Step by Step Guide to a Perfect Beef Wellington | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends beef wellington you've been asking me here it is stay tuned i'm gonna show you exactly how to make it friends you can do this one remember thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're gonna make it together beef wellington friends all right friends well let me show you how to make this willington first thing we gotta get the beef all right i got a whole tenderloin here it's about a four four and a half pound tenderloin that's enough for what i'm gonna do and what we're gonna use here we're gonna do we're gonna use the chateaubriand now you can certainly buy just this but then i guarantee you're gonna pay the same price for this then you're gonna pay for the whole thing get the whole thing okay so uh there is a video on how to clean it already i already made that video so you'll see it all we want to do if we get the chateaubriand we want to get this part right there friends the head and the tail we can use for something else and if you watch that video on how to cut it you can do it okay so we're gonna use the chateaubriand and that comes from this and this all right this and this we will use for something else now what do we do with this this is the the prime piece of the tenderloin beef so we're gonna salt it and pepper we are going to uh brushes with dijon mustard and we're gonna let it rest in the fridge for at least a couple of hours and then we'll do the rest all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to put some pepper and salt and let that salt penetrate for at least 45 minutes to an hour so at least you gotta you gotta have at least an ah an hour my friends to do this okay you gotta do it and all we're gonna do is we're gonna get some nice crust mala reaction we're gonna get some beautiful crust in there okay very simple so far this is um like i say this is not a meal folks the kids are hungry let's make them a willing dog okay this is something you're doing for a special occasion and um now let's make sure the heat is super super hot i don't want to be in there longer than i have to we're not doing a reverse seal when you have such a small piece reverse seal is full you have a bigger piece of meat there's no you can do it if you like to but not in a willington we're going to cook it in the dough all right there's no remember whenever i can fillet willington the dough is the style of the show the beef of course it is but what's most important is to make sure beautiful golden brown the heat i'm looking for here is 375 degrees and well if i turn it on high it'll work better i'm using clarified butter not regular butter if i use regular butter my milk protein are gonna burn it's not gonna work if you don't have clarified butter use a avocado oil use a safflower oil use whatever cooking oil you wanna use but make sure it's super super hot we wanna go in and out of the pan as fast as we can all we wanna do is create some beautiful mala reaction all right now we got the right temperature we're going to put it in here and don't touch it just let it do its thing it's very important we want to get that beautiful caramelization and the maya reaction okay it's really important that's part of the flavor friends all right now we're gonna get both ends really quick really quick we're ready to cook them very much they're going to cook all right so this process friends has to be super fast at a very high heat okay so now while it's still hot let's turn this off get this out of the way while it's still hot let me get a paper towel okay and now we're going to brush it with dijon mustard it has to be dijon mustard friends and we're going to let that mustard flavor and that salt and pepper penetrate really important be generous and i don't take the mustard out of the um out of the jar otherwise you'll contaminate your whole jar of dijon mustard you see so i use a silicone brush those are really cool and they you can wash them really really nice i see people painting with a brush they got a home depot those are great for painting okay that's all they're good for friends be generous more generous than you would be it's really important we're going to take a plastic wrap i'm going to go there let me wash my hand real quick we're going to pull the plastic wrap out and i got this really really cool wrap dispenser i got that online i think i got it like a web restaurant or something all right now we're going to take this we're going to wrap this this way wrap it wrapper wrapper wrap it wrap it put it out of here and all i do at this point friends i'll go like this and look i grab both hands and i just i just do this keep it nice and tight you see just like this now i got a beautiful sausage i'm going to take this and i'm going to put it in the fridge for a good two three hours all right and then we're going to make the dixella and then we're going to make the crepes and then we're going to put it all together all right so we'll be back to make the mushroom decel okay friends now we're going to make the mushroom dixel this here i'm going to tell you a quick story that better be quick this is probably one of the first thing i learned to make in a commercial kitchen i was in a three-star missionary guy restaurant called lustar bomanier in the border provence where i was doing my apprenticeship when i was 14. and and and excel was one of the first thing i learned how to make so um it's butter it's uh uh shallots then we're gonna cook and we're gonna cook for a little minute and we're gonna get them golden brown lightly lightly golden brown and then uh we're gonna put some mushrooms in here friends this is a portobello mushroom you can use a regular mushroom you can use