Lobster Bisque Better Than ANY Restaurant! | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends an amazing soup today I made a shrimp and lobster bisque and I'm going to share with you all of my secret it's amazing I promise you a good Windows saffron reduction in there it's gonna be amazing I promise you you're gonna love it remember thumbs up you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're making it right now together [Applause] thank you okay friends show you how to make it now I'm going to show you the the traditional way of making it I'm a white traditional you know I'm gonna change a few things and you're gonna love it I promise you this is amazing so you know what I'm doing and I'm making uh with uh lobster and shrimp so if you know I've lost it also expensive this is that take a second mortgage on the house but two tails it's amazing no really it's very expensive so you know what I'll do let me get put some onion in there you know on your always number one we're gonna make a little bit of a stock and friends a little bit of stock and I got um uh two lobster tails that are removed out of the shell and I'll show you and I saved the shell it's all about the shell so all you do right here friends you take your um your chef's knife and just crack it in the middle right and then you go like this and you collect it in the middle and if there is an intestine sometimes you see it right there you get rid of it eh you don't want that it's been eating whatever it's been eating and I don't want it so if it's not there it's okay it's clean over there and all you do basically is you take it out of there the the meat out of there and the shell the shell is everything planned in the in this recipe the shell is everything so we don't want to throw them away so if you have a friend I put them here if you have a friend that works in a fish store and I got a few of them so what we do we will cut this in uh in bite-sized species we don't want to get them too big you know because remember it's all going to go on a spoon so we don't want it to cut them too big so I put them here so you know what I did in case you can't afford to buy the lobster because let me tell you that is ridiculously expensive friends um you um you put shrimp and I got shrimp right there and the shrimp and just cut them in little pieces okay I just kind of boom boom boom little pieces eh let me clean this up friends and then I'll I'll tell you real quick because I'm gonna make a what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a stock okay I'm gonna make a a lobster stock with lobster and shrimp so it's gonna be a lobster and shrimp bisque or whatever we want to call it friends right and um and and the shell believe it or not there's so much flavor in a shelf friends that's what we want to get is the chef remember so look look look look look look at this so I got the lobster shell and I got a shrimp shell so you know go to your when you get a fish manga give him a little coin and tell him to save you next time they do some shrimp but every time I do shrimp friends I save him rinse a little package I save it I put it in the fridge in a freezer in a freezer freezer freezer right and then you take them out of there and then you got this flavor this is going to give you so much flavor you're not gonna believe it all right so in a we're going to put them in there in a second but first i'm gonna put a layer in the bottom and I got the chopped tomatoes I got three big Tomatoes put them in there now I didn't peel them and I lift everything in there because we're going to strain everything but there was no one putting the tomato with the skin I want the pectin I want the stock to have somebody somebody consistency so we're gonna put it in there we're gonna make sure it's hot hey you come back over here and then we're gonna put this in here you're gonna say mama mia that's a lot of shrimp shell they'll reduce down to nothing and they give an amazing flavor in the bottom of it we're going to put a little tomato puree and we're going to use more tomato products in it in when we make the actual bisque this is just the stock so for those of you that like you want to make it but you don't want to go through making the stock use it use a chicken stock it's okay my friends okay if you don't have the shell you just got a couple of lobster you want to make it or you got a little bit of shrimp so you don't want to make the stock don't worry about it use a nice chicken stock put a little tomato a puree in it maybe and you put a little flavoring in there if you want to but you don't have to you want to relax it's just cooking you know not rocket science eh so look guys we're gonna put a little bit I think a few garlic garlic garlic cloves I was going to put the ball in there a few garlic cloves I didn't worry about it because this is going to cook but stock you know normally stock cook forever right this stock is only going to cook for about an hour right but let's put the shell in a minute let's put the carrots in there I didn't peel the cows either I wash them but I didn't peel them all right and then and the celeries same thing I wash them well I didn't peel them yeah I don't peel myself usually right leeks oh leeks very important friends this is uh I try to use mostly the White and the uh the the the white