December 14th 2021 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hello welcome to the december 14 2021 club cubase live stream i'm going to do a quick audio test make sure everything is coming through and then we'll get started in just a moment hello welcome to the december 14th okay sounds like the audio is coming through fine on my monitoring computer my name is greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist primarily focusing on steinberg products and i'll be the host for your live stream today i'm presenting from the united states outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you could ask simply type your questions in the chat field and or send questions in advance to club cubase at and we'll be happy to kind of go through as many questions as completely and succinctly as possible we'll go for about probably about four hours today until or until we run out of questions um we will have an index with time stamps of all the topics discussed in the live stream today uh posted several hours after the live stream that you could use to jump to specific topics that may interest you if you wanted to search for topics that have been covered in previous live streams you could go to cubase and yan from stockholm has been kind enough to get that set up so we want to give a special thanks to john uh also um we have two people that volunteer their time they're not steinberg employees that volunteer just to be to function as moderators um so you want to give a special thanks to agent k and to jazz dude for that and also another wonderful resource of steinberg information is collected on the cubase nation discord and i know that jazz dude does a lot of work with that compiling useful informations for the community when asking questions if we could try to [Music] realize that if you don't get an immediate response it's because it may take me a while to catch up to the questions so if we could uh try to refrain from asking the same question repeatedly it won't get your question answered any faster just kind of makes the whole process slower so if you just ask asked a question once if for some reason i lose part of the chat field i will let people know when i lost questions and then you could re-ask but if we try to do that also when asking questions if we could try to indicate which operating system whether you're on a mac or pc which level of cubase whether it's l-e-a-i elements artist pro and which version so whether it's 10 10.5 or 11 that information will be helpful all right so let's go ahead and get started okay so we see uh and also if you're attending the live stream live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from all right so we see randy lee from texas great to see you on and we have tabri videos uh from germany um he's on say welcome all right so question uh when used for parallel compression what is the difference between the direct summing mode and a traditional aux bus group or effects track um so you know really when we're going to be using uh the so let's say if we go to our mix console one of the things that is available within the racks is a direct routing mode so we could send to multiple destinations here in a parallel manner if we just go to this little i this little drop down menu and turn on direct routing summing mode on then we could send to multiple destinations now it's really kind of in essence doing the same thing as using your sends um and the reason that it's available is that you know if you wanted to send to multiple destinations you may be using all of all eight effects sends in a complex mix for like your reverbs delays flangers chorusing and other effects so this gives you kind of another set of destinations that could be used independent of the send effects the functionality will be the same but it just gives you another option in case you're already using all of your effect sends on a particular track and still need to send it out to multiple destinations for parallel processing and that's why they have the direct routing mode as well all right so we see matt ellis matthew elston checking in from london we have robbie bowling from dallas we have uno memento from finland where it's snowing all right and it's also we see terminal nuclear war it's snowing in serbia and we don't have any snow reports in the uk uh alright so we have benny from sweden all right so we just see a question from benny is it not possible to color the tracks on the mixer console i have nuendo 10 i could do it in cubase 11 so i think it came kind of in a 10.5 cube so it might only be in i can't i don't think that there was a 10.5 of nuendo but to set it up if you wanted to colorize the mixed console channels so may not have been innuendo 10 but it may have been first introduced in nuendo 11 but it if you have the latest version that might have some of the i think there was a 10.3 that might have the capability um or whatever the latest version of the 10 product life cycle is but to set that up we would go to your preferences let me see if i even i may have a nuendo 10 still installed so i have a new window 10 3 and i'll just open it up and take a look just to make sure just get this going okay so colorize my channels here [Music] okay so in 10 3 we'll come over here to nuendo preferences track and mix console channels so if we come over here go to the mix console channels and and it doesn't look like they just hit apply so as you can see now we can just have the mixed console channel so make sure that you have nuendo 10.3 at least installed and it looks like it is available all right so we see yann from stockholm all right um okay so i just see after seeing a competitor's solution i'd like to ask if it'd be possible to see a demo of steinberg's vst transit also and ask if collaboration can be done in real time can it make notes it's not really intended for real time so if we come over here to the vst transit it's more like we want to be able to [Music] you know download particular projects let's see if i can so you know if i wanted to come over here we could upload you know particular projects uh so you can set kind of your profile and this is a function that's in cubase but not in nuendo uh but if you wanted to you know come over here we could just say okay i wanted to take uh this particular project and be able to share it with different friends and then you could actually see um you know different so at this point we could just take this particular project and share it it's not really intended for kind of a dynamic uh real time collaboration to share parts of the project so but you know you can do some of that with nuendo within its network collaboration so that way you could actually take notes so that's one of the distinction distinctions of cubase over nuendo for that all right so we see david checking in we have john costigan we have soren from sweden we have uh brian sawyer from beulahville north carolina thanks for joining all right we see jazz dude on the live stream we see the cube tim weinheimer from mission viejo all right and tim wants everyone to hit the like button early today uh so i see john tobin just saying um yeah i will send off the email again about the vst connect but i think we did go over it on the last live stream as well so but i'll make sure to resend it sorry i didn't get a chance to resend that to you there we have dallas larue from las vegas dan freeman from atlanta all right we have studio lb checking in from austin one of my favorite cities all right we have mitch michelle checking in from michigan trond checking in from norway michael pierce from outside to london all right so we just see from uh dallas aru sometimes the listen function and control room doesn't always shut off the other track so one thing to check with that so let's say if i'm here and i wanted to do kind of a listen on the bass is just go to the control room and you may have to click on the main tab here if you click on the main tab maybe the listen dim level is set to zero so if i come here and click on listen you don't notice it so make sure that you have your listen dim level set to just adjust a slider there and see if that makes a difference for you so you could just come right over here to listen dim so you'd see that if you don't see that initially just click on main and then you'll see the listen dim and then just drag that down by several db and i think a lot of times when people tell me that it's not working it's this is set to zero db and i think it defaults to kind of the same value uh two zero db so okay so did you see a question um from jay from connecticut uh with the coming transition out of e-licensor are there any uniform license transition strategies for third-party products on usb dongle like vienna ensemble pro licenses so i think a lot of the companies have already in the process of migrating you know there's one company that kind of uh you know erroneously kind of sent an email out before the official announcement and you know as you know which is i think might have been an attempt to get a bunch of people to update to a later version so um but you know it's kind of up to the third party products you know again if it's on the usb eli sensor it'll still work so but it's really up to how the different companies are transitioning all right so we have fa recording studio checking in from bangladesh thanks for joining us and we have rain from germany all right so we have a question from thomas young can you go over system link i use cubase 11 pro so do the original intention of vst system link which we could set by going into the studio setup and then we'll see um our vst system link set up here is that you know like the old days if you wanted 48 tracks of like analog tape you would synchronize two tape machines if you wanted 72 tracks you would synchronize three tape machines so we figured you know especially when this was generated 20 years ago that you know maybe 22 years ago-ish that what could happen is if one computer ran out of processing power that we could have another computer kind of like an kind of like you know very similar in concept to an analog tape machine and we could connect a digital audio connection like a spdif cable uh any dot light pipe a or an aes ebu something like that between the two computers and the two computers could sample accurately synchronize so that was kind of the original attention then it kind of morphed into also sending midi data to another computer and having the midi having the audio from that midi data to just simply uh be sent back so we could use the other computer as a you know almost like a vst instrument rack and there was a software called vst rack which was kind of designed just to host vst instruments um so over the years you know computers have gotten faster and a lot of people don't have you know it's very common in the early days to have different uh audio interfaces that had digital connections so a lot of people have usb connections and you know just analog two ins and two outs so you know this works over an actual digital audio connection so it hasn't been as used recently so a lot of people will also use it and you could use kind of any version of cubase i think even cubase lei will have vst system link capability a lot of composers use it so that they could and when you're doing this synchronization it's sample accurate so you know and that's that was a pretty significant thing in a day just to make sure that we could sample accurately sync computers together which is really critical for digital audio and not be reliant upon the frame rate or you know of the simply time code to be the basis or the word clock so at this point we could sample accurately sync so when most people use it today is they may have one copy of cubase that's running the video and they will system link that synchronize the video playback in one instance of cubase and one computer that's hosting the video and one computer that's just synchronizing to it so as people are using vst system link it's when i see it being used now it's mostly for composers that want to have the video offloaded onto a separate computer and yet still have sample accurate synchronization without buying a lot of external hardware to accomplish that okay so we have a question says uh when using chord track is it possible to have a key change mid tune uh ie uh change up semitones for remainder of tune all right so let's come over here i'll just add a chord track we'll make this a little larger for everyone to see okay so let's say we have this chord progression and i've duplicated this a couple of times let's say okay we're going to start it here uh but the third time i just wanted these chords to modulate up all you have to do is to select so let's say i wanted to go up a major second i could just select those particular chords and we see from the info line here uh we can see root key and then all you have to do is come over here and just say okay we want to make it into d and then we could just modulate just like that so select the chords here and then you could just uh adjust the root key here to do transpositions and modulations okay so we have a question if i have one instance of contact with multiple midi tracks and i want to render one midi track uh cubase tries to render all of the tracks even though they do not have any data on it so you know cubase when you do it through a midi track um you know what's going to happen is you know cubase knows where the midi is going out but it doesn't necessarily know what you know what outputs are being used so if you use instrument tracks for that then it knows to complete signal routing of the audio capabilities so you know with midi tracks you know we send the midi out but there's no correlation to what's going what output you know cubase doesn't necessarily know what output the instrument is sending it to where as an instrument track and it's one of the benefits of using instrument tracks it will automatically allow you to just take um you know and have one part rendered very easily using that so try using instrument tracks instead of midi tracks all right so we see roland garage checking in thanks for joining all right and we have panos checking in from greece okay so we see from uh john says uh okay vst connect pro all up and running except cue sends not heard by vst performer end talkback working fine so let's say if i wanted to come over here to my vst connect pro i don't have the other computer to connect to [Music] just yeah i don't have the uh another computer hooked up to really kind of all right let me just see if i can i don't have my password typed in here but i could if you want to email me offline again john i'd be happy to kind of there's one little thing that it might be um but i don't have my other computer set up where i could get it configured to show easily sorry about that all right so we see uh does cubase create a log file on mac and pc so there is like a usage logger and i think if you wanted to go to preferences and let me just see if we could i think there might be under like a just might be a preference but there is like a login usage logger that could kind of tell you what happens before and after if there is a kind of a system instability okay so if you go to uh preferences to general you could enable uh the usage logger so you could just kind of click here and this will kind of tell you uh more about the usage logging so so again just come over here to uh preferences go to general and go to usage logger options and enable usage logging okay my chat field just kind of jumped okay let me find my place again okay um so we see a question um does nuendo 11 getting an update when cubase 12 will be released so you know generally you know how it's worked in the past and used to be like they were very separated and they would take you know the new features that were introduced in cubase and nuendo has other features so that it would take more time for them to implement the new