October 19th 2021 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hello welcome to the october 19th 2021 club cubase live stream uh we'll get started here in just a couple minutes i'm gonna do a quick audio test make sure everything is coming through as expected bear with me just for a second hello welcome to the october network okay everything sounds kind of normal as expected on my monitoring computer uh my name is gregundo i'll be the host for the live stream today um i'm based out of the united states in alexandria virginia if you have and i'm an employee of yamaha corporation of america and i primarily focus on steinberg products um so and if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you could submit questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e or you could just simply ask your questions in the chat field when asking questions i realize that my ability to answer them in a real time manner will become impossible as we get more questions uh that come in so i'll try to get through all the questions in chronological order kind of comp as completely and succinctly as possible so you get as many questions as possible we'll try to go for about four hours today so when asking questions um if you could indicate which version of cubase that you're running as well as if you could indicate which computer platform and operating system that is helpful information in helping to answer the questions so if you could say i'm running cubase elements 10.5 on windows 10 i'm running uh you know cubase pro on mac big sur you know that information you know cubase pro 11 on mac big sur os that the information is often helpful um i may have some uh distractions uh towards the end of the livestream as my son comes home from school and he may want to just kind of pop in and say hi or i may need to do something for him so and you may hear my wife who's working directly above me so i apologize for any interruptions and we'll try to keep those uh minimized uh a couple people i just want to um and one other thing with questions um you know if you don't see an immediate response to your question um you know just know that we'll try to get to it in time so if we could try to refrain from asking the same question repeatedly because that will just kind of slow the whole process down um so a couple people all want to thank so uh we will probably have later tonight and it takes three or four hours to do uh the uh all of the topics covered in today's live stream uh we'll have it pinned with time stamps to the top of the comments field so you could easily reference and find different topics and if you wanted to search for different topics they've been covered in previous live streams yan in stockholm has been kind enough and generous enough to create a website called cubaseindex.com where you could search uh for questions i think um it's about 13 600 questions we covered in the last year and a half so and that will take you directly to the particular link in the discussion so you could search there we have another wonderful resource of information in addition to all the great steinberg information is going to be the cubase nation discord and i know jazz dude does a lot of work compiling materials are very useful to our community so thanks to him for that and we have two people that will serve as moderators so usually we have a very well-behaved crowd occasionally we'll have some spammer just promoting uh nefarious things so i'd like to give a quick shout out to uh jazz dude and agent k for their help with that so they're kind enough to volunteer their time they're not the official steinberg employees are just kind of doing it uh to help the community so uh kudos to them all right so let's go ahead and go through some of the questions all right so we see yan is on and also if you're watching the live stream live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from um but let's go ahead and get started um all right so we see we have jazz dude we have cube uh yawn from cubase index on and we have turbo nuclear war from serbia um okay so we have a question from david griffiths uh hi greg and all the usual gang while holding down the mouse button plus dragging in midi notes in the drum editor should the project quantize value change the note values to or is it always sixteenths so let's go ahead and take a look let's say i'll go ahead and just create a blank drum part here i will take a look on open up the drum editor okay and we'll maximize this all right so if i come here and if i want to draw in uh like a different rhythmic value i think that the once you're in the drum editor the intention is that you could come over here and just kind of paint in uh different rhythmic values so for each individual lane so if i say okay here i wanted this hi-hat to be 32nd notes that this would be kind of the basis for the rhythmic value as opposed to the global quantize but let me see if i switch tools to uh maybe the drawing tool uh let's see if it's um okay so we see in the drum editor that we don't uh have the paintbrush tool um so but i think the intention is not for it to follow globally here but on each individual um drum source that we could just kind of paint in different rhythmic values here so that's kind of one of the advantages of uh the drum editor now if you're doing it from a key editor so let's say if i just wanted to edit this particular part in the key editor there is another tool that is not in the drum editor but if you want it to come here to the key editor and let's say we go to draw in notes that there's a paint so here you could just kind of paint notes in based on the quantize value so now i could paint in quarter notes um so we could do that kind of using the from the drawing tools we could use the paint function there but in the drum editor it's going to be really intended that you would just each different sound could have its own uh quantized value as you draw notes in which could make more sense for a drum part so it's not going to globally follow the quantize value all right so we have chris checking in from columbia south carolina we have uno met uh uno checking in from finland thanks for joining us and we have fred robinson from norwich in uk i think i said it correctly this time and we have soren from sweden all right we have john costigan from kenosha we have trance 20 20 20 from berkshire in the uk i'm always afraid i'll get the wrong number twenties when i say the name all right and we have brian from beulahville north carolina all right we see taylor from pine grove pennsylvania it's great to talk to you last week taylor get you sorted out with your scoring questions all right so we see you from matt elliston uh hi greg and everyone cubase pro 11 windows 10. i've got my midi keyboard in tune now but is there a setting that would result in the note sounding on releasing the key as opposed to playing when pressed please um okay so um so i'm just saying i've got my midi keyboard into now so it's good is there a setting that would result in a note sounding on releasing the key as opposed to playing when pressed please so i wonder if it's uh maybe a sustained pedal that is uh you know not working as expected so it like maybe the polarity is reversed on the sustain pedal so if you have the option of doing that um but usually you know it so it sounds like maybe the keyboard is being inverted um trying to think if there's let's see if we go to a midi part here if we could invert a note on message i'm not sure if we can on the input um so it would be interesting matt if you just come over here and hit alt i think it's alt or option k and see if you get kind of the same behavior when you play like midi notes from your computer keyboard this will open up an on-screen keyboard that can function um so see if you get the same behavior here so you know if you have a sustain pedal just out of curiosity try hitting the sustain pedal and see if that makes a difference but let's see if we go into the uh so let's say if we activate let's say if we want to transform um all right so let me just see if i come here [Music] and i'll just add a quick instrument see if this may work [Music] okay so um just trying to think of anything that would cause your okay so we can take the value [Music] so i don't know way to kind of switch it in software but uh matt one thing that could be interesting is if you go to the midi inserts uh go to midi monitor and then see like as you hit a midi note if you see like like the midi note messages turn on or off so let me know if you actually see you know from that and you could see maybe what your controller is doing i know that's a little strange type of a problem but but that may be able to lead you to a solution with that okay so we see uh uh question uh from the cube uh cubase pro 11 how do you use the bead designer to design endless beats uh don't you need to know the patterns to make them yourself so if we wanted to [Music] i'll just get to a different project here so you know if you wanted there are a number of different presets for beat designer so if you're kind of using it maybe to start off as a sketched type of you know to be inspired i'll just come over here so let's say i'll come over here and we'll go to our midi inserts all right and let me just change the tempo so now i could have just when i open up uh a beat designer and i'm just going to reread a question um how do you use the bead designer to design endless beats uh but you don't know what the patterns to make them yourself so you know once again just kind of come over here and load up different presets so if you say okay i just want to come here [Music] and then at that point you could just you know write a whole song but just have you know beat designer and then you could have you know different different variations as well [Music] or just simply do so you know you could do that and then as you hit play this pattern will just kind of loop in the background for you so you don't necessarily have to you know be a drum programming genius you could start off with something and then make your own variations uh using that and you know if you wanted to at that point you could go to this little star uh this little triangle that points down and at this point you could you know shift left r8 you could reverse the beats and at this point you could also just you know insert the pattern at the cursor or at the left or right locator so i could just say okay we're going to put that pattern right at our cursor position and then you could just place that freely in your project so let me know if that makes sense all right so we see sir robert checking in from atlanta glad you can make it all right we have arm paul evans okay so we have a question uh from fred robinson uh why did the pan knobs on vst instruments prologue inspector work the wrong way around so let's go ahead and take a look okay so let's say [Music] um so i'm not sure if there's a particular reason i would think that if you move to the right that it would kind of do the opposite [Music] when you do that so i i see where that does seem reversed i don't really have a good answer but i guess if you kind of know that it's reverse i don't think there's any real preferences for that um [Music] so but yeah it appears that they are kind of reversed um so sorry about that i wish i had a better answer all right okay okay so we have a question uh one question maybe missed the last hangout many people use master bus chain till they mix compressor eq clipper am i wrong because i mix all my time only with limiter because of gain staging so you know some people you know and i know people that go back and forth um i think there's a lot of people that have like almost a mastering chain on their mix uh bus and sometimes you know that they can make that work for them but i tend to find that there's a lot of people that are making kind of critical mixed decisions based upon their what they're hearing from their mix bus and it may be not and it may not benefit the actual quality of their mix so i think if you know like having what i personally do and this is just my personal workflow is i would tend to try to mix and make it sound great without having a huge uh mix bus processing chain and then if you add that in you know if needed at the mastering stage then you know i find it that you tend to get better results uh with that so but at least for me and it may be how i was kind of brought up to mix and how i've been working for a number of years and maybe i've adopted my workflow to that but i tend to think you know i see a lot of people that rely on you know mixing into their master chain as opposed to mixing for the particular song so all right so we see michael pierce from the uk joining so great to have you on thanks for being part of the live stream today um all right so we see from angelina uh gargano hi greg you are awesome thank you uh hope to be helpful uh how can i add all my user presets effects presets user instruments back into back to cubase 11.041 after complete rebuild of computer i have all the backup files so if you came over here if you backed up by making going to the profile manager and you know exporting a profile you could just simply import that particular profile if you have gone through and let's say or if you have all the files kind of backed up let's say if we go here to um your library and this is different so if you're on windows you may click here to go to like your start menu or the start globe uh and then you'd see all your programs and then you'll see application you go to cubase um your cubase program group but don't launch cubase but right below where you would launch the cubase program from the start menu you will see application data folder and then you could just kind of copy those files there on the mac if you go to [Music] your library folder [Music] and then go to preferences and then if you scroll down to cubase so let's say we have cubase 11 then you would see a folder for presets that you could copy all the presets from your other from your older version if you backed it up manually this way you could then just copy the presets into the presets location in your library to preferences on mac or in your roaming file your application data support and then next time you start up everything should automatically be all your presets should be available and ready to use right so thecube is checking in from melbourne florida it's a beautiful part of the country and we have music all day from ypsilanti michigan and paul evans from ontario thanks for joining all right so we see david griffiths that the answer for the snapping in the drum machine on individual lane did the trick so great okay so we see uh in tempo track i need to change the time signature it's not letting me to change it anywhere i want it's letting only with the snap is there any way to change uh the snap option so let's say if i'm so let's come over here let's see if we have a tempo track this project all right so let's say okay so i'll just come right over here okay so we have our tempo track and let's go ahead and look at this in the tempo editor okay so let's see if we come over here and let's say at this point if i want to put in like a different meter change i'm just going to take the snap off um and let's see if we just all right so let's see if we do it from a signature track if that makes a difference so you can see where the tempo change should be or the meter change would be at the beginning of a measure but let's say if i just wanted it to so if you want it like in between let me just see if i go if we could adjust it maybe in the project browser i mean so i i see that where it does make sense that it will do a um a signature change only and snap it to the bar because you are defining the signature change by the bar so i think that makes kind of sense uh to have that um but so i'm not sure if you you know if you're doing it based on meter you know you would need to change you know it would have to go through a fully defined meter before allowing you to do the tempo change so i think that that does make sense but you know let me know if there's a particular use case that you need to do all right so we have cedric checking in thanks for being able to join it all right so we see michael pierce just saying the spectral layers uh stream on saturday was great really interesting got a proper club cubase invasion too so that's great and on thursday starting at 4 00 p.m u.s eastern so like three hours after we usually do this there will be a lee riley will be doing kind of a nuendo specific um live stream so they're going to be starting up that so check out that live stream as well all right so we see the pablo has made the live stream so that's wonderful all right and we see kaiwen franklin is back so we haven't