How to Use The Step Designer | Club Cubase November 19th 2021

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hello welcome to the november 19th 2021 club cubase live stream i'm going to do a quick audio test to make sure all the audio is coming through as expected and then we'll go ahead and get started give me just a second hello welcome to the all right everything sounds fine on my monitoring computer uh my name is greg undo i'll be the host for the live stream today i work as a product specialist for yamaha corporation of america primarily focusing on steinberg products um and i'm broadcasting or presenting from outside of washington dc area in the united states and alexandria virginia so i'll be the host for the live stream today if you have not attended a live stream how it works is you can uh ask questions in the chat field and we'll try to go through each of the questions chronologically as they come in and answer them as completely and as succinctly as possible uh but i realized that my ability to answer in kind of real-time manner that sometimes i may be an hour behind the live chat so when asking questions if you're if you don't get an immediate response uh please realize that i will you know usually by the end of the live stream i will have uh caught up but realize that it may be a little while sometimes 45 minutes an hour by time i get to the question so if we could try to avoid asking the same question repeatedly over and over again that would be appreciated because that just kind of slows down the process when asking questions if you could indicate you know which level of cubase such as elements artist or pro which version 10 10.5 11 as well as your operating system i'm running on mac or windows that information is often helpful as well so we will have an index of all the topics covered in the live stream tonight uh pinned to the top of the comments field with time stamps so you could actually go back after and search for particular topics if you want it also questions can be sent in advance for uh by emailing club cubase at steinberg dot d e so that's another is if it's something that could be a little more involved with that we're definitely you could send those in advance if you wanted to search for topics that have been covered on previous live streams you could go to cubase and yan from stockholm has been kind enough to set uh up a website so that will search through over 14 000 topics and could take you immediately right to uh the area in the live stream where that topic has been covered so we want to give special thanks to yon for coming up with that website also we have two people that serve as moderators we usually have a really well behaved community but occasionally someone tries to sell some something nefarious so but i want to give special thanks to jazz dude and agent k for their help they're not steinberg employees they just kind of do it to benefit the community so special thanks to them another wonderful resource of information is compiled by jazz dude in the cubase nation discord so an extra special thanks to jazz dude for that and all of his efforts in kind of providing such a wonderful resource to the steinberg community um one quick note uh next friday's live stream will be in the united states it's the day after thanksgiving and that's a holiday so we won't be doing a live stream next friday but we will do tuesday and then the following tuesday and the second tuesday like a week from tuesday that will be the last live stream of the month so we will try to uh usually the last live stream of the month what we do is uh do kind of a two hour live stream and then a two hour kind of zoom meet up so people can meet up with each other and we'll i'm working on getting kind of a special guest that can kind of share some insights on music production and uh career advice and stuff like that so we've had people like vince melmed and fred corey and last month we had um it was uh daryl pearson was able to share some insights with jean-marie corvatt prior to that so so look forward to seeing everyone on that so with that we'll go ahead and get started um all right so first question uh hi greg and cuba's friends is there a way to turn a whole drum kit and groove agent into separate audio tracks like a real drum recording session for mixing purposes um so let's say if i have an uh just and a drum track here so right now we can see that everything is going out of a stereo output into um you know and then feeding our stereo so we have our stereo instance a groove agent feeding our stereo bus but if i go to the instruments and let's go to the mixer tab i can now come over here and groove agent can have up to 32 stereo outputs so let's say i want my kick to go out of output two my snare to go out of output three so as we do this this automatically adds the outputs from groov agent and let's say okay i want the hi-hats to go out of output four and let's say the room maybe the overheads i wanted to go to output five and output six for um the room mics so now we can have the audio kind of automatically mapped across different outputs so if i have this particular pattern playing so let's say and so we could mix it like this just with outputs so that's that's easy enough to do so if you wanted to do it but if you wanted to turn it into separate audio files once that the um once that the file here has you know we have one midi file and if we wanted to take each of these different outputs and render those two separate files all we have to do is just go to edit and choose to do a render in place and we could just come right over here say okay i want to keep the channel settings and i will just at this point um let's just choose to [Music] render so i'll just not give it a custom name and i'll say render and as we do this each of the outputs will automatically be rendered to their own individual audio file so we have kicks just kind of broken down right here let's have our snares hi hats kind of the overheads and the rooms so that's how you could split it up and now that we have it split up into individual tracks we could mix and do you know clip gain volume control so once again just you know set the outputs from the instrument itself so again we'll just come right over here and as we select the instrument um that point uh so once we i'll just undo that just so we can see it so we'll say directly from here assigned to the different outputs and then just do a render in place and that should kind of do the trick for you so all right so that we'll now come over here let's take a look at the next question um see some other people giving other methods but may take you a little longer we see jazz dude has a template for this all right and we have dallas or larue checking in from las vegas okay so we have a question from dallas with larue in the control room excuse me the monitor inserts our inserts after the stereo of cubase and before the speaker these inserts also have a pre-post insert pre-post to what all right so let's take a look um so i don't remember there let's take a look so let's say if i come over here to the main and insert um so if i have a particular plug-in let's say i will activate this plug-in all right so usually when we have uh inserts kind of laid out for us here we could right click um and then switch it you know so if i wanted to take this particular audio track and if i had a let's look at this and if i wanted to put a particular plugin on it i could right click on it and then move to post fader slot so we could do a pre and post fader there but i don't see that on the control room settings so once i go to the inserts here on my control room let's say on the main so if i wanted to [Music] look at this i could you know usually it's kind of just right clicking but i don't see a way of toggling pre or post fader on the particular inserts on the um you know on the main inserts let's look at the monitor insert see if there's anything different so i say if i so these will all be pre-fader as we could see kind of indicated here um all right so i see okay the last two here will be post fader so let's say if i have my reverence all right so let's say if we play so it looks like maybe on the last two here would be post fader okay so let me just adjust the settings on the instrument here and see if we can get it going all right so i'll put this in the post fader and let's say if we come over here to uh or pitch shift there's let's just add a reverb here so okay so now let's see if i adjust so i think it might be kind of tied into let's say if i wanted to switch this out all right let me just kill i think i have another effect going on somewhere so and this might be for intended for using dithering plugins uh so let's say if i'm here and let's say all right so say if i wanted to come over here put this into like a post fader um so let's say if i wanted to go to the analyzer and let's say if it's post fader it looks like that's kind of behaving kind of as expected but i think it might be kind of reserved for dithering but probably not for kind of more traditional pre and post fader so so maybe it's just with that particular like for dithering at that stage where the dithering won't be affected but most plug-ins probably wouldn't make sense to utilize it there but i can do some more research if you want to email me dallas all right so we have jan checking in from sweden okay so we have a question uh from jay from connecticut is there a way to lock a folder track i created a metronome with kick and snare with groove agent but i don't want to accidentally disturb it is there another way to do it without track lanes so let's say if we have folder tracks so i'll just come to this particular project here quickly all right so let's say if i wanted to now come over here let's take a look at the track controls settings so if we right click um on the folder track excuse me we could right click on the folder track and go to track control settings and here we could see one of the parameters that's hidden is lock so let's take it from a hidden hidden control to a visible control so i'll just kind of so if i wanted to remove it or we could add it to the visible controls i'll click apply so as soon as we come over here now uh we could lock that particular folder so i won't be able to move that folder but other tracks that are not within that folder can be moved so as soon as you wanted to move something within the folder that's locked you could do that so once again just right click j and go to the track control settings and under hidden controls you'll probably see lock and at that point just click it to add and then visible and then you could lock and unlock the folder track so parts don't inadvertently get moved all right wonderful see uno memento from finland and john costigan from kenosha the city of brotherly love as john is indicated so all right we have trance 20 20 20 from berkshire in uk thanks for joining there we have nick from essex in the uk millard brown from pennsylvania i believe he's just outside of philadelphia with robbie bowling from dallas brian sawyer from belowville north carolina ted springman from sherman oaks we have soren sweden cedric from india sable winters from bay area we have rick from oregon we have the cube who's in florida all right so we see a question from the cube uh cubase pro 11 how do you use the step designer effectively all right so let me just jump to a different project here let's get this project loaded up here excuse me okay so let's say i have like a little bit of a synth base here [Music] okay so i think if we come over here to like the midi insert that we'll see our step designer so at this point you know a lot of these plug-ins if you just kind of start off with uh you know some of the built-in presets so let's say um i will come over here and if i wanted to take uh just an existing note so let's say i'm going to come in and just draw in one note that will last for two measures okay so now when we play this one particular note we could come over here and say okay i want it to have [Music] so if you wanted to you know come over here you could just say okay i want the velocity to be changed [Music] so once it kind of has so we can think of this as kind of like its own arpeggiator [Laughter] [Music] and then you could just come over here say okay i wanted this to be brightness depending on the [Music] so you know as we just kind of take one particular part i'll just solo this track so [Music] so as soon as we kind of have this you can say okay i want this to be sixteenths [Music] so we could just kind of think of this as being you know its own little sequencer so if i just wanted to so so even now like when you just go to play a particular note you know we could just have those particular notes just go through the particular step designer so you know think of this as just being its own little mini sequencer that could run as like a a sub sequencer within your cubase project so lots of fun there okay question from randy lee is a six core machine acceptable for cubase 11 pro so you know it could really depend on you know the more cores that you have but you know if you had to pick you know and i realized that budget's always a concern for people but if you had to pick between number of cores and the clock cpu of the cores you know if you had to kind of choose between i would go for a higher clock cpu than more cores with a lower clock cpu so but a six core machine will definitely work all right we have best korean jesus checking in so thanks for joining us and the cube is checking in from melbourne florida and we have taylor from pine grove pennsylvania jeff zubelski from chico california and we have daniel from munich daniel's saying it sounds like i have a