How to make Delicious Garlic Butter Steak

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hi everybody everybody on that everybody Tina young is back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I'm gonna show you all how to make garlic butter steak here's what you're gonna need to make Gina Youngstown garlic butter stick this recipe right here every one is so simple it's a lot of fun to make it does not require a lot of ingredients and listen here it tastes so good here's what you're going to need so now any type of steak that you would like to use that's the steak that I want you to use you all that are familiar with me you know that I love a nice juicy ribeye steak and that's what we have here I have two beautiful ribeye steaks okay I have four cloves of garlic and we're going to use maybe three maybe four we'll just see because in this dish you have to have a lot of garlic absolutely you do all right I'm gonna have white rice on the side you don't have to have anything on the side of this if you didn't want to you can have a nice salad with your garlic butter steak if you'd like now you want some butter you want to make sure that you have real butter alright so I have some Kerry gold pure Irish butter that we're going to use today I have parsley flakes sea salt garlic powder and I also have soy sauce cracked black pepper and I have some sugar you're more than welcome to use brown sugar if you'd like okay it's really up to your discretion if you use brown or white sugar it's not gonna make a difference okay and some of you might say sugar how come you're using sugar here's the thing if you don't want to use a sugar you don't have to but it's gonna give an amazing taste and we're not gonna put a whole lot in there this is not gonna make it sweet at all trust me when I tell you that it's okay it's just gonna alter the flavor just a little bit and help them meet to get nice beautiful golden brown and caramelized all right now one thing you want to make sure is that you do not overcrowd your pan because if you overcrowd your pan your meat won't get nice and caramelized okay so i highly suggest either using two pans or a pan that's big enough to hold all the meat so that they're not you know on top of each other all right make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's go ahead and slice up our meat okay so we're gonna do just that and what I'm gonna do is I want to chop my meat into cubes okay if you wanted to do slice as you can but when I make this recipe I like to have cubes and I don't know how you all about steak fat but I love steak fat and so I'm gonna leave that little bit on now most of the fat it will render off and when it renders it's just gonna melt down into flavor okay it's gonna give you lots of flavor if you can find a nice steak that has this beautiful marbling right here it just it just adds extra flavor absolutely it does any steak that you'd like to use and I know I said that a few minutes ago any steak that you would like to use would be just fine try to cut all your steak pieces the same size so that you don't have some steak that's done and then you have some steak that's not done you want all your steak to get done around about the same time okay just like so now you can cut your steak a little bit more easier if you were to put your steak into the freezer you know get a nice chill onto your steak and it'll be so easy to cut down into your steak because sometimes it's hard to cut down into steak but if you put it in the freezer for a few minutes you'll have no issues alright so we're just gonna do the same thing with this one just like so now if you wanted to make these on the grill you can but then you're gonna also need to take a pan and put it on the grill as well and what you're gonna do is you're gonna make like a garlic butter sauce and then once your steak is done grilling you're gonna want to put your meat down into that garlic butter sauce I would have cooked this on the grill today but it's been raining here all day and it's muddy and it's rainy out there but our grass needs it absolutely it does okay so we're just about done with our steak cubes just like so that piece of fat right there I'm just gonna take that piece off it's kind of stringy alright so next what I'm gonna do is we're going to chop that beautiful garlic now you can slice the garlic and fry it up if you want it to or you can chop it up fine like I'm gonna do and it doesn't have to be too fine because we're gonna cook this so now here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take our meat and now I've washed my meat off and I've washed my meat with lime juice sea salt and cold water alright any time you are working with raw meats you always want to wash your hands so I'm going to wash my hands and I'll be back okay so next what I'd like to do I've wash my hands and I've sanitized my cutting board what I want to do is I want to start to chop my garlic okay I need to get a third piece of garlic because my other garlic fell into the floor so let me grab more garlic out of my cabinet it'll be right back we have more garlic here let's see I want to get a nice thigh beautiful I'll just use three nice pieces oh yeah have you all ever had garlic butter steak if you haven't had it before you absolutely have to give it a try it's amazing and it's so easy to me just how easy it is so what I'm doing when I whack the garlic with the back of the knife is I'm releasing this beautiful skin that's on our garlic if you don't do it that way what will happen is you'll be trying to peel that skin off the garlic for days so I like to just whack it with the back of the knife and the skin comes off very easily okay like I said you can keep your garlic like this nice and thinly sliced or you can chop it down even further and I'm gonna