features innuendo because it was not only adding the newer cubase features but other uh specific nuendo features um so you know i imagine shortly after cubase 12 will be released what's happened in the past is there will be kind of a nuendo update i think the last few years has been like a month or two afterwards but the next version of nuendo hasn't been announced okay uh so we see a question from dan freeman uh page 399 of the manual setting up direct routing point three talks about the widest channel in channel with uh can you describe what that means is it for surround only so yes it is for surround so if you wanted to uh you know if you're working in stereo or mono or stereo or 5.1 or if you're doing even you know more extensive surround like a 714 innuendo you could just simply use that so that's what it means by the channel width all right all right so we have pablo vasquez from galicia espana glad you can make the live stream okay so we see um i find it a question i find it difficult to do remixes in cubase because the bpm analysis isn't always correct and i find it difficult to link audio to midi bpm any tips okay so we'll just try here with a quick project so i'll just say if i want to do like a quick remix i'll do something horribly musically inappropriate all right so let's say i have a jazz piece here that's not following the click [Music] so i'm gonna select it go to my tempo detection now you have some different options here so if you wanted to do like an offbeat correction now as we work with this we may notice that as we've done a tempo detection that you know it will automatically place the signature it's kind of figuring out what the beats are and it will place it into a meter of 1 4 so you may have to define kind of where the downbeat is in the project but you know once you've done the tempo detection it's set up so that you know once uh you know we close this window we're in the tempo warp so as you listen to it you can just come over here and the tempo that you know we see our time warp tool is active and what this is going to allow us to do is just to say oh this is where the downbeat is here and we could make changes and have that automatically applied you know and it will do a re-analysis from that point on so it kind of takes you into the tool where you could automatically make tweaks if necessary so it puts you into that mode but you may have to you know make sure you define the downbeat like here we have some pickup notes like say you know measure four start measure the downbeat is right there so as we do this and if i wanted to just kind of drag different loops in um so let's say [Music] i'll just so say i just want to drag that in so now once i've dragged this loop i could select it and put it into a musical mode so once this event is selected we could place it into musical mode and as this is speeding up and slowing down that you know [Music] that now this loop is automatically following because it's in musical mode that it's automatically following so i just make copies here so this loop is dynamically following the tempo of the tracks and if i wanted to take like a midi loop in as well so say okay i just want to come over here find maybe percussion or something like that which would be midi we'll get the instrument loaded up here okay so now when i drag this over um this midi will automatically line up as well so just so let's say if i wanted to come here and put like a little flanger on it [Music] that works really well but you know if you you know listen to the tempo detection you know it does a really great job but you know it puts you into the time warp mode so that you could make changes and tweak it if necessary so all right um so you see what is an optimal way to take a score slash file created in dorco for the ipad and bring it into cubase pro so i believe you could just simply export it you know there's two different methods i believe that you could export it i haven't personally tried this but as a midi file and that would get all the notes over with the controller data if you wanted to carry over like you know the slurs and the graphic appearance more like a picture of it at that point you could export it as a music xml and import it you'd probably have better uh if you wanted it to play back uh you probably have you know better options for exporting a midi file and importing that directly into cubase all right um all right so we have omar checking in from france uh okay so i just see guessing i know the answer to this but is there a way to make that lv2 plugins work in cubase 11. um i'm not sure if that's a ableton maybe a live plugin format but you know if it's not a vst plugin it's not going to work in cuba so it would need to be a you would need to be a vst plugin so okay so we have a question um how do you make the best usage of supervision during production so a lot of times when i'm kind of just working on stuff you know i may have [Music] so let's say as we're just kind of listening you know so and i wanted to just open up my supervision [Music] so just pop over here to my inserts so a lot of times you know people i know will have kind of like constant meters going on for frequencies but also a lot of phase anomalies so let's say if i wanted to come here i think i even have just a preset that i made you know some of my best audio engineer friends are just constantly kind of hypersensitive to phase so you want to make sure that you don't have a lot of frequencies here if we see these kind of below the axis like we see some of these that would indicate that we have phase in phase problems in particular frequencies um so if you see this kind of like you know being just straight vertical or we see it kind of going off at angles following the axis here that would give you a sense that there's going to be phase problems so you know i know people constantly when they're you know we'll just have a separate screen you know just to monitor phase frequencies levels uh so you know one of the presets i made is just um i call it my control room view and in my personal studio i just have this on its own monitor constantly so i could just kind of look at it to see what my loudness is with levels if i have any frequency things like okay there's probably too much low end going on my phase looks okay i can check different relationships so all those things are really helpful for kind of during production um you know and i know many old school engineers have an rta and a face scope that just sit on their console and they just are constantly looking at that looking for any problems that might creep up into the production so okay uh so we had a question can you show how composers generally use process tempo and why okay so i'll just do let's say i have my tempo here and i wanted to okay so i'll just kind of select okay so let's say at this point you like i need it let's say okay i want my bar range uh to be you know mine let's say i want it to be 21 [Music] bars um that at this point you know you could kind of just take different i haven't worked with this in a while um so let's say okay i need like i need these eight bars uh but i need the length to be you know my i need the length between those eight bars to be you know let's say nine seconds as opposed to 13 seconds so now when i hit process and we can see that this will now let me just set the range here that that will allow us to see to process like the different tempo ranges so if i needed to kind of keep this tempo curve but i needed that to automatically fit and maintain that tempo and that tempo relationship but i needed it to be a different amount of time so let's say someone cut out six seconds and i need a scene that was 14 seconds to be eight seconds long i could type in the new length and hit process and that will fix the tempo changes for you okay so i just see uh when i'm using short keys uh so it's a question when i'm using short keys to switch tracks or start stop and other various keyboard moves it seems to also change the screen size and open different things like the sends and other functions um all right so you know one of the things you know so it could be depending on what the active window is um so like you know sometimes people can um you know depending like let's say if you're in the mixer a keyboard shortcut may have a different function if this is the active window versus the project window being the active window um so it could be something like that with the navigation keys to kind of mitigate this i think that there is a preference that you may want to check um so i think it's maybe under editing like up down navigation keys uh for selecting tracks only so that may be something to check and that's a preference under editing and see if maybe that changes it but if you let us know like if there's particular keys that or functions that are popping up all the time that um that you're accidentally triggering we might be able to trace it back okay so we see uh nanu uh it says upgraded cubase artist yesterday so congratulations they also got the arturia mini mark ii as well okay so i just see uh from nanu uh how do i show the keys on the step editor like e c f sharp etc without mouse over um so let's say if i'm here on this particular part um all right so here we can see that i think it's maybe the labels on the key so let's say if i just zoom vertically so depending on the vertical height of the parts so if i hit like shift g if they're kind of the vertical zoom is very small we don't see the pitch indicated but as it gets bigger we could see the pitch indicated when it's kind of a little larger so see if that makes sense uh let me know if that's what you're looking for if not just let me know okay so we see a question is there a way to have different mix versions within the same project like a vocal up version and a vocal down version um so if you have uh different projects here what i know some people do is let me just open up something with vocals in it here all right so if you don't have um let's say if you don't have a automation going on this could be quickly done using kind of mixed console snapshots so i could say okay i want to take the vocal here i could take a snapshot so mixed console snapshots you know won't necessarily include automation because it is just kind of a static representation so so let's say i want that and then i could do another snapshot so say okay this is a different snapshot so i could do that and i could also say okay let's take a snapshot here and now we could choose to just navigate between the different snapshots so some people will do that now a lot of people will have automation and that may not be so practical uh and another method to do kind of like different vocal ups vocal downs is to just you know if i wanted to take this uh i could use track versions so i'll say new version and we'll say up 1db so let's say uh first off what i want to do is i'll just duplicate that version and then i could just come here and say okay we're going to make the vocal up 1db and i could duplicate this version and i'll call this down 1db all right so now as i kind of switch between these different takes i can say okay there's that one here's down one db here is up 1db so you could just kind of switch just between different edits just like that so that's that's another way of doing it some people will just you know take if there's extensive automation you know they may just come here so let's say we have a bunch of automation going on and they may you know before they you know duplicate tracks they may just have three different vocals with you know and mute two of the vocals so you know depending on the scenario look at snapshots track versions or just simply duplicating tracks and that way you could have everything within one project many people will still just have a different project you know vocal up 1db of a different project vocal down 1db but if you wanted to kind of consolidate it all within here you could duplicate use track versions or snapshots depending on the amount of automation you have going on a project okay so we have a question uh are there disadvantages to use the musical mode you know so if you do extreme changes with musical mode you may hear some artifacts like if you take a loop that's at 120 beats a minute and played at 30 beats a minute it's gonna you know it may sound a little bit sonic the sonic integrity might be affected but if you want the audio to fit into and follow the project time in the project tempo uh then you know musical mode is the way to do it so if you need to make an audio that's a different tempo or different speed fit into another project you know musical mode is the best way to do it all right so he's just the question do you guys give private lessons so yeah i've been hired by people to teach them cubase stuff but but i'm sure there's lots of people to do that all right so we just see will cubase ever add live looping into the program um so you know we can't really speculate on new features that will be coming but it you know so but we'll pass it on as a feature request but you know there's many different different definitions of what live looping is maybe if you could uh let us know what you want to do if you want to have one part to kind of play independently you know we could do stuff like okay if i want to take like this little melotron part and have this kind of loop that we could come over here and i think that there is a special so if we go to the independent uh track loop okay so now as we apply so now you just have this part [Music] so um let me just set this here on so let's say if i have this off and we're playing [Music] but you could just kind of come right over here um and you could have like just an independent let me see if i remember how to get this set up so now we could have this that midi part just constantly so if you wanted to just have one part so so that way you could do one part that's continually looping live while you do other stuff okay so we just see a question hey guys i'm from uk i wanted to know how to record with compression in cubase i work with 10.5 is it even possible so when you go to the mix console you'll probably have uh like your input channels so if you wanted to record with compression you go to the input channels where you have the source and at that point you could just put you know the channel strip add compression here and this way you could actually record with the channel compression on as the file is being recorded so it gets recorded through this plug-in if it's on the input channels but realize that a lot of people don't necessarily want to do that um you know sometimes it's intended uh but a lot of times you know it's kind of you can't take it off after the fact so it's being processed live through there but you know if you wanted to monitor while you're recording with compression you could do that but you may have to make sure that when you get to your studio menu to studio setup and select your audio interface that you have direct monitoring turned off but if you wanted to print compression or eq to the audio file as it's recorded just simply put the plugin on the input channel and then you'll be all set all right so i see what cubase version is this i'm running 11.041 cubase pro okay my my chat feel jumped okay so our next question um is there any way to add an effect to a specific part of a song for instance a dub style delay in the middle of a song only so let's say if i'm here and i just wanted to add like a reverb just so let's say if i'm here let me just jump back to my so let's say i just want to take this i'll just revert it since i've destroyed my it's such a good song i don't want to do that to vince and tarnish it for sable's upcoming version all right so say i wanted to just put it [Music] little ad-lib phrase i just wanted to put like a delay so i'm going to come here uh i'll select the range here so it's like i want that delay to kind of casca to cascade here and then if we