little bit of call to i'm just a little congested so sorry if it's annoying i feel fine no okay so we have a question can you show how the different grid types work and how they work for playback i'm also looking how to set up grid so it shows each measure in different playback ie 4 4 6 8 and soon um okay so you know what we could do is kind of we could actually kind of do this in conjunction with um like the uh the actual editors for like the click track so let's say if i have a signature track here so i will add a signature track and let's say um i wanted to see my grid so right now we could go to if i'm going to double click here and we could see our click pattern is kind of broken down into uh like four beats so let's say at this point we could also choose to use the metronome click right click on the timeline we just choose to use the metronome click pattern level for grid line emphasis so if i wanted to now come over here and let's say if i this measure we want it to be six eight and let's say okay i want this to be three four and let's say five four all right and let's say back to four four okay so as we come over here we could actually just say you know we could have like we go to six um you know as we do this we could say um you know we we could you know see our divisions here so we can see our sixth note you know our six eighth notes we can see our three quarters as it's gonna snap so you know if you wanted to say you know snap to beat now it's only going to as i move different elements we could have it snapped to the beat whether you're in 6 8 so that would be the eighth note pulse or 3 4 or 5 4 for particular measures so at this point you know we could just have that automatically snap to the beat very easily so you know i would if you want it to um all right so it says you know so it says and how they work for playback so a lot of times you know this may not affect playback but you know as you do editing you know if you have grid turned on so here i can freely edit like midi notes and place it anywhere so if i add a instrument track and i'm on my main project window and i say excuse me uh we can say okay i want snap to be on and if i have this set to beat it will now automatically snap to the beat whether it's going to be in 6 8 or in three four or five four and then if i wanted to take this and say i wanted to change my click pattern to double tempo you know at this point you know we could actually see the grid line emphasis just kind of follow right along if we wanted to have that uh chosen there so it you know may not affect value but like the grid lines are going to be used primarily for editing whether it's the part on the project window so you know and again we could activate the snap by hitting j or with notes within the particular uh project window here so if i just say okay let's um you know come here so it'd be kind of the same thing once we have uh particular midi notes so that we could have these automatically snap based on the grid right there so but let me know if i misunderstood a question all right so you see yan from stockholm is on the live stream all right and we have oral cole checking in from jamaica thanks for joining us all right and we have theodore checking in from london thanks for being on the live stream all right uh so we see a question uh is um sorry my chat field just jumped on me okay so it says uh you may question you may have already answered this in our streams but will cubase 12 make windows 10 obsolete and also the current dongle i have set up for steinberg so cubase 12 will be utilizing a new license management system so you're so i don't think you have any concerns on windows 10 so they're not going to abandon windows 10 because windows 11 is so new but your cubase 11 will still work on a usb e licenser and going forward the newer versions will work on the new steinberg license management system all right i'm gonna just pop out my chat here really quick i may hopefully not lose anything but all right so you see tim weinheimer is late because he was listening watching the robber plant allison krauss performing a couple of tunes off their new album so yeah i really like their first album they did i've gotten to be in the studio with allison cross a couple times okay so we have a question uh can you show how to tweak the reverb and other effects and aux uh effects after exporting their groov agent se mixer and effects to cubase thanks okay so i will come over here let's see if this is we'll activate this project all right so let's say all right so let's say i wanted to add more reverb to the snare and let's say i wanted to add a delay for oxen to so let's say i want it to be maybe a 16th note since i want to do the hi-hat all right so we have like a lot of reverb going on so when i go to my mixer settings um so what i want to do now is just come right over here so i wanted to transfer this into the cubase mixer so i'm going to say right click on the agent and choose export mixer and effects to cubase so now i'm just gonna and try it on a new a brand new instance real quick since i have some other routing stuff so i'll start from scratch just make sure i didn't do it wrong all right so just add another okay so let's go ahead and export so let's see if i come over here real quick and i'll just go let's say to my mixer and let's say if i need to set this maybe to different outputs but i think most of the time it would just automatically let's see if i have to assign these to different outs for that to take effect so it doesn't look like i'm getting the effects to carry over on the output but it might be replicating as inserts let me just check yeah so i don't see the effects being carried over but if you want to email me after i'd be happy to kind of see if i'm just doing something wrong with that sorry about that okay so we have a question uh hey greg can you explain how the pan law works um so with the pan law what it's going to do and sometimes you know what it's and we could do this in the project setup so when you go to the projects up you have pan law so you know we could think of um you know as we start working with panning signals so if we have a stereo signal we could think of it as we would pan it from you know if we have two sources doubling the sound could uh make it sound as if it's going to be uh you know like twice the volume so if we add you know if we double sound that could actually you know basically just make it uh the volume twice as much so i'll just do this on a let's see if we could do this and this is something you don't necessarily see in the let's see if we do it on this take a hot mess track here [Music] all right so if i wanted to take this pan here [Music] all right so when we go to our pan setting here in the project setup we're gonna say equal we'll say equal power so when i adjust my panning that will keep the volume levels pretty consistent from the left to right channels but if i wanted to switch this to minus 6 db now as i kind of pan we could hear that the actual panning like as we pan farther out the volume level decreases [Music] so you see it gets louder there and as we pan over to the left we could hear that it's basically gets softer [Music] so if i wanted to do this and make it so that it's zero db difference so as i do this those two levels will now be the same so usually with kind of the physics of audio doubling a you know doubling a source will give you a 3 db increase um so people will often manipulate the pan law so that you know they could make their f you know like harder panned tracks come out a little bit louder so some people would actually uh specifically change the panel off from default values so that as tracks were panned that they're more prominent when they're panned and they don't attenuate down so that's kind of what the pan law allows you to do all right so we have 16 flow checking in from kenya kyle kennedy's taking a break from a writing session thanks for joining okay so we just see uh then how do you get the midi from the step designer into the project uh watching now so let's jump back so we'll activate this project [Music] we'll just kind of do it from scratch here so if you actually just kind of click here on the little record icon now you could just [Music] then all the sequence will now be captured directly into [Music] the project uh if you wanted to do it on a part let's say we have one note here that's kind of stretched out and if we wanted that to take uh to show the actual uh effect of the step designer we could go to midi and just choose to freeze midi modifiers and then you could kind of change it but just just click right here on the record and as you hit play it'll actually just generate the parts and capture it in real time directly into your cubase project all right so a question from benny uh question uh is it possible to get all settings in the control room to upload in each new project or do i have to go to settings and upload uh the saved that i created in the control room so i believe that the control room settings are project independent and that they will uh you know so when you so you don't have to do anything to load it so if you go to a different project so let's say i come over here i have my inserts loaded up so let's say now i wanted to [Music] um let's say i have a uv 22 plug-in here so if i go to a new project that these aren't necessarily associated with the project i believe that they're just going to be associated with your cubase settings so we can see that my uv 22r will just be directly in there so we don't have to do anything special the control room is kind of independent of the project so as you load up a new project the control room settings will uh just automatically stick until you physically change it all right all right so john costigan is is telling people to hit the like button and it's free of charge so that's a great deal so it'll be our pre black friday special all right so we have peter checking in okay so we just see from kyle kennedy uh is there a simple way to make a long section multimeter i.e alternating four four and seven eight so let's take a look so let's add a signature track okay so let's say if i wanted to take that so if you just select you know if we select those two uh meters so say i select my four four and seven eight and then i just hit command d like duplicate so you could just kind of come right over here and so as long as they're selected you could just duplicate those particular ones and select four of them duplicate select eight duplicate etc you know you could also just say select all duplicate so so if you just kind of do it like that on the meter you could alternate between four four and seven eight so you'll have to do it repeatedly over and over again uh so i just see from sworn does render in place exist in the artist version um i don't have a version of artists but i'll do a quick look on the cubase comparison chart just to make sure so yes cubase artist does have render in place so yeah you could definitely utilize the cubase artist version with render in place all right so we have matthew alliston matt chucking in from london thanks for joining us all right so we just see uh from j it says uh floor contact setting up nephew with cubase elements demo to see if the daw will suit him so i got elements and tinkering but cannot find a folder track lock and elements so let's open up i have kind of a previous version of elements that will open up we'll see if it's in okay so let's just add a folder track so it doesn't look like maybe the elements version let me just check here so we'll select folder tracks and maybe the elements version doesn't have the lock but if you have events already in a particular folder track you know you could come over here let's see i believe let's see if that's a function in elements or if that's maybe in the higher end ones so it might be something that's going to be kind of in the uh in the more advanced versions the lock so let's i'll just see if i can confirm it maybe in key commands yeah so it doesn't look like elements has kind of uh track locking capabilities like artist or pro does sorry about that all right so we just see a question let me make sure i'm not missing anything okay uh can the performance meter also display percentages as well so the price uh the performance meter i don't think will show you uh percentages so as you're playing you know we could just come over here let's go to our audio performance so it's not going to show an exact percentage so it's just kind of a visual indication so um but that should kind of give you an idea graph graphically what's going on but you know may not show you exactly 52 you may just kind of have to try to guesstimate it all right so we have kaiwen franklin on the live stream thanks for joining all right we have uh david griffiths from wales checking in watching the live stream all right so we just see a question uh how does chopper work all right so i'll just kind of put it on a global thing so we can make it really obvious as we're working with it so if i put it on like my whole mix we can say okay i want this to be set to eighth notes so as you kind of work with different style tracks this will you'll have kind of different shapes so if you wanted to add something that was maybe a little more you could adjust the depth so if you want it to be so at this point so say if i don't want to do it on a whole mix and i just wanted to do it on guitars i could come over here let's take our two guitar parts and i'm gonna send these to a group and let's say on the guitar group i want to just put the chopper let's say i want this to be [Music] so it's basically just gonna chop the source or if you want to go like hard left or hard right so you could