New England Clam Chowder | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hi there friends another fantastic video today i just made clam chowder i'm going to share the recipe with you remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll be right there making this amazing clam chowder right friends well the first thing we're going to do is we're going to cook the clams and then we'll make the soup let's get going first with the clams i get them right here believe it or not in florida we got clams for armor matter of fact it's um it's a saturn cross sea farm it's in florida and uh whenever you buy whenever you buy clams the the store you buy them at has to keep this tag right there that's that shows you when they were picked those were picked two days ago so super flesh okay and uh and uh we're gonna cook him and the first thing we do is uh we're gonna give him a bath i give him a bath in water friends i get him uh i got uh uh uh this morning and they were picked two days ago i already washed them four or five times you wash them in water you brush them you wash them in water you brush them and then you put them in a cooler and then no not in water don't put them in water let them be dry and brush them again and put them more in water and wash them and and wash them and wash them and wash them again and every time they're going to release some sand the sand is the key thing that we don't want we don't want sand in there friends so we'll show you a way to get rid of it just in case you have it okay a little shout outs a little garlic it looks like a lot of garlic but you know we're gonna be poaching it we're gonna be making clam juice instead of buying the clam juice we're gonna make our own clam juice now you can certainly buy clam juice out there there is a lot of clams used and there's a lot of clams you can buy in the can and i've never used them but a lot of people do so fresh thyme garlic and shallots this is their last bath so we got to take good care of them but these are loved by the fish bits you lost meal you better make sure it's nice you know what we're gonna do we're going to be wearing nice with them we're going to give them some wine there you go measure carefully i use a beautiful chardonnay and we're going to put it in here well i like a lot of clam juice if you don't mind them as well and you know i don't like to use water so you see a lot of people cooking things in water we don't really like to cook things water so remember don't be afraid to ask for the tag when you go to retail places and what we're going to do we're going to bring them to boiler we're going to bring this to the boiler and as soon as it's boiling we're going to put the clams in there and we're going to poach them that's the best way you do the same with mussels same exact deal with mussels we're going to wait for this to boil and then we're going to put them in there and we're going to give them a full bath they're going to be very happy and as soon as they open we're going to take them out we don't want to overcook otherwise they get tough all right so we're going to wait for this to boil okay friends oh i forgot to say for those of you that don't want to cook in wine then cook in broth like a vegetable broth or a chicken broth but no water please no water okay the water and clams use this terrible thing so we put them in there remember rinse them rinse them rinse them and put a cover on it we want to steam them that's why i like this um this glass cover because as soon as they come to boil i'll remove them so they don't overcook so we'll be back in a minute [Music] when they start to open [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we want to maybe check him and the best thing to do is just this that's all you don't need to do much just check him like this you don't want to lose that steam friends you want to lose that steam they're starting to open i hope they all open at the same time so then we don't overcook them all right friends i am going to remove the one that i've already cooked we don't want to overcook them otherwise they get tough you know we're losing the steam but we're going to remove all the one that i've already opened so we don't overcook them and they should all pretty much cook at the same time my friends opened at the same time so if they don't open they continue we're gonna mix them around let's remove the one that i've cooked i may have to leave them a little bit longer but at least i don't overcook the one that i open smells amazing my friends this is very exciting this is great stuff right there my friends i'm going to continue doing that without boring you because we got plenty more to do and uh we're gonna finish them in a minute i'm gonna wait for a few seconds all right friends if those are not opening there's a good chance that they were dead and if they're dead we're not opening them we're not frying them open now we're gonna make the juice we're gonna make the the juice very important we have sand in the bottom we gotta get rid of the sand first thing we do is we drain we drain this in a fine mesh trainer all right first thing we do we we go into a fine mesh trainer first and we don't want to get too much i probably have everything in the front here let me see if i can do it better so you guys can see and we're going to leave all that sand in there friends we got a little bit of sand in the bottom okay but that's not enough to get rid of the sand that's step one then what i like to do friends i use the xinhua xinhua is a fine mesh it's hot i have a fine mesh trainer if you know if i'm a strainer this is called xinhua because it's supposed to look like uh chinhua means the in french i don't know why the french people call this shinwa but that's what it's called and uh probably because it looked like a hat i don't know so look um and then what we're gonna do friends we are now going to strain this beautiful golden liquid right there trust me this has nothing to do with the clam juice nearby