My Favorite Sauce for a Steak | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends fantastic recipe today an old classic a staccato pueblo we're going to make about a filet mignon and i'm going to serve with my foam down potatoes remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned friends we're doing it right now together [Applause] well hello there friends we're going to make a sticker probably today but we're going to make it with a filet mignon a lot of you have asked can i do with the fillet can i do it with this steak can i do with this steak and do with rebar you can do it with the new york sweep you can do it with the film in yourself in fact the first one of the first video i did when i started this channel a year and a half two years ago was a um a stegopro with the new york strip and that was one of my first video i mean we've posted video 10 years ago and i never did anything with it but last year a year and a half ago is when i really really started and we did the stack of huawei it was a great success but um i changed a few things and i want to talk to you about it very simple the first thing i said in one of the video in that video it said don't cook your steak in butter and what i made by that don't use whole butter because whole butter will be on whole butters got milk protein and they burn at 250 degrees so we don't want to use that we want to use clarified butter in the original video i was using olive oil which um i i just didn't want to make the video more complicated than it was i was starting i said you know here i am a french chef i'm going to use clarify butter and nobody's going to know what it is i haven't demonstrated what it was no did i know you guys are in with it let me tell you my audience my subscriber you guys are amazing and uh and it was such a pleasure i did a clarified video video clarify about a video it's right over there for those of you that have not seen it the reason why we use clarified butterflies is because we removed the milk protein and now we have a butter and it's not going to burn until 450 degrees really high smoke point so we're gonna cook the steak in that butter and then we're gonna finish the sauce using whole butter so in this recipe we got two butter clarified butter and whole butter all right friends so i got filet mignon you can say do it with a ribeye do with a pork chop do it with a chicken do it with a duck do whatever they want same principle all right i got cracked black pepper in my hair my friends and then cracked black pepper i'll go in a minute i'll show you how i do it and i i literally crack whole uh black pepper i put them in a bag and i do it so i already sold the steaks because i had time if you don't have time to sold the steaks my friends uh then you do the salt here okay don't worry about it um i put black pepper on both sides and i'm not afraid of burr on the black pepper i hear so many people said oh you're gonna burn i don't know where to get that idea from but you don't burn it i promise you they don't stay here long enough to be honest we're going to make a nice beautiful maya reaction which is the most important thing about this deck is to make a maya reaction create a beautiful crust like i said if you have the time salted at least an hour or two you can do it overnight if you have never seen the steak video how to cook the perfect steak right over there check it out it's a really good video again a very successful video but if you don't have the time put the salt and the pepper now and you'll be perfectly fine we're going to bring this up to really really high temperature at least 365 400 and and you'll see it uh now remember uh uh clarified butter has a very very high smoke point so it's not going to burn and we're not going to see it burning but it's going to uh be the perfect temperature to give us what we call the maya reaction and the maya reaction is carbonization or protein and that's what gives us a beautiful crust and then we're going to use the same pan to make the sauce really simple my friends this is like the easiest thing in the world the only thing you really need is a good beef stock and for those of you that have made a bee stock you know what i'm talking about this is really really beautiful you see look look how beautiful it is it's beautiful and rich it's really important it's like making a soup a sauce your base is going to be a stock if you have a good stock you're going to make a good soup so a good stop or a good stew if you have a crappy stock it's a little more difficult so find a stock you like okay all right friends we're going to go in we're going to put it in and we don't touch it we don't touch it no you hear a lot of people tell you to touch it to do it i don't touch it my friends i don't touch it because i want to create that maya reaction oh i'm clean i thought i was dirty in here but no i'm not now i want to create a maya reaction which is extremely important so i don't touch it and don't worry about it it's not going to burn my friends quite a contrary no matter what anybody tells you it's not going to burn i've been making this recipe for 50 plus years and i promise you i make thousands of them nobody ever said you know we love your steak or whatever but it's a little burn on the outside it's beautiful you'll see you see the menopause you're going to love it all right so the peppercorn you know what i do friends i take the whole peppercorn the whole peppercorn i put them in a baggie like that close it and voila that's how i take migration out my friends you see and voila i got crushed black pepper pretty simple right we're also gonna put some green peppercorn my friends what's the difference you know green peppercorn i said the same thing at the original video