaudio okay so what we need to do then so what we do so that we can see your chat I have you on the chat right here look how clearing the stream is this is crazy but what I'm gonna have to do I was hoping to use one of those laptops to put the memory card in and show it to you but we're gonna have to use my laptop so are you sure you're ready for this mmm-hmm we've already looked at this so you sure you're ready for this oh I didn't tell you about that okay let's move that one out of the way nothing that is nothing oh you like another drink huh after what they see on here we might both need another drink okay so all that being said we've got more to go okay and I know I know we're at our hour we're gonna keep on going because we promised you during this time oh and by the way George George that taking a risk usually would go live right after us he has food poisoning right now so he is not able to go live Ike encouraged him to still go live from the actual bathroom and from the porcelain throne but I told him I said you could get the golden mic and from the porcelain throne the acoustics would be incredible but George George just wasn't feeling up to it tonight so we're gonna go a little bit later because we've got so much to cover so just just a summary of where we've been so far we are gonna see what's on this CD which was in one of the three laptops we are gonna see what's on this memory card this I have no clue we haven't even looked at it yet we just got it out of a laptop 30 minutes before the live this we have looked at this is from the thief unit we know what's on it okay so we're in Florida for those who are just jumping on we're in Florida we have bought four units so far we still and we are still in we're in West Palm Beach we go on a major major run tomorrow we're staying just to go on that run and we're about to throw this bad boy you know what which do you guys want to see first you want to see the CD or the memory card type of one if you want to see the CD first and type a two if you want to see the memory card first let me know which one you want to see first I want to know which one I should put in let me know one for the CD two for the memory card okay I seen ones already one for the CD I Tina wants to see this rogue life wants to see this a couple twos ones world life Oh rogue life is going crazy on the ones day Labatt's has three I guess he wants to see both I think okay Debbie Vaughn says one Brad says one two one two oh now all the twos are coming in okay somebody says really crappy about George George but I'm pumped oh I see what you did there okay there is overwhelming ones and now I've ever had food poisoning it is no joke it is serious though okay prayers out to George George it was overwhelming ones but I'm seeing overwhelming twos now so we're gonna go so Philly says one we're gonna go with the actual memory card first okay because this is this is what's going on they it looks like overwhelming twos so this is if you send a super Chet I'm not gonna be able to see it because it'll be on the laptop so this is a thirty to see their scandisk I know it's probably not all that clear I'm gonna have to pop it in okay pop it in I'm gonna pass that off let's let's we'll move the golden microphone out of the way to promote its remote and let me pull we found it in a storage unit all right in the guitar unit Oh Mick Draper just sent a buck 99 come to visit we'll see what the hell see will my what the hell XMS you want to give Rizzo you got it I got a pull-up I got appreciate it we'll see you soon did I do it right this time that was not the nationalization that was her being angry that was not the fist I just want to clarify okay all right I'm pulling up right now I am pulling up file explorer' they love the mic file what do we do with the memory cards once we go through them and delete what's on there they're sitting in a pile for you to sell yep so what I'll probably end up doing is I'll end up bulking them doing like a lot like we've got flash drives and then memory cards okay now hopefully I don't screw anything up with all these wires actually let me go let me go extremely large view so they can see this there are we're gonna go extra large icons there are two files on this memory card okay so you can see them right there and their files from taking pictures okay so this was actually this memory card was part of camera taking pictures the whole deal now what I have to do I have to find the pictures that I can share with you keeping in mind this was from the thief unit and one of the things we wanted to know would there be evidence this is my first time seeing this I haven't shown it to you have I now we wanted to know would there be evidence of thievery on this actual on this actual memory card so I'm gonna I'm gonna pull up pictures that I can show and we'll work our way through okay so I got a I got a sort through a little bit because if if you've ever bought a storage unit and you've ever found things you would understand that there are many things that are not what we would consider appropriate and you too family-friendly yeah exactly okay so this one's this one's innocent enough right this one is just a room right there's some clothing in a chair right okay so that one's an innocent enough you can see the room clothing in a chair and actually I think we actually found some of that clothing and then we find out that room isn't just any old room that room is