and the light green part of the leek I try uh to use that because the dark part is very bitter and then I got fennel fennel look at this this is a specimen this is my fennel and uh and fennel is going to give us a little bit of licorice it's special you don't like licorice then don't put it in put more celery and it'd be good to go that's all right we put it right there see I cut it in little pieces and oh by the way friends for those of you that want to know how to cut those vegetables correctly remember Jack is going to give you a link of the video that we did on how to cut all the vegetables correctly then we're going to take all those shell right there you're going to say well that's a lot of you know I got him yeah I've had him in the freezer for a long time friends and now I'm gonna put my stock now you can put water in there a lot of people just put water in it and there's nothing wrong with that but you can put a vegetable stock or also a chicken stock okay and the uh the stock is going to give you more flavor that's all there is to it and why not I mean we're going to make a stock do we want to stock then that's really good or do we want a stock Denny's hey you know this is going to be the base of our soup my friends you watch when I'm done cooking them in an hour from now the shells are going to be like pink everything is going to turn pink it's going to release an amazing amount of flavor so we don't put salt and pepper in there because you know I never salt and pepper my stock I'm just going to continue to cook this about uh 45 minutes to an hour and then we're going to strain all our stuff and we're gonna make the bisque all right so I'm gonna let it cook and I'll be back when this has cooked for about an hour okay be back okay friends well look at this you see it's gorgeous and you know it has no salt and pepper but it already tastes amazing so I got I got more than I need that's okay cause I'm gonna freeze it when you make this make a lot now we're gonna make the the soup the soup if you will the Super we got onion onion number one always right and then we're gonna do a um a uh uh uh where we put the um the onion the celery the carrots the leeks you're gonna say well we got them in the stock why do we do it again because when you make a stock friends you can make X1 you can put it in the freezer in the last you 17 years approximately okay so you have it so you always make a little extra because this is beautiful and any sauce my friends I hope the letter is not in a way over there Jack what do you think then you'll wait somewhere actually no way it's in the way there's no way over there okay I'll put it over there how's that is that better all right so that's better very good very good very good I gotta watch for the camera because uh otherwise there's always something in the middle of it so so I forgot what I was talking about oh yes I know what I was talking about and you're gonna say well why why do you put a Sofrito in there why do you we already got the vegetables in there what do you put them in there well this is a stock separate you know you don't have to make the stock if you want to make the soup with just the chicken stock you're good to go or a vegetable broth or or seafood broth you see what I mean now you understand the concept right so that's why this is very important and we bring back all of the vegetables in the soup in case you don't make the stock that's all I'm saying you don't have to make it so what we're going to do now here friends we're going to put um the uh the Sofrito which is just a little uh celery and carrots now they they cut I don't really care how they cut my friends you know I don't really care how they cut meaning they don't have to be that uh evenly because they're all going to get pureed they're all going to get pureed okay so uh they're all going to get period that's all there is to it so I don't really care as long as they chop about the same size and if they're small they go a lot faster right you know you know each one of those vegetables friends is going to contribute to the texture and it's going to um to give us the thickness the consistency remember the texture is the conductor of flavor so I got a trick for that um and legs believe it or not is going to really contribute to that wonderful texture that we're gonna make and um and another thing that's got a lot of texture in there friends it's potatoes you're gonna say well potato doesn't belong in a bisque traditionally you're right it doesn't but when the last time I did something traditional so here's what I got my friend I got two Yukon Gold potatoes let me tell you why I put this instead of flour you don't put flour in there nothing wrong with that that's what everybody does but let me tell you something I like better something that has been thickened with a potato starch from a beautiful Yukon Gold potatoes than the flower you don't want to put the potato in there and put a little flour in it right now and let it cook throughout and then you'll have a nice texture okay so that's why I like to put the potato starch because it creates a a more luxurious texture than the flower in this instance okay so put whatever you want my friends remember it's always about you it's not about me I'm not about nobody else telling you what to do you do it the way you want