How to Cook the Perfect Steak | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends today very important video how to cook the perfect steak i figured there was a lot of information on the internet i didn't need to do any a video about how to cook a steak but there's so much bad information out there that i decide to debunk all of the myths out there that are entrue number one take out your steak at least 20 minutes before you cook what does that do nothing no no i'm telling you friends i know everybody's saying it i've done it so many times i said let me check it see what's happening take a thermometer take the steak out take the temperature take it out 20 minutes later and do the same thing i guess what you get nothing maybe a net one and a half two degrees difference if you take it out 20 minutes before you cook it that means nothing so don't waste your time taking the steak out another myth out there don't salt it just until you're ready to go because it's going to pull the moisture that's correct if you put the salt just before you cook that's exactly what's going to happen matter of fact we're going to demonstrate it all right i got two stacks in here this salt as you can see a little darker red um has been salted 24 hours ago this guy right there we just got it at the store so this one has not been salted you can see a little glistening in there there's a little moisture in there i want to get rid of that the secret of a good steak is moisture we want to get rid of the moisture how do we do that we take a salt and be careful no i've seen guys out there putting so much salt in there it ruins the steak you don't want to put too much salt you want to put enough salt just a little bit that looks like fine we don't want to put too much that's a lot of salt already okay just maybe that's it that's it no more salt than that right we're going to put it in we're going to rub it in we're going to flip it on the other side okay and we're going to put it back in the on the other side how much don't put too much salt don't put the material you don't need much salt you want to put some on the side and that's it now we're going to take this steak you're going to be amazing what you're going to learn you're going to love this this is really good i'm very excited to teach you this you can see every time i'm watching somebody doing it wrong i'm like mama me who taught you to cook a steak we're gonna put this in the fridge friends ten minutes from now we're gonna come back let me put it in here just like that open oh i forgot to tell you you need a rack a sheet pen with a rack that allows you to get the air to circulate it you don't want to age a steak in a in a plastic bag or in a wrapper the minute you get it home they're gonna put it on a rack if you're gonna eat it within a few days put the salt on it like i just did leave it in there longer you leave it better off it is we're going to demonstrate that in a minute so i'll come back in about 10 minutes from now and you're going to see what happened to the salt then i put in on there you're going to see but the process of osmosis is going to osmosis that's a difficult word for a french person it's going to remove you're going to see it's going to draw the moisture out and the secret that happens within 10 to 15 minutes the secret is to leave it long enough at least 45 minutes for that juice to go back in now that juice is nice salty all of the juice and have the right amount of salt so don't let them tell you don't salt it until you put it in salt it as soon as you get it and when you're ready to eat it so we'll come back in about 10 minutes and we'll go over the other myth about how to cook the perfect steak i'm going to show you exactly how to do it so we'll be right back about 10 minutes from now all right friends 10 minutes went by just 10 minutes that's all you need you're going to be amazed you're going to be unless you've made the test before if you did then you're not going to be amazed look at this friends look at this look at this we we got to make sure the camera gets right in there you see this is only 10 minutes you see the the salt is putting out all the juices so if we were to cook it right now we lose all the juices we don't want to lose it we want to put it back inside and this is the seed the cyst the secret is right there is to have a dry outside that's what happened now 10 minutes that's what happened within at least 45 minutes it's the minimum you got to do this okay 45 minutes to an hour this is what's gonna happen the juice went back inside so now we're ready to cook we'll go back and put this in a fridge later now we'll cook it now a lot of people says to me aren't you cooking in clarified butter you can cook it in clarified butter but if you do you don't get as much of a crust and you know it's all about the cost so an avocado oil is a very high smoke point oil and it creates a really nice crust so we're using the avocado oil okay you can use whatever makes you happy friends but if you use regular butter you know it's gonna burn burn burn burn and we don't want it to do that all right so salt we got already we don't need to do that pepper you can put it now it's not going to burn or you can wait and put it in leather i like crushed bread pepper at the last minute in it if you didn't put it down nothing's going to happen to it some people oh you put it now you're going to burn no you don't burn it it's really up to you it's not a pepper steak so i'm not going to do that the oil i like to get it about 400 degrees about 400 fahrenheit if you don't have one of those skip an eyelet you'll feel it when it's 400. now an avocado has a great smoke bone so you don't see it smoking if you put olive oil in there it's going to burn for sure okay