Everybody’s Favorite Pizza Casserole // Quick and easy ❤️

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foreign [Music] hi everybody now as you can see I am back in my Ohio kitchen now most of you already know that we live up here six months out of the year to get away from the Texas heat now these last few days I have been super busy outside and inside and I've been fixing easy delicious meals today I'm gonna show you how I make everybody's favorite pizza casserole now I call it everybody's favorite because everybody who has tasted it absolutely loves it especially kids so today I'm gonna show you how I make it step by step let's get started so I've got a pot of water here and I've got the heat set on high because this is where I'm going to boil my pasta now while it comes up to a boil I'm gonna get started with my meat I have half a pound of ground beef and half a pound of mild Italian sausage I'm gonna put them in here now I like the combination of both of these meats together see now I'm not going to season them right now with anything I'm gonna wait until they're nice and brown because if I add the seasoning then when I drain it I will lose all the flavor so I'm going to Brown it first just like this now I just browned all my meat look at this and I also drained it see now that's the reason I don't like to season it before I drain it because then if I had done that I would have lost all the seasoning I'm gonna add one teaspoon of onion powder one teaspoon of garlic powder one and a half teaspoons of Italian seasoning this is going to give it a delicious flavor and I'm going to put in half a teaspoon of salt and I'm gonna add half a teaspoon of ground black pepper I'm gonna add half of a medium onion and I have chopped it up nice and fine and I'm gonna add about two and a half ounces of pepperoni now as you can see I have cut it up into quarters I'm going to put it in here and I'm going to bring it all in together like this until my onions are slightly translucent now I got my heat set between medium and low because you want these flavors to come in together really nice as you can see the water has come up to a boil I'm going to add some salt and I'm going to add my pasta I have eight ounces of elbow macaroni now these are the small ones now I'm going to be moving them around like this because I don't want my noodles to stick and you want to follow the directions on the box because you want them all dented just like that so my onions are slightly translucent and it smells delicious in here I'm gonna be adding 20 ounces of pizza sauce you can add your favorite in here and here's a wrist that's about 20 ounces right there now stir it and bring it all in together like this oh this looks wonderful look at this now I'm going to let it simmer on low like this until my pasta is ready so I'm ready to assemble my casserole my meat mixture is delicious and ready and I just drained my pasta see so I'm gonna leave it right here in this same pot and I'm gonna put all my meat mixture in here see now I'm going to mix all this together now you can see what I'm talking about when I say that kids will absolutely love it because they love all these ingredients right here now you want to bring it in together really good I've got this dish right here and this is a 8 by 12 and it's two inches deep see and I'm gonna spray it lightly with some non-stick spray just a little bit now I'm going to put half of my meat mixture in here and that's good I'm going to spread it out see and I'm going to top it with some cheese I've got some freshly grated mozzarella cheese right here now you can use monterey jack or you can use your favorite cheese Mozzarella is always so perfect and that's good now I'm going to put the rest of my mixture in here and I'm going to smooth it out oh this is gonna be good and I'm gonna top it with the rest of the cheese you want a good amount of cheese up here good pizza is always really cheesy foreign with some green bell peppers I have a few strips right here now you can leave them out if you don't like them now I know some kids don't like them but these are very easy to just leave out you can add black olives you can add mushrooms you can just make it your own you know and make it a supreme pizza casserole this is simple but it's just so perfect you can take it from here now I'm gonna top it with some pepperoni just spread them out however you like them and that's good see now look at that now I've got my oven preheated to 350 degrees I'm gonna put it in the middle rack anywhere between 35 and 40 minutes until it's nice and bubbly so I'll see you in a little bit so my pizza casserole is ready come take a look now I'm gonna cut into it now I've got some pepper flakes right here these are optional we like to put some on top like this and I'm going to show you what we like to do now I've got some ranch dressing right here I'm going to put some right here on the side and we're going to have it with a simple salad it just goes perfect like that and also some delicious garlic toasted bread now it's time for the taste test let me show you how I like it I like to get some of this ranch dressing and put it right on top because a ranch dressing on it is just delicious [Music] oh man this is out of this world delicious and you'll know what I'm talking about when you give it a try so this is everybody's favorite pizza casserole if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 159,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cXdaaDPJT8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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