chop mines down much further than this okay all right just like this beautiful and then I'm gonna show you how we're gonna marinate our steak okay now that my garlic is nice and chopped up I'm just gonna set it inside of a ramekin just like so I hope that you all are having a beautiful day today I hope that you all are having a great workweek as well there's the garlic beautiful just set it aside now let's make our way over to this beautifully chunked up meat all right so here's what we're gonna do we're going to use some parsley because the parsley makes everything nice and beautiful I love to eat with my eyes I like everything that I make that comes out of this kitchen to be nice and beautiful this parsley is not gonna give it a flavor now I do put salt in mine okay and I'm also gonna use soy sauce and we all know the soy sauce has salt in it so be very careful with your salt now some of you might just want to use soy sauce only without the Sun I'm gonna use both but I'm gonna be very careful okay so now that we have our parsley flakes I'm gonna go ahead and put some salt not too much but you do need that flavor all right that's enough garlic powder is a must you must have garlic powder in this dish all right I'm using Kikkoman soy sauce let's see I might need to open this up because this is a brand-new bottle and I do just a second guys okay our bottle is opened get you some soy sauce in there just like so if you have Worcestershire sauce make sure to use a little dash of it okay but you don't have to okay we're gonna put crack black pepper and me personally I'm gonna put a nice amount of cracked black pepper in there it's gonna give you an amazing amazing taste trust me when I tell you this cracked black pepper has antioxidants and it's really healthy for you when I have ribeye steak one flavor that I love to have mistake is cracked black pepper alright next we're going to put some sugar we're gonna do two pinches just like so onto our steak like I said I don't want you all to worry and think that this is gonna make it sweet because it's not it's just gonna do something a little different and we're gonna let the steak sit for around about 12 minutes before we cook it you want and I say this a lot you want to take your steak out of the refrigerator and you don't want to cook it right away you want to give your steak time to set and you want that chill to come off of the steak because if you put your steak in there frying pan right away right out of the refrigerator the steak will seize up and you'll have dry meat and we're not making any dry meats coming out of these kitchens we want it to be nice juicy golden brown and crispy on the outside and juicy in the middle and we're going to be able to achieve that by letting the meat rest okay double wash my hands once again I'm going to go in get all these beautiful spices mixed in you touch your spices and different things like that you always want to read wash your hands okay especially if you're gonna dig in this way okay let's get everything nice and married in with the soy sauce the sugar the pepper and the garlic the sea salt and our beautiful parsley let it sit on the counter for about 12 minutes it's gonna taste better all right so while we let this set I'm gonna get my pan ready and I'm gonna start to cook up my beautiful rice be right back okay everyone so you can see that our I don't know if you all can see but the spices have seeped down into this beautiful meat it's had plenty of time to rest and the chill is off of the meat let's make our way over to the stove start frying up our beautiful golden-brown garlic butter steak okay everyone so you can see excuse me that I have my rice cooking on the side like I said any site that you want to make to go along with this you can but when I have this for some reason I just want nice plain white fluffy rice it pairs up with this flavor amazingly now remember we're going to use our garlic but we're not gonna use our garlic right now I'm gonna let you know the perfect time to put your garlic in you want to make sure you can see that I put vegetable oil in the pan and then of course we're gonna use garlic as well but you want to make sure that this pan is nice and hot before you put your meat into the pan and this is salted butter okay you can use unsalted if you'd like okay it's really up to your discretion all right let's see if my pan is nice and hot and if it is oh yeah that's what I'm wanting and we're gonna use more butter than this but right now we're gonna start off with two tablespoons we want this to get nice and frothy all right hot and bubbly to marry with that beautiful vegetable oil and then we're gonna start to put our beautiful seasoned steak into the pan now I have my pan on a medium high heat this is gonna give you that perfect sear nice beautiful golden brown and juicy on the inside you want it to be nice and hot don't overcrowd your pan all right I'm gonna continue to put my steak in just like so and if I still like my pan is going to be overcrowded then I'm just gonna do a second separate pan it really it's that simple you want to hear that nice beautiful sizzle but every piece that you put in because that's gonna show you that you're gonna get that beautiful color that we're looking for fully and I tell you one thing we just put them in the pan in my house smells amazing right now when we get ready to turn the steak over and it's on its second side and it's just about done that's when we're gonna put our garlic in okay if you were to put your garlic in right now what would happen is your garlic would overcook okay because the time of the steak the time that it's gonna take to cook and the time that the garlic is gonna take to cook it's different you know the garlic's not gonna hardly take any time but you don't want to