seen him in a while so welcome back and we have dan friedman from atlanta okay so we have a question from ted springman great to see you on the live stream uh couldn't she overcome drumming limitations of midi resolution by recording it very slowly into cubase uh print to audio slow then stretch back up to normal speed or would quality suffer too much i don't think you you will have you know being that the midi you know when we go to uh like a particular midi event so you know we could have so i think you're going to be better to always kind of do it in the midi domain and some people think oh you know midi has a particular resolution but you know if i come here i could actually switch this to sample level so all the midi timing inside of cubase is based on the sample so if you wanted to adjust the you know um so there really isn't like a particular you know like 480 ppq or 960 ppq that some people would kind of you know have issues with saying it wasn't kind of in between so all the midi data here is actually you know can go down to the sample level um so cubase was i think like one of the first daws that would allow you to do that so it wasn't based on you know and we could choose to have the midi that's at sample resolution displayed and be edited and align to the grid of various resolutions so i don't i think that you would get more artifacts kind of you know recording it as audio and speeding it up but you can you know go down to the sample level for midi so all you have to do is just kind of right click and we can now input things in bars and beats in seconds milliseconds you know samples or time codes so you know you go down to 1 192 000 of a second in cubase and if you're innuendo 1 384 000 of a second so that would be a much higher resolution so that i don't think you'd have any concerns about the resolution of that okay so we have a question uh hey greg joining from nairobi uh it's from mark chiambo is there a way to record midi using a midi controller and have the notes appear in the piano roll as you play rather than have them appear after playing so let's say i wanted to come to this little electric piano and let's say i'm in the piano roll here so a lot of times i'll get this question that okay i'm here and i want to record midi [Music] then when i stop that the midi notes appear so i'll just do this one more time [Music] so now i'm gonna stop and then once i stop the midi notes um if i hit record this time that would be helpful so let's just say okay [Music] so you know as we do this so all you have to do to get the midi notes to appear so let's say if we're here and i just want to record and see it in the editor in real time so if i'm in the editor you just click on this little icon here and then as you play so we'll just you'll see this recording editor option so as i come here let's just go ahead and so once that is enabled i could just come right over here and record and [Music] and then it will it will appear so all you have to do is enable the um the record in editor option and once you have that done then your midi notes will appear as you record in the piano roll all right wonderful to see mandy lanes made the live stream um so we just see when is uh cubase 11.5 coming so um so you know usually we they don't announce things until kind of it's ready for release so we'll just have to kind of wait and you know my usual cheeky answers say you know it'll be coming when it's ready so but there's a lot of people always working hard on different products at steinberg constantly so i can't really say okay so we see from uh dan freeman um question i record in a box and i'm debating getting pedals for recording keyboards i'd also like to have a midi board to customize um so let's see uh i'd also like to have a midi board to customize things like a volume pedal or other user or other effects parameters recommendations you know so there's a lot of elements that can be controlled you know so if you're looking for kind of like stomp effects you know so i mean you could obviously just record the audio output um you know from the midi keyboard you know through pedals uh in like a volume pedal and just you know record that as auto as audio you know what i see a lot of people will do in different scenarios is set up a scenario let's say if we're doing a new track and i want to come over here so you know we could record a midi track simultaneously with an audio track so if you have the audio output of the keyboard uh connected so really all you'd have to do at this point is you know just say this is going to be like so you could record midi and audio simultaneously um i think a lot of times you may find that if you go to like inserts if you're looking for like typical pedals you know a lot of the plug-ins that you get may kind of offer you better choices if you're looking for more typical guitar pedals that we could come over here if you go to the vst amp rack and let's say okay you know we choose not to have an amplifier so let's say you know if i come here we'll say no amplifier and no cabinet but you could now just come over here and start using you know different effects you can say okay i want a chorus i want to come here and that to go into an octaver and into a delay so you know we could just kind of get all of your pedals here so that's a pretty easy way to kind of incorporate pedals but you know if you record the midi information from the keyboard you could have all the midi data and and just record uh audio simultaneously that you could kind of you know if you're having kind of like real-time interaction with the keyboard you could just you know capture it both kind of at the same time so that's a pretty good combination but i think you know sometimes when you use kind of older keyboards that it could be um you know or older effects that sometimes uh you know you could get great results kind of in the box all right just responding to quick question that was okay so it's good move on see jess sabowski just mentioning never open midi monitor yet i like it so it's good for like different uh you know different scenarios for troubleshooting especially if your controller is acting up you see mandy lane indicating cubase just gets better with time every new version okay so we see from kai wen franklin uh just saying it's questions please tell me the next version of cubase will not require usb key for security i think i will we'll need a new one soon current key held together by tape um so the steinberg has announced that they will be migrating away from the usb e licenser so we'll have to wait for you know so we'll see if it's going to be in the next version i assume it will be but we'll have to wait for announcements and hopefully they'll kind of share some more information and we see a midnight wind bringing up a good point about the uh keyboard uh from i think matt elliston's says sometimes the patch can be set to act upon key up so yeah you know some patches will you know play one sound with the key down and you do a key release at that point you'll get a a different note so like a lot of patches in backbone will do that for the impacts and you can set that up in halligan yeah so you just see from uh itchback says i think some sustain pedals have a polarity switch on them somewhere so yeah there's there's kind of two different schools of thought with uh sustained pedals and they kind of follow into you know one way to think about is you have the yamaha and the roland school so i think roland and korg use the same polarity and in kauai and yamaha used the same polarity and uh and often you could get a like a sustained pedal with a little switch um that you could kind of switch and sometimes your controller will automatically sense the polarity that's that's being done okay so a question from cedric uh been facing this problem since yesterday when i used daw remote on the montage my transport buttons have begun to begun to play a drum voice funny but it's happening any idea why so usually when you're using your keyboard cedric as a control surface what you want to do is go to your studio menu to studio setup because you know what the montage is actually transmitting is a midi note message in itself so if we come here to the midi port setup probably for the montage midi port you'll see in all midi inputs and what you want to do is to just uncheck in all midi inputs and then once you do that your montage that port that's being used for the control will only will not kind of send the midi notes to the active track so once again go to studio to studio setup select midi port setup and uncheck in all midi input ports and then that should take care of it for you cedric okay so did you see uh from dan freeman says my youtube is supposed to use the best resolution of the source i've noticed live streams resolution changes but i always have to manually change it to 1080 to see clearly anyone else notice that so generally i think the resolution that you watch could be based upon what youtube deems as the optimum resolution for your data connection speed so you know and sometimes it may be limited during the live portion um but i think you know as soon as it's streaming afterwards everything should be done at 1080p resolution but i think youtube can change it that's kind of optimized for what it deems is the best resolution for a live event you know at your data connection speed all right okay so we have a question from john costigan uh hello greg uh uh i hope i hope you're all your family is well we're doing great thanks for asking uh i heard in effect i liked long piano notes with quarter note repeats each repeat plays less and less of the original note attacks suggestions it sounds kind of like a typical delay so let's say if i just do a new project here okay so let's say i just have [Music] uh and i'll just just quickly see with the chord track okay so i'll just take this little chord progression here and we'll just drag it here so let's say we'll just play these as whole notes [Music] okay and at this point i'll just put on an effect so let's say i'll just select this we'll go to our send effects and we'll put a simple delay on and we'll set this to quarter note delays and we'll just set kind of our feedback down [Music] so uh so that's uh one quick way of uh being able to get that set up so let me know if that's kind of what you're hearing john and if not we will come up with another way of doing it okay so we just see uh how to pitch bend audio files so anytime that you have an audio file one if you wanted to do like with a particular pitch bend you know you could take anything that you want and you know because generally audio doesn't respond to midi but if we go into maybe like a sample track so let's say if i come here and i take an audio file so let's say um if i just have an audio file and i drag it down to a sampler track i could play the sampler track and i could set the pitch bend range here so say okay i just wanted to uh we'll play no time to hesitate it's all been done so now i'll just wanna have it you can't get enough no time to hesitate it's all been um [Music] so i could just kind of draw in pitch bend going baby let's make it work just get it and if i wanted to set the pitch bend range higher i could just come here and say okay let's make it go uh perfect fifth so as we apply no time to hesitate it's all been done and i can keep the same speed enough so just take any audio file um you know and we could just say okay i just want this audio file to be in a sampler track and then so you know once we had the sampler track i could drag the audio file in and we could also just have this in audio warp so it'll play back the same tempo so so just uh you know go to the sampler track and drag it in and then you could use pitch bend directly there otherwise you could you know just come over here and say okay i want to take this particular pitch bend we could go if you want to do in more of an offline mode we go to processes and at this point we could just say okay we're going to pitch shift and i want to pitch shift this down and we could even put in like a pitch shift envelope so you could say okay i wanted to go uh a perfect fifth up to a perfect fifth below so we could now just come over here and as we would play back this audio file so you could do offline stuff as well but if you wanted to kind of play it with the pitch bend just drop into a sampler track and then you can just set the pitch bend range in the lower left hand corner and you know play you know play one note to trigger the sample and then just kind of uh move your pitch bend wheel and it will respond very easily all right so we see uh matt elder and we had some discussion on uh the live stream on friday uh just wanted to update i changed my mouse to the logitech mx3 and now the eq works fantastic also uh hanged my hd to not sleep didn't know about this option thanks all so great i'm glad that your everything is working better so congratulations getting your new mouse all right so just it's on email from composer alan silvestri just come across my desk so reach out to him after so i'm gonna you just got back from london doing back to the future musical looking forward to seeing that um so just see from the cube uh but i mean i like it does it not have a house uh drum and bass etc saved as presets like in groove agent but just curious if b designer is even that functional so yeah you could do quite a bit with beat designer so let's say if i was um just starting off and you know wanted to just program something in beat designer it's pretty straightforward and you know you you could obviously program some great beats in it it's been used on many hit records so um so let's say if i just wanted to come here to be designer and let's say if you know i just wanted to program something from scratch you know i could just come over here and [Music] just mute that okay so say we'll open up our bead designer and let's say if i just wanted to come here and adjust the velocity of particular notes we could select different kits here so i said okay let's just throw in some high hats say hi hat one let me just take off the tempo track here so let's say okay like 100 beats a minute and you can adjust kind of the velocity yeah let's say i want to put like flams and if i want to put on different swings and then if you wanted to even come over here and just say okay you know i could shift left or even come over here just reverse the pattern and get some different variations on it so you could definitely you know come up with you know beats very easily using and then if you wanted to have different beats that are assigned to different keys that you could then play you could do that very easily using kind of the beat designer midi plugin okay um so i just see a question is it possible to connect join two consecutive midi notes like a pitch bend portamento glide in editing so often that really depends you know so if if you have two midi notes they're going to be two different midi notes so there isn't a way to um you know necessary if they're of different pitches there isn't necessarily a way to join those midi notes together but often when you do like portamento really depends on the instrument so let's say if i'm here so let's say if i just you know draw in two notes you know so if the instrument responds to portamento you could just kind of go directly in if you wanted to you know if you know the pitch bend range you could choose to you know have the notes so let's say okay we have our pitch band if i wanted to go from c3 to d3 i could just come here and draw in midi pitch bend and we could have this kind of automatically snap so i could say okay as i want this to draw in pitch bend i could just come right here to this instrument i think this will default to uh you know to two semitones but let's say if we're playing but you know it's going to uh you know just play back that pitch but you know so if you wanted to kind of transition you could do that but a lot of times it's going to be up to the instrument of how it does it so if i want it to go to let's say like our sampler track the sampler track itself as an instrument has different glide modes so that you know if i wanted to play uh back so let's say as i'm playing i could set this to be in monophonic mode so a lot of times you would need it to be in monophonic mode so now [Music] we can set how long the glide takes just right here so in the pitch section [Music] so i just go [Music] but you could also put this into kind of a legato mode so i could have this sample continue to play and as i if i hold down the first note [Music] you could just simply do different glides like that so often it's going to be a function of the instrument that you're playing back but you could draw in pitch bend or you know use different instruments like