just kind of add more kind of rhythmic interest in parts [Music] so that's just gonna take so if we bypassed it so let's say okay you just wanted to make it a little more interesting when it goes into the bridge or blend that with another source you could automate to plug in so so you could do all sorts of very creative stuff with the chopper all right we have greedo kenobi checking in thanks for joining so i just say a comment uh i i bought cubase 11 then you get so many options cubase versions it's too much so you don't have to use all the options if there's too many options for you but when you do need them they are there okay um so you see with uh then you get so many options so you know if you're going if you're uh confused like you know it's the difference between the you know different versions definitely check out like the cubase you know i think we still have this open if you just kind of come over here you could see kind of you know very detailed um you know comparison charts between them so if you're confused on you know should i get elements artist or pro you know you could definitely kind of go through these different things and see exactly you know what functionality you get in each level of cubase and see if that's what you need and you could you know just kind of if you don't know what a particular terminology is you could probably just search for it on cubase and there's probably going to be a video of almost every one of those features on see david griffith is also just confirming rendering place is an artist okay go through okay so we have a it's just just a question i have a project song that's all audio tracks i want to speed up that whole song up but how do i do it without affecting the sync of the other audio tracks going out of place so like this project here you know as soon as you record an audio um into cubase so say if i'll just quickly revert this particular project okay so you know cubase will capture the tempo of the recording so if i wanted to come right over here and i'm going to add an audio track and we'll call it tempo test okay so as i record this audio file here called empo tempo test all right now when i go to look in the pool window this will be all of the audio files in the project we'll see tempo test and my tempo here was originally uh 100 beats a minute so that's where my project tempo was when i recorded but if i wanted to go to the pool we could see that the tempo test is automatically placed at 100 beats a minute so the tempo is automatically captured by cubase and what you need to do is to just put it into musical mode so we could do this from the pool or by selecting all of the events in the project and saying okay i want to select all of these and we see musical mode right here so once we've done that i could just change the tempo so we're at 100 beats a minute i want to be 110. 120 156 88 it'll just kind of do whatever tempo that i want it to do so once it's placed into musical mode so even if i add a tempo track here um we could just say okay we're gonna have it follow the tempo track and i want the tempo track to ramp up so let's say okay starting right here i want to speed up over time so so we look at our tempo right here we could just see the tempo increasing and all the different instruments in sync increasing in speed till we get to this particular tempo value so just that easy to do so you want to make sure that you know as you record that you have kind of a tempo basis if you kind of record it and don't know what the tempo is you know if you kind of do a tempo detection you could have that automatically applied but once you record in with the tempo then place it into musical mode and you could just simply speed it up okay reading through comments and all right so i just see a question from john coskin uh from uh i think this is about some further discussion of uh like the tempo mode says can you do this in the pool all at once so if you wanted to enable musical mode in the pool all you have to do is kind of select all the files here and then once they're all selected i just select the top one hold down the shift key select the bottom one and then you could place them all into musical mode or change their tempos accordingly and that would be applied to all of the files in the project all right so we see from joel is there a way uh to simply lock markers and time signature changes um so let's say you know if we have markers in our project okay so let's say if i have markers um and i will add a let's just say we're going to add a [Music] tempo track up top here okay i guess i have a tempo track already all right so yeah i just added that sorry for my brain cramp okay and i wanted to now add let's say i have this set to simply time code so let's say right now uh i wanted to go to and well i'll just set my main time frame here to uh let's say 30 seconds and 21 frames okay so i wanted to now click on add markers so let's say i wanted to go to [Music] 40 seconds all right so i will add a marker here let's go to 50 seconds in time code add a marker and [Music] just go to one okay so let's say now at this point um we have markers at like you know every 10 seconds so we go to marker 3 we're at 40 50 60 seconds okay now the markers something that you you need to be aware of is you could go to the track control settings and you know one of the things that you do is there's a toggle time base but there's also kind of a lock function so these may be hidden so right click so you know if i wanted these to be in musical mode so let's say now if i adjust my tempo here so as i slow my tempo down okay i'm at the same kind of you know when we do this we could have um the markers let's say i go to marker 4 now and that's at 52 seconds versus 50 seconds marker 3 is at 42 seconds so let's say i want it again for this to be so i didn't want these to actually change so when i come to this marker now it's at 40 50 and 60 sec and one minute so if i place this into linear mode and as i adjust my tempo down those markers are going to stay at the same time position so when i come here 40 seconds 50 seconds one minute so make sure that the marker track you may have to again right click to go to the track control settings and then under the hidden controls make sure that you have the toggle time base and then once you have the toggle time base set to linear those will stay locked to the particular simply time code values and not move based on tempo changes and then you could also just lock markers so that you know if you want it you couldn't move these as well okay so you see uh question uh in the mix console on the right side of the fader there is a scale from zero to minus 50. uh how can i make the numbers more bright as it shows gray and it's hard to uh read all right so it's probably just right here [Music] so what this is showing you is just going to be like the peak levels so what most people want to see is the ability to see exactly what db value the fader is at um so that's going to be kind of more important than seeing the actual uh peak level set here because you know this can constantly be changing it could be kind of a bit of an eyesore so that's why it's a bit more demure but i could pass that along as a suggestion i was just at a new england conservatory a couple weeks ago and that was a suggestion that they wanted as well to have this kind of be more prominent or a way to brighten that up but i'll pass it along again okay so we just see a question of so i set up my project on the input stage with my eq compressor gate and mic pre uh once i close it out and start a new project it disappears and i have to set it up all over again so the input configuration will be stored with the particular project so if i wanted to come over here to my audio connections and go to the inputs this is these are the inputs that were set up from uh the engineer who did this particular project so if you wanted to preserve all the input channels um really all you need to do is so let's say if i come here and i wanted to look at my input channels all right so let's say i you know and i have my effects accordingly um is just to save this as a template so when i come over here we'll save as template and we'll just call this uh input mapping okay so i'm gonna close this particular project and let's do a new project and i'll go over here and we'll say input mapping as our template we could choose our folder um it will activate the particular project and then as we come over here all of our input mapping is automatically has been preserved so try just to you know save it as a template and if you wanted to always call that up you just start from that particular template and all the routing and dynamics processing that you set up for your project will automatically be preserved all right so we have a question from joel is there a way to darken the black note lanes in the midi editor window i'm sure there used to be a way to do it i need more contrast to see which notes are in which pitch so let's go ahead to a particular project here let me just all right so i'll just [Music] all right so say we have some midi information here so all right so is there a way to darken the black note lanes so let's say we're looking at the midi editor um [Music] so i'm not sure if the lanes okay so it says i just need more contrast to see which notes are in which pitch so i know i'm not sure if i'm fully understanding but i know what some people do and i see a lot of composers that kind of have this set up is if we come over here to the color schemes we could say the editor area background so i'm just going to move this vertically up so sometimes people will have it set like that so as you you know just for more contrast i've also i think last time i was at han zimmer's place he just had his notes kind of all white and he liked that particular view as well so um so if i just want to go to defaults here so maybe it's going over to again the preferences to color schemes and uh editor area background but maybe joel if you could let me know if i'm misunderstanding um so it just says um i need more contrast to see which notes are in which pitch so let me know if that helps all right so we just see uh in uh from kai wen franklin uh in wave lab you have um have you seen the metadata fields you get when you work with an mp3 file be nice if we get that functionality in cubase when working with mp3 files wavelab is very nice so sometimes we could come over here we could show you some stuff i think you know there may be additional metadata that isn't read by a lot of other mp3 players so let's say if i wanted to come over here and you could edit the id3 tag so you know here you could put in additional data so this is generally what mp3 players will be able to read some programs will write additional metadata to files that can't be read by most mp3 playback engines so i think you know wavelabby have a lot of additional metadata like you know aes cart and some other metadata formats uh but you know but a lot of times that functionality and that metadata may not be actually be able to be read by most mp3 players all right so i just see i update today to cubase 11 but midi preset menu still empty how do i fix it so i'm not sure if it's the logical editor presets so if you if it's those particular presets but many times what you could do if you still have your older version is try saving uh go to your profile manager and actually export from the previous version and then import that into your version 11. they will be kind of showing up i'm not sure if you're on mac or pc uh i have mac set up here but if i wanted to go to my finder window you could manually copy them over so if and sometimes if it depends on if one version is not being run as admin and maybe the other one was but i'm just going to go to my preferences on the windows you'll have like the application data folder but here i could go to library to preferences and then we'll just find cubase 11 so all of these will be um so we'll find a presets folder so you say the midi presets so this is where kind of all of the different presets would be so you could find this from cubase 10.5 uh copy the presets and then just kind of drag them over into the cubase 11 folder and that would probably do the trick as well okay um so you see how many vsti we get with cubase 11 pro so with 11 pro you're going to have as far as included instruments you'll get groove agent se you'll have um howie and sonic se so i'll just kind of come over here just so you see uh and you have loot mash mystic pad shop prologue retro log inspector so those are the instruments that come with cubase pro 11 and within halley and sonic there's going to be kind of different instruments within that but those are the different instruments see david griffith says uh just that changing of audio tempo trick is just amazing 20 years of updates it certainly created a magical system so ace yeah it's really slick okay so we just see uh on my laptop i'm not able to export the mixdown and wave format because the button at the very bottom is hidden so one of the things that you could do if you needed to you know so you probably you know cubase will have a recommended uh display resolution not all laptops can do that but let's say if we go to our export audio mix down you know you can often you know just come right over here so if you see like the export queue that's active you can hide the export queue and that often that may be able to kind of resize the screen but you know if you let us know you know but there's definitely kind of like you know suggested uh display resolutions that are helpful and if you're running uh like a high dpi system on windows if you go to preferences you could also just come over here under general and