a hotel room that that room is the hotel no-tell motel room with the bag on the edge of the bed ready to go now can anybody guess what could be in that bag if you could just go ahead put the guesses in the comments put your guesses in the comments what's in that bag okay actually they could have if they would have saw if you would have really looked behind the bag there's more stuff behind the bag and you would have gotten a little bit of a glimpse okay like they went shopping now here's the crazy part who takes bathroom pictures of your hotel room right not I it's all leading up to something okay so we got bathroom pictures now of the hotel no-tell motel alright and alright okay next picture next picture no no no you can't you cannot see we can't show you that one negative on the night my Christmas tree just went okay all right but don't worry there are more okay so here is one I can show you so well cup we'll call it before what we were just looking at and now we will call it the after okay so this is the same room same hotel room the whole deal and we will call that the after all right one of the afters okay we got we got it I'll show you this one really quick this is this is another one of the bathroom it's I don't know why it's in the after one but it's it's there don't worry there's more uh-huh this is the most disturbing okay I can show you this this is the disturbing part alright and and and we understand that a lot of our viewers are vintage and so there are needs for special special tools equipment appliances and this is what was set up in the shower can I share with you that this person was not vintage and they did not need this for disability but they definitely used it for other things okay all right so so okay this is this is still in the hotel and we're not we're not done yet we're not done yet okay there's the do I dare no what if I do quick what if I just go up really quick no just quick no because someone will freeze Freeman just quick like that can I do it one more time quick quick like that the did you all see that person in the bed okay just what can I can I go a little bit faster no just okay she's not gonna let me but that was a very sensual come in there look okay and oh yeah we probably yeah we can yeah you know let's just say they added animals into the mix okay we can't even cover it can we okay we can't look away this is horrible this is horrible okay we've got more we're gonna show you more I just have to get to the point where I can actually show you oh my goodness that poor horse okay we will get there I promise we will get the pictures there are there are these are from it's gotta be at well maybe not these are from December 17th 2015 15 or 16 that's 15 right 2015 we're not done yet we're not done yet okay we're gonna give you this one this one this one will show the date but this one is innocent okay so 1217 2015 this was probably one of the places that was nearby the actual hotel room okay and that one was innocent but there's more there is more Kenny says Georgia's killing me the look on her face do you think that face is something look at this face right here again another innocent one this must have been they were getting together they were meeting up they were they were in their hotel no-tell motel and then they were out and about but don't worry it gets crazier okay and is that a tree yeah it's uh it's it's like a it's not a real tree but yeah it's a it's a fake tree probably some type of amusement or something along that that line I did not remember that I did not remember that okay all right let me get past that okay let me let me get past that okay this one this one's innocent enough this one is of a Christmas tree we can show you this one so that is of a Christmas tree okay we're okay there all right remember we still have we still have this to go to from another unit I don't know I don't know that this looks like Epcot I don't know and Oh Orlando so well it would be close but oh there's another giant Christmas tree here I'll show you this one it goes back and forth from the no-tell motel to two out and about stuff okay here's a giant Christmas tree okay and that was a disturbing with the horses yeah we have to delete this okay um I see more animals to us but here we are okay the word so when people ask us what's the weirdest thing we've ever found in a storage unit it's the things that we find on these thumb drives it can be extremely odd oh okay this one's this one's innocent this is an innocent animal picture does this wait this is an innocent animal picture this is like the Pelican that I that I pet today so this is just one of the florida wildlife if you haven't checked out our stories on the youtube channel check out the story today I put a story out there of me actually petting a pelican we were on a fishing pier it was awesome and oh yeah we know no we're not showing that did you even get a glimpse of it yeah okay let me see what else I can actually show no no no this is Oh yes can I do a glimpse just quick just let me do it quick all right I have to be really quicker before I get in trouble that was quick okay all right that was quick so if if you are quick enough you would see the disturbing posters those were the individuals that were in the disturbing poses that was if you were quick enough and and let me see what else I can share with you and holy cow always his night time did you see that is the night time again the leaf