How to make A Delicious Ribeye Steak Dinner

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hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody Gina young is back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe today I'm gonna show you all how to make a really quick and simple yet so tasty steak dinner it does not require a lot of ingredients we're gonna have some fun in this kitchen there listen here it's gonna taste so good here's what you're gonna need to make Gina young style steak dinner so the first thing that you will need is a nice steak you all that are familiar with me you know that I absolutely adore ribeye steak is always my choice of meat okay so now this ribeye here was much thicker and so what I did was I just took my rolling pin and I hit it may be seven times just to make it a bit thinner says ohm we're gonna use Sal's own today sazelin is gonna give you a beautiful color as well as an amazing taste alongside of our ribeye steak we're going to have baked potatoes and I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna do my baked potato today I'm gonna do it a little different we're gonna cook this baked potato in the microwave and it's gonna be just as tasty as if you were cooking it in the oven trust me when I tell you this you're gonna need some sour cream you're gonna need a nice ripe tomato as well as Montreal steak seasoning we have onion powder in adobo salt and cracked black pepper you're gonna need some olive oil and butter and then along side our steak and baked potato you have to have broccoli and cheese I want to show you how easy it is to make a really quick and simple cheese sauce so I have some slices of cheese here I have yellow American and white American those are always my choice of cheese when I make my broccoli and cheese and then I have some frozen broccoli if you want to use fresh broccoli by all means you can your first thing you want to do make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with the recipe okay if I didn't mention the milk you're gonna need milk to make your cheese sauce alright first thing that I'd like to do we're going to rub some olive oil all over this beautiful ribeye steak like I said whatever cut a steak that you like then that's the cut that you're going to use I'm going to put some olive oil onto this sake when I put olive oil one mistake I feel like it gives it a beautiful golden brown crust and it also helps to keep your steak nice and juicy and also it will help to a hear these beautiful spices that we're gonna put on okay and what I don't want you to do don't take this ribeye steak or whatever steak you're going to use out of the refrigerator and throw it right in the frying pan never do that okay because if you take meat right out of the refrigerator and you put it in the frying pan what happens is your meat kind of seizes up and you're gonna have a dry meat let your meat come to room temperature let some of the you know slend some of the coolness come off of the meat and then the meat can relax when it hits that hot pan and you're gonna have a nice moist meat trust me when I tell you this I'm going to turn the steak over this way and then I'm going to put more olive oil on just like so not too much rub it in in this manner if you're a person that's squeamish of touching these meats then by all means you can get a pair of gloves okay because you don't want to skip this part this part right here is really important I'm gonna wash my hands when I come back we're gonna season our beautiful ribeye steak a good cut of steak honestly only really needs salt and pepper and it's gonna be amazing but I do want to put some extra spices because I'm spice kind of girl I have to have flavor on my meats but like I said you get a nice cut of meat salt and pepper it's the way to go don't be afraid to season your if you're that person that's afraid to season your meats your meat will have enough flavor okay just be careful when you're using the salt right now I'm going in with the salt just like so and we're going to season both sides of this meat okay sometimes when I have a thin meat you all will see me season just one side like I did with the liver last night if you all haven't seen my video for the smother liver onions and gravy check it out it was amazing and if you haven't had a chance to check out the video for the caramel apples check that video out as well we had a lot of fun in this kitchen and the apples were amazing matter of fact I have one right here on my calendar that I'm eyeballing I'm gonna get to that caramel apple today and now I'm gonna put some pepper on to my steak so we have the salt in the saz own cracked black pepper we're going to use a little bit of adobo adobo is gonna give me an amazing flavor as well just like so we're going to put some onion powder and then we're going to use Montreal steak seasoning it's going to give you a beautiful flavor as well Montreal steak seasoning does have pepper in it but I like to put a little bit extra pepper okay so now I'm going to kind of push my spices into the oil just like so I'm going to flip it over and we want to season the other side as well same everything Montreal steak seasoning onion powder once again adobo and here's what we're gonna do we're not gonna cook this right away we're gonna let those spices soak down into that beautiful protein for at least 10 minutes before we put it in the frying pan give the spices a chance to marry with this beautiful meat okay so I'm gonna put a very little tiny bit of salt okay I'm gonna put crack black pepper then we're gonna do sad zone once again and