whatever mushroom you can find whatever makes you happy but they have to be cut very very very very small look at this look at this this is like super super small friends and and you'll see why in a minute it's more like um i wouldn't call it the moose but it's more of a i don't know how you call it it's a more like a paste you put around the beef the beef you'll see in a minute but the these guys it looks like a lot of mushroom what that was just that was probably uh 10 ounces of mushroom so it looks like a lot but it's really not a lot and they're going to reduce down to nothing by the time i get rid of the water mushrooms are 80 water so by the time i get rid of the water it's not going to be very much left okay so first thing we're going to do is um we are going to let this these shallots turn translucent so they release some of the acidity and they become nice and buttery i love the smell of shallots that are cooked in butter what else are we putting in here very simple we got mushrooms already we talked about that um i got ham in there for those of you then then don't cook with ham don't worry just don't put it in you know you don't have to ever replace it you know with ham product unless it's a structural ingredient uh you don't have to replace it just don't put it in there you don't need to replace it with anything else it's not necessary so if you don't eat it you don't eat it right because in this recipe i'm going to be putting prosciutto so i can certainly put the ham in there and this is what i call a black forest ham i get it at the grocery store i get a thick slices and i cut it in a very small die again everything's small and i got fresh targon tarragon we're going to put it in if you don't have targon you can use thyme you can use rosemary you can use whatever makes you happy one or two herbs that's it okay and see see right there look they're golden brown that's all i wanted right and now we're gonna put our mushroom in there and uh and you're gonna be amazed how long it's gonna take my friends so when we are going to do it and look look how much it is i barely barely barely can put it all in the fry pan they're not amazing well you're going to be amazed what happened to those mushrooms when it's done so again that is part of the deal in the recipe where you can make all this in advance my fact i highly recommend you make all this in advancements you don't want to do this at the last minute okay and we're gonna put salt and pepper and the salt is gonna help us again getting rid of uh the the water in there and we're gonna let this cook and this is gonna take um i would say a good seven to ten minutes if not more so we're gonna let it cook for a while when the water has mostly disappeared we'll come back we'll put the ham and we'll put the tarragon we'll adjust seasoning and that's all we're going to do we're going to do that we're going to wait and um and and let all the water out okay you'll see it looks like no water is going to come out where did you see i'm we're going to stop it for a second and then we'll come back to you when you see how much water is in the pan okay okay friends i just wanted to show you look at this we lost about half of the volume but it's been a good 10 12 minutes it takes a long time to do these friends so be with it don't just put it on and go do something because you're going to burn the bottom and look at this earlier we could hardly put anything else in the frypan and look at now we're going to continue cooking it for a little bit longer okay i want no more see all that it's all water right there all that water is coming off you put your hand right there you get wet you see it's all water right there we're going to let it out all right we're going to continue doing this for another few minutes all right friends well look at this we got very little left because you you got to mix the first otherwise you'll burn them we don't want to burn them we just want to get rid of the water all right so now i'm putting my ham in there and now you just want to make sure you don't add a in a ham that has water added to it you know you've got a good ham a little bit of tago fresh taco and you know what i forgot but i have this beautiful um uh porcini salt that's amazing salt friends so i'm going to use a little bit of my porcini so it's really really delicious okay all right we're gonna mix all this up i got one more trick oh it smells amazing friends the targons just finally came through it's really really really something um i got one more thing i want to do friends let me get a bowl i want to add a this is a this is a trick you learn when you make a mousse it's to add an egg white and the egg white is going to hit it's going to help binding the whole thing friends we're going to put this in here put it all in there so i can add my egg white you see we're gonna put it all in there and the egg white is gonna act as a binding agent one and make too much of a mess not too bad all right so we got the salt we got the pepper and then one more trick there's always a bunch of tricks all right so we're going to bind this together the egg white is transparent you'll never know it's in there it just helps binding the mousse the the cell a little bit right smells amazing really like wow i love the smell some people add garlic to it you can certainly add garlic but now i don't want to leave it in a bowl because you see all that steam right there that's water so we're going to take it in a cookie sheet and we're going to let it rest until it's cold see and this is it my friend you can use this to uh duck said to stop a pork tenderloin a chicken breast i mean you can use this for so many things this is a classical okay and we're gonna leave it like that and the reason