one of the included instruments like the sampler track all right so we have evans demand checking in from portland oregon so thanks for joining us and uh in teaneck new jersey checking in okay so we see a pulse base just saying wow didn't know there was this channel definitely subscribe so yeah if you've you know anytime learn a new tip or trick or just kind of like what you're seeing with the community make sure that you actually uh hit the like button and that you subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that we see fred robinson just saying yeah i felt the same way when i found it too all right all right so we see um a question from dan freeman uh when you finalize your mix without master effects what do you use to gain stage to zero you know i try to you know build up the mix as closely as you can you know so you know while you're doing it it's easy to do if you have multiple tracks so you don't necessarily have to use master effects to do that and a lot of times you know i still will take you know if i'm doing something for release i'll take it into wave lab especially if it's going to be like an album where i want to have consistency from track to track if you're working on single things i still often you know and it's just because i've done it for years we'll take it in a wave lab and maybe have a different perspective and different metering and listen to it in a different environment with different workflows and be able to uh you know do that work within wavelab um but you know you could definitely you know easily get the gain up without having to use lots of you know without having to use lots of you know master processing okay okay reading through some comments all right so we have donnie uh tarbert checking in from the uk thanks for joining okay so just saying uh from kai wen franklin uh greg would be cool beat designer and groove agent merged so how so you know the the thing that is appealing to many about bead designer is you know it's not tied to any particular uh instrument now if we have the full version of groove agent so let's say if we go to the full groove agent version here you know you can program directly within the full groove agent so let's just go ahead and load up just kind of uh get here see if this one has patterns okay so now that i'm you know in this i could just say okay let's come over here to our patterns and then you know at this point you could just say okay i want to see uh my midi pattern so you could program you know directly beats into the full version of groove agent so this isn't in the groove agent se but again i think it's cool to have um a tool that's not necessarily designed only you know for bead designer type of function is not limited to being only in like working with one particular source but you could use that and just you know flip to different drum sources to get you know interesting unexpected results that could work really well on your project so but if you wanted to do programming you know if you had the full version of groove agent you have that capability okay so we see question uh my keyboard player sent me some midi files how do i open them up to preview them in cubase 11 so really all you have to do is go to file to import midi file so and once you do that uh something to be aware of it may automatically load up uh like italian sonic se for you so if you know if it was intended to be like a general midi midi file you could do that but if you don't you know if you want it if you kind of know what sounds they they are um and if you wanted to change it to other instruments quickly so if when we go to your preferences go to midi and you'll see midi file and then you'll see under destination you could just say you know import it to instrument tracks otherwise it may by default load it up and play all the sounds back through howie and sonic se so just be aware of that so you see from the cube just saying greg is the coolest dude ever nothing phases him no headaches so i'm just glad to be able to help and share knowledge so okay so we have a question uh if you gig live with backing tracks uh would you use the project tracks or convert uh all to stems and play them so it could really depend um i know some people that will have you know let's say they all have maybe the multi-tracks um because you know it could be and i i've seen this several times um where you know all of a sudden they get to a particular room and it's like oh you know that kick is not working in this room at all and maybe i want to eq just to kick drum you know instead of having all of the drum sounds so you know i think if it's kind of just playing back audio files that you're usually you know it's very it's not so cpu intensive so i would say you know if you had the ability to you know take your projects and load them up kind of like you know say okay we have song one song two song three and then if you need to you know you know like every room could sound different you know some may have way too much low end some may not have enough low end you know may just disappear so that you could tweak it if necessary i think a lot of people may kind of get it set up and within the pa they may be able to eq it but sometimes if you're doing it by yourself and you're just you know i've seen plenty of acts where everything is being mixed internally in cubase live with backing tracks and they send a stereo out to the front of house so that if it's you know a house engineer they know exactly you know all they have to do is kind of amplify the pre-done mix and they may choose to have the flexibility of you know coming here and saying oh there's way too much low end on this particular track so let's just come over here and drop that and fix the problem so that you're not taking away you you could fix the problem in a kick but not necessarily affect the eq of every single track so um so it depends how much control that you you need to have for your particular situation so okay so uh just see from jeff siebelski so thanks for joining the live stream josh from chico california um you just the question is have uh three hs3 tracks uh using chord track uh one more hs3 for a written key editor part uh thought i ruined everything but monitor monitor button was on how to keep clean track out of the cord track traps ticks um all right so you know if you come over here let's say let me see if i could recreate this quickly okay so i'll just kind of create a chord track okay and i'll just create halloween sonic se tracks here okay so let's say i have three haley and sonic uh tracks and let's say we have these all kind of set to monitor and we could use this as use monitored tracks so let's say [Music] okay so let's say we have that all right so all right um all right so let me i'll just re-read the question so i thought i ruined everything but monitor button was on how to keep uh clean track out of the chord track tips and tricks so one thing that you do if you don't want um you know the chord track to monitor through everything so if you have that set you could just mute the chord track and then i think as we do this it's not going to sound anything so a lot of times i may just kind of use the chord track or sometimes i'll just have a a separate instrument for just monitoring that i could turn off and on so you know it could be like a pad or piano sound but you know if you don't want to hear the chord tractor try just muting the chord track and then it won't kind of monitor through the chord track so let me know if i misunderstood all right so we see from jeff sabowski says uh no endo live stream yes spectral layers was cool so you haven't had a chance to watch the spectral layers one i may have it on thursday all right okay so we have a question uh can you explain the difference between using the vca track versus the group track okay all right so the first thing is a vca track doesn't actually sum the audio so if i wanted to process different things on vca track let me just pull up another project where i have a bunch of automation [Music] see if it's still in my recent projects okay i'll just open it up okay so let's say i have um automation going on let's say on my drums here so [Music] so we're looking at my drum track and i have existing automation already so now and let's say on my snare i wanted to have more reverb [Music] all right i'm just make the reverb really obnoxious here okay so now if i took all of my drums and assigned them to a group so say i'm here and now i will add a group track to these all right so now all these can be going let me just undo that i'm going to select all my drum tracks again here and then i'm just gonna add my group channel to the selected tracks all right so now let's say i bring like i still hear the effects when i bring the group down all right so but with a group channel i can now come over here and i could process all of my drums together but you know as you saw like when i come over here and i have automation you know if i bring this down it could affect the gain structure of what's going on in the particular tracks so i will come over here and now select these and send these to a vca so now i'll select all my drum tracks and we'll send this particular group to a vca folder so i'm going to say to vca fader so i'm going to add vca fader to the selected channels so these will all be linked together and let me just i'll just reroute this quickly all to my stereo out since i orphaned its routing here okay so now i will come over here and we're going to send these all to my vca to the selected channels so now when i bring this down one is it's we hear that we you know it's it doesn't affect the gain staging between the effect sends and the track so as i bring this down and i'll solo the snare we had the same amount of reverb going into the snare regardless of the volume so let's say now so that's a big thing why people use vcas because they could adjust the volume of a group without affecting all the gain staging of their effect sounds so as i do this also let's say i write automation so if we look at we're going to have automation here kind of going in contrary motion where some tracks are going up and some are going down so i'm going to automate my vca fader so as i bring this down you notice the tracks will still be going in contrary motion and going upward and now when i bring it up some of the tracks will still be going down but their attenuation their automation could be attenuated so if i look at my tracks here let's blow one of these up we could see that we're going to have the actual automation and this is the automation as attenuated by the vca fader so if i wanted to kind of coalesce those two all i'd have to do is as we do this i could just say combine the vca fader and linked channels and then we could have the automation of the vca fader uh coalesce with the effects of that vca fader on existing automation so once i do that then you can see all the tracks will go down and the automation so if you have existing automation and you wanted to just kind of do little bump ups and downs of groups that's where vca faders can really shine uh and if you wanted to um you know be able to you know do a group compression that's when groups can make more sense okay so we see uh one more question about beat designer does it have uh basin drum presets so yeah there's a lot of different presets that are available for it so let's say i just add quick instrument channels as soon as you come over here so it's there will be bass and drum presets but it's not necessarily for bass stuff but you could obviously do that so if you wanted to look at some of the different presets that when you click here you could just uh load presets and each of these will have multiple presets spread across different keys as well so each of these presets could be like you know an additional 13 presets with variations so lots of great stuff to work with and be able to kind of modify as needed all right so we have seiko checking in for montreal thanks for joining the live stream all right so we see kaiwen franklin is back in the office now all right so according to brian i'm a wizard so um i just i'm an oompa loompa in a world of willy wonkas all right so see from terminal nuclear wars it says new plugins are our illness i wish i could just have some of it but i must wait uh but yes i'm a mastering nerd so yeah it's great okay so i just see uh from sven ezekson um is it possible to change the values while keeping their interrelation uh is it popular possible to do the same things on a mapped non-static tempo track so let's say if i have my automation here i'm just going to select let's say my automation points here so i'll just kind of go from the bottom and if i want it so i'm not sure if this is what you want to do sven but if you want to just kind of adjust their levels down you could just do it uh like so so if you wanted to kind of compress the contents you could do that if you wanted to just lower if you just go to the value here you can say okay i want the same automation but down by you know up by 3 db or down by 6 db so you could do that so you could also compress or expand the values between them but if you just wanted to increase or decrease you could go straight from the center and this will also work for tempo tracks as well so let's say if i come to my tempo track i could select the values here and just bring all the tempos up or down and we could just select a region and from the info line be able to increase or decrease them like so and the same exact functionality for tempo data or automations let me know if that is what you wanted to accomplish sven okay so we see from the cube and if beat designer has presets how do you change all those patterns into a full song for example um so let's say if we have um our beat designers let's just say you know be designer will automatically synchronize to the project tempo so let's say i come over here i load a preset and double click so let's say we have this as a preset um so at this point you know this could automatically play but if i move let's say okay just right here to measure 2 and i could go to the beat designer i could on the selected track i could just say insert pattern at the left locator inserted at cursor you know so i could just say let's insert pattern at the cursor and that would automatically just drag and drop it right into our project timeline okay so we see from mark uh thanks greg for the tip on recording editor great i'm glad that helps um so we just see uh after developers drink 307.5 liters of coffee i have to say at the office they do have good coffee machines at steinberg's office in hamburg but i think a lot of the developers have still been working from home during covid so but they've been doing just an amazing job so okay so uh just the question do you have um uh do you have any tips for making retrospective record behave as intended when i go to a new track and try to retrospective recorded the first time it usually messes up linear recording so let's let's do a new project here all right so just add a quick instrument track okay so sorry okay so now i just did that and [Music] um [Music] so there's my two retrospective records so say if i just delete those so i'm just going to come here [Music] all right so some musical nonsense from my non-keyboard skills and then i could just insert it on the selected track just like that but let's come over here um and let's say we go to our retrospective recording um so i think so let's say if i do insert as a linear recording that um you know that kind of makes sense if you're doing like a cycle based recording so let's say if i come here um and this was based in play so you know so this would so let's say if i come here and i'm just kind of playing and like every film composer [Music] at that point we could say okay i want to go to insert as a linear recording and that will take everything that i just did and insert it directly as a linear recording or if i come here i could say okay let's insert that as a cycle recording and now we could look at the different lanes where you know each of these different elements will automatically be kind of stacked uh you know on top of each other as different recordings so it seems to me like the retrospective kind of recording works um as expected but realize that if you're doing it in linear mode that you might have to that's intended for kind of like a cycle based recording scenario so it may not work if you don't have cycle record activated so i think that's the intention of it but let me know if i misunderstood see pablo says we need more guitar toys all right and michael pierce says you'll just encourage the guitars but we have to realize that pablo is a great amazing drummer so all right so did you see uh sorry but did he skip how to pitch bend audio