go to direct op so if that's selected i could go to direct offline processing or just go to the plugins and i'll say i just wanted to put a little mono i'll just put a delay on it so now [Music] just leave it alone all right so let me just do that again so i'll just come here to plugins uh default delay and i'll say mono delay and we'll make it just a dotted quarter delay so as we do this and we could add a tail size if we want to so [Music] so at that point we could just monitor and we could just process just that delay you know you could also if you wanted to just automate an effects end you could do that as well uh but with this at any time like you know 10 years later i could just delete that particular uh process or replace it or augment it with other processes so just try selecting what you want to apply and then i could just say okay i wanted to do here just go to audio plug-ins and i'll just say okay i want to delay let's make it a multi-tap delay and i'll just let's um so now put just that on and let's say as i do this now [Music] so then when you just select the event you know you're able to just come right over here and undo that particular processing so if you just went on a part you could just put your delays and have it and kind of embed it into parts as well all right so we have a question how can you maximize the amount of ram that is uh used to stream virtual instruments a lot of times it's going to be in the instrument itself so if i wanted to let's say if i go to my instrument rack um you know if we go to groove agent you know most of these will be uh similar area so you know if we have a lot of ram we could say we could adjust kind of our maximum preload amount and if we're in hallian we could come over here again to options and we could set kind of the maximum preload amount and we could kind of even set a balance between how much is stream from disk versus versus ram but if you have more uh memory available you could just increase that maximum preload so that's how you could kind of organize your memory usage so it's going to be generally on an instrument by instrument basis apparently i impressed pablo but i don't know what i did so but we're glad you're impressed so good drum part on the last san antonio enjoyed playing that so all right so we see uh is the stream delayed sometimes i don't see the questions so the uh my ability to keep up in real time with questions is always a challenge so uh so sometimes it might be like you know at times sometimes 20 to 30 sometimes 40 minutes uh by time i get to questions that were asked there's obviously a big splurge of questions that were that are asked at the beginning and i try to catch up all right so we see cubase junkie um that it's his birthday so happy birthday everyone wish cubase drunk a happy birthday and pablo has granted him a nuage controller by yamaha so that's good i miss having mine okay so we just see uh hey from memphis how difficult will be to update to 12 more registration etc or will it be easy with the download assistant so i think it's going to be very streamlined you know with the new license management and using the download assistant so but we haven't it obviously hasn't been implemented yet and we can make something really easy and you know there's always people that will do it the wrong way regardless of how many faqs we provide or videos so we see from steven uh so it says hi greg using cubase is there any way i can normalize myself so i can get a girlfriend and leave you alone you got the best offering on the web with these help sessions merry christmas so thank you for that so but just keep keep watching and you'll be so successful that all the girls will want to date you so okay so we have a question uh says i use free warp tool to align many vocals as tight as possible but when i open the cubase project again some changes do not persist some do try to flatten or balance same problem please help um so i haven't run into any instances where my free warp um changes have you know have not persisted i'll show you something that you might want to be able to do is let's say you know if i just come here all right so you know a lot of times you know when i'm doing like pretty complex editing you know at that point i may do you know a different track version so that i could always jump back quickly so if i wanted to take all these um so let's say [Music] i could just do a duplicate version and let's say if i do kind of all of my uh editing on this particular one so say if i just have now double clicked and i'm in free warp and i'm putting in my warp markers here so let's say so let's say i just put this in so i can move these around but i haven't had any of these you know not to be kept and i've done kind of a lot of free warp editing recently um but you know but once you have it as kind of like a different track version so maybe at this point if you know if you've done a lot of editing you know maybe it's just to duplicate versions and then you could always you know go back to the original to you know and this will stay save kind of a different instance but if you have like a particular project that you're noticing and sometimes i've seen where people you know will copy a background vocal and maybe take one recording and pan it um you know left and like hard left and hard right but it's the same file but it's duplicated here and then when they do warping on a file um that you know maybe as they do warping depending on the editing preference um of so if we go to editing audio and there's a preference for on processing shared clips that you create new versions so you've seen some people that will do different editing on you know what is the same file and get conflicting results with that so that's something where you know it's you know you you copy this over and you do editing but it's the same file that you're kind of warping that it's not creating a new version so that may be something to check is this preference but if you have a particular project that you find that happening to please feel free to send it to me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right okay so we just see uh is there a question is there a way to manually fine-tune an audio track to midi beat you know so one of the things that you could do is you know if we have let me just create something here real quick i'll just find a quick midi loop all right so let's say you know if i have you know a i'll just all right so let's say if i have like you know this particular pattern i want it to apply if we go to the quantize panel i could drag this in and now when i come over here if i have this quantize set up we could just now hit q on the audio file and that will it was pretty subtle here but if i just want it to now when i hit q on this audio file we'll see that it will shift based upon the timing of the midi part so that's one way of doing it you know and you could also just always come over here and as you do kind of the warping we could just say okay i want to put this war point here and you could kind of manually align stuff as well but try just taking the midi stuff and drag it into the quantize panel and that will make a groove preset and then from there you could apply that to other audio files to other audio files okay so it says uh we have a question uh hello everybody i spotted fault i don't understand how to how set tick sync to my cubase tempo i have set project tempo to 125 bpm but the click is not in sync with this tempo when i hear it um okay so that's i'll just do new project okay so let's say we're at 120 bpm and as we play okay so let's say so if i go to [Music] 144 sorry so you know i wonder if there's a let's say if we have a tempo track all right so let's say i'll just let's say we now have i'll activate my tempo track and let's say okay so let's say you know if you have this set maybe to you know so if the tempo track is deactivated it will not follow the tempo changes but you still kind of see it um one thing to check is let's say if we go to uh your click patterns you can make sure that you know you don't have kind of like an odd click pattern where maybe it's just you know sounding like in quintuplets or something like that but generally you know whatever the metronome is set to it'll follow but if you have a tempo track you could have it follow the tempo track or have it not follow the tempo track depending on what you have activated here so check some of those things see pablo's indicating every song needs at least one shaker track once you add a shaker it's it's quote unquote produced all right all right so cubase junkie wants people to like the video so make sure you hit that and it's his birthday so we'll have to comply okay so we see what is the best workflow to create drum maps so once we have um an instrument part you know so let's say if i have groove agent se here um now if you have groove agent sc and we have a kit loaded up so let's say if i come over here guru agent se is smart enough to automatically export the drum map name so if we go to [Music] our drum part here so if it's a groove agent sc we could say drum map from instrument and that will automatically carry over all of the different kick sounds and all the different sounds from groove agent will automatically be uh extracted so groove agent is smart that way but if i wanted to make my own drum maps i would go to drum map setup and here you could just enter into pitch you know the name of the drum and then you could just kind of go down and enter in your names and then when you go to functions here that's where you could save that as a drum map that could be loaded in independently or saved within the track preset so once again just come over here you'll see from the top inspector tab you'll see um drum map setup and there's where you could do it all right so we have michael teams checking in from weather for texas now i believe the virtual ice cream will start all right so we see a new year's wish from pablo just saying i wish that steinberg did not stop the development of supervision so i don't think steinberg stopped the development you know it was just introduced in version 11 and there hasn't been a new feature like a new version since but you know there hasn't been a new cubase version as well so so don't assume that it's the development is stopped all right okay so did you see a question if i have a long midi note in an event and i shorten that event not cut uh the sound keeps playing when the playhead goes past the event is there an option to disable this all right so let me just okay i'll just load up a quick patch here all right so we'll place back and it's going to play for two measures all right so i think if we now [Music] shorten the event that as we look at the note here and i'll just synchronize this view that you know once we shorten the event that what's going to happen is the event still has the same you know we've shortened the event but the midi note hasn't been shortened so when we play back it'll still sound um because you know it's that note has already been kind of picked for like a start and end point uh i think if we come over here to editing preferences to midi and if we choose to split the midi event here this option so now if i cut and erase that it'll now split the note based on our cut [Music] but with you know if we're just resizing it that way you know it's going to be maintained otherwise um regardless of the size of the container so the events can exist outside of the container if necessary so maybe instead of if you wanted to split the notes instead of resizing it maybe consider splitting and erasing um but i'll kind of pass that along as a feature request as well so that development team is aware of it but but there is a way if you split the event that you choose to split the note but the container could be you know like i don't necessarily want uh you know if i had other notes that if you wanted to just extend that back to see what was originally in there all those events are there but you're just kind of choosing for that midi note to maintain its off position so there you see pablo's very happy to get ice cream from michael teams see uh chris hallum is just saying uh one of the reasons i returned to cubase is because of darko is a longtime sibelius user i find dorca brilliant excited to see how cubase and dorco interact in the years to come so yeah i think there's lots of wonderful things going on with both teams and we're glad to have you as a cubase and oracle user all right we see from cubase junkie just saying shout out to steinberg cubase are always keeping their dog professional not going the easy route just to draw in people that's not dedicated to music we want everyone to be able to use cubase as well [Music] okay so we have a question just says if i have a track with compressor on it and it's side chained to another track i want to copy that compressor over uh to entirely new track is there a way to have the side chain copy with it and this the connection of the side chain uh doesn't follow the plug-in but the side chain goes to the particular track so it's not necessarily following the plug-in but it's going this it's a it's a routing to a destination is what the sidechain is doing so uh just to show this you know let's say if i have i'll add two audio tracks or i'll add three okay so say we have this uh track so now if i go to my inserts and i do compressor and we wanted it to sidechain to [Music] say audio01 you know what's actually kind of maintained when we let's say if i come over here to my mix console and if i copy this plugin you know the side chain is let me just get the right keyboard shortcut sorry about that all right so say if i copy this over the side chain is going to be you know again kind of based on you know the side it's not necessarily going to the plugin but it's going to this particular destination so that's why it's not copied over which makes kind of sense from a routing standpoint that you know if i just wanted to copy this over i don't necessarily want the side chaining but you could again set up the side chaining quite easily but you know think of the side chaining as being a path uh to a destination and not the path to the plug-in all right so we have rob checking in from tarpon springs florida thanks for joining the live stream all right so i just see uh so question i purchased cubase elements from my nephew and tried to explain spectral layers one to him he doesn't know what i'm talking about and there is no version specification in the charts is it specific so i'm not sure if elements comes with speculators one let's go take a look just to make sure so just come over here to the download assistant yeah so the the you know cubase uh elements doesn't come with spectral layers one uh let's see if cubase artist does or if it's it might just be a cubase pro and nuendo yeah so i think it's just going to be cubase pro that comes with it so that may be why your nephew might be giving you uh strange looks so let's just yeah it says spectre layers one let's see if it's it comes in artists as well but yeah not in elements okay just seeing some discussion from matt elder let me see if i can pick it up um it's good to see mark raymond on the live stream as well okay sorry you missed this um says so question uh i'm having trouble with audio warp tabs some tracks i can use and orange lines appear but in other tracks it does not work it doesn't turn orange to show it's active thank you all right so let's say um all right so i'll just kind of drag a loop over quickly okay so now when i come here and so let's say if i go to my audio warp and free warp um so you know sometimes often if we go to you know it could depend upon it might depend upon the hit points as well but let's say if i'm here and i double click i'm in sample editor and we go to hit points so try just to come here you know so sometimes when you record in cubase can automatically detect hit points and you know so that's a