How to Make an Amazing Pot Roast | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another fantastic recipe today i made a pot roast and i'm serving it with papadella pasta stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make it it melts in your mouth remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and by all means ring that bell stay tuned we're gonna make it right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hello there friend let me show you how easy it is to make this sport roast this is the pot roast my mom used to make and she served with papadela pasta and on her memory we are going to cook it with pepper papadella pasta which is a large fettuccine and it's going to be delicious let's get going right away my friends today i'm going to try to do something i've never done before to use only one pot all right because i know a lot of you don't like to do dishes i don't blame you i don't like them either so i'm going to get going and then i'll talk a little bit about my mison plus okay i got a pot going one pot we're going to try to do one part i got a little clarified butter you don't have clarified butter friends use a good cooking oil whatever makes you happy okay try to get one with high smoke points um avocado oil is great high smoke bone vegetable oil whatever you want to use okay i use clarified butter if you don't know how to make clarified butter friends you got to check on our videos it's over there somewhere there's a link in there and and you'll learn how to make clarified butter it's really easy and then your high smoke point like 400 degrees 450 500 we don't build in with clarified butter it's wonderful my friends all right we're going to put a salt and pepper we're using a gr a top round a uh a chuck chuck rose czech roast not a top round a chuck roast chuck roast you can find that in most stoves um sometimes they call it a seven bone steak or the top one is different they're almost tough the top one is a little cheaper but this is wonderful my friends you can find that everywhere okay and um sometimes they call it a seven bone steak also it's got a little bone it looks like a seven in there we wanna make sure we're hot and we're looking at 365 degrees so a lot of people put flour on it supposedly to cook the flour it doesn't do a damn thing okay so don't waste your time putting the flour in it number one it interferes with the maya reaction which is creating that beautiful crust until we don't need it not now we're going to need it later and also you know what it does the flower will burn in the bottom of your pot and we have enough trouble as it is uh today we don't need any more trouble to create the flour will burn i promise you it doesn't do a thing i've done it with or without i've been doing like this for 50 years okay maybe more look we have hot we're going to put it in the pan and and we don't touch our friends we don't touch it that's it i'm telling you don't touch it all right let me wash my hand really quick my friends um we are going to uh to let it get the maya reaction and that's creating the caramelization reporting and it gives us a lot of flavor so what we're going to do normally i take a fry pan okay it's easy for me to take a fry pan and um let me make sure oh here we go i don't know well the camera when i was setting up i didn't want it to be too high so now all of a sudden not cooking anymore that's okay it'll be good we're not going to touch it you'll see it's going to be beautiful golden brown and we're not going to have to worry too much about the font and the bottom which is the carbonization you get in the bottom we just want to make sure we clean it so it does not burn okay so it's okay to use one part but you just got to pay attention of what's happening to your ingredients and we're going to find out in a second okay first we're going to let it do that's why you don't want to touch it right now let's get first of all two things if you touch it right now it's probably going to stick it's the same thing you do a stack in a frypan if you do a chicken on the grill right you put a chicken on the grill and and and after 30 seconds you want to play with it what happened it sticks right leave it three minutes then don't touch it you'll see what happened and i'm stick on thick is that a world right and unstick itself because the protein releases himself okay so it's important to leave it alone don't be playing with it we want to though right but we're not going to do it all right they only are big i cut big you see what i do and when i do friends i uh i want to show you how i cut the onion right so remember the root end of the orion and the top end of the onion right very rarely do we cut against the grain that's the grain right there right but in this case i want big piece of onion so i cut one time two times right you can see this right one two three i cut against the grain then i flip it and then i cut it like this big big big big because they're gonna cook two and a half three hours so now when i get to here what do i do here flip it you see otherwise too difficult right and voila now you got big cut on you see so remember one cut against the grain two cut against the grain flip it around now with the grain you see so now you get here what do you do what do you do there you go don't do this let it flip it right and and don't worry it doesn't matter this is not like uh uh very important they're gonna cook for three hours we don't want them to be too small if they're too small you know what's gonna happen friends if they're too small they're gonna completely disappear we don't want them now it looks like a lot of mono my onions are huge and and they're beautiful they're wonderful they're organic onions and i buy a whole food i love them they're wonderful um uh they're big and