files so now we we did do that i'm not sure if it was at this point in the chat yet all right so we have peter bata checking in from montreal canada thanks for joining us here we see michael teams has joined the live stream and just on the live stream just as a reference i'm i'm 42 minutes in and we're an hour and 28 minutes so i'm gonna try to catch up but just as a quick reference so i'm probably about 45 minutes behind so thanks for all the great questions again if you learned something make sure you do hit the like button um so we see hey greg can you show how to use the history function in the project window all right so let's say um i'm here and i've done a bunch of edits i come over here so i'll just open up the edit history so this is uh the history of all of the edits so every time that i do something here you'll just see that this will get updated so if i come right over here i move these around do this i erase a portion so anything i do i make a copy of the event i come here move this over here uh i unmute an event i move that there so this all shows up in my edit history and we could just kind of scroll right back through um to undo all the edits and you could also do this with a control or command z or control command shift plus z for redo so that's how you can kind of see everything in your edit history and you'll have a separate edit history for the mix console um so it says i never needed it before since uh moving to cubando i i need a second project window as an overview of the project i did this on our daws at the time years ago needed again for the studio um so you know sometimes what people could use let me just open up let's say a project i'll activate this project um so you know if you need like a quick overview window so i'm not sure if you need it to be full screen but if you go to kind of the setup window here there is kind of a project overview that you could see directly on top so if you wanted to zoom and navigate directly into project window in the top zone you could do that and be able to just zoom and move or elongate the selection there so let me know if that works if that is helpful marvel jam all right so we see from uh asim naveed uh hello guys i just recently purchased cubase elements 11. obviously being a student can afford pro one while i'm new to it so thanks for joining the cubase family and for coming on to the live stream let us know if there's any questions um all right so just see question uh my cubase will not load files larger than 4.29 gigabytes project cpr if i load a file larger than 4.29 gigabytes the cubase will throw an error and say invalid project why is this happening so it could be um you know that sometimes with actual uh file sizes for single files depending on your operating system uh it may be too large for the operating system to recognize so um so but so you know like i know you know like broadcast weight you know wav files could only be so so big i'm not sure if there's a particular if it's kind of imposed by the operating system but you know and also it could be you know i'm not sure if you are out of memory on your system because that's a pretty large project file um but you know and if you wanted to share like a download link i'd be happy to take a look at it and do some more research if you wanted to share it ryan to club clubcubase at steinberg.d if you have like a download link and then and as jazz dude mention if you're on 32-bit windows that would probably exceed the file size of uh what windows is able to open especially if you're on windows 7 32-bit all right all right my chat field just kind of jumped on me so i'm trying to find my spot sorry about that see lots of questions in my future okay all right so we see um about this uh file size my computer has 128 gigabytes of ram this is happening with standard contact player plug-in it's just not loading a project that is greater than 4.29 gigabytes so uh if you could let us know if it's only with like that particular project or every single project that you're working with that would be helpful so maybe it's contact specific we see jazz dude saying it doesn't happen on his particular system with 128 gigs of ram all right we see michael teams is being proactive with virtual ice creams cedric just got three scoops of amaretto chocolate ice cream all right so we have uh from dan freeman i have a break in a song where i'd like to last notes of instruments before the break to pitch shift down kind of like a sliding bass or guitar notes down can it be done so there's probably a couple ways to approach this so one maybe let's say [Music] i'll come over here to mix console and i'll just go to the master effects the first thing i would try is just a super easy quick fix is just to come right over here and just say okay if you go to other check out loop mash fx and there's all sorts of different uh effects that you could do within here so let's just try so let's say i want to do right there so you could do like little drops so that you could do so i'll just try a little faster so you could do some stuff like that you could also i've seen some people do is okay they just want to take all of the tracks in just this little portion and let's do just a render in place and then i'll say let's go ahead and we'll mix down to one audio file so i'll just all right so we'll have this audio file i will come over here to the sampler control and then if you wanted to [Music] you could do like you know different drops here so let's say okay i just wanted this to go down 12 so while we play so so you could do some different effects like that as well and kind of get you know like some you know interesting effects to do stuff like that okay uh so we're just seeing uh john kosigan saying uh about his uh question with the delay on the piano earlier says the sound i had actually heard cut off more of the note attack on each of the four or five repeats kind of like a faulty echoplex you know something else that you could do john it's kind of uh interesting is let's say we'll just do another approach to take on this [Music] okay but there is a midi plug-in so if it's a midi part um something that you could uh also kind of play around with is kind of midi echo so you could say okay i wanted this to be um you know you could play around with so you could say okay you know you wanted to do uh velocity offset we'll say our pitch offset um we'll set this to zero but you could kind of do like a midi based delay so if you say okay i wanted my delay to be uh quarter notes uh in the decay on a delay and let's say the length of the delay so now if we just come here [Music] and we'd we could say okay we just want to do beat a line [Music] let's make this quarter so you could kind of play around with this as well also once you get into um you know one of the if you get into the multi-tap delay so say if i come here let's go to just the inserts and once you get into like the multi-tap delay and this could be kind of a black hole for weekend once you kind of get into this you could choose to have this be like a tape based algorithm uh and say okay i wanted this to be a quarter note delay and then you could say for each of the taps you could have its own bit crusher or filter so at this point you know we could say okay just on the loop effects we could say okay i just wanted to have um you know so if you want to build a delay on top of a delay but let's say a bit crusher and then you could have the delay kind of automatically and i'll take off the midi delay here real quick so and then you could also just say okay i want it the bits [Music] and then if you wanted to even put an envelope filter [Music] you could do stuff like that and then put different uh delays on each of you know so if you say okay i want to put a vibrato just on the delays so once you kind of get into here and then if you have different taps you can say okay i want to have three taps and then each of the taps could have their own effects um so let's say okay i wanted to have a reverb and then i want the reverb to only be on the second tap but not on the first or third tap [Music] so you could do all sorts of crazy stuff if you wanted to experiment with different delay effects so check out the multi-tap delay all right so we have neurotic nexus joining us thanks for joining okay so we have a question um just find it again here real quick all right okay so we have a question from michael baum urban um how can i measure loudness compliance in cubase so there's a couple ways one is if you wanted to have a meter to do that um i could just kind of let me see if it's in my recent tracks okay so just open up a quick like two track okay so if i was kind of playing back a track i could go to my meter here and go to loudness and i could see kind of real-time metering um but if i wanted to see kind of like what the overall mix would be i would go to my audio menu to statistics and have it do its analysis and then once it's going to be done with that then at this point we could see uh different statistics on the actual audio file including all of your loudness standards here so if you wanted to see what the overall measurement is just again go to your audio menu and select you know select the event and stay and say go to your statistics and then that will give you that information all right so we just see uh is there a way to take uh recorded guitar audio and we and create feedback so there's lots of people that will just hook up a microphone and play uh the audio direct you know and you know play the audio um you know many people like as they're tracking the guitar will automatically you know just play and then you know turn towards the speakers as they're monitoring to capture that some people will just kind of put up a microphone and play the audio back and create kind of a feedback loop and record that as audio um i've heard that there are some plugins that will kind of generate the feedback but you know the ones i've heard haven't really kind of been so authentic sounding but you know if you just kind of you know play guitar track through uh through speakers and then you know put a microphone in front of the speakers you know you could generate a feedback loop you know a real feedback loop and have fun with that and and add reaver and add your feedback to the guitar okay so just read through some more okay reading through old reading through comments thanks for all the great um all right so we see any eta for apple silicon native compatibility so i know the developers are working on it and you know it's a pretty big undertaking having to you know uh do a lot of the plugins over from scratch and some uh uh components from third parties i don't think will ever be apple silicon native so you know figuring out how to do deal with that as well so but i know developers are working on it and hopefully there will be an announcement soon um so we have a question is there a possibility to visualize midi notes from other tracks example baseline in the piano roll yeah so we could do that all you have to do is really just kind of select the two different events so let's say if i come here to let's say the shubert piece so let's say i want to look at the oboe and the cello part so i'll select both of them and then i'll just hit like look at them both in the edit screen so at this point and if i want to change the colors not based on velocity but based on the part i could see that we have our cello part here and the base part and you could pick which one that you're actually active that you're editing by just coming right up here so say okay now i want to edit the oboe parts and then if you click on the cello at this point you know you could just click and that will switch what is the active part or you could have it uh edit the active part only so at that point you know you could just come over here and you could see multiple parts all within one editor so just select which parts you want to see and then if you go to you know command e or you know now if i want to go to the score editor i could see both parts or go to the key editor and i can see both both parts there and edit against each other if you want to okay so we see a question uh how do you print out uh endless arpeggiated patterns in retrolog okay so let's see if i have a retrolog thing going on in this project all right so i'll just add a quick retro log [Music] all right and every time i want to find just a all right so sorry all right so let's say i am there and i go to my arpeggiator section so one of the things that you could do is just say okay i wanted to come here click on record and then as you kind of just you know play chords [Music] so now that i've hit record it'll now be put into this buffer memory so we see this little midi icon here the five pin din and then we could just drag that directly onto the project window so that's all you have to do so just go to the arpeggiator page inside of retro log and click on record play the parts and then at that point you could just drag the parts that were generated automatically into the project window for you we see uh from neurotic nexus what's going to come after monday my guess would be tuesday but i don't know uh so you see uh question can i use my helix stomp to re-amp in cubase so what a lot of people do is you know there's a couple ways of doing it so a lot of times you could you know if you're running cubase pro many people will come over here and go to external effects and you could take inputs and outputs of your uh you know of your audio interface and say okay i want to take you know add an external effects and we could say okay uh it's gonna be let's say a mono send and a stereo return let's say okay so now and we'll call this our helix let me just make sure it's the right one okay so we'll say helix and at this point uh if i go to an audio track i all i would have to do is come here to inserts uh and we go to external plugins and then you could just say okay we're gonna go to um i think we had to set up is and then you know you'll see the helix and then you can just measure the delay and at that point what it's going to do is as you hit play the signal will go out to the helix and then the return signal will then be sent directly back so you could reamp doing that way with hardware or if you have the plug-in you could just run the plug-in as well so all right so i've been granted three scoops of black diamond ice cream from michael teens thank you and michael teams wants people to whack the like button um so we see uh from jess sabowski noendo live is thursday after cubase live so you know we do ours on tuesday and friday so it'll be on thursday and i think it starts 4 p.m usc eastern so like three hours after after the normal start time of this live stream so okay we see jeff sebelski's wax and he's number 56 on the likes so thank you for that jeff okay reading through comments all right okay uh so i just see hi greg i have 10 backing tracks in cubase how do i get them to all be equally loud all right so let's say if i just had um [Music] i'll just kind of come over here jump back so if you want like consistent volume levels uh between different like backing tracks so let's say all right so i will come over here so say we have our backing tracks and so say i just had these and i'm just going to create some new audio files here so just to mimic the behavior so i will just do a uh bounce selection here real quick so a couple ways if you wanted kind of all of your backing tracks uh and let's say they were all kind of inconsistent volume what you could do and if you wanted to be consistent um is just kind of come right over here bear with me just for a second okay so if these are all like different volume levels uh i could select all of them and go to processes and just choose to normalize and at this point we could say i want to do loudness normalize so i could say okay let's make these all minus 12 lufs or whatever value you want and this will kind of go through and just process each of the audio files so that they'll have consistent volume between all of the different tracks as we monitor so you can see now all of them will be kind of the same consistent volume so select all of your backing tracks and go to audio to processes and you could just go to normalize and then you could just kind of match the volume between them like that all right all right reading through comments thanks for all the great questions and if you've learned something new make sure you do hit the like button and that allows us to continue to do these live streams okay so we see uh from bass de beer uh greg just saying it's really awesome you spend his time and knowledge with us cubase is a great dawn i like to learn more just starting out basically your streams help a lot so it's good uh thanks for joining us and being