then we're going to set this aside so that the spices can go down into this beautiful meat next I want to go ahead and start chopping up my onion I cannot have a steak without mushrooms and onions I'm not gonna use mushrooms today but I am gonna use onions and I'm going to show you the perfect time to put your onions in with your steak okay so now we're gonna let that steak marinate with the beautiful spices let's go ahead and start slicing some of your onion like I said if you wanted to put mushrooms with your steak by all means you can and what you're gonna do is you're just gonna cook your onions and mushrooms together absolutely that's the way to go all right when my steak is almost done that's the perfect time to start cooking your onion and let the onion cook right in the same pan what the steak so that it can pick up some of those beautiful flavors you don't have to dirty up another pan all right we're just going to or do we don't need too much this is only for one steak here I think that right there that's enough okay I'm gonna slice that just like so and I'm gonna set it aside until we're ready to use it quick and simple right everything that I do in this kitchen you all can do as well and it's gonna turn out exactly as mine stuff all right now I'm gonna show you how we're going to prep these beautiful potatoes these are Idaho potatoes you really you can use any kind of potato you would like to use doesn't have to be a baking potato you want to wash them off I've washed these off with cold water and I've Pat them dry with the paper towel now here's what you need to do you want to grab some olive oil and if you were making these in the oven this is the same technique that you were that you would do if you were cooking them in the oven the olive oil is to make your skin nice beautiful and crispy okay just like this and then you're gonna put salt and pepper on the outside of the skin okay it's gonna give your skin some flavor I don't know about you all but I like to eat the skin of a baked potato really I do there's some folks that don't really care for the skin but I love it I love it I love the nice crispy beautiful flavored skin okay so this is how you achieve that rub you some oil all over those potatoes we're gonna poke some holes in just a few you don't have to get crazy with it okay just like this just to live a little bit of steam out of those potatoes all right and turn them on the other side in this manner pretty simple right and then we're gonna put salt oh yeah on the outside both sides and then we're going to put some cracked black pepper all beautiful on this other side I'm putting the cracked black pepper and we're gonna put these in the microwave today not in the oven if you were going to put these in the oven what you would do is at this point you would take aluminum foil and you would close this up in the foil and make sure your foil is nice and tight around your baked potato you're gonna put your baked potato in the middle rack for an hour on 350 degrees now since I'm doing a video I want to kind of speed up things I don't have an hour to wait on the potatoes while I do this video so what we're gonna do we're gonna pop these bad boys in the microwave and they're gonna be just as delicious nine and a Half Men for two baked potatoes half the way you're gonna flip your potatoes over and wha-la quick and simple right all right the only thing that you won't do different that you're gonna do different is you don't use aluminum foil you all know not to use aluminum foil in the microwave all right so I'm gonna get these in the microwave we're gonna put our steak on and then I'm gonna show you how to make really quick and simple so tasty broccoli and cheese Gina young style okay so the potatoes are in the microwave I have a small stockpot and you can see I have a little bit of water in there you can use a little bit less water but don't use too much and most of this water here I will pour off I always do okay so I'm going to open up when I buy frozen broccoli I brought I buy the broccoli florets because I'm really not a fan of the frozen broccoli that comes in the bag and it's mostly the what am I thinking guys it's mostly the stems that gets under my skin so I like to get the broccoli florets and then you're happy you don't have to deal with a whole bunch of stems all right so this is gonna get turned on with the lid on on a low heat and just keep an eye on it and you don't want to overcook it I want to go ahead and slice this beautiful tomato I have something special that we're going to do with this anytime I make a steak always have to have a nice fresh tomato if you don't like tomatoes then you don't have to use it it's really up to your discretion make sure you wash your produce off before you use it because you never know who's handled it in the grocery store before you handled it okay and then you also want to wash off any pesticides that may be on your fruits and vegetables so what I like to do with this yes we're going to drizzle just a little bit of olive oil don't get crazy with the olive oil a little bit goes a long way just like so okay just a nice little drizzle in this manner and then we're gonna put salt oh yeah salt and pepper on a fresh tomato wait listen here you don't know about that you don't know about food you missing some money touches some salt and pepper and olive oil and a fresh tomato and you are sick beautiful we're gonna set that on the side of our plate once we make our plate okay everyone so now we want to get our pan nice and hot we're gonna cook this steak on a medium high I'm using vegetable oil when