DID WE MAKE MONEY? Selling at flea market ! I bought an abandoned storage unit

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whoo good morning it is Tuesday everybody I got the salt princess and the salt prince with me today what kind of cost are calling uncle Michael - salt Prince because he actually possesses more salt than Michaela Jordan DeHoff season in the mirror fixing his hair is also very vain we said stuff Uncle Michael we don't say sip you don't say the SS close shave sharp looking sharp for the money Brooks sure he does have the Garth Brooks on do you have the wood shop shoes on no no no Welsh art works you to work not sandals whatever we're at the Oakland Coliseum flea market day we haven't sold here in the longest time and we're gonna give it another try look we're in this huge line of wraps around and around and around the parking lot and this is what you have to do this goes all the way around we are in the process of liquidating all the units that we bought over the last several weeks we've been selling day in and day out lately every flea market you can think of Alameda Stockton conquer just repeat hustle grinder whine poo and this will be another exciting episode of watching uncle Michael turn water into wine before we get started with this day and unload and sell and make some money don't forget to Like button it's the big little thumbs up down there and believe underneath the video smash that baby let everybody notice it's a good video and if you could kindly share this video and don't forget to say something really really nice and cute like pirate your eyes look really tired but you're still on point something like that whatever anyway I want the show and here we are almost 40 minutes later we're still waiting in line we're still just moving around in this double helix circle so we're getting in line the flea market here and it looks like they have a robot camera right here does anybody have any idea what that is is this a it says something I don't know it looks like a camera that just takes photos yeah oh yeah those guys who ripped our shoes off they're gonna want to buy what no they we had him in a pile they were Lewis of tongs we're gonna pay us like 400 and then all of a sudden when they came to pay they were gone oh it's bull crap Uncle Michael let it happen well those ones is 120 for the entire set they're 30 bucks a train used on eBay right now we're set up here at the flea market got salt princess on the phone that uncle Michaels is staring at his coffee and the Oakland mark is a tough mark one of the biggest problems everybody's a reseller and here's one of the biggest problems of reselling people are for lack of better words greedy they ain't trying to just be happy doubling the money if you go out you pick something you double your money be content understand that is a good variable in order to make your money back on too many people want to come out and they want to spend like 3 bucks to get 20 yeah they they're not happy with just double they need to make like 5 times their money 4 times their money and that makes the product of business really slow for somebody who's bringing the goods for them to keep buying so you've got to think that and keep that in mind when you're trying to sell to flea market watch your customers know which ones are resellers know why they Senegal what their dirty looks making you feel that's 75 and yeah there's nothing like trying to go chase which one a Hank Aaron is 50 it's only Hank Aaron I have no idea maybe a Giants team or something the team balls are 150 each uncle Michael over here trained her absolutely never know about baseball probably every watched a game in his life he's just gonna wing it though okay these are the greatest teams of all time there's the most major league players we've ever seen all the one born back to what I was saying that before I was distracted uh people tend to tour you and selling something today I look at you like I just was trying to sell a vintage Pyrex Bowl bowls worth 30 bucks or so on eBay I told her lady 15 she looked at me like got far that she's like and I know Artie she's gonna try to go sell to her table or eBay for at least 30 bucks but you're looking at me like I'm crazy because I only want half of what I just said right now sure what do you think what he thinks fair Annette five bucks he says sales are rolling in we just sold the Hank Aaron baseball for 50 bucks signed then we just sold the Daughters of the Confederacy poster for 40 bucks that's the strap the size of the track yeah but this is standard like every whole scale train is that size what's that which ones are those uh yeah three bucks those ones in there were three Uncle Mike on the other those ones were four I'll probably put in the Mickey on eBay what is this over here uncle Michael McKean is really a creek cricket Mikayla is extremely amused and off of Michael called the body of water next to us the creeks a creek yeah baby girl we're out here cold Mikayla is bottled up under blankets on the phone barely making us any money oh well how you gonna get custody when you look close you guys look at all clothespins yeah was the stop and shop Uncle Michael pop dropping shop tap in the Michael's over here Turner be a tap-in Michaela tell him to tap in just cut stuff everywhere got the goods in here open don't like you selling high-end stuff they're very picky that's what the flea market looks like I'm also walk around for a minute cuz these guys they need to make their money so let's browse whereas we look at this this type of stuff not what you imagine see the flea market there's good old one came up the car unit the other day he will bring big massive boosts at here in this lay it all on the ground like so just junk everyone I bid on that piece in that piece oh they're not letting people park over there get a small little booth here today there's a smallest food you guys ever seen Aziz Han oh this is all you over here too oh okay okay he's good nice Bob what up good morning yeah making any money over here it's better than none you should make us something what is cold here jewelry