How To Make Beef Bourguignon | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hi there friends fantastic show today a classic beef bourguignon stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make it don't forget thumbs up if you liked the video ring the bell and don't forget to subscribe to the channel we need a new subscriber stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make this beautiful classic well let me show you how to make the real beef bourguignon uh beef bourguignon very simple friends i'm going to show you how to make this has to be the most simple stew you can possibly make okay classical uh uh certainly made by a lot of people but you've been asking me so much what is your version of beef bourguignon so i'm going to show you it's really simple you're going to love it we have a little mizan plus but before i get going i'm going to saute a little bacon and i'm going to put a little butter in there you don't really need a bottle to put but i got clarified butter right there friends and this will work though the reason why you scrub fire butter is because it doesn't bury or not uh as much as regular body you know that right of course you know that you're right you've been watching my channel for all of the new people that have never watched the channel welcome to the kunis uh cooking channel on youtube thank you for watching and thank you for subscribing we've had so many great subscribers you guys are amazing all right so first thing we're gonna do i do it in two part but i tell you what it's because i got somebody doing the dishes here at home i do everything in one pot cause i gotta do dishes here i don't gotta do dishes so look we're gonna saute some bacon i got thick bacon you really don't need um uh to put anything before you do bacon just make sure it's low heat we're gonna saute the bacon at low heat always low heat the reason why you do low heat by the way for those of you then don't know yet i got my gas stove back yes we finally got a way to get it so i'm very happy so um we're gonna um uh saute the bacon just the idea the reason why you want to do it slow friends is because um i'll talk about the mizan pasta in a minute uh is because um oh here you go turn the heat on is because um otherwise if you do it too fast you burn the lean part of the bacon before the fat that's time to melt render that is right so we want to make sure that you say and now let's turn this guy on and then what we're going to do here is we're going to uh saute the onion like i said at home do it already in one pot okay but i'll show you the order in which is best to use it i got the onion here friends and what happened is uh the onion i got them big you see they're big big big onion they're not smoked they're not uh cut small because they're gonna cook for two and a half hours so we want to make sure they're big if you mince them uh by the time you're cooking for two and a half hours they're gonna be nothing matter of fact you know what we're gonna do we're gonna put some pearl on your oso in there so we let them cook in there for a minute we're gonna caramelize them always caramelize them right so a little salt is gonna happen there and we're gonna get them turned golden brown before we do anything else the bacon the bacon we are going to caramelize him as well we're going to render all the fats and we're going to use that fat okay some people remove it okay i don't know what um where they got that idea from but bacon fat i hate to tell you but it's a beautiful box oh for those of you they don't want to use bacon because of whatever reason you don't want to use it um just don't use it that's all you know everybody's always asking me what do i replace it with do i replace with turkey bacon have you really had turkey bacon you can do it if you want with turkey bacon i just recommend you skip it okay so let's talk about the mison plus a little bit we got chuck roast chuckles is the best meat to use for this okay chakras you can use short ribs if you want it's very nice also people can have a short rib but i do it with chakras i got also i'm going to use a lot of onion on this recipe i'm going to use pearl onion you can buy them fresh you can buy them frozen or you can buy them in a jar this jar right there is ant nelly they are in water friends and you drain them really really really good and we're going to saute them very easy frozen you can use frozen as well if you want but i highly recommend this if you can get them aunt nelly i don't know where you can find them but i find them at a grocery store carrots i got some carrots in here and uh then i cut peeled and cut i got little potatoes we're gonna put the potatoes toward the end mushrooms we're gonna talk the mushroom we got fresh thyme we got chopped parsley and garlic i don't know why i got two parsley two pasta in here i only need one all right so what we're going to do we're going to take the bacon out of here in a minute how we doing with the onion the onion would have been a good if i were to turn the heat a little harder i stayed away from my gas cooking too long i can turn the button the other way leave it up to me i always make a mistake so look the bacon is good friends what we're gonna do we're gonna take this bacon and we're gonna take it out of there yeah so we don't want a bear or not now some people like a little more crispy remember this guy is going to cook friends for two hours so you don't want it to be too crispy okay you're not making breakfast where you want crispy bacon let me just reduce the heat just a little bit so the clarified butter has got a really high smoke point the pork fat's got a good smoke point so you know what we're gonna do now you know what we're going to do friends we're going to saute the beef