OUTRAGEOUS TASTE How to make Meatball subs

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hey everybody today I'm gonna show you how to make homemade meatballs here's what you're going to need you're going to need two pounds of ground beef you're going to need 1 medium yellow onion chopped you're going to need 3 whole garlic cloves you're gonna need 2 garlic cloves chopped you're gonna need milk you're gonna meet basil preferably fresh basil if you have it parsley flakes pepper salt tomato paste garlic powder accent you're gonna need 2 28-ounce cans of crushed tomatoes or you can use cans of pureed tomato you're gonna need a tie-in seasoned breadcrumbs you're going to need shredded mozzarella you're gonna need provolone okay and so the first thing that I would like to do I'm gonna get some oil heat it up on my stove over here and what I would like to start on first before we mix up our meatballs yes I would like to saute you see I have a pan here with just enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan all right and what I'm going to do first is I would like to saute this onion to cool down before we mix it into our meat okay let me zoom in so you guys can see a good picture of this there we go okay there we go I'm not gonna put the garlic in just yet but I'm gonna go ahead and put that onion in there and you can use between a medium sized onion and a large onion okay because we're going to use some of this onion for our meatball mixture and some of the onion is going to go into our tomato sauce all right just like that when this onion is almost done we'll throw our chopped garlic in okay so let's let that go for a while meanwhile we'll come over here and I have that on a medium hi guys just keep a good eye on it you don't want it to burn okay just you just want that onion to get just just the golden brown just to saute a little bit okay all right let's zoom in first thing that we're gonna do and also I meant to tell you guys I want to use two eggs okay let's go ahead and get our eggs in two whole large eggs go ahead and get some basil in today I'm gonna use dried basil just like that guys let's get a nice amount of pepper in there okay pepper salt be careful with your salt guys let's get some garlic powder in let's get some accent in all right now we're gonna let me get some breadcrumbs and we're only going to put a half a cup of Italian seasoned breadcrumbs now if you if you don't have breadcrumbs you can use white bread or wheat bread if you decide to use those make sure you soak your bread and milk okay so these Italian breadcrumbs I'm only gonna use a half a cup there we go and anytime you use breadcrumbs you want to soak milk on top of your breadcrumbs okay that's about maybe three tablespoons of milk great we're gonna mix this up let me take my Ringwald let me check in on my onions here let me give you guys an ideal of what the onions are looking like those are onions like I said we're just looking for a light golden brown because when we put onions in whether it's meatballs or meatloaf you never want to bite down into a raw strong pungent you know onion flavor so what you do is you saute it up and it mellows out the flavor it gives it a better flavor okay so let's cook these for a while there we go just like that guys keep an eye on it let's come over here I'm gonna go ahead and mix this up and I'm not gonna use the spoon I'm gonna use my hands sometimes your hands are much you know it's much easier to mix things with your hands when you're in the kitchen just make sure your cans are impeccably clean okay just like this guys and you don't want to handle it too much handling it too much can cause it to be tough as well as if you're making that meatloaf same thing you don't want to handle it too too much just enough to get it incorporated there we go guys get it nice and incorporate it and feel free to use ground turkey if you want it to ground veal ground pork mix with your ground beef okay oh just like this guys okay we have it where I want it let me come over here and wash my hands really well when you're dealing with raw meat your hands always want to wash your hands guys so you don't spread bacteria around your kitchen okay stop watching my hands right now all right the mixture is done for now until our onions get done let's go back over to the onions and once these cool down will put these it back into our mixture there we go we're taking that you know that really strong punch that the fresh onion has away and it gives it a totally different flavor guys it gives it a really good flavor it's like that that smells so good all right now at this time I'm gonna go ahead and put my crushed garlic in and my three garlic cloves crushed garlic three garlic cloves those three garlic cloves when I put those in there for is because this oil that's in there I'm gonna pour that oil in my sauce guys and it's gonna it's gonna be like a garlic infused oil that we're pouring into our tomato sauce and when you do that guys it makes oh it makes four tomato sauce to be just just perfect it has a really good flavor when you do that and what you'll do with the whole garlic cloves is you'll take them out before you pour your your oil in there okay just like this guys let's let it go for a little bit keep an eye on it it smells so good in here right now guys and what I'm gonna do with the meatballs I'm gonna make meatball subs tonight now feel free to make pasta on the side feel free to make any kind of pasta you want on the side and put you some meatballs and sauce on top you got two dishes for one you can make meatballs you can make a pasta dish whatever you