How to make a MICRO BUNKER in Minecraft!

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as you guys know I have built a handful of bunkers in my time I personally absolutely love building them and you guys apparently love watching them I'll put links to those videos down in the description but generally speaking these things are usually quite big and quite clunky so today we're going to be building this tiny little thing right here now what we've got is a seven by five room and we're going to fill this in up with a ton of really useful contraptions first things first we've got to create the entrance into this place now generally speaking I would create some form of trap door but we're not going to be doing that today because trap doors are easily detectable as when they're open they tend to turn the grass into dirt sand if I'm walking along and I just see a random dirt Blanca in the middle of like a grassy field probably going to break that block and I'm probably going to find some form of secret base underneath it so instead we're going to be building a sort of hybrid triple piston extender all we're going to do is we're going to place a block under where we want to drop down and then we're going to have two sticky pistons facing upwards and a sticky piston off to one side and then we're going to have slime blocks in like an L shape going around like this with a grass block up at the top and that is going to be extended outwards so that is flush with the floor now I'm just going to warn you this circuit is a little bit odd we're going to have a block right here and this is going to be our input and for the time being I'm going to place in a button just so that we can test it all out but then we're going to have a redstone torch on top we're going to have an observer facing upwards right there and that's going to be going into a movable object where that redstone dust on top and of course we are going to be using a lot of a movable object just because we're using slime blocks here and we need to make sure that well things don't get dragged along with them but then we're going to have some redstone dust thrown across like this we're going to have a repeater set to four ticks running into that block right there and we're going to take a repeater output from that one and that's going to be running into this observer which is going to have an another a movable object right there we've redstone dust on top of it then you just want to place in a block out the back right here with redstone dust there a repeater set a four ticks we've redstone dust right there and that should hopefully be everything completed so if we take out a few of these blocks and make sure that there's no blocks for this thing to stick to when we hit this button we get the full extension and then it spits out so that grass block right there is completely flush with our floor and then when we hit the button once again everything should retract and get pulled downwards perfect it's a movable object time so we're going to place in a handful of them in this sort of area which should hopefully end up looking pretty cool we're also going to have a few of them facing in this direction which will cover up that area we need a one a movable object which is going to be going right there we need to grab ourselves some blocks to put in this central section we can cover up this zone we can cover up that zone and then finally we can place in at the amove what objects out the back just like this that's what what a good we've got ourselves an entrance we can actually go in but we have no way of opening the entrance which yeah that's a little bit daft so what we're going to do is we're going to create an item dropping system where we can actually drop items in and that will activate the circuit so the first thing we've got to do is we've got to go out the back of this thing and we're going to place in a hopper and then a minecart rail just two blocks underneath the ground then we're going to place in a hopper minecart on top which means if we place in blocks gonna cross here when we throw in an item it will still be picking it up now all we have to do is we have got to get ourselves at some agile blocks so we're going to take a comparator output from this hopper right here and we're going to be running that into a steep isten with a redstone block on its face which will be extending downwards to around about here to power this redstone then we can just run the redstone out and across like this now we are going to need a comparator pulse extender so one suggest creating something that looks a little bit like that and then we can take a repeater output from that and just run it into this block right here and that is the input finished so now when you throw an item on top of that hopper minecart it will open up the door once again we do have a few finishing up details to do the first thing that I would suggest doing is actually removing both of these a movable objects right here and replacing them with a chest and then a hopper just a hobby because that is the only transparent and move object in Minecraft and that means that you can still open this chest right here and this chest is where the items that you throw down are actually going to be going into so if we throw an item it into this chest right here but first I'll suggest covering up that redstone if we throw in an item right here you can see that it goes through into the system and that activates our piston trapdoor extender type thing if we throw in another item that will open up everything and we can just drop one down and to grab it straight out of this chest now one thing that I would actually suggest doing is placing a button on this block right here now this block is directly next to our piston which means that we can activate the system from the inside and actually close up the trapdoor behind us but also more importantly open it up so that we can get out sir there's a pretty important detail okay I think I'm just about done with the entrance area I don't think there's anything really left to do there so now we are going to start work on our food source this is where we're actually going to be getting the stuff to live now previously I have used things like chicken farms in the past but there is a slight issue with chicken farms and that is the fact that they are very very loud so if this is like a hidden bunker that you don't want anyone to find having a chicken farm in there probably isn't the best of ideas so we're going to be creating a nano farm this thing was originally designed by impulse sv and it is completely insane it's ridiculous I've never seen anything so fast in my life I mean seriously this can produce wheat carrots and potatoes stupidly stupidly quickly so what we've got is three dispensers facing into one another on top of a dirt block and we're going to take a comparator output from this block right here so we're going to be using orange wool for this one just because I think that will look cool and we're going to take the comparator output from there and that it's going to run it around just like this and then we're going to need to knock out a few extra blocks and the output from that is just going to run up to the top just like this and we're going to place it on all three of the dispensers so all three of these redstone dispensers are going to have redstone on top of them and that means that all of this is going to be activated and they will all fire extremely quickly when we flick this lever and put the comparator in to subtract mode now I am going to warn you this farm is going to use a whole ton of bonemeal so we're going to fill up this dispenser we're going to fill