How to make a Juicy Rib Eye Steak

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hi everybody today I'm gonna show you all how to make a ribeye steak here's what you will need you will need a ribeye steak you will need a tablespoon of olive oil butter one garlic clove parsley garlic powder salt and pepper you will need real butter you will need mushrooms and onions now over here on the stove I have a pan that I'm heating up and I'm gonna turn my stove on medium high okay when you are making a mistake you don't want to cook it on a low temperature because what will happen is your meat will steam and you get a grayish color or a meat that doesn't have that charred on the outside we're gonna cook it up on medium high alright and then over in this pan I have a little tiny bit of oil and about a teaspoon of butter that we're gonna saute our onions and mushrooms up with so right now what we'll do go ahead and put your onions and mushrooms into the pan and turn that up on medium-high and let's get those saute while those start to sauteing I'm going to show you how the season this beautiful ribeye steak all right so now here's what we need to do go in put you some olive oil rub you some olive oil on to let's come down get a better picture there we go rub you some olive oil onto your meat okay and what this will do is it'll help for your meat to be nice and tender and your spices will ahir easier to the meat all right cuz it'll have something to to hold on to all right so we're just gonna rub that down just like so on all sides even the sides absolutely and when you're looking for a nice steak guys you want to make sure that your steak has that nice marbling going through when you see that marbling all that is good flavor guys because what will happen is this marbling will render and it'll just make it so juicy and tender you hear me and one thing that I want you all to do make sure when you take this meat out of the refrigerator don't put it right in that pan as soon as you take it out the frigerator let the meat rest okay and the reason why you want it to rest is because if we take this meat right out the refrigerator and we think we're gonna put it in a hot pan that meat will seize up and you'll have a really dry tough meat okay so therefore you take your meat out and you let it rest all right and I've let this rest for 25 to 30 minutes and then when it gets into that hot pan it'll say oh yeah baby that's you know like I'm happy in here right so so let your meat rest guys don't make your meat go into shock and then you have a dry meat all right so let's go ahead and season I'm gonna go in with my garlic powder just like so and I'm really gonna season this okay don't be afraid to season anything that's garlic powder we're gonna put some black pepper on just like so all right put you some salt on there and then we're gonna do the same on the other side awesome mmm we're gonna put some sauce on and we're just gonna put a little bit not too much guys all right beautiful let's go to this side and we're gonna do the same manner a little bit of size alone just a little bit that's all you need for a steak because we still want to be able to taste that meat we don't want to mask up the flavor of the meat all right that's what I'm using simple spices today salt pepper garlic powder and says old okay that's gonna give us the flavor that you're looking for you hear me all right get that garlic powder on now here's what we need to do I have a little bit of oil in this pan that I'm going to fry or stake in right and what that oil will do that oil is able to stand the heat and what the butter is gonna do is give flavor because butter burns at a high temperature but when you put that oil in there it'll be a-okay right so let's go ahead on the end we're gonna take this garlic clove let me show you something I'm gonna do to it really quick let's get a good picture I'm just gonna smash it just like so okay and what I'm trying to do is I want to create a garlic flavored oil that we're going to fry our steak in so there is our garlic and we're just gonna flavor up that oil and flavor up this butter that we're getting ready to use okay get this butter nice and sizzling once that butter starts to sizzle very well we're gonna take that garlic clove out because it's done its job it will release its flavors and then we're gonna throw that steak in there meanwhile over here we have our mushrooms and our onions cooking up nicely make sure you don't put any salt or pepper in them now we're gonna salt and pepper our mushrooms and onions later okay let's see if I can get a picture there we go beautiful there's our picture just going to continue the cookies on a medium-high till they get nice nice and golden brown color is what we're looking for great if you have these down low Bill's turn a grayish color and we're not looking for that alright so then let's come over to our pants get a good picture down on that pin and right now just garlic close is letting off so much flavor into this oil and butter and you just smell my house guys it smells so good and on the side what I'm gonna do I'm trying to get a better picture for you all on the side I'm just gonna do a baked potato on the side with butter and sour cream a little bit of garlic powder and salt and pepper and I'm gonna be sick all right I hope you all seen the video for the salmon it's a really great video I want you all to comment and let me know what you think about the salmon alright this is almost to where we want it it's starting to get nice and fragrant and golden brown alright our butter is bubbling and then I'm getting ready to put our beautiful shaking we'll go ahead and take this out it's done its job let's set it in that oil just a little bit beautiful now we can take it out if you don't want to throw this away you don't have to you can use this for something alright let's go in with our turn your heat or medium high go in with your beautiful steak set it on there and don't you touch it don't go in poking at it and pulling at it I'm under it just let it be die let it be let it be because if you go in right now and you start bothering it what will happen is let me show you our mushrooms our onions what will happen if you go and pick and with it it'll stick to the pan but it'll actually release on its own from the pan when it's ready to be turned absolutely it will so here's