a part of the community and uh he's in europe so okay so we see uh how do you do one shot in groove agent like mpc so all right let me just get a project here okay so let's say if i have a loop so i'm just going to drag an audio file to a loop here all right so once we come over here in groove agent um so i think if we just um [Music] all right so let's say if i just wanted to play so all you have to do is select the pad and we can do this on an individual pad uh go to the on under instrument go to edit to sample and then you could just put it into one shot here so if you wanted to uh you know alternate or put it no loop so just put it into one shot right there so or if you want to reverse so you could just activate one shot mode directly there um so i just see did some version of mpc can connect with groov agent for analog real-time typing you know so if you wanted to you know anything that takes you know um so you know anything that transmits midi you could use so you know we say typing i mean you could program different uh drum beats so if you wanted to um [Music] you know come over here and you know just anything that's midi you know or if you have your drum pads and if you wanted to you know when you say typing i'm not sure if that's like a step sequencing but if you wanted to come here and just you know do typing like that you could just say okay i want to put it into step sequencing and you know even if you want to see it more in like an npc style environment we could just kind of come right over here to like you know your drum grid and say okay i want this to start on you know beat two so let's say if i put this into step entry mode let's see if i have it activated so if we activate step entry mode i could now click and say okay we want to start on measure two and i want to put in you know four in the floor so i could just come here and just and put put in my different drum beats right there and say okay now i wanted to put in hi hats so i could move my timeline back here and say i want my hi-hats to be eighth note triplets you know i could you know so you can put in different rhythmic values anything that kind of transmits midi um will kind of work the same way so but let me know if i'm misunderstanding or if there's a specific thing when you say typing in see that the cube first learned cubase in college on a g4 mac cube so uh so we see dan freeman um greg it seems a lot of us like the live live stream idea a lot even more so your style or presentation is there an email address for us to send letters of our appreciation to your boss um i guess if you want to send me an email i could you know i i'd be happy to share my boss's email with you so but he's uh preston gray at yamaha so preston uh gray g-r-a-y so but i'm sure you could probably look him up on linkedin or something like that but if you want to email me i could go i could share his address his email address with you so okay so we see uh from jeff sabelski uh greg could you please show how the four effects auxes are activated for different programs in the slot rack and halley and sonic i think i'm uh missing routing issues within halloween sonic 3 hallian okay so let's take a look at it and thanks for thanks for the sentiment dan i appreciate it just glad to be helpful okay so let's add a quick hanging sonic se here so we show the effects okay okay so let's say i have uh my silk roads so i just have one node here so let's go to my effects section um so let's say my first effect i want it to be a reverb so now um and my second effect i want it to be a delay okay and my third aux send let's have it be maybe a pitch shifter and a fourth um i want it to be maybe a flander something kind of obvious here okay now every time that i have an effect send enabled so i have one effect per send here but i could also have this act as almost like an effects chain so if i wanted the reverb to feed a um let's say a stereo panner um or let's do something like maybe the reverb feeds a filter so or wawa that's good do that so then i could say auxiliary send one will feed the reverb going into the wawa auxiliary send two will feed the multi-delay so when i go to mix and i see my fx 2 here so this will be i believe our delay so i hit one note okay and then we go to fx3 i think this is our octaver [Music] okay and let's come to fx4 which i think is our flanger and if i go to fx1 this will be the reverb going into the wawa so the reverb then feeds to wawa so [Music] so now i could have you know each of these affections i could have four effects ends and each of these effects ends can build a combination of four effects stacked per effects send so it gives you kind of a lot of flexibility and sometimes with flexibility can come complexity but you don't necessarily have to make it complex so hopefully that makes sense jeff let me know if that if you're if it's still not clear all right so we see from uh marvel jam anyone here using avid s1 and doc over yukon uh with cubase and or innuendo i'm getting very close to ditching my slate raven mt2i touchscreens so um so maybe other people could comment i i haven't really worked with either of them i used to work with the um the euphonic system five quite a bit which is kind of the originator of the uh yukon control when steinberg and euphonix were doing it originally before it was acquired by avid okay so we see from uh michael bound uh need to learn more about this automation with vca fader all right so we'll jump back to that project see if it's in my all right let me just have lots of projects open today thanks for everyone for the wonderful questions uh so i just want to um yeah this this project here okay so once again once we have automation [Music] so we can see that these tracks are you know going up and down in automation not that it makes any sense musically to the track but i just wanted to create kind of an example where we could have contrary automation where some tracks are going up while others are going down so now with the vcas again i'll select all of my drums and i'm going to right click and add to vca uh to the selected track and if i do it to the selected track this time that would be helpful all right so now all the tracks are feeding this vca so if i bring everything down it's almost like moving kind of the vca positions but we still see kind of the automation still kind of going in its motion so it's still increasing when it needed to be louder and decreasing when it needed to be softer but just in smaller or more amounts depending upon the position of the vca fader so the trick is when we have existing automation here and we automate the vca fader but now i could just kind of move this and now what it's done is we've can see this area here where we had written the automation so this is the result of the vca automation and if i want it this track it'll still play back the automation here but if i want it instead of kind of the original automation to be combined with the effect of the vca automation at that point if you go to the vca fader and just kind of hover above right here you can see this little drop down menu that's when you can combine the automation of the vca fader so that you have one automation point at that point all right so we see glad to see that uh jazz dudes had a uh conversation with matthias and the who's our mathias kelman who is the product manager for steinberg so in the discord said matthias is a wonderful guy and great friend and colleague fortunate to work with him all right so we see from dan freeman uh so thankful vst faders were explained last week spent hours in the past i was just trying to function out a huge thank you that's great i assume it's vca faders maybe but all right great that uh bob sanderfer could make the live stream thanks for joining being a part of the community all right so we see yarn is uh joined the live stream so i'll probably get to your question towards the end uh but glad you could be a part of it we have a bunch of questions to go over all right so we see from sven that was exactly what he needed to do with the tempo track thanks yeah glad that was the answer and it was an easy solution so we need to we see pablo saying we need a coffee plug-in for cubase that sounds good all right wonderful to see jvi on the live streams just says he loves these hangouts and jesse belski asked if steinberg has kegs of beer too because he does like his ninja coffee maker so i haven't seen beer at the office but um but you know there's there's lots of places to go right near the office they're kind of right in the middle of hamburg so wonderful amazing office building so uh so you see from bob uh so what does yamaha have at their main office so they have like some really nice uh coffee machines they have a wonderful cafeteria like where all the employees eat at hamamatsu so it's it's really pretty exceptional and uh a great uh they're really cool kind of uh yamaha museum at the main office too which is pretty pretty amazing to see kind of the whole history of the company all right so we just see a question hi is it possible to find chords of an existing song so you know if you have parts that are in midi it could be done so let's say if i go to so if i have parts that are in midi it could automatically be determined but it doesn't do it from an audio file so if i wanted to take this particular um track what you could do is go to the project menu so let's say this is like a piano part so if we look at it and it's kind of the basis for the song so at this point we could go to our um if we go to chord track we could say create chord track from from the event and as we come over here this will automatically create the core track based on the midi so doesn't do it for audio um maybe you'd maybe in the future so who knows all right we see that once again pablo is still famous according to michael teams so okay read your comments all right my chat feel jumped i'm just trying to okay so here we are from eric ross uh greg monitoring guitar track if i record guitar i have to have monitor button on track selected here but when i play back the monitor button has to be uh i click to hear it back is there a way around this um okay so you know if you're monitoring the track um you know so let's say if you're recording a track you're not gonna you know and you're not gonna hear it until you actually you know so if you wanted to monitor the input of the recorded signal you just simply turn this on and then that function may be left on and you go to play back with the monitor track and you don't hear like the vocal until the monitoring is turned off so there is a preference for this so if you go to your preferences and go to [Music] let's say to vst and you'll see auto monitoring style so you could just say i usually like tape machine style but you could also choose just to have it while record enabled or while record running um so at that point or with tape machine style so as soon as it's been recorded you know so that will automatically as soon as you start to hit play so just experiment with those preferences i prefer tape machine style but you could also by default it's set to manual as kind of a conservative selection but if you just change that to tape machine style then after you record the track will not be in monitor enabled so you don't have to manually do it every single time all right so we just see uh michael bound uh just saying i'm new to cubase also need more coffee really liking what i've seen dorko will never go back so it's great yeah i think the door co teams done amazing work i think dorco is almost five years old now so it's been wonderful to kind of see it from its inception and i think i was the first american to learn that we had kind of hired on the dorico team before they announced it in the company and stuff so it's been wonderful to see those guys just coming up with such a wonderful program all right so we see that uh from dan freeman says uh detuning the last note of the song a perfect answer thank you so glad you have a lot of fun with that okay so we have a question uh hi greg are there any program preferences relative to being internet connected or not connected that may affect performance or stability so i don't think that there's any program preferences um you know sometimes you know uh network cards you know if you look like especially on a windows platform where you have the the latency monitoring i think it's a dpc latency mon utility sometimes you know network drivers and network adapters can cause uh you know king i've seen in a lot of systems where they can cause kind of interrupts that could you know inhibit smoother uh real-time audio performance so some of them are fine so you know but there's not really like a specific cubase preference for that um but sometimes if you do the dpc latency monitor you know you can notice that the the network drivers can cause problems especially sometimes with uh i think it could be more problematic with kind of wi-fi as you know it could be constantly kind of looking for the wi-fi signal and the wi-fi data so um see michael pierce is just saying uh he hasn't dared to use the multi-tap delay i reckon i could lose more than a weekend so yeah it's uh it's pretty scary once you get into it but if you want to go delayed crazy it's uh it's pretty it's probably the most comprehensive delay around we're seeing cubase junkies great to have you on the live stream uh his multi-delay is his favorite plug-in all right and we see that the multi-tab delay um that that will help with the john kosigan situation and i duplicated what i heard what he heard that's good just well he had a good description john so that helps okay so we have a question from jess welsky uh greg with uh multi-programs and howie and sonic 3 does the master volume on howie and sonic vst behave any differently when using multiple vst tracks with the vca i wish my own questions didn't confuse me so i don't think you're going to notice any you know so you know if you have everything in um i think like here if i have everything kind of broken down into uh one instance of halley and sonic se here with multiple files that you know if i bring a vca if these are all going to uh and let's say if i go to my mix output most of these may be going to the main output you know so if i bring down my uh so if i bring down like if these are all going to the same stereo output all being kind of summed with different volume levels and i bring down the mixed console fader of the de of the hallian sonic sc main here that that would you know kind of you know that would bring all those down relative i don't have these automated um so if i had automation for the volume of each of these it may make a slight difference but you know all the effects here aren't being you know they're not applying to you know um if i was taking these to individual outputs and those individual outputs had different send effects then you could benefit from a vca but if you're kind of doing all the effects internally i don't think that vca may not make a huge difference for the internal sounds so i hope i understood correct all right so we see michael teams uh is having to uh step aside so and we'll see him on friday see cubase junkies still loving the apache sx uh the midi arpeggiator plug-in so it's still very powerful all right so we see uh from a comment about the retrospective record that we showed earliers uh the tip you gave earlier is going to change my life i was using insert from track input as linear recording as my default retrospective record instead of insert from all midi inputs yeah so um it's kind of funny one of my composer friends he's like oh you know i was just kind of talking to him my friend fred corey uh who's on our last zoom he's just like i haven't hit the record button in years you know he just does everything retrospective record because you know inevitably the best theme of all time will just kind of pop out and you know it's never when you're in record so yeah so and he just says i change that now and i haven't had a retrospective record error yet thank you so much i haven't had this work correctly since the linear cycle retrospective record was introduced yeah so i think it was 10.5 uh when that was kind of taken up to the next level of the retrospective records some people would do retrospective record and if they were kind of in a cycle mode while they're doing it you know they couldn't uh have it automatically go into the cycle mode so i'm glad that worked for you and all right so we see uh cubase junkie is referring to the apache sx plug-in and uh fred robinson uh says uh is that one of the standard plug-ins don't recall seeing it noticing it so what it is is a midi plug-in so let's say if i have a piano here and i will go to the midi track itself and go to like the midi insert uh and