you use oil the vegetable oil can take a high temperature you don't want to use olive oil because the olive oil burns at a high temperature okay you can use peanut oil if you like so what I like to do is I like to use half oil and half butter so I have some butter here I'm going to use about a tablespoon the butter is for flavor that butter is gonna give you an amazing flavor and it's salted butter by the way okay and then like I said that oil is able to burn or or cook at a high temperature so let's get the butter nice and frothy somebody was laughing at me the other day and they said you know when you say frothy you know it sounds kind of funny I'm gonna start using this but really the butter will get frothy it'll get nice and bubbly and frothy so once that happens we'll put our steak on I'm gonna show you how to make a nice juicy perfect steak I like my steak medium just a little medium well but I do like to see a little bit of pink going through if you like yours well done then cook yours a little bit more and really it's that simple okay oh yeah okay everyone now then everything's nice and frothy take your beautiful ribeye steak put a smack dab right there in the middle of your pan medium-high heat you want to hear that sizzle right there if you don't hear that sizzle just hey it's not time to put it in okay medium-high heat never high never love you cook it on low it won't get done cook it up too high it'll burn in the middle we'll be raw all right so while that happens let's take a peek in over at our beautiful broccoli my broccoli is doing perfect what I like to do at this point is I want to drain out all of that beautiful water right there and I'll be right back okay so we have our broccoli and I put it on a low heat we've drained off the water I'm gonna put a tablespoon of butter in with my broccoli I'm gonna put a little bit of milk guys just a little just enough to help your cheese get nice and melty okay and I have like I told you I love American cheese I put enough in there until I'm satisfied with my cheese sauce now some of you might say do you know how come you're just not using shredded cheese because I don't want to when I make broccoli and cheese this is the cheese that I like to use okay yeah I have to take the wrappers off but I don't mind it takes me a second to do this okay make sure this is on a low because you do not want to burn your cheese all right one more piece and I'm happy you use whatever kind of cheese you would like to use okay any kind of cheese you have in the house just make sure you put a little bit of butter a little bit of milk to go with it and then we'll season it once everything gets nice and melty let's take a peek in at our beautiful steak steak just cooking up just beautifully now have you ever made a pork chop or made a steak and it starts to kind of um bubble up a little bit that's because you have fat around the outside and the fat starts to shrink and so it makes your I'm steak or your pork chop kind of bubble up a little bit I have a trick for that let me show you one second you want to take a fork in the night and you want to cut that part that's bubbled up because if we don't make it flat what will happen is that part on the underneath side it won't get cooked because it's raised off of the pan so I like to cut it where the fat has shrunk and then it lays flat once again that way the bottom of your stage can get evenly cooked problem-solve every time it never fails every time I make a pork chop I always give the pork chops bit bubble up from the fact but I tell you one thing I live for pork chops fat I love fried pork chops at all right so this is cooking just beautifully let it go don't worry about it overcooking medium-high is the way to go now keep an eye on it but you don't need to go in flipping it and looking at it you'll start to see a beautiful golden brown ring towards the bottom that's going to indicate hey it's time to give me a turn let's take a peek in at this beautiful broccoli you can see everything starting to get somewhat melty I'm not going to stir it just yet because it's not ready starting to see that beautiful golden brown ring it's telling me give me a turn mama I know there's a lot of people that like to finish a thick shake like this off in the oven but not me I feel like the oven over does the steak you can put your steak in the oven if you want to but I think it dries it out do it on the stove it can successfully be cooked on the top of the stove whether it's at them take a thick or a medium steak do it on the sill take a peek in at our beautiful broccoli come on camera come with me I want to take can y'all see down in there I got my light let's turn my light away and you can see a little better can you all see that baby you can see it look at that that's what I like oh that's what I live for this broccoli and cheese that I make guys is absolutely amazing every time oh now here's the thing you don't have to use the the white and the yellow you can use all white American or all yellow American I do want to go ahead and put these two extra pieces and then we're going to taste the sauce and we're gonna season it according to the way I think how much salt and pepper it may need oh my goodness look at this a little bit of salt is all you're gonna need for that this right here is a salt this side right here is good pepper I'm gonna put a nice amount of pepper in there because it needs this beautiful guess what this is almost done I'm gonna let this cook for about 3 more minutes and we have Gina young spell broccoli and cheese quick and simple right okay so now that our