i don't think you can ever have too many oreo i mean really somebody's gonna say you know i like your roast but don't do much on yours get out of my kitchen on yo mushroom and you know the thing right you know the thing and what i do is i cut them in quarters i cut them in corn don't get me started i cut them in quarters you see look look you cut them boom boom in quarters if they're big i cut them in six segments i don't slice them what do you think we should check it no no yeah carrots beet carrots you see look look they're big remember that they're going to cook for a long time right celery's big also you're going to be flavored then i got rosemary and thyme chopped nice and i got a few cloves of garlic i got some red wine if you don't use red wine you don't have to use white wine what do you think what do you think oh baby you don't have to use red wine if you don't use white wine you don't need it you know if you don't drink it you don't miss it i would have a problem with it and my my household with all that uh worcestershire sauce a little bit of extra almighty flavor very nice okay and a little bit of stock okay so now very simple okay we got the thing we're putting it in here now look look look look at this look at this you see what i'm talking about friends this is just the create the maya reaction to get a beautiful crust around her now you hear a lot of people then tell you searing the meat seasoning the juices i don't know where they got that idea from okay it doesn't seal any juices it just creates the maya reaction i heard somebody the other day say that's why he puts the flour so the juices in i don't know what book or television they're watching but that doesn't do this okay we're gonna put it on flower because we're gonna need it after we put all that liquid in there we're gonna do it but we're not gonna do it that way so we're going to wait for the maya reaction to happen on the other side and then we're going to do it even on on the bottom right here because that's pretty big and when this is done we're going to come back to you and we're going to do the onion we're gonna do the mushroom so it's gonna be in stage okay i don't want the video to be too long my friends all right so stay tuned we'll be back in a few minutes when both sides are beautiful golden brown and and even a rounded also a golden brown okay so we'll be back in a few minutes you know jack it may be good when we're filming this then without a sound you can take the quick motion you know of me doing this right i think it'll be kind of cool to do a quick motion with your music what do you think okay friends look you see how beautiful that is look i even did the side right there both sides down they're beautiful okay and the smell of it is amazing so now let's deal with the pot okay because this spot is very hot first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put the onion okay so now we're going to deal with those onion guys very carefully now let me explain you what happened here we got some fonts in the bottom you see right there you got the phone right there right so i'm taking a wooden spoon and i'm scraping them i am because if i don't scrape them they're going to burn friends so that's the only issue about having uh only one pot you have to be careful with the bottom of your pot then you get rid of all the foam those are wonderful the combination of protein is delicious this is all flavor friends so we want to make sure we get it all all right we're going to continue we'll be back in a few minutes when the onions are really beautifully caramelized okay okay friends we are back and uh and the onion and nicely caramelized now we're going to put the mushroom remember now it's very important to have this order my friends okay very important we got the orders because if we don't have the orders uh then you put everything at once if you put the mushroom at the same time you put the onion you get all the water from the onion and it's gonna be very difficult to caramelize the onion you're gonna have to wait for all the mushrooms for the onion to escape the pot before the onion caramelized and you're never really gonna get them nice but if you do it this way one time at a time you know what i i know i explain all the time and i'm gonna be redundant of some of you but forgive me uh we you know it's amazing uh uh last month we had like 60 70 80 000 new subscribers it's really amazing and all those people have never seen never heard me say that so i know a lot of you have heard me many times but it's okay you know it is what it is folks we're here to learn and to have some good time and have some great food so look i want to show you i'll show you look at the bottom of my you see a nice and clean that is you see nothing burn same pot so i use one pot i've been trying to use only less spot because everybody's telling me use too much pot what would help me get rid of the um the water in a mushroom salt and you know what we have so many fabulous salt we have a garlic salt it's not that garlic salt you buy a grocery store okay i promise you this this garlic salt right here my friend is amazing mediterranean sea salt with roasted garlic okay this is not like a crab they put on here we go all right so salt is really going to help us extract the water out of the out of the uh the mushroom okay we're gonna do that all right we're looking good so far all right now we're gonna put the garlic release a little bit of fragrance in the garlic and we're gonna start to put a little bit of uh you'll see all right so now before we put the the garlic is just going to be there for a few minutes a few seconds got it doesn't need to ground quite the contrary i don't want it to brown some channel do that i don't do that i don't like the brown garlic i like it to be very