want guys you can put your meatballs over top of rice okay just like this beautiful I can smell that garlic incorporating with this oil best smell ever just like this guy's meanwhile let's take a look over here and our sauce alright and like I said you guys feel welcome to use pureed tomato if you have that I do not suggest that you use spaghetti sauce okay because we're not we're not making spaghetti okay we're making meatball subs we're making meatballs and you season your sauce the way that you would like it okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go in and put us some basil and our sauce put a nice amount basil is beautiful and tomatoes we're gonna put some pepper and salt nice amount of pepper not too much some salt great okay and we're gonna put accent a little bit of garlic powder all right tomato paste we're gonna put this is about 1 tablespoon here okay we're just going to use 2 tablespoons of tomato paste tomato paste gives it a really in depth flavor it's a beautiful flavor tomato paste this now I'm going to turn this on the medium and we're just gonna let that simmer okay meanwhile let speaking at our onions and garlic Sam caramelizing just a little perfect this is just what we're warning now what I'm gonna do at this point I'm gonna go ahead and take these large did these whole garlic cloves out okay take those out because remember we have crushed garlic in here those garlic cloves have have done their job it's released flavor into our oil our oil is going to release flat garlic flavor into our sauce let's take this off of the stove we'll let it cool down once it cools down enough to incorporate into the meatballs I'll come back okay everyone it's been ten minutes and the onions and garlic is nice and cooled down okay so we're going to go ahead and put half of that into our meatball mixture okay just like that all right and let me show you guys something see that oil see all that goodness that oil in there that will is garlic infused guys when we put that whole garlic cloves in there we want to put this in our sauce okay so half in the mixture half in the sauce with the oil just like this guys let's get that in there just like this and the smell is so beautiful guys this smells so good when's the last time you guys had a meatball sub let me get a little spatula guys hold on one second while since I've had a meatball sub and I've been yearning for one and tonight's my night guys we're having meatball subs and if there's some meatballs left over tomorrow I'm gonna make some pasta and we'll have spaghetti and meatballs that's simple and this two pound of ground beef it makes quite a bit of meatballs get that in there just like that guys get all that goodness in there get all that garlic flavored oil down in there that's how you make sauce that's how you make a beautiful sauce and I put a little bit more basil in okay and when so I'm just gonna let this simmer just let it simmer let it simmer let it simmer okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put two tablespoons of white sugar in here don't worry about this sugar making it sweetie will not make it sweet what it does is it kind of cuts the acid a little bit okay so for those people that normally if they get heartburn and things like that it cuts that asset so they won't get heartburn okay so let's put two tablespoons there's one tablespoon there's two this will not be sweet guys I promise you mark my word on it okay let's let this simmer let it go guys that's beautiful it smells so good see let me zoom in a little bit see how thick it is just like this nice that's what that crushed tomato looks like just like a marinara sauce there you go just like this okay meanwhile let's come in over here guys back at the meatball mixture all right we got a good picture let me zoom out just a little bit there we go i'ma go go in with my hands again and I mix it mix it mix it mix it just like this guys I'm gonna put that provolone on my submarine bun at the bottom I'm gonna put shredded mozzarella on the top guys whoa mmm I can taste it now I can taste it now awesome okay let me wash my hands and I'll be right back okay everybody I'm back we're gonna go ahead and assemble our meatballs let's go what you want to do I like to do like a golf ball-sized and honestly if you guys want to do a small one do a small one if you want to do real big ones do real big ones it's really up to your discretion okay just like that okay not too big not too little because remember we're doing meatball subs tonight and I want to be able to fit at least four four to five meatballs in my in my grid okay try to make them all the same size so they all get done around the same time okay because if you make some of them small those ones will get done before the big ones okay you don't want to have to worry about that just like this guys okay kind of all the same size if you can this mixture smells so good and you know what I'm just gonna have potato chips on the side you can have french fries on the side mix it up just like this guys this is a very easy recipe it's a fun recipe it's a recipe you can get the kids in you know in the kitchen to help you you can get the kids to make your meatball mix up for you while you get things done that you need to get done a lot of times I'll do that and the kids don't they don't mind they like playing with the hamburger you know I'm making the balls up for me just like this and feel free guys feel free to like if you want it to you could Brown these up Brown them up in the oven right let them cool down put them in the freezer bag and when you want spaghetti and meatballs or meatball