get in here you we're going to sit there to be friends all right we're going to get it and we're going to get that maya reaction let's make sure this is nice and hot and we're going to put the beef in here now what you don't want to do friends you don't want to uh overcrowded you don't want them to touch each other no touching okay no touching we removed all the fat you don't need the fat try make sure they don't touch each other some this is a little smaller i guess when you clean the chalk roast you got to remove all the seniors what do you think i can do i can do it all in one part we won't get them too close right no touching if you can happen right and now we're going to do let me check the onion it smells amazing here friends the onions are far away from being ready before we do anything all i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna take my soaps and my pepper and i'm gonna caramelize this meat let's check the the onion make sure they're okay oh yeah you see you all know that right you gotta still take the onion first i keep repeating it and repeating and repeating and i repeat it forever until everybody gets it and the reason why i'm always saying i remember we got a lot of people that are new to our channel friends they've never been here before so i don't want them to think we are too crazy a little bit is okay yeah all right look look look look and you see and you know what we're gonna do now imagine that as good that smells right you know what we're going to do now friends we're going to deglaze that pan with the wine oh yeah baby this is going to be delicious we're going to deglaze the pans you see that color right there this is what i'm talking about right there friends oh man this is hot what a pleasure it is to cook with guys i did it my whole life that gas uh that electric stove was uh was nice i mean i don't want to take it down too much it worked it helped us at the beginning we're looking good how am i doing they're doing good because you know what's gonna happen we're getting to the next thing the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get the mushroom my friends let me get all my ingredients i'm good yes and the mushrooms i just wanted to show you i like when i submerge them which is what i'm doing here you see okay the beef is good friends i don't want to have to worry about the beef too much so you know what i'm going to do i'm going to remove it and i'm going to move it on the other part on the other side i'm going to put it right here because it's good and now we're going to go here we're going to we're going to turn the beef off and now we're only going to concentrate in one pot okay like i said at home i use the same pot i just keep removing things oh look look look the onions are nice see the onions are looking really really good my friends we got to put the mushrooms down we got to get rid of the water in the mushrooms so let me put them in i want to show you when they bake like this you want to quarter them cut them in half cut them in half again say we want quarters when they're big when they're small you can just cut them in half and that'll be enough don't miss them when they're big big big like this one you want to cut them in six pieces and if they're too big you cut them in eight pieces you see we're going to take it we're going to put them in we're going to put a little more salt and we're going to saute them until we get rid of all the water remember water a little more salt just a little bit and that's okay because my stock i'm gonna put some stock in it later on and my stock has no salt in it remember when you make stock by the way i hope some of you have tried the to uh to make the beef stock the way i showed you how to make it from store bought to make a little test more tasty you could also add a mushroom salt if you wanted to because we have a mushroom salt that is quite delicious flavoring we're getting rid of some of the water in there and then we're going to put the carrots now the little potatoes friends they're going to cook they're raw they're going to cook at the same time you see and then we're going to add everything else in here it's going to be really delicious carrots right there look everything is looking pretty good my friend see right down there put the carrots in there saute we're looking really good cars don't need to be saute i just want to get rid of as much of the water as possible from the mushroom can you see right there it's doing it if we don't get rid of the water they're going to have a terrible texture you might as well put canned mushroom oil you don't want to do that no no no no one do that all right so a little garlic in here that's a good sign if we put garlic that means we're getting ready friends when we put the garlic that means we're getting ready to put liquid oh don't worry about that liquid right there friends i'm gonna use it all that liquid down there i'm going to use it all i'm going to deglaze it with the wine hey look at that i see a mushroom down there oh it won't come here go get in here oh yeah right there baby this is gonna be good stuff right there my friends i'm telling you this is all goodie right there i think i lose a piece of beef yeah all right so here we go now we're going to take this right here this beautiful juice right there and we're going to put some wine now big boganyo it's definitely friends yeah don't be afraid to put wine okay i serve a glass for me oh i guess i'll open up another bowl a whole bottle of wine and then we're going to put some cognac at the end oh yeah so the only thing that we haven't done yet we have not sauteing the pearl onion the bacon get in there oh yeah baby yeah this is gonna be delicious like i say you don't eat bacon don't worry you don't need to