out this dispenser and we're going to fill up the final dispenser right there so that is 27 stacks bonemeal in total we're also going to need to place in some water to keep our farmland hydrated so we're just going to have one block off to the side right here and let's just quickly do that then the final thing to knock off the check list is two till all of the soil and we also need to break out that block and place in a slab down here just so we can get nice and close and actually pick up all of the wheat beers going to be popping out so then you flick the lever and you hold down the right-click button that at the start this might happen okay and you might get something like this occurring but then eventually once you start kind of wiggling around there we go the wheat is now being produced and it is coming in by the bucketload I've just put myself into survival mode so that you can see this thing working and there it is I mean look how fast all of this is coming in and obviously you are getting more and more seeds as you go along because of course the wheat is grown you get more seeds when the wheat is harvested and the way that it's actually being harvested is because it is completely pitch black in the center right there and the wheat is popping off because there's not enough light and that's just Auto harvesting it so there we go we managed to get two stacks while I was talking I don't even know what to say with that one but anyway we'll replace that replace these blocks and now we can start work on this back wall I think it's safe to say this wouldn't be much of a bunker if we didn't have a storage system or if we didn't have ourselves a super smelter system so what we're going to do is create a circuit that is going to reveal the pair of those one of them is going to expand our storage the other one is going to reveal the second half of the super smelt and the way that we're going to do that is by creating a super compact and extremely fast double piston extender system so we're going to place in a bunch of repeaters just like that and just like that connect those up using a redstone line then we're going to have an observer facing upwards and we're going to do the same thing once again so just a bunch of redstone and then a bunch of repeaters and believe it or not that is actually it if we place some blocks on top of these double piston extenders right here and then give it a redstone input for example a button you can see that's what it takes that is literally all it takes to create double person extenders these days so I would suggest replacing those blocks with the blocks that you've used for your floor and then we can actually start placing in the systems that we're going to be revealing so the input for this thing is going to be going on this block right here and we're going to take a repeater output from that it's going to go out into a block and then we're going to have a sticky piston facing downwards with a redstone block on its face and we can place in some redstone dust and some redstone dust just making its way down to the bottom here so that should be all of that created we can now drop the floor from this button in the sensor so then we're going to place in a bunch of chests they're going to be going up like this you're then going to want to grab yourself some trap chess and you want going to want to use those up for the other side so that's trap just going up like this and that means you can get eight two double chests or storage and you can reveal the bottom ones just by hitting this button right here now for the second half we're going to be having our super smelter a furnace array so we're going to have some furnaces here we're going to have to hoppers running into the top with chests there to hoppers running into the furnaces down at the bottom with a double chest right there so that one's going to be for the smelting items and that one's going to be for the coal and then your alpha chest is it just going to be going down at the bottom so you're going to want to chess on either side just like that with your two hoppers on either side going into it if you can just about place them and this is what it will look like all fully decorated I'd say that looks pretty cool doesn't it let's move on and take a look at the enchanting system because you need a way to get really great tools so this is it this is like the foundation we've got ourselves an enchanting table we've gone an anvil on top we've got all of the bookshelves wrapping around that gives us access to level 30 but what if you want a lower level what if you wanted to be a lot level 6 enchantment well for that you're going to need to block off all of the bookshelves so we're going to create a system that does exactly that we're going to have some regular Pistons running around like this this right here is going to our input and we are going to take an output from that and we're going to run it round the back of all of these Pistons so the first thing you've got to do is we're going to have to clear out a whole bunch of blocks and going all the way across just like this and we're going to take a redstone line and that is going to go down like this and just all the way across right like that with redstone dust on top of all of those blocks right there then on the sides of these blocks right here we're going to place a bunch of redstone torches so we're going to have a redstone torch on the side of this one and a redstone torch on the side of this one but then we're going to take a repeater we're going to run that across just like this that's going to be going into this block right here with a redstone torch right to underneath our enchanting table now if we pop back up to the surface you can see that as extended out all of our pistons which means we have now blocked off all of the available levels but if we don't want that flick the lever they all drop down and boom full enchanting table level 30 goodness I really like this place serious this is the bunker in all of his glory as you can see well it does its job pretty well it's actually very well hidden to the point where I can't actually remember where it is it's not there I've lost my own bunker I think it's somewhere yeah okay is there so that drops down our hidden piston extender which allows us to gain access into this system we've got a whole bunch of different things going on here we've got a nano farm which gives us access to wheat carrots potatoes and other vegetables and stuff that you can grow in Minecraft which means you've got a sustainable food source we've got an expandable storage system and also expandable super smelter system as well which is always very handy to have and we have got the toggleable enchanting system which allows you to choose how many levels you want to enchant with on your tools I mean this place is pretty great it's very very compact it's like the perfect micro bunker and if you want to leave the place what you have to do is hit this button right here and you'll be pushed back up to the surface and everything will be completely hidden away there's not even a dirt block no dirt block in sight this is like the most concealed bunker you can possibly get so we have it guys I hope you've enjoyed this video if you did please want to that like bun and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later oh and by the way check how their latest block I think you're gonna like it link is on the end screen [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 677,006
Rating: 4.9246249 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: 6Gpox7xL9Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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