subs you just take them right on out that freezer throw them in your sauce and you got a meal that's simple just like this guys nothing hard all of my recipes that I make are a lot of fun they're not hard they're not complicated but they taste so good at guys they taste so good just like this okay now I'm gonna do a few more and then I'll put the video on pause so I can continue and then I'll be back that one's kind of big let's take some off of that one there we go just like that gonna do just a few more and our sauce is simmering on the side I put my cheese back in the refrigerator so that it doesn't melt you guys could use a sharp cheddar cheese if you want it to you could melt a Swiss cheese on top any type of cheese you want to use it would be just fine I was looking at a smoked a smoked provolone in the store in the day and I said no I'm just I'm just going to use regular regular provolone just like this guys and you see how much I'm getting out of this I'm getting quite a few for two pounds of meat we'll be eating these for a couple days and that's okay with me that is okay with me guys mmm okay I'm gonna put the video on pause everybody all right and then when I come back we'll be browning these bad boys up okay and getting them in our sauce I'll be right back okay everybody I'm done rolling out the meatballs this is about 36 meatballs that's not bad for two pounds of meat okay now you have two options you can take these meatballs and you can put them on a baking dish and you can bake them in the oven on 375 today I'm going to fry mine okay so you guys can see the brown beautiful crust that these meatballs are supposed to have and then the inside is so nice and soft and beautiful okay but let's go over here I have two pans here okay and I've turned them on medium-high and as you can see I'm gonna show you up put some oil in here okay I have oil in both pans we want to heat those oils up and then we'll go on and put our meatballs in okay let this oil heat up and I'll be ready okay guys I'm back and what I've done was I've put a little bit of flour just a little pinch of flour down in my oil and it's sizzle so when it sizzles it lets you know that it's ready you never want to put anything in oil without your oil being hot enough okay because if you do if you put things in cold oil whatever you're cooking will be oily okay you always want to make sure your oil is hot enough and look at this pan this pan is huge I absolutely we love this pan now we're not aiming to cook these fully what our purpose is for this right now is we want to get a nice brown crust on the outside of them okay because after we get that crust on there will we will Pat these dry to drain the oil off of the outside okay and then we're going to let these simmer in our sauce and that beautiful sauce that we have and it'll simmer for quite some time I'll let you guys know how long it simmers but this purpose is to get it nice and crispy on the outside get that crust we want to sear it so it's so it holds those nice juices inside just like this guys okay and then I have another pan I'll do these ones over here and you don't have to worry about them falling apart or anything like that because that's why we put or eggs in our breadcrumbs to hold this to bind this together that's the good thing about breadcrumbs and eggs when you make a meatloaf or meatballs it holds it together for you so we don't have to worry about it falling apart I think some of these meatballs might get frozen I just wanna show you what the meatballs are looking like they're getting nice and browned on that other side in my house the smell of Italian it smells so good I was just downstairs and I could smell it downstairs Oh smell is so beautiful this book whoa listen let's let's keep an encasement you see that one let's turn it over it's not ready but I just want to show you what it's looking like see that see that nice brown crust that's what we're looking for guys and don't be afraid to touch it it's okay to touch it like that's it they won't fall apart a good good five to seven minutes in this pan they become you know like moveable you can move them without I'm breaking apart okay we'll let them go a little bit longer on that side oh they're getting beautiful just what we want that nice brown crust like I said earlier there are we pressed on the outside it's just it's that's the moisture in the inside and distortion that you're learning have a juicy meatballs every time and like I said there is times that I'll put the meatballs in the oven you don't get that brown crust that you're looking for but you know they taste good also but this right here this is the way to go and I've also done it another way guys and what I've done was when I know for a truth back that I have a lean meat I will go ahead and make the meatballs it's run right down there the sauce wall and just let them simmer all day guys and they firm up nice nicely in the sauce but this meat is not a lean meat that's why I didn't want to throw them in raw just like this guys I hope you guys are enjoying this video thank you so much for watching I'm always making something fun in this kitchen guys [Applause] [Applause] and some of you might want to use a fork to turn it look at that beautiful crust [Applause] now some people like to use parmesan in their meatballs I don't choose to use parmesan inside of my meatballs because I think then it makes it a little salty okay I've tried that years ago and I think it makes it a little salty so I think that the cheese that we have that we want to put one our meatball sub maybe just stirring up for us we don't need any