then you can see kind of the apache sx here so now you can so i'm just holding down a cord and then you could come over here and say okay i just play one chord i want it to go up and you could even kind of just drag a sequence in if you wanted to drag and drop different midi sequences so it's like a midi plug-in that will allow you to do like really complex uh arpeggiations and record that directly back into the project okay and i also see uh cubase chunky says uh when you hit freeze midi modifiers you can transform the arp into midi notes and continue to alternate your sounds or so and one other cool thing with the apache sx let's say if i have a chord [Music] uh you could also let's say if i'm just here i could just have this record so if you click on a record button here i'm just gonna hold down chords [Music] and now without you know if i just had everything uh re if i you so what i recorded was just like three chords but uh and then if you wanted to turn that into the arpachi you know to what we see in the arpeggiator you could click on midi to freeze midi modifiers but if you just click here i just will hold down the chords and it will record uh all of the arpeggiations that are generated in real time directly to the part itself so you have kind of like a live capture of what the uh apache is generating yeah and i did a whole tutorial on the arpeggio plugins maybe last year i think um so i think uh apache says when people have cubase elements i think they only get our apache fives i'm not sure if they have midi inserts uh so let's see if they're if i open up cubase elements if there's midi um i think i just have elements 10.5 but i don't think they changed in 11 let's see if there's the midi plugins i don't think may not be in the elements level i'll just make sure just to verify yeah so no midi plugins in the uh cubase elements levels i think it's artist and pro and of course nuendo that will have that all right so we see cedric just saying it's sad the like button can't be whacked or can be whacked only once uh else the number of likes would certainly exceed the attendees what fun so so thank you for the sentiments i appreciate all right so we see uh hi greg uh if and when windows 11 compatibility will be developed so we just got a um i just got kind of a notice from uh our support team and you know they're still going through the testing and so far they haven't found any issues with cubase 11 so they're still going through the process it's a pretty lengthy testing cycle of quality assurance to when we're going through an operating system but all of our audio interface hardware is working and is compatible already and they haven't run into anything yet with cubase 11 but they're still doing the test so all right so we have rob checking in from tarpon springs and he's just uh thanks for your help with this robust program we've learned so much from these hangouts so glad it's been helpful and thanks for joining us and being a part of the community all right we see graham witcher has been able to make it and he's been exploring retrolog groove agent pad shop for a new track it's great all right so we see question uh hi greg is there a way of audio warping all tracks as a group not just a single track and it's from steve so currently every audio warping is going to be kind of done to a single track um i know that the development team is very aware of the um you know of the desire for being able to do that across multiple tracks so you could do it a little bit with if you're doing kind of like drum quantizing uh but um it's not really set up for uh you know so it's kind of set up currently for a single track but hopefully we'll see you know i know that it's been a very common feature request and i'll pass it along all right so just see from pablo greg is the boss of yamaha steinberg so i'm not uh you know i'm just a lowly employee you know i've been fortunate to work with the company for a long time so uh they usually leave me alone so i'm i'm lucky in that regard but i don't get to make any decisions really but i you know i just get to talk to a lot of people so and feel lucky that i'm able to do this job and you know but thanks for the kind words all right let me see great kind words from tim weinheimer too thank you for that just saying that uh cubase is the best dog and support uh makes it better than a rust so thank you tim from mission viejo so the president of yamaha lives in yamaha corporation of america he lives in mission viejo as well could be your neighbor all right we see mark rabin from montana joining us okay so we see a question uh hi how do you gradually speed up an audio track um so if it's going to be something like an audio loop it's it's pretty easy you know really what you need to do is to just kind of place it into musical mode and increase the tempo so it will come here i'll just put a quick loop in okay so let's say i have this loop okay so once you kind of know what the tempo of the audio file is we could select it and place it into musical mode so i'm going to copy this a couple times and i'm going to add a tempo track okay so once something is in musical mode so again we could select the events um it's going to be almost a tempo parasite if you will so as you play i could just kind of drop in and i'll switch so if i wanted to ramp up the tempo so say okay now i just wanted to have it speed up or just kind of speed up over a longer period of time you could just have it do that so once again you want to make sure that you kind of know what the tempo of the audio loop is if you don't know what it is you could go to the beat calculator and if you wanted to just come right over here just say okay this is going to be you know however many beats it is it will calculate the tempo for you you could enter that tempo value into the pool window and place it into musical mode right there or place into musical mode from the info line and as you change the tempos it will speed up and slow down so that's how you can gradually speed up an audio track all right so we see that the uh all right so we see that the effects uh explanation for halloween sonic was clear and helpful to jeff sebastian it's great all right so we have a cush from san diego how can i mix down to audio tracks without effects pannings automation etc i want raw individual tracks with no alteration to mix at a pro studio do omf files have this metadata so yeah you don't need to do omaf because that could get a little weird in some ways so let's say you know if we have a project here uh and let's say if you have like a bunch of edits and you know maybe you wanted to make like stem files that could be it at a studio all you have to and you don't want to include the internal processing and use their outboard gear their console their plugins etc all you have to do is go to your file menu uh you want to make sure that you know the you know select like the length of the event and put the left and right locators so you know here i just selected an event that's as long as the project and i hit the letter p as in parts to locator and that will put the left and right locators around the event go to your file menu to export to audio mix down uh select multiple and when you see this little uh section here you could just choose disabled dry and what that will allow you to do is we could say okay i want to export multiple files so i could say okay i want all of my output channels my effects channels rendered all of my audio channels uh all of my virtual instruments if they're being utilized in the production and that will just come over here and make you know choose okay i want it to be 48k 88.2 whatever sample rate bit depth that you want and then that will export each of the files we could have it go to a new location or you could have it automatically go into the project uh mixdown folder or to its own unique folder and then you could take it to any other room so again just get your file export audio mix down and under effects choose disabled and then that should help okay so um my chat field just kind of jumped on me so okay um so we see does anyone know how to fix cubase start or record delay after pressing spacebar to play um so it could be that you know let's say if i was pressing the space bar or record so let's say if i come here i'll just turn on the metronome so let's say i come here okay let me just okay i'll just not activate that for record all right so let's say if i just play all right so say all right so it could be that maybe you have the count in activated so if you'll see this little option here and if you don't see that if you kind of like in the lower right hand corner of the transport it could be hidden so by default it may look like this and if we come over here you could just expand that out a bit so make sure that so now if i have my pre-count activated here on the transport um it may so say if i just go to record you know you may get kind of that uh count in so you could just kind of activate your count in there so make sure that you don't have the count in uh turned on so let's say i'll just switch this to four four okay so let's say if i go here uh and i just play and the countdown is turned on but let's say if i go to hit record you may get like a two measure count in so but if i just wanted to uh hit record directly there so you could just kind of activate the count in and so it sounds like that might be on so give that try and let us know so we see from cubase junkie says i want to make something just only using the retrospective record the whole song that would be fun i think that turns you into a film composer apparently according to my friends so yeah but give it a try you come up with some interesting things okay so we see uh from andy costo or costo uh hi greg first of all you rock uh how can i change try different drum kits and groove agent but keep the pattern the same so let's go ahead take a look so we'll add a groove agent okay so i'll just load up quick okay so um okay so let's say i'm playing kind of this pattern okay but i just wanted to load up different kits so you see this little folder icon here let's go over here and now i could just go to and i'll select you know you can load up different instruments or different kits which will be kind of so i could say um now i just come here all right so let me just all right so let me just go back here um so i think if we come over here okay so let's say i'll do a different approach so instead of doing that i'm just going to right click on the agent and i'm just going to load kit so now i could just audition my different kits you guys come up with really interesting results so we're playing the same pattern so again just right click and just say load kit and just experiment and try stuff that shouldn't work and just see what happens and come up with really interesting and creative results so once again just right click uh on the agent and just load kit instead of load kit with pattern so i see from uh stephen mike's it says i love quattro fuzz but it's gooey could use an update so you know i think um you know when they try to do it you know they don't want to make it look kind of like a classical orchestra thing but um you know it does quite a bit uh so let's say if i just wanted to um come over here if you're not familiar with quadra fuzz you can find it under distortion um so you know i think for kind of the plug-in it is that it's kind of uh you know it's kind of intended to be very kind of industrial but to be able to kind of access your different things you know and you know plug-in goes could be a matter of taste but i think you know this kind of conveys the uh processing capabilities kind of being you know industrial and a bit retro to kind of match the character of the plug-in but i'll pass it along is feedback regardless and we see cubase chunky says it was made like that on purpose uh to make it look dirty and vintage so yeah i would tend to agree with cubase junkies but um so to see also if i record audio out from the modi x via usb i have somehow managed to record the metronome so sometimes if you're using uh like the modi x can function as usb audio interface as well as transmitting midi uh through the usb connection as well as uh you know being a tone generator so a lot of people will have the click track you know so it could be that you're sending midi data to it but the audio is also being sent out of it including the click track so realize that you know your tone module and your audio interface you know could be sending you know they could both be sending audio signals out to your modi x so realize that if you're doing an audio transfer that you may just have you know if you're not using a separate audio interface for the click track that you probably will just have to turn off the click track just by hitting the letter c or clicking on this icon in the lower right hand corner so okay so we just see uh greg can that our apache effect use chord tracks i think so let's go give it a quick try okay so let's say i wanted to be instant composer we'll have to start in d minor of course all right so let's say okay so let's add a instrument so let's say just a quick [Music] okay so let's say i want to play the uh this directly uh into the monitor track and on this particular track let's come over here to the apache so [Music] and now you have a new hit song and if i wanted to just you know record uh again i could just come here to the hallian sonic and put the apache in and i'll just hit record so you could do stuff like that if you wanted to so you could just have it play so okay just reading through comments so just seeing uh about the it's about a second late uh just about the delay when hitting play so you know also you know when you're doing this um i don't remember if you mentioned this but if you go to your studio setup you know the first thing you want to do is make sure that a you're using like the azio driver for the device yeah so you have an audio interface so if you're using kind of you know some uh you know like a built-in laptop interface that might be adding more latency to your system as well and it says if i put a song from youtube and put it in cubase it's always offbeat so yeah if you let us know which audio interface you're using so all right so i just see uh hello greg i have questions why my cubase 11 don't doesn't open my old projects like 10.5 so as you can see if i come over here i could open up like lots of old projects i think um let's come over here so you know so i'm not sure if it's like particular plug-ins that are causing it um here's like a project from cubase seven so you know if there's plug-ins that are being referenced in the project um or if it's using technologies that aren't available in 11 but most of the stuff between 10.5 and 11 works but you know so i could open up cubase sx1 version projects in here from 2000 from 2001 so without any problems so i don't you know if you could let us know exactly what projects uh and if you're getting any messages see mandy lane saying cubase also looks very professional compared to other programs okay my chatfield just kind of jumped on me let me just all right i think i'm back to where i was thanks again for all the wonderful questions if you've learned something new make sure that you actually hit the like button okay so i just see uh hi is it possible to output a mix minus feed when recording over dubs i'd like to send musicians my mix from cubase and use direct monitoring for their own instrument so you know what a lot of people will do is let's come to this okay so let's say if i was over dubbing [Music] okay um so we're recording over dubs i'd like to send musicians my mix from cubase and use direct monitoring for their own instrument so you know if you wanted to kind of set like you know a mix you know like an alternate mix for the musicians i'm not sure um so i mean you could use direct monitoring for their own instrument already but let's say if i wanted to do base i could select everything here and we could use this in conjunction with the control room so let me select all of the tracks in my project i'll go to my larger mix console and first thing i want to do is to make sure that i have a control room uh active and i wanted to add a cue mix so let's say i want to um add a cue and we'll say this is for the bassist so i'll just come over here let's say okay bass player q mix and i'm tracking him or her then i could select all of my different tracks here and what i want to do is go to [Music] your racks and make sure that you have cue sends checked so go to the racks drop down and let's go ahead and make sure that we have the control room activated here so this is my base mix and what i want to do is to right click and i want to um come here and i'll just say let's use the current mix i'll