you'll see enable high dpi and then individual scaling so you should be able to get it okay so we see uh from scott asking i'm using cubase 11 pro and i have projects where i've got a 5.1 mix and a stereo mix and want to be able to use the 5.1 for in the studio but also export uh the file to stereo you know so a lot of times what you know there's different schools of thought on this but let's say if um so i know like you know a lot of the uh chuck ain't lays and frank phil petties and elliot shiners will often you know start with a stereo mix and then kind of build up to a 5.1 mix and often kind of have both of them within the particular project the one thing you can do if we have this all being routed to let's say a 5.1 bus so i'm going to just add a 5-1 out so many times people will kind of set up um you know 5.1 and stereo concurrently within a particular project but let's say if i come over here to the routing i'm going to select a number of tracks okay so i could say i want these going to my 5 1 output and i'm going to hold down the alt or option plus shift so they'll all go to my 5.1 out and then sometimes people can also just send it parallel using the racks here so you could say okay i wanted this to do direct routing so maybe i wanted this all to you know also in the direct routing for it to go out of the stereo output as well so if we wanted to send it to both destinations and when you do this click here in this little arrow and make sure direct routing summing mode is on so we could send all these tracks to the 5.1 and stereo bus what many people do kind of a quick if you have to do something dirty and you've pretty much done like the 5 1 mix is on like your 5.1 uh mixed down track we could come over here and just do uh surround and you can say mix six to two and what this will do is when you do this will take your your 5.1 channels and automatically down mix it to stereo so you could do one mix in 5.1 and then down mix it to stereo most people i know will do you know have separate projects separate mixes or run kind of parallel 5.1 and stereo projects within one mix so and at this point you could say you know i wanted to go to my uh export audio mix down and i could say okay for this i wanted to export my uh let's say we want to add this to the queue and now i want it to come over here and add this you know so this will be let's say my let me just get rid of these really quickly here so i could say i wanted this to be my 5.1 mix so i could add that to the queue uh and now i wanted this to mix down my stereo file so you could kind of work both projects concurrently but you know you know i know a lot of guys that do like you know some of the top surround work and a lot of times like especially if they're doing uh like recreating a record i remember being uh you know helping out chuck when he was doing dire straits brothers in the arms in 5.1 which he wanted grammy for that you know first thing he did was he kind of built up the stereo mix to be as close to the original and then he took that and then you know had almost a stereo mix and then started doing a 5.1 mix but he could just kind of have it done in one particular project where you could go back and forth and make sure he wasn't losing anything so it could really depend on how you're setting it up but most peop a lot of people will treat it as kind of separate files and once they have the stereo they may save that as a stereo project and then start doing the 5.1 all right thanks for all the great questions if you learned something new make sure you do hit the like button alright so i just see uh greg are all the uh loops let me just find uh my timeline just jumped on me okay uh so from kai wen franklin uh are all the loops in cubase that uh are from steinberg in musical mode by default i think a lot of the actual loops are but maybe some of the content so let's say if i want it to [Music] come over here more of like a soundscape so if i add that to a project so i think a lot of these will automatically be in musical mode by default um so you know and and that's primarily you know the purpose that people are kind of using loops so that they automatically fit in so you see jvi just says uh sound like i have a bit of cold so yeah a little bit but i feel fine so but my voice makes it sound worse so sorry if it's annoying to listen to all right so we have michael pierce joining us today glad you can make it and we have lawrence from rhode island okay so we see a question from jvi just that's uh in groove agent loaded kit with pattern i drag a pad to the project window works great but then when i play i hear double notes and see the pattern pads being triggered how how to stop the play button so you know if we have our project here okay and let's say we're going to have our patterns so you know the first thing is uh to make sure you know so you know if we have this already kind of in play mode so let's say if i'm here and i had the pattern going on so now when i hit play [Music] all right so let's say if i drag this pattern over to the track so but groove agent could still be in play mode here and if you have follow transport make sure that's turned off so now as i do this you may notice that as we just kind of play back that it's just going to play back the pattern so we don't see the pattern turn on [Music] so but if i had this set to follow transport this would play back its internal sequencer plus act as a tone module [Music] and you may have kind of like flamming that you hear but if you just make sure follow transport is turned off and then when you hit play again now it's just acting as a sound module it's acting just as a tone generator that's playing the midi notes from here as opposed to synchronizing its internal patterns directly from here so make sure that when you're in the pattern mode that you have this uh follow transport disabled and that you have the stop sign turned uh in the stop on the on the internal transport on stop okay so just the uh question uh use the behringer x touch with cubase 11 and there's very little documentation or info that i can find if i move a slider it moves it to a different track so it could be you know many people run to behringer um you know basically it's probably working as a control so as a control surface so you know one it could be set up you know i think you could change the modes where it's going to output like midi cc data but the most common mode that people would use it for for mixing tracks is going to be if we come over here to your studio menu to studio setup and if i just click over here on the plus sign you could add a mackie control and once you have the mackie control you can connect this right here and then it should automatically kind of be mapped to the mackie control protocol so it could be that maybe when you have access to it that it may not give you a lot of information on the mackie control protocol many control surfaces will work that way excuse me just one second so many control surfaces will kind of automatically be in mackie control so they may not document it but if you do research on mackie control integration with cubase you could see all sorts of great information there but try to set that up by hitting the plus sign and then the mackie control okay so i just see from joel uh it says i have the colors a lot lighter in the midi editor um and i want the darker gray lanes uh to be even darker so maybe this is with uh the controller lanes so let me just see if we can adjust that sorry did the wrong one so i don't think joel if you're looking to have the um controller lanes here be darker let me just but you want the darker gray lanes to be even darker so i'm not sure if it's in the uh like the midi cc editors if you wanted that to be darkers but let's say if i but i think that might be just automatically tied together so let's take a look and see maybe you could confirm for me yeah so i think that might be the same colors if that's kind of what you're looking for joel it's great to see you on the live stream hope you're well and i think that those you know if it's the controller lanes i think it's always been kind of the same color but i could be mistaken okay so we have a question uh how can i get the results from a monitored track using a chord track uh not via keyboard midi input to write the arpeggiator like our apache sx outputs into the monitor track okay so let's take a look sorry i'll use a different template [Music] all right let me just [Music] [Music] so okay so let's say i want to take that particular sound here uh i want to add a chord track daryl pearson calling me let me just hang on just one second i'll just okay so i'm going to add my chord track now um okay so i'll just come over here so let's just listen to it and okay so now what i want to do is come over here let's add the apache okay and i'm just going to knock this up an octave for two okay so now we have the chord track that's triggering the apache um how to write the arpeggio how to write the arpeggiator outputs into the monitor track okay so i'm not sure if this will be captured over uh in real time but we'll give it a shot because it's not it may not be seen [Music] all right so since we're not playing it so what i would do is come over here i'm going to select uh all of the events on the chord track here and since it's not so it'll play back kind of our live input so if i wanted to come here i'm going to [Music] so i'm going to just take all these and drag them and now at this point so i could take all these events and what i want to do now is i'll select them all and we want to go to freeze midi modifiers because it i think it needs to actually see kind of the data to record it so let's say if i do a freeze midi modifiers then when we just kind of play back [Music] so as we listen to this now so you may have to drag from the chord track uh up to the event select all those events go to the midi and choose freeze midi modifiers and then that will take the arpeggiator that we have here and automatically apply that so you could do it like that no it's uh not in real time but i think if i you know played and was sending midi to it in real time that the apache would automatically do but since it's not seeing kind of a physical input from a midi device that it doesn't work the same way i think that will get you there pretty easily okay uh so we see uh question uh in your opinion what's the best synth in cubase 11 you know so there's different flavors so if you're looking for virtual analog retro log is really hard to beat if you were doing something that was going to be more sound design like i would probably you know check out pad shop so if you wanted to you know just kind of come over here uh you know pad shop is a granular synth that comes with uh cubase but if you wanted to just kind of look at that you know so if you're doing more kind of uh esoteric type of instrument sounds you know where you just um so it could really depend on exactly what you want you know this could be like a whole soundtrack with just one note that you play where sounds could continually evolve but if you're looking for a more traditional uh synthesizer you know retrolog will be like you know three oscillators plus a noise and sub oscillator but here [Music] so lots of great options between those two but really you know they're both amazing but they're kind of just different flavors so whatever type of flavor you're looking for and if you're looking for i want roads and strings howie and sonic is perfect for that okay just see kind of further clarification for electronic music uh d and b so like for drum and bass but yeah definitely check out retro log for that okay just my time my chat feel jumped on me so let me just find back okay so we just see from jay um says uh excuse me uh greg if you wanted to modulate panning uh dependent upon both pitch say low frequency left high [Music] left high right impan speed dependent upon instrument gain level how would you um okay so let's say if i wanted to take something let's say like this arpeggiate it part here okay so let's say you wanted low frequencies to be left and um so you know we could do especially if you have like the built-in steinberg instruments let's say if i'm looking at this you know they have vst 3.5 i think we could do this pretty easily where you know using kind of the so let's say above uh i wanted all notes above c4 to uh do a japan hard left okay so since we could do this on uh let's take a look at the logical editor so we're gonna say we're gonna transform type is equal to note and we'll say that value 1 we'll say is going to be bigger or equal to c4 and i think we could do this with the vst 3 parameters so it would say vst 3 value operation so i want to say set to fixed value okay let me just see if i could select this first um all right so i select all those notes and let me just see if i could set this up for the vst3 node expression c all right so see if we could do this um all right let me just see if i could do this from a note expression here so let's say all right seeing if i could do this for [Music] [Music] all right so if i just wanted to do this for [Music] and let's come over here and say [Music] so now you could kind of set this up or and let me just [Music] so you know i think that you could come over here and select each one um so let's say while we do this and edit the panning and say we want to edit the painting for all of these notes the opposite way [Music] so you might be able to let's see if that let me just see if it's still going through an arpeggiator of some kind yeah that's not going to help all right so you could and i'll just you decor track here so if you wanted to just kind of select so you could kind of do it manually like that