preference but if you come over here we can say let's create you know so right now i go to audio warp uh and this may have changed slightly like if we come over here and place it into uh musical mode but you know try going to hit points and then create warp markers and then when you go to audio warp then you could see you should see all the warp markers available sometimes you could also generate these just by you know if you quantize and enable audio warp here from the quantize panel that those can show up as well but it could be depending on if the audio file you know is something that was imported you know again cubase will by default do hit point detection like you know as the audio file is being recorded but if you're just kind of dragging a file in you may have to set the hit points and turn those into warp markers um so you can see i just see a question is there any plan to make public beta versions of steinberg products like cubase so you know there is a testing process that goes on um so i haven't heard of any plants for public betas i know that we have done it in the past and didn't find it so um and you know everyone thought it would be a wonderful thing and kind of the the comments that we got weren't very applicable for testing purposes and sometimes you know doing testing isn't like you know getting access to features but it's kind of just you know checking out it's it could be a much different process than what people think it is so but i haven't heard of any plans for public beta versions so we just see comment uh okay um so we just see a question uh should i get a single 29 inch ultra wide monitor or two 27 inch monitors for cubase project window um you know it's really a personal preference i like having two monitors i just kind of have done that for years or i have a mixed console and editors on one in a project window on another but if you could organize um like kind of a if it's an ultra wide you might be able to you know basically have two different uh screens you know two different screens on one single screen if it kind of matches the resolution you know i like having two monitors also because i do have a five one monitoring system uh and for many years i would just have the center channel between my center channel speaker between my left and right monitors and found that that worked really well so if you're doing you know surround work having multiple monitors there's some advantages to that as well see some discussion of different tape recorders um so just see i think experience dennis was listening listing some uh experience with uh different tape recorders uh so it says having learned most of my professional sounding audio recording experience was learned on 95 tape recorders like nakamichi cassettes and two inch studers and analog gear high quality magnetic tape and no daw experience i remember thinking about getting cubase because of the different magnetic tape emulations so if you wanted to you know there are you know steinberg was the first company actually did a analog kind of magnetic tape uh plug-in called magneto so if you and you could actually apply this to an input channel but every single tracking will just show to you here so you could actually print through this so let's say and it can be found under distortion and you'll see magneto2 so you can have physical modeling of analog tapes where you could adjust kind of the output frequency the high frequency adjustment if you wanted to the amount of saturation if you wanted to be in dual mode which is kind of going through the uh the process twice like kind of playing back uh you know through like you know maybe like uh two stages of the analog so but that's a a wonderful plug-in for that so i came up from you know two-inch studer and atari machines as well but i was always the guy that had to do all the tape calibration in the middle of a session so i don't miss that part all right so we have a question uh is there a way to use the sampler track or some other way to create an instrument for my voice for example in other words is there a way creating an instrument in cubase instead of contact of course and we could do it in the sampler track or directly inside of uh like even uh groove agent se would make a wonderful tool for that so let's say uh if i just have like a voice part here and let's go to focus all right so let's say i go to my sampler control now all i had to do is drag this down um and i could have my sampler track and i could [Music] just have this hang on to turn something off in my office all right let's see if i get my midi controller back here give me a second [Music] so as i just want to come here [Music] so now i could just kind of play directly from there and you know once i've done this we could also just put it into uh audio warp and then once we activate uh audio warp we could say okay i just want to put it into music or solo mode and i could now [Music] and you could also put it into monophonic mode so if you're saying something you just want to change your pitch [Music] and i could now just come over here and in the middle of the phrase so you could do stuff like that but it also if we had a groove agent so let's say if i just want to come here to groov agent se which is included um i could just drag and drop that sample and at this point uh if i just go to pitch i could say okay we want to set our pitch range from c1 to c2 and now like any notes that i play [Music] so yeah you could definitely just kind of you don't have to go to any third-party tools for that you could use the built-in sampler track or groove agent se to play your voice from midi all right so we have schrader brothers saying hello thanks for joining the live stream okay my chat field jumped on me okay so um all right so we have a question i saw an interesting workflow i wanted to share it with my colleagues you open the six the second mix window and make its width to only show one track and then hide inspector put mix window next to the arrange window all right so all right so take a look at this so let me jump back to a different project all right so let's say if i'm here and i want mix console 2 to only show so now as i let's say if i have this over here and move this window that whatever channel that i have selected so i'm not sure if that automatically updates but you could kind of see everything for that one particular channel right there thanks for sharing that okay so just see um how would i create an analog tape speed variation with pitch example something like the way strawberry fields by the beatles recorded use that time stretch algorithm unless you explained this earlier so yeah so let's say we're like i have all of my tracks here set to musical mode and my tempo is at 100 beats a minute so the kind of the classic scenario that tim is describing is strawberry fields forever was actually two different takes and like the main part of the song and i believe it's after kind of the drum fill and the ending part was a different take that was done at a different tempo and different key so what they did uh when they're working on the project is they slowed down the vocal um they slowed down the tape so that the pitch would change and then just kind of by luck when the drum after the drum fill came out a little instrumental ending it just kind of matched up perfectly pitch wise so you know and so people would do very speed recording and and playback you know pretty typically so now what we could do is i could select all these different elements put it into musical mode and then we could place it into tape so if while we're playing as i adjust my tempo down let's say to 90 beats a minute this will simulate the from 100 to 90. this would be like slowing down a tape machine 10 percent so the tempo changes and the pitch changes accordingly so if i go 80 we're slowing down the tempo and the pitch 20 so this is how you could do kind of very speed recording uh and kind of do that so once again make sure that all the tracks are selected that you're in musical mode and then you could switch the algorithm to tape and then that would be all you have to do so now when we change you know if it's not in tape the speed will change but the pitch will stay the same but if you wanted to mimic a very speed or you know then you could just put it into tape mode uh so we see we'll vary audio work with chords in the future so i could speculate that you know one day that it will go there i don't think any technology is quite uh nailed that yet um but hopefully i would i would love to see it myself but um but i think technology still has little ways to go but i'm sure that some someone in our german team is staying up really late trying to figure it out okay we have a question uh under media in the right zone there's a section called pattern banks but i can't figure out what midi information is that's playing the pattern can you show what it's intended for so i think that the patterns um so say we'll come over here to media and let me just pattern banks so these i believe are the pattern banks that let's say if we have a midi track and we go to the biddi insert and we have our beat designer so let's say if i wanted to come here uh and just load up that these are the beat designer kits so let's say i wanted to come over here and we'll load a preset that we'll see that these are so what we see in these pattern banks are these are the presets from the beat designer midi plugin so if you just wanted to drag you know these over to be designer or let's see if we could load it [Music] so now if i just want to take these i could drag it over to the beat designer window so if i leave this always on top i could just come right there and drag and drop the patterns [Music] all right so we just see question hello greg could you tell me if cubase 11 would work well on the mac m1v so yes uh so it runs under rosetta currently but we have lots of people are really happy with their performance and we'll see that cubase 12 will be macm one native okay reading through different comments and if you've learned a new tip or trick make sure you do hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that alright we see sable winters is on the live stream thanks for joining she's from the bay area in california all right so we have a question how to easily make dual mono compression on stereo channel so if you wanted to so say if i have a stereo track all right so say i just wanted to add two inserts okay so when we come here we can now go to the routing and then so once we see our inserts we could go to routing here and we can say okay i want this to be mono and i want this one to be mono and then we could just at this point so that way we could have this compressor on channel on the left channel this compressor in the right channel so if you just get to the routing and then you could choose mono and go to the routing editor you could pick which channel is being used okay so we just see question uh what video format can nuendo 10 handle when i try to import avi file does not want to take it so realize that you know video files are like really non-standard so it could be the container type as well as the codec so the best resource is probably if you come over here and just say um [Music] if you just google video support in cubase nuendo wavelab dorico uh you'll just see this little help center article so you know video files aren't like wav files that could be kind of loaded into anything so you're going to have container types so you would need for an avi file to be uh you know for the kodak to be a dvd dvc pro or motion jpeg photo jpeg so you know why is it just having an avi file there could be a hundred you know 200 different types of avi files depending upon the codecs and so those are different things to be aware of so you may have to get a video utility and just make sure it's doing one of these or if you do like a dot mov file or an mp4 you do like h.263 h.264 etc so you just you may need to convert the video file to that and there's plenty of free utilities that will allow you to do that okay just reading through questions and comments thanks for all the great questions all right so we see michael pierce just wants people to give the like button some love okay uh so just says uh greg can you show some useful quantizing shortcuts and workflows for example without mouse interaction quantizing 16th uh eighth grids etc alright so you know just anything that you do want to quantize you know so say i just have sorry just wrong track all right you know so you could set up different keyboard shortcuts you could define for the particular quantize preset and then you could come over here and you could find those at so when you go to the key commands and go to the quantize category you know here you could set you know your quantized value to a whole half you know fourth and you could also have for toggling i have it kind of set up on a stream deck on my system my studio but you know and you know once you're here you could just kind of choose to say okay i just wanted to you know what i generally will just kind of do more like spot quantization so let's say if i just move stuff around randomly turn off my snap you know but you know like i will do you know like a lot of times like i i try not to do vocal correction unless something bothers my ear i try not to do quantizing unless something feels weird but you know but that way you could just kind of come right over here and just you know quantize particular phrases and you could also uh like we'd set this up if you don't want to use a mouse i think let's see if we still have it set up we had a question from the last live stream let's say under generic remote so i just have my a fader um that will go through the different um quantize presets so if i just wanted to set up like my midi control here i'll just say i'll do this and we go to command quantize category select next quantize that now i could just say okay i just want to quantize this all to like selected notes to whole notes and then okay now i want 16th notes and as you do this i'm just moving the actual controller um i could just kind of set different rhythmic values and the cool thing is like you may have noticed that when we come here to um you know let's say back to whole node or half note that when i quantize we could quantize the values but now i go to 16th notes that it's not quantizing the already quantized data that i could quantize the information based on 16th notes or 128th notes so it's not kind of re-quantizing you know it goes back to the original data and then quantizes that and there's also lots of great stuff so if you wanted to you know come over here you could set you know the quantized strength for like kind of a software or iterative quantization you could quantize lengths you quantize the ends of notes and you know so just kind of set up the keyboard shortcuts and you get very fast and powerful with it all right so we see uh question uh where can we hear beatles in stone song that you played a lot of times incomplete version mixed and mastered um so the reason that i use it as a song is it was uh it hasn't been released so there's no like weird youtube copyright information so it's not a released song but after hearing it on the live stream you know a couple months ago we had the you know a lot of people like the song quite a bit and it's composed uh one of the one of the songwriters is uh vince melmet who's long you know i've known him 20 some years and he's a wonderful songwriter and he's kind of a journeyman like seidman keyboard player he's played with you know the eagles during kind of the in the 70s and 80s before they broke up he's played with bob dylan jimmy buffett roseanne cash um so just a wonderful writer so he was a guest on one of our zoom meetups a couple months back and sable loves that song as well so sable reached out to vincent and is doing a cover version of and she's going to be releasing a version so uh but so i don't own the