what I like for our mushrooms let me show you this is what I like for mushrooms and onions to look like I'm going to cook them even longer all right we'll keep an eye in on this beautiful that steak looks beautiful what we're gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and I'll be right back okay everyone before I start to dress my potato I'd like to go in and turn this okay this is cooked for five minutes on this side just turn it just like so Oh beautiful absolutely now we're gonna come over here and I'd like to show you my onions a mushroom see that best state test you see that sense Steakhouse onions and mushrooms you hear me hey we could put this on the cheeseburger bacon and some cheddar cheese on there okay let's cut my potato that's how I like to do mine and then I just kind of squish it just like so alright just like this that I like to go in with a fork and kind of fluff the potato out of the skin a little bit so to speak okay in this manner that's how I like to do that can't kind of pull the potato away from the skin a little bit is what I like to do alright so then I like to go in with butter put you some butter in there guys alright pull that off of there and I like a lot of butter guys I don't know about you all but I like a lot of butter on my potato hmm and I'm gonna Nestle that butter right down in there you hear me and that butter is just gonna melt oh all right and then I like to put salt just a little bit black pepper all right I like to nestle two pieces of cheese just like so down in the side oh yeah oh yeah there's a strategy strategy to it guys the way I like to make my potato I don't know why I like to do it this way but I do good all right let's put on some sour cream this is sour cream with chives you gotta have the sour cream guy so then I like to go in with some fresh parsley over that bad boy all right beautiful now for our steak let's peek at it I want to fill it and see if it's where I want it to be electric that took a little bit longer when this is ready I'll be back guys nothing tastes this for you and let you know what it tastes like I'm ready to take my steak out we're gonna put it on our plate I'm gonna show you how to go to town on that steak [Music] there we go alright let's peek down at this oh yeah whoo oh my goodness okay everybody ready to dig in now here's what I like to do with my onions and mushrooms I like for it to be right there on the side you see that oh yeah and then we have our ribeye steak your potato got to have you some a1 sauce god bless this meal thank you Jesus for feet of me every day all your blessings and taking care of me amen thank you Lord for this food ok let's take our garnish off guys I can sell this plate for 19 bucks you hear me I can sell this plate for 19 bucks oh yeah right now what I want to do I'm gonna put some a1 sauce that I love to use and then I can just use it as you know to dip my meat oh god bless this meal first thing that I want to do because I know that steak is burning up hot guys I gotta taste my potato we're gonna taste this potato guys I'm going in let me move this and I'm gonna let you all taste it I'm sure you want to taste that butter that cheese and sour cream oh this potato is so fluffy guys whoa taste that right there hold on there's a good picture taste that right there let me know what you think beautiful and that sour cream has chives in it mm-hmm oh yeah that's right up my alley guys whoo one more tasting and we'll dig in taste that one more time guys I know I said one more taste who is just so good all right for you all for you mushroom lovers taste that right there mmm and if you guys don't like mushrooms and onions you don't have to use that okay just follow the recipe for the steak all right let me get a good picture all right guys we're gonna have this piece right here right there on the edge oh my lord and see I like mines medium I like just a little bit of pink you see that it yet is so juicy look at this look at this and it's not red red you know what I mean it's just perfect look at this is this beautiful excuse me oh look at that I'm gonna dip it a little bit of sauce a 1 sauce there you go guys give this a taste let me know what you think [Music] this is an Angus ribeye steak it's so good oh one more taste I have to taste it again and this time I want oh man it's so good this time I need give me some mushrooms oh yeah give me onion you guys taste that stage right there look how juicy what's right here just right here make you smack somebody you hear me the nearest person they better run because this food is so good somebody's gonna get smacked tonight right oh the cheese on the sides of the potato I've been doing that like that for years and I love it and if you don't want to eat the cheese in each bite you don't have to cuz you just put the cheese on the sides you can just stick all around the cheese and when you want a piece of cheese just dig it on the side and grab yourself look at this guy's mmm here's some fat guys I love the fat boy is it juicy whoa look at this oh god bless this steak so tender and juicy look at that there's a little bit of a wound sauce mmm and then I want some potato in the same bite give me some potato with the onion and mushroom oh yeah I didn't come to play with him guys I really did mm-hmm I have some red wine I was gonna deglaze my mushroom and onion pan but just a splash of red wine but I said no mm-hmm I said they'll know nothing about that I'm not gonna do that today I'm gonna put that one on them today maybe one day but I will today wasn't today if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribe make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload our awesome video yes absolutely look at this guy's taste that right there I'm sure you want some a1 sauce look at that beautiful mmm [Music] this way this right here was a winner oh yeah mmm make sure you all check my salmon video out oh yeah check it out guys mushrooms and onions anybody this is my last bite guys I am so full oh look at this oh look look how juicy look how juicy look at this let me squeeze it for you and see oh yeah see that look how juicy taste that guys there's always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 225,254
Rating: 4.8734531 out of 5
Id: jO_AQrztiPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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