and i may be able to work if you wanted to send me an email jay i could see if i get a project logical or midi logical editor to kind of do that and automate that process but you know once you select kind of all these notes uh double click and then maybe say okay in the note expression go to pan and adjust there and you want it to go the opposite way on these particular notes so double click on one of them [Music] [Music] so now so but you could kind of get it here a little bit of the effect so that's one approach to do it okay so we just see uh hi greg what's going on uh love all you do for us could you explain how to use spectre and the same for mystic so these are just kind of older since i haven't really explored them in a while um i think this was kind of they've been in cubase for a while so let's say if i just wanted to come over here uh and i think these were turning around the company that we did this in conjunction with but you know as we come over here you could see um you know just some of the different key trackings everyone set the level different filter types so you can have your envelope settings here and then once you also want to look into spectre so these are all just kind of different synthesizers are kind of built in um so as you kind of want to [Music] but you know so here you could have i think the two different uh waveform generators so if you wanted to do different oscillators so if you wanted this a partial octave [Music] so you could just kind of do different filters directly there so but yeah you can just kind of play around some of the presets uh i'm not a synthesis expert uh and haven't used them in a while but there's some really good ethereal patches and presets in there okay so we just see when setting up colors on different tracks how do i make a track black or white so sometimes you know when you select a track um it may turn white just to kind of indicate that it is selected to differentiate that but if you wanted to come over here you could change colors as well so let's say if we go to the project menu you can go to the project colors setup and then if you just kind of double click you could just say okay i want this more in the dark so now if i wanted this particular track to be you know black you could do that so once again if you just get to kind of the project color setup you could just say okay i want color 2 to be super white so as we move all the way over here so if i wanted to you know have this particular track be white by color you could change it and create your own color schemes like that all right so i just see a question uh can i optimize sound cause better arrangement so i'm not sure if it's you know can like having a better arrangement optimize the sound um so you know that's definitely uh will make your mixes sound better if the arrangements kind of if your instrumentation isn't really fighting itself you know so if you think about to a lot of what people would consider classic records you'll notice that like like the arrangements on steely dan stuff which is always really highly regarded uh you know is i think a lot of times it sounds really great because they're very methodical with their arrangements so that the piano player you know like the rhodes and the guitars weren't playing in the same exact voicing range um but you know that can make a huge difference you notice that like really good bands you could kind of you know they'll kind of arrange themselves if you think of like you know the funk brothers who did all the classic motown tracks you know all those guys played together so much that they kind of just would self-arrange and the three guitar players like you go high go mid you go low and we won't get into the base area and we're not going to conflict with the piano so but if i misunderstood let me know all right so we're also seeing uh just some further uh discussion from jvi with his groove agent and the patterns um so if you find that you do have one other thing that you could check out jvi sometimes people may inadvertently play patterns from groove agent when they're dragged in so the trick is you may want to assign a separate unique pattern pad to a groove agent to do this if you wanted to you know if you still find it kind of playing patterns come right here in the pattern pad and click on this little icon and that will give the patterns their own midi port and then when you drag in see if that makes a difference because sometimes you could drag in and some of the notes may also be used to trigger particular patterns um you know because these all the patterns are just basically triggering notes so this way the patterns will get their own midi port that doesn't interfere so try just to come over here turn this on it's kind of a subtle thing um and then drag the pattern over if you're still hearing the patterns if you don't have it set to like the transport set to play or into follow transport okay so we just see a question uh is there a quick way to highlight multiple channels and zero db all faders for the selected channels so let's take a look there's a couple different ways to approach this okay so let's say we're in our mix console here and i wanted to zero out all the faders so i could select all of my faders so and take all these channels so they're all selected and i wanted to zero dbm so if i come over here i could turn on quick link and then you have kind of um just you know where you could have suspend or absolute linking so as i come over here i could just hold down control or click or control or command and that will automatically so if it's set to you know not to absolute value so you know what this will do is uh and as i enable quick link for all the selected channels it'll move them all proportionally but if i just want it to come here i could put on the absolute mode and then holding down control or clicking on one channel holding down control will move that channel to zero db to default value so just hold down control or command and click in all faders that you selected in quick link in absolute mode will just immediately jump back down to you'll immediately move to 0db all right so we just see a question for anyone what's the shortcut key to go back and forth from a separate mix window back to the project window uh f3 closes the mix window and i want it to stay open you know so a lot of times you may just come over here so let's say if i have this set to right i hit f3 and f3 will always just kind of go to a particular mix window but if i wanted to just switch the active window if you just go to windows so you could you know at this point you know one method would be just to you know i think if you let me just you know just clicking in the particular window would make it the active window so let's say if i'm here you know now that's the active window and if you but so you know depending if you have this especially on multiple screens whatever kind of the active window is and let's see if there's uh just a quick key command to go to next window but you can also set it up for workspaces um you know set a new workspace and do this but if you have it on different screens which is pretty common thing a lot of people have their mix console on one window and maybe the project window on a different one then whatever you kind of click in will make it the active window but if you wanted to disappear you could just kind of hit f3 but you could let's say if i wanted this to be you know go to my workspaces i could say let's come over here and say add workspace so i'll do this to my project window so i'll just say okay project and now i just wanted this to so if you wanted to just you know kept keyboard shortcuts to go back and forth between like your main window and your mix window you could do that um but if they're kind of both open simultaneously across different screens you know as soon as you just click in one area that will make it the active window um but let's say if i just come over here and yeah so you you could just kind of tag you know tab between the different elements but try just setting up a workspace all right so we have uh when you play your track and while playing you add a vst does the music stop so you know what cubase is doing so say if i'm here and i wanted to add a plug-in so say okay i want to come here and add a brick wall limiter so what is going to happen is the plug-in you know while you add the plug-in the plug-in does the you know it's automatically shifting the playback of the track so that as soon as the plug-in is instantiated that the track is playing back in time so that's why you kind of can sometimes hear that little bit of gap is because when the plug-in is added a lot of programs may actually just choose to have the tracks play out of time until you hit stop and then it will do the delay calculation but cubase will do the delay calculation as the plug-in is being added all right so we see cedric is checking out because it's really late in india thanks for joining us okay so we have a question uh from bill vincent um hi greg question can you explain the proper way to add an external synth patch name file so that patch names show up when i use it on a track so if you've downloaded like a patch name script you can come over here and we're in the presets earlier so let's say i just want to go to a new [Music] finder window so let's say and this you could do it from kind of the start menu on windows and go to cubase and you'll see the app application data folder on the mac platform you need to go to the library to preferences and then you'll see the cubase 11 preference here and we go to um i think it's under presets let's see if it's under presets here i think you could see kind of the actual scripts so if you go here into the preferences folder you'll see your patch name scripts so if it's where you've downloaded it you could copy it into the inactive text file so these are all the different text files that you could have for that if you need to create one from scratch all you have to do in cubase is come over here to your studio menu to more options to your midi device manager and let's say okay i wanted to do a new device so we'll say install device define new you could define what midi channels you want to use so let's say okay it's going to be for my jd 800 okay so come over here and we see the jd 800 let's open the device and then you'll see patch banks um and then you could enable so you could now come over here create a bank and then you could just kind of start typing in uh different patch name scripts if you want it to so at this point you could just come over here and just start editing preset names as well but a lot of times you can find different uh program you know different manufacturers have done it i know a lot of yamaha instruments are available to download as well okay so we just see uh how can you make the controller lane in a separate window asking for a friend okay so i think the controller lane is always going to be um tied to the midi editor but let's take a look see if there's anyway all right and just okay so if we have our controller lane here so let's say um okay so let's say if i have modulation and i just wanted to all right so let's say if i have this so i don't think yeah so i don't know a way to kind of decouple that from uh from the editor so you know the two are generally pretty universally always you know have direct correlation with each other so most people haven't um you know would find it a bit awkward to do midi edit you know controller editing and not see it here um i guess if you really had to you might be able to you know hide or minimize the piano roll part of the editor but i don't know of a way to decouple it from the piano roll it's always kind of part of it all right um so we see is this let me just read this real quick is there a way to pass midi out of any vst instrument so i could send to another instrument track i could do it with things like scalar but i'd like to pass it through analog lab so if we come over here uh and if we start with a midi track so let's say if i come to my vst instrument rack here and i want to add an instrument rack so let's say i wanted this to be um retro log okay so i will come over here let's just find a quick pad sound all right so say i have this sound and let's say i have another instrument rack so it doesn't work with instrument tracks what i'll show you but if you do midi tracks going to instruments we could do this i'm going to add let's say a pad shop preset okay so what i want to do now is i can take this pad shop and let's say i have a retrolog uh and if i wanted to layer those two together we could come over here to midi sends and midi sams are only on midi tracks and not instrument tracks i'm not sure if there's a technical reason why but at this point i could say i want this uh any midi that i send to this particular track will go to retro log and pad shop simultaneously [Music] [Music] so if i want to again look at pad shop i could come over to this particular instrument excuse me so now we could have both uh retro log in pad shop let me just [Music] so now i can just play this one particular instrument and have both instruments sound so that way i could take midi going to virtual instrument and send it through midi sends to up to four additional sources okay so just saying uh from jvi about the groove agent so um just says fall transporters off and still there are multiple hits so we started pc reloaded new groove agent track still the same so again once with um your groove agent to come over here and try it in the patterns just to make sure that this is turned on and activated before dragging the pattern over all right i think my chat feel just jumped on me so let me just find my place sorry about that