DaVinci Resolve 16 Editing Workflow for Beginners

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[Music] what's up guys Casey Faris here thanks for checking out another video of mine here on the YouTube today we're talking about workflow inside a Vinci resolves 16 this is like a 30,000 foot view of basically how you would make a video inside of the app this is great for anybody who maybe just isn't very familiar with resolve or maybe gets confused with like why are there so many pages why are there so many different parts of the app what part of the app do I use for what thing I'm gonna try and give you the most simple explanation I can so that you can kind of get rolling as fast as you can that being said I'm not gonna go over every single little thing this is kind of a big overview let's jump into it when you open up resolve the first thing you'll see is the project manager that's this window right here this is where you open save export make new projects that kind of thing best thing to do here is just hit new project and call it something I'll call this coffee and it'll think for a second and open up a blank project if you're going to be editing a video the very first thing that you want to do is start importing media so that you can actually start working with it you can do this in just about any part of resolve and all the different parts of resolve are down here in this button bar this is kind of like a way to organize the layout or the jobs of the program so you do your video editing in the cut or edit page you do affect some graphics in fusion color correction in color audio and Fairlight delivers where you render out a project and media is where you manage media so if we want to import some media this is a great place to start I'll just click on that and it'll switch out my interface to look like this this is a really powerful page you can do all kinds of things with organizing naming Clips putting things in folders and just getting really detailed with all of the information about your clips you can just be as OCD as you want that's for another video I'm going to show you how to just get media into your app in the upper left hand corner here we have something called media storage that's this whole panel right here if you click here you can go 3 different parts of your computer different hard drives different folders and just navigate to the media that you want to use in your project now this is just looking at video files that are on your computer they're not actually in the project yet they're not imported so to bring them in all I have to do is just select them and drag them down here to the bottom part which is called the media pool the media pool is where all of your media for your project actually lives so anything that you import whether it's audio video pictures anything that lives there that's like your bucket of stuff now let's actually do something with it to do that we're gonna have to go to a different page and it's really your choice whether you want to use the cut page or the edit page really quickly the cut page is kind of a slimmed down streamlined version of editing this is great if you have a really simple edit where you aren't working with a lot of layers or a lot of audio something like a vlog is a great thing to edit in the cut page so the first thing I'm going to do is just grab a piece of media by double clicking on it that's going to pop up here in our viewer and we can scrub through it and take a look and when we want to add it to our timeline we can just grab it and drag it down and that'll add it to our timeline now if we hit the spacebar that'll play back and this is what the viewer is actually going to see so if you were to export this project right now they would see this guy pouring the coffee and that's it if I want to add more shots all I have to do is go up here to our media pool and find a shot I like a double click and I can grab that and I can either drag that to the timeline or I can use these fancy buttons right here which will put that clip into the timeline in several different ways one of my favorites is this second one called append so I'll click on that and that'll just add that coffee clip right after the clip that I already had in my timeline let's say I want to take just a part of the clip double-click on any clip and I'll make a new beginning and end of this clip those are called in and out maybe I want this to start here okay I on the keyboard for in and I move over here maybe this is good I'll hit over out now I've made a shorter clip and I can put that into the timeline wherever I want again I can use my fancy buttons over here I can also just drag it down and build our timeline like that if I want to adjust Clips here in the timeline I can just grab them and move them back and forth if I mouse over the middle there's this little white icon that lets me slip this clip and pick a different section with the same ins and outs I can also grab the edges and make a clip shorter or longer and if I do this to the beginning of a clip that is half way through the timeline it just kind of moves it down so that it's shorter and there aren't any gaps something that's unique to the cut page is down here we have kind of ours in view of our timeline and then up here in the middle we have the zoomed out timeline this is really convenient if you want to jump around in a really long project if I want to jump towards the end I can just click towards the end here I want to jump all the way to the beginning of the project and just click towards the beginning here and then I can get really detailed with this kind of zoomed in timeline down below so the cut page is for assembling edits really quickly if they're a simple enough edit you can do everything in the cut page again there's a bunch of stuff that we aren't going over but that's basically what it's for now let's say we want to get a little more detailed maybe we want to add some audio maybe do some more detailed edits that's a good thing to do in the Edit Page now anytime I switch to a different page it's gonna take this same timeline that I've made and it's just gonna open it up in kind of a new mode right so if I click on edit that opens that exact same timeline that I've been working on it's just in the Edit Page this is the page that's a lot like an NLE that you might be used to if you are familiar with video editing it looks a lot like Premiere or Final Cut or Sony Vegas and if you're familiar with any of those programs it'll be really familiar it works pretty much the same way so I'll grab this and bring it up a little bit we have our video tracks here we also have audio tracks down here in the cut page you can work with audio it's always connected to the video so if you're adding any kind of really fancy audio I find it's a lot easier to