put it in you just don't eat it anyway right so you don't need to put it in make sure your pan is hot we're gonna saute those caramelized onions just to give it a nice color you can skip the caramelized onion you already got some money on there if you don't want to now my friends here's two things we're gonna do first before i'm gonna put a little broth in here but before i do that i want to reduce my wine and try to get most of the alcohol out that's much better so we're going to do a wine reduction we're going to bring the the whole dish to boil right we're going to bring it to boil we're going to let it come to boil we're going to reduce the wine while we reduce the wine after that we're going to put a little bit of stock so not to make the video too long we're gonna stop filming right now we're gonna let the wine reduce and i'll come back in about two or three minutes the caramelized the onion would have caramelized we'll add them to this we'll add it be the stock and i'll show you how to thicken it so we'll be back in about three or four minutes however long it's going to take to reduce this wine okay all right friends look look look how beautiful the caramel is a nice flavor we can turn them off the wine has reduced enough okay just do three minutes you want to get a nice reduction right we're gonna put that mono right in there and uh i didn't leave myself any wine so you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna deglaze that pan with a little bit of broth this is my beef stock it's the bee stock that was telling you about let me clean up the pan really good the heat is off it's just the remaining here so it's just to clean the pan you see it's just really really clean the pan antonio's going to be very happy because i cleaned the pan see clean the pan see look look and now all this goodies friends you know how good that's going to make it yeah that's gonna be so delicious my friend look at this that frypan is brand new clean see look at this look at his five pen friends it's clean you see there's nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing left in there so now let's reduce the heat let's reduce the heat so far very simple right you notice very simple now we're going to put the potatoes you let them cook in it let them just cook them right in there those little potatoes i got little potatoes you don't have those yellow potatoes you can get whatever potatoes you can find you can cut them uh you know i have to put potatoes you can serve with the mashed potatoes i also love it with mashed potatoes okay and it's up to you really i just love to serve it with some kind of a potato so mashed potatoes let me put just a touch more stock there you go and this right there my friends is so now let's talk about thickener if you watch any of the my other videos my the beef stew and all that you already know how to do this but you see a lot of people what they use they use a bear magnet thank goodness i'm here thank you next time here where would i be in another kitchen somewhere where i'm here cooking for you i forgot fresh time you got to put fresh time fresh time if you have fresh time then use dry time that's okay it's really important okay i put the garlic in there right i hope i did oh yeah yeah sometimes i forget i put salt and pepper i'm gonna put a little bit more pepper and i put a little more salt because my stock is not doesn't have any salt remember it's a it's homemade so it doesn't have any any salt sauce all right so you can put a bell manure which is butter and flour you mix them together i don't believe in that technique okay i don't believe in a technique people especially people do it at the end it's not because the butter is mixed with the flour and if you put it at the end then it's gonna the flour flavor is gonna disappear it's gonna be starchy it's gonna taste like glue flour needs to cook so you're gonna put flour you gotta put it at the beginning or you gotta put it at the end but it's gonna be a cooked roux we'll talk about that another time all we gotta do now we're gonna put flour in there now how do we do it diluted in water no we don't do that so for those of you that have been following my channel you know where i'm going with this i'm going to put my strainer and if for those of you that have never seen this this is a cool technique i promise you you're going to love it i got to get a whisk and then i'll show you all right i'll show you it's very simple we put a a strainer in there and then we put flour okay and then what's gonna happen is the flour is gonna cook for the next uh two hours two two and a half hours however long it's gonna take for it and i promise you the flour you have completely completely disappeared what you do you just mix it up in here like this you see your probably if you've seen the channel you've seen me do this before and it's a really cool technique if you've never used it before i highly recommend you try it you know i've been doing this my whole life friends and i tell you what i've used every thickening technique you can think of okay and a cornstarch arrowroot [Music] and this is an easy thing for you guys to do at home but also be the new to the kitchen if i say oh let's now use a roux you're going to say well i don't make a rule of course you don't make a rule most people at home don't make a roof all right we got to be realistic this is not a channel and it's about me showing what i can do it's about me getting you in the kitchen to do these things and and do it and be successful at it because it's not that difficult to do so let's look at it let's see how thick it is see it's a little um it's still a little liquid i i we're going to put just a little bit more be careful now if you're going to add more you can add more