another big vendor like me here take that all everything imagine that uncle Michaels on his phone what nice we got to buy new tires for the Dodge five six dog we're gonna be loving in our safety we went to the dumps the other day and it was a little wet inside of the dumps and I went to hit the brakes and I slowed down it was so wet the truck just kept sliding like this heck of slow to classic are you alright is it right for you to pull it or like I don't know turns out the tires are bald winning new tires on a Dodge almost 600 oh it's 560 cuz we get the hook-up but I got to get them mounted so we'll see what that's gonna cost what are you slashing what crisis girl all of them on the front table what's your money looking like right now I haven't counted it I'm just trying to make it all face I don't like when it's all organized what you're gonna do That's not me we get a little bit driven this is mocha mangos tactics so he knows he didn't really want three he really wanted three for everything he told the guy he's asking two dollars each for three of them who can have four five for the known he's putting it back see guys counter yeah don't know he probably can't hear you oh my go track them down almost scared the old man oh my man's like screw it I'll give you two it's gone I have a great day have a great day uncle Michael so look at him thinks he's so cool eh a $2.00 sale sure there's a lot more to keep chasing everybody down chase every customer get two bucks I don't be in good shape ladies and gentlemen look who it is the oldest British man in the entire galaxy mr. burns it is mr. burns Herald oh yeah your shoes untied my kids gonna tie your shoe for you baby go tie your shoe it is that one of them Michael you get it we had this whole plan that Mikael is gonna tie your shoe and steal your money money to be a little sock good morning okay did you not say to me you'd rather poke out your eye balls with sticks might not be sticks but i'ma say sticks to the wrong he's learning if I ever go to Oakland again so here's my stick and let's get on with poking you wanna poke the other one Zoe told he told me that both my boys you can have one I'll have the other okay yeah I needed a sell any extra day no I'm not impressed with what we're selling here give me 20 for those I'm not playing for those three all three all three right now we got CoA I'm gonna show you I was I'm gonna show you what I want a 150 on each of these 150 on those a hundred right there is like look 150 150 150 150 110 you're talking I want 75 75 75 him 44 I'm just saying I'm just saying let's just say let's just say hypothetical I said Harold you know I like you can have all those for 225 which is cheaper than I'm asking like where 75 35 35 50 40 40 10 10 600 700 900 bucks right there for this right here this right here is 900 bucks 200 bucks on a helmet it's not garbage it's the whole thing the whole team Giants baseball that I'm asking one fifty one fifty and one hundred so that's four you gotta have some five and you see this is not for sale Hara what do you want blame my boys of crap right I like the chest they were discussing something Harold would it waive all my stuff pad for an hour's good stuff what's your offer on stuff look all of this definite stuff I say 20 bucks for both of them funny backs without the disabled to me it just looks quality if you look on the back it's kind of vintage II looking the signature is hard to read but it's just well done look at it 75 mm and I'll give it to you for 50 throwing it away let me just try if you want to throw it away and you want me to throw it away for you oh when we're having last time I store some primo Michael Oh Michael I'm grateful for um for Michael I got uncle Michaela I got the best team in the world my money will amount this feed at 20 and 20s that's a $40 stack right there no that's the order yours ten I told him 24 all that my paypal yeah get your son put the money in though this time that's the problem that's the money okay maybe girl we're selling stuff to Harold what are we doing here on this Wow alright not the bobbleheads my place with 803 hundred you have all sorts of customers down there fancy land I sold a Babe Ruth baseball for 8,500 once buddy and little do you realize that Babe Ruth is probably one of the most prolific of the most prolific autographs he pries sells he sells far more than George Washington then anybody you could think of damn it to hot 285,000 for his highest autograph really yeah it was a nine a grade nine or maybe was just under nine I had a great five and a half six got eighty five thirty we're all back and I took cheap money I swore on everything I just showed you a $1,900 brand new jacket and this is still the nicest thing I have in my entire CI name right there Howard Jones look up Howard you see Liam Jones he's in the Smithsonian I got two pieces of identity we're gonna have this appraised kind of pack up now all done Harold's been dangling and finagling and haggling us think he backed out on the helmets those are all good clothes that's the brand rewind back at it at the storage loading up for Wednesday's flea market now I got a took out the good stuff put it over here take this all tomorrow load up all that to go in there for Stockton again that is the rewind guys look at this assault princess saltiest child in the world brought me a sandwich for lunch she's forced me to eat isn't that cute what are you doing you feeling me filming you well the only difference in mine is going on your tooth on YouTube yours isn't shots fired now that we're all loaded for the market we're enjoying ice creams because the salt princess went got us ice creams cads I was gonna sell us today I told the guy hey give me 120 bucks I didn't wanted to argue with me made me look it up I found out that it's like 290 used on eBay and then some so I'm just gonna les to myself and he's Sol
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 9,716
Rating: 4.9588161 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: oMv7M0eo6to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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