song i just kind of use it um but if you email me i could i could check with vince if it's okay if i just send the version that i kind of prepared to you but i would want to get permission from vince but you could also check out i think vince did a solo record but check out vince melamed m-e-l-a-m-e-d a wonderful musician songwriter in person okay so just see um just a question it says uh i'm on 11 pro to now uh i got a problem when i play my mix and go to my mix don't walk through i get i get and stop and then it goes on let me see if it's continues on um so i'm not sure if you're able to maybe re-ask that question in a different way i'm not sure i'm not sure what the question is with that so if you could let me know maybe ask the question in a different way i'm sorry if i'm being dense all right so we just see from benny a question sometimes when i work fast and do a lot at the same time like nuendo 10 crashes say one of 30 times i run pc with 10 uh six cores and a lot of ram so the computer is strong so you know if you have a particular error message that you're doing you know you you know it seems like you indicated that you were on 10.2 earlier but you know i think 10.3 is a free download from there so make sure that you get uh the latest version of nuendo as well and see if that helps all right we see michael pierce is going to start working on soup so to because it's winter and he doesn't want to have ice cream when it's cold outside so maybe we get started on next week's zoom meet up we get a virtual soup for christmas okay so we have uh just a question uh may sound amateurish but how can i export stems properly naming color each track's audio file starts at the beginning of a cue and end in the queue etc and open them in pro tools all right so the audio file itself isn't going to contain a color so that's not going to be transferred over but all you have to do is come over here you want to set the left and right locators around the project and if you wanted to you could select um just a single event and hit the letter like that is the entire length of the project and hit the letter p so this will be the beginning and the end i'll just do it since we had discussion on beetles and stones i'll show that because this might be less stem like of an origin so let now so i want to come over here i'm going to just hit control or command a select all and then hit the letter p so we've set our left and right locators around kind of the entire song at this point we go to file to export audio mix down so we'll see channel selection you want to click on multiple so here we could say i want to export to stereo mix i want to export my group channels independently my effects channels my instrument tracks and my vst and instruments and my audio channels now at this point if i wanted to have these dry with no effects i could do that if i wanted to include the inserts channel strip which includes the channel eq i could include that i can include the send effects and embed those in and do my master if i wanted to incorporate any master effects processing so you have a lot of flexibility here we choose our different file format probably a wave and you could just have it do whatever sample rate you need there's different naming conventions so if you want to put your name the channel name if you want to put free text in you could choose a destination so if i wanted to have this go to even a mixdown folder in the project and then just hit export audio and that will make your stems that could be loaded into any other daw so set you know select all the events hit p to set the beginning and end point that that sets the left and right locators and export audio mix down and that would do everything but the colors again aren't going to transfer over so um because yeah it's just exporting the wav files so we see uh stefan is just saying you know uh if we you know we could publish the project and then we could have a mixing competition so there are some projects like you could download a project on the steinberg download assistant for cubase 11 already if you wanted to but okay so we just see uh just a question out of curiosity knows that you welcome people to send you problematic projects however it's not an open cloud-centric email like google do people not have size issues so a lot of people will send like we transfer or dropbox you know i get a lot of files via wii transfer i think that's free for uh two gigabytes or so so that should suffice uh but you could just share like a download link to any email address all right so we just see a question about free warp uh track audio events are different from each other okay so they're different files uh inconsistent changes also affect track versions they carry some alterations uh tried to save as different file names same problems um so one thing you know if you're having and this is going back to our question that we're looking at with warps with warping like free warping i think vocal tracks so let me just so if we were back onto like when we're talking about these files here you know but if we've done a lot of warping you know one of the things that you could do is you know try to you know after doing warping you know let's say if you did a new version but just try to do a bounce selection and see if that helps at all so if you just go to the bounce selection here and that should write a new file but yeah if you want to send an email to the project i'd be happy to check it out all right so we have kevin key genius from from the uk checking in thanks for joining the live stream and being a part of the community okay so we have a question uh how to create and save groove agent can you repeat that for me please okay so let's say if i you know had a drum loop here and let's say i have an instance of groove agent i assume this is a um like creating a groove agent preset okay so i will all right and i will just go ahead and slice this all right so now if you just right click um you know you could just export the kit with samples and that should automatically carry it over so just once you have if you're looking to create your own groove agent just right click here and export the kit with samples all right you see michael teams is announcing or john costigan rather is announcing michael teams with the power vested in him as the new postmaster general so that's good all right so we have judy's who is glad to be here from arizona thanks for joining the live stream being part of the community today all right so you see uh hi greg thanks for your videos can i question uh can i see my ur 44c in the inspector tab and use the control room at the same time so i have kind of the same problems with the an axr4 that i use in my studio and what i do is i just take my audio connections and outputs so i think the ur 44c you have four outputs so maybe set your stereo output to just another output like this and then have your control room set to uh your outputs that you want and then you know that's kind of a workaround i know it's not good we're trying to get the yamaha team to change that so that you could have it but if i now add an audio track let me just check to make sure i have a connection on an input so let's say i add a bus and i want this to be mono [Music] and we'll say this going from er 44c input one we'll go to add a track we'll make it a mono so you know try setting it i know it's i know it's awkward and kind of a pain to do so all right so we're seeing feature requests for polyphonic very audio so yep i'll pass that along again okay so we just see a question uh when you detect silence and process is there any setting that glues the events so there won't be any empty space in between so let's say i'll just kind of create a scenario here okay so let's say at this point i had rendered oh let's say we have this and i'll just replace uh i want to do a detect silence on this okay so we'll just choose our threshold all right so we'll compute all right so now if i process all right so now if i come over here and let's i think if i glue these together now this turns it into a part but this part can contain multiple events so even though i've done the detect silence so uh i'm not sure you know most people do the detect silence to get rid of it but if you want it to you know just come there and treat it as a single entity then you could try to glue the parts together and then it would turn those separate you know unsilenced sections into parts that you could move one thing at a time so okay so we see uh why standard composers may want to buy nuendo is it an overkill so you know a couple features so if you're starting to think of compositions with dolby atmos that makes it a big plus also sometimes composers tend to have a lot of picture edits that come in so nuendo does offer reconforming um so like if you've composed you know your entire piece and then the you know the editor comes back our director says you know we cut out 3.29 seconds uh out of this scene so you know make everything fit that you could you know do reconforming you know so there's a you know some some things that nuendo makes sense for composers as well there's you know a lot of those have been kind of migrated into cubase over time but you know but if you are composing and thinking in dolby atmos you know that makes a lot of sense all right we see from tim weinheimer that there's pouring down in southern california so yeah talking to colleagues that are all kind of staying inside today due to weather there you see daniel's just uh loving the new lo-fi uh piano halloween instrument so it's great it's nice very nice of steinberg to offer it free is an early christmas gift for everyone see michael teams just mentioning his helicopters flying over studio i guess we have some secret military helicopter thing in our that flies over our neighborhood here all right all right so we just see question uh so how long until m1 native so steinberg has announced that cubase 12 will be m1 native so when that's released they're just saying early 22. so but make sure that you pressure all of your plug-in companies to be m1 native as well so all right it says we see zozilla the great just apologizing for being late you don't have to worry about apologizing just show up and if you're late you have to hit the like button so that's the only punishment okay let's see if my chat has jumped sorry let me just my chat jumped on me without me noticing so okay let me see if i'm approaching getting caught up let me just check times okay just make sure i didn't miss a whole series of questions okay okay so we see a question from judy i recorded midi tracks from my montage 8 and i want to add a vocal through your 22 interface uh how should the audio inputs outputs be set for having midi and audio through the interface um so you know if you have like i have a very similar interface here so let's say i will come over to let's say i go to my audio connection so let's say if i just have a two in two out interface so you know if you are you know i'm not sure you know if you have the ur 22 only has two inputs um so if you are using the inputs you know so and it also has a you know you you may have usb communications on your uh on your montage 8 being set to transmit midi information but that doesn't necessarily carry the audio even though there could be a mode in the montage where it transmits as an audio interface so you may have so i'm not sure if you you know when we're working with cubase we could basically have one usb audio interface at a time as defined here in your audio system so you may see like your steinberg ur 22 you may also see like the yamaha montage so you know when we have midi information being sent to the montage you know and we could have it transmit audio but it's not going to have like a microphone preamp uh and that's why you have the ur22 so i'm not sure if you have a mixer so many people will take the audio outputs of keyboards into a mixer and the mixer can then also monitor the signals out of the audio interface so some people will take treat their audio interface as a mixer so you could take you know the midi going over usb to your montage and then the audio outputs of the montage we could connect as sometimes as an external instrument if you have cubase pro and we could do that but that's going to eat that's going to use both of your inputs on the ur-22 so if you've are continuously monitoring the ur 22 you know so many people if you know what a lot of people will do is to record the audio play the midi from the montage and record it as an audio file directly into cubase so you have that then once that's been recorded as audio you could connect a microphone and we could go to your audio connections and at this point we'll say okay let's just go to our inputs and we'll say okay i wanted to have this go into input one of my audio interface add an audio track here go to the audio we say okay we want this going into you know this particular input and as we add our track we could record the signal from the microphone so some people will use kind of their audio interface as a mixer for their external keyboards but you know once you but if you need to use that connection for a microphone try just to you know unplug the keyboard after recording the audio so play the sequence the midi is sent out to the montage the audio out of the montage is connected to the audio inputs of the ur22 once that's been recorded that connection can be disconnected and then connect your microphone and sing over top all right so we see a feature request for multi-track free warping so we see lots of people have had that we'll pass it along again uh wonderful to see mandy lane on the live stream thanks for joining all right so we just see how do i slice loops in cubase i got some old akai cds um so you know any time that you you know we have loops so let's say if i just wanted to take a drum loop here i'll just go to a different project so if you have the sampler track so say i come right over here and i have an empty sampler track i could take a my loops and drag it right in and then i could just slice so once i've created slices each key is now just been sliced up directly that way at this point we see this little midi icon i could drag this directly to my timeline and then each of these notes represents the slice with the rhythmic position now we could also do slices inside of groove agent as well so if i wanted to come here i could take a drum loop from your kai cds drag it to a pad click on the slice options and click on create slices now each of these slices will automatically be assigned to a particular pad and if we go to the patterns it will create a pattern that is going to be and this pattern is in essence just triggering these slices in the same order and at this point you could manipulate slices so you could do that a couple different ways also if you just wanted to kind of slice within the sample editor you could come over here go to the hit points and we'll just say okay we're going to create your slices based on hit points and i could just say okay now that we've created slices at this point i could double click and if i wanted to quantize to you know eighth notes or quarter notes i could just select the events and quantize those as well so a couple different options there mandy um so all right great to see marcos on the live stream uh says greg any version any of wavelab is for mastering than any daw cubase so you know i would say that you know wavelab is going to be a purpose-built solution for mastering you know whereas dawes you know some people would do processing but if you want to do a lot of mastering wavelab is probably a better tool you know it's just kind of a a tool set that's really designed for mastering so all right so we have jean marie horvat on the live stream wonderful to see you jean-marie thanks for joining he could be our celebrity audio engineer attendee for today one of them okay we have a question uh is there a quicker way to