why would they take a picture of that the leaf is right in this picture that we're looking at the leaf is perfectly placed and what would you say 400-pound man this is a 400-pound man with a leaf in the who area perfectly covering it and she's not gonna let me show you that holy cow okay and uh-huh all right you know what it's not getting any better I think it's time do you guys think it's time let's see what are you okay with that can we go here okay so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna close that down I gotta see some of their comments this is gonna be hilarious okay Kathy white just a bunch of pickles yes Terry Saul says George's face oh my Virginia Bundy crazy Kathryn you guys are hilarious book lover says George is blushing she's caramel are you but Ashley you are yeah yes you are deb-deb Anne said well Deb Ann would have been right in some of the pictures George's face stayed that way enjoy your videos okay let's check out the CD are you ready I think I have an idea of what this is I don't I do I found this in one of the laptops not the same individual keep this in mind not the same individual from the guitar unit this is the guitar unit this is in one of the three laptops it's the one that froze that has all the videos on the front the front page which some of them look like you know typical you don't have the same I think Grimes fine says don't look at other youth who whose something like that because a chocolate dream okay so I thought to all right popping it in right now now don't know what's gonna happen and don't even know after I have the guy repairer Italian dragon says Georgia shining like Rudolph his nose hair let me get that grease there was because I was an oily face okay we have almost nine okay nine hundred on and okay I'm pulling it up now you gotta you gotta give me a moment here on the laptop cuz it wasn't in their file explorer and Veronica says you can't unsee those pics no Veronica we cannot know neither can my hat my hat used to be like this now my hand is like this [Music] okay um this PC o local disks here we go alright I'm pulling it up right now I just clicked on it so we're gonna find out welcome to media player so you know what media player is what it's audio so scroll down or move that out of the way yeah or exile either one no sex out serious audio CD oh okay I'll click play we'll see what happens it takes it okay so we just found out this is what we had come up okay this is what we had come up it's an audio audio CD we don't know what kind of audio so it's it was a I guess I don't even have I probably don't have media player on here do i cuz that was probably such an old that would probably okay so it was probably so old media player probably isn't even on my laptop anymore interesting out like down sherry brown said I bleach that's all my goodness so the crate here's the best part though it doesn't end here once we find the actual chords we're gonna still try and get into those things on the road the things that we couldn't get into yet and share those with you and we have another laptop and we have two more tablets and we go on this major huge auction run and in the richest areas in the world so one of the things that Donna has told us as president Trump lives right down the road he's got a house right down the road well what else have we learned about the air there's seas in Jupiter or Juno one of the two which were in Juno so he stays in Jupiter I think he has a house in Jupiter and the run is it's west it's West Palm yeah and it's gonna be very very very ritzy area which is really cool and if we could find another 30 grand hidden in a dresser number one do you think we would sell okay so here's the thing I want to know what you guys think if we found $30,000 do you think we would show that on camera type of one if you think we would or no there's no way inhales they would show that on camera knowing that is probably drug money in the area type A - so do you think we would show if we found $30,000 cash typo one if you think we wouldn't type it - all right Justin Brown says - Ron stark says to store scavenger says one because she senses two so one was yes and one is yes and two is no no and vast majority Oh Burt Reynolds lived in Jupiter somebody said better show better so I'm seeing a lot of twos though yeah but there are ones - so khakis flippin adventure says - he sent it multiple times preciate you three dollars of it flippin adventure says one dollar eventually Jeffrey black says no way you show that and Paul Malone says for tax purposes now actually for tax purposes infer founded I would I would declare that for taxes this is a YouTube video we're talking about for taxes I declare all income so let's see David Rome once it david drone said one month to do two one two one one he's typing binary code dragon to to to i so here's the thing it would be very very different for mars as a quick peek yes so like a little peak what we would probably do and we have alluded to things like this in the past if we found that amount of money there would be little nuances and little alluding in the video that there was something but we would not show it well let's think about the dude that found seven was it 727 million dollars whatever it was and if you like says Sanibel beach is all shells perfect choice exactly so if we found that type of money which is crazy which is crazy to find knowing the area well the guy that found the 7.2 