How To Cook A Ribeye Steak Like A Boss || #SoGood #Recipes

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hey guys welcome to my first recipe video I'm love steak and it is Valentine's Day which means it's time for a steak with your significant other so I thought I would show you guys how I prepare a ribeye steak and how I think everyone should do it but you know that's just me so me and Rachel decided we didn't want to go out on Valentine's Day just because it would take us forever to get reservations you know and it would be just big chaos and so we decided we'd stay in our new apartment and cook a steak dinner tonight so I'm just going to show you in this video how I prepared these two beautiful 15 ounce ribeye steaks so what I've got here is just a few ingredients that's all you need you don't need to overdo it so all I've got here is some olive oil some pepper and some salt now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to rub the steaks down with some olive oil now what this does is not to it's not to drown the steaks in olive oil it's just a little bit of extra virgin olive oil make sure it's extra virgin olive oil by the way but anyway I'm going to rub them down a little bit on each side and what this does is allows the steaks to not burn when they hit the pan the pan hits the olive oil first instead of the meat so it gives you a little thyme and a little extra char on it which gives you that grilled steak effect so and it really just helps your steak from burning make sure you get it around the sides too because on the fat you want the fat to caramelize and that olive oil is going to help you do that so putting a little salt pepper on these bad boys man those are some beautiful looking steaks and I'm really excited about it we've actually already eaten the steaks and they were amazing so they were awesome look at those things now let's show you how to cook them so I got a stick of butter here we're going to take half a stick of butter and 1 1 clove of garlic that's all you need that's all you need and we're done with ingredients one clove garlic and a half stick of butter so what the butters going to do is really going to start shaping the flavor of the steak now the garlic you're just going to crush it and so you have your whole clove of garlic there and just maybe cut it in half one time you don't need to mince it you don't need to use that because I'll get all down in a steak and you don't want to bite into a piece of garlic while you're eating your steak so now let's put some oil in the pan be generous that oil is going to save your steak and this is if you can't cook it on a grill if you want to cook it on a grill go ahead but I'm starting to like the pan cook steak even more I don't know why I think it's just preference probably because I can't have a grill where we live out right now so anyway we're going to make sure that your pan is piping hot it's got to be super hot so that when you lay the steaks in there they don't they don't soak up a bunch of stuff they're just gonna you lay down lay down in there and start sizzling you want to hear that at yes that's you know you want to sear the steaks on both sides so that the flavor is trapped in the steak you don't want to burn it you know you just want to sear each side so and what a lot of people do they make a mistake of flipping a steak a hundred times and it really does take away the flavor because you don't give the steak enough time to sear on each side you can see there now you've got that beautiful brown charring going on and it's seared on that side and I probably could have left it a little bit longer but you know anyway so both sides of the steak are looking really good and we've just got olive oil on the pan right now that's all we got oh hello hey and I cook a stick for you so the steaks are here and now what we're going to do is add in our garlic remember that so we're going to take the clove garlic and put one at each each pull the bottom on the top so that garlic is going to start cooking in with that olive oil and we're going to add our stick of butter now you want to put it in the utmost open place on the pan so that the butter melts the fastest in that spot you want that butter to melt before your steaks get too overcooked you can already see the butters just falling down the steaks it's beautiful I love it mmm I love some steak and so one thing that I always do it doesn't look like it makes a lot of a difference but I just take the garlic and brush it over those steaks and man it really does make a difference just give it that extra garlicky butter flavor now this is that this is the Keystone right here this is what you have to do you have to take that butter olive oil garlic mixture and baste it over those steaks just scoop it up and let it run down over those steaks and do it as much as you want as much as you can because that's what's gonna really shine through in the flavor and there you've got two beautiful ribeye steaks and you couldn't ask for a better me on Valentine's Day I mean come on fighting the chaos of a restaurant when you can have something even better cooked to perfection the way you wanted in your home so that my friends that is how I cook a rib eye steak
Channel: Kendall Knight Music
Views: 5,390,980
Rating: 4.2654548 out of 5
Keywords: how to cook a steak, how to cook a ribeye steak, how to properly cook a ribeye steak, how to properly cook a steak, ribeye steak, cooking steak, the best steak in the world, the best steak, steak recipe, lifestyle, how to grill a steak, how to grill a ribeye, diy, diy recipes, recipes, ribeye recipe, steak, ribeye, cook, cooking, recipe, steak is for taxpayers, steak gordon ramsay, ribeye steak cast iron, cook the perfect steak, man and beef, man and beef show, man and beef channel
Id: DrS-5_bgHmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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