what's the difference between green peppercorn and black peppercorn yeah one is green when it's black right uh-huh yeah the black peppercorn my friends the black peppercorn is dried and the green peppercorn is fresh and put into a brine and the brine is just salt water and citric acid which is an actual preservative i got my oven going at 500 degrees when 500 degrees we're going to cook it really good where did you see how beautiful this is we're ready pay attention look at this look at this look at this my friends is that gorgeous or what so now people say why don't you cook it the other side we're going to take it right now we're going to turn it off we're going to pop it in a 500 degree oven don't worry about it 500 degree oven we're going to cook it until it's perfectly cooked i'm going to make a little green beans um actually i'm you know i'm going to wait a little bit to make the green beans because we're going to we're going to have to wait i'll tell you what i'll do friends the maggot sample i'm going to cook this to a perfect 125 130 because i like a medium rare it's up to you how you like it and then we're going to let it rest and while it's resting we're going to make the sauce all right so i'll be back in a couple of minutes and i'll finish the whole thing okay friends few minutes go by don't waste too much time remember friends don't waste too much time my friends look at this it looks beautiful now it all depends how you like to cook okay i'm going to put them on the side let's get get a little caramelization on the side don't forget to get yourself a thermometer my friends get yourself a thermometer some of them are inexpensive and quite amazing this guy right there polder great brand uh this one right here um a thermal pen a little more expensive is it better no it's faster not better so it's up to you my friend don't be afraid to get yourself a thermometer i got some um you know when i have stick of guava friends i gotta have a little green beans i was lucky enough today i went to the stove and i got the uh the green and the yellow bean check this out green and yellow beans check it out really nice i'm gonna eat that up we're gonna warm them up okay all right this guy's good we're gonna take him and we're gonna put him on the side now my friends we're gonna make the sauce now at this point we got a little too much butter here we're gonna take a little bit of it out we're not taking them all out we're not taking the whole thing out just a little bit right there oh oh i got to show you at this point friends we're putting the cognac oh don't forget also my friends when you take a panda out of the oven always leave one of those okay because you know it's hot but if you leave the kitchen for whatever reason for a minute or two the person is going to come in the kitchen oh wonder what they're cooking over there and then they burn themselves so be careful always leave at our house because you know it's hot i'm gonna put a little cognac in here friends and you can flame beta cognac but be careful be careful my friends because i'm gonna do it all because i got the camera over there and i got all my lights and everything if i do it right over there i'm going to flambe my camera so what i do is i take a little bit of cognac oh you got to be careful because what's flambeing is the fume the fume oh this thing is not working there you go that's what i'm talking about be careful friends call the fire department you're gonna see it's beautiful what we got down there friends look at gorgeous studies i'm gonna put just a little more okay just for fun huh there you go the camera over there is gonna go holy moly there you go this right there my friend is it deglazing okay enough now good all right now we're going to put the stock my friends and my um my uh uh shallots are cooking really good here i'm going to put a little more butter let this reduce and now friends we're going to put a little stock let's put a little stock in here this layer is hot everything i have is hot little stock in here okay we're looking good now we're gonna put some heavy whipping cream heavy whipping cream none of that low fat cream my friends all right and now we're gonna put the green peppercorn on them now let me tell you about the green peppercorn what i do friends if you haven't seen the original video let me put the beans in there friends i'm gonna put it on butter also with the green beans eh we never have too much butter hey you come back over here this is just uh it's it's my thing you know i love to serve uh green beans with a stick of water you can do a spinach you can do broccoli you can do whatever you want my friends now the secret friends is to let this reduce to the right consistency now you got a lot of peppers in there and you have enough now if you want to add a little extra pepper you can certainly take your win peppermill and add a little bit more it's up to you to see how much pepper you like okay i love a lot of pepper so i put a lot of pepper we got a lot of reduced friends until we have the right consistency and then we're going to finish it up with butter and i'm also going to serve it with my potatoes i have my phone down potatoes and those potato my friends are in the oven you see look how beautiful the green beans look like let's put a little black pepper in it because we don't have enough white pepper in this recipe a little salt and the green beans are beautiful now the sauce is reducing and um the filets are resting in fact i'm going to move everything out of here out of the way so then we can do no no i gotta need the butter i'm not moving the bottle out of the way there you go right there we're looking good i can reduce the temperature of this and my phone down potato friends i got them in