activate first i'll activate all the cues all right and i'll just kind of close this so let's say um just all right so let's get to the racks and our cues ends and now we see our cues end then i could right click here and then i want to use the current mix levels and then you know if you wanted to send the musician like his uh you know the instruments like the mix to the instruments you know to the musicians and just assuming that you have this connection here set to uh go to like outputs like you know when you go to the qmix you could send that to outputs and you could do it probably in stereo at that point you could have different cue mixes so let's say the bass player you know wants to hear more of themselves in a mix so if you wanted to monitor the mix for the musician you know you could have different q levels here for each individual musician um but yeah or if you wanted to exclude them from the queue you could do that just in the control room here and just say okay you know they're gonna monitor everything except for the queue here so you know they could hear everything except for themselves and monitor off of their direct monitoring so let me know if that works for you um so just see from andy lane is this the reason cubase is the most expensive daw then so i don't think cubase is the most expensive i don't think in the united states i think it's kind of on par with some many of the other programs but i think by time you purchase a lot of the third-party components of the less expensive programs that you know cubase looks like a bargain to get the same level of functionality um all right so we have a question from jvi uh in the core track i add a chord select a then minor but i can't select any six it starts at sevenths i'm missing something i've also tried other chords major etceteras uh still don't see sixth so let's take a look um it says add a chord track okay so so i see a minor i could do a minor six chords so i just see it right here so we see it starting at sevenths but since it could also be a six slash thirteenth chord uh it seems like you could just enter it there so let me know if that isn't available for you to enter in um so you know so once again just kind of come here and if you look at all the options so it may not go in numeric order so i think it may go just by kind of popularity of chord tensions so but look for the six slash 13th chord there so let me know if that helps jbi um so i just see a question from kai wen franklin uh do you get hallian symphony orchestra with howling in six so no it's not included with that but if you do get the absolute collection like absolute five the howie and symphonica orchestra just go is included with that okay reading through comments okay so we see uh from jay from connecticut thanks for joining the live stream great to see you on there um on here okay says i need more organization i need a path to compressor to compress mixer channels into folders as above not hide want to mirror channel plus track folders which is logical reflection and equally valid as a track um okay so if we're in a big project so let's say if i'm here and i have um just all right so let's say i have all of my drums selected here okay and let's say in this project i have lots of other tracks um so i need a path to compress mixer channels into folders so you know if you go to visibility you know you can just hide you know so if you hold down the shift key i could say let's just see only the drums so i could do that as well um so i know you say into folders above not hide i want my mixer channel plus track folders um so you know so while the mixer doesn't have folders i mean this gets you to the same place you know if we have these going to um a drum group you know i could also just activate the drum group as well so here i have all my drums and the drum group and if i had that drum group within the folder we could do that um so you know it's no problem to see you know the group folders as well so you know it could really depend on if it's how you have the tracks organized so if i just automatically move the drums into the folder track you know at this point i could say when we go to our configurations i could say okay we're going to you know show all tracks and now if i have the folder with my drums which you could actually create from a macro i could just hold down shift and now i'm only seeing the folder and drums so but let me know if i'm misunderstanding i understand that it's equally the folder is equally valid but i'm not sure if it's a group track because you know what do you want to look at in a folder track uh in the mixer as there's no processing it can be done on the folder but you could just simply you know if you have everything organized you could do it like that pretty easily and i think it gets you to the same spot in the end okay so we have a question uh after sending a track to an effects channel how do i pan that track into mixing console uh when i do it it doesn't do much is it because it's a stereo effects channel thank you you're much appreciate your help is much appreciated so let's say um let me do it on another project here okay so let's say i'll do this and i want to put like a flanger on the base track here something obvious so i'm going to add an effects channel to the selected channel here so let's do something really obnoxious and go to modulation um and all right so put a heavy flanger on so now when we play [Music] all right so let me just mess that up so i'm gonna turn on okay so now i have okay so it says how do i pan that track in the mixing console um when i do it it doesn't do much so let's say if i want to take the so now we could pan and have the flanger only on one side [Music] or you can have it on the center so sometimes the effects can be set um on you know like a stereo effect you may not notice it as much you like let me just do a different effect here [Music] so i'll do a um [Music] a chopper [Music] [Music] so now if i just come here to the chopper effect [Music] you only hear the chopper on the right hand side or only on the left hand side [Music] so you know so you could do that now one of the things that a lot of people miss is if we come here to the base channel we could actually go to panning i could say i want to flanger on the right and the chopper in the left so even though it's a stereo effects and each track you could pan independently if you wanted to as well so you know it could be that when you have the effect kind of panned all the way to one side if it's kind of a effect that goes back and forth between left and right channels that you may not may not be as apparent all right so we have alexander checking in from moscow okay so we have a question is it possible to record midi from another source i mean add as an input of halligan sonic the scaler uh how i can record i guess it's midi from scalar so i i don't know scalar i think it's similar to like you know what you could do with like the uh you know chord functionality so let's say uh i'll quickly add an instrument track here and as i do this um we'll just say okay uh you know if it if the plug-in has it check to see if there i don't have a license scaler but see if that it shows up as you know a lot of programs will show up as a midi input source so let's say for instance if i add a copy of groov agent or utilities midi utilities often so when i come here i can see under input now that we've added a groove agent we could have groove agent as a as a midi input source so the groove agent can actually play back different sounds from this so see if it's like that um and if that's still not doing it you know maybe if you go into the editor here um you know and let's say you know there is scale assistance uh so you could have it automatically use the editor scale so you could have cubase determine the scale you could actually set up your own custom musical scale and at this point you could say i only want to filter and see you know notes within the scale or notes that are actually have events so you might be able to do a lot of this and you could also snap live input so you could say okay i'm in d and i'm in step entry mode i could just go and all those notes would automatically be only within the key of d so you could do stuff like that so um but you know i think most things if they're trying to integrate with the daw will probably have a midi output from the source but i'm not again familiar with scalar see mandy lane's going to make her own custom daw so that's good his son's bus is probably just arriving now all right all right so just seeing jazz dude saying scale is very very easy just use the midi out and insource of any vst instruments reading through okay so we just see a question um when i import a pattern in groove agent and playback i hear the imported track but groove agent carries on playing the original pattern in essence two kits are playing over each other so when you do that so say if i come here and i'll just open up okay now because groove agent can have its own internal sequencer but if i drag this pattern out into my project window and at this point let's say i play you know so this pattern is triggering sounds in groove agent but groove agent is playing as well what you need to do is just you know if you have you know if you have follow transport just hit stop here and then the internal sequencer of groove agent will stop playing but if i hit play now you can hear kind of you know where the internal sequencer is playing with the midi that's being that's in the part so just hit stop and then you'll hear that stop just like that all right so i know we had a bunch of questions sent in so let's go through some of these questions thanks for all the wonderful discussion hope that everyone's learned a tip or trick today all right i'm going to revert this project here okay um so um all right let me just find the first question um okay uh i want to know if there's something similar to pro tools beat detective in cubase where you can edit a multi-mic track drum kit recording quantize drum to the grid extract the groove templates etc all right so let's say if i wanted to clean up so you know anything that we if i wanted to extract a groove all you need to do is to uh you know double-click and if you go to hit points once you find the hit points you could come right over here and just say create groove from the particular recording and then once you create groove that will show up as your quantize preset that you could use but let's say if i wanted to listen to drum recordings i wanted to quantize multiple tracks uh recording so say i listen to the drums with a click track everything that a drummer doesn't want you to do in a session when they're feeling insecure about their performance so we say maybe they rushed that a little bit um there's a snare fill coming up so that wasn't quite as tight the snare phil rushed the beat so if i wanted to actually kind of quantize these to the grid the first thing i would do is put them into a folder and then what i want to do is just find the kind of like maybe the kick snare and hi-hat the main parts and we want to find their hit points so we could adjust kind of our hit point sensitivity and the concept here is that we don't want tracks that are bleeding through to be you know based on hit points i'm going to go to my snare and let's find the hit points for our snare so we'll adjust our threshold accordingly all right so we see that this is probably like the hi-hat okay that's our snare fill and in this case we start off with a hi-hat so this can be kind of rhythmically significant i will adjust the threshold for the hi-hat so it's not picking up like the kick tracks and now that we have those uh main components where we have those hit points derived uh i'm going to place these again into folder we have this little icon that says group editing so now when i come over here if i do an edit to one of those they'll be applied to all of the files so i'm going to open up my quantize panel and we'll see this in the upper right hand corner here we'll see the quantized value and then we could click on the e and we're going to set a priority so i could say okay my kick will have highest priority i want snare top to have the second highest priority and maybe hi-hat to have the third highest priority now why we have to put these into a group edit is as the snare is hit the snare mic the snare is getting picked up not only in the snare mic but in the kick mic the overheads the hi-hat mic etc so what i want to do is um at this point we'll just come right over here and just say okay we're going to slice i could choose to do warp marking but i'll just come over here and do a slice and that will automatically create thousands of slices based on these priorities okay so i see my quantize setting so as we've created slices now the problem is if we move just one of the elements if i move the snare in this track the snare in the hi-hat track and kick and overheads won't necessarily line up so what i want to do is come over here we're going to say okay my quantized value is set to 16th notes and what i want to do is to quantize and that's going to slightly shift all the different elements so that they are in time and at times you will have gaps so what we could have cubase do is automatically choose to crossfade between those gaps and now we could come right over here and listen to the drums with the click and that's really kind of all you'd have to do and then as you wanted to listen to your different sources you could just come right there and that's how you could do kind of a multi-track drum quantizing okay so i think we may have covered this in the previous live stream but just in case it was missed could you show how you can import audio files from media bay at lower volume so let's do a new project okay so let's say uh i'll come over here let's audition some drum loops okay so right now i'll come over here and let's say i'm have this drum loop and if i set my preview volume lower now i'm going to double click and that will add the particular drum sound but as we do that we notice that the volume level from the preview has been increased so let's say if i want to import this drum loop and i had the preview volume louder that the volume from the preview is automatically taken into account as we import the files so if i come here and i want this super loud i could just double click and we add that to the project that we could see the different volume levels that were initially set during the preview as we double click that preview volume is carried over into the mixer channel volume all right so question uh my daw computer is not connected to the internet how can i download updates etc to be able to make updates with my main pc being offline from the internet um so all you have to do is download it and like when you do the download assistant so let's say if we just come over here let's go to the steinberg download assistant all you have to do is save it to a usb flash drive so there's no problem with that and you could actually just change the default download location so let me see if i can do this without updating so you know as soon as we go to download a particular file you could just say okay i want to change the install folder just put it on a usb flash drive and save it to there copy that over to your main computer and at that point install so it's pretty straightforward okay so we had a question uh with groove agent so let's open up this with a pattern okay so let's say i have my pattern here okay so the question is uh when i imported a pattern a main nine isolated acoustic agent cubase automatically imports a fill fill seven as well even though i haven't imported it so let me see if i could let's see if i could find that if that's a particular pattern domain nine all right so it says uh you know when i imported patterns the main nine isolated acoustic agent so let's say if i just come over here um cubase automatically imports a fill fill seven as well even though i haven't imported it okay so it could be that maybe when we go to the patterns here um let's say if we come here to [Music] so i'm not sure if you're dragging the pattern to the timeline or if it's coming from all right and let's see if we or if it's just coming from here so let's say if i drag a pattern you know so i'm not sure if you're dragging the pattern from let's say let's say styles and let's see if it's one of the styles here so you know if it's you know let me know you know so it seems like that's kind of dragging in uh just a one like four bar pattern uh but you could drag directly from the window the style section or directly from the pads and that all seems to kind of work as expected so but let me know you know if it's one particular kit that's doing it um so okay so it says uh