now here it is look beautiful big big steak right there dry as a bone look at this it's here same thing look at look at this guy right here it's amazing so we're going to take it in now right now friend and we're going to put it in and now don't touch it we're going to put this in the fridge because i don't like to leave it out and this i'll eat it tomorrow so now no touching not playing around with it let's make sure we got the right heat we're going to leave it alone now what happens is i like to do a cast iron pan because it retains the heat so then the steak doesn't take all the heat out of a thin fry pan but if you have a good thick stainless steel frypan or a copper pan nothing wrong with it cast iron is the easiest thing to deal with you just got to deal with it taking care of it make sure you have a handle of it when you put them in the oven so what we're going to do we're going to give it a beautiful crush right here let me make sure it's still going and then let's talk a little bit about a very important thing the salt what salt did i use i used a kosher salt you want a kind of a crusty uh thick salt the granulated salt not a fine table salt you want to make sure you put it on a kosher salt is perfect fleur de cell is another perfect cell for salt for that you also got to give yourself a thermometer frame get yourself a good thermometer this is the twenty dollar aftermath but it works great this is a hundred dollar thermometer it's thermapen it's a great thermometer this one what's the difference between the hundred dollar one and the twenty dollar one the hundred dollar one reads in three seconds the twenty dollar one reason about ten seconds so if you got seven seconds to spare you save 80 bucks up to you whatever you want to do i got him right here we don't want to forget him because this thing about pushing the thumb and all that stuff oh yeah if you push over here it's medium rare if you push it over there it's rare if you put it there it's well done hello try to touch your wife or your husband tom and you see completely different so which one do you use hers or yours so everybody's thumb is completely different that makes absolutely no sense at all what makes sense is the thermometer and don't be afraid to poke it we'll talk about that in a minute so i put it in i when it's a thick stick like that like an inch an inch and a half i do not like make sure it's quick i do not like to live in the pan the whole time because here's what happens you end up burning the outside in order to cook the inside so we're going to take it out and we're going to get a beautiful crust right here and we're starting to build the crust we're gonna flip it on the other side now there's so many information right there do you flip it how many times do you flip it if you have a thin steak leave it alone because you're not going to build a nice caramelization of the maya reaction the caramelization or protein you're not going to do that if it's thin because if you keep moving it you're not going to build that font in the bottom of the pen and that maya reaction so it's very important so what i do is i cook it one or two minutes on each side then i pop it in the oven for a few minutes because the oven makes it way i don't burn on the outside in order to cook the inside so if you have a thin steak you can do it in frypan the whole time don't worry but if you have a a thick steak you want to pop it in the oven otherwise you're going to end up burning the outside in order to cook the inside okay so we're going to put it in because it's a little smoky but that's good that's what we want we're going to wait though don't forget mison plus we don't have much i have a little fresh thyme i have some garlic and i have some shallot and i got butter i am going to use some butter but we'll use that at the end so we don't burn it remember butter burns up 250 degrees if i put butter what i got is burn butter and who wants burnt butter all right so what we're going to do friends we're going to take that fry pan we're going to put it in the oven i guess i can use it like that we're going to put it in the oven and in a two minutes from now we're gonna flip it i'm gonna show you okay so we're living in the oven right now in about two minutes from now i'm gonna flip it so i'll come back in about two minutes from now okay it's been there two minutes i'm gonna flip it flip it just a little bit longer one more time oh yeah we're getting a beautiful crust friends it's really looking beautiful and we're gonna leave it in there another two or three minutes and then we're gonna check it one more time all right it's been in the oven about a total of about six minutes we're gonna take it out and we're gonna finish it up in the fry pan now friends all we're gonna do now look look it's starting to look beautiful we got a beautiful crust okay we're gonna do the sides of it now don't forget the sides friends very important we get a nice side and now we're gonna add some butter let me just finish the side now we're gonna do we're gonna add a little bit of butter that's my best bar and then we're gonna add some i got some fresh thyme i got some shallots and garlic don't forget to do the side very important friends nice job on the side and we're going to spoon some of that beautiful butter we're going to spoon some of that beautiful butter right there friends oh there's extra butter we're going to spoon some of that extra butter right there on top ones gonna give it a little flavor it's gonna take a little time but this right there friends look at this look at this ooh baby look at this the smell of it is amazing intoxicating it another thing you hear all the people tell you um make sure you sear sear in the steak right away the sealing the juices [Music] the juice are going to come out with or without a so the secret is the letter rest and we're going to talk about that when we're ready to let our restaurants when we're ready to let our race that's when we're going to talk about it we're not ready to let her rest yet so now very important we check temperature i want to take it out about 120. i love the sound of it i want to take it out at about 120 my friends 120 125 but i like a medium rare rare so it's up to you if you like a more cook remember friends there's nothing wrong with the way you like a cook you like it raw god bless you you're like a medium rare god bless you you're like a medium god you're like a well done god bless you it doesn't matter it's not let anybody take your order so wrong way to either you're out of rare or you don't either get out of my kitchen okay you eat it however you want to eat it friends okay don't let anybody tell you your way to do it is wrong look at this steak now this is how to cook the perfect steak my friends we got a beautiful color the smell of it is absolutely amazing so now we're going to check the temperature friends very important now we're looking for 120 to take it out because the curry over eating is going to continue cooking so if i have 120 now i'm very happy oh take it easy here you got to be careful don't go all the way to the other side so let's see what i got right here friends it says 125 but um i went a little too deep all right that's another thing that went too deep i'm about 120 116 120. you know that's enough for me friends i'm just going to let it rest just a little bit longer put a little more butter in there the garlic is getting a little caramelized that's okay we're not gonna eat it we just want that flavor right there in another video i'm going to show you how to make some beautiful sauces i decided i'm going to make a whole collection of uh of of sausage friends all right so we're going to let it rest it's very important we let our rest friends are we doing oh look at this does that look beautiful or what oh yeah that looks beautiful look at this we're going to take it we're going to put it right there however side we want to put it in that's beautiful look at our crust look at this that's gorgeous and we're going to take a little bit of this right there on top and we're going to let it rest on a cutting board and i'll explain to you what happened why do we need it right away so you understand it the whole concept of it maybe for uh later on i put some fresh thyme leaves in there so it looks beautiful don't be afraid to put some butter in there right there oh yeah look at this friends does that look beautiful or what huh wait until we cut into it it's going to be beautiful oh we put this aside right here let me explain you a couple of things friends next time i got to put some herbs some fresh-looking herbs in there so we do a nice thumbnail well here's what's happening with the juices you know you say if you cut it right away you lose all the juice you do here's what happened you remember when you put it in the pan you hear that sizzling what happened is the outside and the the both side sides are heating the pan 400 degrees right now on the outside of the stack is about 200 degrees and that's at that level of heat the juices are being expelled there is no juice on the outside of it all the juices in the middle of the meat and the meat is about 120 degrees now on the inside they can hold the juice we need to let the outside cool at about 120 130 so then the juices can go from the metal a little more on the outside and we distribute so then we don't lose all the juices when we cut oh let me turn this off okay you understand what i'm saying we need the letter rest so the juices can go back from the inside and redistribute a little bit on the outside and and and and that's all we need to do we need to let the rest do you need to let it rest about 10 minutes five minutes not enough about 10 minutes and then you slice it and it'll be absolutely beautiful so we're going to wait 10 minutes and i'll come back and we're going to slice it okay friends 10 minutes went by you got to lie and wait 10 minutes be patient and all we're going to do now friends we're just going to cut into it i love that crust you hear that yes sir and we're going to cut right in friends and voila beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful friends oh yeah now it's time to get the fork out cut it however you wanna friends but let me tell you this is perfectly perfectly cooked look at this look at this oh i forgot i'm tasting it and i'm going with the pepper i forgot the paper one day i'm gonna forget my head my mom used to say if your head was not attached so good you'd be losing it friends oh it's salty to perfection this is how you make a steak i hope you enjoyed the video remember friends gives us a thumbs up if you like it or forget also for don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every thursday and don't forget to subscribe we need subscribers we love you guys thank you for watching and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 4,705,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef jean-pierre, the perfect steak, how to cook steak, how to make the perfect steak, How to cook the perfect steak, perfect steak, steak, how to make steak, best steak, how to cook a steak, cooking steak, steak recipe, easy steak recipe, perfect steak recipe, medium rare steak, best steak recipe, steak cooking, cast iron steak, cook steak, steak dinner, butter on steak, how to cook steak right, steak recipes, Bifteck parfait, bistec perfecto, Receta de filete perfecto
Id: lVcTvHTn6Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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