more cheese right now start excited Oh beautiful beautiful this right here guys is meatballs 101 very simple let's come in over here see these ones some of these are ready we'll go ahead and turn those over like I said feel free to use a fork if your spatula isn't working for you just like this that's beautiful oh it smells so good I cannot wait to eat these oh man I have these on a medium I've turned it from medium high to a medium that way I didn't burn them okay just adjust your temperature if you see I'm cooking too fast turn them down okay but you do not want to start them on a low temperature all right because they will kind of start to fall apart on you look at this guy's we're moving in the right direction look at this beautiful all right let's let these go okay guys I just wanted to show you the small batch just came out already see I got one down here I'm getting ready to pick on I'll be right back guys okay and then we're just waiting on this one to get done okay and then it's turning out beautiful it is turning out just beautiful what I'm gonna do while these cook let me turn this water off sorry guys I'm gonna get this one I want to cut it open and show you guys what it looks like and zoom in really good so you can see it okay you see how I have it on the cookie sheet so that oil can drain all right let's zoom in on this one and take a bite of it and I'll show you guys what it looks like I cannot resist this here we go okay let's zoom in now the point was we wasn't trying to cook these but this one's cooked see that we was just trying to get that crust on it look how beautiful this is look at it guys look at this I am getting ready to devour this guy's like right now promise you on a serious note mmm this is some of the best meatballs ever and you know what does it for these meatballs when we saute that onion and garlic and you do not put it in raw that makes the flavor of these meatballs what what am I looking for what what what word am I looking for mmm that makes these so delicious guys look at this look at this look at that beauty look at that beauty guys and then you put that accent mmm and make sure guys when you use that accent when you use that accent guys use a nice amount of accent okay you need that accent that accent is beautiful and like I like to tell everybody when they use the accent don't worry about it being salty because it's not a salty spice but it makes things so flavorful and then another key is you use those Italian seasoned breadcrumbs can you pour that milk over top of those breadcrumbs it really does something to these meatballs it does something to your meatloaf oh it makes it so tasty these you know what seriously like I'm not even playing when I tasted that meatball the first thing that I thought of was oh I don't even need this sauce I could eat these just like this they are so good I'm gonna do another video for the barbecued Smokies and the barbecued meatballs I'm really excited to do that video but I make the meatballs this same way except for I enhance the barbecue sauce these are almost ready I'll be taking these out [Music] alright this one's ready she's trying to give me a tough time buddies ready okay guys let me clean off my stove okay everyone I'm back our sauce has been simmering away I've tasted the sauce the sauce is beautiful I'm one thing that I put some more up I put a little bit more salt I put a little bit more pepper and a little bit more accent when you're making things make sure you keep tasting it so you know what you need okay we're gonna go ahead and put these beautiful meatballs in and I have this on a low a low simmer okay it's been simmering the whole time guys and that's the key to making a beautiful sauce you always want to let it simmer okay when things simmer they they they they get beautiful all right let's get them in there well it looks like I'm not gonna freeze any so that plan is out the window I'm gonna go ahead and make them and it looks like everyone's gonna eat them all tonight these meatballs are so good guys they are delicious we're gonna let these simmer probably for maybe an hour I wanted to show you you see the oil let me show you how much oil we have not too much oil but there's a nice amount see the oil that's the oil that was left out of the meatballs so you can see that the meatballs weren't oily they weren't Willy at all look at this guy's you don't have to worry about them breaking up and now one thing you don't want to do don't cover this don't cover this with a lid don't cover it with aluminum foil okay just let it go just like this guys one thing I wish I had you know I went to the store I hate this I went to the store to get me some fresh basil I get there and they don't have any and I'm like Oh shucks okay so I went to the other store and they didn't have any and I'm like ah it's okay it's okay I'll just you know I'll use my dry basil and be happy but when I taste the sauce I don't even need it the dried basil did the job guys look at this me zoom in a little bit look at this guy's they're lined up in here guys my family my husband and my boys they are lined up and they are ready to eat all right beautiful let me show you guys I gotta taste that right there come over this way towards the calendar there we go I want to show you the suburbs that I'm gonna be using today okay it's just in Italian sliced sub fun and that's what we're gonna use today now I've made a Philly steak and cheese sandwich just let me zoom out a little bit so you guys can see it a little better I've made Philly steak and cheese sandwiches I've used this and it turns out just fine this is a very nice