to do it all right now you notice that we haven't put any salt yet so I think it's time for us to Salt so we're gonna put a little salt in there now if you're using a a chicken broth that has a lot of salt in it you may want to check that before you put your salt okay you test it put it in your tongue so I got a little pepper because the pepper of choice my friends is cayenne is a is a peppers and as a unique flavor so I'd like to put the Cayenne in there excuse me now nevertheless I still wanted to be very delicate so I don't want to put too much which means I wanted to be in the back not in the front that's very important my friends in the back not in the front Okay so now remember this is part of this is the soup deal right here we're gonna put a little tomato paste in there my friends and the tomato paste is going to contribute to things one obviously is going to contribute to uh flavor and uh and also it's going to contribute texture so we're gonna put and we're gonna put it at the beginning right now so then we have an opportunity to cook it well it's very important friends but I'm not finished I got a lot more going on we're going to put a fresh thyme in there friends you know our first time put a bit of tar going I got Tire going so tiger is delicious so I go again we're going back I put the whole Finish Line taigon we're going back to the same deal I was telling you about till I go as a undertone of licorice a little bit licorice and uh and if so it fits perfect in this you see at the end we're gonna bring the uh the licorice a little more up front we're gonna have fun with this friends so now if you look we are cooking everything we're sauteing everything and uh now uh the potatoes like I said you don't want to put the potatoes put some flour in there right now it's up to you I got them in water so otherwise they don't they oxidize right and I'm gonna put that in there right there and now I'm gonna put up in there all right and I'm looking at my shirt I'm forgetting nothing because I am being known in the past for forgetting things once in a while I think I was gonna sneeze but uh maybe I I can avoid this need you know I got a trick people I gotta say these guys are nuts ah trick I'm gonna tell you in a minute a little bit of Flesh pot City all right fresh has been dried I dried it out sometimes I got too much parsley you know what I do I'll tell you what I do I got too much spark city right so instead of throwing it away I chop it I put it on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and a little dry it's like two three days old and it still smells wonderful and instead of throwing it away you know I hate to throw anything away I was going to tell them something and I forgot I was going to tell you something friends I forgot what I was going to talk about I go oh yeah I go in the dungeon Jack just reminded me if you have to sneeze one time you don't want to sneeze you like you in the place you don't want to sneeze you because people get scary somebody sneeze you know you're having dinner with friends over here you take your tongue and you put it on top of your mouth now you look kind of funny when you okay you don't look like okay what is he doing well you got I don't know how you do it but I'm telling you it works you put your tongue like that she just did it you see and I'm and I'm not sneezing you watching I'm gonna sneeze I think the Cayenne got in my nose so you do that I'm telling you you won't sneeze I'm telling you you try it one time okay you have to sneeze take your tongue and put it on top of your mouth and you'll be amazed it's going to avoid you from sneezing you see this is not just a cooking channel friend this is a Channel hey it's a good thing I love you guys because otherwise people are going to think I'm a nut but you guys are fantastic yeah oh fantastic yeah we're gonna have a few people are gonna think I'm lost and they're gonna leave they're gonna go to tic-tac-toc I hope they have a good time over there I like it here my friends so look we want to cover the vegetables we may put a little bit more stock actually see it looked like I had a lot more right I don't have that much extra well I don't want to put too much that's it right there now you're gonna have to play with his friends with a measurement so here's what we're gonna do now okay we're gonna cook this and when the vegetables are cooked they're soft we're gonna puree and then we're gonna saute the lobsters we're gonna make a little soft lime Fusion I'm going to show you all about it and we're going to finish the soup all right friends so let's finish to cook this I may put it on my stock you see I always regret sometimes I put too much and then I gotta thicken it well so what if I have to think of it I'll show you after I puree the potato if it's too thin we'll do it together I'll show you what to do all right friends so we'll be back when all those vegetables are perfectly cooked we're gonna bring it to boiler and then we're gonna reduce it it's gonna go like blue blue blue you don't want to go otherwise you you'll have a mess everywhere and you're gonna burn the bottom okay so little blue Just Wing at the boil and then reduce it all right I'll be back in a few minutes okay friends vegetables are almost ready so now let me do the final the final touch is uh we're