beautiful steak it's starting to cook on the other side it's time to put your mushrooms and onions or just your mushrooms or just onions right into the pan that pianos want to flavor those beautiful veggies and make them taste amazing a little bit too much oil in my pants so I simply poured some of it up okay easy don't put them in on this just keep an eye on your veggies your steak is almost done oh my goodness it looks so good mmm lunchtime at the Young's house couldn't be any better hmm what's this I mean you will see a Wyeth steak for lunch time I just wanted to I just wanted to make something nice for lunchtime we're gonna indulge in this steak indulge in this beautiful broccoli and cheese you know and I call my cheese my broccoli and cheese somewhat of a cheese sauce look at that oh oh you all don't know how good it is all right and these onions believe it or not they're gonna flavor your steak as well because they're gonna let off some you know a little bit of liquid and it just really perfumes mistake you better believe that this mmm our steak it's cooking up just beautifully I do want to take a peek in at this other side Oh looks in here and I love love love the color that the satsang gives as well as the flavor of any tips let's go ahead and see a prayer over this because after I played this up I'm gonna be ready to dive in right away Heavenly Father Lord Jesus we thank you for this beautiful lunch lord I thank you for today and every day Lord we thank you for helping us through hard times we thank you for the good times Jesus we thank you for your love time your mercy in your understanding please forgive us for our sins Heavenly Father come into our hearts we make you our Lord and Savior I thank you Jesus for my family I think you Lord for your love time your mercy and understanding once again and Thank You Heavenly Father for the roof over our head the food the love the peace and the joy that you bring us daily a man got a little choked up with that prayer whoa you know how when you can fill just fill it inside feel the emotion of just how much our Lord and Savior loves us it does make you feel a little bit emotional you know because God is good amen it's just a bell time then we take our stake out my steak is nice and medium I'm gonna cook it a little bit longer our beautiful potato is done and our broccoli is done really quickly simple you know didn't take me an hour in the kitchen maybe 35 minutes and everything is done time to take the steak out let me show you my beautiful potato I'm gonna hold it for a few seconds cuz it's really hot can you see that beautiful crispy skin by putting the olive oil that you've achieved and you can see that salt and that pepper oh this is gonna be an amazing baked potato I'm just gonna cut down into it I'm gonna put some salt and pepper butter and sour cream really simple and while I'm fluffing up what I like to do is I always like to fluff out the potato make it nice and fluffy before I put my seasonings and butter and things in there see this I just use a fork just to fluff it out just like so and while we do this this will give us the perfect time to let our steak rest any meats that you cook you always want to let them rest that way when you cut down into them they're nice and juicy okay because otherwise if you take your meat right out of that frying pan and you think you're gonna cut down into it it's just all of your juices are gonna go splat they're just gonna kind of come out because you didn't give it time to rest I'm going in with some butter and I don't know about you all but I want a nice amount of butter in there get down in there baby just like this whoo-whee girl you are something else in it kitchen you hear me I crack myself up guys I know I'm so silly but I tell you one thing I am having the absolute time of my life sharing my recipes with you all you better believe I am beautiful right mmm oh yeah whoo if you all haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on a notification bell so you can be notified at the time Judah young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everyone you know all about Gina young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis oh yeah hmm let's dive in amen once again to my beautiful prayer it's lunchtime at the Young's house lunch time couldn't be more easier first thing I'm going right in for the steak oh and look here it cuts like butter Oh child listen here give me a little bit of those onions whoa look at that mmm God look at that perfect oh nice and juicy look at that bad boy taste right there mmm so flavorful so flavorful mmm give me some of that broccoli and cheese this broccoli and cheese is amazing look at that mmm taste you some mmm whoa mommy mmm gone that's good I'm so serious whoo a little bit of that baked potato sour cream hmm little bit of that salt and pepper tomato what does make me want to smack my own self wait bad boy good you know honestly I really don't even need the knife I don't need the knife oh look at that beautiful hmm got a little bit of cheese sauce at the bottom of my steak Oh mm mm one more bite guys it is always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching good night hmm I am really enjoying this whoo Thank You Lord once again mmm you better make new song
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 41,099
Rating: 4.8963943 out of 5
Keywords: Ribeye steak dinner #HowtomakeaRibeyesteakdinner #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgoodallthetime
Id: iop9dCd7ZN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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