in the bottle nothing not even close so we're going to go to the end to the end and you can see at the end look at all that sand right there friends see right there we don't want that all right this all this is going to the garbage we're going to strain it right there and there's nothing nothing nothing came out no more scent if you can do it one more time if you're not sure do this one more time you have yourself beautiful clam juice right there my friends then that is amazing okay think about it right they release their liquor they release their beautiful juice you make this i promise you you don't buy the you're going to need a fine mesh strainer if you don't have one of those you can get one of those you know the fine mesh one the fine mesh trainer not the single mesh the double mesh or triple mesh trainer okay those are really really important friends chinois helps you do perfect or cheesecloths but you got to really strain it now what we're going to do with those we're going to we're going to cut them in in two two pieces they're small so they don't need to be cut that much maybe one piece you cut them in half or you can leave them whole those are very small uh uh clams so and i like them small smaller they are more tender they are bigger they are more chewy there so for a clam chowder i like them to be nice and tender you can leave them whole or you can chop them up all right we're gonna clean all this up then then we're gonna cleanse we're gonna save some of it for decoration and then we're gonna put them in a bowl and now we have our main ingredient for the soup all right so we're gonna clean all this up and we're gonna start making the soup together okay okay friends it smells amazing already i got the bacon going and i'm gonna use the bacon fat to saute my onion i'll take two i'll talk to you about the meson plus in a minute but let me first do this face so then i can relax a little bit i'm going to take the bacon out i want to get a little caramelized i don't want it to be too golden brown okay by the way for those of you that don't like bacon [Music] um oh don't use bacon because you probably would like it if you were to use it um but because you you can't have it for whatever reason it doesn't matter i totally understand it you can use turkey bacon or you can just skip it all right don't worry about it just keep it don't you don't have to replace it you know whatever replace it with nothing you can't replace bacon with nothing don't worry all right now put some onion in there i i got that looks like a lot right it's only two onions two audio i'm telling you also you know what use we saute the onion get it really golden brown let's reduce that heat just a little bit so i don't burn them too much we're gonna get them on your golden brown let me talk a little bit about the bison plus my friends this is a lot going on but maybe one day i'll make a really quick recipe but right now there's just a lot going on okay it's just the way it is sometimes soups are a lot you know but they are amazing because you can make a lot and you can freeze them all right so i got about a half a pound of bacon right there right there we're going to put it in later in the cook we got about um a couple of cups of celery cup small right there and the carrots and the celery right to do those two then we got um uh six seven garlic cloves fresh dill that's gonna be the flavor bell peppers look at this that was 200 clams friends 200 clams look what they reduced down to nothing i saved a few of them for decoration over there but really nothing so that's amazing and it so i buy a whole bag of 200 clams and those are little necks the little guys like i said i like them better because they it tastes better when they're little so i don't want the onion to be too golden brown i wanted them to be translucent that's all i'm really interested in it and now we're gonna put the celery and we're gonna put the carrots all right put the celery in the carrots and we're gonna let this cook for a minute now we're going to make a rule my friends right there we're going to make a roux all right and the rule is butter and flour okay butter and flour and very simple right butter and flour i got six ounces of um of of butter right there sweet butter i always use sweet butter for those of you that are asking what's the sweet butter it's not that sugar in it it's uh it doesn't have any salt in it so we call it sweet butter and then we put the flour in there friend and this is a cup of flour all right so we're going to make a rule and we want to make a soft rule so i want to make a dry hard rule okay and this is what we're getting you see very simple very simple see as long as you whisk it in really good my friends you're in good shape you see i think i could add another quarter cup of flour but i'm out of flour so i'm gonna need somebody to bring me some flour i know we have a couple of people here that are very good responsible and can bring me a whole container of flour so i can figure out what to put here it is wow just up here i love my life hey uh hold on i got to get a measurement because i want to give you a measurement guys because everybody say you never you never give us measurement so i'm trying to give you measurements look i'm measuring measuring another quarter cup another quarter cup of flour and that's what i want i want a little drier of a roux and i got it right there you see all right how are we doing over here we're doing good this is like a intense recipe you gotta have your miso plush ready my friend okay we got the roux now we got the milk right there friends okay and we're gonna start adding the milk i'll show you you cannot hot milk it goes faster but cold milk will do just as fine so you don't have one extra pot to clean again i'm trying to figure out a way to cook with not so many pots you know being a professional chef my whole life sometimes we don't pay attention to how many pots we use and now that i'm retired i understand the pain then