why i put it in a um a cookie sheet versus putting it in a bowl if i put in a bowl the moisture is not going to escape as easily as it is doing it right now in a cookie sheet that said my friend this is a very very beautiful testy uh dexel we're gonna refrigerate it uh not quite yet i'm gonna leave it at room temperature for a little bit so most of that steam comes out and then i put it in the fridge and then we're gonna put we're gonna we're gonna go to step three or step two or three whatever it is all right so we'll be back okay friends we're not gonna make the crepe again that's something you can make in advance a day or two in advance put it in the fridge wrap them with the plastic and don't worry about a thing all right great battery very simple to make um it's uh uh i'll give you the recipe in the video but it's a cup of flour two eggs a cup of milk salt and pepper and you got to create the perfect crepe to make a a the perfect frying pan to use to make a crepe is a crepe that has this kind of edges whatever you want to call that rounded edges so not square if you don't have one of those you probably have one of those and to make a crepe like that i want you to pick up the biggest frypan you got cause bigger the crepe easier it is going to be why are we using a clay you'll see let's see we want to get a regular battery we want to use regular butter we don't want to use clarified butter because we like the milk protein it's going to give your crepe a nice color nothing you're going to see very much in the willington but and in a rule of thumb to make a crepe you've got to have a pretty crepe very pretty and that's going to make it pretty all right so i use a silicone brush i brush it in and i want about 300 degrees roughly so the butter is not going to burn completely but i have hot enough of a of a frypan to make a crate this is about a four ounce little because it's a very big frypan normally three ounce little is enough for eight to ten inch fry pan okay this is a 12 inch fry pan so this is going to be a very big crepe we put it in the middle and we go all the way around it and we keep turning we keep turning we keep turning until the whole frypan is covered keep turning keep turning around keep turning around you see you want to keep turning around because and if you miss a couple of pieces then you want to do this put a couple of bandage in there just in case you wanted to keep it thin though it's not a pancake we're making it's a crepe how long do you cook it yeah just for a minute or two i'm telling you you can make those in advance my friends at least two days in advance when you make them you put them on top of each other don't put a paper in between a parchment paper or anything just put them on top of each other on top and top and top and then when they're still warm don't worry about that if you're going to make them in advance put a um it turned the heat make sure it's not too hot uh put a plastic wrap on it even when they when they're still hot it's gonna keep them nice and moist all right so if you have a regular fry pan you can just flip them you're not gonna be able to flip those because of the edge right there so what you're going to do you're going to see in a minute we're going to wait we're going to wait until let's start it's solid see look you want to you want to feel that quaint you want to feel it moving you see look get with it you're going to be you're going to fit especially if you're doing a a great bed it'll be really easy to flip this guy is not going to be easy to flip so we're not going to flip it we just don't want any crack in it because we're going to need it we're going to need a nice grape okay so let's see what we have so we do it like this and then boom okay really simple you put it in the middle and you flip it you can do this i promise you okay so we're going to cook them we're going to put them on top of each other and then we're gonna put them on a plate we're gonna need just a big plate and can i have a big plate i forgot to grab a big plate and all you do friends you take it right there and you put it on your plate obviously you gotta grab a plate big enough and that's it when you keep making them and put them on top of each other not difficult all right my friends so that's it okay now friends we have almost the last stage that's going to be just before the puff pastry we have a dexel that is now cold and uh and we have a little bit additional mustard we have a crepe and we have a fillet right here i want you to see something now my crepes are very big because i had a 12 inch pens you're probably going to have a smaller crepe unless you got a big pen like mine right so when you look here if i put the crepe around i'm a little short so i'm going to put it all bandage and i'll show you how to do that pretty simple right so what we're going to do first we're going to take the fillet out of the plastic and we're going to put it directly on the crepe okay so come over there and we're going to put it directly on the crepe with the dijon mustard and all right so now oh let me put this away wipe my hand so now i know i need to add another crepe but they're not going to stick together unless i put a little dijon mustard so i take a little bit of dijon mustard and i put it right here and the grape is gonna stand i have so many fillet but just to make sure i have enough we're gonna put a little bit in here okay and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take a second crepe and i'm going to cut it straight cut it straight i can leave that right here and then i put it right here now as you can see i got a bigger surface and what we're going to do now we're going to cut it right here we don't need that that extra space so we take