delicate we're gonna put a little bit of flour in here now and then we're gonna start adding some liquid okay so a little bit of flour if we have a lot of liquid you've seen how i do it i put my strainer in the liquid and i introduce it that's a good way to do it but if we don't have any liquid then we gotta have another way to do it and the best way to do it is to take your flour and introduce it gently with a strainer you see introduce it gently with a strainer so you don't have big lumps okay all right so we're gonna do that we're gonna introduce it to the dish one mushroom came out okay so now you have to be careful of two things now one the flour could attach in the bottom so now we're going to put a little bit of wine if we don't do wine we're going to do a little stock if we don't do wine we do a little stock you got to put some liquid now otherwise you know what's going to happen right it's going to stick in the bottom all right so now we are again in a mission to clean the bottom of our pot to make sure it doesn't stick and you feel it that's why i like to use the wooden spoon for that prince i can feel the bottom of my pot feel the bottom of your pot you see all right really important and we're doing two two things at one time we are now reducing our wine you see reducing one the minute you put wine folks and you're gonna cook for a while you gotta reduce it you gotta get rid of all that alcohol to reduce the wine okay how much wine did i put in what do you think half a bottle there you go a little more and the rest is for me okay now we're going to bring it to boil and we're going to let it reduce it's doing so many things right now first we're doing really good introducing the flour that's number one number two uh we are getting rid of the alcohol bring it to boil and the garlic is gonna start releasing its delicate fragrance all right so so far we're doing really good we haven't put any stock yet if you're not drinking wine you can just add stock but remember now don't forget scrape the bottom of the pot friends i know it's gonna stick okay you wanna i like to keep my pot clean in the bottom not because it's easier to clean of course it is easier to clean but most important let me put it in the middle my most important because i don't want any burnt bits trust me you're cooking for two and a half hours i don't care how slow you are if you have burned bits in the bottom of the pot then you're gonna test them that's gonna test burn and i hate that it's terrible terrible terrible all right so we're looking good we're starting to look beautiful now we're gonna put a little bit of stock for those of you that have followed my video on the stock folks this is my beautiful bee stock look at gold your studies you see look at this it's gorgeous all right so now i'm gonna take it and i'm gonna put my stock in here i'm putting about um too late all of it yeah it's an eight ounce little uh i like extra sauce extra juice okay it's really up to you my friends whether you put in there or not okay so now we're looking good we're looking really good i'm tired the smell of it is amazing my friend i'm gonna put some peppers i'm gonna put a little more salt because i don't have enough salt here just a little bit of some more salt i'm going to reduce the heat i don't need it to be so high anymore now right and then i'm going to put my carrots now those guys are going to take a long time to cook trust me they're like there's mamma mia and the celery and everything is big is everything is sliced big all right we're gonna put this in there like this you see it's looking good it's looking good now tonight i'm going to serve it with today i'm going to serve with papadela pasta but you can also serve with the little potatoes you know there's a little potato in there put them in there they'll be perfectly fine they'll cook perfectly fine all right let's put them in there wash them and put them in there to be great i think i'm going to put just a little bit more stock so that'll be about three cups of stock and then we're going to take a beautiful hunk of meat right there my friends and oh oh mamma mia look see i always forget something it wouldn't be the right channel if if i didn't forget something i gotta forgot something every time look i have time and and and uh and rosemary use sage it's wonderful also in there if you don't have fresh herbs you want to use dry herbs there's nothing wrong with it if you don't have them right if you don't have them you don't have it what are you going to do use dry herbs but be careful use less they're more intense okay in the volume of it so be careful no use less okay so we're not gonna oh worcestershire sauce you don't have to put worcestershire sauce in there it's just great wonderful unami flavor there just an extra flavor different layers of flavor very little of it i promise you it really it gives it a new shape generously yeah i don't know what it is can't describe it but trust me it's it'll a good good in there just a little bit worcestershire sauce worcestershire and look at this my friends so now remember we're braising this right braising means in liquid you know i do a filament like that amazing yeah absolutely amazing my friends right there so now you got two choices to cook this cook it on the stove very slowly bring it to a bloop bloop bloop bloop now don't go any crazy you know right you can do that or you can put a cover on it and pop it in the oven in the oven it's going to take longer you cook it at three and a quarter 350 fahrenheit and keep an eye on it uh for you know take about three four hours as well okay on the stove it might take a little bit less time we're gonna see i'm gonna show you when it's ready it's ready when it falls apart you know you can actually put it with a fork on it that's when