get the graphic pics of vst plugins without one by one loading them into a project and then clicking on the photo button uh so with plugins that's going to be the fastest way so if you're not familiar with this let's say if i go to uh add a particular audio track here let's say i'll just quickly add an instrument track you know and it's always helpful if uh let me just sorry add an audio track here you know if you know manufacturers have the abilities to generate these as well but let's say if i'm in this particular plug-in you know they're if we want to see like the pretty iconic like icons that when we come over here to vst effects and we go to you know where we see these pretty pictures you have to kind of come over here and just kind of click on the actual camera icon so you know as i do it i just kind of you know like as i add plugins i just do it once you know it takes you know a matter of seconds to really do so but there there isn't like a batch way of doing it and you can update kind of the status view of the particular uh instruments as well so if you don't like the default one you could override those as well so but they're really using a quicker way than doing it one by one sorry about that okay so we just see from a question from dan freeman i need to record a political public meeting on cubase not copywritten does uh cubase do that or do you have any recommendations so yeah you could definitely record any audio into cubase so no problems doing that you know so while we think of it as like a music production system you know there's people that go out and you know make sounds for cars and record you know all sorts of different you know forensic audio you know investigational audio capturing podcasts you know cubase is used for all that so it's a it's a great tool for that all right so we're seeing fun horror stories of bad plane landings i'm reading about so i could share plenty from thousands of flights i've done so all right all right so we have uh trinidad and tobago in the house from barry williams thanks for joining our live stream all right we have nick on okay so we just see uh and just going back to our our question previously so does the midi need to run through the interface to work together i've tried to hook up the mic and set a track but it doesn't sound so you know the midi can run into the uh can run from the montage into the you know into the midi in of the ur22 interface but but both of them could also work just over usb connection so probably by default the montage would transmit the midi information over usb um and when you're if you're not hearing anything with the microphone judy make sure that when you go to the audio connections that you go to the inputs and that you know this input is defined so if you're connecting like a microphone we could say okay i want to add a bus and we could choose to add a mono bus make sure that we have we tell what physical connection on ur 22 input 1 or 2 is being utilized and then when we go to add an audio track make sure that we have the correct input set here so if it's it may default to stereo in and if you're just connected to you know if you haven't set that if you haven't defined the inputs and create a mono input you could use either the mono input if it's been defined or just the left input if you're an input one or the right input if you're an input two now to hear it you wanna make sure that you have monitor enable then you should see signal as you talk and as you increase the gain now if it is a condenser microphone there's a switch i think it's on the back on the ur-22 depending which ur22 you have that may say 48v and that's phantom power so if you have a condenser microphone you may need to flip that switch so that the phantom power is turned on so uh and as you bring the gain up the volume on the front panel you could adjust you once this is in you should start seeing the meters show up here and then you could arm the track for record all right so we just see a comment from uh can emery can the fader set to quantize setting is why i use cubase for my daw choice i mean look what cubase can do that other software developers can't even imagine i'm a fan of cubase that's great i think that was uh jay's question from friday okay so we have a question about ghost notes when selecting two how do i lock the view so i can add notes for b which is already on a every time i double click to add a note b switches to a okay so i don't understand a question let me just try to reread it again so i'm not sure if you're in the midi editor or drum editor or if it's an audio event or the sampler tracks it maybe uh best korean jesus if you could just give us some more information i'm sorry i don't know where to kind of start with that sorry for misunderstanding on my part all right so we see um from uh matt elder says will the zoom invite to be linked in the discord so i will try to have the zoom invite up i'll post it in friday's live stream for tuesday so i don't think we'll try to have a special guest we'll just kind of have a little holiday celebration for a week from today so but i'll i'll create the link and get it posted on friday and then if you know people want to share it in the discord that'd be fine i just see mark raymond just asking uh is there a zoom today so we'll we'll do the zoom next tuesday and i'll take the um and that'll be the last live stream we do for the year with the holidays people have something better to do on new year's eve and christmas eve all right so we have graham witcher from royal bouton bassett thanks for joining all right uh so we have a question from uh kerwin young says in cubase slash nuendo how can we customize the score editor to export the track names with each export for new projects or must just be done manually for each project okay so let's take a look i will okay so let's say we have uh look at our score editor here okay so it's how can we customize the score editor to export the track names with each export for new projects um okay so let's see if i okay so here is the to export to track name so when we look at this we'll see we opened up i'll just call this track kerwin okay and i will hold down shift key and that's what the event will be named we'll go to our score editor so it's now it's going to be called kerwin all right so i will oops sorry i spelled it wrong let me just okay so export tracking with each export for new projects or all right so let's say if i do let's see and if i'm misunderstanding this curl and just let me know um when i go to i'll say import tracks from project okay let me just okay i'm just going to import this track and we'll see if the score names carry over [Music] so it looks like that carried over there so if this is then like the track name that you're talking about in the score editor let me know kerwin i'm afraid i may be misunderstanding but if you could just let me know all right so we have a question how can i route my external instrument a yamaha psr um psr dash sx900 as an instrument track so all you have to do and you can do this in cubase pro uh but if you go to your audio connections you'll see an external instruments tab so at this point we want to add an external instrument so just call this psr sx900 okay and once we have this set up we need to tell it what you and we need to take the audio outputs of that particular instrument and connect it directly into the to inputs of our audio interface so this is when it's helpful to have an interface that has more inputs uh other than like you know just a two in two out so once we defined where that input is connected i can now come over here let's add an instrument track i will look under external and then we could say i just wanted to add my psr and then i could just play my external instrument and the run it through all of the effects eqs i would on a normal um you know directly on a normal track so you know at that point it's basically taking the audio outs of the instrument and feeding it directly to inputs of the audio interface all right my chat field jumped at me again sorry about that okay so we just see how to use wavelab se [Music] in cubase i don't see it in the editor's choices so i'm not sure if se may not connect um so let's say when i come over here we could just say you know if i have an audio event so you know the se is a very limited version of that i don't even think i have se installed on any of my systems but let me just you know so when you come here to audio you can see you know edit and wave lab and that will launch wavelab pro and then i could do editing and kind of go back and forth but the the se version may not have the two-way communication it may be more just kind of like a standalone editor but if you want to email me at uh club cubase at i could be happy to kind of check it out just to find out to make sure that i don't have a copy installed in this system thanks jaz dude for letting me know that the chat jumped without me realizing all right so we just see uh will cubase going to support windows 11 ui with modern context menus etc so you know there's a lot of things that might be more kind of operating system specific that don't necessarily uh you know tie into uh like user interface designs of steinberg and realize that we have to kind of keep user interface elements kind of as platform independent as possible so that they work across mac and pc so i haven't heard of much plans for you know for modern context menus or many people wanting that but i'll pass it along all right uh so we have a question uh hi greg can you show us uh how to use the vocal harmony function all right so let me just jump back to a different project so when we have this and this works best in conjunction with uh the chord track so let's say if i have this going on so i'm going to just kind of figure out the chords [Music] from the piano event here so once i do this i'm going to go to my project menu and i'm going to go to chord track and i'm going to say create chord symbols this will now populate and create a chord track if you don't have a chord track and so that we could see this so now if i wanted to just take a little section we'll just listen [Music] so let's say i want to take that uh phrase where she said leading a lot leaving a lie or whatever the exact lyric was so i want to take just that little section so now that we know kind of what the chords are um i will come over here to my audio menu and go to generate harmony voices and you can say okay i'll just and now that we've done that now the the harmonies that we just created or will be correct based on a chord so once you create the chord track you select it and then you could automatically create uh up to four harmonies at once all right so i just see a question that's probably going back to wavelab sc says a question uh is wavelab a separate program so yes wavelab is a separate program than cubase the two do have some links between them um i just see also some confusion on if the ur interface has midi and uh and or just usb so it's the the ur22 does have midi in and out so you are 22 44 824 they all have midi capabilities did you see a question uh does this apply to cubase elements 11 as well just got on so sorry that i'm so far behind i'm not sure what that was so it's kind of out of context so but if you want to uh just remind me and give me some context drew of uh if what feature was in cubase elements 11 sorry might have been something i did 20 minutes ago 30 minutes ago but you see that jazz dude has uh posted a comparison chart uh all right so i see hi greg any update on the fix for the cubase ic pro app for the iphone still not working on the latest last ios 15.2 update ic pro still crashing so i haven't heard of anything but i didn't know that it was crashing with 15.2 um but i could if you want to send me an email i could follow up and see and i could try it i don't think i had the latest ios version of my ipad all right uh so we see a question is there a way to put my monitors in uh high graphics mode or in higher display mode so it's really kind of at the operating system level but if you're running windows you can go to preferences you know because in windows if you go to preferences into general you could enable there will be like a little button here we don't see it on mac os but there's a button that says enable high dpi so you could turn that on and if you have a high dpi monitor and display card um that you could turn on high dpi and there's different high dpi scaling so if you have that all set up for your system then you should be good to go all right michael teams wants people to smash the like buttons all right as we see question um hi greg in old versions it was possible to click the top ruler and the locators both left and right together would jump to the clicked location uh is it possible to do in new versions i don't remember that functionality but i know that if you hold down like command or control or alt or option that you could just click um but and i know that you could drag this but i don't remember it kind of moving based on clicking but you know if you wanted to set the left or right locators so on my mac keyboard it's just going to be um like you know option and control so i think it's alt or option and command i think it's alt control on windows so let me know if that helps okay so it says i would like to record two octaves in my voice and turn that into an instrument uh not half uh not have cubase create all the pitches based off one tone is this can this be done in the sampler yeah so any you know if you have like a let me just see if i come over here see if i can find like maybe like an ooh or something like that all right so say you know if someone just recorded something like this [Music] all right and i just wanted to use one one phrase of it i could just kind of choose my start an end point and then yeah you could do different loops but yeah you could definitely do that so if we activate audio warp you know so all sorts of stuff that you could do so let's say if i just want to put this into and you could obviously kind of set the loop points better than i did but yeah so just you could take one one song word and drop an example or track and play it okay so you see maybe a clarification says that when i have two of the midi sections selected okay so let's see if i could recreate this from okay let's do something okay so okay so it says when i have two of the midi sections selected i could draw notes on b where there are no overlaps of a i want to be able to draw a sixteenth note on a bar of a without it changing views so i'm not sure if this is parts are stacked so let me just see okay so let's say if i come here okay so i'm not sure uh for best screen jesus if these are stacked [Music] so let's say two or if it's within one part so it says uh when i have two midi sections selected i can draw notes on b where there are no overlaps of a i want to be able to draw a 16th note on bar of a without it changing views so [Music] let's say if i'm here so i'm not sure if you wanted to do just something like that to draw that note without changing views but you could probably also so but i'm not sure if the parts are stacked or if you have multiple tracks so if you have multiple tracks you know you could obviously all right and i will say duplicate this particular track okay so if i'm here we could just all right let me just change the name conventions here all right so say i have these two selected i'm in the editor and i want to and let me just change one of these sets [Music] all right so say if i'm here um so i want to be able to draw a 16th note on a bar of a without it changing views so if we have both of these selected so i think it's going to um and i'll just change the color of this maybe to illustrate this slightly differently so let's say well green will make it very christmassy and i'll change my color scheme so let me just all right so we'll say to part right so we'll have kind of red and blue