we don't need that so now we have a custom made scrape probably a little too long we don't need that much you see now we just need to cover but remember now we're going to put the excel and the procedure so is going to be thicker so we don't need that much of a crepe we're probably just going to take this out all right so now it's important to measure because now you have to remove this it right there and you have to put your prosciutto and a prosciutto ham you can just buy it like that this is the prosciutto de palma and it comes in like this you just gotta be careful friends can't be too cold when you take it out of the package because you're going to have a very difficult time taking it out if it's too cold it's going to stick to the paper if it's too warm so you're going to have to play with it but you get them like this from your uh deli or wherever you buy your uh your prosciutto you can use a prosciutto the palm is really what you should use if you're not using uh a pork product friends don't worry oh see this one falls apart that's okay as long as we have a good end right because it happened to you whatever happens to me is gonna happen to you my friends i promise you so now you see now we're going to go in there already something you see it's sticking to my paper so hold a second here come to papa yo will you please behave we have a guest would you behave here we go not so pretty but we have no choice we got to keep going this is life recording this is not pretend here friends we're not doing things and uh patching them uh hey you go come on come on come on come on here we go this one's giving me trouble also now we're gonna take one more piece out of this one and i think we'll be just fine if i can get it out of here okay sometimes they come out really easy and sometimes they don't today it's giving me a little issue no problem i can handle it all right so far so good we're going to take this out of the way now we're going to take a duke cell now normally i would eat this but then i can't talk with my mouth full now we're going to take it excel friends and we're going to put it here you don't want to put too much but uh if you have x y these decided you're probably going to end up having a little extra don't worry friends if you have extra you can put it in chicken you can put it in pork you can put it in a bunch of stuff okay and what we're gonna do now we're gonna pat it really nice and down so it's uh you see it's all together here we gotta do take our time here we're looking good let me just clean my hand and i am gonna grab a uh a bigger spatula all right now we're gonna take our fillet right here and we're going to roll friends and we're going to roll and we're going to roll and we're going to roll and we're going to roll and we just made it perfect you see we're all covered all right so now we're going to take this beautiful roll then we have and now we're going to put it in uh we're going to give it a rest oh this is a time consuming thing frank this is not like i said we're gonna make it nice and tight make sure this is nice and tight and now we're gonna give it a little rest so it's all together holds nice together you see look we go back we got a nice beautiful roll and uh let me cut this i'm gonna do the same thing i did earlier where i take both of my ends and i roll them you see then i got myself a perfect perfect roll friends you see look pretty simple formula right all we're going to do now we're going to take this and we're going to refrigerate it so it's solidified and the next step is a fill of pastry all right so far so good right here we go all right friends i'm going to clean up get the puff pastry out and that'll be our last step and then we'll pop it in the oven and uh we got puff pastry though here takes a little bit of measurement here we got to figure out exactly how we're going to do this and uh see this thing is about um six six and a half inches my dough is about ten inches and uh and when we roll it it's gonna be enough to cover the whole thing okay so you're going to have to do a little measurement but usually that's a typical size sheets of pages we do and so now see it's all rolled up nice and neat nice and tight we're going to take it and we're going to take the cut side down see the crepes are holding together perfectly well because they glued together right and then we're just going to do like this see very simple and so far so good right so now what we're going to do when we roll this it's got to stick together so what we're going to do i'll tell you what let me just make sure you understand the concept and then i the idea is to try to explain everything my friends so then you guys know how to do it this is complicated enough of a dish to make and we want to make sure you succeed so we just got to do a few things then you'll understand how it goes okay and there's a sheet of paper underneath and we left it in there this is an egg wash well i i only use the yolk some people use the whole egg and i put a little bit of milk and some people use water so it's really up to you what you want to use okay but this is just egg yolks and a little bit of milk okay so let me just get a rag this one right here because i like to work clean it makes it easier to work in a clean area you come up with a better result all right so now look we're gonna go right there like this and we're gonna roll this dude right there you see so far so good right and then what we're gonna see we're gonna go like this and we're going to take this out take it out slowly we don't want to bruise that dough that though is fragile enough as it is so we take it out of there we want it to be tight so let's make sure the fillet is tight right tight tight and then as it gets ready