the dishwasher that we're working with me must have fed like all those years i had this guy that worked for me for 25 years at the restaurant 23 years at the restaurant jungle dean that guy was a a a genius he was amazing he stayed with me for 23 years and um he didn't care how many pots are dirty he's a chef whatever you need he was a wonderful wonderful person all right jungle din may your rest in peace all right my friends we're looking good we're looking good okay so this is good we're gonna wait until this thicken because see the cold milk doesn't thicken right away so you'll see in a minute what's gonna happen here friends let's put some heat in there okay all right so now we put the garlic in there a little chopped garlic you can put as much or as little garlic as you want when we put garlic that means we're getting ready to put something wet bell peppers remember the garlic how long do we cook it for we cook it until it smells okay the deal we're gonna wait toward the end we're gonna put this together and just make sure see look see look guys it's gonna start it's gonna start to thicken i want it to be smooth as silk but by the time i put it in here i want it to be smoother silk we're not putting it in there and also friends i have some uh vegetable broth or chicken broth whatever you want to put in in your soup okay it's up to you all right here we go see as the milk is starting to get hot this is starting to thicken and we want to cook this we're going to give it a little time to cook friends all right so we're looking good it's starting to smell which is so important and i got about three cup of diced potatoes three cup of diced potatoes i wash them and wash them and wash them carefully to get rid of the extra starch so it doesn't interfere with um with my thicken it and the thickened the i like the soup to thicken to use some of the starch or the potatoes to thicken some people don't like it that's their prerogative i don't mind okay so here we go friends all right you notice i got some tomatoes in there this is tomato con casey what's the american casserole tomato then we took the time to peel and seed it you don't have time to do that just take some cherry tomatoes or take a can of tomatoes and chop them up and you'll be perfectly fine my friends don't worry but if you have time you want to do a con cassette it's really nice all right so look we're getting thick now you notice we're getting thick so now we're going to continue mixing this because we want it to be smooth as silk smooth is what we're looking for friends and let me put the whole milk in there now let's see how smooth i can get i got to be smooth i don't want to put some lumpy stuff in there see it's looking good so far but let's see what happened after this we're gonna add some stock so i got four cup of milk in here and if it gets too thick on me i'm gonna put some stock in there okay i'm gonna put stock anyway now you notice i haven't put any salt and pepper yet but don't worry i got it under control salt and pepper as you add as little or as much as you want that's really a matter of opinion it's getting thick okay so we want to put one cup of broth and we're gonna continue adding a little bit at a time okay that's a beautiful thing about cooking books yeah you can measure all you want but it's nice to to see what it is you're doing and understand what it is you're doing you don't want to put in here too much liquid because then you will have to bring it up and nothing wrong with that though if we have soup it's too thin it's no problem to put a little bit of cornstarch or arrowroot or tapioca powder a bunch of uh thicker you can use that are wonderful okay one more one more it's all we're probably going to put more than that but right now i just want to mount it i'm mounting it put it together remember it's all about the tongue i don't want to soup to liquid or i don't want to push a soup too thick it has to stay on the tongue long enough if it's too thick you think like you're eating a mashed potatoes if it's too thin it doesn't stay on your tongue on your mouth long enough for you to enjoy the flavor my friends all right so look we're gonna cook this we're gonna bring it to boil and we're gonna put it in here and then we're gonna see how much stock we're gonna add okay all right smooth as salt so we go in we'll go right in now you understand why it was important to put it in different parts some people say how come you don't do it in the same pot you can do it in the same pot if you want but let me tell you it's a lot easier to do it like this a lot easier to do it this way my friend all right so now let's mix all this up and yeah we're getting there getting there and now let's put in a stock a broth we're gonna put one we're gonna put two and we're gonna put our tomatoes you don't wanna put tomatoes that much don't put them in i love them i think they give you a beautiful color i think they give you a nice really fresh flavor it's really up to you my friends and then we're going to put in more stock we're going to keep putting more stock until we got the right texture that's why i always have a big pot we'll write the recipe exactly how many we put in that's exactly one cup right there this is an eight ounce ladle so to make it easy we're going to continue mixing all this i wanted to show you by the way i told you it's only two onions but look how big they are i got some more cream in here that i may add to the end to give it a little more creaminess and of course the style to show the clam juice we're gonna wait just a little bit we're gonna bring this to boil and we're going to adjust the texture as we go i love it lava lava we're going to have to put more like more um but let's first put the climb juice in there and a clam juice is a liquid gold this is a liquid gold friends this is uh trust me after you make your own clam juice you'll never again buy one in the can in a jar whatever they come in just make sure you check in the bottom to make