okay so if i found my spot thank you thanks for all the great questions if you have uh learned anything make sure you do hit the like button okay reading through more comments so thanks for having a great discussion all right we see alexander from moscow thanks for joining okay so we just see question uh how to export scores to pdf is it possible i can only save them as jpeg or have i missed something so you know both windows and mac if i wanted to look at the score you know so when we go to export scores um you know if i wanted to do something like in more like a desktop publishing program you know where we want to deal with one page at a time to you know maybe you know graphically design stuff that's what the export scores is for so when you do an export scores from this window you know you'll see that you can alright so you will see kind of like the different uh you know we'll see our file formats here so at this point if we wanted to do this so i'm sorry if you click and it's not there but there is i'm just going to do it from a to new location here trying to remember where we could set the okay so right here in the bottom you could just set it to pdf document but that would do one page at a time that's the intention but if you want it to take a whole score and generate a pdf just go to print and then we see like no printer selected both mac and pc will allow you to print to pdf so as soon as i come here we'll say score pdf and now when i come over to let's say my finder window i could let's get a recent i think i just put in documents but that that would be all that you need to do to just do that so just do the um so just do you know the print instead of the export but if you wanted to do one page when you do the export scores you'll be able to select different image formats there but just do a print and print it and create a pdf file just through the print driver all right so let's reading through more comments so thanks for all the great questions all right so we see mandy lane on the live stream thanks for joining okay so just the question from andy lane says i'm working on a remake but get confused when there are so many tracks and layers and need to glue the whole thing so you know something that could may help like if you have lots of different layers and tracks you know so say we have just a like a gazillion different edits and different stuff is layered on top and let's say maybe having just you know so sometimes what people you know will do if you're doing a lot of complex edits um and you're afraid that everything is going to get kind of messed up is just so say we have lots of different layers and i wanted to clean this up is just come over here and i think you may have the elements version but in i think in artist and pro you have track versions and you may have it in elements but we could say duplicate version so now that i'm doing this i could do all sorts of edits and let's say okay i just want to clean this up i have like my fades and everything is kind of as expected so but now i could just kind of come back here if i needed to go back to the original or just to work with my edits i could do that so if i needed to go back to square one so even if i just want to go to this track version and say okay i've done all these edits i could duplicate this version and then i could just come over here and say you know let's bounce selection so we'll just come right over here so we're going to bounce the selection this will now be one contiguous part this will be all of my edits and this will be the raw file so you could just kind of work with kind of alternate edits using track versions as well so that's a really kind of a clever way of working if you needed to go back or client is changes their mind frequently so it's an easy way to do that okay so we just see why is it not possible to choose tensions in the chord editor all right so often when we come over here let's say we have a chord pad i'm going to add just a quick instrument channel okay so let's say now if i all right so let's say if i want to go to tensions all right so really all you have to do is let's say we add a chord track here and so if i wanted to add tensions i could say okay let's just have this kind of play back so as i audition my different chords [Music] so there's lots of different tensions that you could add there now sometimes when you're doing this you may want to set up voicing and if you don't see other tensions it might be that when you go to set up voicing that you only have triads that are available so let's just say if i have that set up and i go to add different tensions now but so you may have kind of different tensions depending upon the voice for the particular one but you could definitely add tensions using the chord track okay just reading through your comments so you see cubase junkie just saying steely dan is the greatest of all time legends so yeah i got to work with donald fagan for a couple days in his apartment just one-on-one which is a lot of fun and i even got to do all their transfers of their analog uh mixes for like a later compilation we did innuendo at 32-bit uh 176 176.4 k so it's cool to be involved with that okay so we have a question um are you able to have folders automatically route tracks within them to a group bus of your choice so you know if you you know so we could think of the folder as being more you know uh organizational like you know more for organizing within the main project window but let's say if i wanted to come here and i have all my drums let's say outside of the folder so i'll just go ahead and delete this track okay so if i wanted to assign these to a folder um you know it's really kind of the the folder doesn't have any audio routing capabilities or you know the folder doesn't have a signal path so there's no gain structure there's no summing on a folder it's just really for organizing but there is a macro that's included so if i wanted to come here and this is in you know one of the macros that is included so we could just say selected tracks to new folder and add group channel so once i run that macro from the edit menu i could just say okay we're gonna put this in our drums i give my folder and my group a name and then everything is being sent directly to the drum bus so we could just have our drum bus here so as we're playing everything all my drums can be bust but we could think of the tracks as having like an audio destination but the folder's not but you could easily select all of the tracks within the folder and right click and add group channel to selected channels as well so but if you wanted to kind of put them in a folder and add it to a group simultaneously just go to edit to macros and then select the track to new folder and add group channel all right so i just see a jazz dude says i remember a video of an israeli composer using some kind of core gimmick uh when he moved his hands going through chord pads and versions fluently sounded great all live and not edited video so yeah that's uh just like the little like um i forget what the name it wasn't by korg it was actually more for gaming but it was like a little touch sensor and you could move your hand in the air vertically or horizontally and cubase would automatically use that to change different parameters so you could do transport as well i haven't used one in a long time i don't even know where mine is anymore but i used to have one and i think uh roland had something similar you see bill vincent is eating year old candy from sweetwater so that's my my goal for my son's halloween candy we still have a lot left so we're proud that we've been hiding it well from him okay uh so you see hello is there a way in question is there a way in the midi editor to use the brush or draw tool uh but owing gives you the note on quantization so let's go ahead and take a quick look so if you want to do it from like the key editor um you know if you just grab the paint brush tool so there's different drawing tools but if you wanted to just grab the paint tool so if i have that set to eighth notes as i draw it in it would automatically quantize it if i want that to quarter notes or let's say to whole notes so whatever your quantize value is set to here you could just kind of draw it in and if you don't want it to sorry it's annoying if you don't want it to uh to if you only want it to be on a single pitch just hold down the control key so let's say if i want to do eighth note triplets or quarter note triplets i could now just hold down the control key and then it will lock it to that particular pitch as you paint in so a couple of little tricks you could do there with that so let me know if that works for you okay so we have a question um i would like to i would like to be able to affect the velocity of nodes found only on the beats okay so let's say i'll come over here and let's say i want to do it with hi-hat so in this track i want it to come and i'll just create a quick drum map from the instrument okay so let's say if i want to do this for hi hats which is pretty typical so let's say okay and let's say i'll just throw in hi hats here okay so i will just come over here so if i only want it to be notes on the beat um so let's say i have all the velocities here but every note that's on the beat i wanted the velocity to be a fixed value so we could come to the logical editor and we want to say we're going to transform type is equal to notes and we'll say it's position and then we're going to say is inside bar range okay and i'll just do this for each of the beats position inside bar range okay so now what i'm going to do is just say we want to take value 2 which is going to be our velocity and i want it to set to a fixed value and i want that to be a hundred okay so now so i'm doing is i'm telling it to take notes that are in these bar ranges and to give it a velocity of a hundred i did it correctly so and i just set the bowling condition here to or so once again we're going to say transform midi notes that are in the position around beat 1 b2 b3 b4 so we're going to say inside bar range and you can just kind of grab it with your mouse and then we want to say value 2 is set to fixed value we set to random values between you know 90 and 110 so now if i want to do that um we could have the first uh the notes on the beat accented you know or we could you know do control like that so let me know if that works for you all right so we see that uh clicking on the little drum icon did the trick for jvi so thanks for letting me know all right that's why we kind of do these live streams you can figure out all these little tricks okay so we just see from jeff simpelski says my bluetooth is mono when i'm on laptop i have to touch it and move it to the left to pan it um so it so i'm not sure if you're using bluetooth to monitor through on your laptop so if you know if you could avoid doing that you know because there's usually just all sorts of um added latency and you may not be showing you kind of the you know representing the different frequency ranges accurately and some may be set in mono depending on your audio interface settings as well all right just reading through comments and my chat field jumped on me okay so i think i'm close all right okay so we have a question um is there a way to extend an event to the cursor we can trim to cut but is uh but the same way to extend all right so let's take a look okay so let's say my cursor is here sorry for hitting my mic okay let me just take a look see if there's let's just see if this you look through maybe the key commands and see all right so let's say if i come here yeah i don't know of a way to do that but maybe if you could tell me if there's a reason that you wanted to extend the event you know maybe i could come up with something but let's just say i have this let me just change one yeah i don't know a way of doing that but if you tell me if there's a specific situation that you want it to do but you can probably just move this and have it snap to the cursor so if you wanted to take this particular event and say okay we want this to automatically snap to the cursor so let me just see if there's a snap extend to cursor or snap cursor so if you have that on there's i don't know of a key command to do it but if i just wanted to come here i could just extend that out and we could have that automatically snap directly to the cursor position so let me know if that's helpful but i don't have a keyboard shortcut to do that that's one of the grid modes all right so we see from kaiwen franklin it says uh greg this might be off topic i don't know if you're familiar with scalar but i can use that vst with midi insert in midi send so i don't think that the scaler is going to be a midi plug-in um so i i don't think that's going to be a midi plug-in but you know cubase already has quite a bit of you know functionality so say if we're in you know so you might not need to use scalar so let's say if i have an instrument track here uh and i just created a part you know if you're using it for you know scale correction you could also just say snap live input and set your scale here and that way you know if i'm in so let's say i'm in uh d major and i just wanted to put in you know like a chromatic run like a harp run like you say okay i would just want to put in 30 second notes um i could move let's say i click here with my timeline so now i can just like grab my keyboard i'm just going to move my hand um and you know once we have you know that way you could just kind of even do live input uh you know using the editor scale so you know but i don't think it'll work as scalar and i'm not familiar with it but i don't think it'll work as a midi plugin inside of cubase but you could probably do it