bread it's made by fables and if you can get that give it a try that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna toast this a little bit once we get our meatballs and cheese on here we're gonna toast it okay you always want to toast it when you're making a meatball sub okay just just to get that crust because you have a saucy you know a saucy meat going on there okay but that's the role that I choose to use let's take another peek in if this guy's I can't stop tasting it mmm it's so delicious mmm let's let this go for a little bit after the simmers I'll come back guys and I will send Bros a symbol R sub be right back okay everyone I'm back these beautiful meatballs have simmered for one hour and look at this I wish you guys seriously could smell this I wish you guys could taste it well well you can taste it if you make this if you make this recipe you can taste it is that simple all right look at this guys look at this let me zoom in a little bit we're gonna go ahead in the simple okay I'm gonna go ahead and turn the sauce off all right let's go over here to where our buns are and I have provolone and mozzarella okay and just parsley and the parsley is just for color okay all right guys let's do this let's have some fun this is the fun part well the whole thing's the fun part but we're getting close to the nitty-gritty hey so I'm just gonna fold this in half this is the provolone okay I'm gonna do just like this guys fold it in half nothing hard just like that put two pieces on there okay do this one the same way oh man I am like so excited about this mmm my family's hungry I'm hungry let's see it's about 5:30 p.m. I think it's about dinnertime okay now let me guess okay and the reason why is I don't want to you know pour a whole bunch of sauce on our sup if they want to put a bunch of sauce on theirs when it's done hey they can feel free to do that okay so here's three meatballs let's put another one on there guys whoa I almost lost that one hmm each one looks like it might get about for like I said use a slotted spoon to put these on there and I think on mine I will put extra sauce on mine but what this provolone does mmm I can't stop tasting it guy it's so good I think what I'll do to - put extra sauce on mine but what this provolone does guys is it serves as a barrier and see how it won't let that sauce soak down into that bread that's what that provolone is doing okay now let's go ahead we'll put now I'm gonna use my spoon that doesn't have holes we'll put some sauce on just like this guys oh man you know me guys when I start whispering I'm having fun just like this oh that is beautiful guys next mozzarella and you can use shredded provolone you can use a sharp cheddar cheese whatever you want to use okay whatever cheese you like now I've actually made these not use Swiss cheese oh and they turned out so beautiful guys I promise you they turned out so beautiful mm-hmm look at this I have my oven on 375 and we're just gonna heat this until you see that the the cheese is nice and melted and you'll start to see a little crust on the bread okay now look at this put just a little bit of beauty on there that's parsley okay just like that guys all right these are going in the oven when they come out we'll give them a taste they're going in again like I said on 375 let's put them in the oven I'll be right okay guys take a look these have came out the oven and my bread is nice hear that nice and crispy but still a little soft in the inside that's just what I want okay let's go ahead and plate these up these are beautiful guys oh I can not oh my goodness I can't wait to sink my teeth down into these okay let's see let's get this plated up be right back okay everybody let's dig in now I went to make my husband his plate okay so now I like a little bit more sauce so I'm gonna put a little bit more sauce just like this guys I want a little bit more cheese on line guys hey it's okay don't judge me a little bit more oh yeah just like that I wanted to show you guys like see this here this is just a cup of sauce like my husband when he eats his he doesn't like a lot of sauce on his but when he eats his he's like to dunk his in the sauce and I'm like hey if that's what you like I'll get you a cup of sauce look at me okay all right guys look at this this right here guys look at this Pro man look at that melted provolone this right here let me zoom in it is meatball sub 1:01 let's dig in guys I hope me and I'm just I'm so excited I am so excited okay hold on guys [Music] look at that guys look at that gorgeous Nisour bye guys guys this right here this is love this was made with love oh this is so oh whoops this is so good one more taste [Music] hmm I truly am enjoying this meatball sub whoo make sure you have a napkin at hand mmm because these can get kind of messy guys look at this part mmm mmm I'm going in again guys I cannot take it [Music] that meatball that sauce that cheese guys this is so delicious I gotta lick that I gotta lick that right there hmm and you know what I forgot all about my potato chips guys let's look in the inside oh I'm going in again guys the sandwich is almost gone I cannot stop mmm I gotta go in again hmm that's right here all right this is one I seriously have sauce and cheese all over my mouth guys mmm this right here was one outrageous meatball so everyone I appreciate you watching my videos thank you for watching god bless and as always have a great night thank you for watch
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 429,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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