it's ready and you can serve with mashed potatoes you can serve with a potato in it you can say with pasta like my mom used to do whatever you do i know you're gonna love it we're gonna bring it to boil we're gonna cook it slowly and when it's done we're going to serve it all right so we'll be back in um however long it's going to take i would say a good two and a half three hours okay we'll be back okay friends well that took forever to cook i mean we're talking about three and a half four hours folks do me a favor put it in the oven much easier than putting on the stove on a stove it's very labor intensive you gotta constantly mix it it's gonna stick you know and you gotta cook it slowly put it in the oven then you don't worry about it one every hour once in a while you check it and you make sure and what you're looking for is it's falling apart you you're looking for the meat to fall apart my friends you see you're looking for the meat to fall apart look at this you see right here it's falling apart that's all we're looking for okay i'll show you i've taken two fork and that's the idea that's what we're looking for here friends you see look look you want to make sure you see it falls apart that you know what i'm going to do friends i'm going to take it i'm going to put it on on the cutting board so we can all look together okay because that's really the only way you'll see my friends we're going to take it right here and you see look look you see this is what we're looking for here friends you see right there it's falling apart look at this let me tell you and the meat right there my friends the flavor oh let me tell you this is fabulous so what my mom used to do they said take the meat like that right and shred it all and put it and mix it with a pasta and give it to us with a sauce and a pasta and let me tell you that was really something my friends all right so let me turn this off we don't need it to go anymore i got some papadala pasta which is just a this just do it with rice dirty with mashed potatoes do it with whatever you want papadela pasta is a papa papadela pasta is a large fettuccine okay and uh and they're wonderful and what i like to do is just put them in a in a boiling water which is not boiling that much right now but it's supposed to be boiling and uh and and then i what i do is i i dry them i put them with a little butter because we can never have too much butter and uh and remember at the last minute friends sprinkle it up on the parsley you know give it some more brightness because after that many hours of cooking your vegetables and i've lost their their their punch if you will their brightness because they cook so long right so what we're going to do we're going to put a roboto in there and then we're going to take this pasta is oh it's hot it's hot oh yeah it's hot and we're gonna put it in here and just mix it up with a raw butter and a little bit of parmigiano reggiano that's all we do very simple my friend you do this with mashed potatoes oh man something is hot on my hand this is it mashed potatoes also it's wonderful okay but very simple right a little salt and pepper very little salt because you already got it in there see little salt and pepper a little parmigiano-reggiano on the pasta you can certainly skip that if you don't want the parmigiano region but i think you should want it it's delicious right and you know what let's make the pasta even a little more pretty right there let's turn the heat off i don't need no more heat i love it beautiful pasta with just a little bit of butter and a little bit of parmigiano reggiano that's all very simple you see okay come back over here you you see and i love it when it's just plain like that my friends very simple and now we're going to take this meat right there my friends and it's right there you see you can mix it up my mom used to put it in a big pot and mix everything so it was it was beautiful right and then we take it a ladle and we pour some of that beautiful sauce right here my friend you see we take some of the vegetables right there and we put some of the carrots that are perfectly cooked you see and some of the mushroom and some of the garlic right there and we take another piece of meat and we put it right on top and voila and voila hold on hold on i made a mess out of my cutting board so now and then what i like to do is a reminder i like to remind everybody what herbs i have in there so i have some thyme and i have a little bit of rosemary so i like to remind them so then when they get the dish they expect those two flavors and this is it my friend a touch more parsley right there and since we're among friends if you don't mind i'm gonna take a bite out of this it's too much i'm gonna have to take taking before look at it it falls apart completely oh melts in my mouth my friend but now remember leave it in the oven three four hours until you can do what i just did with a fork that's all you have to do my friends i hope you enjoyed remember thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we see you in the next couple of days with another fantastic video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 195,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make pot roast, pot roast recipe, easy pot roast recipe, best pot roast, easy pot roast, crock pot roast, best pot roast recipe, pot roast in oven, how to make pot roast beef, pot roast recipe oven, how to make pot roast in the oven, pot roast, classic pot roast recipe, oven pot roast recipe, pot roast recipe stove top, best pot roast recipe oven, beef pot roast, crockpot pot roast, best pot roast ever, pot roast recipe dutch oven, pot roast beef, tender pot roast
Id: Dpwiulx33OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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