already with some of the included functionality you see jazz dude matching it works like a virtual instrument instead all right so we see michael teams from weatherford texas great for you to be able to join us i think the virtual ice cream will commence all right we have chris hallam checking in from columbia south carolina thanks for being a part of the live stream okay so just see a question uh cubase shows a pop-up error whenever i render audio it freezes entire project and quits cuba sometimes i've searched on steinberg forum about this and got no clarity do you have any idea on this so usually when i hear something like this it's going to be a third party plugin that is the culprit so if you have the possibility to um you know see if you bypass all of the plug-ins if it does it and see if you you know then maybe bypass any third-party plug-ins but i bet that you'll find that it'll be one particular plug-in that's causing it so see when franklin's gonna do a remote thing while he's at work we won't tell anyone um all right still reading through multiple comments here we see that michael teams lost some friends this week so sorry to hear that you'll be my thoughts okay so we have a question uh what's the best way to unload some dsp processes from the cpu but keeping as much editing options as possible so if it's going to be you know for a like a virtual instrument so let's say if i just want to do a quick new project and let's say i have my piano that's totally killing everything that i'm working on all right so just get kind of a okay so i'm just going to add a quick instrument track here all right so if i wanted to be able to easily edit and still kind of have access you know to all of the different functions you know i think render and place uh makes sense for that so let's say if i'm just looking and we're playing this and let's say this is killing my cpu so if i wanted to select the track you know i think what's the most flexible isn't you know try not to select the event but select the track and as i come over here i'm going to do just my edit menu to render and place and at this point i could choose to include like you know my effects if i wanted to but we could say source tracks which is like the original track i could just choose to disable the source track so i'll say render and now it's going to render that file place it directly underneath this track is now disabled automatically so it's not going to take any computers memory or ram and if you needed to come over here and just do a quick edit you know you could just right click and enable track and then you could move stuff and you know choose to re-freeze if necessary so i think that selecting the track and doing uh you know disabling the source track after after um you know after the render you know immediately will free up your cpu resources but still keep it there so that you could tweak if necessary see kyren franklin is just talking about the roland phantoms i think the feature where you can move your hand is going to be the d beam but i i'm trying to remember what the little um with the little uh third party one is more kind of multimedia ai stuff that you could i think you could still use it with cubase but i haven't seen one in a long time reading through more comments see some discussion of older keyboard workstations like the kurzweil k2500 and phantom and motif okay still reading through so we see people like the motif and the korg okay michael teams wants people to whack the like button so if you haven't done that make sure you do it in an odd number of times if you do it twice or four times you cancel out your like so all right we see gareth has made the live stream let me see uh hi greg guys this is from gareth hope you're well his ryan is my son and is he taken over as managing director of steinberg so no but he has some good ideas for an eight-year-old so maybe one day i'll be prepping him to take over my job if he wants it i'll get him all trained up but he probably won't want to do what i do like i did do what my dad did okay so gareth is indicated that michael teams is famous so that's good to know we have michael teams to be our special guest zoom meetup celebrity on in two weeks a week and a half okay so we see a question from jay uh just saying i'm a bit curious as to whether you ever crossed trent resner or even i think atticus ross his clients if so trent uh wrote the live stream q a my head would probably burst i haven't had any interactions with them so i'm not sure if they're using our software or not but i haven't really had interactions with them so but maybe other people has or other people have rather okay so we see jose belski was joking about his motto bluetooth so okay um so i see from keith young greg have you uh have created a great groove using groove agent five using three kits over three midi channels can i render all three into one channel to use less cpu thank you all right so we'll show you how to do this all right so let's say i'll add an instrument track and let's we'll have three different groove agents here all right let's find our kit here okay and i'll load up one more okay so let's say i wanted to create just a quick sorry just give me a second okay so let's say i wanted to use maybe a kick from one let me just find something a little different here okay so let's say [Music] [Music] all right sorry it's taking a while to get this set up but i think we're always there just going to take this off step input mode all right so [Music] okay so let's say all right sorry it's obnoxiously loud all right so let's say this is gonna be our kit that we have three different groove agents um so we'll have [Music] let's say kick snare and kind of a synth sound so let's see if i wanted to take these and do a render in place all right and then we could just come over here we can keep the channel settings and i'll say mix down to one audio file so we'll give it a name we'll say three groove agent so select the events you can give it a custom name and then hit render and now kind of all the different sounds from three different drum kits will be [Music] will be just kind of rendered in one particular file so once you have those particular files selected go to edit to render in place and then choose to mix down to one audio file and then you could take the three different groups and make one new audio file out of it all right so you see david m on the live stream thanks for joining us so we see jay's just mentioning uh he has a name so the hand controller is delete magic so so that's the one thanks jay for finding remembering that or googling it it seems like they were everywhere kind of and i haven't seen one in a couple years all right so we just see uh greg can there be a notepad for folder channels i don't think that there is one but i'll just make sure so let's say if i want to take all of these and put them to new folder yeah so i don't think that there is one like i could mention it as uh but i'll just make sure i'll go to the track control settings and see if there is one so you do so there isn't but there is kind of a global notepad into projects and maybe you could come over here so let's say if you go to the notepad maybe you could just say you know group one and make whatever notes that you wanted to for groups and store that within the project but i'll mention that thanks for the suggestion okay reading through more comments okay so we have a question um so it says can greg discuss simon phillips jazz drum and how to modify a pattern for example two four four thanks and it's from yawns let's go take a look yeah so a lot of the patterns you could see the time signature here so there's a number of them that are in six eight and you can see which ones are in four four but let's say if i wanted to do like a six eight brush and let's say if we wanted to modify this to be in 4-4 we can give it a quick stab and take a look at it okay so let's say i drag this out in our meter [Music] okay so now if i wanted to play this in four four it's probably not going to make too much sense with a click track and let me modify the okay and i had to drag it into the one project that was already set in six eight so okay okay so i'm going to set this to 4 4. so even if you wanted to you know double click this let's say you know if i wanted to just take like what was the first four beats of that even if i wanted to duplicate that so just hit ctrl d that would kind of work so you know when switching meters there isn't necessarily a way to automatically take a 6 8 pattern and drop it in and 4 4 starts so you could kind of modify you know patterns like that and be able to kind of chop it up or you know as you look at the particular patterns you may be able to have it less and have less of an emphasis on um 4 4 and your eyes eventually so like even if i wanted to just kind of take this like you know these particular notes let's say i'll do it in the in place editor quickly but even like if i wanted to take the range tool you know just coming over here and selecting let's say even the range tool and duplicating you might be able to come up with but there's no kind of automatic um way to you know take a pattern that was programmed in one meter and have it automatically kind of coalesce to a different meter but you know if you're working with the simon phelps jazz drums you know come over here like when you go to load up the kit with the patterns and slide over that when you do this you'll see one of the actual criteria will be the signature so you could find a 4 4 patterns versus 6 8 quite easily so you don't kind of get into problems later okay michael teams wants people to smash the like button all right see how i'm doing on time not too bad about seven minutes i'm trying to catch up so you see we're at 99 likes and there's a couple minutes ago so if you haven't hit the like button make sure you do so just seeing uh i think from cubase junkie i've seen it's kind of spread across um different threads but i think over the discussion but you know how to put your own folders into media bay or your own loops you know so one way of doing it is just going to kind of the file browser and if you have a folder of different drum loops so say this is your drum loop folder that all you'd have to do is right click and you could say add favorite give it a name say okay this is my loops and now when i come over here i could just go home and i say go to favorites and now i get to say okay let's find our loops and i could find all the files if you need to kind of automatically find folders that you defined as favorites you could do that and incorporate those into media bay quite easily okay reading through comments okay so we have a question from gareth uh if i wanted to export uh vox bus acapella via a mix bus to stereo out with send effects then the mix bus as a bed without the vox can they both be queued up for multiple exports um so if you depending how you have everything routed so let's say if i'm over here just revert this so a lot of people may set up like a pre-master group or you know a group that has everything except um you know like let's say in this case i wanted to do drums and then i wanted everything except drums so i could take my drum folder here and i'm going to select all my drum tracks i'm going to create a group channel to the selected channels so we'll call this drums and let's say i wanted another folder another group that's just uh everything except drums so i add a group channel to the selected so we'll say all sans drums okay so let's say now all my drums so i have my drums group and i have my bass so and let's say if i have my drums going through their own effects so i'll add a effects channel track to these so there okay now i wanted to have way too much reverb so when i go to export i could say let's do our export audio mix down i can say i want to do a single and i wanted to do drums and then let's see if we could okay let's choose multiple and i'm going to choose drums uh and then we'll say i wanted to have the effects so i'm gonna click on add to cue and now i want it to have all everything except for the drums and add that to the queue so and let's say as we do this so what i want to do for both of these is i want uh before i do that let me just after the export for each of these i want it to create an audio track okay so we'll add that to q let's come over here um and let's create an audio track to that so now i say start q export all right so i will have sorry i did interleave files let me just redo that one more time sorry so we'll do interleaved all right so do just a small portion of it so now i should have my drums and the guitars and bass so if they're routed to their different groups and you may have to um like on that particular let me just see so like we didn't get the effects on the reaver let's come over here and like i didn't hear the reverb so we could route the reverb to the drums group as well but let me just try one more time and see if we do our drums so we'll say okay we're going to do groups and send so we'll add that to the guitars let's do our drums and let's see if we choose this to be master sorry i forgot to export but you could kind of get sense but um here i'm sorry i made a mistake let me just okay so we'll do drums and i'm going to choose to do master and we'll see if that's included if not we may have to route the reverb to the group bus okay so let's see the reverb is all right so to include a reverb i may have to route the the reverb into the uh into the drum group so i'll try that one more time to see if we get the reverb going on so i want to take this this channel here and i'll just route this also to my drum [Music] group so i think i could even just do it at the same time all