million Keppel shared it all over social shut up kept his mouth shut and then the then the mountains the drug drug lords came after all so they came after him and he was only get able to keep a small portion of it plus he had to pay taxes did he have to pay taxes on it what you got pay taxes on any income this isn't a taxes question this is a youtube question so youtube backfired on them basically in a nutshell there are times we find things and we allude to it in a video to where you can come to a conclusion of what was there but we don't outright show it for specific reasons and purposes knowing the area and knowing that it's probably tied to drug money we would not we would not show that but we would probably strongly allude but never show because we would never want 43 copper penny you see everybody's saying that they found they solved the 1944 steal penny that we have oops I didn't even know but apparently they do and it's at home right now so a good thing we got the news the new security system up so that would be very difficult as far as we would want to share with you and be excited with you and yet at the same time safety has to be taken into consideration as well and so if we did that's one of the things when you're watching the videos you can actually if you catch on to the eluding and the nuances you can draw the conclusion of what happened but there are things that sometimes we will not show for specific purposes and most of that is gonna be for our protection and but we can elude without without you know breaching any of that protection you know what I know I say Kathy White she says so do you have to declare the jewelry that you found you only have to declare the jewelry if you sell it that's income it's not cash you have to declare income that would be cash money in your hands so you don't declare jewelry if I were to give you a piece of jewelry right now you wouldn't have to go to your tax IRS person go well I declare this you sold it for $1,000 you have to declare that right one dusty old dude just sent $5 Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night appreciate it whoa yeah that was that was not bad at all so keep in mind within the matter of two days we will be in Fort Myers and we will be trying to spend majority of our time on Sanibel Island and with that being said there is potential that there could be videos every day and there's potential that there could not be videos every day so we're not gonna push ourselves like we actually have been we've been pushing and pushing and pushing for almost a year you've got another video it's yeah it's over a year you've gotten a video every single day including the lives every Sunday every single day lives and that is a tremendous commitment and YouTube is more than full-time job yeah and that is not full-time job for us reselling is and so there's got to be some type of break somewhere now that doesn't mean that you're not gonna get a video if we go treasure-hunting for shells there's a good chance we're gonna we're gonna teach you about shells we're gonna share with you go oh look at this I just found this hundred dollar shell or look at this this shell is so rare because of this now some of you may be go of that man that's incredible I love that and some of you maybe go out man I must see what's in the next storage unit well just be ready there will be more storage units we're gonna keep buying while we're down here in Florida Debbie Vaughn says you spoil us right in you know what if Mick is in Fort Myers if we buy in Fort Myers you know who can give everything to Mick you might be getting everything that would be fun that would be really fun so all that being said it's been a hails of a night did we forget anything you don't think so we just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas are we gonna go live on Christmas cuz she's already I've already asked them if we're gonna go live on Christmas just to kind of happen and tell everybody Merry Christmas most like we did on Thanksgiving yeah we did Thanksgiving we didn't north of July we did forth of Joy's we have a habit of doing that on well that's because you guys are our family you are our family so we've been doing that our major holidays maybe we will what do you get type in the chat a one if you want us to go live on Christmas and a two if you want us to shut the hails off and enjoy this time off time up we're working [Laughter] [Music] all right we see 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 2 A 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 what do you think I think the ones probably habits in there it looks like majority the chance you're anything with me dashing through this force opens the fields we go why are you doing this again laughing all the way bells on bobtails ring but it's a bobtail no idea making spirits bright what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight [Music] oh it is to ride your mouse over on in a one-horse open sleigh yeah jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh it is ride in a one-horse 1 Mars one-horse open Merry Christmas thank you for joining us we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 14,059
Rating: 4.8815165 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: rWbd_DbgvvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 4sec (5284 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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