gonna cook the the shrimp and the Lobster in the saffron reduction very simple sounds fancy okay not fancy look a little butter the best part of the day we got to put butter butter is a must my friends and and shallots we're gonna put some shallots in there I'm going to cook them for a minute and put the whole thing right so oh boy oh and uh we'll cook the shallots my friends and then we're gonna have the look look at those shallots I wanted to show you those are shallots I'm telling you they we have an organic farm over there and go and grows them man I'm telling you they're beautiful they look like a red onion right so we're gonna saute them for a minute now shallots are not like an onion in a way then they need to get golden brown but it's nice to sweat them remember when you do your Lobster and your shrimp you cut them in nice bite-sized pieces because they're going to go on top of the soup or the bisque what's the difference to the bisque and the soup mostly your add cream and and it certainly is very appropriate because I lobster bisque is a is the is they lobster soup with uh with cream in it and and it's soft and it's amazing so it's bite-sized species everything bite-sized species so you don't have a huge piece um then um you put on your spoon and it's like you gotta take a fork and a knife and cut it it has to be food a spoon friendly spoon friendly all right so look the shouts are good they sweat it I don't know if you've ever cooked shallots in a fry pan with butter if you've never downloaded it's intoxicating the flavor then you get out of it is amazing I'm telling you telling you friends so now we're gonna put the shrimp in there and we're gonna put the lobster if you got them you don't have them don't worry about it you know I always said you haven't put them in you don't have them you can put baby swimsuits here put whatever shrimps you want in here it doesn't really matter it's really up to you my friends okay and then what we're gonna do we're gonna put a little stuff on little cayenne pepper again just a little bit little garlic and we're gonna do a white wine reduction I'm using a shotguni you can use a Sauvignon bro you can use a whatever you want ready white wine remember if you oh oh oh for those of you that don't drink wine it's delicious if you don't drink wine you know I don't almost talk you can deglaze anything with stock it'll be perfectly fine nothing wrong with it if you don't drink wine all right you just uh you just deglaze it with a little stock a little broth and it'll be perfectly fine um like I said vegetables are almost done we're going to cook this for a minute I'm not gonna put my garlic right now because if I put the garlic right now it's gonna burn now some people I think a lot of people like to cook their garlic until it's golden brown you know it's their garlic they can do whatever they want with it and ain't nobody that should take they don't do it that way I don't like it that way so it's a personal preference you know is it right is it wrong it's the way I do it so and and and I promise you garlic if it burns too much if it cooks too much it becomes bitter the way I do it the way when you smell it the minute you can smell the garlic the minute you can smell the garlic is so fragrant and at this point you must capture that Aroma then comes out and that's what I do and I and I how do I capture it I put something wet on it so up to you my friend the pot I'm using is my reduction saucepan then I make all my sauces with I could have used a wok I could have used the fry pan it would have been perfectly fine but this is a pen that we use for everything so we're gonna put a little garlic in there and again the garlic is going to be in the background gotta be in background cannot be in the foreground meaning when you test it you can't go oh there's garlic in there okay very little garlic Prince it's it's like everything it's more delicate if it's little yeah so it's up to you a little bit of a garlic see that's that's not a lot this a teaspoon and a half if I were to measure if I were to measure but I'm not measuring a little bit of cayenne and here again put as much or as little as you want more delicate if it's in the background all right now we're gonna put the saffron this is the most expensive spice in the world and I'm not going to say which one I think is best is where there's saffron and come from all over the world everywhere and it is saffron everywhere man I'm telling you this right there you gotta take a third mortgage of the house that's gonna be expensive you don't have it don't worry about it don't worry about them if you haven't you have your army you don't have it uh it's perfectly fine it'll be delicious without it right a little bit of chagony because I smell the garlic and now we're gonna do a reduction that's gonna finish to cook the shrimp the wine is going to evaporate it when the wine is gone the saffron Essence will have been reduced in the wines a perfect way to do it a saffron reduction and this we're going to put this as a decoration on our soup when we get it ready to finish we're going to wait for this to completely evaporate so all the wine is gone and the lobsters are cooked and this is a perfect perfect decoration for our soup all right friends so I'm gonna let this reduce when it's reduced we're