sure there's no sand in it but which i strained it enough time i still don't want to put it all the way to the end just in case there's no reason to do it all we're going to do now is uh let's bring it to boiler put our bacon back on there that was hot and this my friends is going to need to cook very slowly for about uh 45 minutes and that's why we're going to want to put the clams in there now and then we'll adjust at the end with a little cream and i'm also going to put a little bit of sherry in there it'll make it even much better and that's it so we'll be back in about 45 minutes clean up everything and we'll finish it up and i'll show you the perfect texture okay we'll be back in a few minutes okay friends well we cooked about 45 minutes to an hour this is all your vegetables gonna be nice and tender i just want to let you know though i just did so we don't wait i added two cup of cream i had a heavy whipping cream all right so now let's talk a little bit about texture it's all about texture remember friends it's about that tongue we gotta take care of it if you look at it right there way way too liquid way too liquid i rather be too liquid than too thick if i'm too thick i got to put more stock there nothing wrong with it i don't matter if you're thick oh or thin we know how to fix it if it's too thick we're putting more stock if it's too thin we got to bring it up oh here we go all right bring it up how do we bring it up well first let's make sure we got everything let's put our clams in there let's get them hot let's put a deal in there friends fresh dill i don't like to cook there that much it's not one of those herbs and then it's so happy to cook okay so we don't cook it so much okay but we're still looking into liquid and we're about to look a little bit more liquid i'm going to put a little bit of harvest whistle cream measure carefully you don't have to put that in there no no you don't have to put it in you don't have to do nothing okay hey oh yeah baby so we still do liquid the smell and the cherry the yeah yeah i'm telling you this is really you know what's so very good also if you um if you like a little anise flavor in there you could put a little sambuca or you could put a little pierno a little bit of anise flavor is also delicious very little though okay i promise you it's really delicious so what do we do now we got to thicken it my friends because it's too thin it's too thin and and and i'll show you i'll show you let me get a spoon let me get a spoon okay look it's too thin this is not what it is we want we want thickness okay it's really important so i got cornstarch diluting water how much do you want well you got to bring it to boil make sure this is boiling before you do that the minute it's boiling then you can add your cornstarch if you add cornstarch to a cold mixture it doesn't work you know it's like you meaning you rue and you put in cold milk it's got to take a time to cook a little bit right so let's make sure we're boiling we're boiling on the side with the boiling on the side i'm not so sure we're boiling yeah we're good we're good yeah we're good right there okay so now we're going to put our cornstarch how much did we put in well we got to be careful because uh we could put too much if we put too much that's why i got the stock right there just in case i put too much okay it's gotta have the right texture my friends you really really have to have the right texture because this is all about the texture see we're getting there we're getting there look look you can see it all the vegetables are starting to float you know when they float it's not the liquid you see you see you can see it look at look at this you see oh yeah baby oh salt salt salt i already put a little salt when you went watching okay and i i left it here just in case because that's really important also look at this that's that looks beautiful now now you see what i'm talking about look at this all right i'm going to give it a test now i want to give it a test because it's all about this oh it's going to be hot wow it's going to be very hot oh yeah oh yeah delicious my friend all right so what do we do now it's time to eat it it's time to eat it my friend look at look how gorgeous that is you see look at this what do you think my friends i hope you like it as much as me look at this [Music] it's very exciting you look at this is that gorgeous oh what okay a little more what do you think just one more one more over there right okay so now now i got the clams you want to make a little decoration to make it look pretty right don't make too much of a mess here jump here here we go we're taking some clams right there and we put them in there just like this it doesn't really matter how you put in my friends let's put a couple of clams in there you may want to dunk them in stock so they're nice and hot when i'm right there put a beautiful sprig of deer right there my friends and you have yourself an amazing clam chowder god bless america this is gorgeous look at this my friend what a bon appetit a test amazing i hope you make it remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you in the next few days another fantastic video this looks amazing it tastes amazing i'm gonna turn the heat off and i'm gonna sit down on a huge bowl thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 529,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clam chowder, how to make clam chowder, clam chowder recipe, best clam chowder, homemade clam chowder, recipe for clam chowder, easy clam chowder, easy clam chowder recipe, how to make clam chowder soup, creamy clam chowder, clam chowder recipes, recipe for clam chowder soup, clam chowder soup recipes, best clam chowder recipe, chef jean pierre, clam chowder soup, san francisco clam chowder, manhattan clam chowder, new england clam chowder recipe, seafood chowder, chowda
Id: sdMyin7g8wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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