to be touched right there friends as it gets ready to be touched we want to glue it again okay all right we're going to glue it again and we're going to keep that part right there underneath i'm not sure i'm going to use the whole thing but i don't mind having a little extra dough in the bottom all right tight tight tight make sure it's tight or nice and tight my dough is sticking to my paper and that's not good that's not good so you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get oh i need a little flour please a little flour if you guys give me the flour that'd be great i need a little flour because this dough is sticking to the paper i don't want it to be uh too much flour very very little i'm just gonna put i'm gonna put a little bit right here so my hands are there you go because this thing is sticking and i don't like that that's not good we don't want the paper to stick why is it sticking i don't know but it's sticking all right i'm going to continue rolling it and okay we're good the worst is over now we're gonna do we're gonna fold it i'm gonna fold it like this fold it all in like this okay this is good all right we're good so far so good right all right so now what we're going to do friends we're going to take it we're going to put it right here let me clean up my area we're going to put it right here make sure it's nice and closed and now we're going to do a few decorations no nothing fancy we're not going to do anything fancy we're just going to make it look pretty okay because it doesn't look pretty right now first thing we're gonna do friends we're gonna brush the whole surface with the uh with the egg wash first thing we're gonna do we're gonna wash the whole thing with the egg wash okay you see nothing complicated no the eggs are so yellow somebody was asking me the other day in the comment that says how do you guess it's a yellow thing eggs those are free range egg i'm going to show you the cotton real quick they are amazing we get them at the grocery store get them at publix our grocery store local they've got some really nice things and those eggs are delicious friends no gmo just free range beautiful eggs i'm telling you so here we go so far so good right so then let's make it look pretty friends all right nothing fancy you watch i'm not going to do anything fancy at all which means you can all do it that's the whole idea is not having something so fancy then you can't do it at home all right we want to make sure you guys can do it at home let me show you the egg real quick before i forget friends it's right there this is the egg that we get you see free range no gmo they're wonderful and they're so yellow and they make amazing eggs omelettes everything amazing all right so what are we doing now folks i take a regular uh cookie cutter i mean yeah yeah yeah no not cookie cutter what do you call those things uh whatever and then um let me see that dough looks like it's a little bruise over here you see so i'm not going to use that in fact i'm not going to use this at all i'm just going to get rid of that part right there we don't need that sticking again that's not good okay so we're gonna create just a the simplest decoration friends a child could do this take it right there let's hope it doesn't stick so i don't have to pull on it i don't like to pull on that though okay so far so good we're just gonna go right there friends and put it right on there just like this we're gonna take a um scissors it's easier instead of putting on it you want to cut it see just like this right and then we're going to put another one across so we want to make sure it sticks same where's my cutter oh here it is i know nobody was going to touch i'm by myself right here so cut the same thickness same thickness friends very simple oh sticking again all right here we go right there right there so make it look like a present eh there you go right there friends so far so good right i like it so far and we're gonna make it like i said very simple i'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna put a um a little cookie cutter thing on top of it right on top just like this let's take a what size do you think how about how about that size hey that size good so we go right there all right just like this ah it's sticking oh boy i'll tell you there we go just like that you see very simple right and a very very simple thing we could do we could put another one on each side what do you think and then we're going to put one on each side right there let's do that that's why like this and put one just right there like this you see okay you go this is gonna here there you go you know we could do i said i'll make a complicated and all of a sudden i'm like going to town making a complicated yeah here we go friends all right now very important i got my oven at 400 friends that's the that's the dough the dough cooks at 400 okay so there's no other way around this is usually when the dough is beautiful golden brown my friend when the dough is beautiful golden brown you are uh um medium rare where okay so if you like them all down the only way to get them all down because the dough is done the dough is down you know the dough is beautiful golden brown you got to be out of there um if you like it more if you like a well down then all you have to do is pre-cook it remember when i sealed it in a pan really quick you don't want to see it really quick you want to take your time to to cook it a little bit more otherwise by the time your dough is cooked you're going to have a medium rare okay all right friends so now if you're not sure you can put a thermometer in there there'll be nothing wrong with it you can put the same thermometer you use for your turkey and by the time it's 120 degrees you