finishing the soup we're gonna puree it over make it nice and smooth I just consistency if we need to we'll finish it together I'm gonna let this reduce all right friends be back in a minute everything is ready to go now take your emotion blender we're gonna puree everything we're gonna make sure it's perfect friends and uh and uh um I got my immersion blender it's um it goes a little faster if you got one of those and then and then you can thicker on your boat unawakened it's gonna puree everything very smooth friends very smooth it's all about texture what I'm doing is I want to show you see the lobster and the shrimp right there they are in the white wine reduction right there you see friends we're gonna put them in the middle of the plate we gotta puree this now until it's very smooth it's very very important friends and this would be super smooth it's all about texture we're gonna put a little heavy whipping cream you don't have to put a lot [Applause] but I'm going to leave this in there a little bit longer my friend I want it to be super smooth I gotta put a little bit of Sherry cream sherry you don't drink alcohol don't worry about it little cognac you don't drink alcohol don't worry about it no more how much you put in how much you got left in about oh be careful don't leave this by itself so now I'm friends Mamma Mia let's look at the texture friends let's look at the texture you see the texture it's not quite smooth enough but it is the right texture you see so I don't need to put uh I don't need to put any more um um let me just run a little more I don't need to pit anymore thick enough like cornstarch at this point if it was too thin I would play real cool stuff okay and put just a touch more cream we're gonna adjust for flavor my friends stay I don't recommend you do this we're gonna test it my friends oh yeah look at this look at this this won't be hot oh it's delicious little more salt there's a lot more pepper thank you and these are almost Sherry [Applause] I think they've been in the barrel okay let's see what we got here friends this is the beauty you see you see the texture my friends there is the beauty there's the beauty let me take this out of here before it falls don't be something right here we go friends I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you you're gonna love it you're gonna love it don't forget to make extra let me try let me try to make sure it's good now and make sure it's good it's a poke Catholic who is that delicious it's amazing how much salt it needs it's amazing you would think that I have enough salt but no no I think you could use a little more salt all right now friends let's make a plate let's make a plate so I use those uh it was played right there my friends use whatever plate makes you happy but remember let's try to be a little elegant so we're gonna pour right in there now of course you can uh serve a bigger plate I know some of you say yeah yeah this is going to be too small for me I don't blame you see but this is a nice serving right there my friend this is a really nice serving okay and you notice I didn't make a mess oh you know what I did also friends I did a little um uh a mixture of uh of sour cream and and sriracha and I mix them together until it was Liquid enough and then I can put them in a in a squeeze Barrel so I can just go and give myself a few dots just nothing fancy this little more elegant that's all you see friends everybody can do this you see it's a quiz quiz Barrel ketchup bottle whatever you call it right and then and then you take a you take your Lobster and you shrimp right there friends when you take it and you put it right there in the middle oh I was supposed to go in the middle and it went all over the place except in the middle you know I should know better it's not like I don't know right they get the thong be elegant right instead of that I'm disturbing the whole look of the thing okay look at this look at this my friends now put as much or as little as you want of course okay and then you know you take a few more chives friends right and take a few more tries and just put be there just a little bit not that many I had put a few chives on the on the lobster you know you don't have to put the child if you don't want to sometimes it's too much you know sometimes I put I do too much my friends this is it I hope you make it I know it was a lot I know it was involved uh but that's just the way it is and uh and make X Y because it'll freeze for 17 years for sure it's delicious I hope you make it thanks for watching Remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring that Bell thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 167,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lobster bisque recipe, how to cook lobster bisque, how to make lobster bisque, how to make lobster bisque soup, classic lobster bisque recipe, lobster bisque, best lobster bisque recipe, best lobster bisque soup, lobster bisque soup recipe, lobster soup, lobster bisque soup, gourmet lobster bisque recipe, lobster bisque recipe easy, langostino lobster bisque recipe, Sopa de langosta, Receta De Bisque De Langosta, Recette de bisque de homard, Bisque de homard, #lobster bisque
Id: N-Fd4J9N7X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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