right so now that we routed the reverbs to the same group so that's how you could kind of do i know it could be a bit of an awkward workaround but you could do it uh so depending if you set up your how you set up your groups and your routing you could do it uh pretty easily gareth sorry took a while to get there all right reading through more comments okay reading through more comments here so about different patterns and groove agent um okay so i see my misunderstanding about uh groove agent drum loops and putting them in media bay so sorry about that okay still reading through comments here all right so i just see uh what's that crazy reverb thing going on so that reverb is um a yamaha reverb plug-in it says probably this one the rev-x and you get this with uh like if you have a ur interface but it's kind of a legendary yamaha reverb that comes with that so once you have the interface you could work this is powered by the uh ur series or axr series audio interfaces but it could also you get a native version to use as well so it's not included with cubase but if you're you are user it is all right so i got a revelation on gareth so i feel my job is complete for today according to michael teams gareth is now famous so that's good to know according to cubase junkie he's the best guitar player i've seen that uses cubase i've gotten to see some pretty good ones so i got to work with allen holdsworth for a couple days so that didn't suck and discussing what guitar players scare alan holdsworth that was interesting so i won't share all right so we have a question uh how do you do this line where you separate the top section of the project from the bottom is this possible in cubase 11 or is this function already available in cubase 10.5 so it is available in cubase 10.5 so there is a divide track list feature so this would allow us to have like you know particular tracks at the top so say i'll be the selfish bass player and i want to have the bass track always visible and have all my other tracks or maybe like a lead vocal where i could scroll up and down and the trick to doing it is you'll see in this uh little upper right hand corner right below this little drop down menu you'll see this little like a slash so if i do this all my tracks would just kind of scroll up and down and tracks could disappear but if i click on that little icon that's the divide track list now we could have tracks that are resident in the top and we could scroll up and down and have divided track list so if you always want to see markers if you always wanted to see you know a particular track you can you know tempo you could always have that visible on top and that won't scroll you could scroll within the divided track list but that's how you do it so and to get rid of it you click here so just where you see this little slash click there or click there to turn it off or on so we'll give you that feature free for watching the live stream today so i see some more discussion on the uh yamaha rev-x so it is dsp you know the plug-in is dsp that comes uh that's built into the audio interface but it's also just a native software plug-in as well but it's a wonderful sounding reverb plugin see gareth is going to toast me with wine because i gave him a revelation so that's good so just see from jazz dude he's just saying allen holdsworth is a very humble guy rest in peace so yeah he definitely was um i was like a huge fan of his stuff especially kind of starting with bruford uh but yeah he was just and he always felt like really bad calling me with cubase questions because he wasn't so technical and i'm like you know anyone who plays a guitar like you you don't have to be good at anything else in life so but he was incredibly humble and i miss talking with him all right so i think i'm caught up i know we had a couple questions that were sent in so let me get to those okay um so i think i missed when i was doing the index from the last live stream i think i misunderstood uh this particular question so let me open up a project to show it here i thought it was in my recent projects list but i'll just get it all right so the question was how to associate a chord track with a particular midi track okay so um you know so let's say if i'm auditioning core tracks you know one of the ways is we could uh just choose to monitor so we could say you know use monitored tracks so if i'm auditioning chords i can come up here and now as i play let me just so if we get just so if i come here let's just i'll just put in a quick uh cord part here [Music] all right so now we could have this automatically use monitor track so if i have this set to monitor then we will just kind of hear uh the chord track kind of auditioning directly through here so as we have this on now [Music] so if i wanted to have another track i could enable another track and have that particular track monitored so that's how we could associate it now uh the question could also be like how do i take particular tracks so let's say if i have maybe kind of more of a hip-hop type of production [Music] so if i wanted to take midi tracks i could take like this piano part and let's say if i just type in chords so let's say we'll be in g [Music] we could have these tracks automatically kind of change you know based upon the actual part so if i come in here and let's say if i look at the midi parts here the notes uh and i switch it to d you'll see that as i do this the tracks we could have these tracks automatically update based upon the chord track and how we set that up is when you select the track here you go into the chords and we could say follow chord track right from the chord inspector and here we could if it's set to off it won't follow but if it's set to let's say chords it will automatically follow and why would you want to have that so your drums let's say if i have just a quick you know drum pattern going on you know i may not want the drums to follow the chords because then my kick and snare is playing you know two tom toms so those notes you may not want to automatically follow the chords and so this way you could pick and choose which tracks actually follow the chords just by going into the chord settings and activating chords right there okay so we had another question mailed in i want to know if there's a way if there's any way where we can open automation track of any knob or fader just by selecting them furthermore is there any way to copy the current value of the fader or knob without writing the automation all right so let's say if i have a plug-in on this particular track so let's say i wanted to go to my delay um let's do maybe a filter instead so i'll come over here to my filter and okay so let's say we're going to do like a tone [Music] and i wanted to automate a particular parameter so to find you know most of the i know that the built-in plug-ins i think it's part of the vst3 specification if i wanted to you know open up the automation parameter for a particular plugin that all i have to do is right click and then you could say show base cut off automation track and then that opens up directly there um so and i just see is there any way to copy the current value of the fader or knob without writing the automation um so i don't let's see if i have this set to 32 so let's say so right now it will keep that value for that parameter directly there so it's not it hasn't written the automation but that's where the value is uh but it shouldn't if you want to be static you know you just would have it not read existing automation back so [Music] so you know see if that would work for you but try you know right clicking not every plugin developer does this but it is part of the vst 3 specification where you could just right click and have it automatically show up and have that parameter show up in the automation just like so okay so we had uh just kind of question on retrospective record so let me get this kind of set up with a new project here all right so okay so it says um it says i was playing along to groove agent jam mode so kit was playing continuously but the project was not playing i'll refer to this as piano one i stopped groove agent just started playing the piano by itself so i'll refer to this as piano one okay so let's say um okay so let's say i'm here and i'm just playing along [Music] okay so i'm gonna put this into midi retrospective record all right so we see that event there okay okay and then it says i stopped uh and started playing the piano by itself so let's say okay so let's say now i'm just here [Music] all right and i'm gonna put this into retrospective record on the two parts okay um so that and says and now and no there are not different lanes okay so we see that we have kind of two parts that are stacked on top of each other okay and we see so i will kind of double click on the events here so we could see kind of two different parts okay okay so uh on his you may have had the this setup to be in merge so let me set this up again in merge and see if that behaves differently because when the screenshot they shared it was just showing the one part so here i could double click and i could see just look at this as velocity only okay and when i wanted to come here i could switch to the different part so i'm going to just duplicate this and see if i record two different parts and if the merge is if it's in merge mode where both of the parts will be there so there it's going to be set to two different takes as i just did it all right so i'm going to come over here and i'll just play a couple of notes and i'm going to set my okay so let's see if i set this to merge and we'll retrospect to record that in all right and now do something lower [Music] okay so now we double click so you know so i think what the question was asking that both of these seem to be um when doing retrospective record um so i'm not sure if you're doing and let me see if i could read down a little bit um it says if you look carefully you can see bar 68 so we see both piano bars so the part was the question was how to separate the two pianos so one thing you could try is on the event itself is you see this little drop down menu now you could double click and see like the active part so you say i wanted this take and then you could separate just like that but you know check your midi record modes and if you i think just from jvi but you know these are how my midi record modes are set whether i did new parts or merge it seem to kind of behave the same way but i'm also not doing retrospective record as a linear recording i'm just doing it directly from here so give that a try i think that was all of the mailed in questions let me jump back to our live questions thanks for all the great questions alright gonna check the time all right so we've got a couple minutes left okay just kind of reading through different comments here okay looking through the topics here as we're going through okay we're getting through more comments to see a comment from jeff sebowski saying so it'll be the kite blowing the street transformer when greg black's out so yeah my son did my son's friend did get the his kite stuck in the power line so maybe there for a while until after a big snowstorm maybe um okay so just see um it's yamaha ag03 my sound is perfect when i listen to sound with the headphones but when i listen to my project uh it's sound similar uh i am a newbie so you know if you're you know so you have to determine if the signal is getting enough you know if you're getting enough signal to be recorded over the usb bus but there's also like probably like a usb monitor knob and maybe if it's just a monitoring the existing recording you may have to just you know and sometimes it may be like a fader or not like a knob that you could use for an input you hit a button and that is the usb return from the computer and make sure that that is up all right read through more comments all right so i think i'm at the end of the lot of the comments um so i'm gonna do just uh so i guess we will take a look at the time all right so i think um that is just at the very end of the comments let me just check cause i had two different comment fields kind of open might have been looking at last sessions comments there so we'll take a look um so all right we see a question from jay uh is there a way to have cubase slash groove agent recognize frequencies in a sample to trigger kicks snares hats to augment percussive sample so the full feature version of groove agent you could actually kind of figure out so i'll show this real quick so it may not filter out but you could it can kind of find similar frequency space you know similar frequencies so let's say if i drag this to an instrument we could come over here and slice well we could create our slices and then you could actually uh within the full groove agent um it could identify like similar kicks in snares and hi-hats and be able to you know you could pick which one of the hi-hats you wanted to use so but i'm not sure if it's going to automatically mask them all right so with that let's see if there's any last minute quick questions that we'll go ahead and wrap up i want everyone to have a wonderful weekend um and again we'll be doing our live streams uh just on tuesday of next week because the united states friday is a holiday so uh so look for just only one live stream next week and i want everyone to stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone back on tuesday thank you very much you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 33,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: qt87XaIK8T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 5sec (14285 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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