you know so if if i wanted to draw a 16th note let's say i'm in like the green is the active part or the red is the active part i could now just draw notes in here [Music] but still see both parts together so as soon as i make this the active partner's keyboard shortcuts for this so let me know if that's what you're doing if it's parts that are like multiply selected or if they're on top or stacked on top of each other sorry if i'm not getting it all right so just see like when i in further clarification when i double click even on uh even if i have b selected it will pull up mpe or delete the note a so if it's you know once i'm here you know as soon as you know so there is a preference where if you double click so you know if i wanted to switch the active part you could just click if they're both visible you could just kind of click on one of the parts and that will switch the active part from the inactive part and you can see the r1 gets kind of diminished in colors so but let me know if i'm kind of going down the right path for you sorry about that all right see nice comment from mark raven just um see if i could find it back sorry about my chat fields jumping a lot today so just saying uh thanks for my patience and intuition answering our endless questions of course i had to come after one that i probably didn't understand but sorry about that but let me know if i'm kind of going the wrong way okay so to see from kerwin young just saying thanks craig my issue is with the names not showing up in dorco but i've been able to solve the problem thanks so i think if you just kind of drag and drop it may not carry the name over but it would carry the the midi data like the midi information within the part but probably not the name see pablo's broken the cardinal rule and mentioned coffee in the middle of a live stream when i have like an hour to go so uncool anyway [Music] i just want a coffee now but if i had a coffee then i would have to take lots of bathroom breaks so okay uh so i just see um i'm new to this does cubase have beat mapping like in acid so i'm not sure what beat mapping in acid is um so um but you know you could take any audio from you know i mean acid was obviously known for being able to take you know different loops and [Music] you know and so once we're here we can say okay i have this particular loop and my tempo is at 120 beats a minute that we could place it into musical mode and as we play i could just come here and have it automatically follow the beat so i want to go to 144. so you know any of the audio can be placed into musical mode once it knows once cubase knows what the tempo is which most loops would do but if i'm misunderstanding just let me know but i haven't seen acid in a decade or two okay so we have a question how can uh take a synth bass and multi-band route it to low mid in high bands where i can example have distortion and chorus on the mid band and reverb on the high band channel okay so let's say i want to take a synth bass part let me just okay let's come over here let's do quick retro log all right [Music] okay so let's say we're gonna have this um all right so if i wanted to have distortion on one you know one of one of the things you could do is let's say as i wanted to come here so you know you could do people do different kind of uh multi-band chains if you wanted to kind of be able to split notes but you know one of the great things is you could also just say okay if i wanted like mid-range like distortion in the mid-range for this base uh i will come over here just to my audio inserts and one of the great plug-ins is you could just go to quadraphus 2. so now i could say okay i just want it to have you know at this point let's say i just want only distortion in these particular frequency ranges so i could say okay let's just so now i'm only having distortion in [Music] in this frequency range and i could adjust you know the frequency range if you wanted to so um so if i wanted to do that and you know right after so you if i want to do this by ascend if you want to do this all at once um i could just say okay i wanted to take this let's add a send effect so i will add an effects channel track to this and let's make it a distortion so we'll come over here to magneto or not magneto but quadra fuzz okay so i come over here i'll just get rid of that so i just want um distortion only on these particular frequencies so [Music] and when i come here to the quadruphase i could just say let's come over to um where my quadruphase is as an insert and now i just wanted a chorusing on that particular frequency so now if i put the coursing after i could now so the chorusing is only in the mid-range frequency [Music] so you know you could do stuff like that and another method if you wanted to just have reverb on the highs is just to come over here i could add a track and we could say okay i'm going to add an another effects channel to the selected channels and i wanted to add um let's say a reverb so let's add revelation so now when we play but i could go to the revelation reverb i'm gonna move this down a slot and just put in a i think we could even go to like the panner or the spatial um so i'm gonna come over here and just get to the imager plugin and i only want uh band like my high frequencies to split so now i could have the reverb only on the high frequencies [Music] and that's all that we will hear is just going to be that particular reverb on the high frequency so we could kind of split frequency ranges of instruments and effect sends in a couple different ways but you know check out like the multi-band distortion here and you know using something like the imager plug-in and then you could just kind of sello you know just if you wanted to just have the reverb only on the high frequencies you could just kind of solo that and kind of split the frequency range before it hits the reverb see mark raven is saying he got his vaccination booster and he swears he plays better now so that's great better musicianship through science alright so i just see a question from don m says uh does anyone know what interface would work with cubasis on android tab a7 i've done an exhaustive search and nothing even with steinberg um so i don't have an android tabs up maybe someone else was i know on chromebooks i think the ur12 works um on chromebooks but i'm not sure with the galaxy tab a7 if it works all right so we have peter checking in for montreal all right if you've learned something new make sure you do hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that just reading through comments here all right uh hi greg how would you insert an audio plug-in on stereo out but only for monitoring example automatically disabling when exporting to an audio file could this be done with the control room maybe so yeah definitely in the control room because the control room is just a monitoring path so a lot of people use this for like maybe something like sonarworks which is kind of like a room correction reverb so if you go to the control room what you want to do is uh click on the main tab and then just go to inserts and then you could have up to eight inserts here then when you go to export the audio this path isn't actually uh in the path of the audio mix sound it's just the monitoring path so just run it as an insert so again go to the main tab you want to click on the main tab here and then click on inserts and then you could have a plug-in that will be processed for monitoring that you don't have to you know remember to turn off every time so that it's not included with the audio mix down like a room correction so there you see randy lee's viewing from his phone just got back from his foot doctor thanks for joining all right uh so we just see question um hi greg how can i integrate my midi hardware patch lists and banks like for my oberheim matrix 1000 so i can add it as a midi instrument track and browse through my patches and sound banks and menus all right so yeah it was always an interest that's the one that just had like numbers for the presets but it had presets in it um so a lot of times what you may need to do is if we come over here let's see if there might even be and this is there could be patch maps floating around but if we go to uh more options and it's good to your midi device manager so we could install a device there's a good chance that you might be able to find like a cubase patch script floating around that's kind of the era all right so if you actually [Music] see um let me just google real quick and see so you don't have to create this all right um all right so here is the actual editor that you could install let me see all right let me just so here's the device panel that you could install [Music] all right so but if you could find the patch script so that that's the panel is a good one to have but what you would do is just kind of come over here and say okay i want it um you know if you have let's say like proteus two still have one um and at this point we could say okay this is going to be connected you can say open device and then you'll see patch banks so here you could actually see um all of the different patch scripts and you could actually just double click and type and you could set the you know the program change messages all directly from here so once that is set up and you could copy this into the scripts folder under preferences if you find that one but um so if i add a midi track at this point i will come over here and say okay i want this going out to my proteus 2 we would choose a connection and i could now see all my patch scripts just kind of like that so that's how you can see your patch name so i'm not sure you know i always remember the matrix 1000 as just being kind of you know three numbers and you went through like the 1000 patches that way but if there was actually patched names for it i don't remember if there was okay reading through okay so i see best screen jesus will send a video to the a b midi question all right so we just see uh question hello greg is it possible to lower project pitch for vsti in cubase i have folk recording with the pitch lowered approximately minus 20 30 cents and would like to add some vsti instruments thank you so you know midi itself isn't going to necessarily you know follow any pitch changes that you do in audio but a lot of instruments can be detuned so let's say if i just wanted to come let's look see if we could see it in retrolog so if i come here to retrolog we could adjust like the pitch here so let's say if i wanted this to be 420 so you could do tuning there within the particular instruments if i had howling in sonic s e um all right so let's say if i'm here and i have hanging sonic s e you could also adjust tuning here so it's really more of a matter of the instrument if it supports it so if i say okay i want this to be you know 410 you know it looks like you go down go down to uh like 35 or 25 cents up and down so so just try adjusting that um but you could always record the midi uh and then you have that midi recording as audio and pitch shifted down if the instruments you want to use don't support that okay so we just see uh hello greg a lot of my question uh a lot of my studio clients excuse me turn my phone off um are asking when i bounce down the master projects to give them a omf file as opposed to a regular multiple stems file is that better to do generally not there's no real advantage of an omf file you know in the old days it was you know maybe the person is importing it directly into like a video program that's hard to just load in stems but usually most audio programs you know omf could lack some functionality you know like i think even dual like stereo files or split to mono so it's kind of an older standard you know it's maybe 20 years it was pretty common to to migrate information between different daws aaf is kind of an updated version of that but most people i know will just simply you know exchange different stem files um and that's more common but you could do it there's no real benefits of omf unless the person is maybe doing a video where they they can't really handle multi-track audio well okay so just see uh so they still kind of have this available here but uh from about the a and b part from best screen jesus it says uh perhaps draw a 16th note on one of those green bars let's see if we can do this quickly okay so let's say if i want to draw a green note here let's say i'll just put a 16th note [Music] okay so now if i wanted to click on green or red [Music] so it says i'd like to uh lock it so that i could draw counter melodies and arpeggios onto longer notes you know so if you know so depending which one but if you have a video that could uh i could recreate kind of the similar scenario that you have but you know you could see that pretty clearly but i guess if you have this part selected you may not see the the red underneath but you know just kind of clicking on that particular pad or there's a keyboard shortcut for go to next part to indicate that and another way to do this also might be on this kind of vintage midi stuff but you know looking at it in the list editor as well you kind of get a graphic representation here and then you could see all of the events uh whether you know so this way you could you know perhaps draw different elements in as well if that makes sense but if you send a send me a link to like a video file that'd be great all right uh so you see a question from mitch uh greg i've recorded a midi part some notes are extremely close to each other uh say a flam type instance sometimes when i select the midi event i want to change velocity on and then try to lower or raise the velocity on the lower half of the screen every time i draw the change um in velocity it selects the note i don't want to that's next to it uh what am i doing wrong all right so let's just create a scenario here i'll just do maybe like a quick 30-second note i'll just do this in a quick drum editor okay so let's say and now you can switch this to six i'll just switch it to 60 fourths here for this particular note [Music] okay okay so uh it says every time i draw a change in the velocity it selects the note i don't want to that's next to it all right so let's say i want to take this note um all right so there kind of i went to the next note but one other way that you might help is if you just select the velocity here and then you could increase and let's say if these notes are really close you know so let's say if i come here um any hold down control or command plus shift you could just go over the selected note just like that so that may be more accurate than having to kind of draw in if you move the mouse inadvertently but also you know just if you select this note here you could just adjust velocity from the info line so maybe some try some of those and see if that helps all right so we just see is there a way to have a global question um sorry about that you said email pop in so uh so question is there a way to have a global key command to move objects left or right no matter if it's an event or a midi note all right so let's say we'll come here i wanted to move this event so i think it's so i'm just using uh control plus left and right arrows for for the events on the project window [Music] when we double click here so just it's a controller command plus left or right arrows and that will move it based on this snap value uh here on the grid value so if i move select quarter notes i can now move it quarter notes and if i'm on the main project window you know if i have this set to [Music] uh quarter notes here so let's say i have grid and let's say if i want this on bars i can move it by bars or use the quantize value so it's the same key command so control or command plus the left and right arrows and that can move events on the timeline all right uh so we see how can i limit the insert slots so on the inspector we're going to see kind of the full range of audio inserts if we're in