another question in response to the last live october 15th live stream uh i'm still struggling with the tempo detection audio warp uh is there a way of simultaneously very very uh warping all audio tracks at the same time rather than individually i showed an example of audio warp but it was only on one track can we do it on several tracks at once it would save a lot of time so yeah let's show you how to do that okay so let's say if i wanted to kind of change the tempo of a lot of audio files at once let me just open up kind of a multi-track project okay so let's say we have just a live recording that wasn't recorded to a click track okay so and if i turn on my click track there's no correlation so i'm going to just come over here and go to the overhead drums and i'm going to do my tempo detection from that so go to project and go to tempo detection okay so now i have my tempo that's been extracted so we see that we have fluctuating tempo which is to be expected especially like in a jazz piece and what i want to do is to define kind of where the downbeat is so it looks like it's going to be right here measure 80. so at this point i'll say okay our 4 4 will start right at that point [Music] so let's say i wanted all the tracks in this multi-track to follow uh like a steady tempo when the original tempo is fluctuating so i'm going to select all of the events go to my audio to advanced and we'll choose set definition from tempo so we could store this in a project or actually embed this in the metadata of the audio files so once it kind of does this and what it's doing is it's taking the tempo changes of every single beat and applied it to the particular audio files so if i wanted this to play back steady i could turn off my tempo track here and say okay i want this to be you know 156. [Music] and now it's playing back a steady perfect tempo stretching each piece of audio for every single beat or i want to be 144. so that's perfectly steady taking what was an audio file i was playing back at different fluctuating tempos and now making it perfectly steady so that's how you could do that all right so we had a question uh how can i make the name of the text show the full name of the send effect or at least longer otherwise it's very confusing to figure out which send effect automatically which send effect automation lane is which so i don't know of a way to change this and uh just to kind of show this if i come here to the send effects you know i could see uh like when i go come here um and we select this uh the name will get truncated so i don't know of a way and i tried going through different like track control settings to see you know sometimes you could go into track control settings and adjust the name width but there isn't a selection for automation so i'll mention that to the product team uh but i currently i don't know of a way of making this larger i'll see i'll mention it to them and see if they have any ideas or if it could be implemented or reflect the you know we could extend the number of characters in this but not in the automation lane unfortunately all right and this was just a comment from the last live stream it says uh you know how do i create a layout in cubase where i have to use eighth note triplets on the synth and the kick and um and let's say 32nd note in the kick 132 notes which should the layout be at 134 beats a minute you know so if you're doing a new project you know i think you would just kind of keep the layout the same but let's say if i come let's say our tempo is 134. and let's say okay i want this to be um let's add two instrument tracks and i'll just make it go to nowhere to save time okay and now when i go into let's say the key editors for these you know so with drum tracks you know you could probably just you know change each of these uh individually so that when we go to um the drum track itself you know if we go to the drum editor you know like here we could just change this so that the grid will be set up to 30 second notes so you could kind of change the grid here and as you zoom in you can see 30 second notes on a grid for the drums now let's say if we were doing uh for the bass part um [Music] and you wanted this to be eighth note triplets you know you could change this grid to eighth note triplets um and there is one other little trick that you could do is uh so let's say you want that to thirty second notes um for this grid here so let's say we have this to thirty second notes i'm going to come over here to my key editor so let's say i go to my click patterns so let's say if i want this to be set to okay so let's say i'm gonna add a signature track let's see if this does a trick and once we have a signature track that we could come here and um like i could say okay so i want this to be um say four clicks um and then we could do it kind of as 6 8 and if we wanted to change that to 12. so this could be eighth note triplets um so at this point i could say go into our editor you could right click here and choose use the metronome click pattern basis uh so now we could just come over here in the grid that we see for the editing tasks can actually be and again you right click here and use the metronome click pattern level for the grid emphasis so as we do this we could see that there was going to be uh you know 12 divisions there so you could you know when we go to our drum editor we can choose to just have this be straight 30 second notes so you know if we wanted to have that in the drum editor so we could have that be different so 30 second notes we could have the resolution set to and when we come to like the bass part where you want eighth note triplets you can change the grid resolution there okay so i just see uh things from yan um how to uh how do you set up everything to record what you hear classical question but i don't see anything in cubase index so you may suggest using midi retrospective record but i change vst instruments all the time and also working modifying wav files i need to catch record everything i hear so if we have a scenario like this where you want to record everything you hear what you could do is let's say you know as you're working you could have your whole template set up so that we could um so let's say okay i'm just kind of playing along [Music] all right so i have my patch here so i'm going to send like everything in my project maybe out to a group like a like a pre-master group so i'm gonna come here and i'm gonna say let's go to uh so i'm gonna say let's add a group channel so do that so now when i click on italian sonic sc it's being routed to the group and then i can add an audio track and i'm going to set its input from the group we just created and we'll just call this a catch so now any time and i could just leave that always in record i'll just come here and i'm just trying out ideas so you go okay um all right so i'll just turn off the click so let's say okay i'm just trying out ideas so as soon as i you know come right over here and i just place this into record anytime that i'm [Music] it's going to automatically record every little noodle that you do and just capture everything so you say okay i'm just trying this and you can hide it if you want to and then every time that you record that you just have that record enabled [Music] and then at that point you could just choose to kind of keep recording so a lot of people may have just like a catch almost like a print capture you know cause a capture or catch as a group and then um you should be fine to just kind of record everything that you're hearing in your session okay so a question i know how to use the scissors tool plus alt to split a long note to make a separate note of specification length is working fine but too heavy when doing a lot of notes or chords i try to use logical editor working fine to adjust length but how to split i can't find a scissor to split maybe you can show some ideas and hints how to use a logical editor or maybe there's a command that i don't know okay so let's come over here and i will add let's say i'll just delete this and i'm going to add a chord track okay so let's say i just have these set up as we'll have these chords set up and i'm just going to drag these down just to make some notes that will cut okay so let's say i wanted to split a bunch of notes so i came up with a way of doing this maybe a bit unconventional um where okay we have long notes and what i want to do is to split these long notes uh and let's say based on maybe eighth notes in an easy way so i created a macro um where we could just come over here uh and let me just open up the macro so i called it um advance and split midi so we said transport nudge cursor right and then there's an a split at cursor function so for for uh under the edit menu so now and i think i assigned a keyboard shortcut to that so right now i see i have one note that's held for the whole measure so i'll move my song position here and as i trigger this macro what it's going to do is so we say advance and split midi so if i have this set to eighth notes it will just automatically move to the next eighth note figure or next 16th note and it will advance and automatically split so i think if this is a keyboard shortcut i did so i'm just going to hold down the key command for the macro and now it's going to take those long notes and kind of automatically just split and let's say okay now i want this to be eighth note triplets going from that point on so i will just kind of come here and again just so we could choose the rhythmic value by the snap by the quantize so now i could just kind of come over here so let's say here i want this to be you know quarter notes or you know i could now just say come right there hold down the keyboard shortcut to trigger that macro and now and now as we play sixteenths eighth note triplets so you could do it just like that so once again uh the macro just come over here and once you have the keyboard you know the cursor over something again it's just under edit functions and split at cursor but you know to make the macro just come over here and choose um transport nudge cursor to the right and edit split at cursor and then you could just hold down the key command and that will just kind of trigger through okay so we had a series of questions um see if we get through these um how do i get the right click uh toolbox back in cubase 10.53 so really all you have to do if you want this you could you know hold down the uh command or control key but the preference if you wanted to toggle back and forth between this is just go to preferences and under tools you'll see show toolbox on right click so if i don't have that checked when i right click i can see my tool box here or if i hold down command or option i could just toggle between the two toolboxes so against preferences tools and then you could check or uncheck show tool box on right click okay so i see this kind of um no logical editor presets available which i often use in cubase sx tried copying roaming folder and no use so if you're doing this from sx it could be in a different location so you know it could be in your program files slash you know um and i'm not sure if it's sx on pc or mac but you know just be the the presets so generally they're gonna be automatically updated uh but like on the mac platform you know on windows you go to you know manually copy them if you don't have that automatically um you know saved you know or if you're not running as administrator they may not show up but you know where you need to copy them is you know once you come over here to your folder you can do it from the location but just go to the library and then um like on the mac it'd be library and then under preferences so we'll just say okay so we'll go to library preferences and you'll see cubase and then you'll see presets and then you'll see just kind of all of your logical editor uh key commands there if not make sure that you are running your cubase 11 as an administrator so and i also see uh no midi inserts presets uh as well so that could be you know the same thing so it sounds like maybe make sure that your latest version of cubase is um uh is maybe you're not running it as administrator all right so we have also how can i send midi to an instrument open in the vst bay after recording it uh with a prior vst and therefore trying out a variety of vsts on the same midi part you know so it could depend if you're doing it as an instrument track or uh you know but one way of doing it is if you're starting it with a midi track is just come over here if you wanted to audition different sounds so let's say okay i have uh this set up to be in pad shop you know and i load up just a quick preset so you know any time that i just want it to uh come here you know you could just route it to you know your different instruments but another method that you could do is just going to your if you're looking for auditioning uh and you're starting from like a midi track is you could go to your midi sends and then at this point we could send this to any destination that's open on his system so i could say okay i just want to take this and send it to pad shop i want to send it to any others to quickly audition different sounds so maybe check out the midi sends all right some questions on piano roll um how can i open the midi editor in a second view and screen as a default instead of having to send it to the other screen each time when closing okay so um okay so all you have to do is you know if you want this to like when you double click is just to come over here and if you want that to always go to a different screen go to editors any and under preferences and choose double click opens in a new window so now if i have this automatically set to go to a different screen um that's all you know and i leave the editor window there every next time i open an editor it will automatically just uh pop over to the other screen so and then if you want to close just hit the enter key okay so we see uh getting different shapes on the draw tool used to have alt doing that i think so if we have the draw tool here and i have it you know one is i could just click on the draw tool directly here if the draw tool is currently active you can just kind of hover over hold down the right mouse button to keep the tool box open and then just left click and then you could switch between the different tools the different drawing tools directly there so that's all you have to do okay so we just see how do i get uh midi modifiers uh showing always and present so once the midi modifiers you know so it could be that the midi modifiers don't show up depending on what is currently active so if i have you know if i double click here we could go and i'll just toggle this preference back um so let's say we'll open this in the lower zone so you know if i double click on an event let's say i go to the project window here you know i could if my midi modifiers are checked that'll be showing so i could have the inspector for the project of a midi track or if i would double click we can just see the inspector element switch over to the midi editor so if you wanted to now just go back to the other ones just click somewhere else and then you'll have your midi modifiers or if you just click now we see all the editor functions for the key editor so it depends what is selected so if you don't if your midi modifiers disappear when you're here just select and then you know it's because of the current active selection okay so we kind of covered the next one just a couple minutes ago um all right so we just see uh how to use the range selection on a part or audio of midi and apply some type of editing on that without having to do shift plus x so let's say if i have uh like an audio event so let's say if i'm here um i'll just revert this quickly all right so if i just wanted to do this and at this point i could just go to my audio and let's just say i'll just reverse so you know you could just do selections based on the range you know sometimes it makes sense to do shift plus x to you know break the function but you could just come over there and do edits with that all right so with that we're just about out of time i'll try to get to the rest of these questions on friday's live stream i want to thank everyone for all the great questions and we'll do it again and everyone please check out uh thursday's live stream on nuendo and uh everyone stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone on friday at 1pm take care
Channel: Cubase
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Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: ZOr3MeM3ISw
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Length: 239min 40sec (14380 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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