do that in the Edit Page we want to add a voiceover to our edit that's something I usually do in the Edit Page so here's how to do that I'm gonna import my voiceover but this time instead of going to my media page I'm just gonna drag it from an explorer window and my copy video I'll just drag that into my media pool right here again this is going to live in the project now I'll just close my Explorer window and if I double click on copy Bo that'll bring it up here in the Left viewer again this is a workflow video you can set your ins and outs here I think it's really awkward to do that what I like to do is just grab the whole vo and drag it down to the timeline like this then I can make this track a little bigger I can adjust the volume and I can go through and start editing my vo and start just putting it right under where I want now I want to show you a secret for editing voiceover that I use all the time this makes it go so much faster let's say I have my voice over here and I want to cut out all of this silence I want to make this a nice concise edit what I could do is go up to my tools here and and make cuts I cut all of this out select my pointer and hit delete on the keyboard that's a good way to do it you could totally do it that way but what I like to do is edit this just like it were a piece of video the problem is we don't have any video for this vo so what I like to do is go up here to the effects library which is right behind the media pool and down here in the effects I'll click on generators and I'll just grab this solid color and drag that into my timeline and I'll just make that the same length as my vo then I can select these both right click and say link clips now this pretty much acts like it's footage but it's just black the way the Edit Page edits audio is kind of weird if audio and video are linked you can use this really quick technique that I'm about to show you if they're not then it just kind of acts weird and it doesn't really work the same way so this is just kind of a quick workaround to make this work what I like to do is play through my audio and I can scrub back and forth and I can pretty much see this on the waveform where I want to cut this and what sections I want to delete I can use my keyboard shortcuts to make some quick edits here if I hit ctrl backslash that'll cut this clip under the playhead then I can go to my the other side of my audio control backslash and then here instead of hitting ctrl backslash I'm gonna do another shortcut it's ctrl shift left bracket and what that does is make a cut and delete the beginning of the clip all the way up to that other cut so I can quickly play through this pause ctrl backslash and position that playhead control shift left bracket and cut my vo that way can you even skip ahead here ctrl shift left bracket and make a really quick edit and then I have my cut up vo then if I want to I could delete this solid and just use the audio but there's no real harm and just moving the video up and bringing this under like that and same thing if I want to add music I would import it in here drag the music down and set my levels accordingly so that's pretty much the editing workflow it's importing media bringing it into a timeline you can select your clips and put them all together in the cut page maybe get a little more detailed in the Edit Page but once you have your edit built there's a few really cool things resolv'd it'll help put some polish on your video so I've opened a different project where I have sort of a decent edit going and I'll show you some of the cool things that resolve can do the first thing is maybe we want to add a title to this if we look at this first clip maybe we want to have a title here that says coffee shop pretty easy to do if we go over to our effects panel under titles we can just drag a text title over onto the timeline that'll show up here anytime we want to adjust something that we have selected in the timeline in any of these pages that happens in the inspector which lives up here in the upper right hand corner click on that that will open up the inspector panel then you can adjust the text and position it how you like super easy way to add a basic title a lot of the time this works great now we have coffee shop yay but let's say that we want this to move along with the camera since its kind of scammers kind of moving let's say we want to kind of stick it to this wall well that's something that will happen in fusion again this isn't going to be a step-by-step tutorial but just a overview of how you would do things what you use every part I've resolved for I do have a whole bunch of tutorials on the fusion page if you want to check those out I'll probably just delete this text and with my playhead over that clip in the timeline I'll just click on the fusion page down here and that'll open up that clip in the fusion page if you're not familiar with fusion this probably looks really complicated but pretty much you can build fancy things with little recipes down here called nodes these are just the building blocks for whatever you're trying to make right now we just have two ingredients to this little recipe here the first one is media in which is just the clip that we have selected and media out which is what it will look like when fusion is all done in between is where the magic happens so what I'll do is grab one of these icons from this toolbar here the third one over is a tea and that's a text node and I can hook this up in a certain way that will put text over my video just like we had before and again I can adjust everything about it in the inspector but we're also going to track this footage so I'll grab an effect from our effects library here tools under tracking just grab tracker and bring it down here and I can hook my original footage into this tracker node and I can use the tools to track the motion of the footage then I can put my text on that tracker set this operation to match move and it'll put that text over my footage and now we have that track to the motion of the footage of course we can adjust it as we want now we have kind of a fancy title so that's something that you would build inside a fusion and the cool thing is that what I'm done with this all I have to do is go back to my edit page and there it is in my timeline pretty slick now let's say we love our edit but we want to adjust the colors make sure all the shots look as nice as possible that happens in the color page so again I'm just going to open this exact same timeline here in the color page just by clicking the color button right here I've already done quite a bit of color work on this timeline but it will open up in this color interface and whatever shot I have selected here in these thumbnails that's the one that I'm adjusting with the tools down here so if I want