the oven i got my phone done potatoes look it's reducing my friends let me take all the stuff out of the way so then the camera doesn't have the handle look look at this we're going to finish this up with butter this is the exciting part if a lot of you have watched this video about the original video but a lot of you have not watched it so that's why i did it and then somebody left a comment the other day and says you know what can i do it with filet mignon now why why is filet mignon great a filet mignon is not like a ribeye or a new york strip it doesn't have much fat in it it doesn't have the flavor that we buy would have so with the strong sauce like this oh you're doing amazing okay that's the whole idea this sauce right there it's got all the flavor of course gonna be based on how good your stock is my friend let me take the potatoes out of the oven i got those foam down potatoes the link is uh is over there look at this it's a beautiful little fondant potato folks okay they are stuffed with uh with a brie cheese and a mascarpone cheese and a goat cheese they're amazing i'll tell you those potatoes are going to be amazing so here's what we're going to do okay we're going to take a a plate and we're gonna do it right here friends and it's looking good this is looking good let's now make ourselves a beautiful plate all right those are we gotta finish the sauce now friends now what we're going to do now we're going to finish the sauce we're going to put the butter and remember butter is an emulsion so if you put butter on the sauce you got a little bit of the thyme okay and make sure it doesn't melt so and don't make sure the sauce my friends is not boiling when you do this you don't want the butter to separate remember butter supper is 190 degrees so if you put the butter while it's boiling your butter is not going to thicken your sauce the butter is going to separate you see and this is going to be enough i mean you can put more all right you know you're not gonna hear me complain if you put more butter in there more butter is better more is better yeah about a little more what do you think just a little bit more just a little bit more everybody's saying yes yes yes yes because they're gonna have it over there all right let me put a little salt in our sauce and i think we're good my friends all right so we're gonna do we're gonna take one of the beautiful fillets right there i wish i could have this uh juice right there but you can't have it because it's uh it's i don't want it in the sauce i don't want the the clarified butter to mess up my sauce to mess up my presentation so the sauce is good you see look how beautiful the butter is you see so now we're going to take a couple of green beans and we're going to put them on the plates you know normally i like to put them in the same direction but everybody always said i'm a nut because i wanted the beans in the same direction well i'm still going to do it either at least i'm going to put them straight maybe they won't be the same exact direction because uh and in the beans you know i like to leave the ends i remove the uh the pot then attach it to the we're good right there i say leave it alone right there i'm talking to myself when i said i'm not talking to you guys because you leave it alone you leave it alone if you want to leave it alone look at the beautiful potato my friends one is not going to be enough i think we got to put two because two is going to be what we need you know i you know what we're among friends about three now the moment i've been waiting for and you've been waiting for is jean-pierre to put the sauce on it so here we have it look how beautiful that is now that sauce friends on anything i don't care what you put it on it's gonna be amazing all right so look at this you're going to take the sauce right there my friends and you put it on here and look how beautiful it is it's meant to be on top okay that's a classic dish it's an old-fashioned dish put as much sauce as you want you got to put it on top okay you can put it underneath if you want because it looks maybe more elegant but let me tell you friends this is what a sticker is supposed to look like let's cut into this one guys so we can see it because in the first video i didn't cut into it it was my beginning of youtube boy i heard enough of you guys said hey what are you doing so look we're going to cut right in the middle of it and this my friend is gorgeous if you like a medium rare okay if you like it more cook leave it in there a little bit longer but this is like butter this is absolutely gorgeous so you see you take it right there and then you take a fork i'm telling you how you're going to eat it you go right in there my friends and this this my friend is why i do this channel so in the afternoon in the morning whatever time it is i can eat a stack of water friends i hope you enjoyed it remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell friends thanks for watching we'll see you again in the next couple of days with a fantastic video thanks for watching you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 696,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steak Au Poivre, Au Poivre Sauce, steak au poivre recipe, steak au poivre sauce, steak au poivre sauce recipe, au poivre sauce recipe, how to make steak au poivre, classic steak au poivre, pepper steak, sauce au poivre, chef jean pierre steak au poivre, steak au poivre filet mignon, steak au poivre easy recipe, pepper steak sauce, peppercorn steak, peppercorn sauce, how to make au poivre sauce, filet au poivre, Bistec A La Pimienta, Cómo hacer bistec a la pimienta, steak
Id: 0y5AzkeAb5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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