put it in too early and burn it because burnt garlic it gets tennis hour and it tastes funny all right well so you're the perfect sign of success thank you and it looks like I won't have to do two different batches and I'm okay with that okay I'm just gonna put two more pieces in and I'll be satisfied and this extra steak that's left listen here we're gonna eat that later this is perfect that way they're not on top of each other each one can evenly get fear we don't have to worry about nothing teaming up in your pants making sure you're using a medium-high heat this year I'll save that for later [Music] my rice is almost on I'm gonna drain it and I'll be right back okay everybody we have some steak that needs to be turned and the way that you're able to tell that your state needs to be turn that you'll start to see that beautiful golden rings towards the bottom and that indicates that it's time to turn it let me show you this is what we're looking for you'll see that that's what you want [Music] all right so let's start turning keep in the pan on a medium high heat only all right that's like so and if there are any pieces that you happen to turn over and they're just not done okay you can just turn it back over if you'd like just like that all right how many of you wouldn't like garlic butter ribeye steak bite for dinner tonight you can make this as well everything that I make in my kitchen you all can do and it's going to turn out exactly like mine is absolutely all right so we're just gonna keep letting you so the ones that are not done I'm just gonna flip them back over until they're nice goodness now here in a few minutes we are going to we're going to add our garlic herb garlic herb butter that's made by Kerry going and we're gonna put up a little bit of that in here and then shortly we're going to put our fresh garlic in once I see that my steak is done to the Wellness that I like then I'm gonna put or it's almost done then I'll put my garlic in once that garlic cook our dish is done absolutely it really is that simple I tell you what this is packed with flavor and the sugar the sugar really makes a difference if you don't mind the sugar I highly suggest using it you are going to be satisfying with this dish trust me when I tell you my steak is almost cooked to perfection so now what I'm gonna do go ahead and add your garlic in there you need this garlic this garlic is gonna really set it off and throw a curve ball in your steak oh oh and you know this garlic only needs a minute minute and a half oh yeah oh yeah and we're gonna finish it off with a little bit more butter as if the butter that we use wasn't enough that's why we call this garlic butter steak because it's loaded with lots of delicious butter we have a nice beautiful white fluffy rice go ahead and add just some butter right in butter get down in there when I get the rest of that butter we're just gonna give it a nice mix just like so that's a little bit of parsley that I got there we're gonna see a nice grill of our state we're gonna plate this up when I give you all a try I'm gonna give this a try I'll let y'all know what this tastes like Lord Jesus I thank you for today your love time your mercy and your understanding and all of your blessings send your angel sails to surround us day and night your Holy Spirit I pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper we bind the devil away from us in Jesus name Lord we thank you for the robocar he had in the food that you feed us daily amen I'm going to put a little bit more herb butter right down in there we're gonna make our plate right now right now that herb butter is going to melt and it's gonna send this oh my goodness it's gonna send this dish to the roof mmm eat this over top of a nice potato eat this inside an on bread or with white rice like gonna do today this dish will not let you down it's so simple it's a lot of fun to make and listen here it tastes so good if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on their notification bell so you can be notified every time Gina Young uploads one of these awesome recipes absolutely garlic butter steak 101 look at this check it out Oh mmm and what you do when you make your plate just like idea you pour that garlic butter sauce pour those pieces of garlic all over your works so that you can get the full effect you gotta have the full flavor look at this then you make your steak just how you like it if you're that person that likes yours medium well if you like yours well-done you can do that look at this I'm gonna give you all the first bite let me know what you think about this dish this is a must you all have to make this this weekend you might want to make it tonight you might look at this ooh first bite dig in don't forget to click on the notification bell guys you can all say you all can be notified when Gina Young uploads tell all your family and friends everything about Gina young tell your friends and family members and all of your loved ones what I'm doing on this channel on a daily basis look at this dig in this is good right there I'm going in [Music] mmm I'm speechless it's so good and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night I gotta sit down with this plate so I can enjoy it look at this mmm-hmm and the rice is flavored just perfectly mmm with the seasoning of that garlic butter oh this right here is delicious I'm gonna give you all one more bite of this beautiful beautiful ribeye steak and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching tonight [Music]
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 140,677
Rating: 4.9193029 out of 5
Keywords: #Garlicbuttersteak #Godisawesome #Godisgreaf #Godisgood
Id: Ot8d-uJw4OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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