to make this shot warmer I can just use the tools to push those colors towards warm and that just affects that one shot now again each one of these tools is something that you're gonna want to take time and learn but this is where the color stuff happens so let's take a look at our first shot I can even bring up my color scopes by clicking this little middle button right here and that'll show a graph of all of the colors in my image I can use my color wheels to adjust the darkest parts of the image and make them darker with this little wheel down here make the brighter parts of the image brighter with this little wheel under gain and as I push to the right we can see the image gets brighter here in the highlights I can add some saturation just by rolling up on my saturation here now we have a much better looking image I can quickly turn my color grade on or off using this little rainbow button right here now we can see that difference now you may be saying well I don't want to color grade this graphic that I just put on top of this footage if it's something like white text it probably doesn't matter honestly but if it is something that's more complicated you're gonna want to build that as its own thing inside of fusion so it would look something like this so if I wanted to quickly fix this which happens quite a bit what I'll do is hold alt and drag this kind of over just kind of out of the way so I have a copy of it what I'll do is right-click on this footage and go down to reset fusion composition it's gonna ask me if I want to reset it I'll hit reset that's going to make this just the normal footage without anything happening in fusion and my fusion comp right here which has everything including the footage on it and I'll just go back into fusion but instead of that footage maybe I'll grab a background node drag that down and delete my media in and my merge and just connect my background in my tracker what that's gonna do is just put this text on black and I can select my background node go up to my inspector and just bring this alpha down so now I just have this same tracked title but it's on top of nothing so pretty much just separated the layers here and my coffee shop title and my footage but they're separate now when I go back to color they're separate here and even if I go crazy and make this just an insane blue it doesn't affect that title that's over it other than that and the color page it's pretty much going through each shot and making sure it looks good and that it matches with the other shots which again is its own thing but this is where it happens the last major page is the Fairlight page just click on Fairlight this is where all of your audio stuff happens if you're familiar with any kind of audio app this will make a ton of sense you have your timeline here again this is the exact same timeline that we've been working on you can even bring up your video tracks just for reference if you want to go up to this button right here timeline view options and this first icon says video tracks that'll bring up our video tracks so that it makes a little more sense in context this is the page where I will do my more detailed audio mixing things like adding filters adjusting levels that kind of thing one thing I'd like to do is on my first track my vo track you can double click on the mixer strip here on its little square right by Dynamix and that will bring up a whole bunch of plugins that are really awesome for making your audio sound good I'll usually put on a compressor bring up the ratio a little bit bring up the make up now just make sure that my vo is loud enough and the loud and quiet parts come through at a similar level you can do a bunch of fancy things again we're not going to get into the weeds but this is something that I do on pretty much everything is is some version of this and finally when you have your timeline looking and sounding exactly how you want you go to your last page which is deliver and that again will switch out all of your interface and you can set your render settings to actually export your project an upper left-hand corner here are the render settings and almost everything that I do is going to go on YouTube and so if you know all of your video settings and everything you can set them yourself but what I like to do is just click on the to preset and then click back to custom what that does is set everything here in the custom panel to the YouTube settings but when I switch back to custom I can adjust things the only thing I ever really adjust is this quality right here where it says restrict to 10,000 kilobits I'll usually make that about 30,000 and that's pretty much all I do other than naming the file and picking a place for it to go then you can hit add to render queue and what that'll view is put this job here this is where you can stack multiple different kinds of settings so if you wanted to make just an audio version you could click on audio only under the audio page you know select wave hit add to render queue and that's gonna stack those different kinds of exports you can just drag select them and if they're selected and you hit start render that's gonna render out your project and it goes really fast and it's gonna do both of those jobs while you walk away and that's pretty much it so there you go that's a 30,000 foot view of the general workflow of how to make something in resolve you pretty much just get your pieces together put them in a timeline you can do a lot in the edit and cut pages if you want to get really fancy you can go into Fusion Color happens in the color page detailed audio happens in Fairlight and to render things out you go to the deliver page so for anybody who is confused about all of that I hope this is helpful if you want a little more detail on just the features of resolve and the power and what it can do you could have a drink from the fire hydrant with this video that's the crash course video for resolve it'll walk you through each of these pages and get a little bit more detailed while still keeping to the basic need-to-know stuff so I hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to subscribe my name again is Casey Faris thanks for watching
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 211,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16 editing workflow for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, resolve 16, video editing, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 15, resolve, how to use davinci resolve, color grading tutorial, color grading, blackmagic, tutorial, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, blackmagic design, how to use davinci resolve 16, davinci, color correction tutorial
Id: 3_TtjyJWVZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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