take it out and you'll be perfectly fine okay so it's up to you if you have one of them thermometer don't be shy to use it all right and we're gonna go in and voila my friends that's it oh it's not complicated you could do that right i mean i i i hope i didn't make it look complicated at all because this was not complicated you know what i want to do just a quick little thing just want to make sure oh i'm doing it in this in a cell pad so it does not attach see i just make sure it's nice and finished right there and we're just going to pop it in the oven my friends oh oh thank you please just remind me i always forget i like to put some fleur-de-cella on the outside the floor of the cell it's got to be florida cell otherwise a very coarse salt would work wonderful it gives you a nice crunch you know there's a little black spot it's probably from a little bit of the excel see if i can remove it without messing up there's another piece right there it's probably a little piece of excel we're going to leave it alone we just won't look at it hyzer all right friends we're going in a 400 degree oven make sure it's 400 degrees right and then we'll see you when this guy's done all right we clean up and then we're done okay friends it's the time we've been waiting for oh yes yes my friends here it is here it is here it is here it is we're gonna let it rest a few minutes friends because as you know when you take a meat out of the oven you want to make sure you give it time for the inside juice to be distribute side otherwise if you cut it we're going to lose all those really important juices so let's just uh wait a few minutes we're gonna wait about 10 minutes it's plenty hot nothing's gonna happen to it and then we're gonna cut it i'm gonna move it right there on my cutting board you see the fact that it was on the sill pad nothing sticks and uh it smells amazing all we're gonna do and i'll cut it and i made this um mushroom sauce and already released that video folks and uh i added some black truffle oil to to fit beautiful with it and it's a tarragon sauce and we already released that mushroom sauce so you can go on youtube we'll put your link and you can see it we're going to wait for this to rest about 10 minutes before we cut it okay friends let's cut into it i have a two knife i have this uh double serrated um uh knife that is fabulous for french baguette uh but it's not gonna be so good for the meat so maybe i'll just cut the dough with it so it's a nice cut of the dough you know what maybe i'll go all the way through otherwise i was going to use my slicer but it's going pretty well so i think we're going to be pretty fine all we got to do now at this point my friends is look at this beauty look at this beauty friends it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous we let it rest a good 10 minutes we lost a little bit of uh oh hold on we lost a little bit of uh of of juice but you know it could be from the mushrooms also so but otherwise it's perfect it's it's just the way i like it um you know just the way i like it some people like more rare than they cook a little less we're just going to take a slice right there my friends and this is a beautiful this is absolutely gorgeous you see look at this look at this my friends this is like perfect i i wouldn't want to cook less than this or more than that but that's my puffer oh let me let me put it right here that's my personal preferences you know you can do it less you can do it more it's really up to you my friends but this is a beauty this is right there my friend of beauty and i i like it just to that's it just like this and this with a little sauce right there my friends and you don't have to put the sauce okay this is this is not necessary to have a sauce in here but i think it's just gorgeous it's up to you if you want the sauce on it or not maybe we can put a little a split of of targong to finish it but this right there is perfect so you know what i'm going to do i'm just going to test it my friends because that's the best part of the of the whole thing is to be able to test it and it looks perfect it looks gorgeous i'm very happy very happy with it it's just you know you can't leave the rest too long otherwise it gets cold so we did everything we could possibly do to make sure we didn't drop much juices but this right there is absolutely gorgeous so the best part of the uh the moment is for me to get into it and so i'm going to try right now my friends and i'm just going to try a little a little bit oh look at this look at this look at this i could almost cut it with a fork my friends look at this this is absolutely gorgeous like to try to get the dough to get the meat look at this this is a little sauce everything with it my friends it melts in your mouth that's wonderful i hope you enjoyed the video remember give us a thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell all of the links for the various recipes will be underneath the video remember click on show more thanks for watching we'll see you again next week [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 1,417,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make beef wellington, beef wellington recipe, easy beef wellington recipe, best beef wellington recipe, easy beef wellington, beef wellington, how to make the perfect beef wellington, beef wellington dinner, how to cook beef wellington, beef wellington how to make, beef wellington tasty, gordon ramsay beef wellington, homemade beef wellington, ultimate beef wellington, beef wellington homemade, beef wellington easy, how to make beef wellington easy, make beef wellington
Id: 48w9kcBfrVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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