uh toward the cooking at least you got to give the flour at least 15 20 minutes to cook so up to 15 20 minutes until you're finished you can add a little bit more flour okay but don't do it at the last minute because that flour i don't care if you add butter to it it's still not gonna cook okay and and the starchiness of the flour is not something and i enjoy it okay so look everybody can do this everybody can do this this is not complicated to do you see and it works wonderful my friends all right oh mama i think we're done you come back over here all right now look so now you can cook this in the oven friends you can cook it in the oven and it will cook beautiful in the oven it's going to take about two and a half hours at three and a quarter approximately you'll check it to see one of them the meat has to be like fork friendly okay and and that's all we need my friends right there we're gonna put a little bit of parsley now and then we'll put a little bit more parsley to the end all right we'll get better now this is this one for flavor and the one we put to the end is it's for the for the look of it because it looks nice and fresh okay so like i say in the oven on the stove if you leave it on the stove let me tell you it smells amazing if you put it on the stove you can cover it because you're going to cook it very slowly remember this is like very low heat look i'll show you the heat i gotta know you see very low heat as low as you can get if your burner is too big then put it in another burner you want it to cook little little not like you know if you boil it too much you you'll reduce it you're like it'll attach in the bottom if you do it gently you know every so often just go by and he'll go mix it up a little bit you know check it out make sure it's good that's all all you got to do put the cover back on you don't have to worry about it or pop it in the oven and do the same thing after half hour 45 minutes check it to make sure it's good in the bottom and cook it two two and a half hours depends on the meat you get it's going to take a little bit longer it could take three hours depends what it is you're using but you gotta plan two hours it's not like you gotta work for two hours you just gotta turn it on and go do something and then check it up once in a while all right so in two hours we're gonna come back and we're gonna check and we're gonna see how good it is all right i'll be back in two hours don't go anywhere all right my friends well about two and a half hours went by and um and we are done it's finished i'm gonna put a little bit of cognac whenever whenever you put cognac in something folks so or any kind of booze really uh you don't have to put the cognac especially for those of you that don't drink don't worry don't need to replace it you know some people say what do i replace it with you can't replace it with anything so um don't be afraid to put some and and the reason why i put at the end is that because um i want to test it otherwise i'm not going to put it in it makes no sense if i'm not going to test it if you put it at the beginning you won't test it it's in there so the meat should kind of fall apart and um and the potatoes are cooked and uh and the carrots are cooked and everything is cooked and and it's down i mean this is ah my mummy i made a mess so that's okay i'm gonna clean it up and uh voila i mean really it's really simple friends uh so you decorate your plates you put a little potatoes in there you you organize it the best you can so it looks pretty right and uh and and look at the mess don't make a mess like me whatever you do and put some onion in there right so you decorate the plate so it makes it look kind of pretty let me get a spatula here so i can clean up my mess because i hate that mess right there like that right and then um so so the beauty about friends the beauty about um uh putting the potatoes in there you don't need to be making mashed potatoes you don't need to be making a polenta which would be delicious right and uh so remember we're gonna decorate it with a little bit of fresh thyme because that's what we got in there we got fresh thyme in there so don't be putting fresh thyme on top of the dish it doesn't have fresh thyme in the dish right and then we will put up a parsley in there and we have a self a beautiful plate then uh that i promise you my friends it's gonna be delicious and like i said the potatoes the carrots are gonna fall apart and the beef is gonna fall apart and let me not take too big of a piece so oh short thunder it melts in your mouth it's beautiful my friend i love my job don't i have a great job i love to cook i love to eat as you can see and i get to do this for a living you guys are great i hope you enjoy the show thank you for watching remember give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed don't forget to ring the bell and please subscribe we need subscribe we have a lot of you then watch our show but do not subscribe please subscribe thank you so much for watching we'll see you next week for another fantastic show [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 1,390,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make beef bourguignon, easy beef bourguignon, beef bourguignon recipe, boeuf bourguignon, beef bourguignon, how to make boeuf bourguignon, how to make beef stew, easy beef bourguignon recipe, boeuf bourguignon recipe, beef bourguignon ingredients, best beef bourguignon recipe, slow cooked beef, beef stew recipe, beef stew, homemade beef stew, beef stew recipes, how to make the best beef bourguignon, beef recipe, french beef stew, how to cook beef stew, easy beef stew
Id: b6Yqw6J8WHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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