like the large full size mixer we can see all of the inserts here and um let me just find a quick setting here okay so now if we come over here so if i say uh this little drop down menu just to the right of racks we could say fixed number of slots so you can see all 16 inserts but if i only want to see one more than the insert number of inserts that i have in the project i could uncheck that in the main mix console too uh but i don't think that carries over into the lower zone mixer or the inspector but you could do it on the uh on the large full screen mixer okay reading uh are you reading more questions and comments thanks for all the great questions and once again if you learned something new make sure that you do hit the like button that enables us to continue to do these live streams okay just read through more questions and comments so all right uh so i just see can i turn cubase into a loop station so what i know some people will do for kind of create a looper type of function you know is just kind of come over here and they'll you know maybe start a quick so let's say we have a number of audio tracks and there's already no limit so i know people that will and people do this kind of like a looper functionality like you know they normally have so let's say you're recording so let's say okay we're play record and then once you're happy you could just like go to the i'll put it into cycle that would help so let's say okay so i have that part looped and i want to punch in on this part and then you could just move down and the other tracks are playing and as you do this you could just hit a foot switch at the end of the loop and say oh okay maybe i didn't like this take you know i'm not feeling that one it'll just kind of automatically keep going i like that performance let's get to the next track okay and then you can say okay what i just played was terrible you have no switch it just mutes it let's go to the next track okay and then you can just continue to so i've seen lots of people kind of do live looping type of workflows just like that so okay reading through comments thanks for all the great questions all right uh so it says i have a question here today i had a client that came in and wanted to import mp4 files but couldn't get it to do it uh and and have to actually play it in real time is there a way to import mp4 files so you know there's um you know there's mp3 files and you know which are audio mp4 files can contain audio or video so um but a lot of these are i'm assuming that this is probably straight off of a phone um so there isn't a way to do that so you're probably better off sonically just actually you know recording a line output um so but it it depends you know it's kind of now just a container type that's often just like someone sang into their phone and they want that to automatically be carried over so but a lot of times stuff like that doesn't um you know that won't import directly in those standards and are kind of evolving constantly okay so we have a question says uh hi great tip um regarding moving clips i'm just uh switching to nuendo from pro tools where i'm nudging clips all the time is there a way to do this innuendo so if you wanted to nudge you know there is kind of a nudge palette so once you come over here you could say okay now that we have um so let me just come over here you know so you could just say okay i wanted to move these events so just kind of like what we were doing you could also choose to uh trim the end or beginning so if you wanted to just you know as we come over here and there's keyboard shortcuts for all of these so let's say so at this point you know so we could move the events like this we could also just truncate the beginning or we could just trim the end or trim the end to the right so you could do all these kind of nudging directly there so just go to like the settings and then you know just go to the nudge palette and you could do that based on the grid settings all right so um okay so just see the way you showed me was set to the grid value right i want to nudge by samples if possible so you know if you come over here you know you could have a a master you know and a secondary time so let's say if i just wanted to nudge by you know so i'm gonna hit the period key like just a little bit over and to the right on my numeric on my computer keyboard and that could switch between like bars and beats and your secondary time position so let's say if i just wanted to nudge something by 10 samples i could come over here and say okay i want to use the quantize value when i come to my secondary and again that's just a period key on the computer keyboard and now when i nudge and we could watch kind of the value here so hit the period key and now when i go to nudge we could see that the start and end positions will just be b so i could do all my editing in bars and beats and switch to samples or if i want it if i'm doing more traditional posts i could say i wanted time code so i could have if i wanted to adjust by one frame you know i could take this event here adjust by one frame i want to go to samples hit period and then my nudge value i can just set to one sample or to 10 samples so once again period and they retain their different uh grid types when you switch between primary and secondary display format so then you can nudge in different times very easily okay so we have a question uh for some reason my sustain pedal has been assigned to some sort of command that pans the first track available in cubase hard right how can i find that command list and remove it so it's probably going to be set up maybe in a generic remote or maybe something like a mackie control so if we go to your studio menu go to studio setup and then at that point um go to like your generic remote and you'll probably see that uh like sustain pedal like control name and maybe set up for like controller 64 or whatever so you would see that your the midi message is probably going through a remote controller that's setting the particular values so you could you know choose to delete this you may have like a mackie control set to all midi inputs as opposed to like a dedicated port where stuff like this could happen so that's probably where that midi message is actually sneaking in so and causing the the panning to be adjusted okay so we just see a question slash feature request can it please become possible for snapping in the project window to be relative to the zoomed out level uh i've seen this humbly requested before so it kind of does that already so there is so let's say i'm at bars and beats here so we could come over here and we see the grid setting for adapt adapt to zoom so right now at this level [Music] i'm going to let's i'll just move this to okay so right now at this point um let's say i'll just move this event here to it's going to snap to half notes so if i zoom out a little bit i'll it'll just allow us to zoom at half notes so let's say go out a little more at this point it's just going to be at the bar we zoom in and now i could snap to quarter note zoom in further it will snap so as we do this it's going to snap to eighth notes we zoom in 16th notes so all you have to do is set the grid to adapt to zoom level um so you do that and then as you zoom in now it will just kind of automatically follow your your grid settings based upon your zoom setting so we thought it was a cool thing too and that's why they added it all right so just see uh question hi greg recorded old atari songs into cubase by midi in but the sync wonders out of time so the midi doesn't line up in time how do i fix this after the fact okay so i guess you took the output of the atari okay so um so you know i if you could uh i'm not sure if you actually were synchronized like if you did like a midi time code synchronization between the two or if you just kind of freewheeled it but you know if you have um you know if you have cubase set to resolve to time code so we could come over here go to the transport to the project synchronization settings and you know you could just have cubase like you know come over here and say activate external sync and look for midi time code and that way the two will be resolved to each other so i'm not sure if you just kind of you know hit play in one or if it was actually uh synchronizing via midi time code so okay okay so just see with this snap to grid says uh i meant on a macro level so he zoomed out in a whole project the whole arrangement and then it still snaps to single bars so i think you know it's going to be single bars will be the highest um range but let's say if i have this if so i think it might be the highest level might be the measure when you're using kind of uh using the adapt to zoom okay so i know we had a couple questions let's get to some of those before um thanks for all the great questions that people have asked all right sorry let me mute so i think it might be the highest level might be the measure when you're using all right sorry just using the adapt all right um okay so i know we had a couple questions all right let me just turn my volume down my monitoring computer sorry about this okay um all right so we have a question how to click in the project window to set the playback position so a lot of times when people are here and they want to play back starting right here they click and they could select the event so you know we can now there's an option for click to uh click on empty space but let me just show a different scenario so let's say if we're back on this project where we have data kind of all through the project and we don't have empty spaces all right so so if i come here and i want to navigate to an empty space we could click on an empty space but if there's an event there um and i'll show you the preference for so let's say it might be under editing uh maybe project and mix console for click on empty space uh maybe under transport so locate when clicked on empty space but if i wanted to navigate to click exactly where i was we could come over here to the preferences i believe that this is set by default in cubase but maybe not nuendo i just ran into this with uh jim messina from logins and messina over the weekend but if i wanted to go to [Music] my tool modifiers and go to the select tool there will be a set position so we could say i just wanted to go to option plus shift so now as i play i can hold down option or alt plus shift and now as you click it'll just navigate directly there as opposed to selecting the event so now that's how you could navigate freely so by default it'll be alt or option plus shift but if that doesn't work or if you wanted to change the modifier just come over here to editing to tool modifiers to select tool and you'll see a set position and then you could change that there all right so we had a question uh can you explain what the different colors mean in very audio when the segment color is set to chord track slash pitch okay so let's go ahead all right i think my mouse battery may have died let me just um adjust a couple things here real quick open up my track pad all right so all right so when we have a very audio we could come over here and just say all right so i'm going to have my chord track and we'll go to our chord track we'll say create chord symbols so now when we go into very audio i'll just make it large here so you can see it a little easier and we have the color scheme set to chord track all right so we see green notes we'll see red notes and blue notes so green notes means that those segments fall within the chord uh blue notes mean that this is within the scale you may al there's we'll call it an aqua and then you may see a bright blue note and a bright blue note indicates that that note is within the chord but that but the note is not within the scale that's been determined and then you'll see red notes and red notes are out of key and out of scale so you think red bad um so kind of easy stuff to remember with that all right and we had a question um did cubase get its name from the process of arranging scoring queues in performance with early sequencer software so um i remember talking with manfred rurip who is one of the founders of steinberg was him and he and charlie steinberg were the founders and last time i was in hamburg i think 2019 uh you know i always try to make it a point to go out and get lunch with him and we're just kind of talking about a lot of early stuff so i think originally they were trying to call it qubit but around the same time that they were doing there was a computer game i think i remember the arcade game that was called qubit so you know they kind of had the whole program and ready to do the whole this story i was told so they're ready to kind of do the whole marketing push in a couple days before they just randomly picked cubase uh from qubit so that's how the name um cubase came about so all right let's come back to some of the live questions sorry my mouse i'm using just died on me so okay uh so we have a question will my cubase 7 artist projects load into the latest cubase yes so you can go back to cubase sx1 uh in those file formats or nuendo one from 1999 they will load up no problems all right we see gareth has made the live stream you're so glad you can make it i hope you got the bass line okay so see gareth got the baseline hope is okay okay uh so we see a question uh in the mixer screen um there's a drop down menu with a choice eq [Music] just make sure um so you see in the mixer screen there's a drop down choice of the menu choice for eq filter transition uh hard or soft what eq are they talking about the channel eq on the inspector so yes that is with the channel eq all right so we gareth is asking if i had a hamburger while i was having lunch in hamburg so i think we actually did have hamburgers that day so but it was nice but there is a lot of seafood in hamburg as well okay so we see uh what does the audio performance meter actually mean i'm in the ryzen 5950 with 128 gigs of ram and even when i'm in a fully light project the meter is above 50 so it could really depend you know a lot of times people may run one instrument and load up like 20 sounds in one instrument and if you you're doing it in one instrument that could you know basically you know many instruments will only utilize one cpu core so that as you're playing back multiple sounds within a single instrument you could be you know so it's showing your audio real-time performance so you know as you're doing you know as plug-ins don't scale across multiple cpus depending on how they're used that could give you kind of high ratings like high cpu or a high audio performance meter settings when you think that you shouldn't be expecting it um so i just see greg what part of cubase have you lately found unexpected depth um i think you know i was working on device panels with someone and you know it's not something that's as popular today but you know there's a lot of stuff you could do with that but yeah i'm always discovering new things and you know i generally will learn something new on every live stream all right so with that we're gonna we're out of time i want to thank everyone for all of the wonderful questions we'll see you on friday and again next tuesday we'll have our zoom meetup slash christmas party so i wanna uh i'll have different op different um i'll have the zoom meetup info for friday's live stream but everyone please stay safe and healthy and um i just see your quick question uh how often are the live streams we do it tuesdays and fridays we'll take some time off for the holidays but we do it twice a week so with that we'll end the live stream everyone please stay safe and healthy goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 5,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: xh4y1tM_yC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 40sec (14380 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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